Jumlah Soal: 10 Butir Passage 1

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Passage 1
Earthquakes related to volcanic activity may produce hazards which include ground cracks, ground
deformation, and damage to manmade structures. There are two general categories of earthquakes that can
occur at a volcano: volcano-tectonic earthquakes and long period earthquakes. Earthquakes produced by
stress changes in solid rock due to the injection or withdrawal of magma (molten rock) are called volcano-
tectonic earthquakes (Chouet, 1993). These earthquakes can cause land to subside and can produce large
ground cracks. These earthquakes can occur as rock is moving to fill in spaces where magma is no longer
present. Volcano-tectonic earthquakes don't indicate that the volcano will be erupting but can occur at any
The second category of volcanic earthquakes is long period earthquakes which are produced by the
injection of magma into surrounding rock. These earthquakes are a result of pressure changes during the
unsteady transport of the magma. When magma injection is sustained, a lot of earthquakes are produced
(Chouet, 1993). This type of activity indicates that a volcano is about to erupt. Scientists use seismographs to
record the signal from these earthquakes. This signal is known as volcanic tremor.
People living near an erupting volcano are very aware of volcanic earthquakes. Their houses will
shake and windows rattle from the numerous earthquakes that occur each day before and during a volcanic
eruption. Residents in Pompeii felt earthquakes daily before Vesuvius erupted in 79 A.D. but continued to go
about their daily routines (Francis, 1993). When Mount Pinatubo in the Philipines erupted in 1991, nerves
were rattled as much as windows by volcanic earthquakes.
Earthquakes exhibiting volcanic tremor warn of an impending eruption so that people can be
evacuated to safe areas. The volcanic tremor signal has been used successfully to predict the 1980 eruptions
Mount St. Helens and the 1991 eruption of Pinatubo. Volcano-tectonic earthquakes can cause damage to
manmade structures and landsliding. To prevent damage from being done, structures should be built according
to earthquake standards, building foundations should be constructed on firm ground and not unconsolidated
material which may amplify earthquake intensity, and buildings should be constructed on stable slopes in areas
of low hazard potential.

1. What does the passage mainly deal with? (B) volcano-tectonic earthquakes will happen
(A) Volcano eruption after the rock replacing the magma
(B) Volcanic earthquakes position in the empty space of the
(C) Volcano-tectonic earthquakes volcanoes.
(D) Long period earthquakes (C) volcano-tectonic earthquakes are possible
(E) Volcanic hazards to happen when the empty area left by
magma is filled by moving rock.
2. „These earthquakes can occur as rock is (D) volcano-tectonic earthquakes may happen
moving to fill in spaces where magma is no due to the rock and the magma movement
longer present.‟ The sentence can be best during an eruption.
restated as…. (E) volcano-tectonic earthquakes takes place
(A) volcano-tectonic earthquakes only take as the magma fill in the empty space
place after the withdrawal of magma and between the moving rock.
rock leaving an empty space.

E9x2M0519-20, PPLS DAN RONIN, BKB NURUL FIKRI hlm. 1 dari 3 hlm.
3. The word „sustained‟ in paragraph 2 is best 4. What most likely motivates the writer in writing
replaced by.... the passage?
(A) stopped (A) Volcanic earthquakes often cause serious
(B) broken damage to property.
(C) disrupted (B) There is not much information about
(D) prolonged earthquakes related to volcanic activity.
(E) intensified (C) Many people living near a volcano is not
aware of the danger of earthquakes.
(D) There are a lot of damages and casualties
caused by volcanic earthquakes.
(E) There are still many active volcanoes in
many populous parts of the world.

Passage 2
Researchers in Hong Kong are reporting new evidence that green tea — one of the most popular
beverages consumed worldwide and now available as a dietary supplement — may help improve bone health.
They found that the tea contains a group of chemicals that can stimulate bone formation and help slow its
The beverage has the potential to help in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis and other bone
diseases that affect million worldwide, the researchers suggest.
In the new study, Ping Chung Leung and colleagues note that many scientific studies have linked tea
to beneficial effects in preventing cancer, heart disease, and other conditions. Recent studies in humans and
cell cultures suggest that tea may also benefit bone health. But few scientific studies have explored the exact
chemicals in tea that might be responsible for this effect.
The scientists exposed a group of cultured bone-forming cells (osteoblasts) to three major green tea
components — epigallocatechin (EGC), gallocatechin (GC), and gallocatechin gallate (GCG) — for several
days. They found that one in particular, EGC, boosted the activity of a key enzyme that promotes bone
growth by up to 79 percent. EGC also significantly boosted levels of bone mineralization in the cells, which
strengthens bones. The scientists also showed that high concentrations of EGC blocked the activity of a type of
cell (osteoclast) that breaks down or weakens bones. The green tea components did not cause any toxic effects
to the bone cells, they note.

5. Which group of readers can take the positive 7. It can be concluded from the passage that….
side of the passage? (A) green tea is now produced as a dietary
(A) Orthopaedic surgeons supplement due to its popularity
(B) Researchers on tea (B) green tea is composed of a group of
(C) Green tea farmers chemicals that can encourage bone
(D) People with osteoporosis deformation
(E) Green tea supplement manufacturers (C) few researches have found the specific
substance in green tea that can improve
6. What is the main idea of the passage? bone health
(A) Green tea may help improve bone health. (D) there are only three green tea components
(B) A research has successfully found a cure for that can be exposed to osteoblasts
osteoporosis. (E) Epigallocatechin is a key enzyme that
(C) The green tea components are good for promotes bone growth by up to 79 percent
the bone cells.
(D) Green tea is one of the most popular
beverages in the world.
(E) Green tea can prevent bone diseases,
cancer, and heart disease.

E9x2M0519-20, PPLS DAN RONIN, BKB NURUL FIKRI hlm. 2 dari 3 hlm.
8. With the sentence „The green tea components 10. “…., boosted the activity of a key enzyme that
did not cause any toxic effects to the bone promotes bone growth by up to 79 percent.”
cells, they note.‟ in paragraph 4, the writer What is the opposite of the underlined word?
intends to.... (A) obstructs
(A) reveal an adverse effect of green tea (B) discards
components on bone density (C) harms
(B) show the findings of the researchers on the (D) accelerates
components of green tea (E) encourages
(C) explain the characteristics of the green tea
(D) assure the readers that green tea will be of
benefit to the bone cells
(E) inform the readers about the safety of the
green tea components

9. In which paragraph does the writer elaborate

the chemical components of green tea that
stimulate bone formation and help slow its
(A) 3
(B) 4
(C) 1 and 2
(D) 2 and 3
(E) 3 and 4

E9x2M0519-20, PPLS DAN RONIN, BKB NURUL FIKRI hlm. 3 dari 3 hlm.
E9x2M0519-20, PPLS DAN RONIN, BKB NURUL FIKRI hlm. 4 dari 3 hlm.

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