Hu 2018

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Universal Correlation for Gas Hydrates Suppression

Temperature of Inhibited Systems: II. Mixed Salts and
Structure Type
Yue Hu, Bo Ram Lee, and Amadeu K. Sum
Chemical & Biological Engineering Dept., Hydrates Energy Innovation Laboratory, Colorado School of Mines,
Golden, CO 80401

DOI 10.1002/aic.16116
Published online in Wiley Online Library (

The first paper of this study discussed the development of the Hu-Lee-Sum (HLS) correlation and demonstrated the gen-
erality and universality of the correlation to predict structure I hydrates suppression temperature for any single salt sys-
tem. However, natural gas commonly forms structure II hydrates, and mixed salts naturally occur in oil and gas
production. Therefore, reliable prediction of structure II hydrates suppression temperature in presence of mixed salts
over a wide range of pressure is considerably important. The contribution for each salt in salt mixtures is accounted for
in the effective mole fraction to extend the HLS correlation for mixed salts systems. Moreover, a parameter (a) is intro-
duced to account for the effect of hydrate structure on the hydrate suppression temperature. Herein, the HLS correlation
is further shown to be universal and reliable to predict the hydrate suppression temperature for more complicated sys-
tems for mixed gases and mixed salts. V C 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 00: 000–000, 2018

Keywords: gas hydrates, suppression temperature, salt, brine, correlation

Introduction can only form from free water that is not associated with sol-
vation of dissolved substances, hydrate formation can be uti-
Gas hydrates are crystalline structures forming cage-like
lized as an efficient method for wastewater purification,
structures from a combination of host (water) and guest mole-
especially desalination.9 Conversely, hydrates accumulation in
cules, which are typically light gases and/or volatile liquid
hydrocarbon producing flowlines, chock valves, and blowout
molecules.1 Hydrates are stabilized by entrapping small mole-
preventers (BOP) could lead to production loss, pressure build
cules, including light hydrocarbon (e.g., methane, ethane, pro-
up, or even blowout, causing severe safety issues, and result-
pane) and nonhydrocarbon (e.g., carbon dioxide, nitrogen,
ing in high operating expense for hydrate remediation.10 In
hydrogen sulfide) gases inside cavities formed from the
addition, sea bottom water temperature increase resulting from
hydrogen-bonding of water molecules. The crystal structure of
climate change may potentially cause hydrate deposits to dis-
the hydrate formed is mainly determined by size of the guest
sociate, releasing gas, and further accelerating global warm-
molecules and their interactions with the water molecules,2
ing.1 As a result, the study of gas hydrates, especially hydrates
which indicates that the gas composition is key in determining
stability, becomes considerably important for both energy and
the hydrate structure, that is, structure I (sI) or structure II
(sII). environmental concerns.
Gas hydrates are of great interest in energy and environmen- In the first paper part of this study,11 a universal correlation
tal aspects. The ability of hydrates to store large amount of gas was introduced to predict the hydrate dissociation conditions
in the condensed solid crystal structure makes them suitable for any single salt systems for sI hydrates. Natural gas, a
for energy storage and transportation, as well as carbon hydrocarbon gas mixture consisting primarily of methane, but
sequestration.3–6 Moreover, hydrates naturally occur in the commonly including varying amounts of other higher alkanes
depths of the ocean seafloor and permafrost, making these vast and noncombustible gases (e.g., carbon dioxide, nitrogen,
deposits a potential resource for energy in the form of recov- hydrogen sulfide), naturally occurs in oil/gas production, and
ered natural gas (mostly methane).1,7,8 In addition, as hydrates transportation. Pure methane forms sI hydrates, while sII
hydrates are typically formed for natural gas due to the pres-
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this ence of propane and butanes. Therefore, it is necessary to
article. extend the developed correlation from our first article11 for the
Current address of Bo Ram Lee: Department of Chemical Engineering, prediction of sII hydrate phase equilibrium. Furthermore, inor-
Pohang University of Science & Technology, Cheongam-Ro, Nam-Gu, Pohang,
Gyongbuk, 37673 Korea. ganic salts are thermodynamic hydrate inhibitors, shifting the
hydrate dissociation conditions to lower temperature and
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to A. K. Sum at higher pressure through strong electrostatic interactions
[email protected].
between water and dissolved ions. Inorganic salts are preva-
C 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers
V lent in produced water from oil/gas production. The major

AIChE Journal 2018 Vol. 00, No. 00 1

Table 1. Collection of Literature Studies Reporting Methane Hydrate Phase Equilibria for Mixed Salt Solutions

Temperature Pressure
Referencesa Salt Composition Range (K) Range (MPa)
1. Atik et al.17 a. 2.422 wt % NaCl 1 0.07 wt % KCl 1 0.101 wt % CaCl2 275–291 3–23
1 0.564 MgCl2 1 0.378 wt % Na2SO4
2. Dholabhai et al.18 a. 3 wt % NaCl 1 3 wt % KCl 271–279 2–6
b. 5 wt % NaCl 1 5 wt % KCl 270–282 2–10
c. 5 wt % NaCl 1 10 wt % KCl 272–279 2–10
d. 5 wt % NaCl 1 15 wt % KCl 266–277 2–9
e. 10 wt % NaCl 1 12 wt % KCl 264–274 2–9
f. 3 wt % NaCl 1 3 wt % CaCl2 270–282 2–9
g. 6 wt % NaCl 1 3 wt % CaCl2 271–280 3–8
h. 10 wt % NaCl 1 3 wt % CaCl2 269–278 3–8
i. 10 wt % NaCl 1 6 wt % CaCl2 266–275 2–7
j. 3 wt % NaCl 1 10 wt % CaCl2 268–280 3–10
k. 6 wt % NaCl 1 10 wt % CaCl2 268–278 3–10
3. Dickens et al.19 a. 5.16 wt % NaCl 1 6.58 wt % KCl 271–280 3–8
b. 8.29 wt % MgCl2 1 4.66 wt % NH4Cl 269–276 3–7
4. Hu et al.20 a. 5.2 wt % NaCl 1 6.6 wt % KCl 290–306 35–180
b. 5.0 wt % NaCl 1 9.5 wt % CaCl2 287–303 35–180
c. 6.9 wt % NaCl 1 9.3 wt % CaCl2 286–301 40–180
d. 9.5 wt % NaCl 1 9.0 wt % CaCl2 282–299 32–180
e. 2.1 wt % NaCl 1 2.6 wt % KCl 1 3.9 wt % CaCl2 1 3.4 wt % MgCl2 291–304 48–152
f. 6.7 wt % NaCl 1 8.6 wt % KCl 1 4.3 wt % CaCl2 1 3.7 wt % MgCl2 285–294 72–163
g. 8.9 wt % NaCl 1 14.6 wt % MgCl2 273–286 38–170
h. 10.4 wt % NaCl 1 8.2 wt % CaCl2 1 7.1 wt % MgCl2 279–285 9–170
i. 15.7 wt % CaCl2 1 13.5 wt % MgCl2 266–270 119–170
In the remainder of the paper, a particular reference will be cited abbreviated as: salt composition-reference-gas. For example: a-2-C1 corresponds to the meth-
ane hydrate data with 3 wt % NaCl and 3 wt % KCl from Dholabhai et al., 1991.

electrolytes present in seawater and produced water are mixed reviewed and assessed, including the correlations by
salts containing Na1, K1, Ca21, Mg21, Ba21, Br-, Cl-, SO22 4 , McCain,14 Yousif and Young,15 Mohammadi and Tohidi,16 all
and so forth.12 As such, it is of great interest and importance of which can also be used for mixed salts systems. However,
that the universal correlation be suitable for the prediction of these correlations are all limited by pressure, salt species, and
hydrate suppression temperature for systems with mixed salts. concentration. As a result, this study will further the applica-
Moreover, with the advance of new exploration and produc- bility of the Hu-Lee-Sum (HLS) correlation to predict the
tion technologies, oil/gas production has reached deeper and hydrate suppression temperature with mixed salts for both sI
tighter formations than ever before, bringing challenges in and sII hydrates over a wide range of salt concentration and
total dissolved solids (TDS) (>300,000 mg/L) and high pres- pressure.
sures (1000–1500 bar).13 The decrease of temperature/pressure
or increase of risk for hydrate formation during transportation
and production could lead to halite precipitation. Therefore, it Review of Literature Data
is essential to predict accurate hydrate suppression tempera- To extend the HLS correlation introduced in our first paper
ture in high salinity systems up to very high pressures. for wider application, in terms of mixed salts and hydrate
In our first paper,11 the existing correlations used to estimate structure, we considered the effect of gas former and salt mix-
the hydrate suppression temperature in brine systems were ture, in addition to pressure, hydrate inhibitor species (salt)

Table 2. Collection of Literature Studies Reporting Carbon Dioxide Hydrate Phase Equilibria for Mixed Salt Solutions

Temperature Pressure
Referencesa Salt Composition Range (K) Range (MPa)
1. Ohgaki et al.21 a. 2.35 wt % NaCl 1 0.11 wt % CaCl2 274–282 1–5
1 0.498 MgCl2 1 0.392 wt % Na2SO4
2. Dholabhai et al.22 a. 3 wt % NaCl 1 3 wt % KCl 271–280 1–4
b. 5 wt % NaCl 1 5 wt % KCl 269–278 1–4
c. 7 wt % NaCl 1 10 wt % KCl 267–275 1–4
d. 15 wt % NaCl 1 5 wt % KCl 262–270 1–4
e. 3 wt % NaCl 1 3 wt % CaCl2 270–280 1–4
f. 8 wt % NaCl 1 2 wt % CaCl2 267–276 1–4
g. 2 wt % NaCl 1 8 wt % CaCl2 267–278 1–4
h. 5 wt % NaCl 1 14.7 wt % CaCl2 259–268 1–3
i. 15 wt % NaCl 1 5 wt % CaCl2 259–268 1–3
j. 2.391 wt % NaCl 1 0.069 wt % KCl 272–282 1–5
1 0.115 wt % CaCl2 1 0.507 MgCl2
1 0.011 wt % KBr 1 0.401 wt % Na2SO4
1 0.005 wt % NaF 1 0.002 wt % SrCl2
In the remainder of the article, a particular reference will be cited abbreviated as: salt composition-reference-gas. For example: a-2-CO2 corresponds to the car-
bon dioxide hydrate data with 3 wt % NaCl and 3 wt % KCl from Dholabhai et al., 1993.

2 DOI 10.1002/aic Published on behalf of the AIChE 2018 Vol. 00, No. 00 AIChE Journal
Table 3. Collection of Literature Studies Reporting Ethane Hydrate Phase Equilibria for Mixed Salt Solutions

Temperature Pressure
Referencesa Salt Composition Range (K) Range (MPa)
1. Englezos et al.23 a. 10 wt % NaCl 1 5 wt % CaCl2 266–277 0.5–2
b. 10 wt % KCl 1 5 wt % CaCl2 268–277 0.5–2
c. 10 wt % NaCl 1 5 wt % KCl 267–277 0.5–2
d. 6 wt % NaCl 1 5 wt % KCl1 3 wt % CaCl2 269–279 0.5–2
e. 5 wt % NaCl 1 5 wt % KCl1 3 wt % CaCl2 1 3 wt % KBr 269–279 0.5–2
In the remainder of the article, a particular reference will be cited abbreviated as: salt composition-reference-gas. For example: c-1-C2 corresponds to the
ethane hydrate data with 10 wt % NaCl and 5 wt % KCl from Englezos et al., 1991.

and concentration. Literature data for both pure gas (methane, Application of the Hu-Lee-Sum correlation for mixed
ethane, propane, or carbon dioxide) and mixed gases hydrate salts solutions
phase equilibria in mixed salts solutions are collected in
One of the key findings and assumptions in the HLS correla-
Tables 1–5 to compare with the HLS correlation. These data
tion is that the value of DT/T0T is independent of temperature,
span a wide range of conditions in terms of gas and salt com-
which is also applicable for mixed salt solutions and is
positions, salt concentration, temperature, and pressure. These included in the Supporting Information. Moreover, it is found
literature data are used to evaluate the applicability and reli- that, Pwith the introduction of the effective mole fraction
ability of the HLS correlation for both sI and sII hydrates in (X5 i5ions jzi jxi ), the value of DT/T0T can be expressed as a
mixed salts solutions. polynomial equation in X, resulting in the HLS correlation, for
sI hydrates in the systems containing single salt solutions
Method DT nR
Derivation of the Hu-Lee-Sum correlation 52 ln aw 5C1 X1C2 X2 1C3 X3 (3)
T0 T DHdiss
The HLS correlation is based on the fundamental principle
where C1, C2, and C3 are fitted coefficients (see the first paper
of freezing point depression, which for hydrate is equivalent
for the values11).
to the suppression temperature from the uninhibited (salt-free) Without any further changes to the HLS correlation, the pre-
system. At the equilibrium hydrate dissociation, the equality diction of sI hydrate suppression temperature for mixed salts
of fugacity of water (w) in the solid (hydrate) phase and the systems can be easily done by adding the contribution of each
liquid phase has to equal, that is salt to the effective mole fraction, given by
fws ðT; PÞ5fwL ðT; PÞ5xw cw ðT; P; xÞfwL0 ðT; PÞ (1) X X
X5 jzj;i jxj;i (4)
j5salts i5ions
where xw and cw are the water mole fraction and activity coef-
ficient, respectively, f represents the fugacity for the solid (S), where z is the ion charge number, x is the mole fraction, and i
liquid (L), and pure water (L0) phases. From this equality of and j represent the ion and salt, respectively. This simple
fugacity, the hydrate depression temperature (DT 5 T0–T) can extension to determine the effective mole fraction allows the
be expressed as32 HLS correlation to be applicable and give reliable predictions
DT nR of hydrate suppression temperature in mixed salts systems.
52 ln aw (2) Figure 1 shows the original HLS correlation and the prediction
T0 T DHdiss
of DT/T0T for a few selected mixed salt systems.
where DHdiss is the hydrate dissociation enthalpy, n is the
hydration number, aw is the water activity, and T0 and T are Application of the Hu-Lee-Sum correlation for structure
the hydrate dissociation temperatures for the fresh water and II hydrates
aqueous salt solution, respectively, at a given pressure. The As discussed in the first paper,11 one of the contributions in
hydrate dissociation temperature with fresh water is assumed the right side of Eq. 2 is nR/DHdiss, which accounts for the
to be known and readily available. The details of the deriva- heat of hydrate formation/dissociation and hydration number,
tion are introduced in the first paper.11 both of which are strongly dependent on the hydrate forming

Table 4. Collection of Literature Studies Reporting Propane Hydrate Phase Equilibria for Mixed Salt Solutions

Temperature Pressure
Referencesa Salt Composition Range (K) Range (MPa)
1. Bishnoi et al.24 a. 7.98 wt % NaCl 1 1.99 wt % CaCl2 269–273 0.2–0.5
b. 1.98 wt % NaCl 1 1.99 wt % KCl 1 1.99 wt % CaCl2 271–275 0.1–0.5
2. Tohidi et al.25 a. 5 wt % NaCl 1 5 wt % CaCl2 270–273 0.2–0.5
b. 4.9 wt % NaCl 1 3.8 wt % CaCl2 270–274 0.2–0.5
c. 2.354 wt % NaCl 1 0.086 wt % KCl 1 0.116 wt % CaCl2 272–276 0.2–0.5
10.524 wt % MgCl2 1 0.428 wt % Na2SO4
d. 6.993 wt % NaCl 1 0.066 wt % KCl 1 0.735 wt % CaCl2 270–274 0.2–0.4
1 0.186 MgCl2 1 0.099 wt % SrCl2 1 0.036 wt % BaCl2
In the remainder of the article, a particular reference will be cited abbreviated as: salt composition-reference-gas. For example, a-1-C3 corresponds to the pro-
pane hydrate data with 7.98 wt % NaCl and 1.99 wt % CaCl2 from Bishnoi et al., 1993.

AIChE Journal 2018 Vol. 00, No. 00 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/aic 3
Table 5. Collection of Literature Studies Reporting Mixed Gas Hydrate Phase Equilibria for Saline Solutions

Temperature Pressure
Referencesa Gas Composition Salt Composition Range (K) Range (MPa)
1. Bishnoi et al.26 80C1/20CO2 a. 5 wt % NaCl 271–282 2–7
b. 10 wt % NaCl 268–280 2–7
c. 15 wt % NaCl 264–278 2–8
d. 20 wt % NaCl 262–275 2–10
e. 5 wt % KCl 271–283 2–7
f. 10 wt % KCl 272–280 1–6
g.15 wt % KCl 266–278 1–6
h.10 wt % CaCl2 268–280 1–7
i.15 wt % CaCl2 266–277 1–8
j. 20 wt % CaCl2 263–274 2–10
k. 5 wt % NaCl 1 10 wt % CaCl2 265–277 2–8
l. 10 wt % KCl 1 5 wt % CaCl2 265–282 1–11
m. 5 wt % NaCl 1 10 wt % KCl 265–282 1–11
n. 10 wt % NaCl 1 5 wt % CaCl2 265–279 2–10
o. 6 wt % NaCl 1 5 wt % KCl 1 4 wt % CaCl2 265–279 1–8
50C1/50CO2 a. 10 wt % NaCl 1 10 wt % CaCl2 264–271 2–6
b. 10 wt % NaCl 1 5 wt % KCl 265–276 2–5
c. 6 wt % NaCl 1 5 wt % KCl 1 4wt % CaCl2 266–276 1–5
2. Maekawa et al.27 97.9C1/2.1C2 a. 5 wt % NaCl 277–284 3–8
95.2C1/4.8C2 a. 5 wt % NaCl 290–288 4–10
90.2C1/9.8C2 a. 5 wt % NaCl 281–289 3–9
3. Tohidi et al.25 85.47C1/7.72C2/ a. 10 wt % NaCl 275–291 1–14
3.30C3/0.81iC4/ b. 2.87 wt % NaCl 1 2.87 wt % KCl 1 2.89 wt % CaCl2 278–293 1–14
1.01nC4/0.30iC5/ c. 5.55 wt % NaCl 1 1.85 wt % KCl 1 1.85 wt % CaCl2 276–292 1–14
0.30nC5/0.84N2/0.25CO2b d. 2.354 wt % NaCl 1 0.086 wt % KCl 1 0.116 wt % CaCl2 278 – 294 1–11
1 0.524 MgCl2 1 0.428 wt % Na2SO4
e. 6.993 wt % NaCl 1 0.066 wt % KCl 1 0.735 wt % CaCl2 275–290 1–7
1 0.186 MgCl2 1 0.099 wt % SrCl2 1 0.036 wt % BaCl2
4. Bishnoi et al.28 78C1/2C3/20CO2 a. 5 wt % NaCl 280–289 3–10
b. 10 wt % NaCl 277–283 2–6
c. 20 wt % NaCl 274–277 3–6
5. Hu et al.29,30 74.7C1/25.3C2 a. 12 wt % NaCl 292–308 34–177
b. 23 wt % NaCl 282–297 33–179
c. 20 wt % CaCl2 284–300 32–176
d. 32 wt % CaCl2 261–271 67–172
e. 32 wt % CaBr2 282–297 37–182
In the remainder of the article, a particular reference will be cited abbreviated as: salt composition-reference-gas. For example, a-1–80C1/20CO2 corresponds to
the mixed gas (20 mol % carbon dioxide 1 80 mol % methane) hydrate data with 5 wt % NaCl from Bishnoi et al., 1996.
Gas composition will be abbreviated as NG.

system, that is, gas composition. Hu et al.33 pointed that the term nR/DHdiss for sI and sII hydrates, respectively. As the
hydrate dissociation enthalpy (DHdiss) can increase along the value of water activity (aw) is independent of the gas composi-
phase boundary for pressures higher than 50 MPa, and tion (assuming the gases are sparingly soluble in water), its
the hydration number (n) accordingly decreases with increasing value is unchanged for the same salt species and concentra-
pressure to approach the full occupancy limit (n 5 5.75 for sI), tion. Therefore, the ratio of DT/T0T for sI and sII is directly
while the combined changes of DHdiss and n, which are a func- related to the ratio of b1 to b2, and as such, a parameter (a) is
tion of pressure, are relatively small compared with the absolute introduced to correlate the value of DT/T0T between sI and sII
value of the quantity. Consequently, the term nR/DHdiss is hydrates. Two methods are introduced here to determine the
assumed to remain constant for any given hydrate forming sys- value of a. The first method is based on optimizing the value
tem. Moreover, in the development of the HLS correlation, it is of a by minimizing the error in the prediction of measured
verified that the values of nR/DHdiss for sI hydrates forming methane–ethane hydrate phase equilibria (sII hydrates shown
from different guest molecules, such as methane, ethane, and in Table 6). The second method is to evaluate the hydrate dis-
carbon dioxide, are quite close, which indicates that the varia- sociation heat and hydration number for sII hydrate directly to
tion in nR/DHdiss is negligible for any sI hydrate.11 Therefore, calculate a from the ratio of b1 to b2, as shown in Eq. 5. Once
b1 5 nR/DHdiss is used here to represent this term for sI hydrate. a is determined, the HLS correlation can be easily extended to
As it is necessary to extend the HLS correlation for sII predict sII hydrate suppression temperature from
hydrate systems, the values of DT/T0T for sI and sII hydrates    
are compared at the condition with the same salt species and DT DT  
5a 5a  C1 X1C2 X2 1C3 X3 (6)
concentration, that is T0 T II T0 T I
T0 T II R ln aw DHndiss b
  5  II 5 2 5a (5) Results and Discussion
R ln aw n b1
T0 T I DHdiss I
Structure I hydrates in mixed salts solutions
where the subscripts I and II correspond to sI and sII hydrates, With the introduced modifications of the HLS correlation, it
respectively; b1 and b2 are constants used to represent the is simple and convenient to calculate the hydrate suppression

4 DOI 10.1002/aic Published on behalf of the AIChE 2018 Vol. 00, No. 00 AIChE Journal
jTpred 2Texp j
AAD5 (8)
where N is the number of equilibrium data points, Texp and
Tpred are the measured and predicted hydrate dissociation tem-
perature, respectively, for aqueous solutions with mixed salts.
Figure 2 shows that both the HLS correlation and P1 provide
reliable and accurate results for methane hydrate phase equi-
libria in mixed salts solutions at pressure lower than 10 MPa
with AADs smaller than 1 K. However, as the pressure
increases to 30 MPa, prediction from P1 becomes unreliable
with deviations higher than 4 K in mixed salt solutions with
total salt concentration of 18.5 wt %. This indicates that P1
losses its prediction accuracy at severe conditions in terms of
high pressure and salt concentration, most likely due to the
deficiency of calculating the water activity over a wide range
Figure 1. Universal curve from HLS correlation to of temperature and salt concentration. Moreover, P1 is also
determine the hydrate suppression tempera-
limited by the components provided in its database, and as
ture based on the effective mole fraction of
such, it is unavailable to predict hydrate dissociation condi-
any salt with the values based on experi-
tions in the mixed salts systems containing selected salts, such
mental data of methane hydrate phase equi-
as MgCl2 and CaBr2. Compared to P1, the HLS correlation
libria for NaCl (D), KCl (w), CaCl2 (䊊), MgCl2
shows better agreement with experimental data over a wider
(䉫), as well as additional values of measured
range of pressure and total salt concentration. Moreover, the
data for methane hydrate in mixed salts sol-
HLS correlation shows the unique property of universality,
utions in Table 1 (䉲) showing the universality
and as such, there is no limitation on the salt species. This is
of the correlation. Dash line is the fitted
polynomial line given by Eq. 3.
proved by the fact that the HLS correlation provides reliable
prediction in most mixed salt systems with AADs lower than
[Color figure can be viewed at]
1.6 K, as shown in Figure 2.
As the HLS correlation can be readily used to predict the
temperature at any given condition in terms of pressure, hydrate suppression temperature for other sI systems besides
hydrate structure, salt species, and concentration. For the methane hydrates, as long as the fresh water hydrate dissocia-
purposes of this study, the hydrate dissociation temperature tion temperature is available, we also checked the perfor-
with fresh water (T0) is obtained from a hydrate prediction mance of HLS correlation for carbon dioxide and ethane
tool (denoted as P134) that is based on van der Waals and hydrates in mixed salts systems, with the results shown in
Platteeuw model with Peng-Robinson equation of state for Figures 3 and 4. For carbon dioxide hydrate (Figure 3), the
the fluid properties. This prediction tool is also used to com- HLS correlation performs much better than P1, with a maxi-
pare the predicted results for mixed salt systems based on mum AAD of 0.5 K. Although the application of HLS corre-
the Pitzer’s activity coefficient model for electrolytes in lation for ethane hydrate is not as good as that for carbon
solution. The effective mole fraction for mixed salts solu- dioxide hydrate due to the assumption that b1 is constant for
tion can be easily calculated for any salt mixture and con- all sI hydrates, it still provides reasonable results for ethane
centration with Eq. 4, from which Eq. 6 is then used to hydrates in presence of mixed salts with deviation no more
calculate DT/T0T. Finally, the hydrate dissociation tempera- than 1.2 K (note that b1 could be adjusted to account for the
ture for the corresponding pressure at T0 can be simply cal- difference in DHdiss between methane and ethane hydrates,
culated from improving the accuracy of the predictions). The performance
   21 of the HLS correlation for sI hydrates formed from mixed
T5T0 11 T0 (7) gas are evaluated by comparing with experimental data of
T0 T
hydrate phase equilibria in the system with mixed methane-
In the same way as for the single salt systems presented in the carbon dioxide and methane–ethane gases, as shown in Fig-
first paper,11 the HLS correlation has simplicity even for ures 5 and 6, respectively. The results show that the predic-
mixed salts solutions and still exhibits the correct limiting tions with the HLS correlation and P1 are comparable for the
behavior, that is, in the limit as the salt concentration systems and conditions considered.
approaches zero, the hydrate suppression temperature also
approaches zero. Table 6. Experimental Data from Hu et al.29 used to
The collected sI hydrate phase equilibria data for pure meth- Optimize the Parameter a in Eq. 5
ane, ethane, and carbon dioxide, as well as mixed methane-
carbon dioxide, and methane-ethane gases listed in Tables 1–5 Concentration Temperature Pressure
are used to test the performance of the HLS correlation and Gas Salt (wt %) Range (K) Range (MPa)
check the limitations of the correlation, in terms of salt con- Methane NaCl 12, 23 275–305 30–200
centration and pressure. Figures 2–6 show the average abso- CaCl2 20, 32 250–295 20–200
lute deviation (AAD) in temperature between experimental Methane/Ethane NaCl 12, 23 280–310 30–200
data and predicted results from the HLS correlation and P1 (74.7%/25.3%) CaCl2 20, 32 260–300 30–200

AIChE Journal 2018 Vol. 00, No. 00 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/aic 5
Figure 2. Average absolute deviation for the HLS correlation (gray) and P1 (blue) compared with experimental data
for methane hydrate phase equilibria in mixed salts systems: 1: a-1-C1, 2: a-2-C1, 3: b-2-C1, 4: c-2-C1, 5:
d-2-C1, 6: e-2-C1, 7: f-2-C1, 8: g-2-C1, 9: h-2-C1, 10: i-2-C1, 11: j-2-C1, 12: k-2-C1, 13: a-3-C1, 14: b-3-C1
15: a-4-C1, 16: b-4-C1, 17: c-4-C1, 18: d-4-C1, 19: e-4-C1, 20: f-4-C1, 21: g-4-C1, 22: h-4-C1, 23: i-4-C1.
The symbol ? indicates that the method fails to estimate the hydrate phase equilibrium at those condi-
[Color figure can be viewed at]

Structure II hydrates in mixed salts solutions different hydrate formers is negligible. In such approach, a
can be optimized to minimize the difference of the predicted
As described earlier, a parameter (a) is introduced to simply
and experimental data summarized in Table 6 (see the Sup-
correlate DT/T0T for sII hydrates to that for sI hydrates, given
porting Information for details). With this method, a is deter-
by Eq. 5. Structure II hydrate dissociation temperature for the
mined to have a value of 0.927. Figure 7 shows the
corresponding pressure at T0 can be simply calculated from
   21 performance of HLS correlation to predict the methane-ethane
DT gas hydrate phase equilibria data, which are for sII hydrates,
T5T0 11a T0 (8) in chloride solutions with concentration up to near-saturation.
T0 T
The results show that the HLS correlation for mixed methane-
One method to determine a, denoted as method 1 hereafter, is ethane gas hydrates is as good as that for pure methane hydrate
based on the assumption that the variation of b2 in Eq. 5 for and much better than P1.

Figure 3. Average absolute deviation for the HLS correlation (gray) and P1 (blue) compared with experimental data
for carbon dioxide hydrate phase equilibria with mixed salts systems. 1: a-1-CO2, 2: a-2-CO2, 3: b-2-CO2,
4: c-2-CO2, 5: d-2-CO2, 6: e-2-CO2, 7: f-2-CO2, 8: g-2-CO2, 9: h-2-CO2, 10: i-2-CO2, 11: j-2-CO2. The sym-
bol ? indicates that the method fails to estimate the hydrate phase equilibrium at those conditions.
[Color figure can be viewed at]

6 DOI 10.1002/aic Published on behalf of the AIChE 2018 Vol. 00, No. 00 AIChE Journal
Figure 4. Average absolute deviation for the HLS correlation (gray) and P1 (blue) compared with experimental data
for ethane hydrate phase equilibria with mixed salts systems. 1: a-1-C2, 2: b-1-C2, 3: c-1-C2, 4: d-1-C2,
5: e-1-C2.
[Color figure can be viewed at]

Method 1 is robust and it gives reliable results by simply Clausius–Clapeyron equation35,37,38 applied to phase equilib-
correlating sII to sI hydrates. However, the assumption that b2 ria data. The hydration number, which is more difficult to
is constant for different systems forming sII hydrates could obtain, can be estimated through the van der Waals and Plat-
lead to uncertainties due to the potential variation in the teeuw model,39 molecular simulation,40 and Raman spectros-
hydrate dissociation heat and hydration number depending on copy.41 For illustration, a for mixed methane-ethane gas (74.7/
the hydrate formers. Therefore, another method, denoted as 25.3 mol % C1/C2) and methane–carbon dioxide-propane gas
method 2, can be applied to calculate a by evaluating b2 if reli- (78/20/2 mol % C1/CO2/C3) are calculated (details in Sup-
able estimates for the hydrate dissociation heat and hydration porting Information) and compared with the value of 0.927
number are available at the conditions of interest. Typically, from method 1, as shown in Table 7. Figure 8 shows the aver-
the hydrate dissociation heat can either be measured (e.g., dif- age absolute deviation of the HLS correlation to experimental
ferential scanning calorimetry35,36) or calculated from the data based on the a estimated by both methods.

Figure 5. Average absolute deviation for the HLS correlation (gray) and P1 (blue) compared with experimental data
for mixed methane and carbon dioxide hydrate phase equilibria with mixed salts systems. 1: a-1–80C1/
20CO2, 2: b-1–80C1/20CO2, 3: c-1–80C1/20CO2, 4: d-1–80C1/20CO2, 5: e-1–80C1/20CO2, 6: f-1–80C1/
20CO2, 7: g-1–80C1/20CO2, 8: h-1–80C1/20CO2, 9: i-1–80C1/20CO2, 10: j-1–80C1/20CO2, 11: k-1–80C1/
20CO2, 12: l-1–80C1/20CO2, 13: m-1–80C1/20CO2, 14: n-1–80C1/20CO2, 15: o-1–80C1/20CO2, 16: a-1–
50C1/50CO2, 17: b-1–50C1/50CO2, 18: c-1–50C1/50CO2.
[Color figure can be viewed at]

AIChE Journal 2018 Vol. 00, No. 00 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/aic 7
Figure 6. Average absolute deviation for the HLS correlation (gray) and P1 (blue) compared with experimental data
for mixed methane and ethane hydrate phase equilibria with mixed salts systems. 1: a-2–97.9C1/2.1C2, 2:
a-2–95.2C1/4.8C2, 3: a-2–90.2C1/9.8C2.
[Color figure can be viewed at]

Figure 7. Performance of the HLS correlation with a 5 0.927 for sII hydrates: (a) predicted and experimental data for
methane (solid) and methane-ethane (hollow) gas hydrate at conditions specified in Table 6; (b) average
absolute deviation of predicted results from both HLS correlation (gray) and P1 (blue) compared with experi-
mental data for methane (plain filled pattern) and methane–ethane (striped filled pattern) gas hydrates.
[Color figure can be viewed at]

8 DOI 10.1002/aic Published on behalf of the AIChE 2018 Vol. 00, No. 00 AIChE Journal
Table 7. Values of a Calculated from Methods 1 and 2 for longer weakly dependent on temperature.33 In addition, the
Gas Mixtures Forming sII Hydrates value of ðDT=T0 T ÞT0 in the denominator of Eq. 8 is in the
order of 1025 to 1024, having a relatively small, but important,
Gas Composition a (method 1) a (method 2)
contribution to denominator. As such, the variation in a will
74.7/25.3 mol % C1/C2 0.927 0.936 not lead to large changes in the predicted results with the HLS
78/20/2 mol % C1/CO2/C3 0.843
correlation, as shown in Figure 8. Therefore, for simplicity,
our recommendation is to use method 1 with a 5 0.927 to
Figure 8 demonstrates that the HLS correlation with a cal- account for the hydrate structure (from sI to sII) on the hydrate
culated from the two methods provide reliable predictions of suppression temperature.
sII hydrate phase equilibria in saline systems, especially at To better evaluate the accuracy and reliability of the HLS cor-
high pressures, with deviations smaller than 1.5 K. Method 2 relation for sII hydrates, the average absolute deviation between
can provide more accurate predictions if the hydrate dissocia- experimental data and predicted results for propane and natural
tion heat and the hydration number can be precisely measured gas hydrate phase equilibria in saline solutions are calculated and
or estimated. However, in practice, most methods used to summarized in Figure 9. Figure 9a shows the performance of the
determine the hydration number are based on many assump- HLS correlation to predict propane hydrate phase equilibria, with
tions and the results can be inconsistent.2 Moreover, the Clau- a 5 0.927. Although the average absolute deviation for the HLS
sius–Clapeyron equation, which is widely applied to correlation is a little larger than that for P1, as a general correla-
determine the hydrate dissociation heat over a range of condi- tion, available for any mixed gas in any mixed salts system, it
tions, becomes unreliable at pressure higher than 80 MPa, still shows reasonable and reliable prediction with acceptable
since at high pressure, the hydrate dissociation heat is no deviation compared with experimental data. Moreover, the HLS

Figure 8. Average absolute deviation for the HLS correlation with a calculated from method 1 (solid gray) and
method 2 (gray stripe filled pattern), and P1 (blue) for the experimental data in Table 5 of (a) mixed
methane-ethane hydrate phase equilibria from Hu et al.29,30, and (b) methane–carbon dioxide-propane
hydrate phase equilibria from Bishnoi et al.28 in saline solutions.
[Color figure can be viewed at]

AIChE Journal 2018 Vol. 00, No. 00 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/aic 9
Figure 9. Average absolute deviation for the HLS correlation (gray) and P1 (blue) compared with experimental data
in mixed salts systems for (a) propane hydrate phase equilibria (1: a-1-C3, 2: b-1-C3, 3: a-2-C3, 4: b-2-C3,
5: c-2-C3, 6: d-2-C3) and (b) natural gas hydrate phase equilibria (1: a-3-NG, 2: b-3-NG, 3: c-3-NG, 4: d-3-
NG, 5: e-3-NG). The symbol ? indicates that the method fails to estimate the hydrate phase equilibrium at
those conditions.
[Color figure can be viewed at]

correlation also reliably predicts sII hydrate phase equilibria for of predicting both sI and sII hydrates suppression temperature
systems in presence of mixed gases with maximum deviation of for any saline solution over a wide pressure range (2 to 200
1.5 K, while P1 fails to provide results for systems containing salt MPa) with comparisons with available experimental data. Not
species that are not included in their database to perform calcula- only the prediction from HLS correlation for mixed gases
tions, as illustrated in Figure 9b. hydrate suppression temperature in mixed salts solutions is as
good as that for pure gas hydrate in single salt systems, but it
Conclusion also shows more flexibility for the options of salt species exist-
ing in saline solutions compared with other prediction tools
The HLS correlation is based on the well-established ther-
and correlations due to its inherent generality and universality.
modynamic principle of suppression temperature for additives
Further application and validation of the correlation for much
in solution, which in this particular case are inorganic salts. In
more complex aqueous solutions containing mixed salts and
the first paper published showing the development of the HLS
organic inhibitors will be discussed in follow-up papers.
correlation, it was showed that it could be applied for any sin-
gle salt system forming sI hydrates. In this followed up paper,
we show how to simply extend the use of the HLS correlation Acknowledgments
for any mixed salt system and consider sI and sII hydrates. For We thank Prof. Chau-Chyun Chen from Texas Tech Uni-
mixed salt systems, the effective mole fraction is calculated by versity for helpful discussions about modeling of electrolyte
adding the contribution of the ions from each salt, while a systems. We thank DeepStar for providing the funding for
parameter a is introduced to correlate sII to sI hydrates. We the collection of hydrate phase equilibria data, which were
demonstrate that this simple yet reliable correlation is capable essential in the early development of this correlation.

10 DOI 10.1002/aic Published on behalf of the AIChE 2018 Vol. 00, No. 00 AIChE Journal
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