Green Party of Canada 2011 Election Platform

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smart economy.

strong communities.
true democracy.

It’s time. Vote Green.

In 2008, nearly one million Canadians

voted Green. Nearly one million
Canadians voted for a better future,
for a positive vision of Canada.

We are not a one-issue party.

We are more than you think.

The Green Party is the only party in Canada consistently offering

a full and comprehensive vision for our future. We do not
wait until elections to unveil what we believe in. Vision Green
is on our web site, available 365 days a year, every year.

The Green Party is the only opposition party to have tabled

our deficit cutting plan with the Parliamentary Budget Office,
to ensure we did our homework and our numbers will hold.

You are in for a nice surprise. Read our platform and find that voice
for sensible, smart politics that you have been longing to hear.

If you are tired of simply voting against things, if you want

something you can vote for, read this platform.

If you are looking for a serious, realistic and sensible option to

the old line parties and old school politics, read this platform.

If you are looking for an economic, social and

environmental vision for Canada that isn’t just focused
on winning the next election, read this platform.
Canadians have disengaged from their own
democracy because election after election we have
been offered negative politicking in place of a real
vision for our country. There is an alternative.

In this platform you will find a vision for a modern,

smart economy that reduces the deficit, creates
new jobs that won’t be gone tomorrow, and
doesn’t rely on generating pollution to generate
energy. We see a future Canada with vibrant, well-
educated and motivated citizens, living in healthy
communities, eating safe and healthy food, and
enjoying a life-giving, healthy natural world.

In this platform you will find a renewal of Canadian

democracy. You will find a return to dignity and
respect in politics. You will find reforms to put
power back where it belongs – in your hands.

If you think it’s time to turn

over a new leaf in Canada, turn
the page and get inspired.

Elizabeth May, O.C.

Leader, Green Party of Canada
smart economy.
A smart economy is a green economy. A smart economy
skates to where the puck is going. It turns old-industry
blue-collar jobs into new-industry green-collar jobs.
It focuses on value-added production and generates green
products that will be in demand in tomorrow’s markets.

A smart economy is efficient. It relies on non-polluting

systems and energy sources. It ends waste. It reuses and
recycles. Through closed-loop systems it is massively more
efficient. That efficiency will bring greater competitiveness
and prosperity to the entire Canadian economy.

A smart economy is not based on hype. It is real people

building real things.

A smart economy lives within its means. The first step is to

get out of this recession without a crippling debt and deficit.
The Green Party has a plan to get Canada out of deficit.

smart economies

Green jobs. Create thousands of jobs through

investment in renewable energy, expand­ing passenger
rail and modernizing freight, retrofitting thousands of
buildings to high standards for energy efficiency.

Smart economic stimulus. Expand access to

employ­ment insurance for those who paid into it,
while protecting the pensions of retired Canadians.
Reduce EI and CPP contributions for businesses.

Fair global trade. Reform, revise and rethink

our trade agreements. Trade is a part of a
sustainable future only when it is fair for all.
Healthy industry. A healthy agriculture sector, with
support for those who wish to transition to organic farming.
A healthy fishery, with an end to devastating draggers.
A sustainable forest industry with more emphasis on
value added, and less raw log or unprocessed pulp
export. More jobs for more people making real things.

Cut wasteful subsidies. End the failed strategy of throwing

good money after bad in corporate bail-outs for big
business, and subsidies to nuclear and fossil fuels.

Get the prices right. Get the prices right for long-
term sustainability. Avoid structural deficits. Implement a
revenue-neutral carbon pricing architecture to modernize
our economy. Build a “Made in Canada” Green economy.

will bring greater
and prosperity
to the entire
strong communities.
A community is defined by more than geography. A community is
people living together, taking care of each other, having time for
each other.
Communities that work take work. Transportation systems
that get you from here to there, quickly, efficiently, and safely.
Water works that ensure clean and healthy water. All the things
that make us love where we live. Things we have and hold in
common: playing grounds, bike paths, green spaces, community
gardens, decent housing, strong schools, and a public health
care system that addresses all aspects of our well-being.
Improve the quality of life by addressing the work-home
balance. A more humane life with time for what really matters.
Making a living should never impede having a life.

“Young people
build community,
both where
they live and
where they
connect through
the internet
in virtual communities.”
Strong communities means creating opportunities for young
Canadians. Young people build community, both where they
live and where they connect through the internet in virtual
communities. Energized youth are part of a real green future.

The growing number of older Canadians are active and engaged.

They have made a major contribution to this country, and they
want to keep contributing. They should be able to continue to
have the lifestyle they want, living with dignity and independence.

strong communities

Help for married couples and families.

• Fix the tax system. Lower income taxes and
introduce full income splitting to reduce the tax
burden on married couples and families.
• Share the load. More people working fewer hours.
For those who want to, make it easier to telecommute
or work from home. Share jobs. Flex hours. Flexible
child care with access for all. Early childhood education.
More workplace child care spaces. Support for those who
stay home to raise their children and support for those who
need to get back to work while their kids are still young.

Help for local governments. Sustainable long-term

funding support for municipalities to repair decades-old
crumbling infrastructure. Build for the future. Create more of
the common amenities all communities need for recreation,
transportation, water works and arts and culture.

Respect and support our elders. Ensure secure

pensions and provide programmes that address health
– both physical and mental – and ensure dignity by
stopping elder abuse and respecting living wills.

Real citizen power in a true democracy

Canadian democracy is in trouble. Power is increasingly
centralized. Individual MPs – your voices in Parliament –
are becoming more and more irrelevant. Question Period is
a daily showcase for behaviour we would not tolerate from
our children. It’s time to restore true democracy and put the
power where it belongs – in the hands of Canadians.

True democracy means making every vote count.

More than votes, it means engaging and debating respectfully.
It means working together to find a cooperative and positive
way forward. As Canadians, we take pride in a global
reputation for civility and cooperation. Our instincts run
to generosity and compassion. Let’s embrace that.

While Canada reduces waste in its economy and industry,

it should also stop wasting votes. Move to a fairer
electoral system that reflects the true will of voters.

True democracy also means true global leadership. In the past,

other nations in our global village looked to Canada for leadership
– in peace keeping and peace making, in disarmament, and in
environmental sustainability. It’s time for Canada to step up and
once again play the leadership role it has forsaken in recent years.
true democracy

Reform our voting system. Hold a national discussion

on the health of our democracy, address the growing and
undemocratic power of the Prime Minister’s Office and
explore the options for a more meaningful electoral system.
Consider the risks of “first past the post” and vote on whether
it should be replaced. Consider proportional representation.
Access to information. Seek true solutions to the
increasing corporate control in Canadian journalism.
Whatever is “dumbed down” must be “smartened up.”
Ensure that citizenship is equal. Social justice and equity
are cornerstones of democracy. Canadian democracy is more
secure when human rights are respected – starting with the
First Nations and indigenous peoples of this continent, Turtle
Island. Canada must move forward in implementing the spirit
of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Global action on global problems. Strengthen and
enforce decisions made in the 2010 climate negotiations
(COP16) to bring in the urgent and aggressive measures
required globally to avoid catastrophic climate impacts
and adjust and adapt to impacts we can no longer avoid.
Contribute to a peaceful solution in Afghanistan.
Refocus the Canadian mission in Afghanistan to poverty
alleviation and development, strengthening governance
and civil society institutions, and supporting the training
and development of the Afghan military and police force,
particularly in the area of upholding and protecting human rights.
Make poverty history. Meet Canada’s commitments
and push other nations to meet theirs in order to
achieve the Millennium Development Goals.

To check out our plans in detail, visit Vision Green on

our web site. Our first year in government has a fully-
costed programme. With tax shifting and priorities that
work for your real life, we can deliver on this platform.
Budget Overview
All totals in $Millions 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Status Quo
Budgetary revenues 235,600 247,633 262,667 278,900
Program expenditures 245,200 242,133 245,367 251,100
Public debt charges 29,400 33,300 36,300 37,500
Budgetary balance (deficit) (39,000) (27,800) (19,000) (9,700)

Green Party Initiatives

Personal & corporate tax cuts - 0 0 0
funded by pollution charges
Revenue increases - 6,519 9,319 10,686
Program expenditure increases - 3,869 5,276 6,517
Green Party lowers deficit by - 2,649 4,043 4,168

Budgetary balance (including (39,000) (25,151) (14,957) (5,532)

Green measures)

Federal debt (including Green measures) 564,500 589,651 604,608 610,139

Percent of GDP (including Green Measures)

Budgetary revenues 15.4% 14.9% 14.8% 14.9%
Program expenditures 16.1% 14.5% 13.8% 13.3%
Public debt charges 1.9% 2.1% 2.1% 2.1%
Budgetary balance -2.6% -1.6% -0.9% -0.3%
Federal debt (debt to GDP ratio) 37.0% 36.4% 35.2% 33.9%

Budget Detail
GP Budget Detail (All totals in $Millions) 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Personal and Corporate Tax Cuts Funded by Pollution Charges
Adopt carbon pricing 33,832 34,446 34,557
Reduce EI and CPP contributions (23,135) (23,359) (23,156)
Implement income splitting for all adults (5,000) (5,310) (5,618)
Carbon pricing rebate (5,075) (5,167) (5,184)
Eliminate personal income tax below the (623) (611) (599)
low income cut-off of 20,000
Total 0 0 0

Revenue Increases
Toxic tax 193 164 131
Cancel logging tax credit 5 5 5
Cancel corporate mineral exploration tax credit 24 24 25
Close tax haven loopholes 1,216 1,216 1,216
Cancel scheduled corporate tax rate reductions 4,582 6,910 7,809
Legalize and tax marijuana 0 1,000 1,500
Total 6,519 9,319 10,686
Spending Increases / Decreases
Eliminate subsidies on fossil fuels -1,462 -1,491 -1,521
Cancel federal support for AECL research -155 -155 -155
Reduce military spending to 2005 spending -3,275 -3,083 -2,615
ratio and reorient to peacekeeping
Stop federally funded GMO research -101 -101 -101
Establish a national affordable housing program* 400 834 1,267
Reinvest in national rail systems 600 700 720
Invest in resources to prosecute white collar crime 180 180 180
Invest in national pharmacare 300 300 300
Municipal youth employment program 1,000 1,000 1,000
Municipal youth employment program tuition credit 160 160
Increase post secondary education bursaries 400 400 400
First Nations education, safe drinking 800 800 800
water and improved housing*
Increase EcoEnergy home energy retrofit grants by 50% 400 600 600
Energy retrofit for low income housing* 150 150 150
Energy retrofit for municipal, university, schools and hospitals 200 200 200
National solar roof program 180 180 180
Create six municipal superfunds:
- Community brownfield remediation 300 300 300
- Water and waste treatment facilities 600 600 600
- Sports, cultural and recreational facilities 300 300 300
- Mass transit promotion 700 700 700
- Cycling and pedestrian promotion 200 200 200
- Community housing* 300 300 300
Invest in early childhood education 500 700 1,000
Electrical grid upgrades 1,000 1,000 1,000
Provide stable base-funding for the CBC 100 150 200
Restore scientific capacity to the federal government 15 15 15
Transition to organic farming 75 175 175
Retraining of forestry workers and reforestation 95 95 95
Invest in wild fisheries and rivers 24 24 24
National campaign to discourage marijuana 43 43 43
use (similar to anti-tobacco)
Total 3,869 5,276 6,517

Green Party lowers deficit by 2,649 4,043 4,168

* Note: these four items are part of the Green Party national affordable housing strategy

For detailed notes on the Green Party

budget plan visit
It’s time.
Vote Green.

Authorized by the Official Agent for the Green Party of Canada

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