First Year Second Year Third Year Fourth Year: Fall Winter Fall Winter Fall Winter Fall Winter

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COMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING Last modified: 06/16/2021

catalog year: 202130



MATH 1005 MATH 2004 SYSC 3310

MATH 1004 MATH 1104 Differ ential SYSC 3503 SYSC 4907 / ELEC 4907
Multivariable Introduction to
Calculus for Linear Algebra for Equations & Communication Engineering Project (note b)
Calculus for Real-Time Systems
Eng. Students Eng. Students Infinite Series for
Eng. Students (note a)
Theory II (1.0 credit)
Eng. Students

Elective CHEM 1101 2nd 2nd 2nd

Basic Science Chemistry for
Elective Eng. Students SYSC 2006 SYSC 2004 SYSC 3500 SYSC 4502 SYSC 4405 SYSC 4607
O.O. Software Communication Digital Signal Wireless
of Imperative Signals & Systems
Development Software Pr ocessing Communication

*”2nd", "3rd" or "4th" designation above a course defines 2nd, 3rd or 4th year status as a prerequisite
Elective PHYS 1004
Studies Elective
& Wave Motion

*dashed arrow indicates concurrent prerequisite, dashed box indicates zero credit course
2nd 2nd 3rd 4th

SYSC 2310 SYSC 2320 SYSC 4602 SYSC 4604 SYSC 4700
Computer SYSC 4504 Digital
ECOR 1041 ECOR 1045 Introduction to Computer Telecomm.
Organization & Web Development Communication
Computation & Prog. Statics Digital Systems Communications Engineering
Ar chitecture Theory
Weeks 1-6

(0.25 credit) (0.25 credit)

ECOR 1043 ECOR 1047

Circuits Visual Comm.
(0.25 credit) (0.25 credit) 2nd 2nd 4th 4th

SYSC 2510 ELEC 3909 SYSC 4701 ECOR 4995

ELEC 2501 Probability, ELEC 3509 Professional
ECOR 1042 ECOR 1046 Electromagnetic Communications
Circuits & Signals Statistics & Random Electronics II Pr actice
Data Management Mechanics Waves Systems Laboratory
Pr ocesses (note d)
Weeks 7-12

(0.25 credit) (0.25 credit)

ECOR 1044 ECOR 1048

Mechatronics Dynamics
2nd 2nd 3rd 4th
(0.25 credit) (0.25 credit)
CCDP 2100 ECOR 2050 ECOR 3800 SYSC 4810 Elective
Communication ELEC 2507 Design & Analysis Introduction to
Engineering Complementary
ECOR 1055 ECOR 1056 Skills for Electronics I of Engineer ing Network & Software
Economics Studies Elective
Introduction to Introduction to Eng. Students Experiments Security
Engineering Engineering
Disciplines I Disciplines II
(0.0 credit) (0.0 credit)

2nd year status requires completion of: (i) all ECOR 1040
ECOR 1057 series of courses with a minimum grade of C- (C minus), ECOR 2995
Engineering and (ii) all ECOR 1050 series of courses with SAT grade, Engineering
Elective Elective
Profession Engineering Elective Engineering Elective
and (iii) MATH 1004, MATH 1104, CHEM 1101 and Portfolio
(note c) (note c)
(0.0 credit) PHYS 1004 with minimum grade of D- (D minus). (0.0 credit)

Engineering Common Core Mech. & Aerospace Engineering Electronics Notes:

(a) Requires C- (C minus) grade or better in SYSC 2006.
(b) Register in S YSC 4907 if your advisor is in SCE. Register in ELEC 4907 if your advisor is in D OE. Students must complete all first and second
year courses, as well as 3.5 credits of third year courses (with the exception of Complementary Studies Electiv e) to enroll i n Engineering Project.
Arts and Social Sciences Civil & Environmental Engineering Mathematics & Statistics (c) SYSC 2010 or Elec tronics (ELEC) or Sy stems and Computer ( SYSC) course at the 3000- or 4000-lev el (may include 1.0 c redit in SYSC at the
5000-lev el).
Science (Physics, Chemistry, etc) Systems & Computer Engineering Electives (d) ECOR 4995 can be taken in F all or W inter term, if elective options allow for it.

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