GCSE Computer Science Revision Guide
GCSE Computer Science Revision Guide
GCSE Computer Science Revision Guide
All resources can be found in: P:\Computing\Key Stage 4\GCSE Computer Science\GCSE Computer
Science Books and Videos\Videos GCSE Computer Science
Main websites
Crash Course Youtube Videos Most topics
Craig n Dave Youtube Videos Make sure you refer to AQA
Resources on Pupilshare GCSE
BBC CS Text, animation and mini tests
on a number of topics.
Computer Science Tutor Make sure you refer to AQA
Quizzes (OCR)
Unit 1.1 System Architecture - https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/58b2cd230e72331a25658642
Unit 1.2 Memory L1 - https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/58b2d9870e72331a256586b5
Unit 1.2 Memory L2 - https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/58b2dbb3b629afe02454bfde
Unit 1.3 Storage - https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/58b2e3debd1549e624d0a4ff
Unit 1.4 Networks L1 - https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/5891bcf9d4e77d1f279e9026
Unit 1.4 Networks L2 - https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/589499f6a10243a72fe4f349
Unit 1.5 Network Topologies L1
- https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/58b2ec74ba7e5e34252d392d
Unit 1.5 Network Topologies L2
- https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/58b2efddc0c8734b25d9cb24
Unit 1.7 Systems Software L1 - https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/58ad777a2d7fbf8659dd232d
Unit 1.7 Systems Software L2 - https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/58b03fa55d33fff54773a650
Unit 1.8 - Legal, ethical etc - https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/58b2f23dc0c8734b25d9cb39
1. Fundamentals of algorithms
1.1 Representing algorithms
Understand and explain the term Paul Long Book: Chapter 1, Page 2
algorithm. AQA Book: Page 1
Video: 70
Understand and explain the term Paul Long Book: Chapter 1, Page 5
decomposition. AQA Book: Page 3
Understand and explain the term Paul Long Book: Chapter 1, Page 8
abstraction. AQA Book: Page 5
Use a systematic approach to problem Paul Long Book: Chapter 1, Page 15
solving and algorithm creation AQA Book: Page 7, Page 9
representing those algorithms using Video: 68 and 69
pseudo-code and flowcharts. https://student.craigndave.org/videos/aqa-gcse-
Page 1 of 20
Explain simple algorithms in terms of Paul Long Book: Chapter 1, Page 23
their inputs, processing and outputs. https://student.craigndave.org/videos/aqa-gcse-
Determine the purpose of simple Paul Long Book: Chapter 1, Page 28
2. Programming
Page 2 of 20
2.1 Data types
Understand the concept of a data type.
Paul Long Book: Chapter 2, Page 1
AQA Book: Page 23
Video: 77 and 86
Understand and use the following slr9-the-use-of-data-types-and-casting
o integer
o real
o Boolean
o character
o string.
Page 3 of 20
Use definite and indefinite iteration, Paul Long Book: Chapter 2, Page 18
including indefinite iteration with the https://student.craigndave.org/videos/aqa-gcse-
condition(s) at the start or the end of slr9-the-use-of-the-three-basic-programming-
the iterative structure. constructs
Use nested selection and nested Paul Long Book: Chapter 2, Page 26
iteration structures. https://student.craigndave.org/videos/aqa-gcse-
Use meaningful identifier names and Paul Long Book: Chapter 2, Page 8
know why it is important to use them. AQA Book: Page 23
Video: 77 and 86
Page 4 of 20
2.4 Relational operations in a programming language
Be familiar with and be able to use:
Paul Long Book: Chapter 2, Page 35
o equal to AQA Book: Page 29
o not equal to
o less than
o greater than
o less than or equal to
o greater than or equal to.
Page 5 of 20
2.7 Input/output and file handling
Be able to obtain user input from the Paul Long Book: Chapter 2, Page 56
keyboard. AQA Book: Page 25
Be able to output data and information Paul Long Book: Chapter 2, Page 55
from a program to the computer AQA Book: Page 25
display. https://student.craigndave.org/videos/aqa-gcse-
Be able to read/write from/to a text file. Paul Long Book: Chapter 2, Page 58, Page 60
Page 6 of 20
Use subroutines that return values to Paul Long Book: Chapter 2, Page 74
the calling routine. https://student.craigndave.org/videos/aqa-gcse-
Know that subroutines may declare
their own variables, called local Paul Long Book: Chapter 2, Page 77
variables, and that local variables https://student.craigndave.org/videos/aqa-gcse-
o only exist while the subroutine
is executing
o are only accessible within the
Use local variables and explain why it Paul Long Book: Chapter 2, Page 77
is good practice to do so. https://student.craigndave.org/videos/aqa-gcse-
Page 7 of 20
2.13 Classification of programming languages
Know that there are different levels of Paul Long Book: Chapter 2, Page 107
AQA Book: Page 65
programming language: Video: 47
o low-level language https://student.craigndave.org/videos/aqa-gcse-
o high-level language. slr12-characteristics-and-purpose-of-different-
Explain the main differences between levels-of-programming-language
low-level and high-level languages.
Know that machine code and
assembly language are considered to
be low-level languages and explain the
differences between them.
Page 8 of 20
3. Fundamentals of data representation
3.1 Number bases
Understand the following number
Paul Long Book: Chapter 3, Page 2
bases: AQA Book: Page 71, page 73, page 75, page
81, page 85
o decimal (base 10) Video: 33, 35, and 36
o binary (base 2) gcse-slr13-number-bases
o hexadecimal (base 16).
Page 9 of 20
Know that quantities of bytes can be
Paul Long Book: Chapter 3, Page 20
described using prefixes. AQA Book: Page 89
Know the names, symbols and
corresponding values for the decimal gcse-slr13-units
Describe situations where binary shifts Paul Long Book: Chapter 3, Page 25
can be used. AQA Book: Page 87
Page 10 of 20
Know that Unicode uses the same
codes as ASCII up to 127.
o sampling rate
o sample resolution.
Page 11 of 20
Calculate sound file sizes based on the
sampling rate and the sample
Page 12 of 20
4. Computer systems
4.1 Hardware and software
Define the terms hardware and software
and understand the relationship Paul Long Book: Chapter 4, Page 2
between them. https://student.craigndave.org/videos/aqa-
Create, modify and interpret simple Paul Long Book: Chapter 4, Page 15
logic circuit diagrams. AQA Book: Page 105
Video: 13
o processor(s)
Page 13 of 20
o memory
o I/O devices gcse-slr6-operating-systems-part-2
o applications
o security.
Explain the role and operation of main
Paul Long Book: Chapter 4, Page 33
memory and the following major AQA Book: Page 105
Video: 9
components of a central processing unit
(CPU): https://student.craigndave.org/videos/aqa-
o arithmetic logic unit
o control unit
o clock
o bus.
Page 14 of 20
Understand why secondary storage is Paul Long Book: Chapter 4, Page 53
required. AQA Book: Page 1123
Video: 23
Be aware of different types of
Paul Long Book: Chapter 4, Page 47
secondary storage (solid state, optical https://student.craigndave.org/videos/aqa-
and magnetic). gcse-slr2-common-types-of-seconday-storage-
Explain the operation of solid state,
optical and magnetic storage.
Page 15 of 20
5. Fundamentals of computer networks
Define what a computer network is. Paul Long Book: Chapter 5, Page 2
AQA Book: Page 115
Discuss the benefits and risks of https://student.craigndave.org/videos/aqa-
computer networks
Explain the following common network Paul Long Book: Chapter 5, Page 12
topologies: AQA Book: Page 129
Video: 56
o star
o bus.
Define the term ‘network protocol’. Paul Long Book: Chapter 5, Page 13
AQA Book: Page 133
Video: 58
Paul Long Book: Chapter 5, Page 17
Explain the purpose and use of
AQA Book: Page 133
common network protocols including: Video: 58
o Ethernet
o Wi-Fi
o TCP (Transmission Control
o UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
o IP (Internet Protocol)
Page 16 of 20
o HTTP (Hypertext Transfer
o HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer
Protocol Secure)
o FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
o email protocols:
SMTP (Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol)
IMAP (Internet
Message Access
Understand the need for, and Paul Long Book: Chapter 5, Page 29
importance of, network security. AQA Book: Page 135
Video: 59
o authentication
o encryption
o firewall
o MAC address filtering.
Describe the 4 layer TCP/IP model: Paul Long Book: Chapter 5, Page 25
AQA Book: Page 137
o application layer Video: 58
o transport layer
o internet layer
o link layer.
Understand that the HTTP, HTTPS,
SMTP, IMAP and FTP protocols
operate at the application layer.
Understand that the TCP and UDP
protocols operate at the transport layer.
Understand that the IP protocol
operates at the internet layer.
Page 17 of 20
6. Fundamentals of cyber security
Be able to define the term cyber
security and be able to describe the Paul Long Book: Chapter 6, Page 29
main purposes of cyber security. AQA Book: Page 139
o blagging (pretexting)
o phishing Blagging (pretexting)
o pharming Paul Long Book: Chapter 6, Page 2
Page 18 of 20
6.1.2 Malicious code
Define the term 'malware'.
Paul Long Book: Chapter 6, Page 7
Describe what malware is and how it
can be protected against.
Describe the following forms of
computer virus
o computer virus Paul Long Book: Chapter 6, Page 7
o trojan Trojan
Paul Long Book: Chapter 6, Page 8
o spyware
o adware. Paul Long Book: Chapter 6, Page 7
Paul Long Book: Chapter 6, Page 8
Page 19 of 20
7. Ethical, legal and environmental impacts of digital technology on wider society,
including issues of privacy
Explain the current ethical, legal and
environmental impacts and risks of Paul Long Book: Chapter 7
digital technology on society. Where AQA Book: Page 147 Page 149
data privacy issues arise these should Video: 7
be considered.
Exam questions will be taken from the
following areas:
cyber security
mobile technologies
wireless networking
cloud storage
theft of computer code
issues around copyright of algorithms
wearable technologies
computer based implants.
Students will be expected to
understand and explain the general
principles behind the issues rather than
have detailed knowledge on specific
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