Multiple Choice Questions: Course Day 11 Final Quiz

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9/13/21, 10:16 PM QUIZ | FINAL QUIZ | DFDP_15 Courseware | RCMOOCS


DAY 11…



Multiple Choice Questions
30/34 points (graded)
Each question is compulsory. Each question carries 1 Mark.

TeX was invented by

Donald Knuth

Leslie Lamport

Dennis Ritchie

None of the above

LaTeX was invented by

Donald Knuth

Leslie Lamport

Dennis Ritchie

None of the above

TEX is especially useful for typesetting Mathematical documents and other documents
complicated symbols and formatting… 1/11
9/13/21, 10:16 PM QUIZ | FINAL QUIZ | DFDP_15 Courseware | RCMOOCS



LATEX is a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get)



The website can be used for LaTeX coding.



TeXMaker, TeXstudio, TeXworks, TeXnicCenter and WinEdt can be used as an editor for
LaTeX Coding



Which one of these commands is used in a latex document to declare the type of


\documentclass{article}… 2/11
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The command \section*{ Acknowledgement } produces a section with number



Which of the following is an incorrect command in LaTeX


$$\alpha $$


All of the above

The command \eqref is used for referring an equation within a LaTeX document



Which package is used to include a graphics in a LaTeX document?

graphicx… 3/11
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Which package is used for managing margins in a LaTeX document?





The syntax \cite{} is used for referring references in a LaTeX document



All latex command begin with which character


$$… 4/11
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Many commands in LaTeX are followed by an argument. These arguments are always
given within
curly brackets



Which of the following agencies does not provide grant for research in mathematics

Defence Research and Development Organization

Department of Information Technology

Science and Engineering Research Board

Department of Science and Technology

Which of the following should NOT be included while writing an effective/strong

research proposal:

Recent findings related to the proposal with proper citations

Step by step protocols

Predicted outcomes

List of references… 5/11
9/13/21, 10:16 PM QUIZ | FINAL QUIZ | DFDP_15 Courseware | RCMOOCS

Which of the following research grant/fellowship was recently launched by SERB to

promote opportunities for women in research:

Women Scientist Schemes

Power Research Grants

Indo-U.S. Fellowship

Fast Track Schemes

Which of the following is/are the benefits of availing research grants:

Funding for travel

Funding for equipments

Funding for conferences overseas

All of the above

Which of the following is not necessarily a part of research methodology:

Literature survey

Knowledge of plagiarism

Learning Beamer

Learning HTML

Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words: Research is a ……………………..
investigation into and study of materials and sources to establish… 6/11
9/13/21, 10:16 PM QUIZ | FINAL QUIZ | DFDP_15 Courseware | RCMOOCS
investigation into and study of materials and sources to establish ………………

scientific, some conclusions

logical, new results

systematic, new conclusions

scientific, novel facts

In April, 2020 UGC published a notification related to:

Self-plagiarism in academics

Plagiarism in academics

Rule for promotion in academics

None of these

Which of the following similarity percentage bracket represents plagiarism of Level 3:

10 % - 40 %

40 % - 50 %

30 % - 60 %

40 % - 60 %… 7/11
9/13/21, 10:16 PM QUIZ | FINAL QUIZ | DFDP_15 Courseware | RCMOOCS

Which of the following is a part of penalty for plagiarism of Level 2 for a faculty
member in academics:

Loss of two successive annual increments

Not able to supervise Ph.D./M.Phil./Master student for a period of 3 years

Not able to supervise Ph.D./M.Phil./Master student for a period of 2 years

Termination of job

Which of the following is a part of penalty for plagiarism of Level 3 in submission of

thesis/ dissertation:

Student will be debarred from submitting a revised script for a period of one

Student will be asked to submit a revised script within a stipulated time period
not exceeding 6 months.

Student's registration for that program will be cancelled.

Student will be debarred from submitting a revised script for a period of one
and a half year.

Which of the following is not a paid anti-plagiarism software/tool:



Plagiarism Detection

PlagScan… 8/11
9/13/21, 10:16 PM QUIZ | FINAL QUIZ | DFDP_15 Courseware | RCMOOCS

Which of the following anti-plagiarism software is commonly used by the journals to

detect plagiarism:





Which of the following is a form of plagiarism:

reusing data already used in your own published work

providing inaccurate information about sources

using graphs from other papers without citation

all of the above

As per the UGC regulations, which of the following is NOT excluded under similarity
checks for plagiarism:

A common knowledge

Standard equations

All references

All quoted works… 9/11
9/13/21, 10:16 PM QUIZ | FINAL QUIZ | DFDP_15 Courseware | RCMOOCS

Which of the following website keeps track of the withdrawal of research articles/books
due to plagiarism:

In the following questions choose all the correct

option/s in each case. There can be multiple correct

For a Hilbert space H which of the following hold.

H may be non-separable.

H is always separable.

If H is finite dimensional then it is separable.

H can never be separable.

Let H be a Hilbert space and M be an orthonormal set in H.

M is a linearly independent set.

M is a countable set.… 10/11
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M is total in H.

M is necessarily finite.

Which of the following hold?

Every Hilbert space has an orthonormal basis.

An orthonormal basis in a Hilbert space may be finite.

Parseval's Identity is a sufficient condition in terms of the elements of a given

orthonormal set M of a Hilbert space H for the set M to be an orthonormal basis
for the Hilbert space.

Every Hilbert space has a countable orthonormal basis.

Let Y be a closed subspace of H and x ∈H lie outside Y. Let δ denote the distance of x
from Y.

Then δ is a non-zero positive number.

δ may equal 0 for some choice of x.

There is a unique y ∈ such that δ=|x-y|.

There is a non-zero z ∈ H such that z is orthogonal to Y.

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