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BIM and IoT For The AEC Industry

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BIM and IoT for the AEC Industry: A systematic literature mapping

Conference Paper · December 2020

DOI: 10.5151/sigradi2020-54


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3 authors, including:

Beatriz Fialho Ricardo Codinhoto

University of São Paulo University of Bath


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BIM and IoT for the AEC Industry: A systematic
literature mapping

Beatriz Campos Fialho

XXIV International Conference The University of Sao Paulo | Brazil | [email protected]
of the Iberoamerican Society
of Digital Graphics Ricardo Codinhoto
Medellín | Colombia
The University of Bath | United Kingdom | [email protected]
Márcio Minto Fabricio
The University of Sao Paulo | Brazil | [email protected]

The AEC industry has been facing a digital transformation for improving services involved in
buildings lifecycle, fostered by two disruptive technologies: Building Information Modelling
(BIM) and Internet of Things (IoT). However, the literature lacks discussions regarding
applications and challenges of BIM and IoT systems in the AEC. This Systematic Literature
Mapping addresses this gap through search, analysis, and classification of 75 journal article
abstracts published between 2015 and 2019. An increase of articles over the period is
observed, predominantly with technical and processual solutions for Construction and
Operation and Maintenance. The interoperability of data is a key challenge to organizations.

Keywords: Building Information Modelling; Internet of Things; Integration; Network; Smart Cities

INTRODUCTION Fabricio, 2020). BIM and IoT-based systems offer the

opportunity to automatize processes and support changes
The Architecture and Engineering Construction (AEC) in the industry from a reactive to a predictive approach. The
industry has been facing a digital transformation for novelty and importance of the field justify the development
improving the efficiency of services involved in designing, of academic and technical investigations.
building and operating assets, and the users’ well-being in
the built environment and urban spaces. Such a
Previous studies have focused on the identification of BIM
transformation towards sustainable smart cities has been
and IoT technologies applicable to FM industry processes,
fostered by two disruptive Information and Communication
describing suitable devices, tools and software for data
Technologies (ICTs), namely Building Information
Modelling (BIM) and Internet of Things (IoT). collection, storage and sharing (Fialho, Codinhoto, &
Fabricio, 2019; Ye, Yin, Tang, & Jiang, 2018), as well as
fields of application of their combined solutions (e.g.
Defined as “the 'current expression of digital innovation'
Construction, Operations and Maintenance) (Kensek &
across the construction industry” (BIMe Initiative, 2016),
BIM integrates the information of a building and its objects Kahn, 2013; Pärn & Edwards, 2017; Ramprasad et al.,
in a centralized digital database. It enables the 2018; Vandecasteele, Merci, & Verstockt, 2017).
collaboration among stakeholders through the building life Nevertheless, the literature still lacks discussions regarding
cycle (Eastman, Teicholz, Sacks, & Liston, 2014) and the broad implementation BIM and IoT-based systems in
changes in the design process development and the AEC industry. This study focuses on the establishment
management (Emmitt, 2016), thus increasing the accuracy of contextual knowledge concerning the applications and
and availability of information and the final building quality. challenges of BIM and IoT systems integration through
search, analysis, and classification of journal article
Based on a network that connects physical objects to the abstracts published between 2015 and 2019.
Internet (Madakan, Ramaswamy, & Tripathi, 2015), IoT is
also considered a key component of the smart cities MATERIAL AND METHODS
concept, since it converges “physical, digital and human
systems in the built environment to deliver a sustainable, A Systematic Literature Mapping (SLM) was conducted to
prosperous and inclusive future for its citizens” (BSI, 2014, develop a broad perspective of the subject and a structured
p. 3). IoT enables a real-time understanding of every classification of publications, supporting future studies
aspect and component of a building and its operation, (Gough, Oliver, & Thomas, 2012; Petersen, Feldt, Mujtaba,
increasing the accuracy and availability of information & Mattsson, 2008). A research protocol synthesized the
(Gunduz, Isikdag, & Basaraner, 2017; Pishdad-Bozorgi, structure and criteria for the work (Table 1).
2017; Wong, Ge, & He, 2018). Moreover, IoT supports
constructors and managers to overcome one of BIM The Science Direct (Elsevier) database was considered
limitations, i.e. the static building information, raising the appropriate for this study, providing relevant publications
efficiency of services to a higher level. on the topic. Keywords and Boolean operators were
defined for addressing both individual BIM and IoT
Although a variety of technological solutions have been concepts and the context for BIM and IoT integration.
recently developed, understanding their benefits for the Filters for selecting innovative works include peer-reviewed
AEC activities is still a challenge, in special for the Facilities journal articles published in Portuguese and English from
Management (FM) sector (Codinhoto, Fialho, Pinti, & 2015 to 2019. The five-year term was defined due to the
constant evolution of the area, in which technological methods (14). Other methods include Interviews and
solutions rapidly become obsolete. From 146 identified questionnaires (4), Simulation (2), and Axiomatic design
entries, 75 abstracts were chosen for further analysis after (1). The methods applied were not clearly identified in 11
applying the filters and selection criteria. articles, and, in most cases, the aim was to demonstrate
the application of BIM- and IoT-based solutions in AEC
Table 1: Research protocol. processes and activities.
Item Content
Research What are the applications and challenges of Table 2: Distribution of articles published in Journals per year.
questions BIM and IoT systems integration in the AEC





Key To develop contextual knowledge concerning

objectives the applications and challenges of BIM and
IoT systems integration through search,
analysis, and classification of journal article Automation in 1 1 3 10 14 29
abstracts published between 2015 and 2019. Construction
Database Science Direct (Elsevier) Advanced Engineering 1 1 4 6
Keywords ("building information modelling" OR "building Informatics
information modeling" OR "bim") and ("IOT" Procedia Engineering 2 4 6
OR "IoT system" OR "IoT platform") AND Journal of Cleaner 1 1 1 2 5
("integration" OR "connection") AND Production
(“Computer Networks and Communications” Procedia Computer 2 2 4
OR “network”) AND "Smart cities" Science
Filters Year of publication: 2015 to 2019. Type of Future Generation 1 2 3
publication: peer-reviewed journal articles. Computer Systems
Language: English and Portuguese Computers in Industry 1 1 2
Selection Inclusion criteria: articles on BIM and IoT Journal of Building 2 2
criteria systems. Engineering
Exclusion criteria: Publications neither Procedia Manufacturing 1 1 2
correlated to BIM and IoT systems, nor Sustainable Cities and 2 2
written in the aforementioned languages. Society
Technological Forecasting 2 2
and Social Change
Building and Environment 1 1
Computer Networks 1 1
Computers & Industrial 1 1
Energy Procedia 1 1
Table 2 shows the distribution of articles published in Habitat International 1 1
2 Journals over time. An increase in submissions over the IFAC-PapersOnLine 1 1
Journal of Urban 1 1

five past years is verified, particularly in 2018 (21) and 2019

(35). Automation in Construction concentrates 38% of the Management
Neurocomputing 1 1
articles (29), followed by Advanced Engineering Renewable and 1 1
Informatics (6), Procedia Engineering account (6), and the Sustainable Energy
Journal of Cleaner Production (5). Reviews
Resources, Conservation 1 1
The distribution of authors country per article is illustrated and Recycling
Safety Science 1 1
in Figure 1. The authors are predominantly from the UK, Total 4 4 11 21 35 75
USA, and China. 30% of the total number of publications
comprehend more than one country, evidencing the
partnership among nations. Together, Europe and Asia
concentrate 80% of the whole publications. South America
accounts for only one article, which demonstrates research
opportunities on the topic in the region.

Figure 2: Distribution of articles per overall research method.

The distribution of articles per research focus on the AEC

stages is shown in Figure 3. Construction and Operation &
Maintenance (O&M) stages are the focus of 44 articles. 24
publications discuss BIM and IoT integration in a broad
Figure 1: Distribution of authors country per article.
view and with no relation to specific AEC stages.
The distribution of articles per overall research method is Manufacturing is described in 4 articles, regarding building
shown in Figure 2. Literature Review was adopted in 24 components production, while Design, Renovation, and
articles, followed by Case Study (19) and Experimental Demolition are addressed in 3 articles.
combination with Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented
Reality (AR) (Kerin & Pham, 2019); and supporting
intrusion detection in computer networks (Kelton, Papa,
Lisboa, Munoz, & De, 2019). Improvements in the
integration of concepts for supporting performance
economy and between cyber-physical systems (CPS) and
IoT are described as important challenges. IoT supports
the development of new concepts. Chaturvedi et al. (2019)
proposed the “Smart District Data Infrastructure (SDDI)
concept” integrating sensors, simulation tools, and 3D
models of cities. Yan and Sakairi (2019) discussed IoT and
Figure 3: Distribution of articles per research focus on the AEC CPS in the context of urban management, supporting the
stages. “Geo CPS” proposed concept.
Table 4 presents the distribution of articles per year
BIM has been approached as a central concept for the AEC
according to the research focus on three categories,
evolution in some reviews. Gao and Pishdad-Bozorgi
namely 1. Theory, which includes Literature Review and
(2019) and Araszkiewicz (2017) discussed its application in
conceptual propositions; 2. Information Technology (IT),
O&M, highlighting the integration of building lifecycle data
related to the development of interfaces, platforms,
and decision-making support as benefits. Energy
systems, and ontologies for BIM and IoT integration; and 3.
management is one of the key areas (Araszkiewicz, 2017)
Process, regarding approaches, frameworks, methods,
fostered by Building Energy Modeling methodologies and
and models for BIM and IoT integration. Focus on Process
BIM database (Pezeshki, Soleimani, & Darabi, 2019). The
was identified in most publications (29), followed by IT, in
use of BIM in urban infrastructure was explored by Costin
24, and Theory, in 22 articles.
et al. (2018) and Rice and Martin (2018). Other BIM
applications involve off-site construction (OSC) (Yin, Liu,
Table 4: Distribution of articles per year according to the
Chen, & Al-hussein, 2019), network security and data
research focus – Theory, IT and Process.
management (Nawari & Ravindran, 2019), and data
integration, building energy management and urban






Research Focus and Example governance (Wang, Pan, & Luo, 2019), promoted by BIM,
GIS and complementary technologies (Ma & Ren, 2017;
Theory: “A concept for securing 1 0 4 4 13 22 Pauwels, Zhang, & Lee, 2017).
distributed applications and
services in data infrastructures for
With regards to the Information Technology (IT) group,
Smart Cities” (CHATURVEDI et al.,
2019) some articles address the development of platforms,
Information Technology (IT): 1 2 6 7 8 24 systems, interfaces and ontologies integrating BIM and IoT
“Internet of Things-enabled BIM for various purposes in the built environment. Dave et al.
platform (IBIMP) for the Modular (2018) proposed the Otaniemi3D web-based platform,
Integrated Construction (MiC) associating BIM models with built environment data from
project” (ZHAI et al., 2019)
IoT sensors. Lokshina, Greguš and Thomas (2019)
Process: “Smart Sewer Asset 2 2 1 10 14 29
Information Model (SSAIM) for an developed a system design for improvements in data
existing sewerage network” security, exchange, and sharing among stakeholders.
(ZHONG et al., 2015)
Total 4 4 11 21 35 75 Prefabricated construction is the focus of some studies.
Zhai et al. (2019) has developed an “Internet of Things-
ABSTRACT ANALYSIS enabled BIM platform (IBIMP) for Modular Integrated
The 75 selected abstracts were analysed for the Construction (MiC) project” to support data collection and
identification of propositions for BIM and IoT integration automatic decision support. Zhengdao et al. (2016b)
and challenges and problems faced on this procedure. To generate an IoT-enabled platform to streamline offshore
do so, the articles were grouped according to the research prefabricated construction processes, while Zhengdao et
focus (i.e. Theory, Process, and IT), emphasizing common al. (2017) develop a “RFID-enabled BIM platform” to
manage critical schedule factors. Zhengdao et al. (2018)
scopes of the categories.
design an IoT-enabled platform by integrating BIM, RFID
and VR technologies for facilitating the on-site assembly
In the Theory group, 20 literature review articles discuss the
services (OAS) and Zhong et al. (2017) propose a “Multi-
role of emerging ICTs in AEC industry digital
dimensional Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled BIM platform
transformation. Tang et al. (2019) identified the application
(MITBIMP)” for real-time traceability and visibility of
of BIM tools’ APIs and semantic web technologies to the
components. The potential benefits of the presented
Construction and O&M. Wong, Ge and He (2018) explored
solutions include availability of real-time cost information,
digital technological developments into FM, including BIM
remote supervision of construction progress, and
and IoT. IoT has been explored as a disruptive technology
information sharing among participants. BIM- and IoT-
in distinct perspectives, i.e. fostering the development of
based solutions have also been proposed for O&M, i.e. a
business models in Smart Cities scenario (Alcayaga,
system to recognize unsafe worker behaviours in building
Wiener, & Hansen, 2019); supporting the evolution of AEC
environments (Arslan, Cruz, & Ginhac, 2019b); a “BIM-
(Woodhead, Stephenson, & Morrey, 2018) and the smart
based visualization and warning system for fire rescue”
building industry (Magruk, 2015), specifically over
(Chen, Liu, & Wu, 2018); a “semantic knowledge
construction and O&M (Jia, Komeily, Wang, & Srinivasan,
management service and domain ontology” combining BIM
2019); contributing to the remanufacturing sector in
and smart water field systems for improvements in systems
performance (Howell, Rezgui, & Beach, 2017), and the Edmondson et al. (2018), through a “Smart Sewer Asset
Real-Time Replay System (RTRS) for building’ users Information Model (SSAIM)” for managing operations. In
managing energy consumption and conservation (Chiang, the Health and Safety domain, Liu et al. (2019) developed
Chu, & Chou, 2015). a method for safety inspection integrating BIM and
unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) camera for supplying
The development of IoT-based platforms for distinct industrial and residential water, and Peng, Li and Hu (2019)
lifecycle stages is the scope of some articles. In proposed a neural networks-based approach for
construction, a virtual experimental platform was proposed evacuation planning in grand public buildings.
for simulating the use of an IoT-enabled control for an
earthmoving work (Louis & Dunston, 2018), as well as a IoT-centred solutions are also developed, i.e. a framework
cloud-based IoT platform for managing physical assets (G. for safety management and monitoring in complex
Xu, Li, Chen, & Wei, 2018), and an “IoT-enabled Smart environments (Haddad, Bouyahia, & Chaudhry, 2019); “a
Factory Visibility and Traceability Platform” for smart big data analytics for IoT-enabled manufacturing shop
factory production (Zhong, Xu, & Wang, 2017). The floor” (Kho et al., 2018); “a Physical Internet-enabled
propositions for O&M include the “IoT Energy Platform decision support system (DSS)” for tracking components
(IoTEP)” for management, processing, and analysis of and mapping real-time interactions among stakeholders of
building energy data (Terroso-saenz, González-vidal, prefabricated housing construction (Zhong et al., 2015);
Ramallo-gonzález, & Skarmeta, 2019); a sensor and a semantic knowledge model for smart buildings using
management system for energy efficiency of smart the IndoorGML standard (Rubio et al., 2018).
buildings (Plageras, Psannis, Stergiou, Wang, & Gupta,
2018); and an integration citizen’s suggestion system for Difficulties related to BIM embracement by AEC industry
user’s communication (Ham, Teng, Wijaya, & have fostered some propositions, i.e. a “Unified BIM
Wikopratama, 2018). Addressing Health and Safety, a Adoption Taxonomy (UBAT)” for classification and
framework for information integration and a prototype integration of drivers and factors for BIM adoption (Louay
system for safety monitoring over the AEC industry were & Kassem, 2018); models, matrices and charts for macro-
introduced (Q. Xu, Chong, & Liao, 2019), as well as a BIM adoption assessment and BIM diffusion policies
“cyber-physical-system-based safety monitoring system” information (Succar & Kassem, 2015, p. 64); a
for hoisting in underground constructions (Zhou, Luo, Fang, recommendation for building geometry representation
Wei, & Ding, 2019). (Mcglinn et al., 2019); and the DALTON (DAta Linked
Through Occurrences Network) conceptual model, that
BIM-based systems and interfaces were proposed for provides checking components for business rules
distinct applications, i.e. a BIM-based interface to support (Fortineau, Paviot, & Lamouri, 2019).
customers in exploring design solutions in mass-
customized housing sector (Bianconi, Filippucci, & Buffi, BIM-based solutions have been proposed for construction
4 2019); a BIM-based prototype CPS for structural health and demolition stages. Among such solutions are the
monitoring (SHM) (Fitz, Theiler, & Smarsly, 2019); a GIS- “smart work packaging (SWP)” for constraints

BIM based system for urban energy planning optimization management (X. Li, Qiping, et al., 2019) and the
(Yamamura, Fan, & Suzuki, 2017); an “interactive conceptual framework for BIM integration in prefabrication
Augmented Reality system for Temporal and Spatial housing production (X. Li, Wu, & Yue, 2019); a group of
analysis of power consumption data integrated with BIM expectations for construction and demolition waste
building information models (iARTS)” (Chou, Chiang, Wu, management (Akinade et al., 2018); a conceptual “Reverse
Chu, & Lin, 2017). logistics supply chain (RLSC)” model to support demolition
and reprocessing of salvaged materials (Chileshe,
Regarding the Process group, frameworks, approaches, Jayasinghe, & Rameezdeen, 2019). Processual solutions
models, and methods for the integration of BIM and IoT have also been proposed for O&M, i.e. a “Diagnosis-Aided
have aimed streamlining AEC processes. Heaton and Historic Building Information Modelling and Management
Parlikad (2019) developed a “smart asset alignment framework” (Bruno, Fino, & Fatiguso, 2018), an “Integrated
framework” integrating infrastructure asset information and Knowledge-based Building Management System” for
citizen necessities; Love, Matthews and Gates (2019) detecting and diagnosing operational faults (Gha et al.,
proposed a generic business dependency network (BDN) 2019), and “an object-oriented city design model” for
for analysis of multiple relationships of digital technologies building energy performance assessment (Zachary et al.,
implementation; and Motamedi et al. (2016) introduced a 2019).
method for setting RFID technology components in BIM.
Focusing on anticipating building users’ needs, Ciribini et Additional approaches and technologies were addressed,
al. (2017) developed a workflow to populate BIM models i.e. Good, Ellis and Mancarella (2017) discussed barriers
with sensors’ data. Arslan, Cruz and Ginhac (2019b) and enablers involved in the demand response of electric
designed the “Occupant Behaviors in Dynamic systems, Novais, Manuel and Ortiz-Bas (2019)
Environments (OBiDE) framework” incorporating the investigated the integration between Cloud Computing and
environment information. Zhengdao et al. (2016a) provide Supply Chain, (J. Li, Greenwood, & Kassem, 2019) and
a BIM-IoT based method that analyses risk factors and Marsal-Llacuna (2018) proposed Blockchain-based
effects for stakeholders in prefabrication construction. frameworks supporting the built environment and
construction sector, David, Aubry and Derigent (2018) and
O&M-oriented solutions are addressed by Rashid, Louis Yang et al. (2018) introduced integrated frameworks for
and Fiawoyife (2019), who introduced a framework for multisector infrastructure asset management, whereas Hu
electrical fixtures control in smart built environments, et al. (2016) developed a “Resource Description
integrating an ultra-wideband-based indoor positioning Framework (RDF) syntax structure” for representing
system with a BIM-based virtual environment, and existing database information.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS words a synthesis of the research structure and results
lacking, in some cases, important information on problems
This systematic literature mapping analyzed relevant and challenges.
abstract articles published in the past five years.
Publications on ICT implementation (i.e. BIM and IoT) in
In fact, the potential of BIM and IoT-based systems for the
the AEC industry has significantly increased over the
evolution of AEC service provision is unlimited and still few
period, from 4 in 2015 to 35 in 2019, evidencing an
explored. Understanding the real problems faced by
expansion of investigations on the topic, particularly in
organizations is imperative for the efficacy of BIM and IoT
Europe and Asia (Figure 1). The collaboration among
implementation. Opportunities for improvements in the FM
several countries was identified, which enables the
sector are described by (Codinhoto et al., 2020), through
research development through distinct approaches.
the analysis of approximately 80.000 work requests of two
educational organization in Italy and the UK. Previous
The predominance of journals in construction and results show the relationship between the severity and
engineering domains (Table 2) demonstrates the recurrence of problems as an important metric for
applicative bias of the studies, concerned with the AEC identifying critical problems in building facilities. In this
demands. Most publications are driven to Construction and sense, the characterization of problems in each context
O&M, which evidences the potential advantages of BIM through empirical data is essential to define the most
and IoT integration for building and managing assets. appropriate BIM and IoT solutions for specific processes,
Regarding the research method (Figure 2), most articles supporting the implementation of a predictive strategy for
have adopted literature reviews, still required to state a problems solving.
knowledge field, followed by Case Study and experimental
methods, demonstrating an orientation to the development
Given the embryonic phase of BIM and IoT combined areas
of technical and processual solutions for building lifecycle.
in the AEC industry, the authors have been working on
developing a baseline through theoretical and practical
Table 4 shows a predominance of articles regarding IT investigations. This study contributes to knowledge by
propositions (47%) in the first three years (2015-2017) in mapping and discussing relevant articles through a
comparison to theoretical and processual approaches. systematic method, providing a reference for future
Mostly, the IT solutions address BIM models and IoT literature reviews. In addition, the study stablishes a
devices integration issues for key areas, i.e. prefabrication contextual knowledge from the past five years, identifying
construction, building and infrastructure operation and the proposed solutions, scenarios of development (i.e.
maintenance, energy management, and health and safety. country, lifecycle stage, research method) and trends on
However, this scenario was altered in 2018 and 2019, with the topic advancement.
a significant increase on processes improvement solutions
(42%), evidencing the required transformations imposed by
Some limitations and opportunities were identified in this
BIM and IoT to organizations for adapting traditional
study. Difficulties were found in tracking publications from
activities to a digital environment, thus setting a trend for
a multidisciplinary subject within the database. The
selection of keywords and filters was repeatedly tested to
get entries addressing the study questions and key
Challenges and problems faced in the BIM and IoT objectives. Also, the assessment of abstract articles as a
integration are described by few articles (Aguiar et al., methodological approach has limited deepening the critical
2017; Gao & Pishdad-bozorgi, 2019; Tang et al., 2019; analysis. In this respect, a full-text reading is
Wong et al., 2018) in a broad perspective of ICT recommended. Finally, empirical investigations are
implementation and can be summarized in one main issue, recommended aiming to explore opportunities and
i.e. interoperability throughout information exchange strategies for BIM and IoT-based systems implementation
standards over the building lifecycle. Defined as the “ability as disruptive solutions for AEC industry.
of diverse systems (and organizations) to work together
seamlessly without data loss and without a special effort”
(BIMe Initiative, 2019), the interoperability among AEC ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
processes and systems is crucial for improving the The authors would like to acknowledge the Brazilian
integration among ICT´s. Although BIM platforms and IoT financial support by Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de
devices have individually achieved a high level of Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) Grant No.
development, the generation of effective integrated 88881.188668/2018-01, São Paulo Research Foundation
systems driven to practical problems is required. (FAPESP) Grant No. 2019/05640-4, and National Council
Governments, professional bodies, and universities around for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPQ)
the world has been addressing this gap (Pezeshki et al., Grant No. 306998/2018-1.
2019) through the definition of mandates, handbooks, and
technical standards. Once again, a global effort is needed
to stablish a common approach for organizations managing
BIM and IoT-based systems. Aguiar, A., Mira, P., Antunes, A., Cabral, I., Chen, X., Liu, C., …
Beach, T. (2017). Tracking Users’ Behaviors through Real-
time Information in BIMs: Workflow for Interconnection in the
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