FAC1601 Partnership Summary
FAC1601 Partnership Summary
FAC1601 Partnership Summary
Interest on Capital Between
accounts partners
Interest on Current acc.
Partners’ share
Balance as at 31 Dec 13 62 500 75 000 77 985 67 040 - 282 525 Paul & Shark are in partnership trading as Paul&Shark
(date, next year) Traders. Following were extracted on 31 Dec 2013
Administrative Expenses R15 000 4 Land & Buildings R800 000
Other info: Vehicles at cost R168 000
R6 500 (insurance expense) included in the administrative expense above Equipment at cost R 48 000
The premiums are payable in advance, Jan 14 premium is incl. in the figure Acc. Depreciation: vehicle (01 Jan 13) R 27 900
Acc. Depreciation: equipment (01 Jan 13) R 15 500
Paul&Shark traders Depreciation – 31 Oct 13 R 1 500
Statement of Financial Position as at 31 Dec 13 (date) Other info:
* 30 June 13: business purchased a new vehicle at cost R68 000
ASSETS * 31 Oct 13: Equipment with cost price R15 000 was sold for R1 000,
Non-current assets 973 300 depreciation on that date was R9 000
Property, Plant & Equipment 1 943 300 * Depreciation yet to be calculated:
Financial assets 2 30 000 1. VEHICLES straight line method, 20% per annum
2. EQUIPMENT diminishing balance method, 25% per annum
Current Assets 92 300
Trade and other receivables (debt contr – written off – allowance for CL+ acc income)14 300 3 Investment at cost 2 & 5 R100 000
Other info:
Prepayments 4 500 • 12 000 shares from Puma Ltd, R70 000 cost price, market value: R77 500
Other fin. Assets (share for trading purposes, current value) 5 77 500 (trade purposes)
Total Assets (Non Curr Ass + Current Ass) 1 065 600 • 5 000 shares from Zoo Ltd, R30 000 cost price
Debtors control R20 000 3
Allowance for credit losses R 1 000
Accrued Income R 800
Other info:
Equity & Liability portion on next page R5 000 owed by debtor must be written off
Allowance for credit losses to be adjusted to R1 500
Paul&Shark traders
Statement of Financial Position as at 31 Dec 13 (date)
Non-current assets 973 300
Property, Plant & Equipment 943 300
Financial assets 30 000
Current Assets 92 300
Trade and other receivables (debt contr – written off – allowance for CL+ acc income)14 300
Prepayments 500
Other fin. Assets (share for trading purposes, current value) 77 500
Total Assets (Non Curr Ass + Current Ass) 1 065 600
Equity & Liabilities
Total Equity (capital + current accounts) 282 525
Capital (Paul + Shark) 137 500
Get from statement of CiE
Current Accounts (Paul + Shark) 145 025
Total Liabilities (Current + non-current) 783 075
Non Current Liabilities 640 000
Long term borrowings 640 000 Long term borrowing (info given)
Current Liabilities 143 075
Trade & other payables 143 075 Creditors Control (R149 075) – allowance for settlement
Total Equity & Liabilities 1 065 600 discount (R6 000) (info given)
Valuation Example on
next page
End of Partnership