Information Technology
3. Computer Organization
5. Software Engineering
6. JAVA Programming
Course Objectives:
Explain the theoretical foundations of computer science concerning– the relationships between
languages and machines, the inherent limits of what can be computed, and the inherent efficiency of
solving problems.
Identify a language’s location in the Chomsky hierarchy (regular sets, context-free, context-
sensitive, and recursively enumerable languages).
Convert among equivalently powerful notations for a language, including among DFAs, NFAs,
and regular expressions, and between PDAs and CFGs.
Build the foundation for students to pursue research in the areas of automata theory, formal
languages, and computational power of machines.
Course Outcomes (COs): Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
List computational devices according to their computational power, and tools which will allow us
to tell if a device is powerful enough to solve a given computational problem.
Relate the concept of the grammar with the concept of programming language.
Design Solutions for problems related to Finite Automata, RE, CFG, PDA and Turing Machine.
Analyze various problems and categorize them into P, NP, NP-Complete and NP-Hard problems.
Fundamentals: strings, Alphabet, Language, Operations, Chomsky hierarchy of languages,
Finite state machine Definitions, finite automation model, acceptance of strings and languages,
DFA and NFA, transition diagrams and language recognizers. NFA with ε transitions –
Equivalence between NFA with and without ε transitions, NFA to DFA conversion, minimization
FSM, equivalence between two FSM’s, Output machines- Moore and Mealy machine.
Learning Objectives: After completion of the unit, the student must able to:
Understand the defining and differentiating the strings
Use the different types of operators in the languages
Understand the finite automation model
Analyze the language recognition tools
List out the differences between DFA and NFA
Solve the problems related to DFA and NFA
Understand the process how to convert the NFA to DFA so that you can write the
equivalent DFA for the NFA.
Learn the procedure to minimize the DFA
Learn the output machines: Moore and Mealy machines
Lecture Plan
Assignment – 1
1. Explain the Finite automation how the language constructs can be recognized?
2. List out the Finite automates?
3. Define: string, sub string, transitive closure, and reflexive transitive closure
4. Describe the finite state machine with a block diagram.
5. Explain the procedure to convert NFA to DFA.
6. What are the Finite automates with output and explain them with the suitable
7. Explain the procedure to minimize the DFA for the given regular expression.
Regular Languages : Regular Sets , Regular Expressions , identity Rules, Constructing Finite
automata for a given regular expressions, Conversion of Finite automata to regular expressions,
Pumping lemma of regular sets , closure properties of regular sets (proofs not required). Regular
Grammars – right linear and left linear grammars, equivalence between regular grammar and FA.
Learning Objectives: After completion of the unit, the student must able to:
Understand the regular expressions
Lecture Plan
Assignment – 2
1. Define the Regular Expression.
2. Write the Identity Rules for RE
3. Construct the FA for the Regular Expression (a/b)*abb.
4. Obtain the minimized DFA for the RE (a/b)*abb.
5. Explain the Pumping Lemma for the regular sets.
6. What are the properties of regular sets.
7. Define the grammar and what are the types of grammars
8. Consider the grammar E->E + E | E * E | id.
write the right-most derivation and left most derivation for the sentence id*id+id.
Context Free Grammar, derivation trees, sentential forms, right most and left most derivations of
strings. Ambiguity in Context free Grammars. Minimization of Context free grammars, CNF,
GNF, Pumping Lemma for Context Free Languages. Enumeration of properties of CFL (proofs
Push Down Automata- definition, model, acceptance of CFL, Acceptance by final state and
acceptance by empty state and its equivalence, Equivalence of CFL and PDA (proofs not
required), Introduction to DCFL and DPDA.
Learning Objectives: After completion of the unit, the student must able to:
Know what is meant by ambiguity.
Lecture Plan
Assignment – 3
1. What is an ambiguity?
2. What does an ambiguity trouble in the CFG?
3. What are the techniques used to minimize the CFG
4. Explain the CNF and GNF with an example.
5. Explain the concept of push down automata
6. Write the push down automata to accept the language {ww* | w ε {0, 1}}
7. Explain the equivalence of CFL and PDA.
Turing Machine: Definition, model, Design of TM, computable functions, recursively
enumerable languages. Church’s hypothesis, counter machine, types of Turing Machines (proofs
not required)
Learning Objectives: After completion of the unit, the student must able to:
Learn the Turing machine design
Usages of computation functions
Learn recursively enumerable languages
Understand the church’s hypothesis.
Understand the counter machines.
Lecture Plan
S. No. Description of Topic No. of Hrs. Method of Teaching
1. Turing machine 48th & 49th hours Black board +PPT
2. Design of Turing Machine 50th – 52nd hours Black board +PPT
3. Recursively enumerable languages 53rd hours Black board +PPT
4. Church’s hypothesis 54th hours Black board +PPT
5. Counter machine 55th hours Black board+PPT
6. Types of Turing machines 56th &57th hours Black board +PPT
Assignment – 4
1. Solve the problem using the TM, [anbcn /where n is an odd ]
2. Explain the steps required to design the TM.
3. Expalin the Counter machines with suitable example.
Computability Theory: Linear Bounded Automata and context sensitive languages, LR (0) grammar,
decidability of problems, Universal TM, Undecidable problems about Turing Machine – Post’s
Correspondence Problem - The classes P and NP.
Learning Objectives: After completion of the unit, the student must able to:
Learn the concept on Chomsky hierarchy of languages
Learn Context sensitive languages
Work on the LR (0) grammars
Understand the P and NP problems
Lecture Plan
Assignment - 5
1. Explain the Chomsky hierarchy of languages
2. What is meant by linear bounded automata?
3. Define LR (0) grammar? Write canonical collection of LR (0) items for the arithmetic grammar.
4. Explain the difference between LR (0) and LR (1) items
5. Explain the Universal TM
6. Explain the P and NP problems
1.“Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computations”, H.E.Hopcroft , R. Motwani and J.D.Ullman,
Second ,Pearson Education,2003.
2.“Introduction to theory of computation “,Micheal Sipser, Thomson Brokecole,1997
1.“Elements of the theory of computation “, H.R.Lewis and C.H.papadimitriou,Second Edition, Pearson
2.“ Formal Languages and automata Theory “, K.V.N.Sunitha and N.Kalyani TMH,2010.
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
Describe the structure and functioning of a digital computer, including its overall system
architecture, operating system, and digital components.
Understand the impact of instruction set architecture on cost-performance of computer design
Demonstrate the applicability of single-cycle (MIPS), multi-cycle (MIPS), parallel, pipelined,
superscalar, and RISC/CISC architectures
Analyse cost performance and design trade-offs in designing and constructing a computer
processor including memory
I Syllabus
II Learning Objectives
I Syllabus
Basic Computer Organization and Design: Instruction Codes, Computer Registers, computer
instructions – instruction Cycle, memory reference instructions, input-output and interrupt.
Central Processing Unit: Stack organization, instruction formats, addressing modes, data transfer
and manipulation, program control, CISC and RISC.
II Learning Objectives
IV Assignment
I Syllabus
II Learning Objectives
At the end of unit student must be able to
Know the Characteristics of Computer Memory Systems
Know the Memory Hierarchy
Learn Semiconductor, Main Memory, SRAM and DRAM, External Memory,
performance considerations, RAID, virtual memory, secondary storage.
Total:11 Hrs
IV Assignment
I Syllabus
II Learning Objectives
At the end of unit student must be able to
• Know the Addition and subtraction
• Learn the Multiplication algorithms
• Learn the Division algorithms
• Learn the Floating-point arithmetic operations
• Design the Decimal arithmetic unit
• Learn the Decimal arithmetic operations
• Know the Peripheral devices
• Know the Input-output interface
• Know the Asynchronous data transfer
• Learn the Modes of transfer
• Know Priority interrupt
• Learn the Direct memory access.
IV Assignment
I Syllabus
II Learning Objectives
At the end of unit student must be able to
• Learn the Parallel Processing
• Learn the Pipelining, Arithmetic Pipeline
• Know the Instruction pipeline
• Learn the RISC pipeline
• Know Vector Processing
• Know Array Processors
Learning objectives :
Lecture plan :
S.No. Description of Topic No. Method of Teaching
Introduction to Databases and Database Management System
1 Introduction to Database Management System & Database system 1 Chalk & Board
2 Advantages of DBMS over File System 1 PPT+ Chalk & Board
3 Data Models 1 PPT+ Chalk & Board
4 Instances and schema 1 Chalk & Board
5 View of Data 1 Chalk & Board
6 Database Languages -DDL-DML 1 Chalk & Board
7 Database Users and Administrator 1 PPT+ Chalk & Board
8 Database System Structure 1 PPT+ Chalk & Board
9 Tutorial 1 Chalk & Board
Total = 9
Database Design and ER diagrams – Attributes and Entity Sets – Relationships and
Relationship Sets – Constraints - Keys - Design Issues - Entity-Relationship Diagram Weak
Entity Sets - Extended E-R Features- Database Design with ER model - Database Design for
Banking Enterprise
Learning objectives:
After completion of the unit, the students will be able to:
Become familiar with ER- Diagram concepts.
To understand keys, Relationships.
Analyze and Draw the ER diagram.
Analyze and Design database for any enterprise.
Lecture Plan :
Total = 9
Introduction to the Relational Model – Structure of RDBMS - Integrity Constraints over
Relations – Enforcing Integrity Constraints – Querying Relational Data - Relational Algebra and
Introduction to SQL- Data Definition commands, Data Manipulation Commands, Basic
Structure, Set operations Aggregate Operations - Join operations - Sub queries and correlated
queries, SQL functions , views ,Triggers, Embedded SQL.
Learning objectives:
Lecture plan:
Introduction to SQL
6 Introduction to SQL 1 Chalk & Board
7 Data Definition commands 1 Chalk & Board
8 Data Manipulation Commands 1 Chalk & Board
9 Basic Structure 1 Chalk & Board
10 Set operations Aggregate Operations 1 Chalk & Board
11 Join operations 1 Chalk & Board
12 Sub queries and correlated queries 1 Chalk & Board
13 SQL functions 1 PPT+ Chalk & Board
14 views ,Triggers 1 PPT+ Chalk & Board
15 Embedded SQL 1 PPT+ Chalk & Board
16 Tutorial 1 Chalk & Board
Total = 17
Functional Dependencies– Introduction , Basic Definitions, Trivial and Non trivial
dependencies, closure of a set of dependencies, closure of attributes, irreducible set of
dependencies- Schema Refinement in Database Design- Problems Caused by Redundancy –
Decompositions – Problem Related to Decomposition –- Lossless Join Decomposition –
Dependency Preserving Decomposition - FIRST, SECOND, THIRD Normal Forms – BCNF ––
Multi valued Dependencies – Fourth Normal Form.
Learning objectives :
Lecture plan :
S.No. Description of Topic No. of Method of Teaching
Functional Dependencies
1 Introduction, Basic Definitions 1 PPT+Video
2 Trivial and Non trivial dependencies 1 PPT+ Chalk & Board
3 closure of a set of dependencies 1 PPT+ Chalk & Board
4 closure of attributes 2 PPT+ Chalk & Board
5 irreducible set of dependencies 1 PPT+ Chalk & Board
6 Schema Refinement in Database Design 1 PPT+ Chalk & Board
7 Problems Caused by Redundancy 1 PPT+ Chalk & Board
8 Decompositions – Problem Related to 1 PPT+ Chalk & Board
9 Lossless Join Decomposition Dependency 1 PPT+ Chalk & Board
Preserving Decomposition
10 Dependency Preserving Decomposition 1 PPT+ Chalk & Board
11 FIRST, SECOND, THIRD Normal Forms – 2 PPT+ Chalk & Board
12 Multi valued Dependencies – Fourth Normal 1 PPT+ Chalk & Board
13 Tutorial 1 Chalk & Board
Total = 15
Transaction concept- Transaction state- Implementation of atomicity and Durability Concurrent
executions – Serializability, Recoverability. Lock Based Protocols, Timestamp Based Protocols,
Validation Based Protocols, Multiple Granularity, Dead Lock Handling – Failure Classification –
Storage Structure - Recovery and Atomicity- Log Based recovery – Recovery with concurrent
transactions – Checkpoints.
File Organization – Organization of records in file - Data Dictionary Storage – Indexing and
Hashing – Basic Concepts, Ordered Indices+ Tree Index files, B- tree index files – Static
Hashing – Dynamic Hashing – Comparison of Indexing with Hashing.
Learning objectives :
Lecture plan :
Total = 20
1. Database System Concepts, Silberschatz, Korth, Fifth Edition, McGraw hill (1, 2, 3 & 5
2. Introduction to Database Systems, C.J.Date, Pearson Education (4th Unit)
1. Database Management Systems, Raghu Ramakrishna, Johannes Gehrke, TATA Mc Graw
2. Fundamentals of Database Systems, Elmasri Navrate Pearson Education 3. Data base Systems
design, Implementation, and Management, Peter Rob & Carlos Coronel 7th Edition.
Course Objectives:
Design and analysis of algorithms is a basis of computer science. The objective of this
course is to cover key techniques for designing and analyzing algorithms. The topics
include (but not limited to) (1) divide and conquer , (2) dynamic programming, (3)
greedy algorithms, (4) backtracking, (5) branch and bound, (6) time and space
complexity analysis, and (7) theory of NP.
Learning classic algorithms.
Devise correct and efficient algorithms for solving a given problem
Validate/Verify correctness of an algorithm.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course the student is able to
Describe and use major algorithmic techniques (divide-and-conquer, dynamic
programming, linear programming, greedy paradigm, graph algorithms) and cite
problems for which each technique is suitable.
Understand asymptotic notation, its properties anduse in measuring algorithm behavior
Determine asymptotic expressions for the worst-case execution time and space
requirements of algorithms and data structures.
Evaluate and compare different algorithms using worst-, average-, and best-case analysis.
Identify the complexity of problems.
Algorithm, Pseudo code for expressing algorithms, Performance Analysis –Space complexity,
Time Complexity, Asymptotic Notation- Big oh Notation, Omega Notation, Theta Notation.
Disjoint Sets- disjoint set operations, union and find algorithms, spanning trees, connected
components and bi-connected components.
Learning Objectives:
After completion of the unit, students will be able to:
Learn about Pseudo code for expressing algorithms.
Analyze the Performance Analysis.
Become familiar with Space complexity, Time complexity based Asymptotic
Learn about Disjoint sets and their operations such as Union and Find algorithms
Understand spanning trees, connected and bi-connected components.
Lecture Plan:
Total = 14
Divide and Conquer
General method, applications-Binary search, Quick sort, Merge sort, Strassen’s matrix
Greedy method: General method, applications-Job sequencing with deadlines, 0/1 knapsack
problem, Minimum cost spanning trees, Single source shortest path problem, Huffman codes.
Learning Objectives:
After completion of the unit, the students will be able to:
Analyze the divide and conquer method.
Understand the Binary Search and perform searching using Binary search
Understand the Quick sort, merge sort and perform sorting using these techniques.
Understand the Strassen’s matrix multiplication.
Analyze the Greedy method.
Understand the job sequencing with deadlines.
Understand the 0/1 Knapsack problem.
Understand the minimum cost spanning trees,
Understand the Single source shortest path problem & Huffman codes
Lecture Plan:
Total = 15
Dynamic Programming
General method, Principle of Optimality, Applications-Multistage graphs, Matrix chain
multiplication, Optimal binary search trees, 0/1 knapsack problem, All pairs shortest path
problem, Travelling sales person problem, Reliability design.
Learning Objectives:
Analyze the Dynamic Programming method.
Understand the Matrix chain multiplication.
Understand the Optimal binary search trees.
Understand the 0/1 knapsack problem,
Understand the all pair shortest path problem
Understand the Traveling sales person problem
Understand the reliability design
Lecture Plan:
S.No. Description of Topic No. of Method of
Hrs. Teaching
1 Dynamic Programming: General method, 1 PPT+Video
2 1 PPT+ chalk
Principle of Optimality
3 1 PPT+ chalk
multistage graph
4 1 PPT+chalk
Matrix chain multiplication
5 2 PPT+chalk &
Optimal binary search trees
6 2 PPT+ chalk
0/1 knapsack problem
7 1 PPT+ chalk
All pairs shortest path problem
8 2 PPT+ chalk
Travelling sales person problem
9 1 PPT+ chalk
Reliability design
10 Tutorial 1 Chalk & board
Total = 13
General method, applications-Recursive Permutation Generator, N-queen problem, sum of
subsets problem, Graph coloring, Hamiltonian cycles.
Learning Objectives:
After completion of the unit, the students will be able to
Understand the concepts of Backtracking: General method
Become familiar with the application-n-queen problem.
Analyze sum of subsets problem.
Understand the AND graph coloring, Hamiltonian cycles.
Lecture Plan:
S.No. Description of Topic No. of Hrs. Method of
1 Backtracking: General method 1 PPT+Video
Total = 10
Branch and Bound
General method, applications-Traveling sales man problem, 0/1 knapsack problem, L C Branch and
bound solution, FIFO Branch and bound solution. NP-hard and NP-complete problem: Basic
concepts, non-deterministic algorithms, NP-Hard and NP-Complete classes, Cook’s theorem.
Learning Objectives:
Lecture Plan :
S.No. Description of Topic No. of Method of
Hrs. Teaching
1. Branch and Bound: General method, applications 1 PPT+Video
2. Applications-Traveling sales man problem 2 PPT++ chalk
3. 0/1 knapsack problem 1 PPT++ chalk
4. L C Branch and bound solution 1 PPT+ chalk
5. FIFO Branch and bound solution 2 PPT+ chalk
6 NP-hard and NP-complete problem: Basic concepts, 1 PPT+ chalk
7 Non-deterministic algorithms, 1 PPT+ chalk
8 NP-hard and NP-Complete classes 1 PPT+ chalk
9 Cook’s theorem 1 PPT+ chalk
10 Tutorial 1 Chalk & board
Total = 12
1. http://www.nptelvideos.in/2012/11/design-analysis-of-algorithms.html
2. http://ocw.mit.edu/6-046JF05
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcT-Jt5WStw
4. https://class.coursera.org/algo2-003/lecture/preview
5. https://www.coursera.org/course/algo2
Course Objectives
Understand fundamental concepts and constructs of Java.
Implement different object oriented concepts in Java
Develop the concepts of multithreading and IO streams
Construct GUI models
Course Outcomes
Write java programs using various programming constructs
Solve different mathematical problems using OOP paradigm
Design and analyze the solutions for thread and IO management concepts
Implement the applications involving GUI models and events
Fundamentals of Object Oriented programming: Object oriented paradigm - Basic concepts of Object Oriented
Programming - Benefits of OOP - Applications of OOP
Java Evolution: Java Features - How Java differs from C and C++ - Java and Internet - Java and World Wide Web
- Web Browsers - Hardware and Software Requirements - Java Environment. Overview of Java Language: Simple
Java Program - Java Program Structure - Java Tokens- Java Statements - Implementing a Java Program - Java
Virtual Machine - Constants - Variables - Data types - Scope of Variables-Symbolic Constants-Type Casting and
type promotions – Operators, Operator Precedence and Associativity - Control Statements – break - continue-
Arrays-Multi dimensional arrays, Wrapper Classes - Simple examples.
At the end of this unit student will be able to know
Classes: Classes and Objects - Constructors – methods - this keyword – garbage collection- finalize - Overloading
methods and constructors - Access Control- Static members – nested and inner classes – command line arguments -
variable length arguments.
Inheritance: Forms of inheritance – specialization, specification, construction, extension, limitation, combination,
benefits and costs of inheritance. Super uses- final - polymorphism, method overriding - dynamic method dispatch –
abstract classes – exploring string class.
At the end of this unit student will be able to know
Packages and Interfaces: Defining and accessing a package – understanding CLASSPATH – access protection
importing packages – Interfaces - Defining and implementing an interface, Applying interfaces, Variables in
interfaces and extended interfaces. Exploring java.lang and java.util packages.
Exception Handling-Fundamentals, usage of try, catch, multiple catch clauses, throw, throws and finally. Java Built
in Exceptions and creating own exception subclasses.
At the end of this unit student will be able to know
Multithreaded Programming: Java Thread life cycle model – Thread creation - Thread Exceptions - Thread
Priority – Synchronization - Messaging - Runnable Interface - Interthread Communication - Deadlock - Suspending,
Resuming and stopping threads.
I/O Streams: File – Streams – Advantages - The stream classes – Byte streams – Character streams.
At the end of this unit student will be able to know
Understand the Multithreaded programming.
Illustrate synchronization, deadlock, and Thread priority.
Implement I/O stream
Applet Programming: How Applets differ from Applications - Applet Life Cycle - Creating an Applet - Running
the Applet- Designing a Webpage - Applet Tag - Adding Applet to HTML file - More about Applet Tag - Passing
parameters to Applets - Aligning the display.
Event handling: basics of event handling, Event classes, Event Listeners, delegation event model, handling mouse
and keyboard events, adapter classes, AWT Class hierarchy - AWT Controls - Layout Managers and Menus,
limitations of AWT
At the end of this unit student will be able to
1. The Complete Reference Java J2SE 5th Edition, Herbert Schildt, TMH Publishing Company Ltd,
2. Big Java 2nd Edition, Cay Horstmann, John Wiley and Sons
1. Java How to Program, Sixth Edition, H.M.Dietel and P.J.Dietel, Pearson Education/PHI
2. Core Java 2, Vol 1, Fundamentals, Cay.S.Horstmann and Gary Cornell, Seventh Edition, Pearson
3. Core Java 2, Vol 2, Advanced Features, Cay.S.Horstmann and Gary Cornell, Seventh Edition, Pearson
Learning objectives :
Lecture plan :
Method of
S.No. Description of Topic No. of Hrs.
Defining Software, Software Application Domains,
1. 2 Chalk & board
Legacy Softwares
2. Software Engineering and defining Software 2 Chalk & board
Software Myths, A Generic view of Software
3. 1 Chalk & board
Process Model
A layered technology, The Capability Maturity
4. 2 Chalk & board
Model Integration (CMMI)
5. The water fall model, Incremental process models 2 PPT, chalk & board
6. Evolutionary process models, The unified process 2 PPT, Chalk & board
7 Tutorial 1 Chalk & Board
Total = 12
Assignment Questions :
1. Explain about Software Myths.
2. Discuss with neat case study Waterfall, Incremental Process Model.
3. Identify the need of Evolutionary Process Model. Discuss with Neat examples.
Learning objectives:
Lecture plan :
Method of
S.No. Description of Topic No. of Hrs.
1. Functional and Non-functional requirements 1 PPT+Video
2. User requirements, System requirements 2 PPT
3. Interface specification 1 PPT
4. The software requirements document 2 PPT+ chalk &board
5 Feasibility studies 1 PPT, chalk & board
6 Requirements elicitation and analysis 2 PPT, Chalk & board
Requirements validation, Requirements
7 2 Chalk & board
8 Tutorial 1 Chalk & Board
Total = 12
Assignment Questions :
1. Distinguish Software Functional Requirements and Non – Functional Requirements
2. Explain the contents of SRS Document with examples.
3. Explain Feasibility Study, Requirement Validation.
System models: context models, behavior models, data models, object models, structured
Design engineering: design process and design quality, design concepts the design model
Creating an architectural design: software architecture, data design, architectural styles and
patterns, architectural design
Learning objectives:
After completion of the unit, the students will be able to:
know about various Software System Models
Learn how Process and Quality is being designed
Analyze Software architecture
Evaluate the Data Design
Carryout various architectural Styles
Lecture plan:
Method of
S.No. Description of Topic No. of Hrs.
1 Context Models, Behavior Models 1 PPT+Video
2 Data Models, Object Models 1 PPT
3 Structured Methods 1 PPT
4 Design Process, Design Quality 1 PPT+ chalk &board
5 Design Concepts, The Design Model 1 PPT, chalk & board
What is architecture ? Creating an architectural
6 2 PPT
7 Architectural Styles, Patterns, Refinement 2 Chalk & board
8 Architectural Design 2 Chalk & board
7 Tutorial 1 Chalk & Board
Total = 12
Assignment Questions :
1. Explain Software Object Models and Behaviour Models.
2. Explain Architectural Design and styles, Patterns, Refinement.
Test Strategies: A strategic approach to software testing, Black box and White box Testing,
Validation Testing, System Testing.
Product Metrics ,Software Quality, Metrics for analysis model, Metrics for design model,
Metrics for source code, Metrics for testing, Metrics for maintenance Metrics for process and
products, Software measurement, Metrics for software quality
Learning objectives :
Lecture plan :
Total = 13
Assignment Questions :
1. Explain with neat example Software Testing Strategy – a big picture.
2. Explain Software Metrics.
3. Explain with neat examples about different Software Tests.
Risk Management: Reactive vs proactive risk strategies, Software risks, Risk identification,
Risk projection Risk refinement, RMMM, RMMM plan
Quality Management: Quality concepts, Software quality assurance, Software reviews, Formal
technical reviews, Statistical Software Quality Assurance, Software reliability, ISO 9000 Quality
Learning objectives :
Lecture plan :
Conferences :
1. ICSE - International Conference on Software Engineering.
2. FSE - ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering.
3. ICSM - International Conference on Software Maintenance.
4. ASE - IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering.