Mapeh WHLP w5 Oct 11-15

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan
Claveria East District
Claveria National High school
SCHOOL YEAR 2020-2021
MABUTI Week No.: 5
Grade: 7-10 Dates: October 11-15, 2021

Date & Time Learning Learning Competencies Learning Task Mode of

Address: Brgy. Malilitao, Claveria,Cagayan

Telephone Nos.: 09171268697
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan
Claveria East District
Claveria National High school
Areas Delivery
6:30 - 7:00 Wake Up, make up your bed, practice personal hygiene protocols, eat breakfast and get ready for fruitful day.
7:00 - 7:30 Preliminary, Fitness and Wellness Activity
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
7:30 - 8:30 SCIENCE -solve the mass of solute, Read and analyze Online Solve the Finalization of The parent can
7 volume of solution or the the information Walkthrough given problem answer sheets. drop the output
(Module 5) concentration of the about the topic on (further discussion) in your in the assigned
solution giving two the module activity drop-box of the

Address: Brgy. Malilitao, Claveria,Cagayan

Telephone Nos.: 09171268697
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan
Claveria East District
Claveria National High school
variables. sheets. school in their
Barangay Hall
respectively on
the scheduled
date of
8:30 - 9:30 Health 10 -explain the different Do the following Online The parent can
(Module 3) kinds of complementary activities: Walkthrough drop the output

Address: Brgy. Malilitao, Claveria,Cagayan

Telephone Nos.: 09171268697
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan
Claveria East District
Claveria National High school
and alternative health Activity No. 1 – (further discussion) in the assigned
care modalities (H10CH- Identify the basic drop-box of the
Id-25); and consumer’s right school in their
-explain the importance shown by the Barangay Hall
of consumer laws to following pictures. respectively on
protect public health Activity No. 2 – the scheduled
(H10CH-Id-26). Karapatan Mo, date of
Ipaglaban Mo submission.

Address: Brgy. Malilitao, Claveria,Cagayan

Telephone Nos.: 09171268697
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan
Claveria East District
Claveria National High school

Arts 10 Connect the Activity 1:

(Module 3) -Identifies distinct different Given a chance
characteristics of arts pictures of to become a
from various art expressionism modern artist,
movements (A10EL-Ib- to each sub- choose a current
1) movements issue in society
given in your that you feel

Address: Brgy. Malilitao, Claveria,Cagayan

Telephone Nos.: 09171268697
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan
Claveria East District
Claveria National High school
activity sheet. needs to be
Select art
materials that
are readily
available at
home. List
down the

Address: Brgy. Malilitao, Claveria,Cagayan

Telephone Nos.: 09171268697
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan
Claveria East District
Claveria National High school
materials that
you are going to
use on a ½ sheet
of paper and
plan how to use
these materials
to express your
message about

Address: Brgy. Malilitao, Claveria,Cagayan

Telephone Nos.: 09171268697
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan
Claveria East District
Claveria National High school
your chosen
social issue.
Decide on a title
of your artwork.
9:30 - 9:45
9:45 -10:45
10:45 -11:45 Health 8 -analyze the factors that Activity 2: Within The parent can
(Module 3) affect one’s attitudes and My Circle drop the output

Address: Brgy. Malilitao, Claveria,Cagayan

Telephone Nos.: 09171268697
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan
Claveria East District
Claveria National High school
practices related to Directions: Who in the assigned
sexuality and sexual and what influences drop-box of the
behaviors (H8FH-Ib-19). you the most? Write school in their
your answers inside Barangay Hall
the arrows on your respectively on
activity sheet. the scheduled
date of
Answer the Multiple submission.

Address: Brgy. Malilitao, Claveria,Cagayan

Telephone Nos.: 09171268697
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan
Claveria East District
Claveria National High school

Health 8 -personal health attitudes Activity 1: Society

(Module 4) that may influence sexual Labels Them!
behavior (H8FH- Ic-d- Directions: Write
20). words or phrases
that associate the
words masculine

Address: Brgy. Malilitao, Claveria,Cagayan

Telephone Nos.: 09171268697
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan
Claveria East District
Claveria National High school
and feminine or
their corresponding

Activity 2:
Changes in Me!
Directions: Write

Address: Brgy. Malilitao, Claveria,Cagayan

Telephone Nos.: 09171268697
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan
Claveria East District
Claveria National High school
the changes you
expect as you
mature from a
boy/girl to a

-the importance of
Health 8 sexuality to family health Circles of

Address: Brgy. Malilitao, Claveria,Cagayan

Telephone Nos.: 09171268697
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan
Claveria East District
Claveria National High school
(Module 5) (H8FH-Ic-d-21). Life
Give at least 5
attitudes that
you currently
possessed as a
-identify the different teenager.

Address: Brgy. Malilitao, Claveria,Cagayan

Telephone Nos.: 09171268697
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan
Claveria East District
Claveria National High school
Health 8 issues/ concerns of Poem Analysis
(Module 6) teenagers (e.g., identity Answer the
crisis) and the need for questions being
support and asked based on
understanding of the the poem on p 6
family (H8FH-Ie-g-22).

1:00 - 2: 00 Arts 9 -Analyzes art elements Create your own Online The parent can

Address: Brgy. Malilitao, Claveria,Cagayan

Telephone Nos.: 09171268697
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan
Claveria East District
Claveria National High school
(Module 1- and principles in the design of Mosaic art. Walkthrough drop the output
3) production of work (further discussion) in the assigned
following the style of Instruction, needed drop-box of the
western and classical art. materials in your school in their
(A9EL-lb-1) activity sheets Barangay Hall
-Identifies distinct respectively on
characteristics of arts the scheduled
date of

Address: Brgy. Malilitao, Claveria,Cagayan

Telephone Nos.: 09171268697
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan
Claveria East District
Claveria National High school
during the different art submission.
periods (A9EL-Ia2)
-Identifies representative
artists from various art
period (A9EL-Ia3)
Arts 9 Exhibit:
-reflects on and derives
(Module Artwork

Address: Brgy. Malilitao, Claveria,Cagayan

Telephone Nos.: 09171268697
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan
Claveria East District
Claveria National High school
4,5,6,7) the mood, idea, or Galore
message from selected Direction:
artworks (A9PL-Ih1) Choose any of
-discusses the use or the following
function of artworks by activity below
evaluating their you will to
make. With
utilization and
the help of

Address: Brgy. Malilitao, Claveria,Cagayan

Telephone Nos.: 09171268697
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan
Claveria East District
Claveria National High school
combination of art family
elements and principles members
(A9PL-Ih2) make an
-uses artworks to derive exhibit of
the traditions/history of your work and
an art period (A9PL-Ih3) will be rated
based on the
-compares the

Address: Brgy. Malilitao, Claveria,Cagayan

Telephone Nos.: 09171268697
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan
Claveria East District
Claveria National High school
characteristics of provided in
artworks produced in the your activity
different art periods sheet
Arts 9 My OBRA
8,9,10,11,12 -creates artworks guided Directions:
) by techniques and styles 1. Create your

Address: Brgy. Malilitao, Claveria,Cagayan

Telephone Nos.: 09171268697
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan
Claveria East District
Claveria National High school
of Western Classical art own Painting
traditions (A9PR-Ice-1) using the
-describes the influence different Eras of
of iconic artists (Ancient,
belonging to Western Classical and
Classical art on the Medieval )
evolution of art forms 2. Artwork
(A9PR-Ice-2) should be

Address: Brgy. Malilitao, Claveria,Cagayan

Telephone Nos.: 09171268697
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan
Claveria East District
Claveria National High school
-applies different media (COVID 19
techniques and processes Inspired or
to communicate ideas, Theme)
experiences, and stories 3. You can add
showing the text in your
characteristics of artworks.
Western Classical art Instruction in
traditions (A9PR-Ice-3) your activity

Address: Brgy. Malilitao, Claveria,Cagayan

Telephone Nos.: 09171268697
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan
Claveria East District
Claveria National High school
-evaluates works of art in sheet
terms of artistic concepts
and ideas using criteria
from the Western
Classical art traditions
-Shows the influences of
the Western Classical art

Address: Brgy. Malilitao, Claveria,Cagayan

Telephone Nos.: 09171268697
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan
Claveria East District
Claveria National High school
traditions to Philippine
art form.(A9PR-1f-5)
2:00 - 3:00
3:00 - 4:00 Health 7 -apply coping skills in Activity 3: Make a Online The parent can
(Module 6) dealing with health Wish! Walkthrough drop the output
concerns during Directions: Try to (further discussion) in the assigned
adolescence (H7GD Ii-j- recall and reflect on drop-box of the

Address: Brgy. Malilitao, Claveria,Cagayan

Telephone Nos.: 09171268697
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan
Claveria East District
Claveria National High school
25). the different school in their
struggles that you Barangay Hall
are facing right now. respectively on
Using the fruits of the scheduled
the Wishing Tree in date of
your activity sheet, submission.
list down the
different things that

Address: Brgy. Malilitao, Claveria,Cagayan

Telephone Nos.: 09171268697
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan
Claveria East District
Claveria National High school
you wanted very
much to do, be, or
have for a long time.
Are you ready now
to do your wish list?

Activity 4: Throw
it All Away!

Address: Brgy. Malilitao, Claveria,Cagayan

Telephone Nos.: 09171268697
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan
Claveria East District
Claveria National High school
Directions: Below
is a Worry Bin.
Write down all your
worries and doubts
to the scroll paper
and put them inside
the Worry Bin.

Address: Brgy. Malilitao, Claveria,Cagayan

Telephone Nos.: 09171268697
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan
Claveria East District
Claveria National High school

ARTS 7 -identifies characteristics Identify a

(Module 1) of arts and crafts in local art in
specific areas in Luzon your area – an
(e.g., papier mâché [taka] attire, fabric,
from Paete, Ifugao wood tapestries,
sculptures [bul’ul], crafts,

Address: Brgy. Malilitao, Claveria,Cagayan

Telephone Nos.: 09171268697
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan
Claveria East District
Claveria National High school
Cordillera jewelry and accessories, or
pottery, tattoo, and Ilocos body
weaving and pottery ornamentation
[burnay], etc.) (A7EL- s. Choose a
Ia-2) local art in
your area and
make a sketch
of its design

Address: Brgy. Malilitao, Claveria,Cagayan

Telephone Nos.: 09171268697
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan
Claveria East District
Claveria National High school
which will
reflect the
tradition and
in your

Address: Brgy. Malilitao, Claveria,Cagayan

Telephone Nos.: 09171268697
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan
Claveria East District
Claveria National High school
Activity 3
ARTS 7 1. identifies Directions:
(Module 3) characteristics of arts and Draw an
crafts in specific areas in architectural
Luzon (e.g., papier design of an
mâché [taka] from Paete, antique house
Ifugao wood sculptures or traditional
[bul’ul], Cordillera house. Put some

Address: Brgy. Malilitao, Claveria,Cagayan

Telephone Nos.: 09171268697
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan
Claveria East District
Claveria National High school
jewelry and pottery, details on it that
tattoo and ilocos would reflect
weaving(A7EL-Ia-2) the unique
2. reflects on and derive characteristics
the mood, idea, or of your place/
message emanating from community.
selected artifacts and art Take a photo of
objects. (A7PL-Ih-1) your artwork

Address: Brgy. Malilitao, Claveria,Cagayan

Telephone Nos.: 09171268697
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan
Claveria East District
Claveria National High school
3. traces the external and and submit it to
internal influences our google
reflected in the design of classroom.
an artwork Ð and in the
making of a craft or
artifact. (A7PL-Ih-4)
4:00 - 5:00

Address: Brgy. Malilitao, Claveria,Cagayan

Telephone Nos.: 09171268697
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan
Claveria East District
Claveria National High school
Friday: Extension Activities-extension period for related activities (Art Projects, indoor activities, journal Reflection and Portfolio Making, Film viewing and
film reviews, accomplishments of creating activities in the supplemental module, Research writing, etc.)
-Distribution and Retrieval of LAS and Modules

Prepared by: Checked by:


Grade 7 Adviser School Head

Address: Brgy. Malilitao, Claveria,Cagayan

Telephone Nos.: 09171268697
Email Address: [email protected]

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