SZ-300 Datasheet

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Scalable Wireless LAN Controller


The SmartZone™ 300 (SZ300) represents a new class of

scalable and versatile WLAN controllers designed for data
center deployment. Powered by the SmartZone OS, it
addresses the large-scale distributed network challenges
faced by service providers of all types, as well as those of
large enterprises and institutions.
Operator deployment scenarios are among the most complex in the world,
BENEFITS with some operators simultaneously delivering public access Wi-Fi, employee
Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi as a managed service to their enterprise and small business
A single SZ300 appliance can manage 10K APs,
customers. The SZ300 allows operators to address these scenarios collectively
150K clients and up to 20 Gbps of throughput, or independently while working within the unique constraints of the operator’s
while 3+1 active clustering increases capacity public and private networks.
to 30K APs, 450K clients and up to 60 Gbps of
aggregate throughput.
SmartZone protects from catastrophic failures As Wi-Fi moves through the technology adoption lifecycle, internet service
with intra-cluster, and inter-cluster failover. Geo- providers are changing how this infrastructure has traditionally been
redundancy with active/active clusters deliver delivered to end-customers. By capitalizing on the Wi-Fi-as-a-Service trend,
higher availability versus traditional hot-standby. service providers are creating new revenue streams while simultaneously
Hot-swappable power supplies, 3x fan sets and
redundant disk drives further improve uptime. solving customer’s problems with managing an increasingly complex network
component. The multi-tenant-capable SZ300 enables these service providers
MULTI-TIER MANAGED SERVICES to implement sophisticated, multi-tier business and operational models, even
Multi-tenancy, domain segmentation and across geographic and commercial boundaries.
containerization enable secure delivery of
managed WLAN services in complex, multi-tier
business model and multi-geo contexts, LARGE CAMPUS ORGANIZATIONS
including MVNO.
End-user quality-of-service expectations are on the rise. Capital equipment
COMPREHENSIVE EXPERIENCE budgets are not. The SZ300 provides IT departments with intuitive, visual tools
MANAGEMENT to manage end-user experience, proactively and reactively. Its active/active
Visual Connection Diagnostics speeds and redundancy architecture provides the budget flexibility that comes from having
simplifies troubleshooting and client problem
resolution while unique “super-KPIs” enable IT to no idle capacity.
more quickly detect and react to potential user
experience degradation.

Easily create and enforce content polices to
protect users from accessing inappropriate
websites using URL Filtering.


Optional Ruckus Cloudpath integration lets IT to
create rich location-, device- and user-based policy
rules, enabling network segmentation based on
real security and policy needs rather than on a
one-size-fits-all approach.


For organizations using their own network
analytics tools, SmartZone supplies a streaming
feed of KPIs, enabling IT to effectively respond
in the event of rapidly deteriorating network
conditions, without requiring firewall pinholes.


Rogue AP detection, interference detection
and mitigation, band steering, airtime fairness,
hotspot, guest networking services and more.

© 2018 Ruckus
Copyright © 2018
an Ruckus
ARRIS Company
Networks, an ARRIS company. All rights reserved. 1
SmartZone 300 DATA SHEET
Scalable Wireless LAN Controller

Global filter
Completely admin context
redesigned throughout
dashboard menus and
experience. pages

layout, user
Google maps interaction,
integration and styling
and indoor throughout.

New menu
structure with

Manage the
A multi-tier administrative hierarchy provides more flexibility network Simplified and
for service providers, allowing administrators to create for segmen-
and reuse configuration profiles within domains and zones. functionality.

Role-based access control (RBAC) with pre-grouped Quickly change

scope and
administration permissions makes common roles easier to easily manage
setup. Define read-only or modify permissions that apply profiles.

across zones, and easily add new administrator profiles and

set permissions that apply across tenants. and configura-
tion workflows
are fully

The Partner Domain Layer enables operators to separate

tenants with their own unique set of configurations, profiles,
and system objects that are not shared with other tenants. This
creates a wall between tenants to ensure privacy and alleviate
operational headaches associated with tenant management.

The Dashboard is a customizable and contextually rich
interface that reduces the time required to support large-scale
networks. Consistent menus and consolidated and streamlined
navigation shortens time to perform routine tasks such as
AP configuration or monitoring actions. Configurable visual
filter settings for the Dashboard personalize visual network
alerts and WLAN statistics; settings are preserved throughout
sub-pages. View maps, health and traffic analysis, spectrum
analysis, and more.

Copyright © 2018 Ruckus Networks, an ARRIS company. All rights reserved. 2

SmartZone 300 DATA SHEET
Scalable Wireless LAN Controller


Visual Connection Diagnostics speeds and simplifies
troubleshooting and client problem resolution. This
troubleshooting tool allows an administrator to focus on a
specific client device and its connection status. An intuitive
interface tracks the step-by-step progress of the client’s
connection through 802.11 stages, RADIUS, EAP authentication,
captive portal redirects, encryption key setup, DHCP, and
roaming. Administrators can identify information in each step,
like EAP type or IP address assigned and then pinpoint where
in the process a failure occurs. This enhanced visibility helps
determine the likely cause of client problems and, based on
the failure stage, gives useful guidance for remediation. Visual
Connection Diagnostics supports open, PSK, 802.1X, and
WISPr networks.
URL Filtering allows businesses to create and enforce content
policies that protect users from inappropriate and harmful
websites while maintaining access to allowed URLs. Policies are
granularly applied at a wireless LAN or user group level with
override whitelist / blacklist options. Rich dashboards provide
real-time visibility into millions of URLs, classified into 83+
categories, being allowed or denied. Additionally, URL Filtering
supports Safe Search for Google, YouTube, and Bing.


Ruckus patented Dynamic PSK™ (DPSK) enhances client
security by automating randomized passphrase keys for use
with each device. The SZ300 supports 100,000 DPSKs, with up
to 10,000 per zone. Group DPSK, user-specified passphrase
and number-only DPSK further enhance client security in
all settings.

Group DPSK allows IT to create a DPSK that can be shared by

multiple different devices, with up to sixty-four Group DPSKs
API ENHANCEMENTS in a zone. Administrators can also specify a number-only
A rich set of RESTful JSON and GPB streaming APIs enable DPSK, which makes guest or other “easy entry” scenarios more
the use of 3rd party configuration, monitoring, reporting and user-friendly.
analytics tools. Each SmartZone controller supports access to a
complete set of Wi-Fi network machine-level metrics enabling it WIDS / WIPS / ROGUE AP DETECTION
to plug directly into existing automated backend systems and The SZ300 includes Wireless Intrusion Detection and
to provide a ‘headless’ interface for the WLAN infrastructure. Prevention System (WIDS/WIPS) functionality, enabling rogue
AP detection.
Public API support includes zone and WLAN details, AP group
override settings and AP override settings. API improvements Rogue access points exhibiting malicious behavior such as
are supported by near real-time monitoring with data spoofing the SSID or BSSID of a connected Ruckus AP are
granularity as fine as three minutes. The real-time push prevented from connecting clients to the network.
streaming data driven framework enable SmartZone to deliver
better report and management support. APs can be categorized as Ignore, Known, Rogue, and Malicious
to minimize disruption towards allowed APs or lab equipment,
MULTI-ZONE CONTROL and thus prevent the network from acting against these
Multi-Zone is used to segment the WLAN into independent discovered APs. Classification rules enable rogue AP detection
organizational units. IT can create policies that group AAA, by SSID match, MAC OUI, and RSSI threshold.Role-Based
DPSKs, Hotspot portals, Bonjour policies, and WebAuth portals Policy Management.
and assign them to one or multiple zones. Different zones
can operate using different firmware versions or different Granular role-based policies enable the creation of policy
country codes. Administrators can also upgrade AP zones groups segmented by user role, domain, location, OS type,
independently from the controller software.IT can update certificate status, VLAN and many more factors. Roles are
firmware one zone at a time or within a dedicated test zone assigned during the authentication phase of new user
before upgrading the entire network. onboarding, then VLAN, OS, and L3-7 policies are assigned
as desired. Policy enforcement actions include allow, deny,

Copyright © 2018 Ruckus Networks, an ARRIS company. All rights reserved. 3

SmartZone 300 DATA SHEET
Scalable Wireless LAN Controller

and rate-limit based on VLAN or VLAN pool and L3/L4 Access TRAFFIC ANALYSIS
Control Lists (ACLs). Traffic analysis displays domain, zone, AP group, WLAN, and
AP traffic and client trends over time. Quickly find the most
HOTSPOT 2.0 / PASSPOINT heavily loaded AP or top network users and devices. View client
Hotspot 2.0 enables 802.1x/EAP mobile devices to OS types and application consumption. Filter statistics by band
automatically discover, select and authenticate to APs for (2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, or both) and traffic direction (uplink, downlink,
which a roaming arrangement exists. Hotspot 2.0 is automatic or both), and monitor client load over time.
and requires no user intervention after proper device
provisioning. Self-service provisioning can be accomplished by INDOOR AND OUTDOOR MAPS
the Ruckus Cloudpath security and policy With Maps, centrally view all sites at the same time with Google
management platform. Maps integration and display sites, floorplans and APs on the
map. Simplify routine checkups of AP health on a site-by-site
ISOLATION WHITELIST basis with one click. Inspect the status of APs across floorplans
Administrators can manually configure a whitelist entry, to find online, flagged, and offline APs. View health and traffic
either to add non-gateway devices such as printers or to allow data for each AP to evaluate site performance. Administrators
additional gateway MAC addresses that may be required for can choose an AP to view details like health status, IP address
load balancing or other functions. The isolation whitelist can be or other operational metrics. APs are color-coded by status,
auto-only, manual-only, or auto and manual. and administrators can overlay operational data—like
operating channel, traffic, client count, airtime utilization—for
BONJOUR MANAGEMENT each AP on the map.
Bonjour Management enables the detection of Bonjour
services (such as AirPlay, Apple TV and other Apple network LAYER 7 APPLICATION VISIBILITY AND CONTROL
services) and other mDNS-based services such as ChromeCast Robust Layer 7 application recognition and control pinpoints
across VLANs and subnets for both wired and wireless top applications and top users, among other metrics. The
networks. The SZ300 is preconfigured with common Bonjour SZ300 allows rate limiting, blocking and QoS actions by
service types, making Bonjour service detection automatic. application to support organizational network usage policies.
The application signature database is updated independently
Bonjour Fencing allows administrators to control the physical of SmartZone firmware upgrades, ensuring that administrators
area in which a given Bonjour-based service is discoverable. can always manage and control the latest applications.
This is accomplished by mapping to nearby APs devices that
are advertising Bonjour services and allowing only that AP or SUPER-KPIS
its neighbors to advertise the Bonjour record. This prevents Unique “super-KPIs” enable IT to more quickly detect and react
users/devices from discovering Bonjour services that are not to potential user experience degradation. SZ300 proactively
nearby and thus not relevant to their search. monitors a core set of metrics that consistently correlate well
with common problems, and presents a summary metric
NETWORK INTELLIGENCE as a starting point for problem isolation. Using aggregate
measurements that capture a broad range of problems
associated to the Wi-Fi network simplifies troubleshooting
by narrowing the scope and location of the problem. These
holistic, proprietary, “super” metrics include Latency, Airtime
Utilization, and Connection Failure.

Copyright © 2018 Ruckus Networks, an ARRIS company. All rights reserved. 4

SmartZone 300 DATA SHEET
Scalable Wireless LAN Controller

On-demand real-time spectrum analysis make use of existing
radios within the AP, removing the requirement to have
dedicated APs for spectrum reporting. Visualize RF spectrum
by real-time energy, real-time utilization, density, energy
waterfall, and utilization waterfall. While an AP conducts a
spectrum scan, clients are offloaded to nearby APs to minimize
connection disruptions. In the case of APs with three radios,
the 3rd radio can provide spectrum analysis of both 2.4 and
5 GHz bands without impacting client connectivity. Spectrum
Analysis is supported on 802.11n, 802.11ac Wave 1 and
Wave 2 APs.


View rich statistics on subscribers (including client
RF COVERAGE HEAT MAP fingerprinting), APs, SSIDs, backhaul (mesh), and the SZ300
The RF coverage heat map visually presents approximated cluster itself, with granularity as low as three minutes. Reports
signal strength per AP that is overlaid on top of any imported encompassing durations of hours to weeks can be generated
floor plan. This enables IT to quickly spot possible AP coverage for a variety of key performance indicators (KPIs) and exported
gaps within the intended area. in multiple formats. For operators seeking richer information,
the Ruckus SmartCell Insight (SCI) network analytics
AP HEALTH tool provides for long-term data storage, data analytics and
AP health is a key indicator of user experience quality and more complex reports.
with SZ300 this information is presented front-and-center.
On the Dashboard, AP status is categorized based on health/ CONNECTIVITY
performance thresholds defined by an administrator. On
a map, APs are color-coded based on this status. SZ300 DISTRIBUTED CONNECTIVITY OPTIMIZATION
automatically identifies APs that cross performance thresholds With an encrypted AP-to-AP communications protocol,
and visually ranks the worst-performing APs. With this data managed APs discover neighboring APs over-the-air and
and historical trend analysis, admins can easily compare build encrypted communication channels to share network
individual APs with groups of APs to look for isolated trouble load, operating channels, roaming and other relevant RF
spots or identify broader patterns. parameters. This enables smarter roaming and load balancing
behavior and is supported on both IPv4 or IPv6 networks.
Monitor and flag cluster node status and keep critical cluster SMARTMESH WIRELESS BACKHAUL
health alerts highlighted within the Dashboard through status Ruckus SmartMesh supports wireless backhaul redundancy by
symbols showing Green/Yellow/Red for each cluster node. creating self-forming, self-healing mesh networks automatically
Displays historical line charts and allows threshold settings for with a single checked box on the administrative interface. With
Cluster Health, spanning CPU, RAM and disk utilization, port/ Ruckus APs and BeamFlex+ technology, APs adapt to changing
interface usage, and packet rates. conditions to further ensure a solid mesh connection between
APs, making use of the 5 GHz band to backhaul AP traffic to
CLIENT HEALTH a point where wireline facilities are available. Mesh backhaul
configurations dynamically reconfigured to reroute traffic over
Check on real-time client performance metrics, connectivity,
different paths as conditions change.
and traffic. View client signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and data rate,
as well as historical traffic, to help troubleshoot connectivity
Real-time adaptive band balancing within AP radio bands help
TOPOLOGY HEALTH improve user and network performance as environmental
factors change. Client-aware machine learning calibrates
The Topology view contained within the Dashboard uses a
device load on a per AP and 2.4 vs 5 GHz radio band basis.
system hierarchy tree to enable easy identification of network
problems inside domains, zones, and AP groups. Visually
identify with Green/Yellow/Red status indicators nodes in the
tree with offline APs or APs with poor performance that have
crossed admin-defined performance thresholds.

Copyright © 2018 Ruckus Networks, an ARRIS company. All rights reserved. 5

SmartZone 300 DATA SHEET
Scalable Wireless LAN Controller


• BeamFlex+: BeamFlex+ adaptive antenna technology increases every Ruckus AP’s performance and range. Multiple antenna
elements inside each AP manipulate RF patterns in real time to maximize, on a per packet basis, signal gain for each client, while
accommodating changes in client device orientation. This technology mitigates radio interference, noise related performance
issues, and improves application flows especially for mobile devices.
• ChannelFly: The ChannelFly dynamic channel management technology in all Ruckus APs improves wireless performance in
highly congested environments by dynamically switching a client to a better channel when the one it’s using starts to degrade.
This capability allows APs to automatically select the optimum 2.4 and 5 GHz channels to maximize performance and minimize
interference. ChannelFly also supports a channel-change cost metric that refines client channel migration using channel capacity
prediction models and initial learning and settling time updates.
• Capacity-Based Admission Control: To help ensure existing clients’ quality of service during periods of heavy load, Ruckus
APs implement a capacity-based client access control algorithm that declines connection requests from new clients if already-
connected clients are at risk of service quality degradation.


L2 / L3 SZ300
AP Control / Management Network

Data Plane Options
1 – Local Breakout
2 – Tunneling Through WLAN Controller

The SmartZone platform addresses deployment and latency constraints with traditional WLAN architectures by implementing a
customized Local MAC architecture which places all essential WLAN services including authentication and association requests
within the Ruckus AP. This enables all SmartZone controllers to separate control and management traffic from data traffic while
optimizing for both using SSH-based and GRE-based protocols, thus improving deployment flexibility and network latency.

A single SmartZone controller placed within a centralized data center can manage multiple remote sites without forcing all
authentication requests or client data to tunnel through the SmartZone controller.

User traffic is delivered directly through the local L2/L3 network which improves latency between clients and services.

Branch office deployments and direct integration between APs and local IT infrastructure Active Directory, LDAP, RADIUS, DHCP,
DNS, and Firewalls are also enabled.

Data encryption of payloads being transmitted over a public network connection, such as the Internet, are encrypted
with SmartZone.


Active/active clustering delivers higher availability and resiliency than traditional N+1 standby. The SZ300’s hot-swappable power
supplies, 3x fan sets and redundant disk drives further improve uptime. The architecture ensures redundancy and balances AP
loading with cluster-wide management across data centers and zero idle controller capacity.

© 2018 Ruckus
Copyright © 2018
an Ruckus
ARRIS Company
Networks, an ARRIS company. All rights reserved. 6
SmartZone 300 DATA SHEET
Scalable Wireless LAN Controller


SmartZone controllers support multiple layers of redundancy to ensure WLAN survivability in the event of catastrophic network
failures. Multiple controller nodes within a cluster allow APs to associate to any surviving controller in the event of a controller
failure. If an entire cluster goes off-line with a data center, APs can fail-over to a different cluster hosted in a different data center
geographically to assure network survivability.

The SZ300 minimizes the impact of lost connectivity between the controller and the AP by placing essential WLAN services within the
AP. WAN link outages or controller failures do not affect the normal operation of WLAN services.


DHCP/NAT services are provided by the AP while the SZ300 centrally manages the AP and maintains through-NAT client visibility.
This topology simplifies the replication of a WLAN configuration across multiple sites while minimizing capital expenditures
associated with separate routers and DHCP servers.


Active Clustering Separate Control and Data Planes Flexible Tunneling Survivable AP Architecture

Ensures redundancy and balanced AP Segment user traffic from manage- Allows for distributed or centralized L2 In the event of backhaul outage, new
loading with cluster-wide manage- ment/control traffic for flexible deploy- tunneling on a per-WLAN or per-zone APs and clients can be added and
ment across data centers and zero ment, higher security and lower-cost basis using Ruckus or 3rd-party data full WLAN functionality persists.
idle controller capacity. scaling and tunneling. plane nodes.
Visual User Interface Rich Northbound APIs Flexible Licensing Integrated Reporting

Intuitive, graphics-intensive interface RESTful JSON APIs enable the use of Migratable, single-AP licenses ensure Customizable reports with visual
simplifies and speeds control and 3rd party configuration, monitoring, linear pricing, while intra-cluster shar- alerts and pivot-table functional-
management tasks, while enhancing reporting and analytics tools. ing eliminates duplicate license costs. ity makes it easy to prioritize and
visibility. respond to network conditions.

Copyright © 2018 Ruckus Networks, an ARRIS company. All rights reserved. 7

SmartZone 300 DATA SHEET
Scalable Wireless LAN Controller


Power • Dual (redundant) AC or DC hot-swappable power Data Offload • Local offload of traffic directly to the Internet
• DC power consumption: 1400W
Authentication • Open, 802.1x/EAP, PSK, WISPr, WPA, WPA2-AES, WEP
• Power Rating: -36 to -72VDC
Protocols • Fast EAP-SIM re-authentication
• AC power consumption: 1500W • EAP-SIM, EAP-AKA, EAP-AKA over WLAN for 802.1x
Wi-Fi Locations with the SZ AAA-Proxy functionality
• Power Rating: 100-127VAC/200-240VAC, 47-63Hz enabled
Physical Size • 2RU rack mountable AAA Services • RADIUS (Authorization, Authentication, Accounting)
• 88.6 mm (H), 430 mm (W), 518 mm (D) Proxy
• 3.48 in (H) x 16.93 in (W) x 20.4 in (D) WISPr Support • WISPr authentication
Weight • 24.3 kg (53.6 lbs) HotSpot 2.0 • HotSpot 2.0
Connections • Control, management, cluster ports: Element • Secure multi-operator login (RBAC)
• Six 10/100/1000 Mbps, RJ-45 ports Management • Large scale (bulk) AP management tools
• Data: Four 10Gbps data ports (SFP+) • Configuration audit trails
• Console ports: two RJ-45, one front, one rear • Alarm and event notification (SNMP V1 / V2 / V3)
• USB ports: two front, two rear • Event Logging (Syslog)
Serial Port • Same as console port • Integrated on-board remote accessible EMS
LED • Front panel LEDs, one rear LED • RESTful APIs (JSON)
Fans • Six redundant, field-swappable fans in three sets • Web-UI
Environmental • Operating Temperature: 5°C – 55°C • CLI
Conditions • Operating Humidity: 5% to 85%, non-condensing
• Humidity storage: 95%, non-condensing PRODUCT ORDERING INFORMATION
Model Description
REGULATORY/CERTIFICATIONS SmartZone 300 Carrier Scale Wireless Controller
Miscellaneous • NEBS level 3 design • SmartZone 300 (SZ300) with redundant AC power, six (6)
Fans, two (2) 10Gbps data cards, and six (6) 1 GigE ports
Safety • UL60950-1/CSA 60950-1 (USA/Canada) P01-S300-WW10
• EN60950-1 (Europe) • Does not include power cords (ordered separately).
• IEC60950-1 (International), CB Certificate & Report • SmartZone 300 (SZ300) with redundant DC power, six (6)
including all international deviations P01-S300-WW00 Fans, two (2) 10Gbps data cards and six (6) 1 GigE ports.
• CE-Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEE (Europe) Includes two DC power cables.
EMC • FCC/ICES-003-Emissions (USA/Canada) L09-0001-SG00 • AP management license for SZ-100/vSZ 3.X, 1 Ruckus AP
• CISPR 22-Emissions (International) access point.
• EN55022-Emissions (Europe)
• EN55024-Immunity (Europe) Accessories and Spares
• EN61000-3-2-Harmonics (Europe) 902-S310-AC00 • KIT, SPARE, AC Power Supply, SZ300” (use with 902-1174-
• EN61000-3-3-Voltage flicker (Europe) xx00 power cord)
• CE-EMC Directive 89/336/EEC (Europe) 902-S301-DC00 • KIT, SPARE, DC Power Supply, SZ300
• VCCI Emissions (Japan), WIP
• AS/NZS: CISPR 22 Emissions (Australia/New Zealand), 902-S320-0000 • KIT, SPARE, FAN ASSY, SZ300 (6 fans)
• BSMI CNS13438 (Taiwan), WIP 902-S330-0000 • KIT, SPARES, Slide Rail Rack Mount Kit, SmartZone 300
• CCC Certification (China), WIP 902-S340-0000 • KIT, SPARE, Console Cable, (RJ45 to USB), SZ300
902-S350-0000 • KIT, SPARE (FRU), Hard Disk Drive, SZ300
902-S351-0000 • KIT, SPARE (FRU), Solid State Disk 64GB, SZ300
Managed APs • Up to 10,000 per SZ300 902-0190-0001 • KIT, SPARES, Ethernet 1G/10G SFP+ SR Transceiver
• Up to 30,000 per cluster of 4 units Module
Client Devices (UEs) • Up to 150,000 concurrent session per SZ300
• Up to 450,000 per cluster of 4 units
WLANs • 6,144 per SZ300
S01-URL1-1LSZ • SmartZone URL Filtering 1 year subscription for 1 AP
Controller Expansion • Up to 4 controllers in N+1 active-active mode, S01-URL1-3LSZ • SmartZone URL Filtering 3 year subscription for 1 AP
supporting non-disruptive capacity expansion.
Controller Redun- • Distributed data preserving with N+1 redundancy S01-URL1-5LSZ • SmartZone URL Filtering 5 year subscription for 1 AP
dancy within a cluster. S21-URL1-1LSZ • SmartZone URL Filtering 1 year subscription renewal for 1 AP
Cluster Redundancy • Geo-redundancy between clusters S21-URL1-3LSZ • SmartZone URL Filtering 3 year subscription renewal for 1 AP
PLEASE NOTE: When ordering the AC power cord, you must specify the destination region by S21-URL1-5LSZ • SmartZone URL Filtering 5 year subscription renewal for 1 AP
indicating -US, -EU, -CN, -IN, -JP, -KR, -SA, -UK or -UN instead of -XX.

Copyright © 2018 Ruckus Networks, an ARRIS company. All rights reserved. No part of this content may be reproduced in any form or
by any means or used to make any derivative work (such as translation, transformation, or adaptation) without written permission from
Ruckus Networks (“Ruckus”). Ruckus reserves the right to revise or change this content from time to time without obligation on the part of
Ruckus to provide notification of such revision or change.
The Ruckus, Ruckus Wireless, Ruckus logo, Big Dog design, BeamFlex, ChannelFly, EdgeIron, FastIron, HyperEdge, ICX, IronPoint, OPENG,
and Xclaim and trademarks are registered in the U.S. and other countries. Ruckus Networks, Dynamic PSK, MediaFlex, FlexMaster, Simply
Better Wireless, SmartCast, SmartCell, SmartMesh, SpeedFlex, Unleashed, and ZoneDirector are Ruckus trademarks worldwide. Other
names and brands mentioned in these materials may be claimed as the property of others. 350 West Java Dr., Sunnyvale, CA 94089 USA
Ruckus provides this content without warranty of any kind, implied or expressed, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
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to change without notice.

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