Electric Pruning Shares Report

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Electric Pruning Shears Efficiency and Impact

Electric pruning shears are very much in fashion at the moment despite their high cost (about USD
2000) as they spare the flexor muscles from a lot of effort in the fingers when pruning. The cutting head
is mounted on a cylinder containing an
electric motor and a command trigger. The
blades are worked by a cam device or by a
more flexible pulsing system. Cutting
power is lower than in hydraulic or
pneumatic secateurs but a progressive
action of the blade on the main models
provides good control when pruning. This
type of assisted secateurs is easier to
handle than the pneumatic secateurs and
it gives the worker greater freedom as it is
fed by electric batteries carried on a belt.
The weight of the cutting head and, more
particularly, that of the batteries (approx.
2 kg) is the main limiting factor at present.
These secateurs are fragile and have high
maintenance costs (around USD
200/year) .

Impact on health and livelihood

Farmers face several hand-wrist risk factors when performing tasks such as pruning, plant propagation,
and weeding (Meyers, Miles, et al., 1997). These risk factors include poor wrist postures; very repetitive
gripping, high-hand forces—specifically pinch forces, and contact stresses. Crop harvesting has several
risk factors for hand and wrist disorders—high hand forces when pulling vegetables or fruit off plants or
using cutting tools to remove crops (as the case of citrus), high hand repetitions—greater than 15 times
per minute, static loads when cutting off crops, and awkward wrist postures (NIOSH, 2001; Meyers,
Miles, et al., 2000). Vineyard workers face high stress on the hands during pruning of the grapevines
under highly repetitive conditions (8 to 10 week period of intense and fast-paced work) (Janowitz,
Tejeda, et al., 2000; Wakula and Landau, 2000; Wakula et al., 2000). Cutting grapes from the vine during
harvesting also creates high stress on the hands and wrist through high repetition (25 to 50 cuts per
minute), which includes contact stress between the knife and hand (Janowitz, Tejeda, et al., 2000;

VINE PRUNING AND PRUNING TOOLS, University of Angers, France PHD Thesis

Prepared by George Abi Rizk.

Meyers, Miles, et al., 2000). Pruning of wine grape vines
have also been found to have awkward postures of the
shoulders (shoulder flexion and abduction exceeding
130°) (Meyers, Miles, et al., 2000)2. In addition, neck
extension occurs when the farm workers do tasks above
their heads in tasks such as fruit harvesting and grape
pruning (Meyers, Miles, et al., 2000).

The high frequency of repetitive movements during vine

pruning imposes a high strain on the hand-arm system.
The intervals during which the cut branches are
removed allow the hand operating the prunes to rest and these obviously do not occur in the cutting
only procedure. Comparisons of different types of prunes were only performed intra-individually, i.e. in
individual workers using various types of prunes. Primary design differences between the prunes had
already been established in the work system analysis. No differences were observed in the total strain
caused by the various types of non-power pruning shears. The results of different trials reveal that
cutting with powered tool is up to 30% more effective (according to productivity) than cutting with non-
powered hand tools. Given electronic tools require less physical effort than manual tools with a
probable consequent decrease in the likelihood of repetitive strain injuries, productivity may be
increased over time.

Electronic pruners are considerably more efficient than manual pruners when cutting heavy stock.
Because electric power makes the cuts, you will also reduce strain and fatigue in your arms, wrists,
hands, and fingers so you can more easily work for a longer period of time, even on thicker wood. Hand
fatigue after several hours can cause
workers who use manual pruners to make
slower, more ragged cuts, but with
electronic pruners you get a smooth clean
cut hour after hour. Clean cuts reduce the
risk of infection in the pruning wound3.

Work efficiency
In addition to above proven reduction of
strain injury, a comparative study between
electronic and manual tools used by the
same operators on several days resulted the
increase of 27 up to 50% in efficiency. The
study was made in Australia on vineyards

Understanding the Ergonomic Risk for Musculoskeletal Disorders in the United States Agricultural Sector, Kermit G. Davis,
Ph.D. Low Back Biomechanics and Workplace Stress Laboratory Department of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati,
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Electronic pruners: faster and safer, Larry Chapman, Astrid Newenhouse and Marcia Miquelon, The University of Wisconsin

Prepared by George Abi Rizk.

where a gang of 9 workers used three types of electronic pruning shears in addition to their manual
pruning shears over 15 days. Results are detailed in the table here below.

Table 2 - Productivity increase of Electronic over manual4

* Lowest of Day 8 or 9
** Day 4
*** Electronic separate measurement day 12

Social impact
Productivity gains from the Electrocoup are related to difference in price small, but there are significant
advantages in a shorter learning curve for novice pruners and a reduction in physical effort. Benefits of
using the Electrocoup include faster training, fewer work-related injuries and fewer limitations on the
age and level of experience of the workforce. The major advantage of the Electrocoup is that it shortens
the learning curve for novice pruners and reduces physical effort, resulting in faster training, fewer
work-related injuries and fewer limitations on the age and level of experience of the workforce. In trials,
a novice pruner using the Electrocoup could achieve work productivity comparable with the best
professional pruner within a very short time. Novice pruners could not make this improvement using
conventional equipment5.

Since the Electrocoup shear is operated with only one hand this would enable the operator to have one
hand free to hold the ladder or tree branch increasing safety at greater heights. The Electrocoup
secateurs are also more easily used by workers who are ambidextrous.

Electrifying the vineyard, Benchmarking the effect on productivity of using Electronic Secateurs in vineyard pruning, An
Ancient River research program carried out in June 2005
Electric pruning could deliver improved efficiency, productivity, safety and skills, Dr Ryde James & Robert McWilliam, School
of Resources, Environment and Society, Australian National University

Prepared by George Abi Rizk.

Currently manual pruning is carried out by a workforce that is fit and predominantly male. Use of the
Electrocoup shears may widen the current age range and gender of the work force. It is perceived that
less physically capable workers will be able to prune with this equipment. A safety concern exists
regarding the non-operating hand. A pruning shear which can cut a 60mm branch is clearly able to
remove a finger. The holding of a saw in the non-operating hand keeps pruners’ fingers well clear of the
cutting blade and provides a tool for cutting exceptionally large branches. Chain male gloves or a glove
of similar nature may also be required to protect the operator. When pruning the second or third lifts,
the operators used ladders for support and their free hand to grasp the tree for stability. It is thought
that this will be a safer method of working than the current method with manual shears. The worker will
stand on the ladder with both legs in a normal posture.

Economical efficiency
With a 40% lift in productivity, the cost of this technology is economically sensible depending on the
amount of use it will get.

Price Maintenance per year Efficiency Yearly pruning days Pruner daily cost
$2,000 $200 40% 25 $60

Depreciation Yearly payments Life stand (years) Potential increase of yearly income
$400 $600 5 $600
Assuming the price of Electrocoupe (electronic pruning shear) is equivalent to USD 2000 and
maintenance of USD 200 is required every year. The life stand of this equipment is of 5 years which
makes that the depreciation is of USD 400 per year. This means a yearly payment of USD 600 is added to
the pruner bills when shifting to electronic pruning shears through buying an Electrocoup. Assuming that
the rate paid for experienced pruners in Lebanese orchards is of USD 60 per day, and an average 25
pruning days is the minimum employment per year in this activity, the Electrocoup worth its cost.
Working at USD 60 rates per day over 25 days is equivalent to USD 1500. An increase of 40 % in
efficiency means an increase of USD 600 of pruner’s income per year which makes the equivalent to the
yearly payment for the tool.

Unlike orchard pruning, other trees can be pruned in winter, spring and summer providing for a
continual employment all year round. This may be a potential income for pruners to compensate the
high initial capital cost (around $2000) of the equipment, which is one of the negative attribute of the

References are available upon request.

Prepared by George Abi Rizk.

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