First Information For Candidates
First Information For Candidates
First Information For Candidates
Contents How to use this guide
Paper 1: Reading and Use of English................................................................................................... 7 This guide is designed to help you on each step
of your learning journey. There’s information
Paper 2: Writing....................................................................................................................................11
and advice for how to prepare before the exam,
Paper 3: Listening................................................................................................................................ 15 what to expect in the exam and what will
happen after the exam.
Paper 4: Speaking................................................................................................................................ 19
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Read these tips carefully – they will help you to feel well prepared for the exam and to avoid
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2 3
About the exam Preparing for the exam
Is there a wordlist for this exam? Follow time limits when you do practice tests.
No. Exams that are at CEFR Level B2 This will help you prepare for the real exam, when
or above, like B2 First, do not have you will have limited time to complete the tasks
particular language specifications or and fill in the answer sheet. (And remember, if you
vocabulary lists. have extra time at the end of the Writing and the
Reading and Use of English tests, you can go back
The exam has four papers. Each one is equally important. to a task and look at it again.)
Self-study is very important when preparing for
1. Reading and Use of English 2. Writing Do I need to pass all an exam, because sometimes you don’t have a
This paper tests your reading This paper tests the content, four papers? teacher or a book to help you. Try these ways to
skills, such as reading for detail communicative achievement, No, it’s possible to pass the exam if make your learning journey more personal:
or understanding how a text is organisation and language of you do well in some papers but not • Write interesting and useful vocabulary in a
organised, and your knowledge your written English. in every paper. For example, if you notebook. Include the meaning, the
and use of a range of vocabulary do very well in Reading and Use of pronunciation, an example sentence and a
and grammar. English, Writing and Listening, but translation in your first language.
you don’t do very well in Speaking,
Your scores for it’s still possible to pass the exam. • Think about your learning goals: why are you
studying for this exam? If you pass the exam,
(Paper 1 (Reading) + Paper 1 (Use of English) What’s the difference what will this qualification help you do in future?
+ Paper 2 + Paper 3 + Paper 4) ÷ 5 between taking the exam
on paper or on a computer? • Don’t be afraid to use English outside class with
= your exam result! other English speakers in everyday situations.
The content of the exams is the
3. Listening 4. Speaking For example, you could tell a family member,
same, the scoring is the same and
classmate or friend about your day or post a
This paper tests real-life This tests your ability to the final certificate is the same.
comment in English in response to something
listening skills, such as interact with other speakers, Cambridge English offers two
on social media.
listening for general meaning, how you organise your ideas, versions of the exam (paper-based
information, opinion or detail. your pronunciation and your and computer-based) just so you
use of grammar and vocabulary. have more choice and flexibility in
how you take it.
4 5
One text or several short texts, with 10 questions. You must match
Part 7
each question to something in the text(s).
There are many different types of text in the To improve your reading skills, it’s really
exam: newspaper and magazine articles, important to read many different types of
reports, fiction, advertisements, letters, text which you really enjoy. If you have a
messages and informational material (such special interest or hobby, try reading about
as brochures, guides, manuals, etc.). Before it in English as much as you can. You can
you take the exam, it’s important that you
have seen these kinds of text before and that
you know how to do the kind of tasks which
read anything: blogs, books, magazine
articles, social media, informational
websites or encyclopaedias. The important
appear in the exam. thing is just to read as much as possible and
to enjoy it!
Extra help online
You can find a sample test and For this paper you need to study things
self-study lesson plans on our website. like collocations (words which often go
Both of these can help learners who are together), phrasal verbs, linking words
preparing for the B2 First exam to practise and to understand how writers use different
different parts of the Reading and Use of words to express similar meanings. (All of
English paper. these are important for the Writing paper,
too!) When you’re preparing for the exam,
keep a notebook and write down vocabulary
which you see often. You could use this to
test yourself later.
Some common questions about Paper 1: Reading and Use of English
Paper 2: Writing
Writing 140–190 words. There is only one question.
1 hour Part 1 You must write an essay which shows your opinion about the topic, using
20 minutes the ideas which are given in the question and one extra idea of your own.
2 parts
Writing 140–190 words. There are four questions and you must choose
Part 2
only one. You could write an article, email, essay, letter, review or story.
There are four assessment criteria for the tasks You can learn a lot from reading other
in the Writing paper: people’s written work! Try the following:
✔ C
ontent (How well have you completed 1. Find a sample answer in a coursebook
the task? Have you done what you were or book of practice tests.
asked to do?)
2. L ook at how the writer answers the
✔ C
ommunicative Achievement (Is the different parts of the question.
writing appropriate for the task? For
3. C
hoose one of the assessment criteria
example, is the style right for a magazine
which you find more difficult and look
article? Have you used the right register,
at what the writer does well. Take
for example formal or informal?)
some notes and compare this to your
✔ O
rganisation (How is the piece of writing own writing.
put together? Is it logical and ordered?)
For example, for Organisation, you could
✔ L anguage (Do you use a good look at how the writer organises their ideas
range of vocabulary and grammar? Are into paragraphs. Then think about how
there any mistakes which would make it they develop these ideas, and how they
difficult for the reader to understand?) link ideas in each paragraph and between
the paragraphs.
For both exam tasks, you receive marks from
0 to 5 for each of the four criteria. These
scores are combined to calculate your final
mark for the Writing paper.
Extra help online
You can find a sample test and self-study
lesson plans on our website. Both of these can
help learners to prepare for the B2 First exam.
Try the exam tasks on Write & Improve
and get fast, free automated feedback on
your writing.
Some common questions about Paper 2: Writing
Paper 2: Writing
The questions on the test paper will
tell you how much to write. You
can use this information to help you
plan your answer. If you write too
much, you will only lose marks if you Do … Don’t …
What if I write too much, or
have included details which aren’t
if I don’t write enough? ✔ Read every part of the question carefully and
important or which confuse the ✘ Don’t use the exact words from the question paper
reader. If you write a shorter answer underline important parts. too much. And if you use some key words from the
which includes all the required question, make sure you spell them correctly!
information, this is OK. ✔ It’s OK if you need to make corrections – just make
sure they are clear so the examiner can understand ✘ Don’t mix formal and informal language. For example,
what you have written! don’t use formal linking words in an informal letter.
Both parts are worth the same ✔ Add detail to the points in Part 1 if you can, using ✘ Don’t write addresses for a letter. They are not
number of marks and you can decide relevant ideas and information. required, so writing these will waste time.
how much time to spend on each
How long should I spend on part. Just make sure you spend some ✔ Use a range of vocabulary, even if you are not
each part? time planning before you start completely sure about the correct spelling.
writing each answer and checking
your work after you have finished. ✔ Check your grammar, especially the ends of verbs,
irregular past tenses, plural forms, question forms and
word order.
12 13
Paper 3: Listening
Paper 3: Listening
Listen to several recordings about different topics. For each recording,
Part 1 answer a multiple-choice question. Each recording is about 30 seconds
long and there could be one or more people speaking.
Listen to one person speaking for 3–4 minutes and complete 10 sentences
About Part 2
with information that you hear.
40 minutes
4 parts Listen to five short recordings about the same topic. For each recording,
Part 3 choose the right answer from a list of eight options. Each recording is
about 30 seconds long and has only one person speaking.
Listen to two people speaking together for 3–4 minutes and answer seven
Part 4
multiple-choice questions.
✔ I n the exam, always read the questions This paper tests different real-life skills,
before you start listening. Don’t worry if including listening for information, opinion or
you miss a question – use the questions
to help you find your place. You will hear
each recording twice.
detail, and listening for the general meaning of
the whole text. To practise, find an interesting
video or audio clip online and share it with
another English speaker, such as a friend or
✔ I n the exam, if you can’t hear the
colleague. Choose something which you know
recording, raise your hand immediately
you will disagree about! After listening, discuss
so somebody can quickly help to fix
it together. Use examples from the clip to
the problem.
support your opinions.
Extra help online
To improve your listening skills, it’s important
Try the sample Listening test on our website. to listen to many different things in your
Listen to Virtually Anywhere, an audio series free time which you really enjoy. You can
of seven episodes. It also includes activities to find lots of video and audio material online
help you practise the language which is used related to your interests and hobbies, like
in the episodes. podcasts, talks, radio stations, audiobooks
and so on. Many of these come with subtitles
or transcripts so you can read and listen at
the same time. The important thing is just to
listen in English as much as possible and to
enjoy it!
Some common questions about Paper 3: Listening
Paper 3: Listening
How many times will I hear Do … Don’t …
each recording? You will hear each recording
two times. ✔ Listen to all the instructions in the test – and read ✘ Don’t use a pen on the answer sheet. Use a pencil.
them too! It’s really important to understand what Answers written in pen cannot be read by the marking
you’re listening for and what you have to do. machine i.e. 0 points! Rub out any answers you want to
change using an eraser.
✔ Use the time before each recording to prepare to
listen: read the question and think about the context. ✘ Don’t use different words in Part 2. You should
write the exact word(s) or number(s) that you hear
You must write all your answers on ✔ While you listen, use the information on the page to in the recording.
a separate answer sheet. help you follow the recording.
While you’re listening, you can ✘ Don’t spend too much time thinking about a difficult
write on the question paper, but you ✔ In Part 2, look carefully at what is printed before and question. You might miss the next one!
Where do I write my answers?
must transfer your answers after the gap and think about the kind of information
to the answer sheet. You will have that you are listening for. Then write only the missing ✘ Don’t rush to write an answer for Parts 1, 3 and 4
5 minutes at the end of the test information on the answer sheet. just because you heard one word or phrase. You need
to do this. to concentrate on the overall meaning.
✔ Try to answer the questions when the recording
is played the first time. Then you can check these
answers when you hear the recording for the
second time.
16 17
Paper 4: Speaking
Paper 4: Speaking
Candidates are tested together in pairs or groups of three. If there are three candidates together, the test lasts
longer so each candidate gets enough time to speak.
You and the other candidate(s) each speak for 1 minute about two
About Part 2 photographs. After the other candidate has spoken, you also have
14 minutes 30 seconds to respond to what they said.
4 parts
Part 3 You and the other candidate(s) discuss and complete a decision-making task.
The candidates and the examiner all speak together about topics related to
Part 4
the task in Part 3.
Don’t try to prepare and memorise general If you don’t know about a topic in the
answers for the Speaking or Writing tests. Speaking paper, do not speak about
They almost certainly won’t answer the something else! You need to show your
questions which you are asked. language skills, not your knowledge about a
specific subject.
Extra help online
Watch an example of a real Speaking test It might help you to practise some strategies
and read the examiner’s comments. in advance, such as:
• how to explain that you don’t know a lot
about a topic
• how to connect this topic logically to
something you are more familiar with, so
that you still answer the examiner’s question.
• describing what a friend or family member
might say about the topic instead.
Like all language skills, your speaking will
improve if you practise more. Speak to
different people, in different situations
about different topics. You can also practise
for Part 2 of the Speaking test by using
podcasting or video websites to record
yourself, then you can listen back to see
what you could improve.
Some common questions about Paper 4: Speaking
Paper 4: Speaking
Ask your exam centre. Different
exam centres have different rules
about this. But there is no evidence
Examiners are specially trained for ✔ Listen to your partner when it is their turn to speak. ✘ Don’t worry if the examiner interrupts you when
situations where one candidate is you are still speaking. This shows that you have
stronger or weaker, or if one person ✔ Ask the examiner to repeat the question or spoken enough. Part of the examiner’s job is to
What if my partner for the talks too much or not enough. instructions if you don’t understand. control the time limits of the test.
Speaking test is better than
Don’t worry – they will make sure
me at speaking skills? you get a fair opportunity to show
your speaking skills in the test.
20 21
Taking the exam
You should register Can I choose to take different exam papers on ✔ T here will be a clock or timer in the exam room
with our free Results different days? (or on your screen if you’re taking the computer-
Service for Candidates based test). Remember to use the time well.
No, the Speaking test is the only paper which usually happens on
a few weeks before Try not to panic by looking at the clock every
a different day. All the other papers must be taken together on the
your exam. few minutes!
same day.
✔ F ollow all instructions carefully. In the
Do I need to bring anything with me on exam day?
computer-based exam, the instructions will be on
Yes, you should bring: your screen. In the paper-based exam, they will
1. Identification (for example, your passport or national ID card). be on the exam paper. If you have any questions,
It must be the original document with your photo and it must if you need help or if you want to leave the room,
be valid on the day of your exam. raise your hand to ask the invigilator (the person
2. Pens (black or dark blue). who helps manage the exams).
3. Pencils (B or HB) and an eraser. ✔ Y
our exam centre will take your photo. They
4. A clear plastic bottle of water. might also make a note of your passport or
ID number. These steps are very important if
Your exam centre will have extra pens and pencils if you need them.
you want to use your exam result in future for
You cannot bring your mobile phone or other electronic items inside immigration or higher education.
the exam room. Your exam centre can tell you if you should leave these
✔ F inally … try to sleep well the night before
at home or if they can keep them somewhere safe during the exam.
your exam!
Taking the exam
After the exam
Getting your results and certificate If you score … You will receive … Your certificate will show …
All candidates receive a Statement of Results. If you are successful in the exam, you will also 180 or more (grade A) a certificate for B2 First … that you demonstrated ability at CEFR Level C1.
receive a certificate. Both of these documents will be sent to your exam centre.
160–179 (grade B or C) a certificate for B2 First … that you demonstrated ability at CEFR Level B2.
Certificate 7–9 weeks after the exam 5–6 weeks after the exam What happens if I don’t pass one of the papers?
You can’t fail a paper. Your ‘overall score’ is based on the whole exam, so it’s possible to pass the exam even if
you don’t do very well in one paper. Your Statement of Results will show your overall score and your scores for
the different parts of the exam.
Your Statement of Results will look like this:
Reference No.
How can I receive my results online?
You’ll need your Candidate ID Number and Secret Number to register with the Results Service for Candidates.
You can find these numbers on the Confirmation of Entry document from your exam centre.
To be quoted on all
correspondence How can a university, college or employer check my exam results?
First Certificate in English
Statement of Results
They can use the online Results Verification Service. You will need to give them your Candidate ID Number
your grade for the Candidate name Session
and Secret Number. If you’ve lost these numbers, the centre where you took your exam can provide them.
whole exam
the CEFR level (B2)
Place of entry
of the whole exam
If you do not want to prepare for another exam but Next steps in your learning journey
Result Overall Score CEFR Level
you want to continue developing and improving With your B2 First qualification, you could:
your score on the
English Certificated
Grade A
your score on the For example: • Begin a course of higher education. Cambridge
for the whole exam (this is English Qualifications are officially accepted by
Grade B
B2 170 171
168 Cambridge English
• C
ontinue to read and listen to things in English
Grade C
• C
ontinue to keep a vocabulary notebook. Add
Cambridge English Scale do not receive a result, CEFR level or
Candidates whose performance is below Level B2, but falls within certificate.
Level B1 (between 140 and 159 on the Cambridge English Scale),
receive a certificate stating that they have demonstrated ability at
Level B1.
Cambridge English Scale scores below 122 are not reported for this A C1 Advanced qualification will help you
any interesting or useful words and phrases
24 25
After the exam
A few facts and figures about us:
We help people
learn English and
prove their skills
to the world