Proof of Full Vaccination Guide For Businesses
Proof of Full Vaccination Guide For Businesses
Proof of Full Vaccination Guide For Businesses
Effective October 4, 2021, people are required by law to show proof that they are fully
vaccinated to participate in discretionary, non-essential events and activities where people
gather together.
Businesses and organizations hosting these events and activities are required to check your
proof. They cannot allow people to participate if they do not show proof of full vaccination.
This guide is intended to help businesses and organizations properly check proof of full
vaccination. It does not give all the details that are contained in the COVID-19 Protocol for
Proof of Full Vaccination for Events and Activities. Businesses and organizations need to
review the entire protocol to fully understand their requirements.
Original records are acceptable, as well as clear photos, screenshots and photocopies.
Some records have a QR (quick read) code that you can scan with a smartphone or other
device to see the required information.
At minimum, a record must show all the following information to demonstrate proof of full
• an indication that all required doses for that brand of vaccine were received
Unless it is obvious, you need to ask if the person or if anyone in a group is 12 or older.
People who are 12 and older need to show proof of full vaccination unless:
• they have an exception letter because they are in a clinical trial for COVID-19 vaccine
• they turned 12 between January 1 and October 4, 2021 (they have until December 31,
2021 to get vaccinated)
• they turned 12 after October 4, 2021 (they have 3 months from their birthday to get
• they are 13 to 18 and have proof that they received 1 dose of vaccine. They can start
participating in sport, recreation, arts and culture programming and have until November
9 to show proof of full vaccination
Check the name on the proof of vaccination document against the person’s ID. Acceptable
forms of ID include:
• drivers license
• passport
• government issued ID card
• health card
• birth certificate
• student card
Original ID records are acceptable in card, paper and digital formats, as well as clear photos,
screenshots and photocopies.
In cases where a person’s identity is already known (i.e. where they have an existing
membership such as gyms or they are already registered as participants in an activity such
as recreation programs), valid ID is not required.
Check the brand of vaccine and the number of doses on the proof of vaccination.
Most COVID-19 vaccines require 2 doses. Some people have one brand for their first dose and
another brand for their second dose. You need to check that the person got 2 doses of these
• Pfizer + Pfizer
• Moderna + Moderna
• Pfizer + Moderna
• AstraZeneca + AstraZeneca
• AstraZeneca + Pfizer
• AstraZeneca + Moderna
• Sinovac + Sinovac
• Sinopharm + Sinopharm
• Sinovac + Sinopharm
Some countries have given a 1-dose vaccine that is acceptable in
Nova Scotia: Vaccine names
To date, most COVID-19 vaccines
• Janssen/Johnson&Johnson have been referred to by their
manufacturers’ names. Recently,
NOTE: Some people may have extra doses of vaccine beyond the manufacturers released brand
list of combinations above. These extra doses are not required for names for their vaccines. We refer
proof of full vaccination but it is ok if their records show these extra to the manufacturers’ names in
this guide, but you may see these
doses. brand names on some people’s
proof of vaccination and they are
• AstraZeneca
Check the calendar for the date 14 days before today’s date. People manufactures Vaxzevria
needed to get their second/final dose on that date or earlier to
participate in an event or activity that’s happening today.
NOTE: When proof of vaccination from other countries is in a language you don’t understand,
you still may be able to identify and understand the date of the second dose. If you don’t
understand any of the required information, you may need to trust the person about what
their record says.
If you want to keep a record that the person has shown their proof of vaccination, you need
to get their consent. It is best to get their consent in writing. A standard consent form is
available in Appendix B.
If they give consent, you are allowed to keep a record of the fact that they have shown their
proof of vaccination. This may mean that they do not need to show their proof every time
they come to your business or organization – you can just refer to your records.
If they do not give consent, you cannot keep any record about their vaccination status. That
means you cannot put them on a list of people who have shown their proof of vaccination.
You cannot put a checkmark or symbol by their name on a paper or electronic list. You
cannot keep a list of people who have not shown proof. Unless you have a method of
keeping track that does not identify a person’s vaccination status, you will need to see their
proof every time they come to your business or organization.
The COVID-19 proof of vaccination that Nova Scotia issues looks like these. All these
formats are acceptable. The one with the QR (quick read) code is available starting October
1 and is preferred:
Proof of vaccination from other jurisdictions
In Appendix A, you can see samples of what proof of vaccination
Starting October 22, you will be
records look like from Canadian provinces and territories, the able to download VaxCheckNS
United States and the United Kingdom. There are also samples of from the App Store and Google
records for people vaccinated through the Canadian Department Play. It is a free QR code scanner
app for smartphones and other
of National Defence. devices. It will scan a paper or
digital version the Nova Scotia
COVID-19 proof of vaccination.
Exception letters VaxCheckNS will produce a
green “confirmed” or a red “sorry”
People who have a medical exception need to present a Valid response instead of showing
Medical Contraindication for COVID-19 Vaccination letter instead the person’s entire proof of
of proof of full vaccination. The letter will include: vaccination. Other QR code
scanners are not recommended.
See the proof of full vaccination
• The Nova Scotia logo with the Department of Health and protocol HYPERLINK for more
Wellness identifier details.]
• The patient’s name three times throughout the document
People who are participating in clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccines need to present an
Exception from COVID-19 Proof of Vaccination Policy letter instead of proof of full vaccination.
The letter will include:
• The Nova Scotia logo with the Department of Health and Wellness identifier
• Signature of Dr. Robert Strang, chief medical officer of health for Nova Scotia, and the
• Signature of the lead researcher(s) for the clinical trial and the date
APPENDIX A – Proof of vaccination records for Canadian provinces and territories
We have assembled the best samples available to us from Canadian provinces and territories,
the Canadian Department of Defence, the United States and the United Kingdom. Names have
been removed to protect people’s privacy. The poor quality of some samples is unavoidable at
this time.
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Labrador – Voisey’s Bay Worksite
Nova Scotia
Northwest Territories
People across Canada who received the Pfizer vaccine may have received this Pfizer record.
It is acceptable as proof of vaccination in Nova Scotia:
APPENDIX B - Consent form for recording vaccination status consent
Businesses and organizations can ask people to complete this form to give their consent to having
their vaccination status recorded, such as on a list. People are not required to give their consent. If
they do not give consent, you cannot keep a record of the fact that they showed (or did not show)
their proof of full vaccination.
I understand that, if I wish to withdraw this authorization, I may do so at any time by writing to the
I have read and understood this form, and I have had the opportunity to ask questions and have had
them answered to my satisfaction. By signing below, I consent to these terms.
Address: ___________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________________