Eco-Friendly For Anyone, Anywhere.: Hydropower

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hydropower for
anyone, anywhere.
Report on fish friendly design of the Turbulent vortex turbine.
[email protected] | TEL: +32 499 64 65 20
Wijgmaalsesteenweg 6, 3012 Wilsele, Belgium
Fish-Friendliness Report

Introduction .......................................................................................................... 3
Fish potential damage classification................................................................... 3
Mechanical: Abrasion, Grinding, and Strike ........................................................... 3
Pressure ..................................................................................................................... 4
Cavitation ................................................................................................................... 5
Shear stress ............................................................................................................... 6
Turbulent technology: design parameters ........................................................ 7
How abrasion, grinding, and strike is avoided....................................................... 7
Pressure changes on Turbulent turbine................................................................. 9
Cavitation ................................................................................................................. 11
Shear stress ............................................................................................................. 12
Comparison between the limit values and Turbulent values ............................ 14
Conclusions ......................................................................................................... 14
References .......................................................................................................... 15
[email protected] | TEL: +32 499 64 65 20
Wijgmaalsesteenweg 6, 3012 Wilsele, Belgium

The main objective of this report is to demonstrate that the operation of the
turbine doesn’t affect the natural fish population letting the fish pass through
the turbine unharmed. To validate that assumption we used tried and tested
formulas and methods from the “Alden Turbine Labs”.

We present a summary of the investigations that were made on turbines

showing the values for the operation points that ensure a fish friendly
operation for our turbine. In particular, we present also a comparison between
the recommended value and the value calculated for the operation of our
turbine, in every variable we keep values below the limits that harm a fish.

Fish potential damage classification

Potential damage mechanisms are identified in 4 categories; mechanical,

pressure, shear, and cavitation (USACE 1995). Mechanical causes include
strike, abrasion, and grinding. Pressure fluctuations, shear stress, turbulence,
and cavitation are related to flow characteristics.

Mechanical: Abrasion, Grinding, and Strike

The rubbing action of a fish against a turbine system component or objects in

the flow field is referred to as abrasion, and can cause damage to the fish
(USACE 1995). Abrasion damage is dependent on flow discharge and velocity,
number of turbine blades and spacing between them, and the geometry of
flow passages (USACE 1995). Data are not available to identify the amount of
or to distinguish injury due to abrasion.
Grinding injury can occur when a fish is drawn into small clearances (gaps of
sizes close to that of the fish) within the turbine system (USACE 1995). Gaps
with high velocity zones that may cause grinding injury are present between
the turbine blade leading edge and the hub, the blades and the throat ring,
the wicket gates and stay vanes, and between the wicket gates and the
[email protected] | TEL: +32 499 64 65 20
Wijgmaalsesteenweg 6, 3012 Wilsele, Belgium
distributor ring (USACE 1995). Grinding injury can be documented by
examining the fish’s body for localized bruises, deep cuts, and even

A fish may be damaged when it collides with (strikes) a turbine system

component. The probability of a fish striking parts of the turbine system
depends on several factors which include the size of the fish, number of blades
and their spacing, turbine speed, flow velocity and discharge, among others.
Several equations have been developed to calculate the probability of strike in
Francis and Kaplan type turbines (von Raben 1957 and Monten 1985, cited in
Cada 1997; USACE 1991, cited in Cook et al. 1997). Also, a new equation, based
on the von Raben’s model, was derived by the Voith team (Franke et al. 1997).
A blade and a fish striking each other (colliding) may cause scale and mucous
loss, eye injury, and internal bleeding depending on the velocities involved and
the shape of the blade’s leading edge (Turnpenny et al. 1992).

Data relating fish mortality to entry into a water body showed that mortality
varied between 0% at 20 m/sec and 100% at 44 m/sec. Also, upon impact onto
solid objects fish mortality varied between 0% at 4.5 m/sec and 100% at 29
m/sec (USACE 1991, cited in Cook et al. 1997). Data from EPRI (1987) indicated
that mortality increases with runner peripheral velocities; minimal mortality
could be expected at runner peripheral velocities of 12 m/sec or lower in
Francis turbines. The data in EPRI (1987) also showed that more strikes would
occur at higher tip speeds and that a peripheral runner velocity of 6 ft/sec or
less may eliminate strike mortality.


Fish are subjected to rapid pressure changes throughout the turbine system.
Damage due to pressure is dependent on the amount and rate of change of
pressure experienced by the fish as well as the type of the fish. Physostomous
fish, such as salmon and trout, have a pneumatic duct that connects the swim
bladder to the oesophagus, which is used, along with the mouth, to rapidly
take in or vent gas (Lagler et al. 1962, cited in Cada et al. 1997). Physoclistous
fish, such as perch and bass, do not have a pneumatic duct and must adjust
[email protected] | TEL: +32 499 64 65 20
Wijgmaalsesteenweg 6, 3012 Wilsele, Belgium
their body’s gas content by diffusion into the blood. Because this diffusion
process may take hours, these fish are more susceptible to damage due to
rapid pressure decrease. Pressure changes felt by a fish are relative to its
acclimation pressure prior to entering the turbine system. These typically
range from 4.6 m of water (21.2 psi or 146 kPa Absolute) at low-head plants to
52 m of water (87.7 psi or 605 kPa Absolute) at high-head plants (USACE 1995).
It is believed that fish are more sensitive to pressure decreases than pressure
increases, and that pressure-related mortality is due to injury to the swim
bladder from decompression (Tsvetkov 1972, cited in Cada 1990 and in Cada
et al. 1997).

Swim bladder rupture and embolism are caused by suddenly and severely
lowering the pressure from the fish’s acclimated pressure (USACE 1991).
Theoretical information on mortality in salmonids, relative to pressure
changes, indicated that when the minimum pressure is 30% of the acclimation
pressure (i.e., Exposure Pressure/Acclimation Pressure ratio is 0.3), or higher,
no mortality is expected (USACE 1991).

Large pressure drops over short periods of time can cause gas volumes within
the fish to expand excessively, resulting in internal damage. Pressure change
rates (ΔP/Δt) < 5.5 bar/s (Odeh, 1999). When the flow enters the runner, it
accelerates around the entrance edge of each blade, giving rise to the large
pressure drops. The pressure change rates rise again along the trailing edge.
The blade design on the right has less red area on the trailing edge, but both
designs have similar total area with larger pressure drop than the threshold.


The presence of voids in the liquid has a damaging effect on marine and
hydraulic turbine propellers (Euler 1754, cited in Odeh 1988). Cavitation is the
rapid vaporization and condensation process of liquid. It normally occurs
when the local pressure in the liquid drops to or below vapor pressure, and
with nuclei present in the liquid vapor cavities (bubbles) are formed. These
bubbles grow within the vapor pressure region and then become unstable and
collapse as they travel to areas with higher pressures.
[email protected] | TEL: +32 499 64 65 20
Wijgmaalsesteenweg 6, 3012 Wilsele, Belgium
A widely used non-dimensional cavitation parameter, , can be defined as the
ratio of operating pressure conditions to the available gross hydraulic head,
H, on the turbine runner. This is expressed as  = (Hatm - Hs - Hv) / H, where
Hatm the absolute atmospheric pressure (ft absolute), Hs the turbine runner
setting relative to tailwater level (ft), and Hv is the vapor pressure (ft absolute).
To avoid cavitation at a hydro plant, its operational  must be higher than its
critical value, crn where cr is when cavitation starts to be damaging to the
turbine. The highest fish survival at the Foster Project occurred when the
turbine had an operational  almost one-half to one-third the critical value
(Bell 1981).

Cavitation can also be minimized by properly designing the runner geometry

to minimize parameters governing cavitation, which include high velocity/low
pressure zones, surface irregularities, abrupt changes in flow direction, and
location or submergence (Cook et al. 1997).

Shear stress

Shear stress in the flow field are a result of the change of velocity with respect
to distance, or the rate of deformation of the fluid. Shear stress is expressed
as the force acting on an area parallel to its direction (Gordon et al. 1992). The
spatial change of velocity can be attributed to both viscous forces and fluid
flow properties, or fluid-induced forces due to its acceleration and local
turbulence (Franke et al. 1997) The highest values of shear stress are found
close to the interface between the flow and solid objects it speeds by, such as
the blade leading edges, vanes, and gates.

The highest shear stress is found close to the interface between the flow and
solid objects it speeds by, such as the blade leading edges, vanes, and gates.
i.e. Salmonids survived at submerged water jet velocities of 30 ft/s or through
the 14-inch pipe at nozzle velocities of 67 ft/s and less. Alewives and smelt
survived at jet velocities of 30 and 40 ft/s (Odeh, 1999).
[email protected] | TEL: +32 499 64 65 20
Wijgmaalsesteenweg 6, 3012 Wilsele, Belgium
Parameter Threshold Reasoning
Peripheral runner < 40 ft/s (12.2 m/s) Reduces strike injury, minimizes shear stresses and
speed Pressure Preferably < 20 ft/s (6.1 vortices between moving and stationary parts
> 10 psia (0.7 bar) Mortality when P drop > 30% of acclimation pressure
(typically 30 psia = 2.06 bar)
Rate of change of < 80 psi/s (5.5 bar/s) Assuming fish injury at a 160 psi/s (11 bar/s)
pressure Shear
stress < 180 /s Test of alewives, a fragile fish at 180/s did not cause
(1.8 m/s /cm) injury
Summary of flow parameters thresholds (Odeh, 1999):

Turbulent technology: design parameters

Taking in count the parameters explained in the previous section, the

Turbulent turbine has been designed to ensure that it is harmless for the fish
population, below are shown the values of nominal operation.

How abrasion, grinding, and strike is avoided

The rotor of the gravitational vortex turbine developed by Turbulent has a

particular geometry (pending patent) that besides of providing a superior
efficiency also consists of curved plains and rounded edges, made from glass-fiber
with a coating that improves the mechanical properties making it resistant to
abrasion. This allows the blade having the same roughness during its lifetime.
[email protected] | TEL: +32 499 64 65 20
Wijgmaalsesteenweg 6, 3012 Wilsele, Belgium
Blade of the 5 kW model, top view.

Blade of the 5 kW model, close up to the attack edge.
[email protected] | TEL: +32 499 64 65 20
Wijgmaalsesteenweg 6, 3012 Wilsele, Belgium
Pressure changes on Turbulent turbine
To estimate the rate of pressure change we considered 3 points:

1. in the surface of the inlet

2. just before to enter the rotor
3. point just after leaving the rotor.

Main dimensions of the basin with the study points.

The pressure in those points was estimated according to:

𝑃𝑃1 = 101325 [𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃]

𝑃𝑃2 = 101325 + 1000 ∗ 9.8 ∗ 1.7 = 117985 [𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃]

𝑃𝑃3 = 117985 − 11698 = 106287 [𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃]*

* : calculated according the pressure difference necessary .

For an estimation of the time it takes one particle in the water to travel from
point 1 to point 2 and 3. The calculation of the movement of the particle was
made in respect to the vertical axis. In this direction, the largest acceleration
occurs because of gravity as it is a free vortex.

In this case, the equation that describes the vertical position in any time for a
particle it is:


𝑉𝑉0 = 0 ; 𝑌𝑌0 = 0 ; 𝑌𝑌1 = 0 ; 𝑌𝑌2 = 1.7 ; 𝑌𝑌3 = 2.2 Time

between 1-2:
[email protected] | TEL: +32 499 64 65 20
Wijgmaalsesteenweg 6, 3012 Wilsele, Belgium
1. → 𝑡𝑡1−2 = 0.589 (𝑠𝑠)
Time between 2-3:

2. → 𝑡𝑡2−3 = 0.08 (𝑠𝑠)

Then the rate of change of pressure:

117985 − 101325𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃 𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘 𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏

∆𝑃𝑃12̇ == 28285 [ ] → 28.3 [ ] → 0.28 [ ] 4.1 [
]→ 𝑠𝑠
𝑠𝑠 𝑠𝑠 𝑠𝑠

106287 − 117985 𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃 𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘 𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏

∆𝑃𝑃𝑃23 = = 146225 [ ] → 146.3 [ ] → 21.22[ ] → 1.46[ ]
0.08 𝑠𝑠 𝑠𝑠 𝑠𝑠 𝑠𝑠

Also in USACE 1991 it is shown a graph where they illustrate the results of an
experiment in which they tested the mortality of salmonids under decompression.
Results are rated with the ratio of decompression in comparison with the pressure
of acclimation of the fish.

Mortality (%) vs. Ratio of pressures for salmonids.
[email protected] | TEL: +32 499 64 65 20
Wijgmaalsesteenweg 6, 3012 Wilsele, Belgium
In our case, the theoretical minimal pressure point can be found on the rotor
in the region with the maximum speed. This occurs on the edge of the blade
and correspond to 5.88 m/s at 100 rpm. In that scenario, the pressure is:


Dividing the exposure pressure with the acclimation pressure, which is

assumed as atmospheric pressure:


The graph shows that our operation point is in the non-deadly zone of


Cavitation is a problem that affects to turbomachinery in general, in the case of

the gravitational vortex turbine of Turbulent, the lowest possible pressure was
calculated previously and was found to be 98.7 [kPa] absolute pressure. The vapor
pressure for water at 21°C is 2500 [Pa] absolute, which means that the operation
point of the turbine is almost 40 (39.5) times higher than the vapor pressure,
which is the pressure where bubbles of steam start to appear.

On CFD simulations were simulated the gravitational turbine with a draft tube
acting as a diffuser on the exit of the turbine, those simulations show minimum
points of pressure of 6 [kPa] gauge pressure which means an absolute pressure
of 95.3 [kPa] what is also superior than the vapor pressure.
[email protected] | TEL: +32 499 64 65 20
Wijgmaalsesteenweg 6, 3012 Wilsele, Belgium
Pressure profile of CFD of the 15 kW model (1.6 m3/s and 100 rpm). Lowest pressure upper
than steam pressure.

Shear stress

For shear resistance forces on fish, the scientific papers show their results
expressed as a function of the shear rate. The shear rate is calculated as:

𝛾𝛾 = 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 −1]
[𝑠𝑠 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑

For that we need the speed distribution, based on the CFD simulations we
know the maximum speed on magnitude.
[email protected] | TEL: +32 499 64 65 20
Wijgmaalsesteenweg 6, 3012 Wilsele, Belgium
CFD simulation of the 15 kW turbine (1.6 m³/s and 100 rpm)

The assumption that the velocity on the plane x -z has a maximum value of the same that the
maximum value with the magnitude is an assumption that will rise the value of the actual shear
rate. Assuming a square distribution:

𝑢𝑢(𝑦𝑦) = 𝑎𝑎 ∗ 𝑦𝑦2

With the values given by the simulation on the image, the 𝑎𝑎 coefficient has a
value of 44.28:

𝛾𝛾 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑
𝑑𝑑(44.28 ∗ 𝑦𝑦2) 0.336
[email protected] | TEL: +32 499 64 65 20
Wijgmaalsesteenweg 6, 3012 Wilsele, Belgium
Comparison between the limit values and Turbulent values

Parameter Threshold Turbulent

Peripheral runner < 40 ft/s (12.2 m/s) 5.88 m/s at 100 rpm
speed Preferably < 20 ft/s
(6.1 m/s)
Pressure > 10 psia (0.7 bar) minimum of 13.83 psia (CFD simulations with
Rate of change of draft tube)
pressure Shear < 80 psi/s (5.5 bar/s) maximum of 1.46 bar/s

< 180 /s maximum of 30 /s


After the comparison between several scientific research papers, the nominal
operational condition for the Turbulent turbine can be assumed to be fish-
friendly. The CFD model has been validated in real life in the Donihue (Chile)
site, thus we can already state a confirmation of our fish-friendly design.
Further research is being conducted together with the University of
Concepcion to validate this with actual fish tests.

The advantages of the gravitational vortex turbine in comparison with other

micro hydro turbines (with exception of the Archimedes screw), it is that the
pressure differences are low because it works with free surface flow and a low
height difference. Additionally, the big clearance between blades help to make
this turbine fish friendly.
[email protected] | TEL: +32 499 64 65 20
Wijgmaalsesteenweg 6, 3012 Wilsele, Belgium

1. USACE (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers). 1995. Proceedings: 1995

turbine passage survival workshop. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Portland District, Portland, Oregon
2. Glenn C. Cada, 1997, Shaken, Not Stirred: The Recipe for a Fish-
Friendly Turbine.
3. T. C. Cook, 1997, Development of a More Fish-Tolerant Turbine
Runner Advanced Hydropower Turbine Project.
4. G. F. Franke, 1997, Development of environmentally advanced
hydropower turbine system design concepts
5. A. W. Turnpenny, 1992, Experimental Studies Relating to the
Passage of Fish and Shrimps Through Tidal Power Turbines.
6. M. Odeh, 1999, A Summary of Environmentally Friendly Turbine
Design Concepts.
7. C. E. Bell, 1981, Mortality of Adult American Shad Passing Through
a 17Megawatt Kaplan Turbine at a Low-Head Hydroelectric Dam.
[email protected] | TEL: +32 499 64 65 20
Wijgmaalsesteenweg 6, 3012 Wilsele, Belgium

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