Material Basics On Plastic Deformation F, R
Material Basics On Plastic Deformation F, R
Material Basics On Plastic Deformation F, R
Stress-Strain Curves
A typical deformation sequence in a tension test is shown in Fig. 2.1b. When the load is first applied, the
specimen elongates in proportion to the load, called linear elastic behavior (Fig. 2.2). If the load is removed,
the specimen returns to its original length and shape, in a manner similar to stretching a rubber band and
releasing it.
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The engineering stress (nominal stress) is defined as the ratio of the applied load P to the original cross-
sectional area, AO, of the specimen:
σ = P / AO
The engineering strain is defined as :
e = ( l - l o ) / l0
where l is the instantaneous length of the specimen.
As the load is increased, the specimen begins to undergo nonlinear elastic deformation at a stress called the
proportional limit. At that point, the stress and strain are no longer proportional, as they were in the linear
elastic region, but when unloaded, the specimen still returns to its original shape. Permanent (plastic)
deformation occurs when the yield stress, Y, of the material is reached. As the load is increased further, the
engineering stress eventually reaches a maximum and then begins to decrease (Fig. 2.2). The maximum
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engineering stress is called the tensile strength, or ultimate tensile strength (UTS), of the material. Beyond
point E localized deformation starts. Point E is called instability point. The yield point defines the minimum
stress required to cause plastic deformation and instability point represents maximum strain a material can
withstand before the onset of necking or localized plastic deformation. The strain at the onset of localized
deformation ( instability) is sometimes used as an index of the formability of the material.
If the specimen is loaded beyond its ultimate tensile strength, it begins to neck. The cross-
sectional area of the specimen is no longer uniform along the gage length and is smaller in the necked
region. As the test progresses, the engineering stress drops further and the specimen finally fractures at the
necked region (Fig. 2.1a); the engineering stress at fracture is known as the breaking or fracture stress.
The ratio of stress to strain in the elastic region is the modulus of elasticity, E, or Young’s modulus
This linear relationship is known as Hooke’s law.
The modulus of elasticity is the slope of the elastic portion of the curve and hence the stiffness of the
material. The higher the E value, the higher is the load required to stretch the specimen to the same extent,
and thus the stiffer is the material. Compare, for example, the stiffness of metal wire with that of a rubber
band or plastic sheet when they are loaded.
The elongation of the specimen under tension is accompanied by lateral contraction; this effect can easily
be observed by stretching a rubber band. The absolute value of the ratio of the lateral strain to the
longitudinal strain is known as Poisson’s ratio and is denoted by the symbol γ.
True stress is defined as the ratio of the load, R to the actual (instantaneous,hence true) cross-sectional
area, A, of the specimen:
σ=P/ A
For true strain, first consider the elongation of the specimen as consisting of increments of instantaneous
change in length. i e , true strain is defined as the summation of incremental strain :
ε = / = ln
σ = Kεn
Where K is the strength coefficient and n is the strain-hardening (or work-hardening) exponent.
When the curve shown above is plotted on a log-log graph, it is found that the curve is approximately a
straight line. The slope of the curve is equal to the exponent n. Thus, the higher the slope, the greater is the
strain-hardening capacity of the material--that is, the stronger and harder it becomes as it is strained. Note
that K is the true stress at a true strain of unity.
Yf is known as flow stress and is defined as the true stress required to continue plastic deformation at a
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particular strain or the instantaneous value of stress to keep the metal “flowing”. It is the yield strength of a
material as a function of strain, which can be expressed as
Yf = Kεn
Physical significance of strain hardening exponent
Metals with a low strain-hardening exponent respond poorly to cold working. The strain hardening exponent
n is useful in determining the behaviour of materials during many working operations. For example, the high
n value of austenitic stainless steels is an indication of poor machinability. This is because the cutting action
of the tool causes strain hardening ahead of the tool. Due to the high n value, this causes a large
increase in strength and hardness. Thus the cutting tool is always working against higher-strength
material, requiring larger cutting forces.
In contrast, a high n value is desirable for sheet formability, in which resistance to local necking, or
reduction in sheet thickness, is necessary. When a high n value material begins to neck, the deforming
region rapidly strain hardens, causing subsequent plastic deformation to occur in the surrounding softer
metal. This produces a long diffuse neck, as seen in Fig. 3.9. In contrast, necking in a material with a low n
value occurs more locally, causing failure at a lower strain. It is noteworthy that many plastics strain harden
rapidly, providing them with good sheet forming characteristics, but often causing poor cutting
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materials considered to be ductile behave as brittle solids when the strain rates are high. When materials
are subjected to high strain rates we refer to this type of loading as impact loading.
e= = = =
[ ]
ε= = =
v – rate of deformation : The deformation rate is defined as the speed at which a tension test is being
carried out, in units of, say, m/s.
Strain-Rate Sensitivity ( m )
The effect of strain rate on strength properties is known as Strain-Rate Sensitivity (m). This describes how
fast strain hardening occurs in response to plastic deformation.
The mechanical behavior of sheet steels under high strain rates is important not only for shaping, but also
for how well the steel will perform under high-impact loading. The crashworthiness of sheet steels is an
When plotted as true stress versus strain rate (for a constant value of true strain) a linear
relationship is often found. The equation of such a plot is
In σ = m In ε + In C
σ = C εm
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Forging is a basic process in which the workpiece is shaped by compressive forces applied through various
dies and tooling. Forging may be carried out at room temperature (cold forging) or at elevated temperatures
(warm or hot forging) depending on the homologous temperature;
Homologous temperature =
Where T – Temperature of metal during working
T -melting temperature of metal
Classification of forging
1) Open die forging
2) Impression die forging
3) Closed die forging
Because in plastic deformation, the volume of the cylinder remains constant, any reduction in height is
followed by an increase in diameter.
Engineering strain,e1 = ( ho – h 1 ) / ho
True strain, ε1 = ln ( ho / h1 )
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Engineering strain rate, ė = - v / ho
True strain rate, ε =-v/h
ho – Original height , h – Instantaneous height , v –Relative velocity between dies
Barreling is caused primarily by frictional forces that oppose the outward flow of the workpiece at the die
interfaces and thus can be minimized by using an effective lubricant. Barreling also can develop in upsetting
hot Workpieces between cold dies. The material at or near the die surfaces cools rapidly, while the rest of
the workpiece remains relatively hot. Consequently, the material at the top and bottom of the workpiece
has higher resistance to deformation than the material at the center. As a result, the central portion of the
workpiece expands laterally to a greater extent than do the ends. Barreling from thermal effects can be
reduced or eliminated by using heated dies. Thermal barriers, such as glass cloth, at the die-workpiece
interfaces also can be used for this purpose.
F = Y A1 , Where - A1 = (Aoho)/ h1
Work done per unit volume in homogenous deformation is equal to the area of stress – strain curve
between the appropriate strain values.
= = u , Specific energy
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Work W = Volume*
Considering an average flow stress Ӯ
Work = Volume* Ӯ * ε1
Where Ӯ=
Slab method
The next step in the analysis is to balance the horizontal forces , because the element must be in static
dσxh + 2μ σydx =0
dσx + = 0 ----- (1)
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σy – σx =
Y = Y’
Hence dσx = dσy KTU
Equation (1) →
dσx = -
=- dx
' $
=- dx
' $
σy = C e-2μx/h -----(2)
C = Y’ e-2μa/h
P = σy = Y’ e-2μ(a-X)/h , i e , = e-2μ(a-X)/h -----(3)
Pressure increases exponentially toward the centre of the part, and it increases with a/h ratio and increasing
friction. The pressure distribution curve is referred to as “Friction hill “. The pressure with friction is higher
than it is without friction because the work required to overcome friction must be supplied by the upsetting
Forging force , F is the product of the average pressure and the contact area
F = Pav * 2a *width
Forging under sticking condition
Frictional stress acting at the workpiece-die interface is μP. As P increases towards the centre, μP also
increases. However , the value of μP cannot be higher than the shear yield stress , K , of the material. The
condition when μP ≥ K is known as sticking.
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K = Y / 2 in plain strain
Sticking condition reflects the fact that the material does not move relative to the die surface.
P = Y’ [ 1 + ]
1)Open die forging : Here the workpiece is deformed under two falt dies. The height of the workpiece is
reduced.This process is known as upsetting.Open die forging allows free deformation of at least some
workpiece surfaces.The die surfaces may be flat or , more generally have cavities of various shapes.Often
open die components are produced by repeated blows imparted by a mechanical hammer. The desired
shape is obtained by manually manipulating the workpiece between blows.
• fullering
• edging
• cogging
In fullering, material is distributed away from an area. In edging, it is gathered into a localized area. A
cogging operation consists of a sequence of forging compressions along the length of a workpiece to reduce
cross section and increase length. It is used in the industry to produce blooms and slabs from cast ingots.
The term incremental forging is sometimes used.
Precision Forging : Precision forging requires (a) special and more complex dies, (b) precise control of the
blank’s volume and shape, and (c) accurate positioning of the blank in the die cavity. Also, because of the
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higher forces required to obtain fine details on the part, this process requires higher capacity equipment.
Aluminum and magnesium alloys are particularly suitable for precision forging because of the relatively low
forging loads and temperatures that they require; however, steels and titanium also can be precision forged.
Isothermal forging : Also known as hot-die forging, the dies in this process are heated to the same
temperature as hot blank. In this way cooling of workpiece is eliminated , the low flow stress of the material
is maintained during forging , and material flows easier within the die cavities. The dies are generally made
of Ni alloys and complex parts with good dimensional accuracy can be forged in one stroke in hydraulic
Orbital forging : Orbital forging is an example of incremental forging in which the die moves along an
orbital path and forms the part in individual steps. Here deformation occurs by means of a cone- shaped
upper die that is simultaneously rolled and pressed in to the workpart.
Coining : This is essentially a closed-die forging process that is typically used in the minting of coins,
medallions, and jewelry . The blank or slug is coined in a completely closed die cavity. In order to produce
fine details (for example, the detail on newly minted coins), the pressures required can be as high as five or
six times the strength of the material. Marking parts with letters and numbers also can be done rapidly
through coining. In addition, the process is used with forgings and other products to improve surface finish
and to impart the desired dimensional accuracy with little or no change in part size. Called sizing, this
process requires high pressures.
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Piercing : This is a process of indenting (but not breaking through) the surface of a workpiece with a punch
in order to produce a cavity or an impression . The workpiece may be confined in a container (such as a die
cavity) or may be unconstrained. The deformation of the workpiece will depend on how much it is
constrained from flowing freely as the punch descends.A common example of piercing is the indentation of
the hexagonal cavity in bolt heads.
Hubbing : This process consists of pressing a hardened punch with a particular tip geometry into the
surface of a block of metal. The cavity produced is subsequently used as a die for forming operations, such
as those employed in the making of tableware. The die cavity usually is shallow, but for deeper cavities,
some material may be removed from the surface by machining prior to hubbing.
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through the reciprocating motion of wedges . The dies can be opened wider than those in rotary swagers,
thereby accommodating large-diameter or variable-diameter parts. In another type of machine, the dies do
not rotate, but move radially in and out. Typical products made are screwdriver blades and soldering-iron
Roll Forging : In this operation (also called cross rolling), the cross section of a round bar is shaped by
passing it through a pair of rolls With profiled grooves (Fig. 13.13). Roll forging typically is used to produce
tapered shafts and leaf springs, table knives, and hand tools; it also may be used as a preliminary forming
operation, to be followed by other forging processes.
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Forgeability of Metals
Forgeability is generally defined as the capability of a material to undergo deformation without cracking.
Various tests have been developed to quantify forgeability.
1. upsetting test
2. hot twist test
In the upsetting test, a solid, cylindrical specimen is upset between flat dies, and the reduction in height at
which cracking on the barreled surfaces begins is noted . The greater the deformation prior to cracking, the
greater the forgeability of the metal. The second method is the hot-twist test, in which a round specimen is
twisted continuously in the same direction until it fails. This test is performed on a number of specimens and
at different temperatures, and the number of complete turns that each specimen undergoes before failure
at each temperature is plotted. The temperature at which the maximum number of turns occurs then
Forging Defects
1. Surface cracking : It is due to temperature differential between surface and centre, or excessive
working of the surface at too low temperature.
2. Buckling : A slender cylinder may buckle instead of upsetting uniformly. Therefore it is advisable to
limit the ratio h0 / d0 to 2 when friction is high.
3. Internal cracking : It is due to secondary tensile stress.
4. Forging laps : If there is an insufficient volume of material to fill the die cavity completely, the web
may buckle during forging and develop laps.
5. Cold shut or fold : It is due to flash or fin from prior forging steps is forced into the workpiece.
6. Flash line crack : It occurs after trimming, more often in thin workpieces. Therefore should increase
the thickness of the flash.
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7. Pitted surface : It is due to oxide scales occurring at high temperature stick on the dies.
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In a properly preshaped workpiece, the material should not flow easily into the flash (otherwise die filling
will be incomplete), the grain flow pattern should be favorable for the products’ strength and reliability, and
sliding at the workpiece-die interfaces should be minimized in order to reduce die wear.
Flash gutter : After sufficiently constraining lateral flow to ensure proper die filling, the flash material is
allowed to flow into a gutter, so that the extra flash does not increase the forging load excessively. A general
guideline for flash thickness is 3% of the maximum thickness of the forging.
land : The length of the land is usually two to five times the flash thickness.
Draft angles : Draft angles are necessary in almost all forging dies in order to facilitate removal of the part
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from the die. Upon cooling, the forging shrinks both radially and longitudinally, so internal draft angles
(about 7° to 1O°) are made larger than external ones (about 3° to 5°).
Fillets and corner radii : Small radii generally are undesirable because of their adverse effect on metal flow
and their tendency to wear rapidly (as a result of stress concentration and thermal cycling). Small fillet radii
also can cause fatigue cracking of the dies. As a general rule, these radii should be as large as can be
permitted by the design of the forging.
Webs and ribs : A web is a thin portion of forging that is parallel to the parting line ,while a rib is a thin
portion that is perpendicular to the parting line. These part features causes difficulty in metal flowing as they
become thinner.
Allowances : Machining allowance should be provided at flanges, at holes, and at mating surfaces.
Die Materials
Most forging operations (particularly for large parts) are carried out at elevated temperatures. General
requirements for die materials therefore are;
Forging Machines
Hydraulic Presses : These presses operate at constant speeds and are load limited, or load restricted. In
other words, a press stops if the load required exceeds its capacity. Large amounts of energy can be
transmitted to a workpiece by a constant load throughout a stroke-the speed of which can be controlled.
Because forging in a hydraulic press takes longer than in the other types of forging machines described next,
the workpiece may cool rapidly unless the dies are heated. Compared with mechanical presses, hydraulic
presses are slower and involve higher initial costs, but they require less maintenance.
Mechanical Presses : These presses are basically of either the crank or the eccentric type (Fig. 14.17a). The
speed varies from a maximum at the center of the stroke to zero at the bottom of the stroke; thus,
mechanical presses are stroke limited. The energy in a mechanical press is generated by a large flywheel
powered by an electric motor. A clutch engages the flywheel to an eccentric shaft. A connecting rod
translates the rotary motion into a reciprocating linear motion. A knucklejoint mechanical press is shown in
Fig. 14.17b. Because of the linkage design, very high forces can be applied in this type of press.
Screw Presses : These presses (Fig. 14.17c) derive their energy from a flywheel; hence, they are energy
limited. The forging load is transmitted through a large vertical screw, and the ram comes to a stop when the
flywheel energy is dissipated. Screw presses are used for various open-die and closed-die forging operations.
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They are suitable particularly for small production quantities, especially thin parts with high precision, such
as turbine blades. Press capacities range from 1.4 to 280 MN.
Hammers : Hammers derive their energy from the potential energy of the ram, which is converted into
kinetic energy; hence, they are energy limited. Unlike hydraulic presses, hammers (as the name implies)
operate at high speeds, and the resulting low forming time minimizes the cooling of a hot forging. Low
cooling rates then allow the forging of complex shapes, particularly those with thin and deep recesses. To
complete the forging, several successive blows usually are made in the same die. Hammers are available in a
variety of designs and are the most versatile and the least expensive type of forging equipment.
Drop Hammers : In power drop hammers, the ram’s downstroke is accelerated by steam, air, or hydraulic
pressure at about 750 kPa. Ram weights range from 225 to 22,500 kg, with energy capacities reaching 1150
k]. In the operation of gravity drop hammers (a process called drop forging), the energy is derived from the
free-falling ram. The available energy of a drop hammer is the product of the ram’s weight and the height of
its drop. Ram weights range from 180 to 4500 kg, with energy capacities ranging up to 120 kJ.
Counterblow Hammers : These hammers have two rams that simultaneously approach each other
horizontally or vertically to forge the part. As in open-die forging operations, the part may be rotated
between blows for proper shaping of the workpiece during forging. Counterblow hammers operate at high
speeds and transmit less vibration to their bases. Capacities range up to 1200 kJ.
High-energy-rate Forging Machines : In these machines, the ram is accelerated rapidly by inert gas at high
pressure and the part is forged in one blow at a very high speed. Although there are several types of these
Heating devices
Forgeable metals are heated either in a hearth or in a furnace. The hearths are widely used for
heating the metals for carrying out hand forging operations. Furnaces are also commonly used for heating
metals for heavy forging.
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Box or batch type furnaces : These furnaces are the least expensive furnaces widely used in forging
shops for heating small and medium size stock. There is a great variety of design of box-type
furnaces, each differing in their location of their charging doors, firing devices and method, employed
for charging their products.
Rotary-hearth furnaces :These are set to rotate slowly so that the stock is red to the correct temperature
during one rotation. These can be operated by gas or oil fuels
Continuous or conveyor furnaces : These furnaces are of several types and are preferred for larger
stock. They have an air or oil-operated cylinder to push stock end-to-end through a narrow furnace.
The pieces are charged at one end, conveyed through the furnace and moved at other end at the
correct temperature for the forging work.
Induction furnaces : These furnaces are very popular because induction greatly decreases scale formation
and can often be operated by one person. The furnace requires less maintenance than oil or gas-fired
Resistance furnaces : These furnaces are faster than induction furnaces, and can be automated easily. In
resistance heating furnace, the stock is connected to the circuit of a step-down transformer. Fixtures
are also equipped along with furnace for holding different length, shape, and diameter of stock.
Nondestructive Testing
Liquid Penetrants : In this technique, fluids are applied to the surfaces of the part and allowed to penetrate
into cracks, seams, and pores . By capillary action,the penetrant can seep into cracks as small as 0.1 ,um in
width. Two common types of liquids used for this test are (a) fluorescent penetrants, with various
sensitivities and which fluoresce under ultraviolet light, and (b) visible penetrants, using dyes (usually red)
that appear as bright outlines on the workpiece surface.
Magnetic-particle Inspection : This technique consists of placing fine ferromagnetic particles on the surface
of the part. The particles can be applied either dry or in a liquid carrier, such as water or oil. When the part is
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magnetized with a magnetic field, a discontinuity (defect) on the surface causes the particles to gather
visibly around the defect.
Ultrasonic Inspection : In this technique, an ultrasonic beam travels through the part. An internal defect
(such as a crack) interrupts the beam and reflects back a portion of the ultrasonic energy. The amplitude of
the energy reflected and the time required for its return indicate the presence and location of any flaws in
the workpiece.
Acoustic Methods : The acoustic-emission technique detects signals (high-frequency stress waves)
generated by the workpiece itself during plastic deformation, crack initiation and propagation, phase
transformation, and abrupt reorientation of grain boundaries. Bubble formation during the boiling of a liquid
and friction and wear of sliding interfaces are other sources of acoustic signals.
Radiography : Radiography uses X-ray inspection to detect such internal flaws as cracks and porosity. The
technique detects differences in density within a part. For example, on an X-ray film, the metal surrounding
Eddy-current Inspection : This method is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction. The part is
placed in or adjacent to an electric coil through which alternating current (exciting current) flows at
frequencies ranging from 60 Hz to 6 MHZ. The current causes eddy currents to flow in the part. Defects in
the part impede and change the direction of the eddy currents and cause changes in the electromagnetic
field. These changes affect the exciting coil (inspection coil),the voltage of which is monitored to determine
the presence of flaws.
Thermal Inspection : Thermal inspection involves using contact- or noncontact-type heat-sensing devices
that detect temperature changes. Defects in the workpiece(such as cracks, debonded regions in laminated
structures, and poor joints) cause a change in temperature distribution. In thermograpic inspection,
materials such as heat-sensitive paints and papers, liquid crystals, and other coatings are applied to the
workpiece surface. Any changes in their color or appearance indicate defects.The most common method of
noncontact-thermographic inspection uses infrared detectors (usually infrared scanning microscopes and
cameras), which have a high response time and sensitivities of 1°C. Thermometric inspection utilizes devices
such as thermocouples, radiometers, and pyrometers, and sometimes meltable materials,such as wax-like
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Holography : The holography technique creates a three-dimensional image of the part by utilizing an optical
system . Generally used on simple shapes and highly polished surfaces, this technique records the image on
a photographic film.
reduction in cross-sectional area, die angle, friction along the die-workpiece interface, and drawing speed.
Mechanics of Wiredrawing
lDie Force. N
‘L _ Friclion Force, q
Draw Force. F
_‘ """q
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Fig. 1. Free body diagram showing the primary
forces operating in wireclrawing.
Draw force, F, represents the total force that must be applied at the die block to overcome friction at the die
surface and resistance of the deforming material. Because the draw force is being transmitted by
unsupported material, the draw force must be limited to prevent any plastic deformation from occurring
outside of the die. Thus, yield stress of the drawn wire rep-resents an upper limit to the allowable draw
stress. Accepted drawing practice normally limits draw stress to 60% of the yield strength of the drawn wire.
Draw stress is found by dividing the draw force by the cross-sectional area of the drawn wire.
F = Yav Af ln( )
Effect of Friction
Layers at the wire surface will not only undergo a change in cross section, but they will also deform in shear
because of drag presented by the die surface. Even for highly polished die surfaces and hydrodynamic
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Shape of the bell causes hydrostatic pressure to increase and promotes the flow of lubricant into the die.
The approach angle – where the actual reduction in diameter occurs, giving the half die angle α
The bearing region produces a frictional drag on the wire and also remove surface damage due to die wear,
without changing dimensions.
The die nib made from cemented carbide or diamond is encased for protection in a thick steel casing
The back relief allows the metal to expand slightly as the wire leaves the die and also minimises abrasion if
the drawing stops or the die is out of alignment.
Die Materials: Die materials for drawing typically are tool steels and carbides. For hot drawing, cast-steel
dies are used because of their high resistance to wear at elevated temperatures. Diamond dies are used for
drawing fine wire with diameters ranging from 2 μm to 1.5 mm. They may be made from a single-crystal
diamond or in polycrystalline form with diamond particles in a metal matrix (compacts). Because of their
very low tensile strength and toughness, carbide and diamond dies typically are used as inserts or nibs,
which are supported in a steel casing.
Wet drawing, in which the dies and the rod are immersed completely in the lubricant
° Dry drawing, in which the surface of the rod to be drawn is coated with a lubricant by passing it through a
box filled with the lubricant (stuffing box)
° Metal coating, in which the rod or wire is coated with a soft metal, such as copper or tin, that acts as a
solid lubricant
° Ultrasonic vibration of the dies and mandrels; in this process, vibrations reduce forces, improve surface
finish and die life, and allow larger reductions per pass without failure.
Tube drawing
Tube drawing does not mean manufacturing a tube from solid raw material. It means lengthening a tube
reducing its diameter.
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Drawing Practice
As in all metalworking processes, successful drawing requires careful selection of process parameters. In
drawing, reductions in the cross-sectional area per pass range up to about 45 %. Usually, the smaller the
initial cross section, the smaller the reduction per pass. Reductions of higher than 45% may result in
lubricant breakdown, leading to surface-finish deterioration. Although most drawing is done at room
temperature, drawing large solid or hollow sections can be done at elevated temperatures in order to
reduce forces. A light reduction (sizing pass) also may be taken on rods to improve their surface finish and
dimensional accuracy.
A rod or wire has to have its tip reduced in cross section in order to be fed through the die opening and be
pulled. This typically is done by swaging the tip of the rod or wire in a manner similar to that shown in and b;
this operation is called pointing. Drawing speeds depend on the material and on the reduction in cross-
sectional area. They may range from 1 to 2.5 m/s for heavy sections to as much as 50 m/s for very fine wire,
such as that used for electromagnets. Intermediate annealing between passes may be necessary to maintain
sufficient ductility of the material during cold drawing. High-carbon steel wires for springs and for musical
instruments are made by heat treating (patenting) the drawn wire; the microstructure obtained is fine
Bundle Drawing : Although very fine wire can be produced by drawing, the cost can be high. One method
employed to increase productivity is to draw many wires (a hundred or more) simultaneously as a bundle.
The wires are separated from one another by a suitable metallic material with similar properties, but lower
chemical resistance (so that it subsequently can be leached out from the drawn-wire surfaces).
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Drawing Defects and Residual Stresses
Chevron cracking (central burst) : These cracks are attributed to a state of hydrostatic tensile stress at the
centerline in the deformation zone in the die, a situation similar to the necked region in a tensile-test
Residual stresses : Because they undergo non-uniform deformation during drawing, cold-drawn products
usually have residual stresses. Residual stresses can be significant in causing stress-corrosion cracking of the
part over time. Moreover, they cause the component to warp if a layer of material subsequently is removed
such as by slitting, machining or grinding.
The origin of the cylindrical coordinate system r,θ,y is taken at the centre of the disc. An element
of the disc, subtending an angle d θ at the centre, between the radii r and r+dr is shown in figure
along with the stresses acting on it. In our analysis here we make the following assumptions
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1) The forging force F attains its maximum value at the end of the operation
2) The coefficient of friction μ between the workpiece and dies (platens) is constant
3) The thickness of the workpiece is small as compared with its other dimensions, and the
variations of the stress field along the y direction is negligible
1. σr h r dθ
4. τ r dθ dr x 2
Now, considering the radial equilibrium of the element we have ,
(σr + dσr)h(r+dr)dθ - σr hrdθ – 2 σθ h dr sin - 2 τ r dθ dr = 0
( rdr + σr dr + r dσr + dr dσr ) hdθ - σr h rdθ – 2 σθ h dr sin - 2τ rdθdr =0
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rσrhdθ + σr dr hdθ + r dσr hdθ + dr dσr h dθ - σr h r dθ – 2 σθ h dr sin
τ r dθ dr = 0
The term r σr hdθ cancels out , and as dθ is common we can remove it ,therefore we can write,
r h dσr - 2 τ rdr = 0
h dσr - 2 τ dr = 0 -----------(1)
Distortion energy criterion is
σy – σx = Y ----------------(2)
Yield stress Y = √3 K , where K = shear yield stress
dσx = dσy
h dp + 2 τ dr = 0 ----------(4)
In this case beyond a certain radius rs ,sliding takes place at the interface to allow the radial
expansion of the workpiece. Hence ,
τ = μp ( rs ≤ r ≤ R ), ------------(5)
τ=K ( 0 ≤ r ≤ rs ) -------------(6)
Thus in these two zones , eqn (4) takes the forms
dr = 0 ( rs ≤ r ≤ R )
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dp + dr = 0 ( 0 ≤ r ≤ rs )
p = √3 K (at r = R ) ------------(9)
Using eqn (9) in eqn (7), we obtain
C1 = √3 K -------------(10)
( )
= √3 K
rs = (R - ln ) -------------(11)
C2 = K [ + ( 1 + ln √3μ ) -------(12)
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Finally , the expressions for the pressure in the nonsticking and the sticking zone can be written
p = √3 K
KTU ( rs ≤ r ≤ R ) --------(13)
p= (R – r ) + (1+ ln (√3μ) ( 0 ≤ r ≤ rs ) ---------(14)
F = 2π [ r dr + r dr ] -------------(15)
Where p1 and p2 are the pressures given by eqns (13) & (14) respectively.
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Mechanics of Wiredrawing
Drawing stress
1. Ideal deformation
The drawing stress , σd for the simplest case of ideal deformation ( no friction or
redundant work) is given by ;
σd = Y ln
For strain hardening materials , Y is replaced by an average flow stress , %
'() ES . I N
%& =
The drawing force , F ,is
F = %& ,- ln $