T. Y. B. Com Cost Accounting Sem V: Questions A B C D Solution
T. Y. B. Com Cost Accounting Sem V: Questions A B C D Solution
T. Y. B. Com Cost Accounting Sem V: Questions A B C D Solution
The costing which determines cost Historical Standard Estimated Marginal historical
after it has been actually incurred is
Imputed cost
Notional cost is also known as Imputed cost Opportunity cost Out of pocket cost Variable cost
Cost which can be identified with
Product cost Direct cost Fixed cost Variable cost Product cost
the output is called as
Cost of designing is Production cost Indirect cost Direct material Direct charges Direct charges
Interest on capital is Imputed cost Sunk cost Direct cost Indirect cost Imputed cost
Payment to other parties is called
Out of pocket cost
as Out of pocket cost Book cost Future cost Postponable cost
Cost which is relevant for decision-
Relevant cost
making is Relevant cost Past cost Opportunity cost Imputed cost
Overheads which are incurred in
Factory overheads
connection with factory are Factory overheads Office overheads Selling overheads Prime cost
Cost which does not require current
Book cost
cash payment is Book cost Product cost Cash cost Opportunity cost
The cost which remains constant
irrespective of output upto capacity Fixed cost
limit is Fixed cost Product cost Variable cost Sunk cost
Variable cost is also known as Product cost Period cost Indirect cost Semi fixed cost Product cost
The cost which is directly
Direct cost
chargeable to the product is Indirect cost Direct cost Overheads Period cost
Primary packing is a Direct Materials Indirect material Overheads Selling cost Direct Materials
Cost of Grease & oil is a Direct cost Indirect material Packing cost Indirect labour Indirect material
Chargeable Chargeable
Cost of designing the product is expenses Indirect cost Sunk cost Fixed cost expenses
Cost determined in advance on the
basis of scientific analysis of Standard cost
circumstances is Estimated cost Standard cost Pre–determined cost Past cost
Direct labour & Administrative Direct labour &
Conversion cost includes Direct labour Selling overheads factory overheads overheads factory overheads
The cost which does not involve
Imputed cost
any cash outlay is Sunk cost Relevant cost Imputed cost Book cost
Raw material directly identifiable Production
Direct materials
with the product is Direct materials Indirect materials Process materials materials
Cost which can be identified easily
Direct cost
is called as : Indirect cost Direct cost variable cost Fixed cost
Opening inventory
Opening inventory
+ closing inventory
Average inventory is : Opening inventory Closing inventory + closing inventory None of the above
Safety of
Minimum inventory is to ensure : minimum working Safety of maximum
production process
capital production process profitability None of the above
ABC analysis is a technique Inventory Finished stock
Inventory control
developed for : management Inventory control WIP control control
EOQ is the _____ size of the order
at that point ordering and carrying Optimum
costs are minimised. Optimum Maximum Minimum None of the above
In ABC analysis ‘C’ class items
Loose control
require : Loose control Tight control Moderate control None of the above
In ABC analysis ‘A’ class items
Tight control
require : Loose control Tight control Moderate control None of the above
Optimise Optimise Optimise
The objective of inventory investment in investment in Reduce inventory investment in
management is to : current assets inventory levels None of the above inventory
Average annual consumption of
material is 20,000 kgs at a price of
` 2 per kg. The holding cost is 16% 2500 kgs
and ordering cost is ` 50. How
much should be EOQ? 2500 kgs 3000 kgs 2000 kgs 1000 kgs
A factory required 1,000 units per
year. The cost of placing an order
is ` 60 and carrying cost is ` 3 p.a.
The EOQ is 200 150 600 450
both a & c
FIFO method is : Logical Illogical Recognised by AS2 both a & c
Under perpetual Inventory system At the end of the
stock is ascertained : Periodically Continuously year None of the above
Dial Time recorder has _____
holes. 360 200 500 160
Workers who work outside the
factory premises are called as Out Job Out
_____ works. Casual Badli
_____ _____ accounting is
conncerned with computation of Pay roll Pay roll
wages. Muster roll Pay slip None of the above
_____ roll shows details of wages
Pay Pay
paid. Muster Both (A) & (B) None of the above
Labour turnover is Turnover of goods Turnover of labour Stock Turnover Debtor's Turnover Turnover of labour
Cost of labour turnover may be : Preventive cost Replacement cost Both (i) & (ii) none of the above Both (i) & (ii)
Medical services cost is : Replacement cost Preventive cost Both (i) & (ii) none of the above Preventive cost
Cost of welfare services is a : Preventive cost Replacement cost Both (i) & (ii) none of the above Preventive cost
Compensation to workers is
Wages Wages
apportioned on the basis of _____.
Overheads Materials None of the above
Store keeping expenses are
apportioned on the basis of _____ Indirect Indirect
material. Direct Variable None of the above
Underabsorption of overheads in
costing costing
costing increases _____ profit.
financial Assets None of the above
Premium on issue of shares is
Financial costing Financial
shown in _____ P & L A/c. Ignored None of the above
Notional Rent is taken in _____ P
Costing Costing
& L A/c. financial Ignored None of the above
Interest on investment increases
Financial Financial
_____ profit. Costing Assets None of the above