18th GRP Narayana
18th GRP Narayana
18th GRP Narayana
Electrical conductivity: Noble gases have XeF6 undergoes hydrolysis by the following
fairly high electrical conductivity. The gases steps
produce characteristic coloured lights when an XeF6 + H2O
→ XeOF4 + 2HF
electrical discharge is passed through them at
low pressure. For example (i) Neon → a bril- XeOF4 + H2O
→ XeO2 F2 + 2HF
liant orange red glow. (ii) Hg vapours + Ne XeO2 F2 + H 2 O
→ XeO3 + 2 HF
→ a blue or green glow.
2 XeF6 + 3SiO2 → 2 XeO3 + 3SiF4
Chemical Properties of Noble Gases:
Ø Earlier, it was believed that noble gases do not
Xenon Oxides: Xenon forms two oxides
involve in chemical reactions. However in recent XeO3 and XeO4.
years, some compounds of noble gases have XeO3: Pre: XeF6 + 3 H 2 O
→ XeO3 + 6 HF
been prepared under special conditions. Pro: XeO3 is unstable, decomposes to
Ø The first compound of noble gas was prepared form Xe and O2
by N. Bartlett. The compound is xenon Ø XeO3 is a colourless & hygroscopic substance
hexafluoro platinate (IV) Xe [ PtF6 ] with explosive nature.
XeO4 :
Fluorides of Xe & Their Structures
Ø Xenon forms a number of compounds with Pre: Ba2 XeO6 + 2 H 2 SO4 → 2 BaSO4 + XeO4 + 2 H 2 O
fluorine and with oxygen. Pro: XeO4 is a highly explosive substance.
Uses of Noble Gases: Noble gases are used Ø A mixture of 80 % helium and 20 % oxygen by
to provide inert atmosphere in the extraction of volume is used by deep sea divers for respiration.
metals like Mg, Ti etc., and welding works Ø He + O2 mixture is used to provide relief for the
which involve metals like Mg, Al etc. asthma patients in their respiratory problems.
Ø Noble gases are used in the electric bulb industry Ø N2 dissolves in blood under pressure & it
as filling gases. causes severe pain called “caisson sickness” or
Ø Noble gases are used as coolants for low “bends”.
temperature work. Ø Liquid helium is used as a cryogenic liquid, to
Helium: Helium is used as a heat transfer agent provide low temperature.
in nuclear reactors. Ø Helium is used in gas thermometers and in
Helium is non-inflammable and light gas. So it electrical transformers.
is used in filling of ballons for meteorological Ø Helium is used to fill the tyres of big aeroplanes
observations. because it is lighter than air.
Neon: Neon is used in glow lamps. The glow ADDITIONAL SYNOPSIS
of neon lamps is visible even through the fog Discovery and Occurance of noble gases
and mist. So neon glow lamps are used as signal (Exclusive JEE Main)
lights, and as beacon lights for safe air Ø Nobel prize was awarded to Ramsay and
navigation. Rayleigh for their contribution towards the
Ø Neon is used in decorative discharge tubes discovery of noble gases.
for producing different colours. The colour Ø J.N. Lockyer and P.J.C Janssen observed a bright
varies with the colour of the discharge tube yellow line in the spectrum of the light emitted
and gas present in it. from the chromosphere of the sun, during the
Ø Neon can carry high voltage currents. So it is total solar eclipse period. This line is very close
used in rectifiers, relays and safety devices. to D1 and D 2 lines of sodium. The line was
Ø Mixture of argon and mercury vapour is used in therefore called as D3 line. This lead to the
fluoroscent tubes. discovery of helium.
Ø Rayleigh suggested that the inactivity of residual
Argon: Argon is used in filling electrical bulbs,
N 2 of Cavendish experiment is due to an
Geiger counter tubes, thermoionic tubes and
other discharge tubes. inactive new element, named by him as Argon.
He found that it gave a new spectral line.
Krypton : Krypton is used in electric bulbs. Ø Ramsay and Travers fractionated liquid Argon
Ø Kr -85 is used to measure thickness of metal under reduced pressure. This lead to the
sheets and joints. discovery of krypton and xenon.
Ø One of the products obtained in the radioactive
Ø Kr -85 is used in electronic tubes for voltage
disintegration of radium is radon
Ø Ramsay separated Helium from Nitrogen gas
W.E-1: The s-block element present in zerogroup
isolated from air.
is__ . Ø Neon was discovered by Ramsay and Travers.
Sol. Helium. Ø Argon was discovered by Rayleigh.
Ø Krypton and xenon were discovered by Ramsay.
W.E-2:The most appropriate name for zerogroup Ø Helium can be crystallized in hcp, bcc and fcc
elements is ______. solids.
Sol. Noble gases
W.E-3:Why Helium is totally inert? ELECTRONIC CONFIGURATION,
Sol. Because of its small size, high I.E. and zero E.A. DISCOVERY & OCCURENCE
1. Noble gases are also known as
W.E-4: Liquid Helium is called superfluid.Why? 1. Chalcogens 2. Halogens
Sol. at 4.2K Helium becomes liquid and is called 3. Aerogens 4. Transition elements
Helium-I [He (I)]. On further cooling to 2.2K 2. The valence shell configuration of noble gases
He (II) is formed becouse of its low viscosity, (except He) is
1. ns2np4 2. ns2np1 3. ns2np6 4. ns2np6nd10
W.E-5: Which inert gas obtained from monazite 3. The atomicity of noble gases is
sand? 1. Two 2. One 3. Six 4. Four
Sol. Helium. 4. The most abundant noble gas in the
atmosphere is
W.E-6: Name the Fluoride of Xenon which 1. Argon 2. Neon 3. Helium 4. Krypton
undergoes thermal decomposition? 5. The least abundant inert gas in the
atmosphere is by volume
Sol. XeF6 . 1. Ne 2. He 3. Ar 4. Xe
6. Which of the following inert gas is available 21. Which is the lightest gas?
only as a product in the radioactive 1) Helium 2) Oxygen 3) Hydrogen 4) Nitrogen
disintegrations? 22. Which of the following gas is/are called inert
1. He 2. Ar 3. Rn 4. Kr gas?
7. The most abundant source of helium is 1) He 2) Ne 3)Kr 4)All of these
1. Spring waters 2. Natural gas 23. Noble gases form compounds very easily with
3. Clevite 4. Sun 1. Sulphur 2. Nitrogen
8. The inert gas predicted from the solar 3. Oxygen 4. Fluorine
spectrum is 24. Among noble gases, only xenon can form
1. Ne 2. Kr 3. Xe 4. He more number of compounds. This is due to
9. Which of the following is the correct sequence its
of the noble gases in their group in the 1) High I.P 2) Low I.P 3) Small size
periodic table? 4) less than zero electron affinity
1) Ar, He, Kr, Ne, Rn, Xe 2) He, Ar, Ne, Kr, Xe, Rn 25. The heat of vapourisation is very high for
3) He, Ne, Kr, Ar, Xe, Rn 4) He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn 1. He 2. Ne 3. Ar 4. Xe
10. Which of the following is not a noble gas? 26. The M.P. and B.P. are very low for
1. N 2 2. He 3. Ne 4. Ar 1. Ne 2. He 3. Kr 4. Ar
11. Which one of the following configuration 27. The electronic configuration of neon is
represents Ar.?
1) 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 2) 1s 2 3) 2s 2 4) 1s 2 2s 2 2p 2
1. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 2.1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5
3. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p2 FLOURIDES AND OXIDES OF
12. 1s2 2s2 2p6 is the electron configuration of XENON AND THEIR STRUCTURES
1. Nitrogen 2. Boron 3. Argon 4. Neon 28. Which of the following is a most explosive
13. Which of the following corresponds to the
configuration 1s 2 2s 2 2p6 3s 2 3p6 ? 1. XeF6 2. XeO4 3. XeF2 4. XeF4
1. He 2. Na 3. Mg 4. Ar 29. The molecule with linear structure is
30. The hybridisation of Xe in XeO3 is
1. sp2 2. sp3 d 3. sp3 4. sp3d2
14. The forces of attraction operating between
31. The shape of XeF4 molecule is
atoms of inert gases are
1. Tetrahedron 2. Square planar
1. Electrostatic forces 2. Ion dipole forces
3. Square pyramidal 4. Trigonal bipyramid
3. Magnetic forces 4.VanderWaals’ forces
32. Which of the following forms maximum
15. Which of the following noble gas is least
polarisable? number of compounds ?
1. He 2. Ne 3. Kr 4. Xe 1) Ne 2) Kr 3) Xe 4) Rn
3 2
16. Boiling point is very high for 33. The hybridisation of Xe is sp d in
1. He 2. Ne 3. Kr 4. Xe 1) XeF2 2) XeO4 3) XeF4 4) XeO3
17. Chemically least active element is 34. XeF 4 is a square planar molecule. The
1. Kr 2. Ne 3. Xe 4. Ar hybridisation of xenon atom in this molecule
18. The noble gas which can form more number is
of compounds is 1. dsp2 2. sp3d 3. sp3d2 4. d2sp3
1. Ne 2. He 3. Xe 4. Ar USES OF NOBLE GASES
19. The last member of the family of inert gases 35. The element is used in locating defect in steel
is casting is
1) Argon 2) Radon 3) Xenon 4) Neon 1. He 2. Kr 3. Xe 4. Rn
20. The element having highest ionisation 36. The gas used for inflating the tyres of
potential is aeroplanes is
1) H 2) N 3) O 4) He 1. Ar 2. He 3. H2 4. N2
37. Coloured discharge tube for advertisement 8. Which of the following noble gases does not
mainly contains have an octet of electrons in its outermost
1. Xe 2. He 3. Ne 4. Ar shell?
38. The gas filled in electric bulbs is 1) Neon 2) Radon 3) Argon 4) Helium
1. Ar 2. N2 3. He 4. O2 9. The value of ionization potential for inert
39. The gas used in gas thermometer is gases is
1) He 2) O2 3) Xe 4) Ne 1) Zero 2) Low 3) High 4) Negative
10. The noble gas which behaves abnormally in
C.U.Q - KEY liquid state is
1) Xe 2) Ne 3) He 4) Ar
1) 3 2) 3 3) 2 4) 1 5) 4 6) 3 7) 2
11. The noble gas with highest ionization energy
8) 4 9) 4 10) 1 11) 3 12) 4 13) 4 14) 4 is
15) 1 16) 4 17) 2 18) 3 19) 2 20) 4 21) 3 1) He 2) Ar 3) Xe 4) Kr
12. Which of the following has SP 3
22) 4 23) 4 24) 2 25) 4 26) 2 27) 1 28) 2
29) 4 30) 3 31) 2 32) 3 33) 3 34) 3 35) 4 1) XeO3 2) BCl3 3) XeF4 4) BBr3
36) 2 37) 3 38) 1 39) 1 FLUORIDES AND OXIDES OF
LEVEL-I (C.W) 13. What is the atomic number (Z) of the noble
gas that reacts with fluorine?
ELECTRONIC CONFIGURATION, 1. 54 2. 10 3. 18 4. 2
DISCOVERY & OCCURENCE 14. Maximum number of compounds are known
1. The lightest noble gas atom contains the in the case of
following particles in its nucleus 1. Ne 2. Xe 3. Kr 4. Ar
1. 4 protons 2. 3 neutrons 15. Among noble gases, only xenon reacts with
3. 3 protons and 1 neutron flourine to form stable xenon fluorides,
4. 2 protons and 2 neutrons because xenon
2. The order of abundance of inert gases in the 1. has highest ionisation enthalpy
atmosphere is 2. has lowest ionisation enthalpy
1. Ar < Ne < Xe 2. Ar > Ne > Xe 3. has highest heat of vapourisation
3. Ar > Xe > Ne 4. Ne > Ar > Xe 4. is the most readily available noble gas
3. Which of the following is a false statement? 16. The bond angle in XeF2 molecule is
1. radon is obtained by the decay of radium 1. 1200 2. 1090. 281 3. 1800 4. 900
2. helium is an inert gas 17. The number of lone pairs of electrons on
3. xenon is the most reacting among rare gases xenon atom in XeF4 molecule is
4. the most abundant rare gas in the atmosphere 1. 4 2. 3 3. 2 4. zero
is helium 18. The number of ó and ð bonds in XeO3
4. Which of the following is non-existing? molecule are
1. H2 2.O2 3. N2 4. He2 1. 1 ó , 2 ð 2. 3 ó , 3 ð
3. 3 ó , 0 ð 4. 2 ó , 1 ð
PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL 19. Which one of the following is a correct pair
PROPERTIES OF NOBLE GASES with respect to molecular formula of xenon
5. Electronegativity of inert gases is compound and hybridisation state of xenon
1. low 2. high 3. zero in it?
4. abnormally high
1. XeF4 ,sp3 2. XeF2 ,sp 3. XeF2 ,sp3d 4. XeF4 ,sp
6. Ionisation potential is very low for
1. Xe 2. Ne 3. He 4. Ar 20. The number of lone pairs of electrons present
7. The density is very high for on Xe in XeF2?
1. Ne 2. Ar 3. He 4. Xe 1. 3 2. 4 3. 2 4. 1
21. The structure of XeF6 is 29. Statement I :Balloons made by nylon films
are better for containing helium than the
1. distorted octahedral 2. trigonal pyramidal conventional rubber balloons.
3. tetrahedral 4. none of the above Statement II : R.M.S. velocity of helium is
22. Which of the following is planar? very high. So helium atoms can effuse out
1. XeO2 F2 2. XeO3 3. XeO4 4. XeF4 through rubber balloons.
30. Statement I : Compared to other noble gases
USES ‘Xe’ is chemically active.
23. The gas mixture used to provide relief for the Statement II :‘Xe’ has low IP value and
asthma patients in their respiratory problems vacant ‘d’ orbitals, available for the excitation
is of electrons from ‘p’ orbitals of valence shell.
1. Ne + O2 2. Xe + N2 31. Statement I:Noble gases have highest
3. Ar + O2 4. He + O2 ionization energies in their respective periods.
24. Beacon lights are obtained from Statement II : The outermost shell of noble
1. Neon lamps 2. Tungston lamps gases is completely filled.
3. Hydrogen lamps 4. Xenon lamps 32. Statement - I:Deep sea divers use He-O2
25. In ordinary incandescent and fluorescent mixture for breathing
Statement - II:Unlike N2, He is not soluble in
lamps the gas filled along with nitrogen is
blood even under high pressure.
1. Ne 2. He 3. Xe 4. Ar 33. Statement - I:Solubility of noble gases in
26. Helium-oxygen mixture is used by deep sea water decreases with increase in atomic size.
divers in preference to nitrogen-oxygen Statement - II:Solubility is due to dipole-
mixture, because induced dipole interaction.
1. helium is much less soluble in blood than 34. Statement - I:He -II has high viscosity and
nitrogen flows downward.
2. nitrogen is much less soluble in blood than Statement - II:Liquid helium is used as
helium cryogenic liquid.
3. due to high pressure nitrogen reacts with 35. Statement - I: In sea diver gases, the nitrogen
oxygen to give poisonous nitric oxide. of normal air is replaced by helium.
4. nitrogen is highly soluble in water. Statement - II: Nitrogen becomes more
27. Which of the following noble gases is used in soluble in the body fluids at high pressures
the treatment of cancer? and causes conditions similar to alcohol
1. Xe 2. Ar 3. Rn 4. Kr intoxication.
28. Which one of the following statement 36. Statement - I:Xenon forms fluorides.
Statement - II:Because 5d orbitals are
regarding helium is incorrect?
available for valence shell expansion.
1) It is used to produce and sustain powerful 37. Match the following.
superconducting magnets List-I List-II
2) It is used as a cryogenic agent for carrying
A) XeF4 1) Distorted octahedral
out experiments at low temperatures
3) It is used to fill gas balloons instead of B) XeF6 2) Tetrahedral
hydrogen because it is lighter and non- C) XeO3 3) Square planar
4) It is used in gas-cooled nuclear reactors D) XeO4 4) Pyramidal
STATEMENT TYPE QUESTIONS 1. 1 2 3 4 2. 3 1 4 2
1) Both ‘I’ and ‘II’ are true. ‘II’ is correct 3. 1 3 2 4 4. 2 4 1 3
explanation of ‘I’. 38. Matrix Matching.
2) Both ‘I’ and ‘II’ are true. ‘II’ is not correct List-I List-II
explanation of ‘I’. A) Gas Thermometersp) He
3) ‘I’ is true but ‘II’ is false B) Beacon lamp q) Ne
4) ‘I’ is false but ‘II’ is true. C) Electric bulbs r) Xe
D) Flash bulb s) Kr
7. The first noble gas compound prepared by
LEVEL-I (C.W) - KEY Bartlett is
1) 4 2) 2 3) 4 4) 4 5) 3 6) 1 7) 4 1. XeF2 2. KrF2 3. XePtF6 4. XeO3
8) 4 9) 3 10) 3 11) 1 12) 1 13) 1 14) 2 8. Number of unpaired electrons in inert gas is
15) 2 16) 3 17) 3 18) 2 19) 3 20) 1 21) 1 1) Zero 2) 8 3) 4 4) 18
22) 4 23) 4 24) 1 25) 4 26) 1 27) 3 28) 3 9. Helium is subjected to electrical discharge.
The following species is not present in the
29) 2 30) 1 31) 1 32) 1 33) 4 34) 4 35) 4 discharge tube
36) 1 37) 2 38) A → p, B → q, C → q,s, D → r 1. He+ 2. He2+ 3. He2 4. He
LEVEL-I (C.W)-HINTS 10. The spectrum of helium is expected to be
29. Due to non-inflammable and high R.M.S. ve- similar to that of
locity, ‘He’ is filled in balloons. 1. H 2. Be 3. Li+ 4. Ne
30. ‘Xe’ has low I.P. value and vacant ‘d’ orbitals. 11. The gas that gives superfluid on cooling at
It can involve in chemical reactions. 2.2K is
31. In the noble gases, outermost shell is completely 1. Ar 2. Rn 3. Kr 4. He
filled so that their I.P. values are high. 12. Viscosity is very low for
32. Unlike N2, He is not soluble in blood at high 1. Ar 2. He(l) 3. He(II) 4. Kr
pressure so that He+O2 mixture is used for 13. Which of the following statement is not
breathing. correct for a noble gas?
33. Solubility of noble gases is due to dipole-in- 1. Argon is used to fill the incandescent bulbs
duced dipole interaction and the solubility in 2. Krypton is obtained in nuclear fission.
water increases with atomic number. 3. Radon is present in the atmosphere
34. Liquid ‘He’ is used as cyrogenic liquid and He- 4. Xenon cannot form XeF3
II has high viscosity and flows upward. 14. Inversion temperature of helium is very low.
35. In sea diver gases at high pressure N2 is more So when helium is allowed to expand into
soluble in body fluids. vacuum it gets
36. Xenon forms fluorides because ‘5d’ orbitals are 1. Cooled 2. Heated
available for valency shell expansion. 3. Neither cooled, nor heated 4. Liquified
15. Which of the following is a product in the
LEVEL-I (H.W) explosion of hydrogen bomb?
1. Kr 2. Ne 3.He 4. Xe
1. The valency is zero for 16. The lightest gas which is non-inflammable is
1. Neon 2. Fluorine 3. Oxygen 4. Carbon 1) H2 2) He 3) N2 4) Ar
2. Oxidation state of zero group elements is 17. Which of the following compound cannot be
1. -1 2. +1 3. 0 4. -2 prepared?
3. The atomicity of neon gas is 1. XeF2 2. XeF3 3. XeF4 4. XeF6
1. Two 2. One 3. Four 4. Three 18. The shape of XeO3 molecule is
4. Which of the following gaseous molecules is 1. planar triangle 2. pyramid
monoatomic? 3. linear 4. square planar
1. Chlorine 2. Helium 3. Oxygen 4. Nitrogen. 19. XeF2 molecule is
5. The number of electrons in the penultimate 1) Trigonal planar 2) Square planar
orbit of krypton atom are
3) Linear 4) Pyramidal
1. 8 2. 2 3. 18 4. 32
20. If N2 gas is dissolved in the blood, it causes
6. Which one of the following noble gases is not
1. Blindness 2. Headache
found in atmosphere ?
3. Bends 4. All
1. Rn 2. Kr 3. Ne 4. Ar
21. Sea divers go deep in the sea water with a 4. Noble gases are group of elements which
mixture of which of the following gases exhibit very:
1) O2 and He 2) O2 and Ar 1) High chemical activity
3) O2 and CO2 4) CO2 and Ar 2) Much paramagnetic proeprties
22. The mixture of gases used for respiration by 3) Maximum electronegativity
Asthma patients is 4) Low chemical activity
1) O2 and H2 2) O2 and He 5. XeF6 on complete hydrolysis gives.