Mathematics Statistics 1

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eee Pearson Edexcel Qualifications %, % ee Bi a Psy ete PRR So Oi SN eid Ose See ee SB STATISTICS 1 STUDENT BOOK PDF COMPILED BY SAAD PEARSON EDEXCEL INTERNATIONAL A LEVEL SEUNG Student Book Series Editors: Joe Skrakowski and Harry Smith Authors: Greg Attwood, lan Bettison, Alan Clegg, Ali Datoo, Gill Dyer, Jane Dyer, Keith Gallick, Susan Hooker, Michael Jennings, John Kinoulty, Mohammed Ladak, Jean Littlewood, Bronwen Moran, James Nicholson, Su Nicholson, Laurence Pateman, Keith Pledger, Joe Skrakowski, Harry Smith ‘atshes by Posen Edation Line, 80 Star, Landon, WO2R ORL. wwipersongboaechoolcom ‘Copies ool speciteabon ora Pearson qualifications ay be found on the ‘webate: hipe//quatteatons “ext © Poaroon Eavoston Lites 2019 ted ny Ere Prat “ype! by Tach Sot Lis, Gatahans UK (rial uations © Pasron Edveaton Linea 2019 ‘mista by © Tect-Se Li, Gateead, UK ‘Cover design by © Pearson Eaucatin iid 2079, “horas o Grog Atwood, an Betison, Aan Ciena, Al Datoo, il Oye Jane ‘yer Kath Glick Suesn Hooker Michel Jennings Jot Kinoury, Meharimed Unk Jean itewood, Bronwen Moen mea hola, Su Neha, Lauren Paemn Ket Fedo oe Srakousk and Hay Smith t0 Bente ashe authors of ths werk have boon asserted y hem in accordance with he ‘Cooyrat, Designs ana Patots Act 1988, Fst pubtanes 2019 ‘teh Library Cataloguing in Putten Data ‘catalogue recor forts book is avaible For the Beh Library sangre sees 40 Copyright noice ‘Allights reserve. 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Endorsmant of arovoure dees mean that he resource i rogue to schave ths Pearson quailtin, pox dows rea that Is tre ery eutabe matora avaible to support the qualcaton and ary rsource 1s produced by te awarding body shal icudo tha and ther approprate COL COURSE STRUCTURE ABOUT THIS BOOK vi QUALIFICATION AND ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW viii EXTRA ONLINE CONTENT x 1 MATHEMATICAL MODELLING 1 2 MEASURES OF LOCATION AND SPREAD 5 3 REPRESENTATIONS OF DATA 29 4 PROBABILITY 54 REVIEW EXERCISE 1 88 5 CORRELATION AND REGRESSION 95 6 DISCRETE RANDOM VARIABLES 124 7 THE NORMAL DISTRIBUTION 151 REVIEW EXERCISE 2 172 EXAM PRACTICE 179 NORMAL DISTRIBUTION TABLES 183 GLOSSARY 185 ANSWERS 187 INDEX 207 aca CHAPTER 1 MATHEMATICAL CHAPTER 4 PROBABILITY 54 MODELLING 1 4.1 UNDERSTANDING THE VOCABULARY 1.1 MATHEMATICAL MODELS 2 USED IN PROBABILITY 55 1.2 DESIGNING A MODEL 3 4.2 VENN DIAGRAMS 57 CHAPTER REVIEW 1 4 4.3 MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE AND INDEPENDENT EVENTS 60 CHAPTER 2 MEASURES OF ‘SCONOMONA PRODABLTY 68 LOCATION AND SPREAD 5 46 CONDITIONAL PROBABILITIES 2.1 TYPES OF DATA 6 IN VENN DIAGRAMS n Be MESHES IOE CEMTRA 4.7 PROBABILITY FORMULAE 7 TENDENCY 94.8 TREE DIAGRAMS 7 2.3 OTHER MEASURES OF LOCATION 13° Guinprep REVIEW 4 2 2.4 MEASURES OF SPREAD 16 2.5 VARIANCE AND STANDARD DEVIATION 4g REVIEW EXERCISE 1 88 2.6 CODING 2 CHAPTER REVIEW 2 25 CHAPTER 5 CORRELATION AND REGRESSION 95 CHAPTER 3 REPRESENTATIONS 5.1 SCATTER DIAGRAMS. 96 OF DATA 29 5.2 LINEAR REGRESSION 99 3.1 HISTOGRAMS 30 5. CALCULATING LEAST SQUARES 3.2 OUTLIERS 35 LINEAR REGRESSION 103 3.3 BOX PLOTS 385-4 THE PRODUCT MOMENT 3.4 STEM AND LEAF DIAGRAMS 40 CORRELATION COEFFICIENT 112 3.5 SKEWNESS 44 CHAPTER REVIEW 5 118 3.6 COMPARING DATA 48 CHAPTER REVIEW 3 49 CUTS at CHAPTER 6 DISCRETE RANDOM — CHAPTER 7 THE NORMAL VARIABLES 124 DISTRIBUTION 151 6.1 DISCRETE RANDOM VARIABLES = 125, 7.1 THE NORMAL DISTRIBUTION 152 6.2 FINDING THE CUMULATIVE 7.2 USING TABLES TO FIND DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION FOR A PROBABILITIES OF THE STANDARD DISCRETE RANDOM VARIABLE 130 NORMAL DISTRIBUTION Z 155 6.3 EXPECTED VALUE OF A DISCRETE 7.3 USING TABLES TO FIND THE VALUE RANDOM VARIABLE 133 OF ZGIVEN A PROBABILITY 158 6.4 VARIANCE OF A DISCRETE 7.4 THE STANDARD NORMAL RANDOM VARIABLE 136 DISTRIBUTION 161 6.5 EXPECTED VALUE AND VARIANCE 7.5 FINDING j1 AND o 164 OF A FUNCTION OF X 138 CHAPTER REVIEW 7 168 6.6 SOLVING PROBLEMS INVOLVING RANDOM VARIABLES 42 REVIEW EXERCISE 2 172 6.7 USING DISCRETE UNIFORM DISTRIBUTION AS A MODEL FOR ‘THE PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTION EXAM PRACTICE 179 OF THE OUTCOMES OF CERTAIN EREIMENTS 144 NORMAL DISTRIBUTION CHAPTER REVIEW 6 146 TABLES 183 GLOSSARY 185 ANSWERS 187 INDEX 207 ABOUT THIS BOOK The following three themes have been fully integrated throughout the Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Level in Mathematics series, so they can be applied alongside your learning, 1, Mathematical argument, language and proof + Rigorous and consistent approach throughout. + Notation boxes explain key mathematical language and symbols 2. Mathematical problem-solving ‘The Mathematical Problem-Solving Cycle + Hundreds of problem-solving questions, fully integrated r pei the problem 1 into the main exercises + Problem-solving boxes provide tips and strategies interpret results cal infooaton = Challenge questions provide extra stretch t process nd 3. Transferable skills represent intarmation J + Transferable skills are embedded throughout this book, in the exercises and in some examples + These skills are signposted to show students which skills they are using and developing Finding your way around the book Glossary terms wil be ented by bald seonaee Uae MODELLING spectican content ensy reterence Each chapter starts with list of Learning objectivas ‘Te Pre knowledge check helps make sure you ae read to start the “The real wor applications of the maths you ae about to lean és i arp highighted atthe stat of the chapter chapter CUCL iach socton bogne ‘with explanation and oy learning ports ‘Step-by-step worked | ‘xampies focus onthe ay types of questions youl need to tackle Tarsleabe sais we signpostod whe ‘they nauraly cour Inthe exereaee and amples Braces ae pasted vith examatyie {Questions to eneure you sre ready forthe exarns rere quactors we carsuly graded Exam-style questions 0 they increase in oly anc gracualy are flagged with beng you up > exam standard Prove hints, tips and Sratogis, and Watch ‘out boxes highlight areas where students often te Problem-solving mark inthe exam, questions are lagaed Fagh davis orde ina Ghavirever | with © ‘anda Summary of ty points Altar every few chapters, a Reviow exercise Felps you consolte your teaming with == ots of exam-sive questions Exam practice Mathematics International Advanced Subsiiany/ Advanced Level Statistics Review exercise [Atul practice paper at the back of ‘ie book hips you prepare forthe real thing vil vili QUALIFICATION AND ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW QUALIFICATION AND ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW Qualification and content overview Statistics 1 (S1) is an optional unit in the following qualifications: International Advanced Subsidiary in Mathematics International Advanced Subsidiary in Further Mathematics International Advanced Level in Mathernatics International Advanced Level in Further Mathematics Assessment overview The following table gives an overview of the assessment for this uni We recommend that you study this information closely to help ensure that you are fully prepared for this course and know exactly what to expect in the assessment, aC Availability St: Statistics 1 Bbw ofS | TS ‘Thour30min | January, June and October Paper code WSTOL/O1 1685 of AL Fist assessment june 2019 14S: International Advanced Subsidiary, IAL: International Advanced A Level. Assessment objectives and weightings Recall select and use their knowledge of mathematical facts, concepts and techniques ina am variety of contexts. “Construct rigorous mathematical arguments and proofs through use of precise statements logical deduction and inference and by the manipulation of mathematical expressions, including the construction of extended arguments for handling substantial problems presented in unstructured form, Recall, select and use their knowledge of standard mathematical models to represent situations in the rel world; recognise and understand given representations involving, roe standard models; present and interpret results from such models in terms of the original situation, including discussion of the assumptions made and refinement of such models. CComprehend translations of common realistic contexts into mathematics; use the results of ‘204 | calculations to make predictions, or comment on the context; and, where appropriate, read 5% = Give two advantages and disadvantages of using a mathematical model: ‘Advantages Disadvantages ‘They are relatively quick and easy to produce | Simplification of a real-world situation may cause errors as the model is too simplistic ‘They help enable predictions to be made ‘The model may work only in certain conditions Ce Ure TOL Crate ©®) cesigning a model The process of designing a model generally involves seven stages, outlined below. ‘Stage 1: The recognition of a real-world problem Stage 2: A mathematical model is devised Stage 3: Model used to make predictions about the behaviour of the real-world problem Stage 4: Experimental data are collected from the real world ‘Stage 5: Comparisons are made against the devised model ‘Stage 6: Statistical concepts are used to test how well the model describes the real-world problem Stage 7: Model is refined SEE 2) LED ceorverncron ‘A scientist is investigating the population of owls and notices that the population varies year to year, Give a summary of the stages that are needed to create a mathematical model for this population variation. 1. Some assumptions need to be made to ensure the model is manageable. Birth and death rates of owls should be included, but food supply and environment changes should not. 2 Plana mathematical model which will include diagrams, 3 Use this model to predict the population of the owls over a period of years 4 Include and collect fresh data that match the conditions of the predicted values. You may also use historical data from the previous years. 5 Analyse the data using tech with the experimental data. 6 Use statistical tests that will provide an objective means of deciding if the differences between the model's predictions and experimental data are within acceptable limits. If the predicted values do not match the experimental data closely enough, then the model ean be refined, This will involve repeating and refining steps 2-6. This model is then constantly refined making the model more and more accurate, EI) ess ocermernene 1 Briefly explain the role of statistical tests in the process of mathematical modelling. iques you will meet in this course to compare the predicted data 2. Describe how to refine the process of designing a mathematical model, ata) Pere VME Ee cy 3. Itis generally accepted that there are seven stages involved in creating a mathematical model. ‘They are summarised below. Write down the missing stages. Stage 1. Stage 2: A mathematical model is devised Stage 3: Model used to make predictions Stage 4 Stage 5: Comparisons are made against the devised model Stage 6: Stage 7: Model is refined GR 2) ELE) ons: cccarmerenon 1 Mathematical mod plify real-world problems and are a quick way to describe a real- world situation. Give two other reasons why mathematical models are used. 2. Give two advantages and two disadvantages of the use of mathematic: 3. Explain how mathematical modelling can be used to investigate climate change. 4/A statistician is investigating population growth in Southeast Asia. Give a summary of the stages that are needed to create a mathematical model for this investigation. Summary of key points 1. Amathematical model is a simplification of a real-world situation. 2 tis generally accepted that there are seven stages involved in creating a mathematical model + Stage 1: The recognition of a real-world problem + Stage 2: A mathematical model is devised + Stage 3: Model used to make predictions + Stage 4: Experimental data collected + Stage 5: Comparisons are made against the devised model + Stage 6: Statistical concepts are used to test how well the model describes the real-world problem jodel is refined an models. + Stage 7: 3. There are advantages and disadvantages to mathematical models, Some of these are: ‘Advantages Disadvantages “They are relatively quick and easy to produce Simplification of @ real-world situation may cause errors as the model is too simplistic “They help enable predictions to be made ‘The model may work only in certain conditions ee oy 2 MEASURES OF LOCATION AND SPREAD a.) _* eee pter you should be able to: ypes of data Calculate measures of central tendency such as the m median and mode “> pages 9-12 Calculate measures of location such as percentiles popes 13-15 Calculate measures of spread such as range, interquartil range and interpercentile range “+ pages 16-27 Calculate variance and standard devia “+ pages 18-21 Understand and use > pages 21-25 1 Calculate the mean, 10, 3, ‘€ International GCSE Mathematics ind for th hours at a speed of 55 km per h ed of the train or the 5 hour journey Find the mean,n requency table. Wildlife biologists statistics such as n 1gspan and standard deviation to compare populations of endangi birds in different habitat Number of peas ina pod Frequency aiid MEASURES OF LOCATION AND SPREAD 2D Dyes of data In statistics, we collect observations or measurements of some variables. These observations are known as data. Variables associated with non-numerical data are qualitative variables, and variables associated with numerical data are quantitative variables. The flowchart below shows different types of data in more detail. ‘Types of data IBD A variable that can take only specific values in a given range is a discrete variable, GED Arvariabie that can take ‘any value in a given range is a continuous variable. Takes specife values | | Takes any value in Jina given range a given range State whether each of the following variables is continuous or discrete. a Sprint times for a 100m race b Length ¢ Number of 10 cent coins in a bag a Number of boys in a family ‘a Sprint times are continuous Length is continuous € Number of 10 cent coins is discrete 1 Number of boys in a family is discrete Peta eu LEU Z 0) raid Large amounts of discrete data can be written as a frequency table or as grouped data. For example, the table below shows the number of students with a specific shoe size. Shoe size(x) | Number of. The number of anything is called its frequency, students, f where f stands for frequency. 39 3 40 Ww —— Afrequency table is a quick way of writing a long “a 29 list of numbers. For instance, this table tells us that 3 students have a shoe size of 39, and 17 students “ ca have a shoe size of 40, ete. a 1 Data can also be presented as a grouped frequency table. The specific data values are not included in the table, instead they are grouped. You will need to know: ™ the groups are commonly known as classes = how to find the class boundaries ™ how to find the midpoint of a class = how to find the class width. EETIE 2) ELD wvrcuron ‘The time, x seconds, taken by a random sample of females to run 400m is measured and is shown in two different tables. a Write down the class boundaries for the first row of each table. b Find the midpoint and class width for the first row for each table. Tablet Table? Time to run) Number of Time to run Number of 400 m (s) females f 400m (3) females f 55-65 2 [35-65 2 65-70 25 66-70 25 10-75 30 778 30 75-90 B 76-90 B fa The class boundaries for Table | are 55s, b The midpoint for Table 1 is 3(55 +65) = 60 G5. a9 the data has no gaps and thereiore The midpoint for Table 2 is 3(54.5 +65.5) = 60 the class boundaries are the numbers of the The class wlth for Table 1 is 65-55 = 10 class, The class boundaries for Table the data has gaps, The class width for Table 2 is 655-545 5455, 655s bec: CR ars SU SU eau EID srorncs 1. State whether each of the following variables is qualitative or quantitative: a The height of a building b The colour of a jumper Time spent waiting in a queue d Shoe size Names of students in a school 2. State which of the following statements are true: a The weight of apples is discrete data. b The number of apples on the trees in an orchard is diserete data. The amount of time it takes a train to make a journey is continuous data. 4 Simhal collected data on car colours by standing at the end of her road and writing down the car colours. The data she collected is quantitative. 3. The distribution of the lifetimes of torch batteries are shown in the grouped frequency table below. a Write down the class boundaries for the second group, b Work out the midpoint of the fifth group. Lifetime Frequency (Nearest 0.1 of an hour) 50-59 60-69 70-79 10 3089 22 9.0.99 10 100-109 2 4 The grouped frequency table below shows the distributions of the weights of 16-week-old kittens, a Write down the class boundaries for the third group. b Work out the midpoint of the second group. Frequency 8 28 32 2 GED sometimes itis not posible or practical to count the number ofall the objects ina set, but that number is stil discrete. For example, counting the number of apples ‘on all the trees in an orchard or the number of bricks in a multi-storey building might not be possible (or desirable!) but nonetheless these are stil discrete numbers. Peta eu LEU Z 0) raid @®@ Measures of central tendency A measure of location is a single value which describes a position in a data set. If the single value describes the centre of the data, itis called a measure of central tendency. You should already know how to work out the mean, median and mode of a set of ungrouped data and from ungrouped frequency tables. # The mode or modal class is the value or class that occurs most often. = The median is the middle value when the data values are put in order. 1 The mean can be calculated using the (WERE Cr formula = 2 See eee Tee er © Lxrepresents the sum of the data values. Combining means If set 4, of size n,, has mean ¥, and set B, of size n, has a mean ¥, then the mean of the combined set of A and Bis: mS tn oth, SEEN?) ED verrernon ‘The mean of a sample of 25 observations is 6.4. The mean of a second sample of 30 observations is 7.2. Calculate the mean of all $5 observations. For the first set of observations: Ey gga = Be nr 50 GA BE For the second set of observations By 5 307.2 2 ™ 30 You can use wand y to represent By 272 x 30 = 216 ‘two different data sets. You need to use different Seoeiaie letters for the number of observations in each ean = 180+ 216 - 6.54 (3 5, data s Mean = 1E0+ 21S = 6.64 (3 5) ta set. You need to decide on the best measure to use in particular situations. "Mode Thisis used when data are qualitative, or when quantitative with either a single mode or two modes (bimodal). There is no mode if each value occurs just once. = Median This is used for quantitative data. It is usually used when there are extreme values, as they do not affect it as much as they affect the mean. = Mean Thisis used for quantitative data and uses all the pieces of data. It therefore gives a true measure of the data, However it is affected by extreme values, ator MEASURES OF LOCATION AND SPREAD You can calculate the mean and median for discrete data presented in a frequency table. ™ For data given in a frequency table, the Note mean can be calculated using the formula Gee sum of the products ofthe go at values an thee requences y ‘¢ Sis the sum of the frequencies. CEN) EE reson arama Li Wei records the shirt collar size, x, Shiri colarame S185 | te Des Dat of the male students in his year. Frequency 3 Tas a ae The results are shown in the table. For these data, find a the mode b the median the mean, 4 Explain why a shirt manufacturer might use the mode when planning production numbers. a Mode = 165 b There are 95 observations 50 the median is the 22+" = 4pth, 2 There are 20 observations up to 15.5 and 49 observations up to 16. Median = 16 15 x 3419.5 x17 +16 x 294165 x 34 +17 x1 35 45 + 263.5 +464 + 561+ 204 _ 1537.5 25 25 62 d The mode is an actual data value and gives the manutacturer information on the most common size womvpurchased, cS 1 Priyanka collected wild mushrooms every day for a week. When she got home each day she weighed them to the nearest 100g. The weights are shown below: 500 700 400-300 900 700700 a Write down the mode for these data. b Calculate the mean for these data. ¢ Find the median for these data. ED try to answer part d On the next day, Priyanka collected 650 of wild mushrooms, without recalculating the 4d Write down the effect this will have ee oe scour ce ‘on the mean, the mode and the median, te check your arenes Peta eu LEU Z 0) Coratory 2 Taha collects six pieces of data, x), x3, x3, x4, x5 and xg, He works out that S.vis 256.2 a Calculate the mean for these data, Taha collects another piece of data. It is 52 b Write down the effect this piece of data will have on the mean. 3 The daily mean visibility, v metres, for Kuala Lumpur in May and June was recorded each day, The data are summarised as follows: May: n= 31, Sy = 724000 June: n = 30, Sy = 632000 a Calculate the mean visibility in each month. 'b Calculate the mean visibility for the total recording period. 4 A small workshop records how long it takes, in minutes, for each of theit workers to make a certain item, The times are shown in the table, Worker ATB|[C]D[E|F|/G|H]1]2 Timeinminutes | 7 | 12 | | s | 6 | 8 | 5 | 26| Ul a Write down the mode for these data, b Calculate the mean for these data, ¢ Find the median for these data. 4d. The manager wants to give the workers an idea of the average time they took, Write down, with a reason, which of the answers to a, band e she should use, 5 The frequency table shows the number of Breakiowns [0] 1]2]3]4] 5 breakdowns, b, per month recorded bya lorry Frequency | 8 | 213 | 1) 1 firm over a certain period of time, a Write down the modal number of breakdowns b Find the median number of breakdowns, ¢ Calculate the mean number of breakdowns. Ina brochure about how many loads reach their destination on time, the firm quotes one of the answers to a, b or e as the number of breakdowns per month for its vehicles Write down which of the three answers the firm should quote in the brochure. 6 The table shows the frequency distribution for Numberof peta |S] 6 [7] 879 the number of petals in the flowers of a group Tage abs bap of celandines. Caleulate the mean number of petals. ® 7 A sciemist i investigating how many eggs the endangered kakapo bid lays in each brood cycle. ‘The results are given in this frequency table. ced Number of exes [1 [2 [3 Use the formula for the mean of Frequency TIL [2 an ungrouped frequency table to \wrte an equation involving p If the mean number of eggs is 1.5, find the value of p. Peary MEASURES OF LOCATION AND SPREAD You can calculate the mean, the class containing the median, and the modal class for continuous data presented in a grouped frequency table by finding the midpoint of each class interval. (enonole Qs Sa The length, xmm, to the nearest Length of pine cone (mm) | 30-31 | 32-33 [| 34-36 | 37-39 mm, of a random sample of pine [ Frequeney 2 [3 | wl] o cones is measured. The data are shown in the table, a Write down the modal class, b Estimate the mean. ¢ Find the median class. ws oe 305 x24325%25 +95 x30+36013 b Mea a3 rT 3454 € There are 70 observations so the median is the 35.5th The 35.5th observation willie in the class 34-36, GEE.) BED worm 1 The weekly wages (Wo the nearest €) of the production Weekly Frequeney line workers in a small factory are shown in the table. ©. a Write down the modal class 175-235 4 b Calculate an estimate of the mean wage. 226-300 8 © Write down the interval containing the median, 301-350 18 351-400 Ey 401-500 7 © 2 The noise levels at 30 locations near an outdoor concert venue were measured to the nearest decibel. The data collected are shown in the grouped frequency table. Noise (decibels) | 65-69 | 70-74 | 75-79 | 80-84 | 85-89 | 90-94 | 95.99) Frequency 1[4f[efefsfafu a Calculate an estimate of the mean noise level (i mark) b Explain why your answer to part a is an estimate, (mark) © 3 The table shows the daily mean temperatures in Addis Ababa for the 30 days of June one year. Temperature |§ = 1 = 10 [1057 = 12] 12=¢< M4] Mer 16] 16s 1 = 18] 181 20]20— 0 22 co, [ Frequency 1 2 7 7 10 7 | a Write down the modal class. (mark) b Calculate an estimate for the mean daily mean temperature, (mark) Peta eu LEU Z 0) raid © 4 Two shops (A and B) recorded the ages of their workers. Send ‘Age of worker | 16-25 | 26-35 | 36-45 | 46-55 | 56-65 | 66-75 Since age is always FrequeneyA | 5 | 16 | Mm [| 2 | 36 | 14 rounded down, the class boundaries for the 16-25 FrewenyB | 4 | P| wo | sepsis Broup are 16 and 26. This By comparing estimated means for each shop, determine which means that the midpoint shop is better at employing older workers, of the class is 21. @® Other measures of location ‘The median describes the middle of the data set. It splits the data set into two equal (50%) halves, You can calculate other measures of location such as quartiles and percentiles. Highest value 2 iow <5 —___+ Use these rules to find the upper and lower quartiles for discrete data * To find the lower quartile for discrete data, divide m by 4. TT IF this is a whole number, the lower quartile is halfway ane Seed between this data point and the one above. If it isnot a and Q, is the upper quartile whole number, round up and pick this data point. * To find the upper quartile for discrete data, find } of m.If this is a whole number, the upper quartile is halfway between this data point and the one above. IFit is not a whole number, round up and pick this data point. emo The data below shows how far (in kilometres) 20 employees live from their place of work. 103 3 3 4 4 6 7 7°79 9 0 HW on 2 B Mm 6 18 23 Find the median and quartiles for these data, eR aiord DS ea UO UE 0) Q, = 204 Neh valve = 105th value 74+9_ km Q, = 5.5th value Q\=4km Qs = 155th value Q, = 12.5km When data are presented in a grouped CoE frequency table you can use a technique called interpolation to estimate the median, quartiles and percentiles, When you use interpolation, you are assuming that the data values are evenly distributed within each class. ex) smarecon ‘The length of time (to the nearest minute) Figs penton the spent on the internet each evening by a internet (minutes) | 50-31 | 5233 | 34-36 | 37-39 group of students is shown in the table Frequency 2 Ls fp fo a Find an estimate for the upper quartile. _b- Find an estimate for the 10th percentile. 2 Upper quartile Using interpolation: 335 Q. re a 27 525 Q,-335 _ 525-27 365-335 57-27 Problem-solving Q3- 33.5 _ 25.5 Use proportion to estimate Q;, The 52.5th value a a lies 525-27 of the way into the class, 50 Q, lies Qs = 36.05 57-27 . a b The 10th percentile isthe 7th date valve Q-35 of the way between the class 365-335 boundaries. Equate these two fractions to form an equation and solve to find Os. CED vou can write the 00h percentile as Pa Peta eu LEU Z 0) raid EXD reo 1 The daily mean pressure (hPa) during the last 16 days of IESE July in Perth is recorded. The data are given below. sthes ees eared) 1024 1022 1021 1013 1009 1018 1017 1024 atmospheric pressure in weather 1027 1029 1031 1025 1017 1019 1017 1014 and meteorology. a Find the median pressure for that period. b Find the lower and upper quartiles. 2 Zaynep records the number of books inthe collections of QPS hic is an ungrouped students in her year, The results are in the table below. ees ole ay ds ta [Number ofbooks | 35 [36 | 37 [38 [39] reecteenere ante [Frequency a7 >= > be | the rules for Finding the median and quartiles of discrete data, Find Q,, Q and Q, © 3 Ahotel is worried about the reliability of its lift [Nomber of | Frequency] It keeps a weekly record of the number of times, breakdowns it breaks down over a period of 26 weeks. ol is ‘The data collected are summarised in the 23 table opposite. + 1 Use interpolation to estimate the median number of breakdowns. (2 marks) 4 The weights of 31 cows were recorded to the nearest kilogram. The weights are shown in the table, a Find an estimate for the waar median weight. Neat of] o0-a9p | 350-399 | a-499 | 450-49 | 500-5 b Find the lower quartile, Q,. Frequency 6 [0 [| 7 | s_| ¢ Find the upper quartile, Q, 4 Interpret the meaning of the value you have found for the upper quartile in parte, © 5 A roadside assistance company kept a record over a week of the amount of time, in minutes, people were kept waiting for assistance. The times are shown below. wg, F(aminutes) | 20=< 1 =< 30 | 30 << 40 | 40=1< 50 | 0 pages 35-37 ‘© Draw and interpret box plots > pages 38-40 Y ‘© Draw and interpret stem and leaf diagrams > pages 40-66 BBY © Workout whether or not data are skewed > pages 64-47 BR «compare two datasets a ap Prior knowledge check 1 The table shows the number of siblings for 60 students: Number of siblings | Frequency 0 5 . 1 3 2 2 : 3 15 Visual representations can as & 3 help to illustrate the key Pe features of a data set without 7 Drawa pie chart to show the data the need for complicated calculations. Graphs and 2 Work out the interquartile range for this set of data charts are vital in many 3,5,8,8,9, 11, 14, 15,18, 20, 21, 24 industries, from the financial sector to journalism. Graphs and charts help you to visualise complicated data + International GCSE Mathematics € Statistics 1 Section 2.4 3 Work out the mean and standard deviation for this set of data: 17, 19, 20, 25, 28, 31, 32, 32, 35, 37, 38. here for example showing the 2a wae ( ~~. Ro ~ Ee arse} REPRESENTATIONS OF DATA @ Histograms Grouped continuous data can be represented in a histogram. Generally, a histogram gives a good picture of how the data are distributed. It enables you to see a rough location, the general shape and how spread out the data are. Ina histogram, the area of the bar is proportional (related in size) to the frequency in each class. This allows you to use a histogram to represent grouped data with unequal class intervals. ™ Ina histogram, to calculate the height of each bar (the frequency density) use the formula: area of bar = k x frequency. k= 11s the easiest value to use when drawing a histogram. If=1, then Frequency denshty eS88588388 frequency lass width frequency density = ® Joining the middle of the top of each bar in a histogram forms a frequency polygon. GENE) BD wer Ina random sample, 200 students were asked how long it took them to complete their homework the previous night. The times were recorded and summarised in the table below. Dies e567 SS Miu Length Time, ¢ (minutes) [ 25 <1 < 30 | 30=0<35 [35 <1 <40 | 40=1< 50 | <1 < 90 Frequency 3 9 & 32 6 a Draw a histogram and a frequency polygon to represent the data. b Estimate how many students took between 36 and 45 minutes to complete their homework. a | Time, Clase | Frequen inimesy_| TE | wath | aeraty . 25 <1<30| 55 Sey He} Frequency density == 11 39 5 76 2 2 2 Class width = 30-25 =5. 4ozr

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