Recent Advances in Provisional Restorations
Recent Advances in Provisional Restorations
Recent Advances in Provisional Restorations
e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 18, Issue 4 Ser. 17 (April. 2019), PP 53-58
Abstract: Provisional, interim or transitional restoration has been demonstrated to function as an important
component in the majority of the various dental disciplines. Provisional FPDs are the prototype on which
functional, occlusal & aesthetic adjustments are made to optimize the definitive prosthesis. 2
Key words: Provisional restoration, Interim restoration
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Date of Submission: 11-04-2019 Date of acceptance: 26-04-2019
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I. Introduction
A fixed or removable prosthesis, designed to enhance aesthetics, stabilization and /or function for a
limited period of time, after which it is to be replaced by a definitive prosthesis. Often such prosthesis are used
to assist in the determination of the therapeutic effectiveness of a specific treatment plan or the form and
function of the planned for definitive prosthesis.3 Provisional means established for a time being, pending a
permanent arrangement. The term provisional, interim & transitional have been routinely used interchangeably
in the literature.5
Protect pulp
Maintain periodontal health.
Provide occlusal compatibility.
Maintain tooth position.
Protect against fracture.
Easily contourable.
Colour compatibility.
Colour stability.
• Additional lab procedure involved.
• Time consuming.
b) Preformed Provisional Restoration: - Preformed crowns are commercially available prefabricated crowns.
These crowns are available in various sizes. The operator can choose the size and material that would best suit
the patient.
• Less time consuming.
• Rarely satisfies the requirement of contours. It has to customize with self-cure resin.
• Generally limited to single tooth restoration.
II. Conclusion
Interim restorations are a critical component of fixed prosthodontic treatment. In addition to their
biologic and biomechanical requirements, interim restorations provide the clinician with valuable diagnostic
information. They act as a functional and aesthetic try-in and serve as a blue-print for the design of the definitive
Although provisional restorations are usually intended for a short period of time and then discarded,
they can be made to provide pleasing aesthetics, adequate support, and good protection for the teeth.
Silver crowns
Nickel-Chromium crown
Polycarbonate crowns
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