Series LDV: Automatic Drain Valves
Series LDV: Automatic Drain Valves
Series LDV: Automatic Drain Valves
LDV 2000
LDV 3000
Technical Specifications
Item code PL009 PL010 PL011 PL012 PL013 PL014
Model LDV 1000 LDV2000 LDV3000 LDV1030 LDV2030 LDV 3030
Input voltage (AC/DC) 85 to 265VAC 85 to 265VAC 85 to 265VAC 24VDC 24VDC 24VDC
50/60HZ 50/60HZ 50/60HZ
Avg. power consum. (watts) 12 12 12 12 12 12
Min. working pressure
(Kg/cm2(g) 2 4 4 2 4 4
Max. working pressure
(Kg/cm2(g)) 10 10 10 10 10 10
Valve orifice (mm) 4 15 15 4 15 15
End connection Inlet 1/2” BSP(F) 1/2” BSP(M) 1/2” BSP(M) 1/2” BSP(F) 1/2” BSP(M) 1/2” BSP(M)
End connection outlet 6mm Hose barb 1/2” BSP(F) 1/2” BSP(F) 6mm Hose barb 1/2” BSP(F) 1/2” BSP(F)
Environmental Protections IP 54 IP 54 IP 54 IP 54 IP 54 IP 54
Max. fluid Temperature (0C) 75 75 75 75 75 75
Dimension LxBxH (mm) 141x60x127 225x127x164 385x183x229 141x60x127 225x127x164 385x183x229
Weight (Kg) 1.25 3.2 7.0 1.25 3.2 7.0
Maximum condenstate
discharge quantity at
7Kg/cm2(g) (Liters/hr) 50 270 1070 50 270 1070
Air compressor after
cooler (m3/hr) 850 1019 to 3398 4248 & above 850 1019 to 3398 4248 & above
Wet Air receiver (m3) 2 4 to 10 12 & above 2 4 to 10 12 & above
Prefilter (m3/hr) 6796 8495 to 27184 30582 & above 6796 8495 to 27184 30582 & above
Refrigeration dryer (m3/hr) 1699 2209 to 6796 8495 & above 1699 2209 to 6796 8495 & above
After filter (m3/hr) 6796 8495 to 27184 30582 & above 6796 8495 to 27184 30582 & above
Dry Air receiver (m3) 2 4 to 10 12 & above 2 4 to 10 12 & above
5/232, K.N.G. Pudur Road, Coimbatore - 641 108, India. Ph : +91-422-2400492, 2401373 Fax : +91-422-2401376
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