John Deere Jd410 Backhoe Loader Service Repair Manual
John Deere Jd410 Backhoe Loader Service Repair Manual
John Deere Jd410 Backhoe Loader Service Repair Manual
NO. 1 Washington D.C., 29 September 1993
NSN 2420-00-567-0135
2. New or changed material Is indicated by an asterisk or by a vertical bar in the margin of the page.
v and vi v and vi
1-1 through Figure 4 1-1 through Figure 4
5-1 through Figure 8 5-1 through Figure 8
9-1 through Figure 13 9-1 through Figure 13
14-1 through Figure 16 14-1 through Figure 16
18-1 through Figure 20 18-1 through Figure 20
22-1 and Figure 23 22-1 and Figure 23
24-1 and Figure 25 24-1 and Figure 25
26-1 through Figure 29 26-1 through Figure 29
44-1 and Figure 45 44-1 and Figure 45
54-1 and Figure 55 54-1 and Figure 55
56-1 and Figure 57 56-1 and Figure 57
59-1 and Figure 60 59-1 and Figure 60
61-1 and Figure 62 61-1 and Figure 62
64-1 and Figure 65 64-1 and Figure 65
68-1 and Figure 69 68-1 and Figure 69
71-1 and Figure 72 71-1 and Figure 72
73-1 through Figure 75 73-1 through Figure 75
78-1 through Figure 80 78-1 through Figure 80
85-1 and Figure 86 85-1 and Figure 86
93-1 through Figure 95 93-1 through Figure 95
96-1 and Figure 97 96-1 and Figure 97
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Washington D.C., 25 February 1992
NSN 2420-00-567-0135
Current as of 18 June 1991
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TM 5-2420-222-20P
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TM 5-2420-222-20P
Code Application/Explanation XD - Item is not stocked Order an "XD"-coded
item through normal supply channels using
PA Stocked items, use the applicable NSN to the CAGE and part number given, if no NSN
PB request/requisition items with these source is available.
PC** codes. They are authorized to the category NOTE
PD indicated by the code entered in the 3d Cannibalization or controlled
position of the SMR code exchange, when authorized, may be
PE used as a source of supply for items
PF ** Items coded PC are subject to with the above source codes, except
PG deterioration. for those source coded "XA" or those
Items with these codes are not to be re- aircraft support items restricted by
KD quisitioned individually. They are part of a kit requirements of AR 700-42.
KF which is authorized to the maintenance (2) Maintenance Code. Maintenance codes
category indicated in the 3d position of the tell you the level(s) of maintenance authorized to USE
SMR code. The complete kit must be and REPAIR support items. The maintenance codes are
requisitioned and applied. entered in the third and fourth positions of the SMR code
MO-(Made at UMI Items with these codes are not as follows:
AVUM Level) to be requested/requisitioned (a) The maintenance code entered in
MF-(Made at DS/ individually. They must be made the third position tells you the lowest maintenance level
AVUM Level) from bulk material which is authorized to remove, replace, and use an item. The
MH-(Made at GS Identified by the part number in maintenance code entered in the third position will
Level) the DESCRIPTION AND indicate authorization to one of the following levels of
ML-(Made at Spe- USABLE ON CODE (UOC) maintenance.
cialized Repair column and listed in the Bulk Code Application/Explanation
Activity (SRA)) Material group of the repair C- Crew or operator maintenance done within
MD-(Made at parts list in this RPSTL. unit maintenance or aviation unit
Depot) If the item is authorized maintenance.
to you by the 3d position code of O- Unit maintenance or aviation unit category
the SMR code, but the source can remove, replace, and use the item.
code indicates it is made at a F- Direct support or aviation intermediate level
higher level, order the item from can remove, replace, and use the item.
the higher level of maintenance. H- General support level can remove, replace,
and use the item.
Items with these codes are not L- Specialized repair activity can remove,
to be requested/requisitioned replace, and use the item.
AO-(Assembled by individually. The parts that make D- Depot level can remove, replace, and use
UMI AVUM up the assembled item must be the item.
Level) requisitioned or fabricated and (b) The maintenance code entered In
AF-(Assembled by assembled at the level of the fourth position tells whether or not the item is to be
DS/AVIM maintenance indicted by the repaired and identifies the lowest maintenance level with
Level) source code. If the 3d position the capability to do complete repair (i.e., perform all
code of the SMR code authorized repair functions).
AH-(Assembled by authorizes you to replace the NOTE
GS Category) item, but the source code Some limited repair may be done on
AL-(Assembled by indicates the Item is assembled the item at a lower level of
SRA) at a higher level, order the item maintenance, if authorized by the
AD-(Assembled by from the higher level of Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC)
Depot) maintenance. and SMR codes.). This position will
XA - Do not requisition an "XA"-coded Item. contain one of the following
Order its next higher assembly. (Also refer to maintenance codes:
the NOTE following.)
XB - If an ’XB" item is not available from salvage, Code Application/Explanation
order it using the CAGE and part number O- Unit maintenance or aviation unit is the lowest
given. level that can do complete repair of the item.
XC - Installation drawing, diagram, instruction F- Direct support or aviation intermediate is the
sheet, field service drawing, that is identified lowest level than can do complete repair of the
by the manufacturer’s part number. item.
TM 5-2420-222-20P
H- General support is the lowest level that can d. PART NUMBER (Column (4)). Indicates the
do complete repair of the item. primary number used by the manufacturer (individual,
L- Specialized repair activity is the lowest level company, firm, corporation, or Government activity),
that can do complete repair of the item. which controls the design and characteristics of the item
by means of its engineering drawings, specifications
D- Depot is the lowest level that can do standards, and inspection requirements to identify an
complete repair of the item. item or range of items.
Z- Nonreparable. No repair is authorized. NOTE
B- No repair is authorized. (No parts or special When you use an NSN to requisition
tools are authorized for the maintenance of a an item, the item you receive may
"B"-coded item.) However, the item may be have a different part number from the
reconditioned by adjusting, lubricating, etc., part ordered.
at the user level. e. DESCRIPTION AND USABLE ON CODE (UOC)
(3) Recoverability Code. Recoverability (Column (5)). This column includes the following
codes assigned to items to indicate the disposition action information:
on unserviceable items. The recoverability code is (1) The Federal item name and, when
entered in the fifth position of the SMR code as follows: required, a minimum description to identify the item.
Code Application/Explanation (2) Physical security classification. Not
Z- Nonreparable item. When unserviceable, Applicable.
condemn and dispose of the item at the level (3) Items that are included in kits and sets are
of maintenance shown in the 3d position of listed below the name of the kit or set on Figure KIT.
the SMR code. (4) Spare/repair parts that make up an
O- Reparable item. When uneconomically assembled item are listed immediately following the
reparable, condemn and dispose of the item assembled item line entry.
at unit maintenance or aviation unit level. (5) Part numbers for bulk materials are
referenced in this column in the line item entry for the
F- Reparable item. When uneconomically item to be manufactured/fabricated.
reparable, condemn and dispose of the item (6) When the item is not used with all serial
at the direct support or aviation intermediate numbers of the same model, the effective serial numbers
level. are shown on the last line(s) of the description (before
H- Reparable item. When uneconomically UOC).
reparable, condemn and dispose of the item (7) The usable on code, when applicable (see
at the general support level. paragraph 5, Special Information).
D- Reparable Item. When beyond lower level (8) In the Special Tools List section, the basis
repair capability, return to depot. of issue (BOI) appears as the last line(s) in the entry for
Condemnation and disposal of item not each special tool, special TMDE, and other special
authorized below depot level. support equipment. When density of equipments
supported exceeds density spread indicated in the basis
L- Reparable item. Condemnation and of issue, the total authorization is increased
disposal of item not authorized below proportionately.
specialized repair activity (SRA). (9) The statement "END OF FIGURE"
A- Item requires special handling appears just below the last item description in Column 5
condemnation procedures because of for a given figure in both Section II and Section III.
specific reasons (e.g., precious metal f. QTY (Column (6)). The QTY (quantity per figure
content, high dollar value, critical material, column) indicates the quantity of the item used in the
or hazardous material). Refer to appropriate breakout shown on the illustration/figure, which is
manuals/directives for specific instructions. prepared for a functional group, subfunctional group, or
an assembly. A "V" appearing in this column In lieu of a
c. CAGEC (Column (3)). The Commercial and quantity indicates that the quantity is variable and the
Government Entity (CAGE) Code (C) is a 5-digit numeric quantity may vary from application to application.
code which is used to identify the manufacturer,
distributor, or Government agency, etc., that supplies the
TM 5-2420-222-20P
4. Explanation of Columns (Section IV). (2) ITEM column. The item number is that
a. NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX. number assigned to the item as it appears in the figure
(1) STOCKNUMBER column. This column referenced in the adjacent figure number column.
lists the NSN by National Item Identification Number
(NIIN) sequence. The NIIN consists of the last nine. (3) STOCK NUMBER column. This column
NSN lists the NSN for the item.
(4) CAGE column. The Commercial and
digits of the NSN (i.e., 5305-01-674-1467). When
Government Entity (CAGE) is a 5-digit numeric code
NIIN used to identify the manufacturer, distributor, or
using this column to locate an item, ignore the first 4 Government agency, etc, that supplies the item.
digits of the NSN However, the complete NSN should be (5) PART NUMBER column. Indicates the
used when ordering items by stock number. primary number used by the manufacturer (individual,
(2) FIG. column. This column lists the firm, corporation, or Government activity), which controls
number of the figure where the item is Identified/located. the design and characteristics of the item by means of its
The figures are in numerical order in Section II and engineering drawings, specifications standards and
Section Ill. inspection requirements to identify an item or range of
(3) ITEM column. The item number identifies items.
the item associated with the figure listed in the adjacent 5. Special Information.
FIG. Column. This item is also identified by the NSN a. This manual covers end items purchased under
listed on the same line. two contracts. One contract covers serial numbers
b. PARTNUMBER INDEX. Part numbers in this 235786 through 235999; the other contract covers serial
index are listed by part number. In ascending numbers 319995 through 342573. Although the model
alphanumeric sequence (i.e., vertical arrangement of number remains the same, there are minor design
letter and number combination which places the first changes in the end Items. Check the maintenance
letter or digit of each group. In order A through Z, manuals for the location of the serial numbers.
followed by the numbers 0 through 9 and each following
letter or digit in like order). WARNING
(1) CAGEC column. The Commercial and Installation of wrong part numbers
Government Entity (CAGE) Code (C) is a 5-digit numeric may result in injury to personnel or
code used to identify the manufacturer, distributor, or damage to equipment.
Government agency, etc., that supplies the item.
(2) PART NUMBER column. Indicates the b. US4BLE ON CODE. The usable on code
primary number used by the manufacturer (individual, appears in the lower left corner of the description column
firm, corporation, or Government activity), which controls heading. Not Applicable.
the design and characteristics of the Item by means of its c. FABRICATION INSTRUPCTIONS. Bulk mater-
engineering drawings, specifications standards, and ials required to manufacture Items are listed in the Bulk
inspection requirements to Identify an Item or range of Material Functional Group of this RPSTL. Part numbers
items. for bulk materials are also referenced in the Description
(3) STOCK NUMBER column. This column column of the line item entry for the item to be
lists the NSN for the associated part number and manufactured/fabricated. Detailed fabrication
manufacturer identified in the PART NUMBER and Instructions for items source coded to be manufactured
CAGE columns to the left or fabricated are found in TM 5-2420-222-20.
(4) FIG. column. This column lists the d. ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS. Detailed
number of the figure where the item is identified/located assembly instructions for items source coded to be
in Sections II and III. assembled from component spare/repair parts are found
(5) ITEM column. The item number is that in TM 5-2420-222-20. Items that make up the assembly
number assigned to the item as it appears in the figure are listed immediately following the assembly item entry
referenced in the adjacent figure number column. or reference is made to an applicable figure.
c. FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX. e. KITS. Line item entries for repair parts kits
(1) FIG. column. This column lists the appear In group 9401 In Section II. Not Applicable.
number of the figure where the item is identified/located
in Sections II and III.
TM 5-2420-222-20P
f. INDEX NUMBERS. Items which have the word since figures are prepared for assembly groups and
BULK in the figure column will have an index number subassembly groups, and listings are divided into the
shown in the item number column. This index number is same groups.
a cross-reference between the National Stock
Number/Part Number Index and the bulk material list in (2) Second. Find the figure covering the
Section II. assembly group or subassembly group to which the item
publications listed below pertain to the Loader Backhoe (3) Third. Identify the item on the figure and
Wheeled Tractor and its components: use the Figure and Item Number Index to find the NSN.
(1) First. Using the table of contents, RPSTL...................Repair Parts and Special Tools List
determine the assembly group or subassembly group to
which the RPSTI item belongs. This is necessary
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