NDP 2011 Platform en
NDP 2011 Platform en
NDP 2011 Platform en
here in Canada.”
8 Canada’s New Democrats
• We will extend eligibility for the mineral exploration tax for an 2.6 Investing in Critical Infrastructure
additional three years beyond March 31, 2012. This will apply
• We will develop a stable, predictable Canadian infrastructure
to flow-through share agreements entered into on or before
plan, to include:
March 31, 2015;
∙∙ Funding urban public transit with an additional cent of the
• We will establish FedNor as a fully independent regional existing gas tax;
development agency with a new mandate to invest exclusively
∙∙ Significant new funding for affordable and social housing;
in Northern Ontario. We will double the FedNor funding;
∙∙ Maintaining the Gateways and Border Crossings Fund;
• We will give tradespeople and indentured apprentices whose
job sites are located at least 80kms away from their ordinary ∙∙ Create a Northern Highways investment fund and begin
residence a tax deduction for their travel and with completion of the Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk link, followed by
eventual completion of the Mackenzie Valley Highway;
accommodation costs.
∙∙ Federal Investment in major green energy projects across the
country, including a federal investment in the Maritime Link to
2.4 Ensuring Foreign Investment Delivers bring electric power from Lower Churchill to Nova Scotia;
Quality Canadian Jobs
∙∙ Sewer and water treatment;
• We will strengthen the Investment Canada Act by:
∙∙ Made-in-Canada federal procurement policy for investments in
∙∙ Reducing, the threshold for investments subject to review to public transit, infrastructure and other key investments;
$100 million;
∙∙ Continuing current federal infrastructure funding
∙∙ Providing explicit, transparent criteria for the “net benefit commitments, like those under the Building Canada Fund.
to Canada” test, with an emphasis on the impact of foreign
investment on communities, jobs, pensions and new capital
∙∙ Requiring public hearings that allow for community input into
decisions on both the assessment of “net benefit” and conditions
to apply to the investment;
∙∙ Ensuring public disclosure and enforcement of all commitments
undertaken by potential investors.
Results you can count on in the first 100 days. That’s Jack Layton’s commitment to you.
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