Performance Analysis of Vapour Compression and Vapour Absorption Refrigeration Units Working On Photovoltaic Power Supply

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N. K. Sharma et al., Vol.6, No.2, 2016

Performance Analysis of Vapour Compression and

Vapour Absorption Refrigeration Units Working on
Photovoltaic Power Supply
Navneet Kumar Sharma*, Hari Singh** ,Madan Kumar Sharma***, B. L. Gupta****

*Mechanical Engineering, Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur (India)

** Mechanical Engineering, Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur (India)

***Electronic Engineering, RTU Kota, Kota (India)

****Govt. Engg College Bharatpur, (India)

([email protected], [email protected], [email protected])

Corresponding Author: [email protected]

Received: 08.02.2016 Accepted: 14.05.2016

Abstract: This study involves a performance analysis between solar photovoltaic (SPV) operated vapour compression and vapour
absorption refrigeration systems. For the purpose of comparison, two refrigerators working on different refrigeration cycles
(compression and absorption) have been selected. The temperature and energy consumption of both units were recorded by using
various parameters. The results show that though the vapour absorption refrigerator takes more time to decrease the temperature of
the cabinet in comparison to the vapour compression refrigerator yet it consumes less power. The vapour absorption system is
especially useful in rural areas having no or less frequent power supply where we want to preserve drugs and food items because it
can maintain a constant low temperature between 6-10°C if delivered on the same temperature . The initial capital cost of the
absorption refrigeration system is also less than compression system.

Keywords: Photovoltaic Panel 1; Absorption refrigerator 2; Compression refrigerator 3; Battery 4; Inverter 5.

1. Introduction refrigeration purposes which includes the solar electric,

thermo-mechanical, absorption and also some newly
Large number of population in developing countries like emerging technologies. Eltawil et al. [4] classified various
India live in the rural or remote locations where grid available solar technologies into two groups: solar thermal
electricity is unavailable. So the storage of drugs and food is and solar electric. Out of all, solar photovoltaic (SPV) is
not possible because of low temperature requirements. [1]. found to have a widespread application due to simplicity,
In India, there are innumerable places where the functioning compactness and also because of its high power to weight
of well known technology vapour compression refrigeration ratio. The SPV system also has no movable parts and an
does not work effieciently due to shortage of electric energy. easy installation. Enibe [1] discussed the possibility of using
In this scenario, it is reasonable to evaluate the prospects of a SPV powered vapour compression system, continuous and
clean source of energy that will not only operate the intermittent liquid or solid absorption system and adsorption
refrigeration system but also minimize environmental hazard system, in the rural and remote areas.
associated with the refrigeration system operation [2]. Kattakayam et al. [5,6,7] described an autonomous power
Kim and Ferreira [3] provided a broad overview of source for a domestic refrigeration unit which was powered
various technologies available for the use of solar energy for by a field of photovoltaic panel back-up by a generator set.
N. K. Sharma et al., Vol.6, No.2, 2016
It was observed that there is no degradation in the Cherif et al. [8] analysed the dynamic behavior,
performance when a non-sinusoidal waveform AC source performances and simulated responses of a photovoltaic
was used to run the refrigerator, although it may involve (PV) refrigeration plant using latent storage. They also
only a slight additional heating of the hermetic provided a new storage strategy which substitutes the battery
compressor.They also performed the thermal mapping and storage with thermal, eutectic, latent or a hydraulic storage.
the cool-down, warm-up and steady state performance of a Eltawil et al. [4] also used
100 W AC operated domestic refrigerator powered by a field
of photovoltaic panels, a battery bank and an inverter.
the same principle storage for the purpose of storing the (India). The system was not economically viable without initial
potatoes. In this study a cooled storage structure (1.0 m3) was financial incentives and larger panel size was also
used for curing purposes. The cost of storage of energy in the recommended for sustainable system and more battery for
form of thermal energy is more than the conventional storage backup.
i.e battery. However, it is expected that the cost will reduce as DC compressors were used in the solar photovoltaic
the production increase in the future. refrigerator to reduce the losses of conversion of DC to AC,
Kaplanis et al. [9] describes the design and development refrigerators designed especially for vaccine purposes, but they
phases to convert a conventional refrigerator to a solar powered required a very high level of insulation [11,13]. Due to high
one. In this study, some modifications were introduced to cost of this type of compressor the availability and use of this
reduce both the heat loss and the cooling load but it resulted in refrigeration systems is very less in India. Michael K. Ewert et
the decline of the useful volume capacity by 30%. Tests were al. [12] presented the field test result of battery free solar
also carried out to study the performance of the refrigerator refrigerator having 110 mm insulation to reduce the heat
components and especially the compressor’s components along transfer. Field test performance and user acceptance have both
with the refrigerator as a whole. been very good so far. In this refrigerator, phase change
A fabrication, experimentation and simulation stage of a 165 materials has good freezing properties uesd as thermal storage.
liter domestic electric refrigerator to a solar powered was The solar cooling technology has the technical and financial
presented [10]. Various performance tests were carried out to barrier but it is expected to become competitive with the
study the performance of the fabricated system. A 140Wp conventional system in the future when the production of solar
photovoltaic capacity and two 12V-135 Ah battery banks were panel will increase and prices of fossil fuels will shoot up.
used. It is the least possible configuration required for this In this paper, performance comparison of vapour
converted system to work properly under normal condition. compression refrigeration system (VCRS) and vapour
The coefficient of performance (COP) was observed maximum absorption refrigeration system (VARS) operated by a solar PV
in the morning and it decreased with time. Economic array carried out with the help of transys simulation tool.
simulation using RET Screen 4 was carried out for Jaipur city Vapour compression system uses R-134a refrigerant and
vapour absorption system has ammonia water refrigerant absorber assembly. Here, a small Vapour Absorption
pair. Experimental setup has been developed and various Refrigerator (VAR), has a generator in which an electric
observations and test were conducted. The observed resistance of 65W is attached. In this system NH3-H20 work
parameters are- voltage, current of PV panels, battery as the absorbent and refrigerant pair, the temperature of the
voltage, temperatures of the refrigerator cabinet at different generator is controlled by the thermostat. Other
spaces. The following sections describe the system specifications of refrigerators are shown in table 1.
description and results.

2. System Description Table 1. Specification of vapour absorption and vapour

compression refrigerator
For comparative study purpose two refrigerators that work
on vapour compression and vapour absorption principle of S. Parameter Vapour Vapour
refrigeration with almost similar volume capacity as easily No Absorption Compression
available in the market were used. Vapour Refrigerator Refrigerator
Compression systems have mainly four elements in the
refrigeration system i.e. compressor, condenser, expansion 1 Make JVD Videocon X-Lent
valve or capillary tube, and evaporator. In the evaporator the
refrigerant is vaporized and heat is absorbed from the 2 Capacity 41 Liters 50 Liters
material contents or the space being cooled. Vapour
Compression Refrigerator (VCR) has a mechanical 3 Energy input Electrical Electrical
compressor driven by electric motor of 110 W.
In vapour absorption solar cooling system, mixture of 4 Power Usage Electric Compressor–110
refrigerant and absorbent is used to replace mechanical Resistance W
compression by thermo compression through generator- 65W
N. K. Sharma et al., Vol.6, No.2, 2016

5 Refrigerant NH3-H20 R-134a

6 Current 0.34 Amp 0.7 Amp


Fig.3: Solar panels


Fig.1. Vapour Absorption Refrigerator SPV 3




Fig.4. Arrangement of 8 Panels

Inverter: The figure 5 shows an inverter of capacity 1.5

kVA which converts the 24V DC supply by the battery bank
to 220-240V A/C by the help of an inbuilt transformer.
Storage Battery: The PV panels charge a field of 2 x 12V
Fig.2. Vapour Compression Refrigerator x 135 Ah lead acid local made batteries connected in series
to give a nominal output of 24V (Figure 6). The battery is
Figure 1 and 2 show the internal image of vapour charged up to 27V at fully charged condition and discharge
absorption refrigerator (VAR) and vapour compression at 23V at 50% State of charge (S.O.C). Battery terminal
refrigerator (VCR) respectively. The VCR has a small ice connected to the PV and Load.
cabin whereas the VAR system has only an evaporator plate
and behind it, the cooling coil is attached. Only the
evaporator cabin provides cooling throughout the cabin by
thermo-syphon effect.
The details of other components in the experimental setup
are as follows:
Photovoltaic Panels: Model 35 FR 36, 35 Wp are used to
run the refrigerators, one panel gives up 2.13 A Imax and 16.4
V at peak power output 2.40 A short circuit current and 21.0
open circuit voltage. The dimension of one module is 1009 x
403 x 40 mm. The 8 SPV panel is arranged in combination
of two series and four parallel panels to charge the battery Fig. 5: Inverter (1.5 kVA)
bank (Figure 3-4).
N. K. Sharma et al., Vol.6, No.2, 2016
3.1 Experiments Performed:

1. Behaviour of both the refrigerators was checked

with photovoltaic power supply and conventional grid
power supply.

2. Normal running test of the refrigerators was

conducted under the hot atmospheric condition in the
day time. This experiment was performed from the
solar panels connected to the system and current were
drawn from the panels consumed by the load
Fig. 6. Battery 12Vx135 Ah, 2Nos. (battery/compressor/electric resistance).

Charge Controller: Figure 7 shows a real image of a 3. Pull down and steady state tests for ideal ambient
charge controller (CC) having four terminals, two pairs of condition were performed. This test was conducted to
negative and positive. One pair is connected with SPV and check the battery bank capacity.
the other to battery bank. The refrigerators draw the power
from the battery bank via. inverter. The battery bank works 4. The warm-up test was performed on both
as a buffer stock between SPV panel and load. refrigerators. The refrigerators were switched off and
CR-1000 data logger is used to record the various data allowed to reach near ambient condition conditions
over time in regular intervals that can be programmed by the while the observations were taken.
user (Fig.8). The Data logger receives the data to be logged
by connecting several sensors which include thermocouple, 3.2 Experimental conditions:
differential voltage sensor, current sensor. It uses a 12 V
battery as a power source. To draw a comparison between both the refrigerators,
some basic conditions should nearly be the same such as the
atmospheric temperature, solar radiation, starting battery
voltage and thermostat cutoff point etc. To check the
thermostat setting in the VAR, the thermostat is kept at the
highest cooling point. The system is started on for a long
time and temperature of bottom is recorded continuously and
it is found that it goes down to 8 °C and remains constant. So
the same lowest temperature recorded in the vapour
absorption system is set in the digital thermostat of vapour
compression system for similar purposes. The digital
thermostat starts and stops the compressor according to the
bottom temperature of the VCR at 8°C. The other conditions
Fig.7. Solar charge controller of experimentation are as follows:
1. The refrigerator and other equipments are kept in a
2. The solar panels are kept on roof of the room
where there is no shade throughout the day at an angle
of 30° to the horizontal facing south direction. The
distance between panel and battery is minimized.
3. The thermostat position is set in such a way that
when the temperature of bottom cabinet goes down
below 8° C the compressor is automatically off.
4. No external load is kept inside the refrigerator
during the experimentation. During the load condition
only a water bottle is kept inside the cabinet.
5. The door of the refrigerator is kept closed while the
Fig. 8. Data logger tests are being performed.
6. No external heating or cooling was provided to the
3. Performance Test system during experimentation.

Experiments were carried out to analyze the performance

of both the refrigerator by measuring the various parameters.
N. K. Sharma et al., Vol.6, No.2, 2016
7. The panels are always kept dust free to take governed by the bottom cabinet temperature and due to
advantage of maximum possible solar insolation to thermal inertia the bottom temperature was up and down
generate electricity. slowly and meanwhile the temperature of the evaporator
tube became very high and very low. In the vapour
4. Observations and Analysis absorption system the thermostat kept in the highest position
at which maximum cooling was achieved, so no fluctuation
For analyzing the performance of both the refrigerators, was seen here in comparison to the vapour compression
the temperature of the compartment was recorded along with refrigeration system.
the battery voltage and panel voltage, at different conditions Figure 9 shows the variation of bottom cabinet temperature
with the help of a data logger. The final energy consumption of the refrigerator which works on the vapour compression
in both the systems was calculated. The observations have principle of refrigeration. It is clear from the graph that there
been taken for both grid energy and SPV energy based is no effect on temperature either power is supplied by the
vapour compression refrigerator and vapour absorption grid or photovoltaic array; similarly figure 10 shows the
refrigerator respectively. In the vapour compression same trend for refrigerator which works on vapour
refrigerator, the temperature of the evaporator cabin tube had absorption principle. In the vapour absorption refrigerator it
a very high fluctuation rate because thermostat cutoff is is noted that in the beginning for half an hour temperature
increases after that temperature continuously decreases.

Tempera ture(°C)





Fig :9 Variation of bottom cabinet temperature time in VCRS
N. K. Sharma et al., Vol.6, No.2, 2016
4.1 Normal running test with power from both SPV and temperature of air was recorded at the bottom. The Plot
battery bank: shows that the rate of decreasing temperature in VCR is very
fast in comparison to the VAR. In the VCR the fluctuation in
Figure 11 shows the variation of bottom cabinet temperature is seen due to thermostats cut off.
temperature with respect to time having no internal load, the

Figure 12 shows the variation of battery voltage with Initially in VCR there is rapid up and down in the battery
respect to time at no load. The battery is attached by the voltage due to compressor off and on. In the daytime when
solar panels. During the day time battery is continuously the ambient temperature is increased ,the heat loss also
charged but simultaneously the refrigerator is also working increases resulting in less frequent cutoff of the compressor.
so battery is also continuously discharged. From the graph it Hence the plot is shown as straight. In the VAR the battery
is clear that battery discharging is more rapid in the vapour voltage drop is low due to lower power consumption.
compression system than the vapour absorption system.

4.2 Pull down test and normal running test with power from in both the refrigerators. Figure 13 shows that the water
battery bank only:- temperature drops in the four hours reading and it is clear
that in the VCRS the temperature drop is more than the
Pull down test was carried out on the better ambient VARS. Similarly battery voltage drop in the VCRS is much
condition in the night time when the power is consumed by more than the VARS as shown in the figure 14. The Vapour
the load (compressor/heater) is supplied by the battery bank absorption refrigerator system has a low cooling rate (Figure
only. Two bottles of water having one litre volume each is 15).
placed in the cabinet in the refrigerator for cooling purposes
N. K. Sharma et al., Vol.6, No.2, 2016

4.3 Warm- up test shows the stabilization time for both the refrigerators and it
is clear that the vapour compression system requires very
In the figure 15 the temperature of the cabinet at bottom less time to stabilize temperature in comparison to the vapor
position for both the refrigerator is observed to stabilize a absorption system. It is also seen that as the load increases,
common value near the ambient temperature. Warm up test the stabilization time also increases in both the cases due to
shows that in the VCRS the temperature inside the cabinet more heat which is removed from the load (for loading
reach equivalent to the atmospheric condition in two hours purpose a water bottle at normal temperature is placed inside
whereas in the VARS it requires 3 hours. So VARS has the cabin)
better insulation in comparison to the VCRS. Figure 16
N. K. Sharma et al., Vol.6, No.2, 2016
N. K. Sharma et al., Vol.6, No.2, 2016
Figure 17 shows the power consumption recorded for 6 Total power
hrs working of the refrigerators in either case. From the consumption
2500 1500
graph it is clear that the vapour compression system requires in a day
Whrs Whrs
very high power consumption in comparison to the vapor actual
absorption system. It is also seen that as the load increases recorded
the power consumption also increases in both the cases due
to more heat which is removed from the load. Solar panel
5. Economics assuming 6 425 W 42500/- 250 W 25000/-
hrs sunny
Due to high power consumption in the vapour days
compression system its cost is much more than the vapour
absorption system. Table 2 shows the economical Battery size 12 V 210 12V 125
comparison of the two refrigeration system based on One day Ah 2 30000/- AH 2 24000/-
photovoltaic power supply. backup Nos. Nos.

Table 2. Economical Comparison of VCS and VAS Inverter 1 kVA 7000/- 0.6 kVA 5000/-

Vapour compression Vapour Absorption

System System Total cost 86000/- 62000/-

Size Cost* Size Cost* Subsidy 30%

/capacity (Rs.) /capacity (Rs.) provided by 25800/- 18600/-
Refrigerator 50 litre 6500/- 41 litre 8000/-
Net Initial
60200/- 43400/-

* approximate Costs in Indian markets

6. Result & Discussion 4. The VCS has nearly 1:2 on off cycle so number of
starting required is more hence more times the high
1. The temperature profile inside the refrigerator is same value of current from battery is required consequently
irrespective of mode of supply either from grid or battery discharged quickly.
solar. However in both the supplies minimum 190V
AC is required to run the compressor. In case of PV if 5. Due to high starting current in the VCS it required
battery is not charged to deliver starting current then battery more than 50% charged and larger inverter
inverter does not allow the compressor to start where capacity to handle the large amount of current. Where
as in the case of grid supply this problem does not as in the case of VARS small capacity inverter may be
arise. used.

2. The vapour absorption refrigerator may start at 6. VARS required much more time to stabilize at load
comparatively lower battery voltage due to requirement condition in comparison to VCS. So VARS is not
of constant current. In the beginning VARS require recommended for the high cooling however it can
approximately 04 A direct current from 24 V batteries, maintain the desired temperature within 10 C.
whereas in the case of VCRS it is as high as up to 18 A
for instant and after that it decreases to 8 A in normal 7. Conclusions
It is technically feasible to operate both refrigerators VCRS
3. In the VARS the battery discharged at a very slow rate and VARS as photovoltaic refrigerators. Under normal
on the other hand in the VCS battery discharged at a operating conditions both refrigerators working on
high rate due to more running current as well as high photovoltaic power supply, behave similar to working on
starting currents. grid electricity. Performance test shows that vapour
compression refrigerator system has a very high cooling rate
and more power consumption in comparison to vapour
N. K. Sharma et al., Vol.6, No.2, 2016
absorption refrigeration system. The VAR system has low operated domestic refrigerator” Int. J of Applied Energy
capital cost than VCR system. 86(2009) pp 2583-2591.
The VARS can be used for preserving the drugs and
medicine in the remote areas where no more cooling is [12] Michael K. Ewert et al. “Photovoltaic direct drive,
required only temperature is to be maintained and that too at battery free solar refrigerator field test results”
much lower cost than the VCS. In this case if it is possible to
[13] O.Ekren, A. Yilanci,E.Cetin,H.K.Ozturk 2011
transport the drugs and medicine by refrigerated vehicle
“Experimental performance evaluation of a PV powered
maintained at the desired temperature at the desired place
refrigeration system.” Electronics and Electrical
than VARS has the viable solution to preserve these at low
Engineering No.8 (114) pp 7-10.
cost than the VCS

It may be recommended that if a high cooling rate is required

frequently one should select vapour compression
refrigeration system and if only the temperature is to be
maintained in the cabinet then the vapour absorption system
is capable with less capital investment than compression
system. The Vapour absorption system also performs noise
free operation with less maintenance cost.


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