book (2) 전체
book (2) 전체
book (2) 전체
NEW ENGLISH FOR KOREAN KIDS is an English course for Korean elementary school
students who study English as a second language in Korea. This course is a tailor-made English
learning program especially for Korean kids. This program consists of three separate books
written by native English speakers and Korean teachers who have taught English for a long time
in Korean elementary schools. It goes without saying that they have participated in writing these
books as the most outstanding experts in the field of teaching English for Korean kids.
As a matter of fact, NEW ENGLISH FOR KOREAN KIDS has been developed as a kind of
workbook for TaLK (Teach and Learn in Korea) Scholars who teach English for Korean
elementary school students living in rural areas in Korea. Therefore, these books contains
many simple and short base sentences and many more variation sentences derived from them.
These sentences in particular cover a variety of essential expressions and basic vocabulary
necessary for our Korean children who learn English as a foreign language in Korea.
NEW ENGLISH FOR KOREAN KIDS is composed of three important sections; one general
instruction, twenty topics, and one phonics. General instruction explains how to apply this
course in actual teaching settings. Each topic consists of three parts; overview, teacher's guide,
and worksheets for students. The contents of each topic are organized into three levels; level 1
through level 3. Phonics deals with recognizing and making sounds.
TaLK Scholars are advised to make the good use of NEW ENGLISH FOR KOREAN KIDS
considering their students' levels. With TaLK Scholars' creative and effective teaching methods,
this course will help our Korean elementary school students develop their senses for reading,
listening, and speaking as well as improve their English communication skills. This course can
also be helpful for teachers who teach English in any other after-school English education
programs in Korea.
I can never thank you enough to all the authors, editors, and TaLK Scholars who have
devoted their time and energy to creating NEW ENGLISH FOR KOREAN KIDS.
February, 2010
TaLK Support Team Director
Byeong-Tae Park
General Instruction
To the instructors
This workbook is a teaching aid for TaLK program. It includes the learning contents which need to be
taught in the after-school classes for elementary school students in the rural areas of Korea.
The TaLK program has been running for one and a half year with no teaching aids. Although TaLK
scholars have been teaching elementary school students with commercial teaching aids or worksheets
they produced, they could not provide authentic learning environment and could not serve as the best
teaching aids for students with different learning abilities. This workbook is the product of diverse
trials to resolve these problems and to satisfy educational requirements.
This workbook is intended to promote efficient teaching considering the limited availability of English
education of the rural areas and to promote students' interests in the extra curricular after-school
classes. To induce and keep the students' interest level high, authentic materials from students' lives
have been extracted and presented to enhance internalization of the language through activities that
require cognitive thinking. To promote efficiency, key expressions that have basic grammar patterns for
elementary school students are presented repeatedly in the workbook. For efficient teaching and
interesting lessons, this workbook was produced under the following directions:
First, authenticity is emphasized. The learning contents consist of communicative materials and the
practical words and expressions which will come up frequently in students' daily lives.
Second, level-focused teaching and learning are pursued. This workbook is organized with three levels
for each topic and is made to be applied to students in 1st to 6th grade students. Even though level 1
st nd rd th th
is intended for the 1 and 2 graders, level 2 for the 3 and 4 graders, and level 3 for the 5 and
6th graders, the worksheets of different levels can be taught in any grade classes according to students'
English skills. Level-focused teaching guides are presented in every Teacher's Guide.
Third, the approach based on thought groups is applied. The communicative expressions are approached
by thought groups, not by words. The words and vocabulary are intended to be acquired in the context
by learning key expressions based on the thought groups, and then the students' power of retention and
application for the expressions is pursued to be elevated by generating them in thought groups.
Fourth, topic based approach is pursued. Considering that the learners are young and live in the rural
areas, this workbook consists of topics that are categorized by extracted concrete communicative
1 Page
New English For Korean Kids
This workbook is composed of 22 books: 1 general instruction, 20 topics, and 1 phonics book. The
general instruction presents how to apply the books to actual teaching. The phonics book has a serial
of stages from word awareness to reading words and phrases, and deals with recognizing and making
sounds. The 20 books of different topics are composed of the overview, teacher's guide, and
worksheets for students. The overview gives a brief description and points out the significance of each
topic. The teacher's guide describes the objectives and presents how to utilize the worksheets. The
worksheets for students are composed to utilize one of the four basic language skills to master the
basic sentence patterns in an authentic context. The following table shows the organization and content
structure of this workbook.
W orksheets
LEVEL Teacher's G uide
1 ■ Constructing by levels
■ Presenting by levels
■ Mostly 1 activity per page
T ■ Explaining by activities
■ 20 minute worksheets
O ■ Content organization
LEVEL -Content organization(11 activities)
-Objectives: of teachers
P Speaking(1) + Listening(1) + Reading(1) + Writing(1) +
2 and students
I G ame(2) + Story(1) + Art project(1) + C ulture(1) +
-Key expressions
Differentiated activity(2)
C -How to teach: level
-Contents of differentiated activities: rhythmic movement or
focused guidance, examples,
LEVEL play for level 1, work & play activity or subject-immersion
references (materials, books,
for level 2, and project type tasks or other supplementary
3 web-sites, etc.)
activities for level 3
20 topics were extracted through categorization of concrete communicative functions converted from
Page 2
General Instruction
Korean expressions used by rural area elementary school students in high frequency. Here, the
frequencies of Korean expressions are utilized as the criteria for designating levels of this workbook
according to their degree of complexity in English expressions. The following table displays the steps
taken to design communicative functions and the topics for the workbook.
This workbook is organized into 3 levels. The criteria to determine the levels of key expressions are
the range of life, kinds of verbs and sentences, the tense, the sentence pattern, the number of thought
group, and the frequency of usage. However, these criteria are applied as universal principles, not as
strict rules to organize this workbook. The below displays the criteria.
The worksheets in each level are usually composed of speaking, listening, reading, writing, games,
story, culture, art project, and other differentiated activities. Each worksheet also has an organization
criterion. The next table describes the organization criteria of each activity.
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New English For Korean Kids
20 Topics of this workbook are arranged by the time-series of months. 2 topics are distributed from
March to December according to the relevance of learning contents and cultures to the respective
months. The sequence of language learning is also reflected in arranging topics. Topics with expressions
that are available more frequently are posted to the earlier months. The following presents the topic
arrangement by the time-series of months.
Each topic has 6 important and general communicative functions. Each important and general
communicative function is differentiated into several concrete communicative functions respectively. The
concrete communicative functions are the basis of determining objectives of each activity. Those
Page 4
General Instruction
concrete communicative functions are not presented here because they are presented in the contents of
each topic. The following table shows the important and general communicative functions of each topic.
Phone Etiquette
z Understanding numbers of 0 through 30 z Greeting people
M z Counting things with numbers 1~30 z Introducing yourself & friends to other people
A z Asking for & telling a phone number z Exchanging personal information
C z Making a phone call z Understanding table manners
H z Asking a friend to do some work z Finding differences of etiquette between
together over the phone nations
z Sending and receiving an SMS z Understanding other countries' etiquette
z Naming family relationships
z Naming sports
z Introducing your family to other people
M z Saying prohibition
A z Telling the ages of family members
z Asking help for injuries
Y z Asking for the ages of family members
z Inviting friends to play a sport
z Describing the information of family members
z Asking & answering sports someone likes
z Asking for & telling the information of family
z Asking for & telling personal talents about sports
z Understanding numbers about time Shopping
z Asking for & telling time z Offering to go shopping
U z Apologizing for leaving at the moment z Understanding different currencies
N z Making an appointment z Asking for & offering help
E z Asking & answering when someone does z Asking for & telling the price of item
activities z Talking about items to Purchase
z Asking & answering when something z Giving & receiving gift bought
was done
5 Page
New English For Korean Kids
z Naming jobs
z Understanding the prepositions of location
z Naming personal talents
J z Locating objects as instructed
U z Telling jobs of your family members
z Describing the location of objects
L z Asking for & telling people's jobs
z Describing the location of buildings
Y z Asking for & telling personal talents
z Asking for & telling the location of objects
related to jobs
z Asking for & telling the location of
z Talking about the jobs you want to be
in the future
The world
A z Naming countries, oceans & continents
z Naming shapes & colors
U z Asking for & telling nationalities
G z Drawing & coloring shapes & things
z Asking for & telling the country you want to visit
U z Describing shapes & colors of objects
z Asking for & telling a nation's characteristic
S z Understanding plurals with shapes
z Telling the country you want to visit with reasons
T z Comparing things
z Sending & receiving an e-mail of introducing
z Asking & answering comparison
z Naming meals & food Directions
C z Asking & answering about food using z Understanding prepositions of place
T yes/no questions z Naming buildings
O z Asking & answering about food for meals z Giving directions
B using wh-question z Asking for directions
R z Discussing the menu z Asking how to get to destinations
z Making food as instructed z Naming modes of transportation
z Inviting & sharing food
Life stories
z Telling your daily schedule in series of time People & life
O z Asking for & telling what time someone z Naming animals & plants
V does the work at z Naming parts of people's body
E z Telling a personal past experience z Describing the characteristics of animals
M z Asking for & telling what someone & plants
experienced z Describing people's appearances
R z Telling your plan to do some work z Comparing the characteristics of animals & plants
z Asking for & telling when someone will z Asking for & telling people's appearances
act the plan
Page 6
General Instruction
D z Naming 7 days of the week & 12
E z Telling things you like or not with reasons
C z Telling activities you want to do or not
E z Understanding ordinal numbers 1st~31st
with reasons
M z Understanding dating
z Asking for & telling reasons
B z Asking for & telling the day of the week
z Requesting permission
E z Asking for & telling the date
R z Permitting or refusing requests with reasons
z Talking about special days & giving
z Talking about the past events with reasons
Even though this workbook is sequenced by the month and the level, the syllabus can be reorganized
by teacher's teaching intention during the planning stage, which means that the lessons may be
reorganized considering the English learning environment and English skills of the students.
Reorganization is carried out through changing of teaching time, adding new contents or altering the
contents of worksheets. It is also possible to teach 1 to 3 worksheets in one class depending on the
teacher's plan or students' learning pace even though each worksheet is designed for a 20 minute class.
In teacher's guides, each activity has a chart with the name of the activity, objectives, communicative
functions, and key expressions. Each activity also has a guide on how to teach, level focused teaching,
and references below the chart. First, the title and the type of the activity is presented in a box like
Task : Telling my schedule for summer vacation .
How to teach presents how to teach each activity step by step, Level focused suggests how to
teach students with different levels of English, and References provides supplementary texts,
teaching materials, books, and web-sites that are needed during the lesson.
7 Page
New English For Korean Kids
Quizzes can be found at the bottom of the worksheets. The quizzes are intended to work as a kind of
formative evaluation to check whether students recognize the key expressions or not. That is, they are
presented to have students review what they learned and use key expressions one more time after the
class. Therefore, it is desirable for teachers to encourage students to do the quizzes and giving
guidance on how to answer the quizzes.
The classes are not restricted indoors. If it is considered to be more effective, the teachers are
welcomed to plan and have a lesson outside of a classroom where students can move, think, and
communicate actively.
Page 8
Book 1
General Instruction
① 3월 - Phone
② 3월 - Etiquette
③ 4월 - Likes & Dislikes
④ 4월 - Motions
⑤ 5월 - Sports
⑥ 5월 - Family
⑦ 6월 - Time
Book 2
General Instruction
① 6월 - Shopping
② 7월 - Jobs
③ 7월 - Location
④ 8월 - Shapes
⑤ 8월 - The World
⑥ 9월 - Weather
⑦ 9월 - School Days
⑧ 10월 - Food
Book 3
General Instruction
① 10월 - Direction
② 11월 - Life Story
③ 11월 - People & Life
④ 12월 - Calendar
⑤ 12월 - Reason
⑥ Phonics
Book 2
General Instruction
① 6월 - Shopping
1) Level 1 ……………………………………… 3
2) Level 2 ……………………………………… 18
3) Level 3 ……………………………………… 33
② 7월 - Jobs
1) Level 1 ……………………………………… 3
2) Level 2 ……………………………………… 19
3) Level 3 ……………………………………… 34
③ 7월 - Location
1) Level 1 ……………………………………… 3
2) Level 2 ……………………………………… 18
3) Level 3 ……………………………………… 34
④ 8월 - Shapes
1) Level 1 ……………………………………… 3
2) Level 2 ………………………………………18
3) Level 3 ………………………………………34
⑤ 8월 - The World
1) Level 1…………………………………………3
2) Level 2 ………………………………………18
3) Level 3 ………………………………………33
⑥ 9월 - Weather
1) Level 1 ……………………………………… 3
2) Level 2 ……………………………………… 18
3) Level 3 ……………………………………… 33
⑦ 9월 - School Days
1) Level 1 ……………………………………… 3
2) Level 2 ……………………………………… 18
3) Level 3 ……………………………………… 33
⑧ 10월 - Food
1) Level 1 ……………………………………… 3
2) Level 2 ……………………………………… 18
3) Level 3……………………………………… 33
In this unit, students will learn expressions related to shopping that are very useful in
daily life. Students will learn what to say in English when they buy something and
expressions used when asking for and giving opinions at a store. Students will learn to use
the expressions of asking and answering about things they want.
In Level 1, students will use basic expressions like, "I want a cap." and "Let's go
shopping.". Students will also learn how to say what they want to buy and to invite
someone to go shopping.
In Level 2, students will learn how to ask and answer the price of an item and how
to offer help in a store.
In Level 3, students will learn how to ask questions about something they want to
buy. Also, they will work on reading and writing sentences about shopping.
Activities Functions Key Expressions
z I want a(n) book.
Speaking z Saying the shopping items and asking to go shopping
z Let's go shopping.
z I want a pencil.
Listening z Saying what I want to buy
z Let's go shopping.
Reading z Reading the items I want z I want a pencil. Let's go shopping.
z I want a(an)_____. Let's go shopping.
L Writing z Writing the proper letter about the expression of shopping
z book, apple, jacket, etc.
Speaking z Asking and answering the price of items z How much is it? / It's 7 dollars.
Listening z Listening and answering the price of items z How much is this book? / It's 7 dollars.
z Reading the expressions about asking and answering the price
Reading z How much is this? / It's seven dollars.
of products
L z Writing the expressions about asking and answering the price z I'll take it. / It's too expensive.
E Game 1 z Asking and answering product names and prices z What's this? / It's a pencil. /How much is it?
V Game 2 z Asking and answering the price of items z How much is this? / It's seven dollars.
E Game 2
z Asking and answering using the expressions about buying and z
selling z
How much is it? It's 7 dollars.
It's too expensive./ I'll take it.
L z Writing the sentences related to shopping and talking about
z What do you want? / I'm looking for a pencil. How much is it?
Story z It's 7 dollars.
3 the story
z It's too expensive.
z May I help you? How much is this?
Task 1 z Writing the expressions related to shopping
z It's ______ dollars. I'll take it.
z I'm looking for a hat.
Role play z Saying the expressions related to shopping
z I want a doll for my sister.
Art project z Identifying the items available in each store z the name of items
z How much is it? / It's 7 dollars.
Culture z Understanding various markets between countries
z It's too expensive. / I'll take it.
z Have the students choose and color five pictures of the nine
in the bingo squares.
Speaking : Let's speak z The teacher then begins calling out items in a random order.
(ex. "I want a hat. Let's go shopping.")
z To have students say the items and ask z If a student has colored the item chosen by the teacher, he or
to go shopping she should mark that square.
z To be able to say the shopping items z The first student who has marked off all five of his or her
and ask to go shopping colored squares is the winner.
z Saying the shopping items and asking to
go shopping
z I want a(n) book . Level focused
Key Expressions
z Let's go shopping.
z [Advanced] Have students write the sentences featured in the
bingo game.
How to teach
z Have students look at the picture on the worksheet.
T : What does she want to have? z Script
S : She wants a skirt and a T-shirt.
Hansu : Mina, I want a bag. Let's go shopping.
T : Guess what her father is going to tell her?
Mina : Sounds good. I want a skirt.
S : OK. Let's go shopping.
z Have the students think about the shopping items in each Hansu : I like shopping.
store and say "I want a(an) ." z Materials: colored pencils
z Have students pretend to be a father and say, "Let's go
R e a d in g : L e t 's r e a d
Level focused
z [Advanced]Students can use many kinds of shopping items z To have students read the names of
when they say "I want a (an) ." Teacher shopping items and match them with
z [Supplementary] The teacher can show only a few shopping the right pictures
items. Objectives
z To be able to read the names of
Students shopping items and match them with
References the right pictures
How to teach
z Have the students listen to the script. References
z Once they have listened to the script, the students should z Use copies of the shopping item pictures with their names in
match each character to the items they want to buy. big writing to show the students or to put on the board.
z [A] Have the students say the expressions used when Key Expressions z I want an eraser. Let's go shopping.
shopping and write the missing letters correctly. Have the
students write letters in the blanks.
z [B] Have the students say the words and write the beginning How to teach
sounds in the boxes.
z Do rock-scissors-paper with a partner. The student who won
z [C] Have the students recognize and trace the beginning
is player 1, and the student who lost is player 2.
sounds of each word.
z Have the students put coins at 'START' and flip the coins on
the pictures chart.
Level focused z Have the students say "I want a ruler." with the name of the
item the coin lands on and "Let's go shopping."
z Writing words for 1st and 2nd grade students can be difficult,
z If the student says the two sentences correctly, he or she can
so have them write letters to understand their sounds.
take that space.
z [Supplementary] The teacher could write the missing letters
z Take turns and lay the game for about 10 minutes.
on the board and students could copy them.
z The one who takes the most spaces is the winner
z If a student's coin lands on another student's space, he or she
loses a turn.
Game 1 : Board game
Level focused
z To have students say the items with
making their shopping bag z [Advanced] Have the students make a survey table, say
z To be able to say the items what they items they want, and play bingo games.
want to buy z [Supplementary] Have the students say the shopping items
z Saying the items what I want and they want to buy again and practice the expressions with the
offering to go shopping teacher.
z I want an eraser.
Key Expressions
z Let's go shopping.
z Make picture cards from the 'My Land' game table and
How to teach practice the names of the shopping items with the expression
z Have the students work in pairs. "I want a(n) book."
z Have the students play rock-scissors-paper against one z Copy more bingo sheets and practice saying wishes to buy
another, with the winner moving forward one space on the different items and offers to go shopping.
game board.
z The student that advances one space should then complete the
game's expression. (ex. "I want a pencil, let's go shopping.")
Teacher's Guide
z To have the students understand the chant accordingly, (ex. "I want a book, book.")
expressions used when shopping
z To be able to understand the Level focused
expressions used when shopping z [Advanced] Students can think of additional items to be
z Understanding the expressions used included in the chant.
when shopping
Key Expressions
z I want a(n) . References
z Let's go shopping.
z materials : castanets, chant bottles
How to teach
z Read the story aloud. Finger play: At the store
z Ask the students the following questions or make up your
own. z To make students understand and use
T: What does the daughter want to buy? Teacher the expressions of suggestion and
What does the mom say? preference related to shopping
Where are they going? z To be able to understand and use the
Students expressions of suggestion and
Does she like pink? Does she like purple?
preference related to shopping
Does she like white?
What color does she like? z Expressing the shopping items and
How to teach
z Have the students decorate their shopping bags.
z They can illustrate the bags anyway they like as long as it is
related to shopping.
z Once the bag is illustrated, cut out the bag, fold along the
dotted line, and paste the two sides together.
Level focused
z [Advanced] Students can write a list of all items featured on
their bag.
z Shopping bag template.
z Materials : pictures from magazines, colored pencils, scissors,
glues, etc.
How to teach
z Show the pictures of different countries' currencies.
z Have the students find the differences between Korean Won
and other countries' currencies.
z Have the students know the names of other countries'
Level focused
z [Advanced] Have the students search and talk about more
Let's speak
A. Let's shopping.
Let's listen
A. Listen and match.
Hansu Mina
• •
• • • • • •
Let's read
A. Read and match.
a skirt • •
an eraser • •
a ruler • •
a pencil • •
a book • •
a cake • •
a banana • •
an orange • •
I want a ___.
※ 여자 친구가 갖고 싶어 하는 것은 무엇일까요? ◎암호: 2,15,15,11 9 LEVEL 1
Let's write
A. Write and say.
1. a boo .
2. I t is an p p le .
3. is a en c il.
B. Write the beginning sound.
1. 2.
3. 4.
1. ⓑ ▪ ▪ to m ato
2. ⓣ ▪ ▪ b an an a
Board game
A. Let's play a board game.
I want .
My land game
A. Let's play the game.
LEVEL 1 12 ※
L ’ o sh .
I a skirt!
A. Listen and speak.
This is a T-shirt.
Let's chant
A. Let's practice!
● ○ ● ○
● ○ ● ○
I want
Cut and
At the store
A. Let's talk with a friend.
At the store
※ 맞는 대답에 O 하세요.
Do you like this ? [Yes, I like it. / No, I don't like it.] 15 LEVEL 1
Shopping-Art project
LEVEL 1 16
World money
A. Let's learn about different currencies.
related to shopping
z [Supplementary] Have students listen to the expressions in
S p e a k in g : L e t 's s p e a k shopping, choose correct pictures again and practice the
z To have the students ask and answer
the price of items
z To be able to ask and answer the price
of items z [A]
How to teach
How to teach
z [A] Have the students read each dialog and number the
z Have the students listen to the dialogs and match the pictures
picture correctly.
to the correct price.
z Have the students repeat the dialogs.
z Have the students listen to the dialogs and choose what they
z [B] Have the students find the words in the box from the
scrambled letters.
z Have the students listen to the dialogs twice.
z The students should circle the words they find.
LEVEL 2 18
Teacher's Guide
Level focused
19 LEVEL 2
How to teach
Story : Mina's birthday
z Have students read and understand the example first.
z To have the students listen to the story z Have the students complete the sentences with the pictures.
and understand the story
z To be able to listen to the story and
Students Level focused
remember the prices of the items
z Talking about items I want and z [Advanced] Have the students add more shopping items to the
answering the price worksheet.
z I want this doll. How much is it? z [Supplementary] Have the students play an easy game again and
Key Expressions
z It's two dollars. practice the words with the teacher.
How to teach
z Have the students listen to the story. Role play : At the department store
z Students should listen carefully for the prices of the three
goods and fill in the boxes in part B. z To have the students say the
z Have the students perform the story in groups. expressions related to shopping
z To be able to say the expressions
related to shopping
Level focused Functions z Saying the expressions about shopping
z [Supplementary] If students don't understand the story, have z May I help you? How much is it?
them listen 3 more times. Key Expression
z It's dollars. I'll take it.
How to teach
z Script
z Have students read the dialog and understand it.
① Today is Mina's birthday. Hansu wants to give her a z Half of the students can be clerks and the other half can be
present. customers.
Hansu : How much is it? z Have the students practice their role in groups or in pairs.
Clerk : It's 20 dollars. z After practicing, clerks sell items while customers look around
Hansu : It's too expensive. and buy them.
② Hansu : How much is it?
Clerk : It's 10 dollars. Level focused
Hansu : It's too expensive.
z [Advanced]Students can choose situation B.
③ Hansu : How much is it?
z [Supplementary] Students can choose situation A.
Clerk : It's 9 dollars.
④ Hansu : Okay. I'll take it. Bye.
z Students can bring real products or pictures from home.
LEVEL 2 20
Teacher's Guide
How to teach
z Have students bring magazines or newspapers with pictures of
shopping items and numbers.
z Have the students draw a store, name it and decorate it.
z Have the students glue pictures of shopping items they would
like to sell.
z Have the students decide the price of each shopping item.
z The students can ask and answer about the products and their
Level focused
z [Advanced] Have the students use more expressions, such as
"It's too expensive. I want a cheaper one.", "How about this
one?", etc.
z [Supplementary] Have the students practice how to say what
the products are and their prices with the teacher.
z Materials : scissors, newspapers, magazines, glues.
Key Expressions
How to teach
z [A] Show the ways of counting money and have students
guess where they're from.
z The answer is 2, 3, 1
z [B] Have the students find the differences between the bills
z The teachers can bring and show some real bills to the
z Have the students trace the words and the numerical values.
Level focused
z Students may be confused about the position of $. It is placed
before the number not after.
z Materials : currencies of other countries
21 LEVEL 2
Let's speak
A. Look and speak.
$10 $6 $8 $13 $5
Let's listen
A. Listen and match.
• $ 35
(1) •
• $ 27
• $ 30
(2) •
• $ 47
• $ 57
(3) •
• $ 20
B. Listen and choose what they bought.
① ② ③ ④
Let's read
A. Read and number the picture.
A : much are these?
B : They are 30 dollars.
A : How is this?
2 $30
B : It's 80 dollars.
A : It's too expensive.
A : is this?
B : It's 45 dollars.
A : OK. I'll take it.
c u a b o o k k is o p e n c ilp u e k t o s h ir t s m m o g z p a n t s t o y
q ic ja c k e t u u y ie r a s e r n b m r u le r z x p io e n o t e b o o k
Let's write
A. Make correct sentences.
1. much How is it
2. seven It is dollars
3. I'll it take
4. expensive It's too
B. Complete the sentences.
1. (How much / ball?) How much is the ball?
2. (How much / pizza?) _______________________
3. (The book / $5) The book is five dollars.
4. (The doll / $19) __________________________
5. (The skirt / $23) _________________________
※ 표정과 어울리는 표현을 고르세요. (It's too expensive. / I'll take it.) 25 LEVEL 2
Shopping-Game 1
1 1 17 9 22 2 18 26
27 11 8 11 5 19 9
7 8 12 23 10 12 27 8
24 45 14 13 7 4 34 31 4
11 8 66 15 22 24 23 33 9
20 9 24 17 31 7 15 11 14
34 19 24 18 33 16 12 22 24
27 56 32 19 11 6 5 9
31 16 34 20 35 13 11 8 12 25
22 33 12 42 9 1 10
11 14 41 39 11 12 27 30
17 8 66 15 7 22 29
(chair / cake).
What's this?
LEVEL 2 26 ※ ’
Shopping-Game 2
Guessing game
A. Guess the price.
27 LEVEL 2
Mina's birthday
A. Let's listen to the story.
1 2
3 4
Let's write
A. Look at the picture and make a sentence.
How m _ _ _ is it?
The b_ _ _ p _ _ _ is 24 do∬ars.
H_ _ m _ _ _ ♂s it?
The ca◇e is 12 doll♧rs. It's cheap.
H_ _ m _ _ _ is it?
___________ is t€n dollars.
<Situation A>
<Situation B>
Clerk : May I help you ?
My store
A. Draw a store and sell your products.
31 LEVEL 2
Counting money
A. Different ways of counting money
ten dollars $ 10
LEVEL 2 32
How to teach
Speaking : Let's speak z [A] Have the students listen to each conversation and write
proper number in the boxes.
z [B] Have the students listen to the dialog in the clothing store
z To have the students offer help and ask and answer each question.
and answer the price of items
z To be able to offer help and answer Level focused
about the shopping items
z [Supplementary] For 'Listen and answer.', the teacher can read
z Offering help and asking and answering
Functions the questions and explain them.
the price of items
z May I help you?
Key Expressions z Yes, please. How much is this ball? References
z It's seven dollars.
<Listen and number>
1. customer : Here you are. (paying the money)
clerk : Thank you. Here's your change.
How to teach 2. customer : I'm looking for a new T-shirt.
z Introduce key expressions and practice them with the students. clerk : How about this one? It's very pretty.
3. clerk : May I help you?
z Explain how to play the information gap activity.
customer : I'm just looking around.
z Have students practice the expressions in pairs and cut the 4. customer : Can I try this on?
worksheet along the dotted line. clerk : Sure, you can. The dressing room is over there.
z Each student has different information. For example, A has
information about book, but B doesn't. So, A student can be a <Listen and answer>
clerk and B student can be a consumer. clerk; May I help you?
customer : Yes, please. I'm looking for a skirt.
clerk : What color would you like?
Level focused customer : I want it in black.
clerk : Oh, we have a beautiful black skirt. How about this
z Have the students use more expressions according to their one ?
levels customer : I like it. How much is it?
z Have the students review the expressions of asking and clerk : It's $57.
answering about items they want to buy. customer : It's expensive. Do you have a cheaper one?
clerk : Of course. What about this one?
This one is in black and it's only $30.
References customer : It's great. Can I try it on?
clerk : Sure. The dressing room is over there.
z Use more shopping items for the expressions of offering help
and asking and answering the price of items.
33 LEVEL 3
z [Advanced] Have the students make up and write sentences z May I help you?
using shopping vocabulary. z How much is this? It's dollars.
Key Expressions
z It's expensive. I'll take it.
z Here you are. Here's your change.
z Materials : crayons
How to teach
z First, have students divide into two groups, clerks and
Writing : Let's write z The clerks put prices on their items and sell them.
z The customers buy 5 items with only 30 dollars within 3
z To have the students understand and minutes.
write the sentences about shopping z Have the customers fill in their shopping list while shopping.
Objectives z The customer who is able to purchase 5 items with only 30
z To be able to write about the
Students dollars within 3 minutes wins.
sentences about shopping.
z Have the students take turns.
z Rearranging the sentences about
Level focused
z May I help you? How much is it?
Key Expressions z Its' too expensive. z The teacher can change the rules of the game. For instance,
z Here is your change. the number of items, the amount of money and the length of
How to teach
z Have the students arrange the words in the correct order and
write the sentences. z Materials : shopping items, paper money, shopping list, timer
z Have the students look at the pictures and complete the
LEVEL 3 34
Teacher's Guide
z Individually, students should choose prices for their eight z It is a good idea to change the shopping items and/or situation
items. of the story.
z Give the students some game money. z Materials : pencil, crayons
z The purpose of this activity is to have the students use the
key expressions as much as while selling and buying the
items. Therefore, it is important not to give them too much
game money so they have to look for bargains or better deals. Task 1 : Make your own dream store
z Stress the importance of speaking only in English.
z To have students make a cartoon using
the expressions about shopping
Level focused Objectives
z To be able to make a cartoon using the
z [Advanced] Split the students into groups - customers and expressions about shopping
clerks. z Writing the expressions related to
z May I help you? How much is this?
References Key Expressions
z It's dollars. I'll take it.
z Explain a little about how much $1 is in Korean Won, and
what you might expect to be able to buy for a certain price.
z game money How to teach
z Have the students review the expressions in the box.
z Students should come up with a story for the cartoon.
z Students can use the expressions in the box for their cartoon.
Story : I want a soccer ball
z The cartoon should be related to shopping.
z After making the cartoon, have students share them in class.
z To have the students make their own
Teacher story about shopping and talk to others
about it
Level focused
z To be able to write their own story z Have students make an authentic situation by making a cartoon
about shopping and present the story z [Advanced] Students can use various expressions about
z Writing the sentences related to shopping.
shopping and talking about the story z [Supplementary] Students can make a simple story.
35 LEVEL 3
Level focused
Art project : Welcome to my store z [Advanced] - Split the students into groups - customers and
z To have the students understand the
names of items in each store
z To be able to understand the names of References
items in each store z Explain a little about how much $1 is in Korean Won, and
z Identifying the items available in each what you might be able to buy for a certain price.
store z A sample money.(The teacher may enlarge the picture)
Key Expressions z the name of items
How to teach
z Have the students pick of the 12 store cards.
z Have the students draw their store on a big piece of paper.
z Students must put at least 10 items in their store.
z Students should name each item.
Level focused
z [Advanced] Give students a chance to learn new items in
different stores.
z [Supplementary] Students can choose a stationery store and
write some items, for instance, books, pencils, erasers, etc.
z Materials : paper dictionary or electronic dictionary, construction
papers, colored pens, pictures of shopping items
LEVEL 3 36
Let's speak
A. Let's ask and answer about prices.
Clerk: May I help you?
Consumer: Yes, please. How much is this ball ?
Clerk: It’s eleven dollar(s).
$ 34 $ 25
$ 12 $ 1
$ 11 $ 17
$ 65 $ 35
Let's listen
A. Listen and number the pictures.
clerk customer
Let's read
A. Read and match.
b s h i r t a t skirt
a j s c d o l l
p a n t s c e a shirt
e c a b h a t b
n k g l o v e s pants
c e e s e e e k pencil
i t a w s d t i
l w v q s d t r gloves
z x a e k i y t
Let's write
A. Let's write the words in the correct order.
2. it / How / is / much / ?
→ ______________________________________________
3. 15 / It / dollars / is / .
→ ______________________________________________
4. too / It / expensive / is / .
→ ______________________________________________
Let's go shopping
A. Let's do a shopping game.
1. clerks : sell items, put prices on the items
2. customers : buy items within 3 minutes, buy 7 items with 30
Shopping List
Number Items Price
At the shop
A. Let's collect cards.
$ 8 $
$ $
$ $
$ $
LEVEL 3 42 ※
How much is this?
' .
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
Use the following May I help you? I'm looking for pencils. It's 5 dollars.
sentences for this How much is it? It's expensive/cheap. How about this one?
cartoon It looks good. I like it. Can I try it? I don't like that color.
Title :
My sister's birthday
A. Let's role play.
: It's dollars.
45 LEVEL 3
Shopping-Art project
Welcome to my store
A. Make your own store.
clothing store book store
shoe store supermarket
LEVEL 3 46
Yard sale
SAT. JUNE 25th
2 pm - 5 pm
47 LEVEL 3
Job provides a range of occupations. Many people prepare specs to get a job. They
have to get their education and training pathways. In this topic, we can gives them useful
mind about what occupations suit you best, based on your interests and abilities.
In this topic, students will learn basic concepts of naming jobs, naming personal talents
such as 'teacher', 'doctor', 'cook', 'I can sing'. Also, students will learn basic expressions
associated with jobs such as 'What do you do?', 'Does your father work?', 'What do you
want to be?' In addition, they will learn telling about your family members' job, asking for
& telling about people's jobs, asking for & telling about personal talents related to jobs and
talking about the jobs you want to get in the future.
Students should be encouraged to say job words in many cases so they can express
them naturally. Job is very important for people, so make sure that practicing the job
expressions will be necessary to them.
Through the 'job' topic, students will be able to learn about different cultures by
being asked certain questions about their "future job" and about what they think about
different cultures concerning to jobs.
This topic will help to enhance their understanding about job and build right information
with them.
Activities Functions Key Expressions
Speaking z Recognizing and naming jobs z teacher, doctor, cook, singer
L Writing z Writing action words related to jobs z swim, ski, skate, dance, sing, run, cook
1 Song z Understanding the expressions about jobs z What do you do? / What is your job?
Chant z Understanding the expression of saying job z I am a student. / You are a cook. / He is a doctor.
Listening z Recognizing my family members' jobs z What is your father's job? He is a doctor.
Reading z Reading and identifying my family members' job z My father is a police officer.
L Writing z Identifying and connecting personal pronoun with jobs z She is a banker.
2 Chant z Asking and answering jobs through a chant z Who is he/she? / He/she is a doctor.
Role play z Understanding and writing the situations of jobs z What does she do? / She is a chef.
Speaking z Talking about the jobs you want to have in the future z What do you want to be?
z This is my brother.
Reading z Reading and identifying the passage of jobs
z He/She is a fire fighter?
L Writing z Recognizing my friends' future jobs
z What do you want to be?
E z I want to be a soldier.
z What's your aunt's job?
V Game 1 z Asking and answering about jobs
z He/She is a music teacher.
E Game 2 z Talking about jobs through bingo game z What's your mother's job?
Story z Understanding the story about jobs
3 z What does she do? / She is a singer.
Role play z Talking about my family members' jobs
z What do you want to be? / I want to be a teacher.
z This is my dad. He is a doctor.
Task 1 z Telling my family members' jobs to my friends
z I want to be a doctor.
z This is my wife.
Task 2 z Telling my future family members' jobs
z She is a bus driver.
z To have students listen to a job name
Speaking : Let's speak Teacher
and be able to identify it
z To have students recognize and name z To be able to listen to a job and
Teacher Students
jobs recognize what it is
Students z To be able to recognize and name jobs Functions z Listening to and identifying jobs
Functions z Recognizing and naming jobs Key Expressions z teacher, doctor, cook, singer
How to teach
How to teach z Play the snatch game as review.
z Students, working in pairs, put one set of job cards between
z Show students job flash cards and have them repeat after the
z The teacher calls out a job. The student who snatches the
z Have students cut the picture cards. Do motions pertaining to
picture card first gets to keep the card. The student with the
each job. Have students hold up a picture card for the job and
most cards at the end of the game wins.
say the job aloud.
z Call out a job at a time. Have students color in the bold
z Say the job names and have the students do the actions while
letters of the jobs on the worksheet. If there is no picture
standing up.
beside the word, have them draw a picture about the job.
z Have a volunteer come to the front of the class. Whisper a
job in the student's ear and have him/her do an action
expressing the job. Level focused
z The person who says the correct job comes to the front and z [Advanced] Say the jobs correctly and incorrectly. Have the
does the next action. students make an O with their arms if the word is said
z Have students form lines. The first student in each line faces correctly and an X if it's said incorrectly.
the front of the class and everyone else faces the back. z [Supplementary] Say the job names and have the students do
z Show a job card to the first students of each line. the corresponding motions.
z He or she will tap the next student on the shoulder and show
a motion about the job.
z The rest of the students do the same until the last student
sees the motion and runs to the front and whisper the job to z Materials : job cards
the teacher.
Level focused
Reading : Let's read
z [Supplementary] If students have difficulty in learning 9
different jobs, decrease the number of the jobs taught in one z To make students read action words
class. associated with jobs
z For additional practice, put all the job cards on the board. Objectives
z To be able to read and recognize action
Have the students close their eyes and then take a card away. Students
words associated with jobs
Have the students guess which job card is missing.
z Reading action words associated with
particular jobs
References z Can you run?
Key Expressions
z Yes, I can. / No, I can't.
z Materials : job cards, photos of people doing their works
How to teach
Listening : Let's listen z [A] Introduce the expressions with the students. Explain what
the expressions mean and have the students read them.
z [B] Present action word cards and have the students repeat
the words after the teacher.
z Do actions associated with each job while saying the words,
z The last student will run to the front and write down the z [Supplementary] Give students magazines or newspapers.
motion word on the board. The first student to write the word Have them cut out pictures of people doing different jobs and
correctly gets a point for his or her team. present them to the class.
Teacher's Guide
Key Expressions z He/She is a doctor. they are and what they can do.
z Read the story slowly to the students.
z Afterwards, ask them questions, such as "What can my brother
z Materials : dice, flash cards Song : Let's sing
z [A] Review the phrases "I am", "you are", and "he/she is" by
using people as examples. For example, motion to yourself and Level focused
say "I am a teacher.". Point to a student and say, "You are a
z [Advanced] Have students write more expressions, such as, "I
student.". And show a picture of a singer, for example, Bono,
am a student. I want to be a baseball player because I can
and say, "He is a singer.".
run fast and catch balls very well."
z Make a rhythm by patting your legs and clapping your hands
z [Supplementary] Have students use dictionaries to write the
and have the students follow along.
expressions and practice the expressions with the teacher.
z Do the chant with the rhythm the class is making.
z When the class knows the chant and the rhythm, split them
into groups of four. References
z [B] Have the students change the jobs of the chant. Have z Materials : colored pencils or crayons
them write from the bottom of the worksheet or from the jobs
Teacher's Guide
How to teach
z Teach the new phrases, "What do you want to do?", and "I
want to be a _______."
z Review job names with flash cards.
z Have students name the jobs.
z Have the students draw many jobs and practice the sentences.
z Add motions to go with each job.
z After the students draw the picture, give them chances to
present their future jobs. For example, "I want to be a pilot."
Level focused
z If possible, explain jobs in your countries.
z If the teacher has experienced a cultural difference concerning
jobs in Korea, share that experience with the students.
z Materials : colored pencils or crayons
Let's speak
A. Speak out.
Let's listen
A. Look and listen.
Let's read
Let's write
A. Trace the words.
Ladder game
Board game
Move 5 spaces
Lose a turn.
A family story
This is my family.
My grandfather is a carpenter.
He can make furniture.
My mother is a cook.
She can cook.
My brother is a student.
He can read English books.
My sister is a pianist.
She can play the piano.
Let's sing
Let's chant
A. Let's chant!
● ○ ● ○
I am a student student
You are a cook cook
He is a doctor (clap)
● ○ ● ○
I am a student student
You are a
He is a
LEVEL 1 16
Jobs-Art project
Telling jobs
A. Draw and complete the sentences.
I My _________________
(job: ) (job: )
My _________________ My _________________
(job: ) (job: )
It's my job
A. Let's draw jobs you want to have in 20 years.
z Materials : job cards, key expression on the board
How to teach
z [A] Review the jobs and family member words. Explain any
words that students are not familiar with.
Listening : Let's listen z Have students look at the picture. Have students repeat the
sentences after the teacher. Read the sentences for the
z To have students listen to a job and name students if they find it difficult to read them on their own.
and identify it z Check the answers.
z To be able to listen to a job and z [B] Explain that this activity is about different jobs and their
recognize what it is work places.
z Go over the jobs and the work places.
Functions z Recognizing my family members' jobs
z Have students match the jobs with appropriate work places.
z What is your father's job? He is a z Check their answers.
Key Expressions
Level focused .
z [Advanced] Have students practice asking and answering with
How to teach
the key expressions.
z Review the last lesson on jobs. z [Supplementary] If students find the words too difficult, focus
19 LEVEL 2
How to teach
z Review jobs using a presentation or flash cards.
Writing : Let's write
z Divide the class into groups of 3~5.
z Present the game board on the screen. Also, have a copy of
z To have students write sentences about
Teacher the game board on the teacher's desk to mark where each
Objectives team is.
z To be able to write sentences about z Show a demonstration of how to play the game. The teacher
jobs rolls the dice and lands on a space. Have the students ask,
Functions z Writing sentences about jobs "What is his/her job?", and the teacher answers, "He/She is a
Key Expressions z She is a baker. z Have the groups take turn to roll the dice. The rest of the
class should ask the group, and the group members answer in
z First team to reach "Finish" wins the game.
How to teach
z Write down the job words on the board. Have students write
Level focused
along the teacher in the air.
z After writing the words, have students read the vocabulary as z [Supplementary] Help students say the expressions if they
a class. find it difficult to say them correctly.
z Show picture cards and have students say "He/She is a _____."
z Have students write the sentences next to each picture.
z For a review, have students stand in lines of four.
z Show a word to the first students in each line and have them z Materials : picture cards, dice
write it on the next student's palm.
z The last students of the lines will run to the board and write
the word. The first student to write the word correctly gets a
point for his/her team.
Task : Survey
z Have the first student of each line go to the back of the line
and repeat the activity until all students have played the last z To have the students ask and answer
student's role. about the family members' jobs
z To be able to ask and answer about the
family members' jobs
Level focused
z [Advanced] Have them focus on writing neatly. z Asking and answering about the family
z [Supplementary] If there are too many words for the students members' jobs
z Materials : job cards
How to teach
z Before doing the survey, have the students practice key
Game : Board game expressions with the pictures.
z All the students stand up and walk around the classroom with
z To have students ask and answer about a worksheet.
Objectives jobs z One student, A, asks "What is your father's job?" to another
Students z To able to ask and answer about jobs student, B.
LEVEL 2 20
Teacher's Guide
Level focused
z During the game, the teacher has to monitor the students' Chant : Let's chant
z According to the students' level, the teacher can increase or z To have students ask and answer about
decrease the number of words. jobs through a chant
z To be able to ask and answer about jobs
through a chant
z Asking and answering jobs through a
z Materials : picture cards, chart(to attach on the board or to Functions
show on TV)
Key Expressions z Who is he/she? / He/She is a doctor.
Level focused
z [Advanced] After the students chant "He is a doctor." many
How to teach
times, hold up a job card and have the students chant the
z Review the list of jobs with the students. answering part according to the cards.
z There are many phrases in this lesson and it will be difficult z [Supplementary] Place flash cards on the board in the order
to have students recognize all of them. Try to focus on just that they are said in the song. It may also be helpful to write
one or two expressions that give the students good clues to the chant on the board or have it presented on the screen.
guess what the jobs are.
z Have students work in groups. Try to group students so that
advanced students can work with other students.
z Have each groups create riddles about jobs in the boxes. z Materials : job cards
z After they finish, allow a member from each group a riddle to
the teacher. The teacher guesses what job the student is
z Repeat this process until most students have had a chance to Role play : Let's role play
tell the riddles. Have students answer instead of the teacher
as well. z To have students write a dialog about
Level focused Students z To be able to write a dialog about jobs
z [Advanced] After the students tell the riddles, the teacher can z Understanding and writing a dialog
make more riddles and have students guess and answer what Functions
about jobs
jobs the teacher is describing.
Key Expressions z What does she do? / She is a chef.
21 LEVEL 2
Level focused
z [Advanced] Have students add more lines to their dialogs. How to teach
Have them get materials or costumes for their presentation.
z Teach the new phrases, "What do you want to do?", and "I
want to be a _______."
References z Review job names with flash cards.
z Materials : basic stationery for students to use as props z Have students name the jobs.
z Have the students write many jobs and practice the sentences.
z Add motions to go with each job.
z After the students write the sentences about jobs, give them
Art project : Making a mini-book about chances to present their future jobs. For example, "I want to
jobs be a pilot."
z If you have experienced cultural differences about jobs
z To have students understand how one between Korea and other countries, say that experience to the
Teacher students.
job is related to another
z To be able understand that the jobs are
related to each other Level focused
z Show pictures of various jobs to enhance students'
Functions z Recognizing the connection between jobs
Key Expressions z I am a baker. z Feel free to introduce other types of jobs in class.
How to teach
z Materials : flash cards of various jobs
z Make and bring in a sample mini-book to the class and introduce
the activity to the students.
z Show the picture and read the book to the students.
z Have the students cut out the mini-book along the outline, slit
the thick lines in the middle, and fold to make the mini-book.
Have them color the pictures for a few minutes.
z Check each student's book to make sure it is in order.
z Have students come to the front and present the mini-book to
the class.
Level focused
z [Advanced] Have students think about other jobs that can
come after the police officer.
z Materials : colored pencils or crayons, a sample mini-book
LEVEL 2 22
Let's speak
A. Speak and fill in the blanks.
He is a doctor. He is a .
He is a . She is a .
She is a . He is a .
He is a . She is a .
Let's listen
A. Talking about your family members' jobs
he mother
girl brother
Let's read
A. Read and number.
② ⑤ ⑥
1. My grandfather is a doctor. ( )
2. My grandmother is a pianist. ( )
3. My father is a police officer. ( )
4. My mother is a pilot. ( )
5. My uncle is a nurse. ( )
6. My older brother is a cook. ( )
scientist • • (a )
mechanic • • laboratory
professor • • garage
cook • • (k )
pilot • • university
lawyer • • court
Let's write
A. Read and write the sentences.
cook He is a cook.
fire fighter
police officer
Board game!
bus driver
farmer 1 space.
1 space. baker
carpenter writer
A. Let's do a survey.
Sumi : Hi, Jinho?
Jinho : Hi, Sumi?
Sumi : What is your father(mother)'s job?
Jinho : He(She) is a teacher.
MY father(mother) is....
'Guess who!'
A. Let's make riddles related to jobs.
I like music. 1 2
I sometimes play the guitar.
I have many fans.
I sing very well.
Who am I?
3 4
5 6
7 8
Let's chant
A. Let's chant about jobs.
He is a She is a He is a She is a
doctor. teacher. farmer. scientist.
He is a She is a He is a He is a
cook. singer. fire fighter. bus driver.
He is a doctor! ♩♬
LEVEL 2 30 ※She is a .
Jobs-Role play
<Dialog A>
<Dialog B>
<Dialog C>
I want to be......
A. Various jobs
B. I want to be......
33 LEVEL 2
z To have students listen to statements
Speaking : Let's speak
Teacher about jobs and identify which jobs they
are describing
z To have students talk about jobs they Objectives
Teacher z To be able to listen to statements about
want to have in the future Students jobs and identify which jobs they are
z To be able to talk about jobs they want describing
to have in the future z Listening to and understanding
descriptions about jobs
z Talking about the jobs you want to have
Functions Key Expressions z A person who helps animals and pets
in the future
How to teach
z Teach different jobs in the table at the bottom of the page.
How to teach
Show pictures associated with the jobs to enhance students'
z [A] Show the students job flash cards, having them repeat the understanding.
jobs after the teacher. z Read the seven statements about jobs to the students. Read
z Introduce the expression, "What do you want to be?" and one more time slowly, and have the students write the jobs
"Why do you want to be that?" to students. Explain with words in the blanks.
examples. z Check their answers. Have students repeat the statements
z Ask if they know what 'dream' means and explain it. after the teacher.
z Have students think about words associated with dream. Have z Show pictures of people in their work places and ask students
them write the words in the mind map. Ask students to share "Where are they?". Explain about the jobs and work places in
their words and write them on the board. the table in the middle of the page.
z [B] Have students get into groups and help each other write a z Have students fill in the jobs and work places in the blanks.
small paragraph about what they want to be when they grow
up. Go around the class and help them with grammar and
Level focused
z Have students present their paragraphs to the class. z [Advanced] Write down job names on the board. Divide the
class into two teams. Have one person from each team come
to the board and put their back to it. Say a place where a
Level focused person works and the students must turn around, find the
z Vary the number of job names taught based on the students' correct job, and circle it. The first person to circle the correct
level. For example, if the class level is high, you can teach job gets a point for his/her team.
all fifteen job names. If it is low, maybe just teach six. z [Supplementary] Say the jobs and have the students do the
z For additional practice, put all the job cards on the board. corresponding motions. This will help with memorization.
Have the students close their eyes and then take a card away.
Have the students guess which job card is missing.
z Materials : job cards, a slide show with pictures associated
References with the jobs
z Materials : job cards, photos of people performing their jobs
LEVEL 3 34
Teacher's Guide
References z Materials : jobs flash cards, sentence cards
z Materials : family word cards, job word cards, survey sheets
How to teach
z [A] Write different jobs on the board and see if students can How to teach
act out the jobs.
z Review the jobs with the students.
z Go over many types of jobs using a slide show. Have students
z Show students the game board and go over what each space
pick a job they want to have when they grow up and write it
says. Have Students repeat after the teacher.
z Have students pair up for the game.
z Have students repeat "What do you want to be?" after the
z Have student A roll the dice. If A lands on a space with a
sentence, B must ask the question for that questions. For
z Have them go around the classroom and ask their friends,
example, if A lands on "I want to be a lawyer.", B must ask
"What do you want to be?", listen to their answers, and record
"What do you want to be?". If A lands on a question, "What's
them in the table.
your mother's job?", B asks the question to A. A should
z Have some students stand and read their result. ex) "Minsu
answer, "Yes, she does. She's an artist."
wants to be a teacher. Mina wants to be a designer."
35 LEVEL 3
Key Expressions
z Materials : job cards, dice, magazines or newspapers
How to teach
z Show the advertisement to the students. Ask them if they
Game 2 : Bingo understand the advertisement.
z Read and explain the story to the students.
z To have students ask and answer about z Ask some questions to check their understandings.
other people's jobs z Read the story one more time.
z To be able to ask and answer about z Have the students answer to the questions below the story.
Students z Check their answers.
other people's jobs
z Have a discussion about the advertisement.
Functions z Talking about jobs through a game
z [Advanced] The teacher can write many job words on the Functions z Talking about my family members' jobs
board and have the students choose from that list and fill in
the bingo table. z What does she do? / She is a singer.
z Play the bingo game many times. Key Expressions z What do you want to be? / I want to be
a teacher.
z Materials : picture cards
How to teach
z [A] Have students draw a family tree for their family.
z [B] Read the dialog to the students.
Story : The best job in the world z Divide the class into groups. Have them discuss about the
dialog, look at each other's family tree, and create a dialog for
a role play.
LEVEL 3 36
Teacher's Guide
z Walk around the classroom and help students with ideas and
their works. Task 2 : My family's future jobs
z Have each group come to the front and perform the dialog.
z This is my wife.
z Materials : scripts Key Expressions
z She is a bus driver.
Level focused
z [Advanced] After the students present, the teacher can ask
questions like "What does your mother do?" to the student.
Have the student answer the questions.
z [Supplementary] Write the key expressions with blanks on the
board. Have students copy the sentences and fill in the blanks.
z Materials : sample scripts
37 LEVEL 3
Let's speak
A. Create a mind map about jobs. Start with the word, dream.
I want to be a scientist in the future.
I am interested in the environment.
I think that pollution and global warming are serious problems.
I want to learn more so I can help solve the problems.
Let's listen
A. Listen to the dialog and write the jobs.
4. a person who studies the stars, the moon, and the universe ______________
7. a person who helps people and enforces the law on the streets ______________
secretary engineer factory worker prosecutor
postal worker pilot fire fighter teacher
nurse banker journalist dentist
taxi driver mechanic sales clerk cook
police officer photographer actor/actress businessman
zoo keeper doctor astronomer professor
scientist artist lawyer veterinarian
※Unscramble. k b a n r e r i a t s t t i s d e n t 39 LEVEL 3
Let's read
A. Let's match the pictures with the sentences.
• • • •
• • • •
This is my
This is my This is my This is my
sister. She is a
brother. He is aunt. She is an uncle. He is a
dental assistant.
a fire fighter. artist. doctor.
• • • •
• • • •
Let's write
A. Ask about what your friends want to be.
Q : What do you want to be?
A : I want to be a .
Name Future Job
※I want to be a o z o e e k p r e . 41 LEVEL 3
Jobs-Game 1
Board game
What's your
sister's job?
What's your
What's your
mother's job? What's your
father's job?
uncle's job?
programmer pianist teacher
43 LEVEL 3
Have you heard about 'The best job in the world'? You can swim,
and play every day, then record your adventures on your blog. The
salary for this job is AUD150,000. It is almost 150,000,000 won.
Isn't it amazing?
It is an advertisement to promote sightseeing tours in Australia.
They succeeded in advertising. Almost 34,000 people applied for the
At the end, British adventurer Ben Southall got 'the best job in
the world'.
My family
Paste your family picture in the box &
introduce your family including their jobs.
★ examples ★
▶ This is my dad. He is a farmer.
▶ This is my mom. She is a housewife.
▶ This is my brother, ○○○. He wants to be a pilot.
▶ This is my sister, ○○○. She wants to be a nurse.
LEVEL 3 46 다음 단어를 읽고 연상되는 직업을 갖고 싶다고 영어로 말해 봅시다. stars spaceship alien
Jobs-Task 2
47 LEVEL 3
In this topic, 'Location', students will be identifying and defining prepositions. Teachers
need to teach prepositions that refer to location and directions. Students should be able to
understand how the words, in, on, under, and next to, are words to describe location of
objects and places. Students might also show their understanding of the usage of the words
by using the words in sentences.
There is an excellent way to teach simple prepositions. Bring a box and a pencil to
class. Move the pencil near the box. Explain what 'near' means and that it's a preposition.
Now put it on the box. Again, explain what 'on' means and that it's a preposition. Most of
the common prepositions can be presented this way.
Most prepositions have their opposite prepositions. It's a good challenge to have the
students say the opposite preposition when the teacher says a preposition. For example,
when the teacher says "behind", they must say "in front of". It's extra challenging if the
teacher shows a card to them and ask them to say the opposite because their first reaction
will be to say what's on the card. Also, do activities as a group. One activity students
really enjoy is to have the teacher direct the students around the room. For example, say,
"Everybody, stand next to the heater!" and when everyone has moved next to the heater,
give them a new direction. Alternatively, create an obstacle course in the classroom using
tables, chairs, etc. Students enjoy getting active and being directed to crawl under the table
and walk around the chair three times. By including activities like this, the students will
have fun and learn prepositions in a very fun way.
Activities Functions Key Expressions
z Speaking about the location of objects using simple
Speaking z The monkey is in the box.
Listening z Listening and expressing the location of animals z The bear is in the house.
E Game 1 z Listening and expressing the location of objects z Where is the pencil? The pencil is on the desk.
V Game 2 z Asking and answering questions about location z The rabbit is on the house.
L Story z Recognizing the missing preposition in the story z a cat on a pig
z Saying simple
1 Chant
expressions about location with rhythmic
z I'm in the box.
Game 3 z Listening to and expressing the location of objects z The ruler is in the pencil case.
Art project z Writing prepositions by making a story book z The girl is on the rock.
Culture z Understanding different animal sounds through singing z quack, bow, oink, moo
Speaking z Saying simple expressions related to the location of places z Where is the restroom? It's in the corner.
Reading z Reading sentences describing an object's location z The almond is in the chocolate.
L Writing z Writing sentences describing an object's location z Where is the dog? The dog is under the table.
E Game 1 z Asking and answering the location of objects and places z Where is the table? Its' next to the tree.
V Game 2 z Asking and answering questions about location z Where is the box? Its on the table.
z Understanding the location of people, places, and objects
L Story
through reading
z Where is mom? She's in the kitchen.
2 Chant z Saying simple expressions about location with movements z Where is the restroom? It's in the corner.
Art project z Listening to and expressing the location of objects z Where is your book? It's on the desk.
Role play z Asking and answering questions about location z Where is the restroom? It's in the corner.
Culture z Learning and writing vocabulary related to summer z hot, swim, camping, vacation, summer
L Writing z Identifying and writing appropriate prepositions z The desk is next to the closet.
E Game 1 z Reading, understanding, and creating sentences about location z Where is the restaurant? It's on your right.
V Game 2 z Asking and answering questions about location z Where is the police station? It's over there.
L Story z Saying asking and answering questions about location z Where is my bag? It's behind the chair.
3 Task 1 z Reading and understanding a dialog about location z Where is the bee? It's next to your sandwich.
Culture z Learning and reading vocabulary related to summer z beach, camping, fan, hot, parasol, sunny, watermelon...
1 LOCATION z [B] The teacher will ask questions about the animals in the
picture, "Where is _______?"
Speaking : Let's speak z Have students listen and answer the questions using the
picture and sentences in their textbook.
z To have students answer simple z Have the students repeat each answer twice.
questions about the location of objects
z To be able to answer simple questions Level focused
about the location of objects z [Advanced] Have the students write the sentences without
z Speaking about the location of objects pictures.
Functions z [Supplementary] Have students repeat the four sentences after
using simple prepositions
the teacher a few times.
Key Expressions z The monkey is in the box.
How to teach z Materials : pictures (to attach on the board or to show on
z [A] Have a box and a monkey or any other object to use in TV)
the class or have the students look at the pictures in their
z Ask the students where the monkey is and have them give the
appropriate answers. Reading : Let's read
z Have the students repeat the sentences after the teacher.
z [B] Use objects in the classroom to practice "My _____ is ___ z To have students read the prepositions
the _____." expression with the students. and match them to pictures
z To be able to read the prepositions and
Level focused match them to pictures
z [Supplementary] Give each student a doll/object. Make a
Functions z Reading simple prepositions
sentence with a preposition from the textbook. Then, have the
students repeat the sentence and act it out with their Key Expressions z in, on, under, next to
doll/object on the desk.
z [B] Have students read the prepositions. and cut and glue the
Listening : Let's listen appropriate objects on the picture.
z After reading. students can talk about the picture in pairs.
z To have students understand expressions S1 : "Where is the dog?"
about location S2 : "It's under the table."
z To be able to understand expressions
about location Level focused
z Listening and expressing the location of
Functions z [Supplementary] Ask the students where different objects are
in the 'cut and glue' picture.
Key Expressions z The bear is in the house.
How to teach z Materials : scissors, glue
z [A] The teacher should describe the location of the animals in
the picture using on, in, under, and next to.
How to teach
z To have students ask and answer simple
questions about the location of objects z Have students pair up.
Objectives z Give each pair the dice(with 1s and 2s on it)and two markers.
z To be able to ask and answer simple z S1 will roll the dice, move his/her marker, and make a
questions about the location of objects sentence about the picture they land on. ex) "The rabbit is on
the house." If they are unable to make a sentence, they must
z Listening and expressing the location of return to the space they came from.
objects z S2 will then take a turn.
z The game continues until both members reach "finish".
z Where is the pencil? z The student who reaches "finish" first wins the game.
Key Expressions
z The pencil is on the desk.
Level focused
z [Advanced] When a student lands on a space, his/her partner
How to teach will ask a question about the picture.
z Have the students pair up. S2 : "Where is the rabbit?"
z Students will cut out the stationery items at the bottom of the S1 : "The rabbit is on the house."
Teacher's Guide
Chant : Where are you ?
z Materials : dice (with 1s and 2s), markers
z To have students practice asking and
answering simple questions about
location through chanting and rhythmic
Story : Animal totem pole Objectives
z To be able to practice asking and
answering simple questions about
z To have students listen to and location through chanting and rhythmic
understand the story movements
z Saying simple expressions about location
Objectives Functions
with rhythmic movements
z To be able to listen to and understand
Students Key Expressions z I'm in the box.
the story
How to teach
z Have the students pair up.
z Explain that they will take turns to give instructions on where z Materials : colored pencils, scissors, glue, paper, sample book
to draw the objects in the box.
ex) S1 : "The pencil is next to the eraser."
(S1 and S2 draw a pencil next to an eraser.)
S2 : "The ruler is in the pencil case." Culture : Animal sounds
(S1 and S2 draw a ruler in a pencil case.)
z Give the students a time limit and make sure they understand
z To have students understand the
they cannot look at each other's picture. Teacher
different noises animals make in English
z When time is up, have the students compare their drawings. Objectives
z To be able to understand the different
noises animals make in English
Level focused z Understanding different animal sounds
z [Advanced] After completing the activity, have the students through singing
write sentences that correspond with their picture. Key Expressions z quack, bow, oink, moo
How to teach
z Materials : pictures (to attach on the board or to show on
TV) z [A] Have the students look at the pictures.
z Ask the students what the animal in the first picture is and
what sound it makes in Korean.
z Explain that in English, the animal makes a different sound.
Art project : In the lake Demonstrate the English sound to the students and have them
repeat after the teacher.
z After practicing the sound, read the sentence at the bottom of
z To have students make a book
Teacher the picture and have the students repeat after the teacher.
containing prepositions
Objectives z Repeat the process for each picture.
z To be able to make a book containing
prepositions z [B] Have students watch and listen to the clip.
z Writing prepositions by making a story z Play the clip again and have the students sing along.
z Make a sample book before class. English, play a guessing game. The teacher should make an
z Read the book to the students twice. For the first time, have animal sound and the students should guess what animal it is
the students listen, and for the second time, have them do and shout out its name in English.
z Have the students write the missing prepositions in the blanks. Students : Cow!
z After explaining how, have them make the book. Alternatively the students could play the guessing game in
Level focused
z [Advanced] Students could copy the sentences (from the
template) and draw their own pictures in a blank book. If the z Materials : EBS 'Animal Sounds' flash file (The files are in
students level is very high, they could make their own story the 'CD-ROM')
Let's speak
A. Speak out.
The is on the .
The is in the .
Let's listen
A. Look and listen.
The is _______ the .
The is _______ the .
The is _______ the .
The is _______ the .
next to in under on
B. Cut and glue.
next to
Let's write
A. Fill in the blanks.
under, on, next to, in
11 LEVEL 1
Location-Game 2
Board game
A. Play the board game.
※ is u . 13 LEVEL 1
I'm a . I'm a .
, , I'm a .
B: The is in the .
(A and B draw.)
The is
______ the .
The is
The is
______ the .
________ the .
LEVEL 1 16 ※ Unscramble [ is e x n t o t .]
Animal sounds
A. Let's say.
B. Let's sing.
z Where is the restroom? Key Expressions z The girl is on the diving board.
Key Expressions
z It's in the corner.
sentence using a preposition from the textbook. Have the 2. The dog is under the tree.
students repeat the sentence and act it out with their 3. The pen is in the pencils.
LEVEL 2 18
Teacher's Guide
z [B] Have students cut out the words at the bottom of the
page and arrange them in order.
z When they are finished, ask them what the sentences are.
Game 1 : The spinner game
How to teach
19 LEVEL 2
Level focused
Story : In the house
z [Advanced] After playing the game, have the students write a
question and an answer for each space of the spinner.
z To have students read, listen to and
understand the story
References Objectives
z To be able to read, listen to and
z Materials : paper clips Students
understand the story
z Have the students pair up and give a coin/eraser to each pair. play. Each group will need to assign the roles, practice the
z The teacher should demonstrate how to play the game with a lines, and present the role play to the class.
z S1 will place the coin/eraser on the 'coin' spot and flick it on Level focused
to the board. S2 will ask a question.
z [Advanced] Students should be encouraged to add a few more
S2 : "Where is the box?"
of their own sentences to the role play.
S1 : "It's on the table."
If S1 is able to answer the question correctly, S1 wins the
space and marks it. Then it's S2's turn. If a student lands on References
another student's space, he/she can take the space by
z Materials : role-play mask
answering the question correctly. When time is up, the student
with the most spaces wins the game.
LEVEL 2 20
Teacher's Guide
Level focused
How to teach z [Advanced] After completing the activity, have the students
z [A] Demonstrate the chant with a lively rhythm. write sentences that correspond with their picture.
z For the second time, do the chant with movements that
correspond to the words in the chant.
z Have students perform the chant with the teacher.
z [B] If the students can chant 'Where is the restroom?' well, z Materials : colored pencils
change the place, location, and corresponding movements, and
chant together again.
z Have the students write the new words in their textbooks.
Role play : Let's do a role play
Level focused
z [Advanced] Students who can read should be encouraged to z To have students read and perform a
read the words quietly as they listen. role play
z To be able to read and perform a role
References play
z Materials : pictures (to attach on the board or to show on
z Practicing asking and answering
TV) Functions
questions about location
location of objects z Have the students practice the dialog a number of times.
ex) Nami Jinho
z Listening to and expressing the location 1. Teacher Students
of objects 2. Girls Boys
3. Group A Group B
Key Expressions z Where is your book? It's on the desk.
z Have the students make pairs and cut out the finger puppets.
z After a few minutes of practicing, have some students
demonstrate the dialog to the class.
How to teach
z Have the students pair up. Level focused
z Explain that they will take turns at asking and answering
z [Advanced] Encourage the students to add their own sentences
where some objects are in the room, and that they need to
to the role play or make their own role play.
draw the objects according to their conversation.
ex) S1 : "Where is your book?"
S2 : "It's in the corner." References
Then, in their own book, both S1 and S2 draws a book in the
z Materials : scissors, glue
z Give the students a time limit and make sure they understand
that they cannot look at each other's pictures.
z When time is up, have the students compare their drawings.
21 LEVEL 2
How to teach
z Ask the students about summer. Brainstorm words that are
associated with summer.
z Have students create a mind map about summer.
z [A] Teach the five words in the book, hot, swim, camping,
vacation, and summer, to the students.
z [B] Have the students unscramble and write the words.
z Talk about summer vacation with the students.
ex) Teacher : "What will you do during the summer vacation?"
Students : "I will go camping."
The teacher can tell the students what they could do during
the summer. The teacher can also tell the students about his
or her own plan for the summer vacation.
Level focused
z [Supplementary] Students should draw a picture about their
summer vacation.
z [Advanced] Students should write about their summer vacation
z Materials : word flash cards
LEVEL 2 22
Let's speak
A. Look and speak.
Let's listen
A. Listen and match.
❶ ❷ ❸ ❹
• • •
• • • •
next to in under on
Let's read
A. Let's read.
The dog is under the desk. The desk is next to the closet.
corner It . in the is
Let's write
A. Trace and write.
under next to
restroom bank
post living
office room
A : It's _____________________ .
My land game
A. Let's play my land game.
A : It's _____________________ .
In the house
A. Let's read a story.
D d, I'm home.
Where is mom?
She's ___ the ki chen.
She's making sandwiches.
Mom, I'm ome.
Wow, it looks delicious.
______ is Timmy?
He's ___ the bathroom.
He's washing his hands.
Wash your hands first.
Hi, Timmy.
______ ___ my new glove?
It's ___ the living room.
It's ove there.
LEVEL 2 30
Location-Art project
In my room
A. Draw a room with your friend.
31 LEVEL 2
Location-Role play
Role play
A. Let's do a role play.
Nami: Where is the restroom?
Jinho: It's over there.
Nami: Where is it? I can't find it.
Jinho: It's in the corner.
Nami: Oh, it's next to the stairs.
LEVEL 2 32
A. Let's write.
33 LEVEL 2
Speaking : Let's speak Listening : Let's listen
z Speaking about the location of objects z Recognizing the location of a place after
Functions and places using more advanced Functions
listening to a description
z Where is the school?
z Where is the bookstore? Key Expressions
Key Expressions z It's in front of the bank.
z It's behind the bank.
Level focused
z [Supplementary] Have the students make pairs and practice
asking and answering questions about the pictures in the Reading : Let's read
ex) S1 : "Where is the monkey?"
S2 : "The monkey is on the box." z To have students read and comprehend a
Alternatively, they could use their desk and object to practice story
the question and the answer. z To be able to read and comprehend a
LEVEL 3 34
Teacher's Guide
z Review previously learned prepositions and their spellings. "Where is the restaurant?", he/she should create an answer,
z Demonstrate the correct way to write each word. for example, "It's next to the bank." If S1 lands on "It's over
z Students should look at each picture and write the appropriate there.", he/she should create a question like "Where is the
z Have the students read the sentences together to check their z [Advanced] Students can write an answer if they land on a
z [Advanced] Have the students write a new sentence for each z Materials : dice (with 1s and 2s), markers
35 LEVEL 3
How to teach
Game 2 : Dice game
z Have the students read the story by themselves.
z To have students ask and answer simple z Ask them what happens in the story.
Teacher z Read the dialog to the students while they follow the words in
questions about the location of objects
Objectives their books. Do listen and repeat with each sentence and ask
z To be able to ask and answer simple
Students its Korean meaning to the students.
questions about the location of objects
z Have the students practice the dialog a number of times.
z Asking and answering questions about ex) Mom Jinho
location 1. Teacher Students
2. Girls Boys
z Where is the police station?
Key Expressions 3. Group A Group B
z It's over there.
z Have the students make pairs. Before practicing in groups,
have them cut out the finger puppets.
How to teach z After practicing, have some students perform the role play to
the class.
z Review the place words on the dice.
z Have the students make pairs and have each student make the
dice from the worksheet. Level focused
z Demonstrate how to play the game with a student.
z [Advanced] Students should be encouraged to add their own
z S1 will throw both dice. S2 will ask a question that S1 has to
sentences to the role play or make their own role play.
ex) S1 : "Where is the hospital?"
S2 : "The hospital is next to the police station." References
z Materials : scissors, glue
Level focused
z [Advanced] After playing, have the students write some of the
sentences they used during the game.
Task 1 : Where is the bee?
z [Supplementary] As the students play the dice game, they can
draw a map of a town according to the questions and answers
they use in the game. For the example conversation between z To have students read and comprehend a
S1 and S2 above, the two students would draw a hospital and simple dialog
a police station next to each other. z To be able to read and comprehend a
simple dialog
References Functions
z Reading and understanding a dialog about
z Materials : scissors, glue
z Where is the bee?
Key Expressions
z It's next to your sandwich.
z Asking and answering questions about z Ask the students where the bee was in each stage of the
Functions dialog.
ex) Teacher: "Where was the bee first?"
z Where is my bag? Students: "It's next to your sandwich."
Key Expressions
z It's behind the chair.
z [B] Have the students cut the bee picture out of the textbook.
z Have the students make pairs.
LEVEL 3 36
Teacher's Guide
z S1s of the pairs should close their eyes. S2s will place the
bee somewhere and ask, "Where is the bee?". The S1 will
guess where the bee is and answer, "Is the bee behind my
back?", for example. When S1 correctly guesses where the bee z Materials : newspaper, magazine
is, the students should switch the roles.
Level focused
Art project : Treasure map
z [Advanced] Have each pair write their own script using the
"Where is the bee?" dialog as a template.
z [Supplementary] Have students trace or copy the "Where is z To have students write and speak about
the bee?" dialog. the location of places and objects
References Students
z To be able to write and speak about the
location of places and objects
z Materials : scissors, pencils
Level focused
z [Advanced] Students should write their own thoughts about
this news. Discuss the event further, like what will happen in
the future.
z [Supplementary] Have the students draw their own artificial
37 LEVEL 3
How to teach
z Ask the students about summer. Brainstorm words that are
associated with summer.
z Have students create a mind map about summer.
z Teach the students the 12 words in the textbook.
z Have the students complete the word search.
z Talk about summer vacation with the students.
ex) Teacher : "What will you do during the summer vacation?"
Student : "I will go camping."
The teacher could tell the students about his or her own plans
for the vacation.
Level focused
z [Supplementary] Have students draw a picture about their
summer vacation.
z [Advanced] Have students write about their summer vacation
z Materials : word flash cards
LEVEL 3 38
Let's speak
A. Look and speak.
Let's listen
A. Listen and do.
LEVEL 3 40
Let's read
A. Read and do.
41 LEVEL 3
Let's write
A. Fill in the blanks.
The blue box is
__________ the red box.
The desk is __________ the closet.
Where is __________ ?
It is ___________________.
Where is the ham?
The ham is _________
the egg and cheese.
Where is the girl?
She is _______ the diving board.
_______ is the almond?
It is _______ the chocolate.
_________ is __________?
Pair game
A. Let's play a board game.
The bank is
Where is the It's between behind the
restaurant? the tree and school.
the building.
_____ is
the park?
- Go back
2 spaces - Is there
a subway
near here? Sorry,
I don't know.
※ is __ __ the . 43 LEVEL 3
Location-Game 2
Dice game
A. Play a game.
LEVEL 3 44
Role play
A. Read the story.
Jinho: Mom, where is my bag?
Mom: It's over there.
Jinho: Where is it? I can't find it. Hmm.
Nami: Jinho, your bag is under the desk.
Jinho: Under the desk? Where is the desk?
Nami: It's behind the chair.
Mom: Jinho, clean up your room, please.
Jinho: Yes, mom.
B. Do a role play
E. N. I. E.
A. Read and fill in the blanks.
B. Let's talk.
What is the name of the first Korean space rocket?
Treasure map
A. Let's make a new town.
LEVEL 3 48
Location-Task 2
Listening z Understanding the names of the colors and shapes z It's a green triangle.
Reading z Reading the names of the shapes and colors z It's a red circle.
Writing z Writing the names of colors and shapes z It's a green triangle.
How to teach
z To have students identify and touch the
z Prepare colored papers and word flash cards. shapes using their body
z Have students say the colors and shapes. Objectives
z Have students find the color and shape words that the teacher z To be able identify and touch the
says on their worksheet. shapes using their body
z Have students write the color and shape words.
z Identifying and saying the shapes and
Level focused
z What color/shape is this?
z [Supplementary] Prepare colored pens and have students write Key Expressions
z It's a green triangle.
the words with the same colored pen as the shape's color.
z Have students follow the procedure on writing.
How to teach
References z Scatter the shapes of different sizes and colors on the floor.
z Divide students into two groups.
z Materials : colored paper, colored pencils, word flash cards
z One person from each team comes to the front and puts their
right/left, hand/foot on the shape called out by the teacher.
z Move hands or feet from one colored shape to another.
Game 1 : Find and step on It z The teacher can choose any color/shape and call it out.
z A student can play the teacher's role.
Teacher's Guide
How to teach
z Put shape flash cards on the board and have students practice
z Materials : word flash cards, construction papers
saying them.
z Rainbow song
z Tell students the chant while pointing to each shape flash card
so they can understand easily.
z Have students look at the board while listening to the chant.
z After listening once or twice, encourage students to speak out
the chant and clap their hands to the rhythm.
z Divide students into two groups and chant. Have one group Art project 1 : Hold up the shapes
chant the asking part and the other group chant the answering
part. z To have students listen to shapes and
z Have the groups switch roles. Teacher
hold them up
z To be able to identify the shapes and
Level focused repeat the shape's name
z [Supplementary] Use three or four shape flash cards. z Identifying and saying the colors and
Level focused
z [Supplementary] Give students plenty of time to draw because
they usually like drawing and coloring very much.
z Materials : colored pens
How to teach
z Show various national flags.
z Have students say the flags of countries that they know.
z Have students say what they like and say why they like it.
z Have students say the colors and shapes of certain flags.
ex) It has three rectangles. It has three colors: red, …….
z Explain the flag is the symbol of a nation and it shows the
country's spirit and history.
Level focused
z [Supplementary] Give students plenty of time to draw because
Let's speak
What color〔shape〕is this?
It's red(a circle).
Let's listen
A. Listen and find the shapes and colors.
Let's read
A. Read and match the shapes and colors.
red circle
yellow triangle
green square
blue rectangle
• • green circle
• • yellow rectangle
• • red square
• • yellow square
• • red rectangle
• • blue triangle
• • blue circle
• • green triangle
※ □ + □ = r . 9 LEVEL 1
Let's write
A. Let's write the shapes and colors.
red circle
yellow triangle
green squire
blue rectangle
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
LEVEL 1 10
Shapes-Game 1
, , , , , , , ,
What do you see? What do you see? What do you see? What do you see?
, , , , , ,
, ,
What do you see? What do you see? What do you see? What do you see?
We see a , , , , ,
Rainbow song
15 LEVEL 1
Shapes-Art project 2
Common symbols
What color〔shape〕is this?
It's ________.
A. Color the flags and describe them using shapes and colors.
Level focused
Reading : Let's read
z [Supplementary] Only teach simple phrases like "There is one
clock.", "There is one circle.", "How many circles?", and "Two
circles." z To have students read the plurals with
shapes and color the shapes
References Students
z To be able to read the plurals with
shapes and color the shapes
z Materials : shape flash cards, color flash cards
z z Reading and understanding sentences
about colors and shapes
How to teach
z To have students understand the plurals
Teacher z Ask the students about the shapes on the worksheet.
with shapes
Objectives ex) A: What shape is it?
z To be able to listen and understand the
Students B: It's a rectangle.
plurals with shapes
z Have students read the sentences and color the shapes.
LEVEL 2 18
Teacher's Guide
z When students complete the worksheet, have students read the A : How many sides are there?
sentences many times. B : There are three sides in a triangle.
z Have students repeat after the teacher. A : What shape has five points?
z Have students read together.
Level focused z Materials : word cards, shape pictures
z [Supplementary] Help students recognize and read the words.
z Have students practice over and over in various ways.
z Ask students about objects that students can see in the Game 1 : Who has more stars?
19 LEVEL 2
z Materials : scissors
z It's a triangle.
How to teach
Game 2 : Get the mark on the shape
z Ask and talk about what comes to the students' mind when
looking at various shapes.
z To have students describe the shapes z Have students look at the title of the story and guess what
and colors will happen in the story.
z To be able to describe the shapes and z Read the story with the students.
colors z Have students find the answers to the questions.
z Have students read the story with the teacher with a rhythm.
Functions z Describing shapes and colors
z After listening once or twice, encourage students to speak out
z The red triangle has three sides. the story with the teacher.
Key Expressions
z There are two clovers.
Level focused
How to teach z [Advanced] Have students tell the story to each other.
Story : What Is It? z Read the lyrics of the song slowly to the students.
z Have them practice saying the lines, repeating after the
z To have students understand the
Teacher z Have students sing the 'There is a shape' song.
sentences with shapes in plurals
Objectives z Have students change the lyrics of the song with other shapes.
z To be able to understand the
Students (circle and oval, star and diamond, spade and clover, etc.)
sentences with shapes in plurals
z Have students sing along with the music and repeat until they
z Understanding the sentences with can sing it fluently.
shapes in plurals
LEVEL 2 20
Teacher's Guide
z To have students draw and describe the
z If you put the song on repeat and sing it many times, it will shapes in plurals
be more exciting. z To be able to draw and describe the
shapes in plurals
z Drawing and describing the shapes in
Task : Let's make a chart plurals
z How many stars are there?
Key Expressions
z There are five stars.
z To have students describe the shapes
in plurals
Objectives How to teach
z To be able to describe the shapes in
Students z Review and make sure that the students know the shapes.
z Have students say the things they can see in the village.
(trees, house, animals, cars, etc.)
Functions z Describing the shapes in plurals
z Have students draw a village using shapes.
z How many corners does a triangle z Have students change the shape's size and color.
Key Expressions have? z When they are done, have students make a story by describing
z It has three corners. shapes.
z Have students come to the front and explain their picture.
How to teach
z Have students sing the 'There is a shape' song. References
z Ask the students how many shapes there are. z Materials : colored pencils
z Have students ask for the color/corner/side about the shape
the teacher is thinking about. Have them listen to the
teacher's answer and fill the chart.
Culture : What's different?
ex) Students : What color is it?
Teacher : It's blue.
Students : How many corners does it have? z To have students recognize the colors
How to teach
Level focused
z [A] Show various types of houses.
z [Advanced] Teach the students how to describe star, oval,
z Have students say the houses that they know.
spade, heart, diamond and clover.
z Have students talk about what they like and ask why they like it.
z [Supplementary] Teach fewer shapes and have students repeat
z Have students say the colors and shapes of the houses.
sentences many times.
z Have students talk about the materials(straw, snow, tepees out
of animal skins, tree, branches, mud, grass etc.) used for each
References house.
z Materials : colored pencils z [B] Have students draw their dream house and introduce it to
21 LEVEL 2
the class.
ex) Teacher : What kind of house would you like to live in?
Students : I would like to live in an igloo.
Level focused
z [Advanced] Have students recognize the materials used for
each house and the different shapes in each house.
z [Supplementary] Have students focus on the shape of the house.
z Materials : colored pencils
LEVEL 2 22
Let's speak
It's a spade.
There are five spades.
♠ ♥ ♣
star oval spade heart diamond clover
▲ ♣
※ How many green stars are there? There are _____ green stars. 23 LEVEL 2
Let's listen
A. Listen and paste.
1 5
2 6
3 7
4 8
LEVEL 2 24
Let's read
A. Read and color the shapes.
There are two red hearts. There are four blue spades.
♡♤♡♤♡♤ ♡♤♡♤♡♤
♡♤♡♤♡♤ ♡♤♡♤♡♤
I have seven green clovers. I have eight pink diamonds.
♧◇♧◇♧◇ ♧◇♧◇♧◇
♧◇♧◇♧◇ ♧◇♧◇♧◇
♧◇♧◇♧◇ ♧◇♧◇♧◇
Let's write
A. Write the answer in a complete sentence.
4. ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣
6. ♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠
♠ ♠
♠ ♠♠ ♠♠♠
♠ ♠
♥ ♥
♥ ♥♥ ♥♥♥
♥ ♥
♣ ♣
♣ ♣♣ ♣♣♣
♣ ♣
★ ★
★ ★★ ★★★
★ ★
◆ ◆
◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆
◆ ◆
5 7
Sorry ! Take a rest!
♥♥♥ 3
♤ 6
2 ♣
1 ♣
again! 7 ◆ 6
※ 다음 암호를 풀어 도형을
LEVEL 2 28 알맞은 색으로 칠해 봅시다. [ ] [○◇□△]
What is it?
A. Fill in the blanks and talk about the shapes.
Story of Shapes
(Created by PLCMC)
There is a shape
A. Sing 'There is a shape' with shapes.
There is a Shape
♠ ♥ ♣
star oval spade heart diamond clover
Make a village
A. Draw your village with these shapes.
What's different?
A. Describe the houses using shapes and colors.
ger mosque
33 LEVEL 2
z Review the comparative structure.
Speaking : Let's speak z Have students make sure they have used the correct form of
the comparative adjectives.
z Say comparative statements for the 7 sets of pictures.
z To have students say the shapes using
Teacher ex) The pie is bigger than the melon. (Students circle yes.)
the comparatives
Objectives The ball is smaller than the eraser. (Students circle no.)
z To be able to say the shapes using the
Level focused
z Comparing the shapes using the
Functions z [Advanced] Have students write the comparative adjectives on
their worksheet.
z The red oval is bigger than the yellow z [Supplementary] Prepare several pictures or realia to compare.
Key Expressions
How to teach z Materials : words cards, pictures of shapes
z Materials : word cards, pictures of shapes How to teach
z Read the sentences and have students silently read along with
the teacher.
Listening : Let's listen z Read it again and have students repeat after the teacher.
z Have students read and match the right sentences.
z Check the answers as a class.
z To have students listen to the
Teacher comparatives and choose the correct
picture Level focused
z To be able to understand the z [Advanced] Have students practice reading.
Students comparatives and choose the correct z [Supplementary] Read the sentences clearly to students and
LEVEL 3 34
Teacher's Guide
sentence. Objectives
z Walk around the class and monitor the students' works. z To be able to identify the biggest
z Have students check their answers in pairs. shapes and color them
z Have students read their answers.
z Identifying the biggest shapes and
coloring them
Level focused
z Is the red oval bigger than the yellow
z [Supplementary] Have students do the work in pairs or in
Key Expressions one?
z Yes, it is./ No, it isn't.
How to teach
z Materials : word cards, pictures of shapes and colors
z Have students practice the procedure.
ex) A: Do you have an oval?
B: Yes, I do.
Game 1 : Ten questions A: How many ovals do you have?
B: I have 3 ovals.
A: What color are they?
z To have students ask and answer about
Teacher B: They are red, green and yellow.
the different sized shapes they drew
Objectives A: Is the red oval bigger than the yellow one?
B: Yes, it is.
z To be able to ask and answer about the
Students A: Is the yellow oval bigger than the green one?
different sized shapes they drew
B: No, it isn't. The Green oval is bigger than the yellow
z Asking and answering about the one.
different sized shapes they drew A: Oh, I got it! The red oval is the biggest.
z Is it smaller than a basketball? z Have students work in pairs.
Key Expressions
z Yes, it is./ No, it isn't. z Hand out the worksheets that has one shape in 3 sizes.
z Have students hide their shapes from their partner.
z Have students ask and answer the procedure.
How to teach
z Whoever finds out the biggest shape's color first wins.
z Have students draw an object.
z Have students ask and find out what they drew by asking
Level focused
questions in the comparative form.
ex) S1 : Is it smaller than a basketball? z [Advanced] Hand out a blank paper. Have students play the
S2 : Yes, it is. /No, it isn't. game by drawing the shapes themselves.
z Students can only ask ten yes or no questions. z [Supplementary] Have students play in groups of 4 or 6.
35 LEVEL 3
How to teach
Quiz 1 : Which shape has more corners? z Have students work in pairs.
z Have students draw a set of shapes in different colors.
z Have students ask the following questions to their partners.
z To have students say the shapes using
Teacher A: What shape do you have?
the comparatives
B: I have stars.
z To be able to say the shapes using A: How many stars do you have?
the comparatives B: I have 3 stars.
A: What colors are the stars?
z Saying the shapes using the
Functions B: They are red, yellow and green.
A: Is the red star bigger than the yellow one?
z Which shape has more corners?
Key Expressions B: Yes, it is.
z Which shape has the most corners?
A: Is the red star bigger than the green one?
B: No, it isn't.
How to teach A: Oh, I get it. The yellow star is the smallest and the
green star is the biggest. (Draws the 3 stars and color
z [A] Explain and practice the key expressions with the
them accordingly.)
z Go over the shapes in the table and have the students write
the names under each shape. Level focused
z Explain what fewer, more, the most and the fewest mean. z [Advanced] Let students use more shapes and colors to ask
z Read the phrases on the left column to the students and have and answer about.
the students look at the figures in the middle and write the
LEVEL 3 36
Teacher's Guide
z Have students say which flags they like and ask why they like
z Materials : word cards, pictures of shapes and colors z Have students state the colors and shapes of certain flags.
ex) It has three rectangles. It has three colors: red, …….
z Have students use the comparative adjectives they have
Art project : My space shuttle learned to describe the colors and shapes of certain flags.
How to teach Red is often the color worn by brides in the East while it is
the color of mourning in South Africa. In Russia, the Bolsheviks
z Explain what a space shuttle is.
used a red flag when they overthrew the Tsar, thus red became
z Have students make their space shuttle by drawing and/or
associated with communism. Red represents power. Therefore the
cutting colored papers into shapes and pasting them.
red power ties with business people and the red carpet for
z Have students decorate the universe around the space shuttle.
celebrities and VIPs. Red is the color of happiness and prosperity
z Have students talk about what they have made.
in China and may be used to attract good luck.
Yellow is for mourning in Egypt and actors of the Middle
Level focused Ages wore yellow to signify the dead. Yet yellow has also
represented courage (Japan), merchants (India), and peace.
z [Advanced] Have students use more shapes and colors.
The color of mourning for widows in Thailand, purple, was
the favorite color of Egypt's Cleopatra. It has been traditionally
References associated with royalty in many cultures. Purple robes were worn
z Materials : colored paper, scissors, glues by royalty and people of authority or high rank.
In most Western countries black is the color of mourning.
Among young people, black is often seen as a color of rebellion.
In most Western countries, white is the color for brides. In
Culture : What's different? the East, it's the color for mourning and funerals. White is often
associated with hospitals, especially doctors, nurses, and dentists.
z To have students recognize the colors Some cultures viewed white as the color of royalty or of a deity.
and shapes of the national flags Angels are typically depicted as wearing white.
z To be able to understand and say the
colors and shapes of the national flags
z Comparing the colors and shapes in the
z What shapes does this flag have?
z Which flag has more stars?
Key Expressions
z The Chinese flag has more stars than
the Chilean one.
How to teach
z Show various national flags.
z Explain that the flag is the symbol of a nation and it shows
the country's spirit and history.
z Have students say the flags of the countries that they know.
37 LEVEL 3
Let's speak
The red oval is bigger than the yellow one.
♣ ♣
This is big. This is bigger. This is the biggest.
♣ ♣ ♣ ♠♠ ♤
♥ ♥ ♥ ♣ ♠♥
LEVEL 3 38 ※ Color the biggest one green. [ ]
Let's listen
A. Listen carefully and choose 'yes' or 'no'.
yes no
yes no
yes no
yes no
yes no
♤ yes no
♣ ♥ yes no
※ 다음 중 알맞은
The ______ ______ is bigger
말을 골라 넣으세요. than the ____ _____. 39 LEVEL 3
Let's read
A. Read and draw a line to the matching statement.
♣♣♣ z z
The orange heart
smallest one.
is the
♠♠♤ z z
The green clover
tallest one.
is the
The purple clover is the
7. z z
biggest one.
♣ ♠♥ z z
The black spade
biggest one.
is the
Let's write
A. Fill in the blanks and complete the sentences.
♣ ♠♥
※ Color the smallest one red. [ ] 41 LEVEL 3
Shapes-Game 1
Ten questions
A. Draw an object and play the guessing game.
I found it!
A. Find out the shape.
□ ■ ■ ■
♤ ♠ ♠ ♠
Wind: Sure, .
Narrator: The wind began to blow hard and the man held
his coat tight. He doesn't take off his coat. Then,
the sun began to shine. The man felt warm and
♠ ♣
B. Ask and answer.
fewer sides
fewer corners
more sides
more corners
Exchange informations
Is the red oval bigger than the yellow one?
The red oval is the biggest.
♣ ♣ ♣
♥ ♥ ♥
♠♠ ♤
♣ ♠♥
I'm bigger than the brown diamond. I have more sides than
LEVEL 3 46 ※ Find the shape. a triangle. I have fewer sides than a pentagon. Who am I?
Shapes-Art project
My space shuttle
A. Make your space ship traveling the universe with shapes.
※ Unscramble. is heart bigger The red than the blue star 47 LEVEL 3
What's different?
Which flag has more stars?
The Chinese flag has more stars than the Chilean one.
Saint Vincent
Korea China and the Grenadines Bosnia
Name : Date :
Title :
This flag is a symbol for my school. The flag shows __________ .
_______________________ mean(s) ____________________ .
The flag has __________________ . Do you like my school flag?
LEVEL 3 48
People today travel across borders and oceans for various reasons like works, schools,
and families. Through the media, people indirectly explore new places and see and learn
about the world. It is very important to learn about different countries and cultures of the
world. In the future, the frequency of trip around the world will increase remarkably.
The main objective of this unit is to have students learn the names of different
countries, the oceans, and the continents, and know their geographic locations. The
students will be able to ask and answer which country or city a person is from. The
students will learn through a series of interactive dialogs, games, and role plays. The
students will also learn how to state which countries they wish to visit, understanding each
country's characteristics and unique culture.
Activities Functions Key Expressions
z Where are you from?
Speaking z Asking and answering nationality
z I'm from Korea.
Reading z Reading and matching the names of countries with nationalities z I'm from Korea. I'm Korean.
E Game 1 z Asking and answering about my friends' nationalities z Where are you from? I'm from Korea. I'm Korean.
V Game 2 z Saying the names of different countries z Where are you from? I'm from Korea.
E z Where are you from? I'm from Canada. I'm Canadian.
L Story z Understanding a story about asking and answering nationality
z Nice to meet you.
z Recognizing the national flags and singing the 'Where are you
1 Song
from?' song
z Where are you from? I'm from Korea.
Quiz z Knowing the names of countries and matching the flags z Where are you from? I'm from Korea.
Art project z Recognizing and saying the names of famous foods of various countries z I'm from Korea. I like Kimchi.
L Writing z Writing the names of the continents and the oceans z I want to visit Korea. It is in Asia.
L Story z Saying the country and the continent I want to visit z I want to visit Korea in Asia.
2 Task 1
z Asking and answering the country and the continent you z Where do you want to visit?
want to visit z I want to visit Korea in Asia.
Task 2 z Saying the capital city and the country I want to visit z I want to visit Seoul in Korea.
Art project z Recognizing and saying the national flowers of various countries z The national flower of France is iris.
Speaking z Saying which country I want to visit and why z Korea is famous for Gyeongbok Palace.
Listening z Identifying where the famous places are located z Korea is famous for Gyeongbok Palace.
L Writing z Writing sentences about famous places of different countries z Korea is famous for Gyeongbok Palace.
z I visited Egypt.
Task 3 z Writing an e-mail about the popular places I visited
z Egypt is famous for the pyramids.
z Why do you want to visit the U.K.?
Art project z Talking about the popular places around the world
z The U.K. is famous for Big Ben.
How to teach z Materials : map, various national flags
How to teach
The World
z [Supplementary] Prepare worksheets with dotted names of Functions z Saying the names of different countries
countries for the students to trace.
z Where are you from?
Key Expressions
z I'm from Korea.
z Materials : word cards, national flags
How to teach
z Have each student choose a country. Every student must
Game 1 : Bingo choose a different country.
z Have each student write their names and their countries on
the board in tournament style. (Example on the reference)
z To have students ask and answer about z Have students repeat after the teacher a short dialog.
their friends' nationalities ex) A: Hello, my name is Peter Lee and I'm from Canada.
Where are you from?
z To be able to ask and answer about
Students B: Hi, my name is Steven Im and I'm from Korea.
their friends' nationalities
Nice to meet you.
z Asking and answering about my friends' z Have the students come to the front of the class and say the
nationalities dialog with the person they are meeting.
z Where are you from? z Have the students play rock-paper-scissors and the winner
Key Expressions z I'm from Korea. will move on.
z I'm Korean. z Repeat until there is one person left in the tournament.
Teacher's Guide
How to teach
z Have students say the names of countries.
z Have students repeat the lines after the teacher.
Story : Let's be friends z Have students listen to the song and sing along.
z Divide students into two groups.
z The first group sings one line (ex. "Where are you from?")
z To have students understand a story
Teacher and the other group sings the next line.
about asking and answering nationality
Objectives z Have two groups take turns to sing while they try to sing
z To be able to understand a story about louder and better than the other team!
asking and answering nationality z The names of the countries can be changed.
The World
Level focused
How to teach
z [Advanced] Have students do a role play with the pictures of
z Have students talk about their favorite food.
national flags.
z Ask the students if they know which countries those foods
come from.
z Show students pictures of various foods and tell them which References
countries they are from. z Materials : pictures of flags, the pictures of traditional clothes
z Have students draw the famous foods of various countries that of countries
they like.
z Have students introduce their food with pictures.
ex) I'm from Korea. I like Kimchi.
Level focused
z [Supplementary] Students having difficulties can cut and paste
the printed pictures and introduce them.
ex) This is my favorite food. This food is from China.
z [Advanced] Let the student introduce the foods in more
detail, such as their ingredients and how they are made.
z Materials : colored pens
The World-Speaking
Let's speak
A. Ask and answer.
Where are you from?
I'm from Korea.
Let's listen
A. Listen and find.
1. ( ) ( ) ( )
2. ( ) ( ) ( )
3. ( ) ( ) ( )
Let's read
A. Read and match.
I'm from Korea.
I'm Korean.
• Korea • • Korean
1. •
3. • • Japan • • Chinese
4. • • Philippines • • Japanese
5. • • China • • Canadian
7. • • Australia • • Thai
8. • • Canada • • Filipino
9. • • Thailand • • American
Let's write
A. Write the names of countries.
A. Cut out the boxes and play bingo.
Where are you from?
I'm from Korea.
11 LEVEL 1
The World-Game 2
World Cup
A. Play the World Cup with rock-paper-scissors.
Where are you from?
I'm from ________.
Let's be friends
A. Read the story.
Let's be friends
Let's be friends!
13 LEVEL 1
The World-Song
A. Unscramble the names of the countries.
Where are you from?
I'm from Korea.
r o n a
K d
e a a a
a r r i
c l
n F z
e B a
i e n J
V p
a t a
n m a
A i C n
e r
c i
a a
m h
Korea Italy
Traditional clothes
A. Find and talk about the clothes that represent the
z Have students talk about the countries they know and the
countries they want to visit. Level focused
z Show a map and have students find Korea and other various z [Advanced] Show more pictures of the world‘s famous places
countries. and make more questions for the students to answer.
z Show the flags and ask students which country they want to
z Say the names of some countries while showing the flags and
the map, and have students repeat after the teacher. z Materials : pictures of the world's famous places
z Have students point to the flag that the teacher says. z,28416,1054
z Students practice the dialog with different country names. 137,00.html
Level focused
z [Supplementary] Have students practice answering the
questions only if they have difficulty in asking the question.
Reading : Let's read
z [Advanced] Teach more countries and continents.
LEVEL 2 18
Teacher's Guide
How to teach z Materials : pictures of countries, coins
z Show the map and talk about the six continents and the five
z Have students repeat the six continents and the five oceans Game 2 : Guessing game
after the teacher.
z Have the students write the six continents and the five oceans
z To have students say the countries
in the boxes. Teacher
they want to visit
z Walk around the classroom and make sure students write them Objectives
correctly. z To be able to say the countries they
want to visit
19 LEVEL 2
The World
How to teach
z Materials : map, pictures of countries, places, and flags
z Have students say the names of the countries and the
continents while looking at the map and the boxes.
z Have students repeat the names of the countries and the
Story : Where to visit continents after the teacher.
z Have students fill in the six blanks with the names of
z To have students say the country and countries.
the continent they want to visit z Have students ask a partner which country he/she wants to
z To be able to say the country and the visit.
continent they want to visit
z Saying the country and the continent I
Functions Level focused
want to visit
z [Advanced] Add more countries to the activity.
Key Expressions z I want to visit Korea in Asia. z [Supplementary] Point to the map while the students practice
saying the countries and continents.
How to teach
z [A] Talk about your last vacation in a relaxed atmosphere.
z Materials : map, flags of countries
z Ask students where they want to visit for vacations in the
z Read the story to the students.
z Have the students repeat the story after the teacher line by
line. Task 2 : Flags and capital cities
z Have students practice the conversation in groups.
z Invite a few students to the front to perform their role plays.
z Have all the groups perform the role play, vote for the best z To have students say the names of the
group, and give a prize to the best group. capital cities they want to visit
z [B] Have students cut out the pictures of flags and paste
z To be able to say the names of the
them in the right boxes. Students
capital cities they want to visit
LEVEL 2 20
Teacher's Guide
Level focused
How to teach
z [Supplementary] Help students understand where the
z Have students say the famous flowers of various countries.
landmarks are located by using maps and flags.
z Have students talk about which flower they like and which
z [Advanced] Use more famous landmarks.
country the flower is from.
z Have students draw the national flowers of various countries
that they like. References
z Have students talk about the national flower that they drew. z Materials : national flags
z Have students introduce their flower with the picture. z tp://,28416,105413
ex) The national flower of France is iris. 7,00.html
z Materials : colored pencils
21 LEVEL 2
The World-Speaking
Let's speak
A. Ask and answer.
LEVEL 2 22 ※ : :
The World-Listening
Let's listen
A. Listen and write the number in order.
23 LEVEL 2
The World-Reading
Let's read
A. Read and match.
You're a monkey.
You're from Japan. • •
You're an eagle.
You're from U.S.A. • •
You're a peacock.
You're from India. • •
You're a panda.
You're from China. • •
You're a kangaroo.
You're from Australia. • •
Let's write
② ④
25 LEVEL 2
The World-Game 1
Where are you Name 3 What continent Where do you Where are
from? oceans that is want to visit? you from?
I'm from Japan. begin with The USA is in I'm from
I speak ______. A. ________. _______.
Miss a turn!
Guessing game
A. Play the guessing game.
27 LEVEL 2
The World-Story
Where to visit
A. Read the story.
LEVEL 2 28
The World-Task 1
1. • • Kor a • • Seoul
2. • • Br zil • • Canberra
3. • • Japan • • Beijing
5. • • C ina • • Ottawa
6. • • Canada • • Tokyo
7. • • urkey • • Ankara
National flowers
A. Draw the national flowers of the countries.
Famous landmarks
A. Find and talk about the famous landmarks
that represent different countries.
How to teach z Materials : pictures of the world's famous places
33 LEVEL 3
The world
z Show the cards of the various sports one by one and have the
students read the words or say the names of the sports.
z Have students practice saying the names of the sports with
Writing : Let's write the teacher.
z have students repeat the key expressions after the teacher.
z To have students listen and complete z Hand out one sports card to each student.
the sentences about famous places z Have students walk around the classroom and find the person
Objectives who has the same card as him/her by asking and answering
z To be able to listen and complete the
Students questions.
sentences about famous places
z Have a student come to the board and point to the words that
Teacher the popular places in the world in a
z Materials : picture cards, flags How to teach
z Read the story to the students.
z Have the students repeat the story after the teacher line by
Game : Popular sports line.
z Have students practice the dialog as a role play.
z Have students match the flags with the pictures of the popular
z To have students talk about the popular
Teacher places and draw a picture of Gyeongbok Palace.
sports of different countries
Objectives z Invite a few students to the front to perform their role plays.
z To be able to talk about the popular
Students z Give a prize to the team that perform very well.
sports of different countries
z Talking about the popular sports of
different countries Level focused
z Why do you want to visit Brazil? z [Advanced] Have students change the places and countries for
Key Expressions
z Brazil is famous for soccer. the role plays.
LEVEL 3 34
Teacher's Guide
z Have students talk about the historical sites that they know.
z Explain about some historical sites in the world. References
z Show the students various historical sites. z Materials : examples of e-mails
z Have students choose a historical site and write about it.
z Have students present what they have written about a
historical site.
Art project : Big Ben
Level focused
Objectives Teacher z To have students talk about the popular
35 LEVEL 3
The world
z Materials : pictures of Big Ben, enlarged copies of the
worksheet, scissors, colored pens
Key Expressions
How to teach
z Talk about how they should greet their friends.
z Have students tell the class about greetings of other countries
that they know.
z Introduce greetings of different countries, their body language,
and the logic behind each motion.
LEVEL 3 36
The World-Speaking
Let's speak
A. Ask and answer.
Let's listen
A. Listen, number the pictures, and fill in the blanks.
Let's read
A. Read and fill in the blanks.
I'm from .
• My country is famous for .
• We have many lakes.
• We speak English.
• My hometown is Vancouver.
I'm from .
• My country is famous for .
• We have many kangaroos.
• We speak English.
• My hometown is Sydney.
I'm from .
• My country is famous for .
• We have a queen.
• We speak English.
• My country is in Europe.
※다음 중 위 활동지에 나온 단어 세 개를 찾아
○하고 어느 나라와 관련 있는지 말해보세요. ballqwybrasiliajkytworldcup 39 LEVEL 3
The World-Writing
Let's write
A. Listen and write.
4. ____________ ________________________.
5. ____________ ________________________.
Popular sports
A. Find the person who wants to visit the same
place as you.
41 LEVEL 3
The World-Story
I want to visit .
It is in .
It is near .
is famous for .
Historical sites
A. Talk about the historial sites you want to visit.
The mosques
★ Iraq, Iran, Israel, Turkey - in Middle East
★ Islamic building
The pyramids
★ Egypt in Africa
★ Tombs for the Pharaohs
An e- mail
A. Write an e-mail.
I visited Egypt.
Egypt is famous for the pyramids.
Your e-mail
Friend's e-mail
Dear ________
Big Ben
A. Make a model Big Ben.
Why do you want to visit the U.K.?
The U.K. is famous for Big Ben.
LEVEL 3 46
The World-Culture
China paste
Japan paste
47 LEVEL 3
In this chapter, students will learn basic vocabulary related to weather, feelings, and
seasons and have conversations using the vocabulary. For students to be able to use these
expression fluently, the key expressions, such as, "How's the weather?", "It's sunny", "How
are you feeling today?", and "I am happy." should be presented in a meaningful way. The
students also should have chances to use these expressions in real life situations.
In Level 1, students will learn words about weathers. They will later learn how to use
the basic expressions through various activities, such as chants, songs and games. In Level
2, students will learn how to express their feelings. In Level 3, they will incorporate these
expressions by asking about weathers and having conversations with a friend. Through
practice, the students will be able to fluently answer the questions and have short
discussions. To aid this process, the students will compare the basic English expressions
used to greet and to talk about weather with the their Korean counterparts. They will learn
about seasons through games and different activities.
The teacher should give authenticity by using language materials related with students'
lives and he/she should give level-focused learning by using level appropriate language
materials and methodologies. The best way for the students to become fluent in speaking is
to practice many times. Therefore, in this unit, the students will practice using the
expressions through many activities.
Activities Functions Key Expressions
z Naming the words related to the weathers z sunny, cloudy, rainy.
z Saying the weather z It's cold.
z How's the weather today?
Listening z Listening to and identifying different weathers
z It's snowy.
Reading z Reading and identifying different weathers z It's rainy.
z How's the weather?
L z Writing sentences about the weather
z It's windy.
V z
What is your favorite season?
What is your favorite season?
Game 2
E z Asking and answering about my favorite season
z My favorite season is fall.
L Story z Listening to and understanding the expression about seasons z In spring, it's warm./I can see little plants.
3 Game 3 z Asking and answering about my favorite season
What is your favorite
My favorite season is
z What is your favorite season?
Task z Writing and telling about my favorite season with reasons
z My favorite season is winter. I can ski.
z What is your favorite season?
Art Project z Writing and telling about my favorite season
z My favorite season is winter.
z Understanding how the weathers are for each season in z spring, summer, fall, winter
different countries z It's warm.
z [A] Have the students listen to the dialog.
Speaking : Let's speak z Have the students practice the dialog with the teacher and
their partner.
z To have the students say the weather z Have students do a short role play.
Teacher words, and ask and answer about z [B] Have them listen and check the correct pictures
Objectives weather
each picture.
Functions z Asking for and answering the weather
sentence on the board and have them write along in the air. z Listening and recognizing the different
kinds of weather
Teacher's Guide
or the students can ask one of the students and that student
can answer, "It's ___."
z The students can mark O or cross out one box at a time. z Materials : paper clips
z The student who makes the lines or the shape first has to
shout, "Bingo!" and wins the game.
How to teach
Game 3 : The spinner game
z Read and tell the story to the students.
z Have the students repeat after the teacher.
z To have the students exercise the z Have the students read the story on their own and trace some
different kinds of weather words like ' '.
Objectives z Divide the students into parts, the old woman, the old man,
z To exercise the weather expressions by
Students the guy and the boy.
playing the spinner game
z In a role play, the students can change some words.
z Speaking and writing the weather
Level focused
z How's the weather?
Key Expressions z [Advanced] Have the students have many chances to make
z It's hot.
their own dialog.
z [Supplementary] Read the story to the students many times.
How to teach
z Review the weather expressions. References
z Have the students trace the words under the pictures.
z Materials : hair bands for role play, picture cards
z Then, have the students cut the pictures and glue them on the
z Make groups of 2. Each student takes a turn to flick a paper
clip. When student A flicks the paper clip, student B asks A, Chant : How's the weather?
'How's the weather?' Student A has to answer, "It's ___."
according to the picture.
z To have the students say the different
z If student A answers correctly, he/she can write his/her name
Teacher kinds of weather in a chant with a
on the space. Objectives rhythm
z When all the space are marked, the student with more spaces
Students z To be able to do the weather chant
wins the game.
z If a student flicks a paper clip and it points to a space that is
Functions z Saying today's weather in a chant
already taken, he/she loses a turn.
Level focused
z To have the students practice the
Teacher weather expressions and draw today's z [Supplementary] Have the students write the words instead of
weather sentences.
z To be able to practice the dialogue and
to draw today's weather References
z Materials : colored pencils, today's weather in other places in
Functions z Speaking and writing today's weather
the world
How to teach
z Ask the question "How's the weather today?" and have the
students answer.
z Have the students draw a picture of today's weather.
z Have the students write a sentence on the line, describing
today's weather.
Level focused
z [Supplementary] Have the students introduce today's weather
to other students.
z Materials : colored pencils
Let's speak
A. Speak out.
It's .
Let's listen
A. Look and listen.
Let's read
A. Read and match.
※ 숨어 있는 단어 3 개를 찾아보세요. s n o w y h o t c o ld 9 LEVEL 1
Let's write
A. Trace and circle.
sunny. . .
' . ' . ' .
. . .
' ?
LEVEL 1 10 ※ It's . ' rainy.
Weather-Game 1
Board game
It's _____ .
9 15'14 .
※ How's the weather? 11 LEVEL 1
Weather-Game 2
A. Play a bingo game with the picture cards.
It's . Oh my son.
Oh my daughter.
She is a seller.
Don't worry!
On day, your son is happy.
Thank you!
On day, your daughter is happy.
It's . It is today.
It's . It is today.
It's . It is today.
It's . It is today.
Let's be an artist
A. Draw today's weather.
____ ________ .
the U.S.A.
the U.K.
17 LEVEL 1
z [Supplementary] Have students practice saying the expressions
Speaking : Let's speak many times before the listening activity.
Level focused z Materials : flash cards
LEVEL 2 18
Teacher's Guide
z [Supplementary] Show them how to write each sentence on z Are you tired?
the black board and have them write along. Key Expressions
z Yes, I am./No, I am not.
How to teach z Materials : flash cards
z Make groups of 2~4 students.
z Have students cut the cards and put them faced down on the
table. Have students shuffle the cards.
19 LEVEL 2
z How are you? order to make a dialog. Have them write the numbers of the
Key Expressions sentences at the bottom.
z I am sad.
z Check individual student's answers.
z [B] Have students read the dialog many times.
How to teach
z Give each student a copy of the worksheet.
Level focused
z [A] Have students read and trace the sentences in the boxes.
z Have students write 2 more sentences of their choices in the z [Supplementary] Have students do the activity in groups.
empty boxes. z [Advanced] Have students make more sentences in groups and
z [B] Make groups of 3 or 6. do the activity again.
z Have students 1 number(if the 6 members in a group) or 2
numbers(if 3 members). References
z Have students go down the ladder and read the feeling
z Materials : flash cards
z The student who can read the sentence correctly gets a point.
If a student cannot read the sentence or reaches the bomb
box, he/she does not get a point.
Story : Feelings
z Have students draw more lines on the ladders after each round
and play again.
z The student with the most points at the end of class wins the z To have students listen and understand
game. Teacher why someone feels happy, sad, and
z To be able to listen and understand
Level focused
Students why someone feels happy, sad, and
z [Advanced] Have students make another ladder game board angry
with more numbers and expressions.
z Listening to a story and identifying the
z [Supplementary] If students find it difficult to read the Functions
sentences, let them draw feelings instead of the sentences and
play the game. Key Expressions z I am happy.
LEVEL 2 20
Teacher's Guide
How to teach
z Ask the question, "How are you feeling today?" and have the
students answer.
z Have students draw a face with a feeling.
z Have students decorate their masks.
z Have students put on their masks, walk around the classroom,
and ask and answer how they're feeling.
Level focused
z [Advanced] Have them make more than 1 mask.
z Materials : flash cards, colored pencils
21 LEVEL 2
Let's speak
A. Speak out.
I'm happy.
How are you?
Let's listen
A. Listen and match.
❶ ❷ ❸ ❹
• • • •
• • • •
Let's read
A. Circle true or false.
I'm sick.
I'm thirsty.
I'm sad.
B. Make sentences.
Let's write
A. Trace and write.
1. 2.
3. 4.
<My face>
' ______.
Matching game
I'm thirsty.
LEVEL 2 26 ※ Circle true or false. T F
Weather-Game 2
Guessing game
A. Play a mime game.
Ladder game
A: How are you? B: I'm sad.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Right order
A. Make a story.
2. ____ sick.
6. Hello, Anna.
7. Why?
A. Listen and match.
• happy
• ___
LEVEL 2 30 ※ →
' .
Weather-Art Project
Making a mask
A. Draw your feeling.
____ ________.
31 LEVEL 2
: How's the weather in Korea?
: It's warm.
LEVEL 2 32
Speaking : Let's speak
Level focused
z [Supplementary] For activity B, if students find it difficult to
z To have students ask and state their
Teacher read and answer the questions, read the questions for them.
favorite season
Objectives The teacher also may display the choices with pictures on the
z To be able to ask and state their board.
favorite season
z Materials : big picture cards and word cards for the students
z To have students read expressions
and to attach on the board Teacher
about different seasons
z To be able to read expressions about
different seasons
Listening : Let's listen
z Reading and identifying of my favorite
z To have students listen to and identify
Teacher Key Expressions
different seasons
z To be able to listen to and identify
different seasons How to teach
z Listening to and identifying different z [A] Have students read the sentences, look at the pictures,
seasons and answer the questions.
z What is your favorite season? z Read the sentences with the students.
Key Expressions
z My favorite season is winter. z [B] Have the students read the sentences.
z Have them circle the right phrases and make a dialog.
z Read the dialog with the students.
How to teach
z Before listening, review expressions we have learned. Level focused
z [A] Students have to match as they hear.
z [Advanced] Have the students practice the sentences in pairs
z [B] Students have to answer as they hear.
and perform them as a role play.
z Check their answers.
33 LEVEL 3
How to teach
Writing : Let's write
z [A] Explain how to find the pictures in the table and write
the letters on the lines to write the expressions.
z To have the students write sentences z Have them read the expressions.
about seasons z [B] Have them find out what the question is.
Objectives z Have them write an answer for the question on the line.
z To be able to write sentences about
Students z Read the expressions together.
How to teach
z [A] Show the pictures to the students. Talk about them with References
the students. z Materials : extra code sheet
z Have the students complete the passages by filling in the
z Check the answers by slowly reading it with the students.
z [B] Have the students draw a picture of their favorite season
Game 2 : Board game
and write about it.
z Have the students present their activity to classmates. z To have students ask and answer about
seasons by playing the board game
Level focused z To be able to ask and answer about
z [Advanced] Have students write 5~6 sentences about why seasons by playing the board game
they like and dislike different seasons.
z Asking and answering about my favorite
z [Supplementary] If students have difficulty in filling in the Functions
blanks, write some of the words on the blackboard for them to
z What is your favorite season?
copy. Key Expressions
z My favorite season is fall.
How to teach
z Materials : flash cards
z Make groups of 2~4 students.
z Have one student in each group roll the dice. When he/she
lands on a space, the rest of the group asks him/her, "What is
Game1 : Code game your favorite season?" The student must answer according to
the picture.
z If the students answers incorrectly, he/she has to go back to
z To have students write expressions
Teacher his last space.
about seasons by playing the code game
z The first student to reach "FINISH" wins the game.
z To be able to write expressions about
seasons by playing the code game Level focused
LEVEL 3 34
Teacher's Guide
35 LEVEL 3
Art project : Making a mini-book z Have the students write the seasons and how the weathers are
in the table.
z Explain that in some countries, it is always cold or always
z To have students draw and write about
Teacher hot. Also, have the students understand that some countries,
Objectives like Korea and Italy, have distinctive four seasons.
z To be able to draw and write about z The weather in Australia is famous for its warm climate since
seasons it's located in the Southern Hemisphere. And the weather of
areas near the Equator is very hot.
Functions z Writing and telling my favorite season
z Teach students any special cultures caused by the weathers.
Level focused
z [Advanced] Have them write many sentences about the
z [Supplementary] Assist the students in writing.
z Materials : colored pencils, scissors
LEVEL 3 36
Let's speak
A. Look and say.
spring summer
Let's listen
A. Listen and match.
❶ ❷ ❸ ❹
• • • •
• • • •
Let's read
A. Check(√) the answers.
1. What season do you like?
I like summer.
I like winter.
Let's write
A. Fill in the blanks.
Code game
A. Solve the code.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m
n o p q r s t u v w x y z
1. .
2. .
Go to #10
Stay here!
14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Go to #12
Go back
to #6
16 17 18 19 20 21
Sorry. Sorry.
Go back Go back
to #11 to #13
LEVEL 3 42 ※계절이 다른 문장은? It's warm. I can catch butterflies. I like to ski.
My four □□□□□□□
A. Read and make a complete story.
__ , ( / ) is hot. Dad
takes me to the beach. I ___ swim in the
sea. I make a sand castle.
※ Let's make a title of the story with the hints. [hint: unscramble "sessoan"] 43 LEVEL 3
Weather-Game 3
My favorite
season is spring.
I can catch
butterflies in the
My favorite season
A. Write about your favorite season.
B. Present your favorite season to your friends.
Making a mini-book
A. Make a mini-book with pictures and sentences.
cut ----- fold
2 3
47 LEVEL 3
In this chapter, students will be learning basic vocabulary about school objects to talk
about them with their friends. The students also will be learning expressions to ask and
answer about school objects, including "What is this?", "This is a .", and "Whose
is this?" It's important to give students opportunities to use these expressions in
real-life situations.
In Level 1, students will learn the names of common objects in the classroom and the
school. They will also learn how to ask what the objects are called. In Level 2, students
will learn about different subjects. The students will study and practice talking about school
objects further in Level 2. In Level 3, students will learn about different subjects and how
to ask and tell what their favorite subject is. They will practice using the expressions
through fun activities.
Activities Functions Key Expressions
Speaking z Asking and answering about school objects z What's this? It's a book.
Listening z Listening to and identifying different school objects z What's this? It's a book.
L Writing z Writing sentences about school objects z What is it? It's a chair.
E Game 1 z Saying the names of school objects in a sentence z What's this? This is a pencil.
V Game 2 z Identifying and writing the names of school objects z What's this? It's a ruler.
E Story z Saying what subject I like z I like Korean.
Game 3 z Asking and answering about school objects z What is this? It's a bag.
1 Art project z Identifying school objects and different colors z What's this? This is a book.
Listening 2 z Listening to and identifying different school objects z What's this? This is a chair.
Culture z Talking about the school objects z You have a pretty pencil. Thank you.
Speaking z Understanding the uses of school objects z What is it? It's a book. I want to read.
Listening z Listening and identifying different kinds of subjects z Which subject does Jin-ho like? He/She likes math.
Reading z Reading and identifying different kinds of subjects z Do you like music class? Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
L Writing z Writing sentences about subjects z Do you like music class? Yes, I do. I like music.
E Game 1 z Asking and answering whose school object it is z Whose bag is this? It's mine.
V Game 2 z Asking and answering what subject students like z Do you like science? Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
E Story z Reading and writing about school life z Do you like to go to school? I like to go to school.
L Game 3 z Asking and answering whose school object it is z Whose pencil is this? It's mine.
2 Art project 1 z Asking and answering what object students have z Do you have a pencil? Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
Art project 2 z Asking and answering what objects students drew z Do you have a glue? Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
Speaking z Asking and answering about favorite subject z What's your favorite subject? My favorite subject is math.
Listening z Listening and recognizing the classes I have each day z What classes do you have on Monday?
Reading z Reading and identifying subjects my friends like z What's your favorite subject? My favorite subject is music.
E Game 1 z Surveying and writing my friends' favorite subjects z What's your favorite subject? My favorite subject is P.E.
V Game 2 z Saying what my favorite subject is z What's your favorite subject? My favorite subject is Korean.
L z Listening and identifying the expressions about subjects z What's cow's favorite subject? They want to be sports stars.
Game 3 z Asking and answering about favorite subjects z What's your favorite subject? My favorite subject is English.
Game 4 z Writing different subjects using full sentences z My favorite subject is P.E.
Speaking : Let's speak
Level focused
z [Supplementary] Repeat the school objects as many times as
necessary until the students can correctly identify them.
z To have the students ask and answer
Teacher z [Advanced] Check students' answers after reading the script
about school objects
Objectives once.
z To be able to ask and answer about
school objects
z Asking and answering about school References
objects z Script (2, 1, 4, 5, 3, 6)
z What's this? 1. A: What's this?
Key Expressions
z It's a book. B: This is a ruler.
2. A: What's this?
B: This is a chair.
How to teach 3. A: What's this?
z Have the students sit in groups of 2 or more. B: This is a book.
z Say the names of the school objects and have the students 4. A: What's this?
repeat after the teacher. B: This is a desk.
z Point to a picture at a time and ask "What's this?" to the 5. A: What's this?
class. Help the students answer. B: This is a pencil.
z Teach the dialog to the students. 6. A: What's this?
z Have the students practice the dialog with the rest of the B: This is an eraser.
Level focused
R e a d in g : L e t 's r e a d
z [Supplementary] Make sure that the learners are able to say
the names of the school objects well.
z [Advanced] More school objects can be added. z To have the students read the names of
school objects in sentences
References Students
z To be able to read the names of school
objects in sentences
z Materials : picture cards
School days
z Call out a sentence at a time, and have the students turn the
card upside down.
z Materials : flash cards z Have a student come to the front and call out the sentences.
z Have the students make a line or 3 lines, or a shape(L, H, T,
etc.). The first student to make the lines and shout "Bingo!"
W r i t i n g : Let's write wins the game.
Teacher's Guide
School days
z Script
1. A: What's this?
B: This is a chair.
2. A: What's this?
B: This is a ruler.
3. A: What's this?
B: This is a pencil.
4. A: What's this?
B: This is a desk.
5. A: What's this?
B: This is a book.
6. A: What's this?
B: This is an eraser.
Let's speak
A. Say the expressions.
What's this?
Let's listen
Let's read
● ●
This is a pencil case.
● ●
This is a glue.
● ●
This is an eraser.
● ●
This is a pencil.
● ●
This is a book.
Let's write
W ?
?? is it ?
A: What's this?
B: It's a/an ________.
What's this?
LEVEL 1 12 ※ [Draw and circle.] It's a pencil. / It's a book.
I love my school
A. Talk about your favorite subjects.
I love to go to school.
Because I study many subjects I like at school.
Do you like ?
Yes, I do. I like .
13 LEVEL 1
School days-Game 3
Board game
A. Play the board game.
Start go back
2 spaces
A : What is this?
B : It's a(an) _____.
go ahead miss
2 spaces a turn
go back
2 spaces
This is a book
What is this?
Let's listen
LEVEL 1 16 ※ →
Thank you.
in Korea.
z Have the students draw lines to connect each sentence with
Speaking : Let's speak the matching pictures.
z Have them listen one more time and check their answers.
z Have the students practice the dialog with the teacher and
z To have the students understand the
Teacher their partner.
uses of school objects
z To be able to understand the uses of
Students Level focused
school objects
z [Supplementary] Repeat the subject names many times until
z Understanding the uses of school the students can identify the different kinds of subjects. Use
objects flash cards to aid students' understanding.
z What is it? z [Advanced] Ask the students "Which subject do you like?" and
Key Expressions z It's a book. have the students answer it.
z I want to read.
How to teach z Script
z Have the students practice the names of the school objects by 1. A: Jin-ho, which subject do you like?
having them repeat after the teacher. B: I like English.
z Read the sentences for the students. Ask what object each 2. A: Mee-young, which subject do you like?
number describes and help the students answer the questions. B: I like art.
z Practice the sentences with the students. 3. A: Min-soo, which subject do you like?
B: I like music.
4. A: Seo-young, which subject do you like?
Level focused
B: I like math.
z [Supplementary] Focus mainly on saying the expressions.
Make sure that learners are able to identify the different kinds
of school objects.
z [Advanced] Add another school object, like a bag or a ruler, R e a d in g : L e t 's r e a d
and have the students say descriptions about the objects.
LEVEL 2 18
Teacher's Guide
How to teach
z Review the names of the subjects with the students. Game 2 : Subject puzzle
z Review the expressions in the box with the students.
z Have the students trace all the sentences. Then, have them
make and write the rest of the sentences. z To have students find the names of the
words and match them to the words
Level focused
z Asking and answering whose school
Functions z [Supplementary] Play the game with the teacher.
object it is
19 LEVEL 2
School days
school object it is
Game 3 : Bingo
How to teach
z Explain the possession expression using flash cards.
z To have the students ask and answer z Have the students make the dice first.
Objectives whose school object it is z Have the students make pairs and write their names in the
Students z To be able to ask and answer whose score board at the bottom of the page.
LEVEL 2 20
Teacher's Guide
z Asking and answering what objects z Help students with new words they may want to use. ex)
Functions map, flag
students drew
z Show the students where the U.S.A. is on a world map.
z Do you have a glue?
Key Expressions
z Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
Level focused
z [Supplementary] Write the names school objects on the black
How to teach board and make sure the students learn the vocabulary.
z [A] Show the picture cards of school objects to aid students'
z Have the students choose 2~4 items and draw them on the
desk on the worksheet. z Materials : a world map
z [B] Have a student come out to the front while covering
his/her picture.
z Have the rest of the class take a guess and ask him/her, "Do
you have a glue?".
z Have students pair up and play the guessing game in pairs.
Level focused
z [Supplementary] Practice the expressions slowly many times
before playing the game.
z [Advanced] Instead of drawing the school objects in the
worksheet, the students can draw other objects.
21 LEVEL 2
School days-Speaking
Let's speak
A. Draw lines.
3. I like reading.
• •
I want to read a story.
※ 다음 단어들에 공통으로
LEVEL 2 22 들어있는 알파벳은? [ ] [1)A 2)P 3)E 4)G]
Let's listen
Which subject _____ _____ like?
He/She likes _________.
• • math
• • English
• • music
• • art
Let's read
A. Read the dialogs and talk about your favorite subject.
Do you like ?
Yes, I do.
Do you like ?
Because math.
1) Korean class
2) math class
3) I'm good at
4) music class
Let's write
Do you like _____?
Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
I like _____.
※ 다음 중 위 활동지에 등장하지 않은
과목을 모두 찾아 영어로 말해보세요. [ 1) 2) 3) 4) ] 25 LEVEL 2
School days-Game 1
2 points 1 point 4 points
4 points 1 point 5 points
5 points 3 points 6 points
Name 1 2 3 4 Total
A :
B :
Subject puzzle
athletics • • g a t h l e t i c s
math • • w d l s h m a t h q
English • • t a e n g l i s h y
Korean • • a i r p k o r e a n
music • • q v t m u s i c m j
art • • f a j k c b o a r t
moral • • d m o r a l c k y r
society • • n c s o c i e t y r
science • • b i c s c i e n c e
my . It is fun to .
Do you like to go to ?
4. I l ike to go to _________________.
LEVEL 2 28
Schooldays-Game 3
Whose ____ is this?
It's mine.
※ Unscramble. e a s c i l c n p e u e g l o k b o 29 LEVEL 2
Schooldays-Art project 1
Turns 1 2 3 4 5 Total
2 3 5
Korean classroom
American classroom
LEVEL 2 32
Level focused
Speaking : Let's speak
z [Supplementary] Explain and practice the subjects many times
until the students can identify them correctly.
z To have students ask and state their z [Advanced] Have the students ask, answer and write the
favorite subject subjects in the time-table in pairs.
z To be able to ask and state their
favorite subject References
z Asking and answering about favorite z Materials : subject flash cards
L is t e n in g : L e t 's lis t e n
Level focused
z To have students listen and identify z [Supplementary] Assist those students who need help in filling
what classes are on which day in the blanks and reading the sentences.
Objectives z [Advanced] Have the students tell the class what they like to
z To be able to listen and identify what
Students do and what their favorite subject is.
classes are on which day
W r i t i n g : Let's write
How to teach
z Practice the key expressions with the students. Have the
z To have the students write the subject
students practice the expressions with a partner. Teacher and the sentence: My favorite subject
z Now read the script to the students and have students write Objectives is Math
the subjects in the boxes.
Students z To be able to write the subject and the
33 LEVEL 3
School days
LEVEL 3 34
Teacher's Guide
Key Expressions
z What's cow's favorite subject? Level focused
z They want to be sports stars.
z [Supplementary] Write the subjects called out on the black
How to teach z [Advanced] Have volunteers come to the front and play the
z Read and explain the story to the students. teacher's role.
z Have students read the story and repeat the expressions about
subjects. References
z Have students guess what go into the blanks.
z Materials : words cards
z Read the story with the words in the blanks and have students
fill in the blanks as they listen to the teacher.
z Check their answers.
z Have the students answer the questions at the bottom.
Game 4 : More and more
z Check their answers.
35 LEVEL 3
School days
Level focused
z [Supplementary] Write the names of the subjects on the
blackboard for the students.
z [Advanced] Students can also use other subjects they know.
z Materials : colored pencils
How to teach
z Ask the students, "How do you go to school?" and have the
students answer. Help students express their answers in
z Have students draw how they get to school in the box.
z Students can compare the transportations to those in other
Level focused
LEVEL 3 36
Let's speak
Let's listen
What class do you have on _______?
I have ______.
1 Korean
2 math
※ 다음 준비물을 보고 오늘 시간표에
LEVEL 3 38 있는 과목을 추측하여 말해봅시다.
running shoes, ball, bat, glove
Let's read
• • music
• • Korean
• • P.E.
Let's write
A. Choose a subject and write what your favorite subject is.
What is your favorite subject?
My favorite subject is ______.
Kelly math
P.E. science
a turn
music ahead
1 space.
back English
1 space.
An all-A's school
A. Read the story and fill in the blanks.
2. They want to be .
① singers ② actors ③ sports stars ④ teachers
What's your favorite subject?
My favorite subject is ______.
Word Box
LEVEL 3 44
Schooldays-Game 4
The winner is .
LEVEL 3 46
Reading z Reading and understanding a story z Do you like lemons? / Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
L Writing z Writing expressions about food z This is an apple. These are apples.
Art project 2 z Asking and answering about food items z What's this? / This is an apple.
Culture z Understanding about Halloween and trick or treat z Have bananas. / Yummy. Thank you!
Speaking z Asking and answering food that I want to eat z What do you want to eat? / I want to eat steak and rice.
Listening z Telling which food my friends want z Which food does Jinho want to eat? / He wants chicken.
Reading z Telling what Calvin wants to eat z What do you want to eat? I want to eat cake.
L Writing z Writing a full sentence and connecting with food picture z What food do you like? / I like pizza.
E Game 1 z Asking and answering about lunch I had z What did you have for lunch? / I had bananas.
V Game 2 z Recognizing and unscrambling the spellings of food words z banana, apple, milk, pear, ect.
E Story z Listening to and understanding the story z Can you help me? / Yes, I can. No, I can't.
L Game 3 z Recognizing the spellings of food words z fish, chicken, pear, milk, ect.
2 Art project 1 z Writing the expressions about food that I like and dislike z I like chicken. / I don't like bananas.
Art project 2 z Asking and answering about food that I like and dislike z Do you like fish? / Yes, I do. No, I don't.
Speaking z Understanding how to order and take orders in the restaurant z May I help you? / Yes. I'd like bread.
Reading z Reading and understanding what food Calvin likes z What is your favorite food? / I like candies.
Art project 1 z Understanding some topping words on the pizza z What is on your pizza? / There is rice, ham and cheese.
Art project 2 z Understanding how to order food in the restaurant z What would you like to order? / I'd like to order chicken.
Culture z Understanding representative foods of several countries z Where is kimchi from? / It's from Korea.
Level focused
Speaking : Let's speak
z [Advanced] Have students practice asking and answering in
z To have students name different kinds
of foods
Objectives References
z To be able to name different kinds of
Students z Materials : food pictures
z Materials : picture cards How to teach
z Show pictures of lemons, and have the students repeat 'lemon'
after the teacher.
Listening : Let's listen z Read the story to students.
z Introduce and have students repeat the key expressions after
the teacher. Ask students, "Do you like _______?" with
z To have students listen and understand different food items.
sentences about foods z Read the story one more time. Ask some questions about the
z To be able to listen and understand story
sentences about foods z Encourage students to guess what the missing word is. Hint
them that it's lemon's color.
z Listening and understanding the
expressions about food
Level focused
Key Expressions z I have apples.
z [Advanced] Have students practice saying some lines of the
story. Have them say those lines along the teacher, when
he/she reads the story.
How to teach
z [Supplementary] Have students practice saying "Lovely Lilly
z Put the picture cards on the board and review the food items. likes lemons."
z Introduce and have the students repeat the key expressions
after the teacher.
z Have students ask the teacher, "Which food do you have?".
Answer "I have a/an _______." with the food items in question z Materials : a picture of lemon, food pictures
number 1 in a mixed order. Have students listen to the
teacher's answers and write numbers in the boxes.
z Repeat the process with number 2.
z Check their answers.
z Have students practice saying the expressions after the
. Food
Level focused
How to teach z If the student does not know how to say the name of the
fruit, help the student. Have the whole class repeat after the
z Go over the pictures of the food items.
z Introduce and explain the key expressions. Explain the
difference between is-are, this-these, a-an, and singular
nouns and plural nouns. References
z Look at the pictures with the students and ask appropriate z Materials : different kinds of fruits, a bag or a box
questions according to the number of food items in each
z Have students answer the questions.
z When students can answer appropriately, have them write the Game 2 : Food pocket game
answers in sentences.
z Check students' works.
z To have students look at a part of a
z Read the sentences and have students repeat after the teacher. Teacher
picture, guess what it is, and say it
z To be able to look at a part of a
Level focused picture, guess what it is, and say it
z Students may not be familiar with how to write alphabets Functions z Guessing and saying about food
correctly on the four lines. Show them where each letter's
z Is it a hotdog?
appropriate position is. Key Expressions
z Yes, it is. / No, it isn't. It's an apple.
z The sentences could be written on the board and be copied by
the students.
How to teach
z Prepare a poster board with food pictures on it.
z Materials : food pictures z Cover a portion of the picture with a piece of paper showing
only a part of the picture.
z The students will come up in order and try to guess what the
hidden picture is with the question, "Is it a hotdog?". The
Game 1 : T o u c h a n d g u e s s
teacher should answer "Yes, it is." or "No, it isn't."
z If a student guesses correctly, the teacher will show the
z To have students say the names of picture.
different food items z When all the pictures are revealed, review the expressions and
z To be able to say the names of food items with the board.
different food items z Have students practice the expressions, "Do you like _____?",
Functions z Guessing and saying the names of food "Yes, I do.", and "No, I don't.".
Teacher's Guide
z To have students listen to the story z If the teacher answers, "Yes, I do.", the students can turn the
Teacher bananas picture upside down.
and understand it
Objectives z The teacher can ask the question to a student with a different
z To be able to listen to the story and
Students fruit.
understand it
z The first student to turn 3 cards in a row shouts "Bingo!" and
Functions z Listening and understanding the story wins the game.
z Rearrange the cards and play again.
z What's this? z Have students play bingo in pairs or in groups.
Key Expressions
z It's a cake.
Level focused
How to teach z [Advanced] Have students make their own cards with different
z Say it's time for a story. food items. Have them include other food items learned in the
z Read the story to the students. Read the story in a lively previous lessons. Have them write words instead of drawing
voice. Use different voices for different characters. pictures.
z Ask the students what the story is about.
z Have students practice the expressions, "What's this?" and
"It's a cake." many times.
z Read the story one more time and have the students say the z Materials : scissors, food pictures
z Materials : pictures of the city mouse and the country mouse, Functions z Talking about fruits that I like
food pictures
Key Expressions z I like bananas.
z [Advanced] Have students write sentences like "I like z Have them substitute different food items and practice the
bananas." instead of writing words. expressions in pairs.
z [Supplementary] If students find it difficult to write sentences,
have them write the fruit words.
Level focused
z Show many pictures about Halloween.
z Materials : A4 sized paper, scissors, colored pens, stapler
z Materials : food pictures
How to teach
z Practice the key expressions, "What's this?" and "This is an
z Show food pictures to the students. Have them repeat the
words after the teacher.
z Have students color the picture. While students are coloring
the picture, walk around and ask individual students, "What's
Level focused
z It is more important to practice the expressions than to color
the picture.
How to teach
z Explain about Halloween and trick or treat.
z Have students practice the key expressions.
Let's speak
It is an apple.
These are apples.
bananas apples
grapes chicken
cake oranges
pears fish
※Do you like [ ]? Find and answer your own. 7 LEVEL 1
Let's listen
A. Listen and write numbers.
Which food do you have?
I have apples.
① ② ③ ④
① ② ③ ④
Let's read
A. Lovely Lilly likes lemons.
Lemons are .
Lemons are sour.
But Lovely Lilly likes lemons.
Let's write
What's this? / What are these?
This is a/an apple. / These are apples.
This is pizza.
What's this?
What are
What's this?
Is this a/an________?
11 LEVEL 1
Food-Game 2
Is it a hotdog?
Yes, it is.
` Yes, I do.
Country Mouse: ?
Country Mouse: ?
Do you like bananas?
Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
LEVEL 1 14
Food-Art project 1
Trick or treat!
A. Let's learn about trick or treat.
apples bananas
candies chocolates
ice cream
Trick or treat!
Key Expressions
z What do you want to eat? References
z I want to eat steak and rice.
z Materials : food pictures
How to teach
Reading : Let's read
z Show pictures of food items on the worksheet and have the
students repeat after the teacher.
z Do listen and repeat with the food cards, once only showing z To have students read and understand
the pictures and once only showing the letters. the story
z Ask the students "What do you want to eat?". Have the Objectives
z To be able to read and understand the
students answer using the expression, "I want to eat ___ and Students
z Have students practice the dialog in pairs. Functions z Telling what Calvin wants to eat
How to teach
z Show pictures of cake, cucumber, coconut and rice. Have
Listening : Let's listen students repeat the words after the teacher.
z Read the story to the students.
z To have students listen to the food that z Then, ask some questions about the story.
Teacher they want to eat and understand z Ask the students what are the missing expression and words
Objectives different food words in the boxes.
z To be able to listen to the teacher and z Check their answers.
connect the person with the food z Ask students what they want to eat on their birthdays.
How to teach z Materials : food pictures
z Introduce and practice the key expressions with the students.
z Ask the students, "Which food does Jin-ho want to eat?"
z Show a food picture. Have students answer according to the
z Say what each person wants to eat. Have students listen to
LEVEL 2 18
z Apply phonics.
19 LEVEL 2
How to teach
z Review the food words with food flash cards, only showing the
Story : The Little Red Hen
z Have students find the 5 words in the word puzzle.
z To have students listen to and z Have students circle the pictures of the words they find in the
understand the story word puzzle only.
Objectives z Check their answers.
z To be able to listen to the story and
understand it
Level focused
Functions z Listening to and understanding the story z [Advanced] Have students make their own word puzzles with
the food items they learned so far. Have them exchange the
z Can you help me?
Key Expressions puzzles with each other and solve them.
z Yes, I can. / No, I can't.
How to teach z Materials : food flash cards
How to teach
References z Introduce different kinds of food with flash cards.
z Materials : character pictures, food pictures z Have students choose 5~6 food items they like and don't like.
LEVEL 2 20
Teacher's Guide
Level focused
z Walk around the classroom and help students.
z Materials : colored pens
21 LEVEL 2
Let's speak
What do you want to eat?
I want to eat_______and______.
Let's listen
A. Listen and match the person with the food.
Which food does _____ want to eat?
He wants ______. / She wants ______.
• •
• •
• •
• •
Let's read
Today is Calvin's
Calvin is so happy.
Because Calvin can have a lot of good food.
"I want to eat cake, cucumber ☆alad, coconut juice, and rice."
Let's write
A. Connect the sentences to the pictures.
• I like otdogs
• izza
• oup
• acos
• cerea
• sandw ches
• ri e
• chee e
• stea
• read
• s_lad
What did you have for lunch?
I had _______.
LEVEL 2 26
Food-Game 2
Unscrambling game
What kind of food do you like?
I like ___________.
Narrator: Once upon a time, there lived Little Red Hen and her friends, Cat, Lion, and
Bear on a little farm.
Little Red Hen: Cat, can you help ♥e plant seeds?
Cat: No, I can’t. I w♣nt to sleep.
Little Red Hen: Lion, ( ) plant seeds?
Lion: No, I can’t. I want to swim.
Little Red Hen: Bear, ( ) plant se◆ds?
Bear: No, I can’t. I’m too tired.
Little Red Hen: Okay, I will do it myself.
Narrator: So the Little Red Hen planted the seeds. Soon, the seeds became plants and
started to grow. They grew bigger and bigger into wheat.
Little Red Hen: ( ) cut it?
Cat, Lion, and Bear: No, I can’t!
Narrator: The Little Red Hen cut the wheat.
Little Red Hen: ( ) grind it?
Cat, Lion, and Bear: No, I can’t!
Narrator: The Little Red Hen ground the wheat into flour.
Little Red Hen: Can you help me ma●e bread?
Cat, Lion, and Bear: No, I can’t!
Narrator: The Little Red Hen made the bread. When it was finished, it smelled so
Little Red Hen: Who can help me eat the bread?
Cat: I can!
Lion: I can!
Bear: I can!
Little Red Hen: No, ( )!
Narrator: The Little Red Hen ate the bread. From then on, Cat, Lion, and Bear always
helped the Little Red Hen.
A. Circle the pictures of the food words you find.
④ ⑤
cake ②
③ ⑧
3. Draw foods on each page of the book. Present your book to your friends.
LEVEL 2 30
Food-Art project 2
Holiday foods
soba♥ dumplings
D●deokkuk turkey
Gagami grains
Songpy☺eon pumpkin◆ pie
moc♠hi porridge
customer ordered z Have students read the story line by line after the teacher.
z Ask students, "What is your favorite food?". Have each student
z Recognizing food that the customer
Functions answer.
z What would you like to order?
Key Expressions
z I'd like to order a cake. References
z Materials : food pictures
How to teach
z Go over the foods in the pictures.
z Review the dialog in a restaurant.
z Say the dialog a few times with different foods in the picture.
33 LEVEL 3
z Help students with appropriate units of foods. ex) bottles, 3. When the teacher says, "What is your favorite food?", the
packs, boxes, etc. students have to say the food names from #1 to the last
one. Each student can only say one food and they stand up
while saying the food name.
References 4. If there are students who say the food name at the same
z Materials : food pictures time, they are out.
5. The student who does not stand up until the very last
number, he/she is out.
Game 1 : Riddle game
How to teach
z Read the riddles one by one.
z Use the expression "What is it?".
z Have students guess the answer for the riddles and answer in
a sentence.
LEVEL 3 34
Teacher's Guide
How to teach
Game 3 : Spinner game z Ask the students if they know how to make pizza.
z Explain how to make a pizza in a power slide show with
z To have students learn the ingredients
Teacher z Go over the toppings below the circle.
needed to make cake
Objectives z Have students draw toppings they like on the dough.
z To be able to learn the ingredients z Have students come up with an interesting name for the pizza.
needed to make cake z Have students come to the front and introduce their pizza to
z Asking and answering about the the class. Have the rest of the class ask the student, "What is
ingredients needed to make cake the pizza's name? and "What is on your pizza?".
How to teach
z Have the students talk about the ingredients needed to make a
cake. z Materials : colored pens, a power slide show on how to make
z Have the students listen and repeat the ingredient names after a pizza, pictures of different toppings
the teacher. Show pictures of the ingredients.
35 LEVEL 3
Objectives References
z To be able to make a menu and have a
Students z Materials : food flash cards (Kimchi, spaghetti, sushi, curry,
conversation with a friend
hamburgers, pineapples, dumplings, noodles, coffee, pizza, and
others), a world map
z Understanding how to order food in the
z What would you like to order?
Key Expressions
z I'd like to order chicken.
How to teach
z Have the students talk about restaurant menus.
z Review the food items learned in previous lessons.
z Have the students draw food items in the boxes. Then, write
the price for each food under the picture.
z Have students share the menu in pairs. Have them practice
ordering food and taking orders in pairs.
z Materials : colored pens
How to teach
z Present a world map on TV.
z Represent each continent by introducing a food from the
countries in the continent.
z Introduce pictures of various kinds of foods from all over the
world. Have the students guess and say where each food is
from. ex) Italy, Japan, Korea, the U.S.A., India, etc.
z Introduce the dialog. Have them answer for each food the
teacher asks about.
z Give the facts to the students.
LEVEL 3 36
Let's speak
A. In a restaurant
May I help you?
Yes. I'd like ______.
- Menu -
Let's listen
A. Circle the food that the customer ordered.
Let's read
A. Yummy yummy fruit.
Let's write
A. What's in the refrigerator? Look and write.
LEVEL 3 40
Food-Game 1
Riddle game
A. Read the sentences and find the right answer.
What is it?
It's ________.
I am sweet.
People eat me on birthdays.
What is it?
It's ___________.
It's _________.
※W h a t is it ? 〔 〕 I t 's a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 41 LEVEL 3
Food-Game 2
Noonchi game
LEVEL 3 42
Spinner game
What do you need to make a cake?
I need ___________.
1. Work in groups of four.
2. Spin the paper clip like in the picture.
3. Say the sentence with the word on the board.
4. If you are correct, you'll get the point on the board.
5. If the clip stops on , you do not get any points.
LEVEL 3 44 ※W h a t e ls e d o y o u n e e d t o m a k e a c a k e ? C h o o s e a n y t h in g y o u
w a n t . ①c h o c o la t e ②c h ic k e n ③s o c k s ④c h e e s e
Food-Art project 1
It's ________.
45 LEVEL 3
Food-Art project 2
- Menu -
LEVEL 3 46
47 LEVEL 3
기획(Planning) 자문(Consulting)
박병태(TaLK지원팀장) 손중선(대구교육대학교 교수)
하은경(교육연구사) 이병천(한국교육과정평가원 박사)
집필(Writing) 검토(Examination)
김진도(대구칠성초등학교 교감) 오주연(남대구초등학교 교사)
김정삼(대구광역시교육연수원 교육연구사) 이수진(대구매호초등학교 교사)
강혜영(경상남도교육연수원 교육연구사) 이미정(대구경운초등학교 교사)
류창애(인천장도초등학교 교사) 김수민(대구화남초등학교 영어회화전문강사)
박정원(대구왕선초등학교 교사) 조원호(대구화원초등학교 교사)
백현희(경남의령용덕초등학교 교사) 이창훈(대구신암초등학교 교사)
임 영(전북김제검산초등학교 교사) 황선경(대구진월초등학교 교사)
이광원(전북부안동초등학교 교사)
공영순(대구구암초등학교 교사)
이상문(대구용계초등학교 교사)
교정(Proofreading) 적용(Application)
Ji Won Shin(대구광역시교육청 EPIK 코디) Shin Young Lee(인천양사초 3기 TaLK 장학생)
Kyung Ho Park(대구화원초 2기 TaLK 장학생) Nancy Guerrero(대구다사초 3기 TaLK 장학생)
Johnnie L. Jackson(진주교육대학교 강사) Faline C Lee(전북김제검산초 3기 TaLK 장학생)
Kent C. Boydston(진주교육대학교 강사) Seungsun Park(전 경남용덕초 3기 TaLK 장학생)
Joe Kim(전 경남유곡초 2기 TaLK장학생)
Garry Thorntone(대구구암초 EPIK 교사)