PLD Clasa A VIII-a L2
PLD Clasa A VIII-a L2
PLD Clasa A VIII-a L2
Cucu Tamara, director al gimnaziului Petrache Mariana, director adjunct,
septembrie, 2021 septembrie, 2021
Proiectul este elaborat conform Curriculumului Național la Limbi Străine, ediția 2018
Discutat la ședința Comisiei metodice „Limba și Comunicare”
Proces-verbal nr. ________ din ____ septembrie, 2021
Șef Comisie metodică: Guzun Aurelia
Total Evaluation
Units of contents
Curricular number of hours
Subject Grade
Area Initial Staged Summative
6 69 Evaluation Formative Evaluation
III 1. Personal environment 8
2. Family 7
3. Natural environment 10
Language and 4. School life 12
English 1 10 5
Communication 5. Social and informational life 14
6. Culture and civilization 13
Teachers discretion 5
Units Number of hours Initial Formative Summative Notes
evaluation evaluation evaluation
Initial Revision 4+4 1
Unit 1 12 2 1
Unit 2 12 2 1
Unit 3 10 2 1
Unit 4 12 2 1
Unit 5 15 2 1
Discipline specific competencies
1. Linguistic competence: applying of linguistic norms in the formulation of simple and correct messages, capitalizing on language as a
2. Sociolinguistic competence: the using of linguistic structures, demonstrating the functionality of language in a social contact.
3. Pragmatic competence: using of language structures in familiar and predictable contexts, demonstrating coherence and accuracy in
4. (Pluri / inter) cultural competence: approximating the specific elements of the culture of the studied foreign language countries,
showing openness and motivation for intercultural dialogue.
Receiving oral / 1.1 Distinguishing words which contain sounds and groups of sounds specific to the English language in simple and
familiar contexts. The words are pronounced slowly, clearly, and repeated several times;
1.2 Identifying the meaning of common words in short, clear and simple messages;
1.3 Distinguishing grammatical forms and simple syntactic structures specific to the foreign language in familiar
1.4. Respecting the pronunciation, rhythm and intonation specific to the foreign language in emitting simple words,
Linguistic competence
Receiving oral / 2. 1.Identifying basic addressing and politeness formulas in simple and short messages with reference to daily
written/ activities;
audiovisual 2.2. Recognizing of simple oral and written indications, recommendations and instructions in simple social contexts ;
messages 2.3. Distinguishing the meaning of some key words and phrases from short authentic texts from the everyday
Producting oral/ 2.4. Integrating of everyday formulas of politeness and official / unofficial addressing in simple social contexts;
written/ online 2.5. Using the simple models of communication and nonverbal language in everyday social contexts;
2.6. Adaptating of the elementary formulas of addressing, of politeness and exclamation of the communication
Oral / written / situation;
online interaction 2.7. Expressing physical states, preferences, emotions and attitudes in interactions with interlocutors;
Mediation 2.8. Using of nonverbal language for an interaction in a simple social context manifesting openness and respect;
Receiving oral / 3.1 Identifying by listening / reading / watching the global meaning of oral and written messages, expressed simply
written/ online and clearly, with reference to familiar situations and topics;
messages 3.2. Recognizing of key words or short sentences from simple texts with reference to familiar and personal topics;
Pragmatic competence
Producting oral/ 3.3. Specifying language structures to produce oral and written messages about personal information in everyday life;
written/ online
messages 3.4. Specifying simple linguistic structures to describe objects, people, places;
3.5. Applying elementary language structures in short conversations with reference to immediate personal needs;
Oral / written / 3.6. Participating in a limited exchange framework of daily written / online information provided that a translation
online interaction tool is used;
3.7. Oral relating, in simple sentences, of the main information in a text referring to familiar topics, using non-verbal
Oral / written / language and pauses to look up the word;
online meditation 3.8. Oral translating of key information from written text with reference to people, objects, events and everyday
Receiving oral / 4.1. Recognizing of one's own cultural references in order to form cultural, linguistic and identity awareness;
(Pluri / inter) cultural competence
written/ online 4.2. Understanding the global meaning of short and simple literary / non-literary text fragments on familiar topics
messages from the cultural heritage of the studied country;
4.3. identifying traditional and customs specific to the studied country;
Producting oral/ 4.4. Reproducing some fragments of literary / non-literary texts, songs, from the studied cultural heritage, on known
written/ online topics;
messages 4.5. Succint description of the main character from the studied literary / non-literary text, using a simple language;
4.6. Using language resources to describe cultural traditions and customs in the country studied;
4.7. Comparizing of cultural objects and symbols specific to the studied country and the country of origin;
Oral / written / 4.8. Respecting the usual norms of verbal and nonverbal behavior specific to the culture of the studied country, in
online interaction situations of daily life;
Oral / written / 4.9. Establishing individual and group relationships in the culture of origin, showing attention and respect for the
online meditation interlocutor;
Indi Units of Teaching and evaluation
Nr. Units of Content Date
cators Competence strategies
Term I 3
Initial Revision 4
Back to school. 1
Reviewing the Lesson Brainstorming Conversation Dialogues
Initial Revision
Lesson I know English. Grammar Fill in – exercises Matching Reading
2 revision. Discussion
Multiple Choice Exercises
Testing the knowledge Lesson Diagnostic Test-Paper 1 Matching
Initial Evaluation
Lesson Initial Test analysis Explanation Error Correction
4 Self-evaluation grid