Solomon Islands and Forestry
Solomon Islands and Forestry
Solomon Islands and Forestry
Oxfam Australia
Today the logging industry is the single most significant economic sector in the Solomon
Islands, to the extent that it causes much concern within the Central Bank of Solomon
Islands. The Bank is aware of the impending revenue gap as natural forest logging comes to
an end (in less than 10 years time) and alternative revenue streams of equivalent size come
on stream.
In countries with weak governance such as the Solomon Islands, logging has numerous
negative externalities. These include illegal and uncontrolled exploitation of the resource,
smuggling, misclassification, transfer pricing, and corruption at different levels and scale.
The consequences of these activities include environmental degradation, diminished
livelihoods, loss of state revenues, an erosion of democratic principles, and a direct
contribution to conflict. Many of these factors are present in the Solomon Islands.
Transparency International Solomon Islands Country Study (2004) reported that:
‘…logging companies have played an important role in the development of corrupt practice
in the Solomon Islands’ and that ‘the issuance and maintenance of logging licenses and
work permits for foreigners are regarded to be the most compromised official activities in the
government system’.
This case study was written as a contribution to the development of From Poverty to Power:
How Active Citizens and Effective States Can Change the World, Oxfam International 2008.
It is published in order to share widely the results of commissioned research and
programme experience. The views it expresses are those of the author and do not
necessarily reflect those of Oxfam International or its affiliate organisations.
The relevant factors include:
• Ignorance of appropriate legal processes and procedures amongst community members and the
inaccessibility and cost of legal proceedings acting as a deterrent to seeking advice and
• Lack of consultation between tribal members about logging proposals; negotiations with logging
companies conducted with and by the elite few within a community and little communication
about the process with other tribal members.
• The inability of the responsible government (central and provincial) authorities to ensure
appropriate procedures are followed and the conflict of interests of these institutions, which often
also facilitate the process for logging companies in order to secure revenues.
• Negotiations leaving community concerns unresolved over likely damage to forestland areas,
community food gardens, hunting grounds, drinking water sources and sources of building
• Benefits (financial) accruing to only a few individuals and not to all tribal members as anticipated,
and/or lower than expected royalties.
• The ineffectiveness of traditional community governance systems to deal with disputes and
disagreements arising from the logging process complicated by the involvement of traditional
leaders in some of the more questionable activities.
This case study was written by Oxfam Australia in July 2007. It is one of a series
written to inform the development of the Oxfam International publication From
Poverty to Power: How Active Citizens and Effective States Can Change the World,
Oxfam International 2008.
This case study was written based on research and experience of Oxfam Australia.
The paper may be used free of charge for the purposes of education and research,
provided that the source is acknowledged in full. The copyright holder requests that
all such use be registered with them for impact assessment purposes. For copying
in other circumstances, or for re-use in other publications, or for translation or
adaptation, permission must be secured. Email [email protected]
For further information on the issues raised in this paper, please email
[email protected]