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Unit Ii

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Ph.D. Course Work

RCS 103
Computer Applications
Contents of unit-II:
1) PC Boot Process and BIOS.
2) Description of Different parts of a Computer.
3) Personal computer configuration, performing installation
of operating system and other application, Operating
System Installations and Procedures/ Booting
Procedures, Windows Configurations & Adding Device
4) Usage of relevant tools and recovery using various tools/
5) Perform cabling, connecting, and configuring of a peer to
peer network (WiFi/Broadband).
6) Use of identifying different Desktop Icons. My Computer,
My Documents, Changing Desktop Backgrounds, Mouse
Pointer, Screen Saver and Notepad ,WordPad, MS Paint.

1. PC Boot Process and BIOS


Why is Booting Required ?

• Hardware doesn’t know where the operating
system resides and how to load it.
• Need a special program to do this job –
Bootstrap loader.
– E.g. BIOS – Boot Input Output System.
• Bootstrap loader locates the kernel, loads it into
main memory and starts its execution.
• In some systems, a simple bootstrap loader
fetches a more complex boot program from disk,
which in turn loads the kernel.

How Boot process occurs ?

• Reset event on CPU (power up, reboot)
causes instruction register to be loaded
with a predefined memory location. It
contains a jump instruction that transfers
execution to the location of Bootstrap
• This program is form of ROM, since RAM
is in unknown state at system startup.
ROM is convenient as it needs no
initialization and can’t be affected by virus.

BIOS Interaction

Tasks performed at boot up

• Run diagnostics to determine the state of
machine. If diagnostics pass, booting continues.
• Runs a Power-On Self Test (POST) to check the
devices that the computer will rely on, are
• BIOS goes through a preconfigured list of
devices until it finds one that is bootable. If it
finds no such device, an error is given and the
boot process stops.
• Initializes CPU registers, device controllers and
contents of the main memory. After this, it loads
the OS.

BIOS Setup

Boot Procedure

Tasks performed at boot up (Contd)

• On finding a bootable device, the BIOS loads
and executes its boot sector. In the case of a
hard drive, this is referred to as the master boot
record (MBR) and is often not OS specific.
• The MBR code checks the partition table for an
active partition. If one is found, the MBR code
loads that partition's boot sector and executes it.
• The boot sector is often operating system
specific, however in most operating systems its
main function is to load and execute a kernel,
which continues startup.

Secondary Boot Loaders

• If there is no active partition or the active
partition's boot sector is invalid, the MBR may
load a secondary boot loader and pass control
to it and this secondary boot loader will select a
partition (often via user input) and load its boot
• Examples of secondary boot loaders
– GRUB – GRand Unified Bootloader
– LILO – LInux LOader
– NTLDR – NT Loader

Booting and ROM

• System such as cellular phones, PDAs
and game consoles stores entire OS on
ROM. Done only for small OS, simple
supporting hardware, and rugged
• Changing bootstrap code would require
changing ROM chips.
– EPROM – Erasable Programmable ROM.
• Code execution in ROM is slower. Copied
to RAM for faster execution.

Configuring BIOS

How to configure BIOS:

1. Turn on or restart your computer.
2. Press "Esc," "Del," "F1," "F2," "Ctrl-Esc" or "Ctrl-
Alt-Esc" as soon as BIOS type or version appears on
screen to enter BIOS Setting. There is usually a line
of text at the bottom of the display that tells you
"Press ___ to Enter Setup.”
3. Adjust all available features within the basic or
standard BIOS section. Press the down arrow on
your keyboard to select the time and date options.
Change each entry accordingly, typically by typing
the correct time/date using your keyboard pad.

4. Once you have entered setup, you will see a set of text screens with a
number of options. Some of these are standard, while others vary according
to the BIOS manufacturer. Common options include:

• System Time/Date - Set the system time and date

• Boot Sequence - The order that BIOS will try to load the operating system.
This controls the order in which the PC looks at the drives for bootable
information. Other versions have separate settings for “First Boot Device”,
“Second Boot Device” and so on.
• Mouse/Keyboard - "Enable Num Lock," "Enable the Keyboard," "Auto-Detect
• Drive Configuration - Configure hard drives, CD-ROM and floppy drives
• Power Management - Select whether to use power management, as well as
set the amount of time for standby and suspend
• Exit - Save your changes, discard your changes or restore default settings

• Typematic Rate Settings: These options control the

rate at which holding down a key on the keyboard
will produce characters on screen. Just leave it
disabled as it isn’t very important.
• Boot Numlock: Enable to have Numlock on when
you start the computer.
• Password Security Option: Some systems have an
option to require a password every time the
system boots up.
• HDD SMART Capability: It is only useful if you
have software running which monitors the status
of the hard drives.
• Logo/Splash screen Show: Controls whether the
BIOS logo is shown on your bootup. Disable.
Sometimes there is a small select option, too, for
selecting which logo will be shown.

• PNP OS Installed: If all your operating systems support

Plug & Play (PnP), select Yes so that they can take over
the management of device resources. If you are using a
non-PnP-aware OS or not all of the operating systems you
are using support PnP, select No to let the BIOS handle it
• PC Health: monitors fan speed, CPU temperature,
voltage levels, etc. You may also be able to set a shut
down temperature, so if the CPU gets way too hot, the
system would shut itself down for safety.
• Set to Default Configuration: Many BIOS versions have
pre-set sets of factory default values which you can pre-
load in case there is a mistake or problems in BIOS
• Passwords: Most BIOS versions have security options to
allow for user or supervisor passwords. Most people do
not use them. But, if you do, just make sure you record
the password. If you lose it, you’ll have to reset your
whole BIOS to get your system back.

• Onboard 1394: Enable or disable your

onboard Firewire capability
• FDD Controller: Enable or disable your
motherboard’s on-board floppy disk controller.
You probably want this enabled.
• OnBoard Serial Port: Used to enable or
disable the serial ports.
• Parallel Port: change modes of parallel port
• Power On Function: Some motherboards
allow you to turn on the system via a variety
of alternative ways other than the normal
power switch. Examples include mouse
buttons, button only (normal), or by keyboard.
Select whichever option you want.

5. Go to the BIOS advanced settings to modify any

onboard devices detected. Configuring the BIOS
by pressing "Enter" on your keyboard.
6. Change Options to "Enabled" or "Disabled" for
each component using your keyboard arrow keys
and "Enter."
7. Ensure every typical component is enabled. This
may include the onboard Local Area Network
(LAN), which provides the ability to detect
Internet access in your area.
8. Other settings include USB controllers, which
manage the proper detection of plug and play
devices in your operating system (OS).
9. The audio controller setting helps the system
detect and configure the use of audio within the

10. Go to the boot menu to configure the order

in which storage units are loaded. The hard
disk containing the operating system should
be the primary boot option, while the CD-
ROM and all other secondary components
should subsequently follow.

11. In the event you wish to reinstall the

operating system, switch the boot order
sequence to begin with CD-ROM (or the
media containing the operating system disc.)

12. Press "F10" to save all specified settings, or

press "Escape" to cancel all changes.

Start up Sequence
• POST(Power on self test)
• Looks for video card and executes its BIOS.
• Looks for other option ROMS e.g IDE disk.
• Does more system inventory e.g COM ports,
setting hard disk params.
• Plug and play support.
• Sets up IDT and the interrupt service routines.

BIOS contd…
• Looks for bootable media.
• Loads Boot sector(512 bytes) of the media at
0x7c00 .
• Jumps to CS:IP = 0000:7c00 with DL=drive id
of bootable drive.

• BIOS data area from 0x0000 to 0x7c00.

(Contains IDT,ISR’s and data).

BIOS system calls

• BIOS provides low level I/O routines through
• Main services are:
– INT 15h: Get memory map.
– INT 13h: Disk I/O interrupts.
– INT 19h: Bootstrap loader.

How ‘kernel’ starts?

• Control starts in setup.S in real mode
• Copies system data (Memory maps, drive
information, hardware support, APM support)
into appropriate memory locations through
BIOS calls
• Switches to protected mode
• Jumps to head.S at 0x100000 (1 MB)

Memory Map during booting procedure

Compressed kernel image Kernel
Head.S image
1 MB



Bios Data

2. Description of Different parts

of a Computer
Hardware & Software

All of the electronic and mechanical equipment in a
computer is called the hardware. Examples include:

• Motherboard
• Hard disk
• Power supply
• Processor
• Case
• Monitor
• Keyboard
• Mouse
Hardware & Software

The term software is used to describe computer programs
that perform a task or tasks on a computer system.
Software can be grouped as follows:

• System software - Operating System etc.

• Utility programs - Antivirus etc.
• Applications Software - Word, SolidWorks etc.
PC Components

Computer system - collection of electronic and

mechanical devices operating as a unit. The main parts
1. System unit
2. Monitor
3. Keyboard
4. Mouse
5. Speakers
2 1

3 4
System Unit

The system unit is the main container for system

devices. It protects the delicate electronic and
mechanical devices from damage. Typical system unit
devices include:

• Motherboard
• CPU (Processor)
• Memory
• Disk drives
• Ports - USB etc.
• Power supply
• Expansion cards - sound card, network card,
graphics card etc.

Peripherals are devices that connect to the system unit

using cables or wireless technologies. Typical peripherals

• Monitor
• Keyboard
• Printer
• Plotter
• Scanner
• Speakers
System Devices


An integrated circuit (IC) supplied on a single silicon chip.

It’s function is to control all the computers functions. The
main processor manufacturers are:

• AMD - Athlon and Turion (mobile)

• Intel - Pentium and Centrino (mobile)

System Devices

Processor speed - measured in megahertz (MHz) or

Gigahertz (GHz) - the speed of the system clock (clock
speed) within the processor and it controls how fast
instructions are executed:

• 1 MHz - 1 million clock ticks every second

• 1 GHz - 1 billion clock ticks every second

Latest trend - multi-core processors can have two, three

or four processor cores on a single chip.
System Devices

Random Access Memory (RAM)

• Primary storage - main computer memory. Data,

programs currently in use are held in RAM
• Volatile - contents of memory are lost if the
computer is turned off
• Module - memory IC’s on a circuit board

System Devices

Memory is sold in modules:

• DIMM’s (dual inline memory module) for desktop


• SODIMM’s (small outline dual inline memory

module) for notebook computers.


System Devices

DIMM’s and SODIMM’s are available in modules of 256MB,

512MB, 1GB, 2GB

The current technology is called DDR (double data ram) and

there are three types: DDR1, DDR2, DDR3

Any particular computer system is only compatible with one

Module capacity
Module name

Module type Module speed

System Devices


Mainboard or system board - the main circuit board for

the computer system. All device in the computer system
will either be part of the motherboard or connected to it.


PCI Slots
Graphics Slot
System Devices

Processor socket - different processors require different

sockets and a motherboard must be chosen to suit the
processor intended for use:

• Socket 478 - Intel Pentium IV

• Socket 775 - Intel Dual Core and Core Duo
• Socket 754 - AMD Athlon
• Socket 939 - AMD Athlon 64
• Socket AM2 - AMD Athlon X2
System Devices

Chipset - controls data flow around the computer. It

consists of two chips:

• Northbridge - data flow between memory and

processor - data flow between the processor
and the graphic's card
• Southbridge - controls data flow to the devices
- USB, IDE, SATA, LAN and Audio - controls PCI
slots and onboard graphics
System Devices

Buses - a path through which data can be sent to the

different parts of the computer system. Main buses:

Front Side

Graphics Slot Memory Bus
PC-Express or AGP All Memory
Graphics Bus


PCI Slots PCI Bus Onboard
IDE Graphics
System Devices
Power Supply

A computer power supply has a number of functions:

• Converts Alternating current (AC) Direct current (DC)
• Transforms mains voltage (240 Volts) to the voltages
required by the computer. The main voltages are:
• 12 volts for the disk drives as they have motors
• 3.3 and 5 volts for the circuit boards in the computer
System Devices

• Uses advances power management (APM) to allow

the computer go into a standby mode
• Some have a switch to toggle between 240 volt
supplies and 110 volt supplies.

• The main connections are:

3 4

1 2

Connects to the motherboard and supplies the 3.3 and 5

1 Main connector
volt supply for the board.

2 Molex connector Connects IDE hard drives and optical drives.

3 Berg connector Connects floppy disk drives

4 SATA connector Connects SATA drives


• SSD stands for Solid State Drive

• SATA, in full serial advanced technology
attachment, also called serial ATA, an interface
for transferring data between a computer's
central circuit board and storage devices. SATA
was designed to replace the long-standing
PATA (parallel ATA) interface.
System Devices
Computer ports are interfaces between peripheral devices
and the computer. They are mainly found at the back of the
computer but are often also built into the front of the
computer chassis for easy access.
Ports at the rear of the computer

Ports at the front of the computer

System Devices

• Serial port - a 9-pin port. Often called Com ports -

Com1, Com2 etc. Mice and external modems were
connected to these ports. They are turquoise in

• Parallel port - a 25-pin port used to connect

printers, scanners, external hard disks, zip drives
etc. to the computer. Burgundy in colour, they are
often called LPT ports - LPT1, LPT2 etc.
System Devices

• Video port - used to connect a monitor to the

computer system. There are two types:
• VGA port - This is a 15-pin port and is blue in colour. It is
an analogue port and is being replaced by the DVI port.

• DVI port - Digital Video Interface (DVI) white in colour, it

is a digital port. This means that no conversion is
necessary between the computer and the monitor and
that means that images can be produced more quickly on
the monitor
System Devices

• PS/2 port - used to connect keyboards and mice to

the computer. The keyboard port is purple and the
mouse port is green

• Modem port - used to connect a modem to a

telephone line. RJ11 (Registered Jack11) is the
technical term for the port.
System Devices

• USB port - intended to replace Serial, Parallel and

PS/2 ports with a single standard. 127 devices can
be connected to a single USB port. Hot swappable
- devices can be connected and disconnected while
the computer is on

There are different USB (Universal Serial Bus) standards in

• USB 1 - original standard - transfer data of 1.5MBps.
• USB 2 - current standard - transfer rate of 60MBps.
• USB3 - future standard (2009) transfer rate of 600MBps.
System Devices

• FireWire port - (IEEE 1394) is an Apple technology

There are two versions available and a third is

• FW 400 - transfer rate of 50MBps.

• FW 800 - transfer rate of 100MBps.
• FW S3200 - transfer rate of 400MBps.

• USB devices must be connected to a host computer

while FireWire devices can be connected to each
other without using a computer.
System Devices

• Ethernet port - used to connect to a network.

Known as RJ45, it is larger than a modem port.

• Audio ports - used to input and output audio from

the computer. Three mini jack ports but there may
be more:

• Light blue - Line in - connect external devices

• Lime - Connect the speakers to this port.
• Pink - Connect a microphone to this port.
System Devices
Graphics card 3


Graphics card handles it’s own processing making it

1 Processor and fan
almost independent of the processor.

2 Board connector AGP or PCI-Express

Graphics card has it’s own memory. This makes it much

3 Memory
faster. Most new cards use DDR3 memory.

4 DVI connector Digital output is supplied through this port.

5 VGA connector Analogue output is provided through this port.

System Devices

Graphic card - screen images are made up of dots called

pixels (picture elements). The graphics card must process
each of these pixels to create the image.

The resolution of a screen is the number of pixels being

displayed. Typical resolutions include:

• 800 x 600 - 480,000 pixels

• 1024 x 768 - 786,432 pixels
• 1280 x 1024: - 1,310,720 pixels
• 1600 x 1200: - 1,920,000 pixels
System Devices

There are two types of graphic card available:

• AGP (accelerated graphics port) - the older

technology but still available. It can output in
analogue or digital or both.
• PCI-Express - the newer technology - faster than
AGP. Allows for two graphics cards to improve the
performance - called Scalable Link Interface (SLI).
PCI-Express can also output in analogue or digital or
• These cards are mutually exclusive and the choice is
made according to the graphics slot on the
System Devices

Sound card

Connects the sound card to a PCI slot (Peripheral

1 PCI connector
Component Interconnect)
Musical Instrument Digital Interface port is used
2 MIDI socket to connect digital musical instruments to the
These are used to connect microphones, speakers,
3 Audio jacks
stereo systems etc to the computer.
System Devices

The main functions of a sound card are:

• To use a DAC (digital to analogue converter) to

prepare audio for speakers etc.

• To use an ADC (analogue to digital converter) to

convert the audio coming into the computer.

A sound card can be connected to the following:

• Analogue input devices - Microphone, Radio, Tape

deck, Record player etc
• Headphones and speakers
• Output to tape etc.
System Devices
Network card
• allows computers join a network. Can be wired or
wireless. The standard used is called Ethernet -
covers wired and wireless networks.
The wired standards include:
• Fast Ethernet - transmission speed of 100Mbps.
• Gigabyte Ethernet - transmission speed of


System Devices

The wireless standards include:

• The B standard - introduced in 1999, it has a

transmission rate of 11Mbps and a range of 30
• The G standard - introduced in 2003, it has a
transmission rate of 54Mbps and a range of 30
• The N standard - introduced in 2006, it has a
transmission speed of 540Mbps and a range of 50


System Devices

• Internet access using a telephone line.

• Converts the digital computer data to analogue
(Modulation) before transmission over the
telephone line and converts the analogue data to
digital (DEModulation) before transmission to the
computer. The device gets it’s name from these two

• The standard transmission speed of a modem is


System Devices
Hard Disk

• Primary storage (memory) - volatile - contents lost

when power is turned off.

• Secondary storage (disk drives) - non-volatile - can

store files when power is turned off.

• In memory, voltages are used to store data as binary

1’s and binary 0’s. It was decided to mimic the
situation for secondary storage using magnetism
instead of electrical voltages to represent the binary
System Devices

• A metal disk (platter) is coated with tiny iron particles

which can be magnetised to north and south to
represent the binary digits 0 and 1.

• A read-write head is used to magnetise the particles

on the disk surface to represent the data held in RAM.
The computer can now be switched off and a copy of
the data is safe for later use.

Metal disk
covered with
iron particles.

System Devices

Hard disks can be internal or external. The internal standards


• IDE ( Integrated Drive Electronics). The disks connect

to the motherboard using a ribbon cable. Each cable
can hold two drives - master and slave. The drive is
set as master or slave by positioning a jumper switch
on the back of the drive. There are two IDE
connectors and a total of four drives can be

Master Slave M/board Jumper

System Devices

• SATA (Serial Advanced Technology Attachment)

allow faster data transfer speeds than IDE. There is
no master/slave arrangement with SATA and each
drive has it’s own cable. The cables are much
smaller and allow better air circulation in the system

Motherboard connectors

System Devices

External hard disk drives can be IDE or SATA and can be

mains powered or host powered. Host powered drives
receive their power from the USB port.
Mains Host
Powered Powered

Hard disk drives are also now found in video recorders,

digital music players, digital camcorders, digital cameras and
mobile phones.
2½ inch Notebook Drive
1 inch Microdrive
System Devices

Optical drives
• Optical drives use lasers to sense pits and lands
mechanically pressed into a polycarbonate disk. These
pits and lands represent the binary 0’s and 1’s and so
can store computer data.
• A thin layer of metal reflect the laser light. As the disk
rotates, the laser senses the pits and lands and reads
the data from the disk. The laser only operates at a
single intensity as it only scans the surface of the disk to
detect the pits and lands.

Land Pit
System Devices

CD-R (blank CD’s) use a dye layer to mimic the lands and pits
created mechanically on commercial disks.

• The laser used has two intensities.

• At the high setting, it burns spots on the dye layer
changing it from transparent to opaque. This allows
data to be written as spots of transparency and
• At the low setting, it reads these differences

Reflective metal layer

Dye layer
System Devices

The CD-RW (re-writable) disk is similar but the laser has three
intensities. The third and highest is needed to turn the
burned areas of the dye layer back to their original condition.
The dye layer can now be re-burned to hold new data.

The three laser intensities are:

• Intensity 1 - Read data

• Intensity 2 - Burn data
• Intensity 3 - Erase data

The CD-R disk has a capacity of 650MB to 800MB.

System Devices
DVD’s hold a lot more data than CD’s. They can have
several layers, each holding 4.7GB of data.
The possibilities are:
Number of sides 1 1 2 2
Number of layers 1 2 1 2
Disk capacity 4.7GB 8.5GB 9.4GB 17GB

Dual layer disks have two reflective layers, one which can
be penetrated at a certain intensity

Total reflective metal layer

Dye layers Semi reflective metal layer

System Devices
DVD Formats

Read only. Mechanically stamped and manufactured as single

or double layer and as single sided or double sided.

Single or dual layer disks and can be single or double sided.

They can be written to only once.

3 DVD-RW Same as DVD-R but can be written to several times.

These are single or dual layer disks and can be single or double
sided. They can be written to only once.
These are the same as DVD+R only that they can be written to
several times.

DVD-R and DVD+R are incompatible with each other.

Manufacturers have produced DVD±R drives capable of
reading and writing to both standards.
System Devices
A number of new high capacity formats have come onto
the market.

These are:

Uses a new laser technology resulting in layer of 15GB instead

1 HD-DVD of the 4.7GB on standard DVD. This gives a total capacity of
a double sided - double layered disk as 60GB.

Higher capacity than HD-DVD - 25GB of data/layer. A dual

2 Blu-Ray layer disk can hold 50GB. Technically, a double sided and
double layered disk can hold 100GB of data.

Blu-Ray HD-DVD
System Devices
Card readers
Replaces floppy drives in new computers. They can read
media cards from most digital cameras:

• Microdrive:
• Smartmedia:
• SD memory card:
• Memory stick/Duo/Pro:
• xD picture card:
Card reader drive
System Devices
A computer monitor displays images generated by the
graphics card.

Monitors are almost exclusively LCD (Liquid Crystal

Display). CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) monitors are rare and
are now as expensive as LCD monitors.

19 inch Widescreen LCD

System Devices

The aspect ratio of a computer monitor is the ratio between

the width and height of the screen. The aspect ratios are:

• Standard monitor - 4:3

• Widescreen monitor - 16:9

Most LCD monitors offer a VGA and a DVI connection. The

VGA connector is used for analogue signals and the DVI
connector is used for digital. As the computer is a digital
machine, it is best if no conversion is required and so the
best option is the DVI connection.

System Devices

Standard monitor

• XGA (Extended Graphics Array) - 1024 x 768

• SXGA (Super Extended Graphics Array) - 1280 x 1024
• UXGA (Ultra Extended Graphics Array) - 1600 x 1200
• QXGA (Quad Extended Graphics Array) - 2048 x 1536


• WXGA (Wide XGA) - 1280 x 800

• WSXGA (Wide SXGA) - 1680 x 1050
• WUXGA (Wide UXGA) - 1920 x 1200

LCD monitors - native resolution at which the image is crisp. Other

resolutions are possible but the image quality decreases.
System Devices

Primary input device - divided into sections:

• Typing keys - contains the letter and number keys,

shift keys, spacebar, return key etc.

• Numeric keypad - These keys are arranged as on a


• Function keys - programmable keys used by software

for special functions. E.g. - F1 - Help.

• Control keys - screen and cursor control.

System Devices

• Most common arrangement is called QWERTY

after the first six keys.
• Other arrangements are available including
Dvorak, ABCDEF, AZERTY etc.


System Devices

Keyboards are available wired or wireless:

• Wired - These are either PS/2 or USB.

• Wireless - The keyboard uses batteries.

Wireless keyboard

Rubber keyboard - useful for use with notebook computers.

Leaves users less prone to RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury)
System Devices

Input device - uses point and click technology
There are two main types:
• Ball mouse - uses a ball to roll across the surface and move rollers
attached to sensors inside the mouse - reflecting the ball
movement as cursor movement.
• Optical mouse - camera takes thousands of images per second and
sends them for digital processing. The red LED lights up the surface
for the camera.
Ball mouse

System Devices
Output devices - produce a hardcopy ( permanent and
readable) of computer data. The can print onto paper,
transparency, photographic paper, card etc.

There are two main technologies involved:

• Inkjet (Bubble-jet)
• Laser
System Devices
• Inkjet - uses an electric charge to vibrate a membrane. When the
membrane flexes downwards, it ejects an ink droplet through the
nozzle (1). When it flexes upwards, it draws more ink into the
reservoir (2).

1 2

• Bubblejet - a heating element locally heats ink to form a bubble

(1). As the bubble expands, it forces ink through the nozzle (2).
When it bursts, it causes a vacuum which draws ink into the
reservoir (3).

1 2 3
System Devices
Laser printers use toner (powdered ink) instead of liquid ink
as in inkjet printers.
• Laser printers produce images using dots. The image is created
using a laser beam and a mirror -lens arrangement on a drum
coated with magnetically charged toner and then transferred
from the drum to the paper. The paper is then fed through a
heated fuser which fuses the toner to the paper as ink.



and lens

System Devices

Printers are available as A4, A3 and even A2, but if larger

drawings and images are required, a plotter is more

Plotters use inkjet technology and are available in A3, A2,

A1 and A0. They take up much less space than an
equivalent inkjet or laser, bur are more expensive.


Computer Parts

• There are many parts

that work together to
make a computer


• Physical parts of the

computer, including
processor and
memory chips,
input/output devices,
tapes, disks, modems,
cable, etc.


• The Central Processing



• The CPU – The chip or

chips that interpret
and execute program
instructions and
manage the functions
of input, output, and
storage devices.

Computer Case

• Contains the major

components of the
computer. It helps
protect them.

Front of the Computer Case


Inside the Computer Case



• A display screen to
provide “output” to
the user. It is where
you view the
information your are
working on.

Video Card

• Connects the computer to

the monitor. It is a circuit
board attached to the
motherboard that
contains the memory and
other circuitry necessary
to send information to the
monitor for display on


• Used to enter
information into the
computer and for
giving commands.


• An input device operated

by rolling its ball across a
flat surface. The mouse is
used to control the on-
screen pointer by pointing
and clicking, double-
clicking, or dragging
objects on the screen.


• A pressure-sensitive
and motion sensitive
device used in place of
a mouse.

CD Rom Drive

• The drive that plays

CDs and reads data
that has been stored
on the CD.


• Compact Disk – A type

of optical storage

Floppy Disk Drive

• A device that holds a

removable floppy disk
when in use;
read/write heads read
and write data to the

Hard Disk

• Magnetic storage
device in the


• Random Access Memory

RAM is a computer’s
temporary memory, which
exists as chips on the
motherboard near the
CPU. It stores data or
programs while they are
being used and requires


• An output device that

produces a hard copy
on paper. It gives
information to the
user in printed form.

Barcode Reader

• An input device that

converts a pattern of
printed bars into a
number that a
computer can read.
They are often used
by businesses to
quickly input price and
product information.


• A device that allows

pictures to be placed
into a computer.


• Allows the user to

record sounds as input
to their computer.


• Used to generate or
reproduce voice,
music, and other

Sound Card

• Connects the speakers

and microphone to
the computer.


• The place where the

computer is
connected to the
phone line.

Network Card

• A circuit board that

connects the
computer to the rest
of the network usually
using special cables.


• Programs that tell the

computer what to do.
It provides
instructions that the
CPU will need to carry


• Disk Operating System

This software connects the hardware with the
programs you want to run.


Microsoft DOS (Disk Operating System) is a

command line user interface. MS-DOS 1.0 was
released in 1981 for IBM computers.

Example of MS-DOS


• A family of operating
systems developed and
produced by Microsoft
Corp. It provides a
software graphical user
interface (GUI) used on
IBM and compatible

Example of Windows (GUI)


3. Personal computer configuration,

performing installation of operating
system and other application, Operating
System Installations and Procedures/
Booting Procedures, Windows
Configurations & Adding Device Drivers.

Introduction Operating System

Operating System

What is the Booting

1.When the user powers up the computer the CPU (Central Processing Unit)
activates the BIOS (Basic Input Output System).

2. The first program activated is POST (Power On Self-Test). Using the CMOS
(Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) memory this checks all the
hardware and confirms that all are functioning properly.

3. After that it reads the MBR (Master Boot Record) in boot drive in accordance
with the firmware ‘bootstrap loader’ which is Provided by the computer

4. Then the computer loads in the Operating System in boot drive to the RAM
(Random Access Memory). This whole process is called booting which means
that an Operating System is loaded into the RAM (main memory)


Minimum System Requirements for

Part7 Minimum Requirement
Processor 1 GHz or faster CPU
Memory 1 GB RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB
(RAM) RAM (64-bit)
Hard drive 16 GB available disk space (32-
free space bit) or 20 GB (64-bit)
Disc drive DVD drive
Graphics 128 MB or more
memory 125

How to Install Windows 7

operating system step by step


Operating system boot by

1.Flash Drive (Bootable Pen
2. Bootable CD/DVD
3.Hard Disk


How to Install Windows 7

operating system step by step


Turn your computer on and then press Del or F2 (depend on your computer’s
mainboard) to enter the system BIOS


Go to Boot menu and choose Boot From CD/DVD.


Load your Windows 7 DVD and boot it. It will now

load the setup files.


Loading process


Booting process is in progress


Select your language, time & currency format, keyboard or input

method and click Next.


Click Install now.



Check I accept the license terms and click Next.


Click Upgrade if you already have a previous Windows version or Custom

(advanced) if you don’t have a previous Windows version or want to install a fresh
copy of Windows 7.


Select the drive where you want to install Windows 7 and click Next. If you want
to make any partitions, click Drive options (advanced), make the partitions and
then click Next.




Drive Options Menu: Windows warns that it may need to

create a few partitions for the system, Click "OK" to continue.



It will now start installing Windows 7. The first step, (i.e. Copying Windows files)
was already done when you booted the Windows 7 DVD so it will complete


After completing the first step, it will expand (decompress) the files that it had




After that it will automatically restart after 15 seconds and

continue the setup. You can also click Restart now to restart
without any delays.


After installation, Please do not press key this time





After restarting for the first time, it will continue the setup. This
is the last step so it will take the most time than the previous



Type your desired user name in the text-box and click Next. It will
automatically fill up the computer name.


If you want to set a password, type it in the text-boxes and

click Next.

Type your product key in the text-box and click Next. You can
also skip this step and simply click Next if you want to type
the product key later. Windows will run only for 30 days if you
do that.


Select your desired option for Windows Updates.


Select your time and click Next.


If you are connected to any network, it will ask you to set the
network’s location.


Window is finalizing your settings


Welcome Screen


Preparing your desktop



And there you have a fresh copy of Windows 7 installed!

 Firstly should Install Drivers on your pc. Check whether properly
installed the Drivers by Computer Right click Manage Device

See the Yellow color mark, it means should install


Basic things or application to be


1.Compress Software
2.Antivirus – (Department - Virus
3.Microsoft office (office 2007 – office
2013) or Libre Office(Free Download)
5.Adobe Reader
6.Unicode (iskoola Potha) 168

DCS Consideration of Software

1. Genuine Operating System should Install. Because Department Used only

Genuine OS

You have to preserve this key on your PC.

2 . if you haven't got a Genuine OS CD(you have pirated CD/DVD) don’t afraid! You
installed OS by Pirated , after Use this command.

I . Use Run (window key + R) type Slui 3(slui space 3) – appeared windows
activation window & type your genuine OS Product key on the PC.

II. Use Run (window key + R) type Slui -3(slui space -3) – appeared whether
windows Genuine or not.

Installing an Operating System

• Hardware Requirements
– Before you attempt to install an OS on a machine, it would be
wise to ensure that the OS in question runs on the hardware
that you have available.
• Multi-platform OS Support
– Most OS vendors that distribute software that runs on
multiple hardware architectures publish a hardware
compatibility list (HCL) for their OS.
• Single Platform OS Support
– Vendors of single-architecture OS deal with many of the same
problems faced by multi-platform vendors.

Installing an Operating System

• OS for Intel-based Systems
– Windows is probably the most widely used OS available for
Intel-based systems.
• Windows includes drivers for a wide range of devices that work
on Intel-based systems.
• Versions of Windows produced over the past decade will operate
on systems ranging from a 486 chip up to the latest Pentium.
• The current versions of Windows generally require a Pentium
166 (or better) processor chip, a minimum of 32 megabytes of
memory, and 2 gigabytes (or more) of free disk space.
• Windows may not operate smoothly on some of the older
systems, but it will operate.

Installation Time Requirements

– When it comes to a discussion of installing an OS, the
answer to “what hardware do I need?” is almost as
nebulous as the answer to “how long will it take?”
– When everything goes right, a full OS install might take an
hour. But when things go wrong, you might be looking at
eight or more hours to get the OS installed and working.
• How do you estimate the amount of time required for an
OS installation?

Types of Installations
• There are several types of installation models available to work
– The installation could be a server or a workstation.
– The goal of the installation could be to set up a machine usable as a
desktop workstation, web server, database server, service machine,
or interactive system.
– The system could be a diskless host that boots from the network, or
a diskful system that serves files to other hosts.
• Each of these configurations may require that a particular set of
software be installed such that the system performs its duties and
users can get some work done.

Types of Installations
• Windows Installations
The concept of a problem-free Windows installation
may sound foreign to some administrators.
– This is never more apparent than on a dual-boot system.
– However, even the simple task of installing a single
version of Windows on a system may hold a few surprises
for the administrator.
• Hardware Support Issues
It is not unusual to find that the version of Windows you
want to install does not support the latest hardware
available on your system.

Types of Installations
• Surprises Encountered While Installing Windows
– Windows can have a strange propensity for
nondeterministic behavior.
• You can install it on three identical systems and end up
with three completely different problems.
• It is also possible to follow the same installation procedure
and end up with three systems configured differently once
the installation is complete.
• For uniform installations, use the Windows network
installation utilities, or tools like ghost” or “PC-rdist” to
“push” an image to the new system from a pre-configured

Types of Installations
• Some of the more common problems encountered while
installing Windows include:
– One or more network interfaces may not operate correctly.
• Generally, removing the adapter’s driver, rebooting the system, and
reinstalling the driver will correct this problem.
– NT 4.0 cannot be installed on systems with a boot partition larger than 4
• This limit requires you to partition system disks larger than 4 gigabytes into
(at least) two partitions.
– The device drivers on the Windows distribution media are often less than
• Display and network drivers seem to be the “big losers” in this respect.
– Service packs have been issued for all current versions of Windows.
• It is imperative that the sysadmin install these service packs to secure the
system against well-known attacks.

Types of Installations
• Dual-boot Windows Installations
The idea behind a dual-boot system is to install two different OS
on the bootable medium.
– This allows the user to run either system, which hopefully allows the
user more flexibility in performing tasks.
– Unfortunately, creating a dual-boot system is a lot more difficult than it
should be, and many times Windows seems to be in the middle of the
– One rule of thumb for installing a dual-boot system that includes
Windows is to install the Windows OS first.
– If you are trying to install two versions of Windows, always install the
older version first.
• This is often necessary because new versions of Windows often contain
changes to the file system, and the old versions do not understand
these changes.

Types of Installations
• Other Installations
– Installing a Solaris/Linux dual-boot Intel system often presents problems
for the administrator.
• The Solaris Intel installer limits the number of partitions allowed on a
disk where Solaris will be installed.
– If the disk has more than three partitions, and/or the installation of
Solaris would cause the disk to have more than three partitions, the
installation will fail.
• Linux wants a boot partition, and a kernel partition (minimum).
• Solaris also wants a boot partition and a kernel partition.
• If you wanted to build a dual-boot Linux/Solaris system, you would
need four partitions. However, Solaris will only allow you to install on a
disk with three (or fewer) partitions.
• In this case, install Solaris first, and then install Linux on a separate
partition later. Better yet, buy a second disk, and install one OS on each

Types of Installations
• Desktop Installations
– Installing the OS on a desktop PC is often a very different problem
than installing an OS on a corporate database server.
• Generally, desktop computers come in two flavors: systems that
contain their own copies of everything and systems that rely on
network-based servers for critical applications.
• Standalone Systems
Self-contained systems are often referred to as standalone systems, or
“thick clients.”
– These machines typically contain the OS, and local copies of all
applications required by users of the system.
– The installation of a standalone system will require more time than
some other systems, because you have to load the OS, and all of
the applications on the local disk.
– Such installations can easily become multi-day tasks!

Types of Installations
• Desktop Installations
– Networked Client Systems
• Systems that rely on network-based servers for critical applications/services
are typically referred to as networked client systems, or “thin clients.”
– These machines usually contain a copy of the OS, but very little other
software gets installed on these systems.
– User files typically reside on a network-based file server.
– Applications may reside on yet another network-based server.
– These systems rely on the network to be operational for the system to
be useful.
– Such systems are typically very easy installations.
» You load the OS, configure the network connection, and possibly
configure a few other parameters to allow the system to locate the
network-based servers and you are “done”.

Types of Installations
• Server Installations
– Installing an OS on a server is often a long, arduous task.
– You have to install the OS and configure it to provide services to other
– The types of “clients” the server supports will usually complicate this
configuration task.
– The applications/services provided by the server may provide more
• Homogenous Servers
– The homogenous server is probably the simplest server to install.
– This type of server only provides services to clients of the same
architecture/kernel architecture.
• This means that only one version of the OS and all applications need be
installed on the system.
– Such systems may be used as a boot server, file server, name server, web
server, database server, or many other purposes.

Types of Installations
• Heterogeneous Servers
– Heterogeneous servers are probably the most difficult system you will ever
have to install.
– These systems may provide boot services, applications, and/or file services
for a variety of systems of different kernel/hardware architectures.
• For example, a Linux system may be set up to provide file service to Linux,
Solaris, and MacOS boxes via NFS, while providing file service to desktop PCs
via Common Internet File Services (CIFS) by running the Samba application.
• Such servers are typically very complicated beasts to install and configure.
– You will have to install copies of multiple OS for the system to function
as a boot server.
– Similarly, you will have to install application binaries for multiple
architectures in order to support application services for client machines.

Types of Installations
• Planning for an Installation
– The “footprint” or size of the OS should be considered to ensure that the
system contains enough disk space.
– How that disk space is parceled might play a role in the OS installation.
– Similarly the size of the main memory might need to be taken into
• Disk Space Requirements
One of the most important decisions you will need to make before you install
an OS is how much space to allocate to the system software.
– If you allocate too much space to the system software, users may not have
enough space. If you allocate too much space to users, the system may run
out of space.
• Calculate how much space the OS and application binaries will occupy.
• Once you have a number in mind, double it. In a few weeks or months you
will be glad you did.

Types of Installations
• Every successive release of an OS is larger than
its predecessor.
– This is an important point to remember, because you may have to
upgrade the OS on a machine two or three times over the lifetime of
the hardware.

Installation Methods
• Current OS are typically distributed on CD or DVD media.
• Older releases were distributed on tape cartridges or floppy
• More often than not, the distribution media is bootable, and
therefore all you have to do is place the media in the appropriate
device and turn on the power.
• The magic of the boot process boots the installation media, and
an installation program guides you through the installation

Installation Methods
• Windows Installations
– Most Windows installations give the administrator very few options.
– When installing from the distribution media, the administrator selects
the partition to install the bits on, answers a few questions about the
local environment. The system does the rest without input from the
– Unfortunately, the information required during the installation is not all
collected up front; the information-gathering process is spread across
the entire installation process.
• This makes Windows installation more time consuming than it should
be, as the administrator has to sit and wait for the system to ask
• If the questions were all asked up-front, the administrator would be
free to attend to other tasks while the bits moved from the CD to the
hard drive.

Installation Methods
• Windows CD/DVD Installations
Installation of Windows from CD/DVD media is pretty simple.
– You boot the installation media, answer a few simple questions, and the
installer program does the rest for you.
– Unfortunately, because the process is simple, it is not very configurable.
– The media-based installer is geared to the novice administrator’s
capabilities; hence, the number of decision points and allowable options is
very minimal.
– One downside to the CD/DVD installation is that the installation process is
just interactive enough that the operator cannot start the installation and
leave for an hour or two.


• BIOS is mostly for IBM compatible computers
• It is a boot firmware contains essential set of routines ,
designed to be the first code run by a PC when powered on.
• Its main purpose is to prepare the machine into a known
state, so that software stored on compatible media can be
loaded, executed, and given control of the PC.
• It also provides basic software drivers for all peripheral

Power on
• When a computer is turned on, the microprocessor has no idea
what to do next as there is nothing at all in the memory to
execute, it tries to execute its first instruction and it has to get
the instruction from somewhere.
• BIOS provides those instructions and it is stored in a BIOS ROM.
• The instruction typically located at memory location FFFF0h, or
right at the end of the system memory
• This process is known as booting, or booting up, which is short
for bootstrapping
• The whole process is hidden because the only thing displayed by
the monitor is the logo of the machine manufacturer or the logo
of the bios company.

BIOS Functions
Power-on Self Test ( POST ) - Takes place right after you power on. It
will test computer hardware, ensuring hardware is properly
functioning before starting process of loading operating system.
If the POST is successful, the BIOS calls INT 19 (Interrupt 19) and
then proceeds to look for devices attached to the motherboard.

Bootstrap Loader - Process of locating the operating system. If

capable operating system located, BIOS will pass the control to

1. Tests the system and prepares the computer for operation
based on CMOS settings (installed hardware and the
configuration settings from the manufacturer and user)

2. Load the interrupt handlers and device drivers

Interrupt handlers - Small pieces of software that act as a translator
between the hardware components and the operating system.

Device drivers – other pieces of software that identify the base

hardware components such as keyboard, mouse, hard drive or floppy

3. Initialize registers and power management


Loading . . . .
 Once finished, it begins searching for a drive to boot an operating
system → the boot order or sequence
 Depending on the BIOS setting, the procedure may try to access (in
a predefined, customizable order) the first sector (boot sector) of
any floppy disk, any hard disk, and any CD-ROM in the system.
 BIOS will try to initiate the boot sequence from the first device.
 If it does not find the proper files in the device, the startup process
will halt and an error message is displayed.

still Loading . . . .
 Most are set to first look for a bootable floppy disk, and if
one is not found then proceed to a hard disk, which is
usually the C: drive.
 Once the drive is identified, it looks for boot information
to start the operating system boot process.
 If it is searching a hard disk, it looks for a master boot
record (MBR) at cylinder 0, head 0, ‘sector zero’, the first
sector on the disk.
 If a Master Boot Record is found, it is read into memory at
location 0000:7c00 and INT 19 jumps to memory location
 At this point, the BIOS attempts to move control of the
computer from the BIOS to the actual operating system.
Configuring BIOS - CMOS Setup
 During the initial start up or the boot sequence, you will notice a
Press ____ to Enter Setup. Most system use Esc, Del, F1, F2 or
combination of keys to enter Setup menu.
 This will cause the boot process to be diverted into the CMOS
configuration. CMOS contains stored configuration regarding how
the system is to be booted.

• It is configuration program that allows you to

configure hardware settings including system
settings such as boot sequence, computer
passwords, time and date.



Other features
• BIOS program continually checks the CPU temperature and
voltages, the cooling fans RPM, etc.
• If over heating occurs, the PC will shut down automatically.
• The PC can also be turned on by for example modem
signals, since the power supply is controlled by the
• The on/off button will turn the PC "down" without turning
it completely off.

Non-IBM compatible PC
• Apple Macintosh, where the system software originally
relied heavily on the ToolBox—a set of drivers and other
useful routines stored in ROM based on Motorola's 680x0
• These Apple ROMs were replaced by Open Firmware in the
PowerPC Macintosh, then EFI (Extensible Firmware
Interface) in Intel Macintosh computers.

Why upgrade BIOS

1. Large hard drive support. Older BIOS's couldn't see drives larger than 37GB due
the 48bit problem.
2. New video card technology such as AGP 8X support, or in older machines 2X to
4X. This includes SLI.
3. Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI ) compatibility
4. CPU support. BIOS companies often release new CPU microcode updates to the
motherboard companies who in turn add them to their BIOS's to support newer
5. Fix problems. A common problem is USB compatibility. There are so many USB
devices nowadays and many of them try to use the same interrupt request (IRQ).
Hence, as the system BIOS is loading, IRQ conflicts can cause USB devices to not
be found.
6. Memory support. Newer faster memory can have issues on your motherboard.
Might be larger than what was originally tested or approved. A tweak from the
motherboard company can fix that.


 Every desktop computer uses an
operating system.
 The operating system forms a
platform for other system
software and application
 The most popular operating
systems in use today are:
 Windows from Microsoft
 Mac OS from Apple

The structure of an operating system

There are three basic elements that make up

the major design components of any operating
User interface
File management system

User interface
• A user interacts with the operating system through the user interface.
• The user interface is the part of the operating system that can be used
to issue commands by either typing them at a command prompt or
pointing and clicking the mouse on a graphical user interface (GUI).
• Older operating systems integrated the GUI into the kernel but the
modern ones have the user interface separating the graphics subsystem
from the kernel (like in Linux and Mac OSX).
• Many operating systems allow the user to install or create any user
interface they desire.
• The X Window System in conjunction with GNOME or KDE is a
commonly found setup on most Unix and Unix derivative systems.
• Graphical user interfaces evolve over time

 This is the core of the operating system.
 The kernel is responsible for loading and operating
programs or processes, and managing input and

Kernel cont.
• Kernel act as a bridge between applications
and the actual data processing done at the
hardware level


File management system

 The file management system is what the operating system uses to

organize and manage files.
 A file is a collection of data.
 Virtually all of the information that a computer stores is in the form
of a file.
 There are many types of files, including program files, data files,
and text files.
 The way an operating system organizes information into files is
called the file system.
 Most operating systems use a hierarchical file system, which
organizes files into directories under a tree structure.
 The beginning of the directory system is called the root directory.

Operating systems classification

Multiuser: when two or more users can work with

programs and share peripheral devices (printer, scanner,
Multitasking: multiple applications operated at the same
Multiprocessing: more than one CPUs that can be shared
Multithreading: smaller parts of a program are loaded
when needed by OS
Real-Time Operating System (RTOS): designed to allow
computers to process and respond to the consistent input
of information without delay

Basic Functions
 File and folder management
 An operating system creates a file structure on the computer hard drive
where the data can be stored and retrieved
 Applications management
 Whenever a program is requested the operating system locates it and loads
into the primary memory or RAM.
 Support for built-in utility programs
 The operating system comes with tools for maintenance and repairs. They
identify the problem, they find lost files, repair the damaged ones and do
backups for your data.
 Computer hardware control
 Operating systems facilitates the access of programs to the computer
hardware through the BIOS and through device drivers.

Functions - continued

At the simplest level, an operating system does two things:

 It manages the hardware and software resources
of the system. In a desktop computer, these
resources include such things as the processor,
memory, disk space, etc.
 The operating system plays the role of the good
parent, making sure that each application gets
the necessary resources while playing nicely with
all the other applications
It provides a stable, consistent way for applications to deal
with the hardware without having to know all the details of
the hardware

Processor management
• One of the task under Application
• The heart of managing the processor comes down to two
related issues:
– Ensuring that each process and application receives

enough of the processor's time to function properly.

– Using as many processor cycles for real work as

• Uses interrupts as an efficient way to
communicate with its environments

• This is a signal to a processor indicating that an
asynchronous event has occurred.
• Here the current sequence of instructions is
temporarily suspended, and a sequence
appropriate to the interruption is started in its
• Its purpose is to alert the operating system when
any special event occurs so that it can suspend
its current activity and deal appropriately with
the new situation

4. Usage of relevant tools and recovery

using various tools/ software.

• Data recovery software is an application that

recovers lost files from any storage medium. It
can recover files that have been accidentally
deleted or lost due to virus attacks, hard drive
failures, or any other reason.
• This software scans the storage medium to
find the lost files. It can recover different types
of files like audio, video, contacts, emails, etc.

• Whenever a file is deleted, it is moved to the

recycle bin. Even after the deletion of the file
from the recycle bin, it doesn’t get removed.
The path of this deleted file gets removed by
the file system and makes it less accessible.
Space that was assigned to this file will be
marked as available to be used by another file
when required.

• However, a binary file is still available on the

computer. The file remains available until it gets
overwritten by another file. Parts of the file might
remain on the hard drive for several years.
• If the deleted file gets partially overwritten by
another file then the data recovery software will
not be able to recover the file and provide you with
the usable data. The Best Data recovery software
should support all storage media and file structures
and thereby should be able to recover files from all
types of storage media.
Data Recovery Tools
• #1) Stellar Data Recovery
• #2) TogetherShare
• #3) Disk Drill (Free) Mac and Windows
• #4) iBeesoft
• #5) Wondershare Recoverit
• #6) AnyRecover
• #7) Aiseesoft Data Recovery
• #8) EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard
• #9) Advanced Disk Recovery
• #10) R-Studio Data Recovery Software
• #11) PhotoRec
• #12) TestDisk
• #13) PC Inspector File Recovery
• #14) Wise Data Recovery
• #15) Undelete 360

Data recovery software for getting lost data

from hard drives, flash drives, SD card, pen
drive, other portable storage……

The reality
• The average company spends between
$100,000 and $1,000,000 per year on data
• Nearly 70% of data loss is the result of human
• 60% of companies that lose their data will
shut down within 6 months of the loss
• 140,000 hard drives crash in the India weekly

Your responsibility
Adopt the mantra:
“It’s not a matter of if my hard drive fails, but

Data loss prevention

• Avoid heat and vibration
- Keep computers in a dry, clean area with little traffic
 Run Scandisk, defrag and anti-virus software
- Run Scandisk every 2 to 3 weeks
- Defrag! Data recovery success is more likely when damaged files
are clustered

- Update your anti-virus at least 4 times a year and enable auto

update features

 Use uninterrupted power supply (UPS)

 Back up, back up, back up

Data backup
 Complete backup
- Full backup of entire PC or hard drive
- Backs up all server and PC volumes, directories and files
 Partial backup
- Will either copy all files changed since last complete backup or files
changed since last backup
- Useful when it’s important to have the latest version of each file
 User-defined backup
- Copies a user-defined set of files
- Useful for groups working on a mission-critical project

Backup hardware
 CDs, DVDs and Blu-Ray disks
- Inexpensive, quick, months to years of storage
 Thumb drives
- Inexpensive, quick, larger storage capacity than CDs/DVDs,
months to years of storage
 Internal hard drive
- Easy transfer from one hard drive to another, many years of
 External hard drive
- Easy transfer from internal to external hard drive, better connection
options, long-term storage

Backup hardware cont.

• Online storage
- complete external storage, access from any computer with
internet connection, very secure, long-term storage, expensive

 Network storage
- complete external storage, access from any computer with
internet connection, very secure, large-capacity and long-term
storage, expensive

After backup
 Complete a data restore
- Run a restore to return backed-up files to their original locations.
Do this on a regular basis to ensure the system is actually
 Maintain offsite copies of your backups
- In the case that your office files are destroyed by fire, lightning
damage, flooding or theft, make sure you have multiple,
redundant versions of your files elsewhere.
 Keep virus protection and Firewall on and up-
- Without the right protection, viruses can be put back onto your
computer after backup and your files can be deleted through an
unprotected port.

Data recovery
• When the unthinkable (but completely
possible) happens, and your business is
suffering from a failed hard drive, it’s time
to prepare for a data recovery service.
• Mail only your hard drive and corrupted
media to a service professional

Shipping your hard drive

 Remove the hard drive from your computer
 Package your drive carefully
- Wrap in anti-static material or freezer bag
- Ship in original manufacturer’s packaging in a sturdy, corrugated
cardboard box twice the size of the drive
- Use heavy foam padding, bubble wrap and other anti-vibration
- Avoid Styrofoam peanuts—they attract static electricity
- Make sure padding material is at least 2 inches thick around drive
 Send all other media types the same way

Shipping cont.
• For water-damaged hard drives
- DO NOT dry wet hard drives
- Enclose in a damp sponge in a sealed plastic bag
- Recovery is more likely if technicians receive the drive before it has
• Sending controller boards
- Older models require controllers in order to recover data
- Remove the controller carefully and enclose it in an anti-static
material to ship with drive

Wi-Fi 234

• Wi-Fi is trademarked name for popular wireless

technology that uses radio waves to provide high-
speed Internet and network connections.
• The governing body that owns the term Wi-Fi, the Wi-
Fi Alliance, defines it as any WLAN (wireless area
network) products that are based on the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers’ (IEEE) 802.11
• The way Wi-Fi works is through the use of radio signals
like in phones. The wireless adapter card that is found
inside of computers then uses the data that is being
sent to change it into a radio signal to then be
transmitted by the antenna. A router then receives
these signals and decodes them in order to send the
information contained within to the Internet via a
Local Area Network or a wired Ethernet connection
like a cable network connection.

Governing Standards Body

• Formed in 1999
• Founding Companies:
– 3Com
– Aironet
– Harris Semi Conductor
– Lucent
– Symbol Technologies
– Nokia

History of Wi-Fi
• In 1985 the FCC allowed the opening of several bands of the
wireless spectrum. Allowing those bands to be used without
government license.
• The bands were taken from the scientific, medical, and
industrial bands of the wireless spectrum.
• The FCC made these bands available for communication
• Using spread spectrum technology, which spreads a radio
signal over wide range of frequencies they were able to steer
around interference from other equipment.
• When Ethernet became popular vendors came to the
realization that a wireless standard was best.

History of Wi-Fi continued….

• In 1988, the NCR Corporation wanted to use the unlicensed
spectrum to hook up wireless cash register, they looked into
getting a standard started.
• Victor Hayes and Bruce Tuch were hired and they went to the
IEEE and created the committee known as 802.3.
• Vendors took a while to agree on an acceptable standard due
to the fragmented market.
• In 1997 the committee agreed on a basic specification that
allowed for a data-transfer rate of two megabits per second.
• Two technologies known as frequency hopping, and direct-
sequence transmission allowed for this data-transfer rate.

History of Wi-Fi continued

• The new standard was finally published in 1997, and engineers
immediately began working on prototype equipment that was compliant.
• Two variants 802.11b (operates in 2.4GHz band), and 802.11a (operates in
5.8GHz band) were ratified in December 1999 and January 2000
• Companies soon began creating 802.11b companies arose.
• In August 1999 the Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance (WECA) was
created with the intention to assure compatibility between products from
various vendors.
• A consumer friendly name was need for this new technology and the term
“Wi-Fi” came to be.
• Apple was the first to supply their computers with Wi-Fi slots on all their
laptops, thus sparking the mainstream penetration of Wi-Fi.


• 802.11a
• 802.11b
• 802.11g
• 802.11n

Privacy and Security

• MAC Address Filtering

– WPA2

Interoperability and Support

• Made for
• Many public locales
support Wi-Fi

Application of Wi-Fi
• Many electronic devices use
Wi-Fi due to its simple

• Companies use Wi-Fi to create

wireless networks within their

• Phone companies such as use

Wi-Fi Hot Spots for their users
to get free calling/internet

• Gaming companies like

Nintendo use Wi-Fi to synch
their products and to use global
network usage.

• The future is WiMax

• Can reach over 50km in
range and have a
maximum throughput of
70 Mbps.

6. Use of identifying different Desktop

Icons. My Computer, My Documents,
Changing Desktop Backgrounds,
Mouse Pointer, Screen Saver and
Notepad ,WordPad, MS Paint

Windows 7
• Windows 7: is an operating system released
by Microsoft on Oct. 22,2009.
– Windows 7 has graphical user interface (GUI)
that allows you to visually interact with your
computer’s functions in a logical, fun, and
easy way


Starting Windows 7
• When you turn the computer ON “cold
booting”, the computer will upload the
operating system.
• Booting: the time from turn ON until the user
get the access to there computer .




Welcome Screen

The Desktop

• The Desktop is the main Windows 7 screen. It

is the work area where dialog boxes, windows,
icons, and menus appear.


Desktop Icons
• The Desktop is where you’ll find icons (small
pictures) for many of your most frequently
used programs. You’ll most likely see icons for
Computer, Documents, Recycle Bin, and
Internet Explorer.


Windows 7 Desktop

• Operating system Desktop

• Desktop
• Taskbar Icons

• Window
• Icon
Start button Taskbar




Desktop Components
• Icons – graphic image (pictures ) that represents an object available to
your computer.
• Desktop picture or background-Displays the colors and graphics of your
desktop; you can change the desktop background to look the way you
want it such as using a picture. Also called wallpaper.
• Desktop-your workplace on the screen.
• Start Button-provides access to Windows 7 programs, documents, and
information on the Internet. Generally located in the lower left corner of
the desktop.


Desktop Components
• Program buttons-launches Internet Explorer,
Windows Media Player, Windows Explorer and the
program buttons that you have chosen to pin to the
• Taskbar-contains the Start button and buttons that
give you quick access to common tools and the
programs currently running. Generally located along
the bottom of the desktop.


Desktop Components
• Notification area-shows the notification icons, the current
date and time and lets you set the clock. Also known as the
system tray and generally located in the lower right corner of
the desktop.
• Recycle Bin icon-contains files and folders that you delete.
The deleted files are not gone until you empty the Recycle
• My Computer: My Computer allows the user to explore the
contents of their computer drives as well as manage their
computer files


The Taskbar



Program icons

The Taskbar

• The taskbar enables you to move between

open windows and provides access to the
resources of your computer.
• Using the taskbar, you activate a window that
is covered by other windows by clicking the
program icon.


The Notification Area

Pop-up window

Open Action Center


Action Center icon Notification area


Icons can be classifies as the following

• Folder Icons
• File icons
• Shortcut icons


Folder Icons ”directories”: store files and

other folders. They are used to organize files
on computer. The folders themselves take up
virtually no space on the hard drive


• File icons: a collection of data stored in one unit,

identified by a filename. They can be documents,
programs, libraries, and other compilations of data.

• File name consists of two part name and extension


• Shortcut icons: a link that points to a program on the

computer. Shortcuts allow users to create links to
their programs in any folder, Start bar, Taskbar,
Desktop or other locations on
• their computer.


• Change Icon size

1- Right Click the desktop
2- Click View
3- Show the required size

• Auto Arrange Icon

1 - Right Click the desktop
2- Click View
3- Check to see if Auto
Arrange has a check mark
4- If it does uncheck it

• View/Hide Icons
1- Right Click the desktop
2- Click View
3- Check to see if Show
desktop has a check mark
4- If it does uncheck it

• Arrange Icons On the

1 - Right Click the desktop
2- Click Sort by
3- Select one of the 4 options to
arrange icons from sub-menu


• Start Menu
The Start menu is the main gateway to your computer's
programs, folders, and settings. It's called a menu because it
provides a list of choices, just as a restaurant menu does.

To display the Start Menu do the following

• Move the mouse pointer to start button on the taskbar
• Click the start button once.
• You can choose from a menu by moving the mouse
pointer over an item.


The Start Menu

System folders

Control Panel

Help and Support

All Programs
Shut down
Search box

Start button


• The Start menu is divided into panes, with similar

items grouped on a pane.
• The left pane displays a list of programs that you
commonly access on the computer.
• The right pane accesses your system folders, such as
Documents, Pictures and Music
• the Search box enables you to type keywords to
complete searches for files or folders on your
computer. Searching will be covered in a later slide in
this presentation.


• Use the Start menu to do these common activities:

• Start programs
• Open commonly used folders
• Search for files, folders, and programs
• Adjust computer settings
• Get help with the Windows operating system
• Turn off the computer
• Log off from Windows or switch to a different user


• Shutting Down the computer

– Click the Shut down button to turn off the computer.
– Switch user: easy way for another person to log on to the computer
without logging you off or closing your programs and files.
– Log off: When you log off from Windows, all of the programs you were
using are closed, but the computer is not turned off.
– Lock: You'll have to enter your password when you come back, which
helps keep your work more secure.
– Restart: The Restart button "reboots" your computer (it is sometimes
called a "warm boot" or "soft boot.") That means it saves your
information to the hard drive, turns off the computer for a moment,
and then turns it back on again.
– Sleep: puts computer in a low-power state, but doesn't turn it off.


Window Components

Title bar Minimize window Maximize window Close window

Scroll bar


Working with Windows

• Whenever you open a program, file, or folder, it appears on
your screen in a box or frame called a window

Parts of a window


Parts of a typical window

• Title bar. Displays the name of the document and program
• Minimize, Maximize, and Close buttons. These buttons hide
the window, enlarge it to fill the whole screen, and close it,
• Menu bar. Contains items that you can click to make choices
in a program.
• Scroll bar. Lets you scroll the contents of the window to see
information that is currently out of view.
• Borders and corners. You can drag these with your mouse
pointer to change the size of the window.





Moving a window 279
• To move a window, point to its title bar with the mouse pointer. Then drag the window
to the location that you want.

Changing the size of a window

• To make a window fill the entire screen, click its Maximize button Picture of the
Maximize button or double-click the window's title bar.
• To return a maximized window to its former size, click its Restore button Picture of the
Restore button (this appears in place of the Maximize button). Or, double-click the
window's title bar.
• To resize a window (make it smaller or bigger), point to any of the window's borders or
corners. When the mouse pointer changes to a two-headed arrow drag the border or
corner to shrink or enlarge the window.
• A window that is maximized cannot be resized. You must restore it to its previous size
• Note: Although most windows can be maximized and resized, there are some windows
that are fixed in size, such as dialog boxes


Hiding a window
• Hiding a window is called minimizing it. To minimize a window, click its Minimize
button Picture of the Minimize button. The window disappears from the desktop
and is visible only as a button on the taskbar, the long horizontal bar at the bottom
of your screen
• To make a minimized window appear again on the desktop, click its taskbar button.
The window appears exactly as it did before you minimized it

Closing a window
• Closing a window removes it from the desktop and taskbar. To close a window,
click its Close button Picture of the Close button.
• Note: If you close a document without saving any changes you made, a message
appears that gives you the option to save your changes.


Switching between windows

• If you open more than one program or document, Using the taskbar. The taskbar
provides a way to organize all of your windows. Each window has a corresponding
button on the taskbar. To switch to another window, just click its taskbar button. The
window appears in front of all other windows, becoming the active window—the one
you're currently working in.
• To easily identify a window, point to its taskbar button. A small picture called a
thumbnail appears that shows you a miniature version of the window. This preview is
especially useful if you can't identify a window by its title alone.
– Using ALT+TAB. You can switch to the previous window by pressing ALT+TAB, or cycle through all open
windows and the desktop by holding down ALT and repeatedly pressing TAB. Release ALT to show the
selected window.
– Using Windows Flip 3D. Windows Flip 3D arranges your windows in a three-
dimensional stack that you can quickly flip through. ( Hold down the Windows logo
key Picture of the Windows logo key and press TAB to open Flip 3D. Release the
Windows logo key to display the frontmost window in the stack. Or, click any part
of any window in the stack to display that window.

Arranging windows automatically

• Now that you know how to move and resize windows, you can arrange
them however you like on your desktop. You can also have Windows
automatically arrange them in one of three ways: cascading, vertically
stacked, or side by side.
• To choose one of these options, open some windows on your desktop,
then right-click an empty area of the taskbar and click Cascade windows,
Show windows stacked, or Show windows side by side.

Arranging windows using Snap

• Snap will automatically resize your

windows when you move, or snap,
them to the edge of the screen. You
can use Snap to arrange windows side
by side, expand windows vertically, or
maximize a window.
• To arrange windows side by side
• 1. Drag the title bar of a window to the
left or right side of the screen until an
outline of the expanded window
• 2. Release the mouse to expand the
• 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 with another
window to arrange the windows side
by side.

To expand a window vertically by snapping

• 1. Point to the top or bottom

edge of an open window until
the pointer changes into a
double-headed arrow .
• 2. Drag the edge of the window
to the top or bottom of the
screen to expand the window
to the entire height of the
desktop. The width of the
window doesn't change.

To maximize a window by snapping

• 1. Drag the title bar of the

window to the top of the
screen. The window's outline
expands to fill the screen.

• 2. Release the window to

expand it to fill the entire

Dialog Boxes

• DIALOG BOXES are special

windows where you are asked
to give details and select
• The choices you make are then
sent as commands to the
software you are using. DIALOG
BOXES vary depending on the
task requested as well as the

Viewing and arranging files and

• When you open a folder and see your files, you
might prefer larger (or smaller) icons, or an
arrangement that lets you see different kinds of
information about each file.
• Each time you click the Views button, the folder
window changes the way it displays your file and
folder icons, alternating between large icons, a
smaller icon view called Tiles, and a view called
Details that shows several columns of information
about the file.


Working with file and folder

Selecting Files and Folders

• Before you move, copy or delete files and folders, they must be selected .
• Selecting Single object: To select a single object, click on it once.
• Selecting Multiple object:
• To select a consecutive group of files or folders, click the first item, press and
hold down the Shift key, and then click the last item.
• To select multiple files or folders that are near each other, drag the mouse
pointer to create a selection around the outside of all the items that you want to
• To select non-consecutive files or folders, press and hold down the Ctrl key,
and then click each item that you want to select.
• To select all of the files or folders in a window, on the toolbar, click Organize,
and then click Select all. If you want to exclude one or more items from your
selection, press and hold down the Ctrl key, and then click the items.

Create a Folder (file, shortcut)

• Open the drive or folder where you want to create a folder.
(file, shortcut)
• Click the Organize button on the toolbar, and then click New
folder. (file, shortcut)
• With the New Folder name selected, type a new name. (the
default name for folders is New Folder)
• Press Enter.
Tips : Right-click a blank area on the desktop or in the folder
window, point to New, and then click Folder


• When you copy an item, the original item remains in its original location—
plus you have the new copy.
• Open the location that contains the file you want to copy.
• Right-click the file, and then click Copy.
• Open the location where you want to store the copy.
• Right-click an empty space within the location, and then click
Paste. The copy of the original file is now stored in the new
Tips: Another way to copy and paste files is to use the keyboard shortcuts
Ctrl+C / (Copy) and Ctrl+V (Paste). .
Tips:You can also press and hold the right-mouse button and then drag the file
to the new location. When you release the mouse button, click Copy here.


Moving (cut)
• Moving cuts the item from its previous location and places it in a new
• Select the files or folders you want to move.
• Click the Organize button on the toolbar, and then click Cut.
• Display the destination folder where you want to move the files or
• Click the Organize button on the toolbar, and then click past


Drag and drop.

• Select the files or folders you want to copy or move.
• In the Navigation pane, point to a folder list to display the expand and collapse
• Click the arrows to display the destination folder, and then click the destination
• Right-click the selected files or folders, drag to the destination folder, and then click
Copy Here or Move Here.
Tips: To move the selected items, drag them to the destination folder. To copy the
items, hold down the Ctrl key while you drag.
• Another way to copy and paste files is to use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+X (Cut)
and Ctrl+V (Paste).
• dragging an item between folders that are on the same hard drive (cut, move).
• drag the item to a folder that's on a different hard drive (copy)


• Select the files or folders you want to rename.
• Click the Organize button on the toolbar, and then click Rename.
• type a the new name
• Press Enter
Tips: Right-click the file or folder you want to rename, click Rename, type a
name, and then press Enter.
• You can also select the file, then press F2, type a name, and then press
• File names can be up to 255 characters. You can use spaces and
underscores in names, but you can’t use the following characters: @ * : <
> | ? “ \ or /. Remember the best way to keep your files organized is with
a consistent naming convention.


• Select the file or folder.
• Click the Organize button and select Delete from the pull-down menu.
• After you select delete a confirmation message appears
• press right click on the item and then click delete. Or press Del buttons on the
• The easiest way to delete on the desktop by drag and drop it to recycle Bin.
• delete a file or folder stored in the Recycle Bin until the Recycle Bin is emptied.
• If you delete a file or folder from a network folder or from a USB flash drive, it
might be permanently deleted rather than being stored in the Recycle Bin.
• If a file cant be deleted, it might be in use by a program that's currently running.
Try closing the program or restarting your computer to fix the problem. For more


Permanently Delete
• you need to delete the files from the Recycle Bin.
• You can delete individual files from the Recycle Bin or empty the entire
Recycle Bin at once.
• Open the Recycle Bin by double-clicking the Recycle Bin on the desktop.
• To permanently delete one file, 1-click it, 2-press Delete, and then 3-click
• To delete all of the files, on the toolbar, click Empty the Recycle Bin, and
then click Yes.
• You can empty the Recycle Bin without opening it by right-clicking the
Recycle Bin and then clicking Empty Recycle Bin.
• You can permanently delete a file by clicking the file and then pressing
Shift + Delete.


Restore item from recycle Bin

• Open the Recycle Bin by double-clicking the Recycle Bin on the desktop. Do
one of the following:
• To restore a file, click it, and then, on the toolbar, click Restore this item.
• To restore all of the files, make sure that no files are selected, and then, on
the toolbar, click Restore all items.
• The files will be restored to their original locations on your computer.

Tips: When you’ve deleted enough files to exceed this 10%, the oldest files in
the Recycle Bin are automatically and permanently deleted from your hard


Opening an existing file or folder

To open a file, double-click it. The file will
usually open in the program that you used to
create or change it.


Search for a file and folder

• can use different methods for different situations.
• A. Use the search box on the Start menu
Yocan u use the search box on the Start menu to find files, folders,
programs, and e-mail messages stored on your computer.

To find an item using the Start menu:

• Click the Start button, and then type a word or part of a word in the
search box.
• Search results appear as soon as you start typing in the search box

As you type, items that match your text will appear on the Start menu. The search
results are based on text in the file name, text in the file, tags, and other file


B. To save time and effort, use the search box at the top of the open window.
• The search looks for text in the file name and contents; and in the file
properties, such as in tags. In a library, the search includes all folders
included in the library as well as subfolders within those folders.
To search for a file or folder by using the search box:
• Type a word or part of a word in the search box.
• As you type, the contents of the folder or library are filtered to reflect each
successive character you type. When you see the filethat you want, stop


• a question mark (?) as a wildcard for a single character and an asterisk (*) as a
wildcard for any number of characters.
• The easiest way to start search window is by press F3.
• I f you know which file type it is, you can just enter the file extension
• ("JPG" for example) in the search box. • You can also use other techniques in the
search box to quickly narrow
• down a search. .


Windows Search

Search box in
Search bar on the window
Start menu


Expand or Narrow a Search

Expand a search here Narrow a search here Search keyword


Save a Search



Working with Control

• change settings for.
• Open Control Panel
by clicking the Start
button , and then
clicking Control


• You can display Control

Panel screen with
different view types as


Category view “By default”




There are two ways to find Control Panel items:

• Use search. To find a setting you're interested in or a
task you want to perform, type a word or phrase in
the search box.

• Panel by clicking different categories, and viewing

common tasks listed under each category. Or, under
View by, click either Large icons or Small icons to
view a list of all Control Panel items..


Control Panel Groups


Customize the Desktop


Desktop Background Window Color Screen Saver


Change desktop background (wallpaper)

• Your desktop background can be a digital
picture from your personal collection or one
that comes with Windows.
• You can also select a color for your desktop
background or use a color to frame your
background picture.
• Windows comes with lots of desktop
background choices.


To change the desktop background

1-Open Desktop Background by clicking the Start button, clicking Control Panel,
clicking Appearance and Personalization, clicking Personalization, and then
clicking Desktop Background

2. Click the picture or color you want for desktop background.

• If the picture you want to use is not in the list of desktop background pictures,
click the Picture location down arrow to view other categories, or click Browse to
search for the picture on your computer. When you find the picture you want,
double-click it. It will become your desktop background and appear in the list of
desktop backgrounds.
3. Under How should the picture be positioned, choose to have the picture fit the
screen, tile, or be centered on the screen, and then click OK.
Tip: You can make any picture stored on your desktop background by right clicking the
picture, and then clicking Set as Desktop Background



Change screen saver

To change a screen saver
• 1. Open Screen Saver Settings from Control Panel, clicking Appearance
and Personalization, clicking Personalization, and then clicking Screen
• 2. Under Screen saver, in the drop-down list, click the screen saver you
want to use.
• 3. Click Preview to see what your chosen screen saver will look like.
• 4. Click OK.
Tip: To clear a screen saver, move your mouse or press any key.
• You can change wallpaper and screen saver by right click on the desktop
and then choose personalize



How to use the taskbar

• You can customize the taskbar, including the way taskbar buttons look, how they
group together when you have more than one window open.
Rearrange taskbar buttons
• To rearrange the order of app buttons on the taskbar, drag a button from its current
position to a different position on the taskbar.
• All open files from the same app are always grouped together, even if you didn’t
open them one after the other. This is so you can see all of the previews for that app
at the same time.


Move the taskbar

• Usually, you can find the taskbar at the bottom of the desktop, but you can move it
to the sides or top of the desktop. Before you can move the taskbar, you need to
unlock it. Press and hold or right-click an empty space on the taskbar. If Lock the
taskbar has a check mark next to it, the taskbar is locked. You can unlock it by tapping
or clicking Lock the taskbar, which removes the check mark.
To move the taskbar Do one of the following:
• Tap an empty space on the taskbar, and then drag it to one of the four edges of
the desktop. When the taskbar is where you want it, let go. (If you're using a
mouse, click an empty space on the taskbar, and then hold down the mouse
button as you drag the taskbar to one of the four edges of the desktop. When the
taskbar is where you want it, release the mouse button.)


Change how taskbar buttons appear

• You can choose how buttons are grouped together when there's more than one window open,
and change the size of taskbar button icons.
1. On the Taskbar tab, select one of the options from the Taskbar buttons list:
• Always combine, hide labels: This is the default setting. Each app appears as a single, unlabeled
button, even when multiple windows for that app are pen.
• Combine when taskbar is full: This setting shows each window as an individual, labeled button.
When the taskbar becomes crowded, apps with multiple open windows collapse into a single app
button, tap or clicking the button displays a list of the windows that are open.
• Never combine: This setting shows each window as an individual, labeled button, and never
combines them, no matter how many windows are open. As more apps and windows open,
buttons get smaller, and eventually the buttons will scroll.
2. To use small taskbar button icons, select the Use small taskbar buttons check box. To use large
icons, clear the check box.
3. Tap or click OK.


Pin an app to the taskbar

You can pin an app directly to the taskbar for quick and easy access.
• Swipe in from the right edge of the screen, and then tap Search. (If you're
using a mouse, point to the upper-right corner of the screen, move the
mouse pointer down, and then click Search.) In the search box, enter the
name of the app you want to pin. Then, on the search results page, tap or
click the app to open it on the desktop.
• On the desktop, press and hold or right-click the app's button on the
taskbar to open the app’s Jump List (a list of shortcuts to recently opened
files, folders, and websites), and then tap or click Pin this program to taskbar.
• To remove a pinned app from the taskbar, open the app's Jump List, and
then tap or click Unpin this program from taskbar.


Adding Gadgets

• Gadgets, such as a clock, calendar, photo slide show, headline feed, or

puzzle, are added to your desktop to make it more convenient for you to


Window Components (continued)

• Windows can be displayed in a cascading fashion, vertically stacked, or side by

side. To set this up, right-click on an empty portion of the taskbar and click the
configuration you want to use. Shown here is the cascading display of three
open windows. Note that you can see each title bar.


Showing the Desktop

Three documents (transparent) in Aero Peek

Show desktop


Windows Accessories
• Windows 7 contains accessory application software that enables you to accomplish a few basic tasks. The programs include
Notepad, WordPad, Paint, Snipping Tool, and Calculator. We will discuss each in the next few slides.
• Notepad is a text editing application. It focuses mainly on capturing text. Computer programmers and Web designers often use
it to write programs. Document formatting is not a feature of Notepad. You can see that the window is very plain.
• WordPad, in contrast, is more like a word processing program. It includes a more robust interface, enabling you to format text
and insert graphics. It is a handy application if you do not have access to Microsoft Word. WordPad saves the documents in
Microsoft Word format so that they can open in Word. Granted, it does not contain all of the functions of Microsoft Word, but
it does have the basic tools.
• Access Notepad or WordPad from the Start button. Point to All Programs and click Accessories. Select either Notepad or
WordPad to launch the software.


Windows Accessories (continued)

Click here to
open a picture



Windows Accessories (continued)

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