Pomegranate 2
Pomegranate 2
Pomegranate 2
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1 author:
Mahmut DOĞAN
Erciyes University, Engineering Collage
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To cite this article: Rasim Alper Oral , Mahmut Doğan & Kemal Sarioğlu (2014) RECOVERY OF
Chromatography & Related Technologies, 37:13, 1827-1836, DOI: 10.1080/10826076.2013.825843
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Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 37:1827–1836, 2014
Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1082-6076 print/1520-572X online
DOI: 10.1080/10826076.2013.825843
◻ In this study, preparative medium pressure liquid chromatography (MPLC) was used for the
purification of some phenolic compounds including hydroxytyrosol, chlorogenic acid, and puni-
calagin from olive mill waste water (OMWW), European cranberrybush (Viburnum opulus
L.) juice, and pomegranate peel, respectively. While the polyphenols of OMWW and European
cranberrybush juice were extracted with ethyl acetate (EtOAc), methanol was used for pomegran-
ate peel extraction. At the end of the extraction process, the solvents were removed by rotary evapo-
rator and the residue passed into the water phase. After the centrifugation and microfiltration
procedure, the injection of samples was carried out by MPLC. The outflow of the colon was col-
lected at specific periods and the predetermined polyphenols for purification were identified with
High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography with UV Detector (HPLC-UV). After the collection of
defined fractions, chlorogenic acid, and punicalagin were concentrated with a rotary evaporator
and transformed into particle form by freeze drying. Hydroxytyrosol was produced as concentrated
liquid by using a rotary evaporator. The purities of the obtained compounds were determined as
90.2% for hydroxytyrosol, 92.5% for chlorogenic acid, and 97.1% for punicalagin. Moreover,
the inhibition percentages of these compounds on 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) were
established, respectively, as 76.01, 84.90, and 94.64.
Oxygen derived free radicals are known as reactive oxygen spe-
cies (ROS).[1] ROS may act as initiators of degenerative events, such
as the damaging of DNA and mutation, some kinds of cancer, aging,
and heart diseases. Many plant polyphenols such as chlorogenic acid,
Address correspondence to Rasim Alper Oral, Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of
Engineering, Erciyes University, 38039 Kayseri, Turkey. E-mail: [email protected]
1828 R. A. Oral et al.
cer cells (HT 29), was found to have more effective antitumor activity
than hydroxytyrosol and α-lipoic acid.[14] Chlorogenic acid can prevent
the formation of mutagenic/carcinogenic N-nitroso compounds due to its
inhibiting N-nitrosation reaction in vitro. Moreover, chlorogenic acid can
inhibit damage to DNA in vitro.[15] Punicalagin has been used pharma-
cologically due to its anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, and antigeno-
toxic properties.[16]
Therefore, the present paper reported the preparative separation
and purification of hydroxytyrosol from OMWW, chlorogenic acid from
European cranberrybush, and punicalagin from pomegranate peel by
medium pressure liquid chromatography (MPLC). The production of
these polyphenols from natural sources allows their use as dietary supple-
ments, as stabilizers in foods, and in cosmetic preparations and nutraceu-
tics. And European cranberrybush is first time used as chlorogenic acid
source in the present studies.
of the powder was put into a 100 mL flask and methanol was added up to
the 100 mL level. The mixture was processed in an extraction shaker for
1 hr. After filtration using Whatman 4 paper, the methanol was removed
under reduced pressure by rotary evaporation. Then, 15 mL distilled
water was added and incubated in an ultrasonic bath for 5 min. Finally, the
suspension was centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 5 min and the supernatant
was filtered by using a syringe filter (0.22 µm) and analyzed by MPLC.
360 nm. Solvent gradients were formed by the dual pumping system by
changing the ratio of solvent A [water–acetic acid (99:1, (v/v)] to solvent
B (methanol). The solvent gradient elution program is demonstrated in
Table 1. The flow rate was 1.3 mL min−1.
0 0
5 0
20 15
110 15
150 30
170 30
250 80
300 30
Recovery of Bioactive Phenolic Compounds 1831
out any antioxidant) was measured daily and kept in the dark. Then, the
absorbance values of the polyphenol solutions were determined by compar-
ing them with the control. Percentage of inhibition was estimated as follows:
Inhibition% = (C–S)/C*100
FIGURE 1 HPLC chromatogram of purified punicalagin from pomegranate peel at 370 nm.
FIGURE 4 HPLC chromatogram of European cranberrybush (Viburnum opulus L.) juice (10–1 dilution)
at 370 nm.
The chromatographic purification of hydroxytyrosol, chlorogenic acid,
and punicalagin from OMWW, European cranberrybush juice, and pome-
granate peel, respectively, was carried out. It is well known that the prefer-
ence for natural food ingredients has increased due to the belief that they
are safer, healthier, and less hazardous than synthetic additives. In addition
they may be used instead of BHA and BHT owing to their antioxidant
properties. Finally, the purified polyphenols described above have been
included in foods, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. Furthermore, this study
may supply researchers with a rich source of polyphenols due to the bio-
logical properties of these polyphenols and their effects on diseases such as
cancer and other conditions related with viruses (HIV-1, influenza, etc.). In
addition, the by-products of food processing such as OMWW and pome-
granate peel, could be recycled by purification of phenolic compounds and
the environmental problem of wastewater may also be prevented.
The author would like to thank the Unit of Scientific Investigations in
Erciyes University for its financial support of this work.
Recovery of Bioactive Phenolic Compounds 1835
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