Safetey Manual: Guinea

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The key takeaways are that the manual provides guidelines for maintaining safe working conditions at construction sites and creating safety awareness among workers. It covers topics like safety organization, general safety provisions, monitoring and training.

The manual covers general safety guidelines for work planning, job hazard analysis, work permits, safe working procedures for various construction activities, personal protective equipment, and general health management at sites.

The Site Level Safety Committee is responsible for implementation of safe working procedures, monitoring, reporting, and training and awareness building programs.

Project Name:- Bon Ami Project at kamsar , SECTION :-D

Client Name :- Dynamic mining PAGE :-1 of
Contractor Name :-GLOBAL ARCHER REVISION NO. :- 0
Construction & Engineering DATE :- 01.SEP.2021


PQP Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by PM (Site)

Quality Manager





Safety Manual for Works


Construction Industry is highly prone to hazards related to site activities and

construction projects engage large number of contract workers. Contract workers come
from varied trades especially from rural areas and agricultural background and do not
have proper training in construction safety. During execution at site, these workers are
exposed to various risks involved in construction works and other occupational diseases
and health hazards which cause injuries and illnesses. As a result, the construction
projects get delayed due to loss of working hours and other legal hassles. Therefore, it
is essential for any construction project to have certain safety guidelines for site
activities and to create awareness among the workers, site supervisor and engineers.
The aim of the Construction Safety Manual is to enable to maintain safe working
condition at all construction sites under Architecture and Civil Engineering Division. This
manual covers safety policy, principles and objectives of Architecture and Civil
Engineering Division, general guidelines on safe working procedures for various
construction activities, Site Level Safety Committee responsible for implementation of
these procedures, monitoring and reporting procedures and training and awareness
building programmers. This manual also includes annexures containing various formats
to be followed for implementation of safe working procedure and legal compliance.

Page No.

1. Definition and Scope 1

2. Safety Principles and Objectives 1
3. Safety Policy 1
4. Safety Organization 2
4.1. Site Level Safety Committee 2
4.2. Safety Officer and Safety Steward 3
4.2.1. Duties of Safety Officer 3
4.2.2. Facilities to be provided to Safety Officer 4
4.2.3. Qualifications of Safety Officer 5
5. General Safety Provisions 5
5.1. Work Planning 5
5.2. Job Hazard Analysis Report 5
5.3. Work Permit 5
5.4. Safe Working Procedure 6
5.4.1. Guidelines for General And Enabling Works 6
5.4.2. Demolition 6
5.4.3. Piling 6
5.4.4. Earthwork in Excavation and Backfilling 7
5.4.5. Reinforcement and Concrete Works 9
5.4.6. Scaffolding and Working at Height 11
5.4.7. Construction Machinery and Tools 14
5.4.8. Structural Steel Fabrication 22
5.4.9. Electrical Safety 26
5.4.10. Fire Safety 31
5.4.11. Housekeeping 32
5.4.12. Safe Access to Workplace 33
5.4.13. Common Hazards 33

5.5. Personal Protective Equipment 34
5.6. General Health Management at site 35
5.6.1. General 35
5.6.2. First Aid Facility 36
5.6.3. Fulltime Medical Attendant 36
5.6.4. First Aid Box, Medicines and Medical Equipment 36
5.7. Hygiene At Work Place 37
6. Monitoring and Reporting 37
6.1. Walkthrough Survey 38
6.2. Records 38
6.3. Inspection And Safety Audit 39
7. Training and Awareness Building Programme 39
7.1. Safety Event Calendar 39
7.2. Safety Induction Training 40
7.3. Pep‐talk, Tool Box Training 40
7.4. Sign boards, Posters, Displays 40
10. compressed air system
12. References 42

List of Annexures Page No.
Annexure 1 : Format for Legal Register 43
Annexure 2 : Format for Job Hazard Analysis Report 44
Annexure 3 : Format for Work Permit 45
Annexure 4 : Application for Height Pass 47
Annexure 5 : Format for Safety Checklist for Heavy Duty Tower / 52
Scaffolding Erection
Annexure 6 : Format of Certificate of Test and Thorough Examination of Crane 54
By Third Party
Annexure 7 : Format of Certificate of Test and Thorough Examination of Hoist 55
By Third Party
Annexure 7A : Register of Periodical Test – Examination of Lifting Appliance 57
And Gears, etc.
Annexure 8 : Content of a First Aid Box 60
Annexure 9 : Articles for Ambulance Room / First Aid Post 61
Annexure 10 : Format of Observation Register or Complaint Records 62
Annexure 11 : Form No. SGCW‐1 63
Annexure 12 : Form No. SGCW‐2 64
Annexure 13 : Format for Injury Report for Contract/Casual Worker 67
Annexure 14 : Format for Inspection of Fire Extinguishers 69
Annexure 15 : Format for Testing of Portable and Other Electrically 70
Operated Equipment
Annexure 16 : Abbreviations 71

Safety Manual for Works


1.2 Definition:
Construction: Construction is the process of making, building, fabrication and/or erection
of structures for some facility to be housed in the same.
Safety: Safety is the state of being safe or free from any kind of hazard.
Contract: A contract is a legally binding mutual agreement between the parties identified
in the agreement to fulfil all the terms and conditions outlined in the agreement.

1.3 Scope: The manual covers Civil and Public Health construction safety and the scope of
this safety manual shall be for all the construction activities undertaken by Architecture &
Civil Engineering. This manual may be referred to for any Civil and Public Health
construction works and facilities.


2.2 Safety Principles:

2.2.1 Ensuring safety at construction sites is mandatory requirement as it is directly
related to welfare of staffs and contractors’ workers.
2.2.2 All accidents and occurrences of near‐misses can be avoided by proper planning
and thorough implementation of safe practices at work place.
2.2.3 All types of injuries, fatalities, loss of property and time can be minimized through
preventive measures.
2.2.4 To increase the safety consciousness of the workforce and the supervisory staffs
through continuous training and motivation towards safe practices.
2.2.5 Regular monitoring, inspections and safety audits will form an integral part of the
safety programs at the worksite.

2.3 Safety Objectives:

2.3.1 To provide a safe working environment to all workers and supervisory staffs.
2.3.2 To ensure safety at each and every level of the project as an integral part of the
2.3.3 To enhance the safety standards as a continuous effort.
2.3.4 To complete project in an incident‐free manner, without any damage to health,
property and environment.


GACE is committed to ensure the highest standard of occupational health, safety and
environment in all construction activities undertaken in order to achieve zero‐accident
working period in all projects and thereby contributing towards enhancement of the
safety performance of the centre.
Safety Manual for Works


Contractor shall form a Site Level Safety Committee (SLSC) comprising employees from all
sections and one representative from the department. As per chapter XXI, Rule 208,
Central Rules 1998, SLSC shall be constituted by the contractor (Employer) wherein 500 or
more workers are employed. In addition, the corporate office of the contractor shall have
a safety and environmental control section to liaise with the Competent Authority and
carry out periodic safety audit at site. Contractor shall not be self‐ complacent with mere
compliance with sections and rules of various Acts and Rules applicable to construction
safety. He shall promote health, safety and environment practices by identifying the
personnel and assigning specific responsibilities to them so that proper safety is
implemented at site and a safety culture is created among his all employees and
workmen and maintained until completion of the project.

4.2 Site Level Safety Committee: (SLSC)

For a project site having maximum strength of less or equal to 500 numbers of workers,
Contractor shall identify a Site Engineer to perform the duty of the Safety
Engineer/Officer at site. The numbers of representatives from the contractor and the
workers in the Site Level Safety Committee (SLSC) shall be as per chapter XXI, Rule 208,
Central Rules 1998. The committee shall meet at regular intervals, at least once in every
month and shall be chaired by the senior most person having over all control of the affairs
of the construction site, normally the Project Manager or the authorized signatory (power
of attorney holder) of the contractor with Safety Officer as Member Secretary. All section‐
in‐charges including site engineers, electrical, mechanical, QA/QC, Stores, administration
section, representatives of the workers and one representative of the department shall
be the members of this committee. The duties of the committee are enlisted as under:

The main job of the Site Level Safety Committee is to ensure health and safety of all
employees, workers and the neighborhood and for this the committee shall ‐
(a) See that all the provisions of relevant Acts & Rules and conditions referred in
contract agreement are conformed to.
(b) See that a well-documented safety program me exists.
(c) See that a work permit system exists for all construction activities, especially for‐
(i) Any work at hazardous locations such as at height or at depth;
(ii) All hot jobs, fabrication works and electrical repairs & maintenance works;
(iii) All concreting works; and
(iv) Under high noise and high dust environment.
(d) See that all employees are informed of the hazards involved in their work and are
provided with adequate protective equipments.
Safety Manual for Works

(e) See that the work environment and the neighborhood is free from debris, muck,
insects and any unhygienic conditions at any time and proper access and
illumination is ensured at the workplace.
(f) See that a detailed schedule for periodic calibration and preventive maintenance
of all the machinery and equipments is being implemented.
(g) See that periodic medical examination of all employees and workers are carried
out to the extent required as per the work environment.
(h) Assess the potential hazards and dangerous occurrences at the work place and
examine the effectiveness of the safety and control measures.
(i) See that various processes of construction and disposal of debris and effluents are
safe to ensure conformance to the Environmental Protection Act, 1986.
(j) Discuss accidents and dangerous occurrences at the work place and examine root
causes of accidents and suggest to the management necessary improvements.
(k) Organize safety circles in the site for developing safety culture.
(l) Investigate complaints received from anybody about the risks or dangers.
(m) Promote safety and health by organizing accident prevention programs,
campaigns and meets on continual basis by organizing safety weeks, safety
competitions, safety talks and film shows on safety, displaying posters and other
promotional activities to stimulate interest among staff and workers about safety.

The agenda and minutes of the meeting to be circulated to all concerned. The decisions
and recommendations of SLSC shall be complied with by the contractor within
specified/reasonable time.

4.3 Safety Officer and Safety Steward:

General: Number of Safety Officers and Stewards: The number of Safety Officers and
Stewards to be engaged by the contractor shall be as per Chapter XXI, Rule 209 and
schedule VIII of Central Rules, 1998. For a project site having maximum strength of less or
equal to 500 numbers of workers, Contractor shall identify a Site Engineer to perform the
duty of the Safety Engineer/Officer at site. The above provision does not absolve the
concerned Site Engineers / Section‐In‐Charges of the Contractor from the responsibility of
ensuring safe working condition for the workmen deployed at a particular area under
their control. The respective Site Engineer stands equally accountable for occurrence of
any near‐miss and / or any accident at site and the Department reserves the right to take
suitable actions, as deemed fit, against the Contractor’s personnel responsible for such
lapse in ensuring proper safety at site.

4.3.1 Duties of Safety Officer: The duties of Safety Officer shall be to advise and assist the
management in the fulfilment of its obligations, statutory or otherwise, concerning
Atomic Energy Factory Rules, 1996, Act & Central Rules, prevention of personal injuries
and maintaining a safe working environment. These duties shall include the following,
Safety Manual for Works

(a) to advise the concerned departments in planning and organizing measures

necessary for creating a safe working environment for all workmen engaged at
site and to prevent any kind of personal injuries and damage to property;
(b) to advise on safety aspects in all job studies, and to carry out detailed job safety
studies of selected jobs and to formulate Job Hazard Analysis Report and Safety
Manual during initial mobilization stage of the project;
(c) to check and evaluate the effectiveness of the action taken or proposed to be
taken to prevent personal injuries and damage to property;
(d) to ensure that all Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) provided to workers as
required under any of the provisions of the Act or the Rules conform to the
relevant Indian Standards and to advise all Site Engineers / Section‐In‐Charges /
Supervisors to ensure proper use of such PPEs by workers at site;
(e) to provide advice on matters related to carrying out site safety inspections, daily
walk‐through surveys, etc.;
(f) to carry out site safety inspections in order to observe the physical conditions of
work and the work practices and procedures followed by workers and to render
advice on measures to be adopted for removing the unsafe physical conditions
and preventing unsafe actions by workers;
(g) to render advice on matters related to reporting and investigation of industrial
accidents and diseases;
(h) to report and investigate all accidents and near‐misses and to recommend the
preventive measures so as to ensure non‐occurrence of such cases;
(i) To investigate the cases of industrial diseases contracted and reportable
dangerous occurrences.
(j) to advise on the maintenance of such records as are necessary relating to
accidents, dangerous occurrences and industrial diseases;
(k) to promote setting up of Site Level Safety Committee (SLSC) and to act as adviser
and catalyst to such committees;
(l) to organize in association with the concerned departments, campaigns,
competitions, contests and other activities which will create awareness and will
develop and maintain the interest of the workers in establishing and maintaining
safe conditions of work and procedures; and
(m) To design and conduct either independently or in collaboration with the training
department, suitable training and educational programmer for the prevention of
personal injuries.

4.3.2 Facilities to be provided to Safety Officers: The Contractor shall provide each
Safety Officer with such facilities, equipment and information as are necessary to enable
him to discharge his duties effectively. Such typical facilities may include personal
computer, testing facility, facilities for storage of PPE, documents and stationery, etc.
Safety Manual for Works

4.3.3 Qualifications for Safety Officer:

A person shall not be eligible for appointment as a Safety Officer unless he
a) possesses‐ (i) a recognized degree or equivalent in any branch of engineering or
technology and has had practical experience of working in a construction project site in
supervisory capacity for a period of not less than 2 years; or
(ii) A recognized diploma or equivalent in any branch of engineering or Technology and
has had practical experience of working in a construction project site in supervisory
capacity for a period of not less than 5 years;
(b) possesses a degree or diploma in industrial safety recognized by the Central / State
Government in this behalf; and
(c) Has adequate knowledge of the language spoken by majority of the workers in the
region in which the construction project site where he is to be appointed is situated.


5.2 Work Planning: The contractor shall identify the requirements of good practices at
site for fulfilment of legal requirement related to environment, occupational health and
safety. The contractor shall enlist all the activities under the contract in advance and their
effect on safety, health and environment. The contactor shall establish, implement and
maintain procedure to identify and have accesses to applicable legal requirements related
to environment, occupational health and safety. The contractor shall maintain register
(Refer Annexure‐1) of applicable legal requirements which shall be kept updated from
time to time.

5.3 Job Hazard Analysis Report: Contractor shall analyze job‐specific hazards in order to
identify the probable causes to these hazards, well in advance, and recommend the
remedial measures in Job Hazard Analysis Report (Refer Annexure‐2); which shall be
submitted to the Department within one month from the issue of work order in the
approved format and as per guidelines of the Engineer‐In‐Charge for approval of the
Competent Authority as per regulatory requirement of GACE Contractor shall implement
the recommended remedial measures at site in order to create and maintain an accident‐
free working condition at site.

5.4 Work Permit: The contractor’s Site Engineer shall seek work permit for all new
activities to be taken up at site and submit the form duly signed by him in quadruplicate
(Refer Annexure‐3) to Safety Officer before commencement of the work daily. The Safety
Officer will inspect the site and give the clearance to the concerned site engineer. One
copy of the work permit shall be made available with the contractor’s site engineer, site
supervisor, safety officer and departmental staff each. No work shall commence at site
without approved work permit. In case of renewal of work permit, such noting shall be
made on the work permit.
Safety Manual for Works

5.5 Safe Working Procedure:

5.5.1 Guidelines for general and enabling works:
The contractor shall submit the layout of proposed location of site office, stores,
batching plant & silos, mechanical workshop, electrical panel rooms, water points,
first aid centre and safety office and other temporary structures for prior approval
of Engineer‐in‐charge. It shall be ensured that the proposed locations of
temporary structures do not hinder the existing permanent structures, roads,
drains, services, movement of workers and equipment during construction, etc.
and shall be easily accessible. The trial pit location for finding existing
underground services shall also be submitted for advance approval.

5.5.2 Demolition:
Before any demolition work is commenced and also during the progress of the
a) All roads and open area adjacent to the work site shall either be closed or
suitably protected. Appropriate warning signs shall be displayed for cautioning
persons approaching the demolition area. The area shall be cordoned off
b) Protection of adjacent building, underground service lines should be ensured.
Underpinning operations shall not be permitted unless adequate measures
against collapse of structure are ensured.
c) Before demolition operations begin, the Contractor shall ensure that
the power on all electric service lines is shut off and the lines are cut or
disconnected at or outside the demolition site. If it is necessary to maintain
electric power during demolition operation, the required service lines shall be
adequately protected against damage.
d) Persons handling heavy materials /equipments shall wear safety shoes.
e) No floor, roof or other part of the building shall be overloaded with debris or
materials that may render it unsafe.
f) Entries to the demolition area shall be restricted to authorized
persons only.

5.5.3 Piling: Piling rig: The legs of the tripod shall be properly spiked in the ground to prevent
accidents due to slipping of the tripod legs when rested on a paved ground or sleepers.
The shear legs and bases become thin and fatigued with usage. They should be replaced
frequently. Pulley and rope: The pulley and rope shall be checked with reference to the Rule
71 and 72, Section‐ I of BOCW Central Rules, 1998. In addition to this, the pulley and rope
shall be checked before the commencement of day’s work, in this respect‐
a) Check for loose strands and wear, deformation, corrosion and breakage of wires.
Safety Manual for Works

b) Check whether the end of the rope has become loose or has slipped wire clips or
wire sockets.
c) Check against slippage of rope from the sleeve during work.
d) Check if there is any occurrence of torsion in the wire rope while working and if
so, unwind it normally at once.
e) Check if there are any adhesions like mud, earth, etc, on the rope. If so, clean with
wire brush or compressed air.
f) Check if the grease applied on the rope is adequate.
g) Check for wear and cracks on the lining of the clutches and brake band; and the
engine condition.
h) The pulley shall be checked for any cracks in wheel, etc. Field operation: Contractor shall take following precautions during boring of pile
and concreting activity:
 Centering the Pile — the workers helping while marking the pile centre shall be
protected from possible injury by bailer / chisel.
 Driving the casing & cap — workers shall be protected from chances of slippage of
driving bar / clutches falling accidentally.
 Lowering Reinforcement Cages — the lifting and lowering of re‐bar cage shall be
done with utmost care since it is very heavy and at the same time flexible enough
to buckle. Adequate supporting arrangement shall be ensured. The workers shall
be protected from projected parts like binding wire, wire nails, etc. while
preparing the pile cages or handling and lowering them.
 Jammed Casings — while withdrawing the casing, sometimes the casings may get
jammed. During the process of extracting them, the tripod legs shall be secured
properly for prevention of toppling / collapse of tripod due to sudden jerks. The
withdrawal process of casing shall be executed slowly and with proper care in
order to ensure smooth movement of the casing.
 Grounding the Bailers/Chisels — workers shall keep safe distance while the bailers
and chisels are grounded so as to be safe from any injury due to swing of them.
Minimum distance of 5 m shall be maintained.
 Guarding of flywheels – the flywheels of the machine of the piling rigs shall be
guarded properly.
 General precautions — workers shall wear tight fitting clothes and all necessary
PPEs. Care shall be taken for nearby permanent structures for vibrations, etc.
during piling.
5.5.4 Earthwork in excavation and backfilling: The Contractor shall take all safety
precautions during the execution of awarded work and shall maintain and leave the site
safe at all times. Excavation: All trenches 1.2 m or more in depth shall at all times be provided with at least
one ladder at a spacing of 15m or part thereof in case of hazardous work and 30m or part
thereof in case of less hazardous works. Ladder shall be extended from bottom of the
Safety Manual for Works

Trench to at least 1 m above the surface of the ground and the legs of the ladder shall be
secured against slipping. The sides of the trench which are 1.2 m or more in depth shall be stepped back
to give suitable slope (angle of repose depending on the type of the soil) or securely held
by steel or suitable shoring, so as to avoid the danger of sides from collapsing. A provision
of clear berm of a width not less than one‐third of the final depth of excavation is
recommended. In areas, where this width of the berm is not feasible due to space
constraint, the clear berm width (clear space) not less than 1 m shall be provided. Cutting
shall be done from top to bottom. Under no circumstances mining or under‐cutting shall
be done. The Contractor shall ensure the stability and safety of the excavation, adjacent
structures, existing services and the works of other agencies. Open excavations shall be cordoned off by suitable railing/barricading and
photo‐luminescent warning signals installed so as to prevent persons slipping or falling
into the excavations. Warning signals shall be visible at night also and the area shall be
well illuminated during the work. All blasting operations, if permitted by Engineer‐in‐charge, shall be carried out
on the basis of procedures approved by Inspector of Explosives. All works in this
connection shall be carried out as per I.S Code of Practice. Barricades, photo‐luminescent
warning signs, etc. shall be placed on the roads/open area. Prior approval of such
operation shall be obtained from Safety Officer/Engineer‐In‐Charge of Works.
a) For removal of earth from an earth mound work permit shall be obtained from
the Engineer In‐charge / safety officer of the work.
b) As far as practical, earth shall be removed mechanically. Ramp shall be made by
the contractor with suitable hard material for movement of trucks / tippers, etc.
with proper slope, compaction and drainage so as to ensure safe and easy
movement of the above transport vehicles carrying excavated earth.
c) Wherever manual removal of earth is involved, earth shall be removed from the
top by maintaining the proper slope equal to the angle of repose of the earth.
d) Such work shall be constantly supervised by the contractor's responsible person
and frequently inspected by the departmental representative to ensure that no
under‐cutting is done.
e) The excavating equipment should be parked at a distance of not less than the
depth of the trench.
f) For excavation in greater depths, separate access for workers with proper
steps/slope and temporary railing arrangement shall be provided apart from
ladders. The access shall be maintained in proper condition until backfilling is
completed in the excavated area.
g) Experienced and qualified supervisors shall be put in charge of the excavation
work by the contractor. The supervisor shall brief workers about the working plan
before the commencement of work and explain potential hazards to them. He
Safety Manual for Works

Shall pay attention to existing water pipelines, electric cables below the surface or
during excavations of underground structures and arrange for proper protection
to them. Contractor shall report the condition of excavated pit to departmental
staff/Engineer‐in‐charge after every rain and accordingly shall take necessary
corrective action for safety at site.
h) Contractor shall arrange adequate and efficient mechanical dewatering system
as recommended by Engineer‐in‐charge. These pumps shall be inspected and
maintained in proper working condition. The electrically operated pumps shall be
connected to ELCB of proper rating for safety of the person operating/shifting
i) Contractor shall wash the wheels, of the transport vehicles carrying excavated
soil, with water jet before moving out of the site premises so that there is no
spillover of soil on the existing roads. In case there is any such spill over on the
roads, the same shall be cleaned by the contractor by manual / mechanical means
immediately at no extra cost. Backfilling: The earth to be used for backfilling shall be taken from approved location or
borrow pit if the soil is taken from inside BARC. For outside GACE supply, the source shall
be approved by the Department in advance. The contractor shall take precautions for earth mounds stacked for backfilling as
mentioned above under the head of earthwork in excavation. The soil shall not be pushed
indiscriminately by mechanical means into the excavated pit as far as possible. If
mechanical dumping / pushing are unavoidable, it has to be done with proper guidance /
warning (helper / reverse horn to be provided to all vehicles) and the pits have to be
vacated from manpower. The final backfilling shall be done in layers and compacted as per technical
specification of the tender. Utmost care shall be taken by the contractor for protection of
permanent structure or already cast structures during use and movement of mechanical
compactors. The temporary power supply points or panels are to be protected from water
spraying or any other damages during backfilling process.

5.5.5 Reinforcement and Concrete works: Concreting:
a) Manual handling of concrete shall be restricted as far as possible. Proper exhaust
ventilation shall be available at the cement store and during casting work in confined
places. PPE for protection of workers viz. respirators, hand gloves, gumboots, etc. shall be
provided by the contractor to the workers handling cement bags and concrete manually.
b) The contractor shall provide ear‐muffs to the operator / worker exposed to continuous
high‐level of noise and ear‐plugs to all workers involved in the concreting work.
Safety Manual for Works

c) The out riggers / wheels of concrete pump / concrete mixer shall be placed on firm
ground / platform. Pump accessories shall be checked for its safe working pressure
considering maximum pipe line height. A pressure release valve shall be attached to the
pump to release the excess pressure.
d) The pipeline for transporting the concrete shall have the shortest route with minimum
bends and shall be installed on firm supports at suitable intervals. Pipeline shall be
properly joined with clamps and securely tied to nearby support and checked in advance
before starting the concreting. Pipe segments shall be cleaned in advance to avoid
choking of concrete during casting.
e) Length of flexible hose shall be such that it can be easily handled by the workers. The
end of flexible hose shall be checked before commencement of concreting and it shall be
free from loose wires, concrete lumps, etc. The “swan neck” position of the flexible hose
shall be avoided as it results in building up excessive pressure on concrete pump and
clogging of concrete.
f) Ball catcher / Trap to arrest the ball must be provided at the end of the pipe line after
the concreting is over and flexible pipe is removed. The supervisor, who is authorized to
give clearance for ball passing, shall check that whether the ball catcher / trap is fixed
properly before passing the ball. The supervisor shall instruct all workers to keep safe
distance during ball passing.
g) Signaling system ‐ Red and green flags shall be displayed by the supervisors/
designated signalmen, standing in visible locations, for commencement and stopping the
flow of concrete. These signalmen shall not be engaged in any other work during
concreting activity. They shall be trained along with the concrete pump operator in
advance by the contractor for correct signaling. During concreting in night, electric
torches fitted with red/green cellophane papers may be used instead of red/green flags.
h) All mechanical equipment/tools used in concreting activity like batching plant/concrete
mixer, concrete pumps, vibrators, etc. shall be operated by trained person only.
i) Ready Mix Concreting – Loaded transit mixers shall move / park on firm ground as far as
possible. The reversal of transit mixers shall be guided by helpers and reverse horn shall
be used for reversal. Cleaning/washing of transit mixers shall be done at designated area
j) The concrete mixers used for preparation of concrete may be tilting or non‐tilting type,
driven by electric motors or by diesel engine depending upon the location of the
structure. For electric driven mixers, the wire connecting the mixers shall be in good and
sound condition, and the circuit breaker shall be well maintained.
k) Exhaust gases of a diesel engine if inhaled for long period may cause diseases. They
shall be directed away from the operator. All gears and moving parts shall be well
guarded. Care shall be taken to display notice “Under Repairs” while cleaning the drum.
Wire ropes operating the drum and clutches shall be inspected regularly and replaced, if
Safety Manual for Works Reinforcement:
a) Bar bending and cutting yard shall be properly cordoned / barricaded and entry shall be
b) Re‐bar bending and cutting machines shall be handled by trained operator / skilled
c) Shifting of cut re‐bars shall be done by mechanical means as far as possible. When re‐
bars are shifted manually, it shall be done with proper care and proper balance shall be
maintained. Clear access shall be provided for shifting of re‐bars.
d) Proper support shall be given to the column bars by means of rings / props against
undesirable sway.
e) Free ends of the binding wires shall be bent inside to avoid injuries.
f) Proper PPE viz. leather / cotton hand gloves, goggles, etc., for the people handling /
shifting and cutting / tying of re‐bar, shall be used for protection from injury and other
occupational diseases. Formwork for concreting:

a) Shuttering and supporting members viz. props, tie rods, etc. shall be of adequate
strength to support the load / pressure of concrete and the formwork scheme shall be
approved by Engineer‐In‐Charge in advance. The procedure approved by Engineer‐In‐
Charge shall be followed for mixing, transporting and pouring of concrete.
b) The process of stripping of formwork shall be planned in advance and approved by
Engineer‐in‐charge. Stripping shall enable the structural member to behave in desired
manner. The area shall be suitably cordoned / barricaded and unauthorized entry shall be
restricted by displaying signboards, etc.
c) While removing formwork from vertical surfaces, the shuttering board shall be
adequately supported by props, in order to prevent the same from toppling / slipping,
until it is lowered on ground safely. Same support with props shall be provided during
erection of formwork too until the plywood is secured in desired place with tie rods.

5.5.6 Scaffolding and Working at Height: General:
a) All the workers, supervisors and engineers of the contractor, who will work at height,
shall have valid height passes issued as per Annexure‐4 by the Safety Officer / Medical
Attendant in consultation with the Authority of the Safety Unit, ESG, BARC. Each such
individual shall be medically examined by a Medical Practitioner, for blood pressure,
vision, hearing, and efficient movement of limbs, epilepsy, vertigo or any other persistent
diseases that make him/her medically unfit for working at height. The fit persons shall be
issued height passes, which shall be valid for maximum 6 (Six) months, for working at
height. After every 6 (Six) months, these persons shall be medically examined in order to
find out their fitness for working at height. List of unfit workers shall be submitted to the
departmental representative and such persons may be allowed to work at ground level
and in no case shall be engaged by the contractor to work at height. The records of
Safety Manual for Works

Medical checkups / fitness tests certified by the Medical Practitioner shall be maintained
at the first aid centre / safety office of the contractor and shall be produced to the
departmental representative as and when asked.
b) The scaffold to be erected for working at height shall be designed for the estimated
load (load of the RCC structure to be supported, live load and other vibrations load during
casting, etc.) and design shall be submitted for approval of the department in advance.
The scaffold components shall be designed for at least 4 times of the maximum intended
load. The use of Bamboo/Wooden scaffoldings shall not be permitted irrespective of
height of work and only steel scaffolding shall be used by the contractor.
c) The erected scaffold shall be inspected and cleared by the safety officer of the
contractor. The safety check list (Refer Annexure‐5) for scaffolding erection shall be
submitted by the site engineer of the contractor to the safety officer in triplicate. The
standard format of safety check list for scaffolding erection is enclosed as Annexure‐ 5.
The safety officer shall physically inspect the erected scaffolding and after his satisfaction,
shall give clearance for the use of the scaffold. One copy of safety check list, duly filled in
and cleared by safety officer of the contractor, shall be submitted to the departmental
representative. Other two copies shall be available with site engineer and safety officer
of the contractor respectively.
d) Base of the structure shall be supported on levelled and firm ground as far as possible.
In case such firm ground is not available at site then the load of the vertical members of
the scaffold shall be distributed with the help of base plates, sole plates or channels, etc.
The base of the scaffold shall be away (at least 1.5m) from excavated pits, open drains,
manholes, water logged area, etc. Contractor shall ensure that there is no vehicle
movement near the erected scaffold and it shall be protected by proper
barricading/warning sign, etc.
e) The scaffold shall be checked for its condition i.e. it shall be free from bends, cuts, rust,
etc. All vertical members shall be in plumb and correctly spaced. The joints of vertical
and horizontal members shall be properly connected with couplers, lock pins, etc. The
scaffold shall be securely tied with permanent structure as per the requirement of IS:
3696 – 1991 (Part 1) (Reaffirmed in 2002).
f) The access to the scaffolding shall be free from obstructions, undesirable and slippery
materials. Stair tower, monkey ladders, gangway, etc. shall be provided in the scaffolding
for movement of the workers.
g) The working platform and the access to the scaffold shall be free from all debris and
loose materials.
h) The diagonal face bracing/Zig zag face bracing shall be provided at a spacing of
maximum 10 m centre to centre for pipe scaffolding.
i) Safety tag (for ‘Unsafe Scaffolding DO NOT USE’ in red letters or tag / ‘Safe Scaffolding’
in yellow letters or tag) shall be displayed on the erected scaffold at ground level. Such
safety tag / sign boards shall be written in the language understood by the majority of the
workers. Unsafe scaffolds shall be repaired / removed.
Safety Manual for Works

j) Contractor shall provide necessary PPEs as per relevant I.S. Codes for the workers
working at height viz. full harness safety belt, fall arrestor, kinetic shock absorber, safety
helmet, gloves, etc. Working platform:

a) The quality of wooden planks or MS grill plates for decking of working platform shall be
made of good quality material and free from any defects, etc. The load carrying capacity
of the working platform shall be designed in consultation with Engineer‐in‐charge.
Working platform, gangways and stairways shall be so constructed that they shall not sag
unduly or unequally. They shall be closely boarded, shall have adequate width (at least 2
planks/ grill plates wide or 600 mm whichever is more) for easy movement of persons
and materials and shall be suitably guarded.
b) The steel walkways or wooden planks used for making working platform shall not
project beyond the end supports to a distance of 150 mm. The planks shall be rigidly tied
at both ends to prevent sliding and toppling. The thickness of the planks shall be
adequate to take load of men and materials and shall conform to IS: 3696‐1987 (Part‐I)
(Reaffirmed 2002) and they shall not collapse.
c) The overlaps of MS grill plates / wooden planks shall not be less than 300 mm.
d) The platform shall extend at least 600 mm beyond the end of wall in order to facilitate
the worker to reach end of the wall.
e) All working platforms shall have guard rails at 1.0 m height with middle rails at 0.5 m
height from the platform and 15 cm high toe boards securely tied with the vertical posts.
The spacing of vertical posts shall not exceed 2.0 m centre to centre.
f) Every opening in the floor of a building or in a working platform shall be provided with
fencing or railing and protective cover, to prevent fall of persons or materials, the
minimum height of which shall be 1.0 m, along with 15 cm high toe board at floor level
along the railing. The removal of such railing / protective cover shall be done only after
seeking proper work permit from Safety Officer of the contractor.
g) The contractor shall provide grab rope / life line all around the working platform/level,
at height, which will provide tying / anchoring facility for the safety belt / fall arrestor.
h) Contractor shall provide safety net under all working platform/level at height to
protect fall of men and materials from above and such safety nets shall conform to IS:
i) Adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent danger from electrical lines and
equipment. Scaffolding, ladder, working platform, gangways, etc. shall not exist within 5m
of any un‐insulated electric wire. Whenever electric power and lighting cables are
required to run through (pass on) the scaffolding or electrical equipments are used, such
scaffolding structures shall have minimum two earth connections with earth continuity
conforming to relevant IS Code of Practice.
Safety Manual for Works Ladder:
a) Safe means of access shall be provided to all working platforms and other
elevated working places with the help of ladders.
b) Ladder shall be placed in an inclination not steeper than 1 in 4 (1horizontal and 4
c) Every ladder shall be securely fixed at bottom from sliding/slipping.
d) No single portable ladder shall be over 9 m in length.
e) For ladders up to 3m in length, the width between side rails in the ladder shall be
a minimum of 300 mm. For longer ladders, this width shall be increased by at least
20 mm for each additional meter of length.
f) The spacing of rungs shall be uniform and shall not exceed 300 mm.
g) Ladder shall be of rigid construction having sufficient strength for the intended
loads and made either of good quality wood or metal. All ladders shall be
maintained well for safe working condition. The rungs shall be tested periodically
as per provisions of IS: 3696 ‐1991 (Part 2) (Reaffirmed in 2002).
h) Whenever ladder is not securely fixed an extra worker shall be engaged for
holding the ladder.
i) Ladders shall not be used for climbing while carrying materials in hands. While
climbing, both the hands shall be free for holding the rails. Contractor shall make
alternate safe arrangement for lifting of tools and implements for all his workers
working at height.

5.5.7 Construction machinery and Tools:

General: The operation and maintenance of any construction machinery shall be as per
manufacturer’s guidelines & checklists and by trained personnel only. Earth moving machinery:
General: The contractor shall ensure the stability of the equipment, while working,
depending on the load bearing capacity of the ground; which may reduce due to presence
of moisture and due to vibration effect. The contractor shall provide bearing plates,
packing, etc. to strengthen the ground below outriggers or wheel or crawler of the
equipment. All earth moving equipment shall have Roll over Protective Structures, sound
suppressers, seat belts, reverse alarms, warning horns, windshield wipers and easily
approachable control and lever for brake system and emergency stop. They shall be
checked at the time of delivery and they shall be properly maintained. Contractor shall
display warning sign for keeping away from the moving parts of such equipment and the
area of operation of such machinery shall be properly cordoned. The shovel / bucket of
the earth moving equipment shall be rested on ground when the equipment is not
working. Operation of such equipment shall always be carried out by trained operator
accompanied by the designated helper.
a) Power shovels: The shovels both mechanical as well as hydraulic / pneumatic type
need basic precautions while being operated. The excavators shall not lose their stability
while operating. The Contractor shall adhere to the Load Charts for various boom lengths
Safety Manual for Works

Provided by the manufacturers. For the mechanical shovels, the wire rope shall be
changed as per the frequency mentioned in history sheet. For Hydraulic hoses, the
connections shall be tight and leak proof. The fire extinguisher of appropriate type
confirming to IS: 2190‐1992 (Reaffirmed in 2007) shall be made available on the hydraulic
b) Bulldozers: The blade of Bulldozer shall be inspected at least once in a week. The
blade shall not be used as a brake except in emergency. The position of the blade shall be
adjusted while travelling up or down the gradient. The Bulldozer shall be parked on
levelled ground, by applying hand brakes and by lowering blade.
c) Scrapers: The brakes of the Scraper shall be checked before putting it in operation. The
scraper bowl shall be repaired and the cutting blades shall be changed periodically. The
bowl shall be locked before carrying out the repairs. The bucket shall be raised while
moving the scrapper. No vehicle movement shall be allowed within the radius of
movement of scrapper and the area shall be properly cordoned. The wire ropes shall be
checked periodically by visual inspection at least once in a fortnight. Lifting and hoisting machinery: Use of lifting machines and tackles including their
attachments, anchorage and supports shall conform to the Rules 55 to 71 of chapter VII
of BOCW Central Rules, 1998 and shall also conform to the following conditions.
(a) Lifting machines and tackles shall be of good mechanical construction,
sound material and adequate strength and free from any defects and shall be kept in
good repair and in good working condition. Every rope used in hoisting or lowering
materials or as the means of suspension shall be as per manufacturer’s guidelines, of
good quality and adequate strength and dimension and free from any defect. Test
certificates of such ropes, D‐shackles, etc. shall be submitted in advance by the
(b) Every crane operator or lifting appliance operator shall be properly qualified. No
person under the age of 18 years shall be in charge of any hoisting machine or to give
signal to operator of such machine.
(c) In case of every lifting machine (and of every chain, ring, hook, D‐shackle, swivel and
pulley block used in hoisting or as means of suspension) the safe working load shall be
ascertained and clearly marked. In case of a lifting machine, having a variable safe
working load, each safe working load and the conditions under which it is applicable shall
be clearly indicated. No part of any machine or any gear referred to above in this
paragraph shall be loaded beyond the safe working load except for the purpose of testing.
This shall be approved by the Safety Officer of the contractor.
(d) The Contractor shall notify the safe working load of the machine to the Engineer‐in‐
charge whenever he brings any machinery to site and get it verified by the third party
testing, supported by a valid test certificate.
(e) The base of such hoisting equipment shall be kept in perfect horizontal condition since
any tilt would reduce the load carrying capacity of the equipment. The foundation shall
Safety Manual for Works

Be firm enough to support the equipment. The level shall be checked every day before
starting the work in case of mobile hoisting equipment.
(f) Thorough inspection and load testing of lifting machines and tackles shall be done by a
third party, at least once in every 12 months and the records of such inspection and
testing shall be maintained and a copy shall be submitted by the contractor to the
departmental representative at site. Motors, transmission, couplings, belts, chain drives
and other moving parts of hoisting appliances shall be provided with adequate
safeguards. Hoisting appliances shall be provided with such means as it shall minimize the
risk of any part of a suspended load becoming accidentally displaced or lowered.
(g) Double sling shall be used for hoisting material. The angle of the sling shall be wide
enough for safe hoisting and the sling shall be adjusted as per the centre of gravity of the
material to be lifted. A guide rope (manila rope of sufficient length, normally 1.5m long)
shall be attached to the end of the material lifted in order to pull the same conveniently
during lowering.
(h) The contractor shall maintain a Register of Periodical Tests for Examination of Lifting
Appliances and Gears (Refer Annexure 7A) at site as per Rule 74, Chapter VII, BOCW
Central Rules, 1998 and record the periodic / annual thorough examination of such
appliances (viz. winches, derricks, their accessory gears, loose gears, ropes, hooks,
shackles, swivels, etc.). This register shall be kept available at site always for examination
of the department. Tower Cranes: Erection & Commissioning ‐ the type of the tower crane to be
used shall be selected based on the load to be lifted, the reach of the boom and the
height at which the material is to be shifted. The contractor shall follow all the safety
instructions given in the manufacturer’s manual for erection, dismantling or extension
(jumping) of tower cranes. The contractor shall submit the operation manual, provided by
the manufacturer, to the departmental representative before erection of the same at site.
For both movable and fixed tower cranes, the adequacy of the counterweight shall be
ensured. The base of the tower crane shall be in perfect horizontal level. Base shall be
capable of bearing the loads during the operation of tower crane.
The foundation of the tower crane (mainly for static tower crane) shall be properly
designed, for at least 25% more than the maximum load carrying capacity of the crane.
For erection of mobile tower crane, the contractor shall first level and compact the soil at
the place of erection or shall lay PCC / RCC of sufficient thickness if the soil condition is
poor. The out riggers / wedge of the mobile tower crane shall be properly secured. The
limit switch of the tower crane shall be properly calibrated and checked periodically by
the contractor in order to ensure safe load carrying capacity of the same. The load
carrying capacity shall be tested, at least once in 12 months, by a third party and a copy of
such test shall be submitted by the contractor to the departmental representative at site.
The limit switch shall function in such a manner that it immediately cuts off the power
supply to the hoisting motor of the crane on overloading. The electrical power supply
system of the crane shall be through MCB / ELCB of proper rating which shall be
Safety Manual for Works

Periodically checked. The height of the tower crane shall be such that it clears all
obstruction like column dowels, protruding parts of scaffolds, overhead electric lines, etc.
easily while hoisting the loads.
Operation – The crane shall never be used to pick the loads which are out of the crane’s
reach or to do skew pulls of any sort. The load (to be lifted by the crane) shall be free from
any sticky characteristic which may cause sudden jerk while lifting. No worker / person
shall be lifted by tower crane. Any kind of swinging of lifted load, to put them out of
crane’s reach, shall not be tried. The operator shall not reverse the motor in order to
achieve quicker stop to save time. He shall execute one operation at a time only and shall
never combine horizontal movement of trolley with vertical movement of lifting hook.
Tower crane shall be protected from sway due to wind load, etc. during operation.
Precautions in high wind load (more than 72 kmph or possibility of storm) shall be taken
as per manufacturer’s guide. Various components and parts of the tower crane like wire
ropes, pulleys, structural members of the tower and boom, etc. shall be periodically
checked and properly maintained by the mechanical engineer of the contractor. Proper
lighting arrangement with the boom and the tower of the crane shall be provided as
safety arrangements for clear visibility during night. The tower crane shall be provided
with the siren / horn facility in order to caution the workers in vicinity during operation of
the crane. The operator shall take “START” and “HOISTING” signal from the designated
helper / supervisor only; however, “STOP” signal can be taken from anyone.
Maintenance ‐ The balancing rope, trolley rope, hoisting rope and erection rope shall be
checked as per maintenance guidelines given by the manufacturer and they shall be
replaced immediately as and when required. For regular maintenance, the manufacturer’s
manual shall be followed. Mobile Cranes: The contractor shall take care that, the engine of the crane shall
be kept running with the gear engaged and maintain a slow speed, while moving down the
hill. While travelling uphill or downhill, the boom shall always be kept downhill in order to
prevent the boom from falling back. The soil of working area, movement area and parking
area of the mobile crane shall be well compacted and shall have proper drainage
arrangement. The area shall be dry, levelled and firm enough to hold the load of the
mobile crane. In case the soil is soft, the area under the wheels should be made solid with
stones, wooden slippers, etc. This also applies to the crawler mounted cranes. The chart
for rated load vis‐à‐vis operation radii for mobile crane shall be referred to before any
erection and the same shall be submitted by the contractor to the departmental
representative in advance. In no case, the maximum operation radius shall be exceeded.
The out‐ riggers / jacks along with bearing plates shall be used while in operation and no
load shall come on the wheels. The lifting hook shall be tied / anchored while the crane is
moving or not operational. Before starting operation at the beginning of day’s work, the
capacity load shall be picked up to 0.3 m above the ground to test the drift, if any, due to
faulty brakes. The brakes shall be ‘ON’ when a rubber tier crane is operated. The operator
shall always avoid any jerky start or a fast swing during operation of the crane since it
Safety Manual for Works

Increases the risk of overturning of the crane. The pressure in the pneumatic tier shall be
maintained correctly in all wheeled machines. The crane shall be equipped with the
following features:
i) Anemometer to indicate wind pressure
ii) Anchors for rail mounted cranes
iii) Load Limiter to prevent failure of ropes
iv) Safety stops to restrict crane travel
v) Swinging radius indicator to indicate safe load at given radius
vi) Heel indicators to control crane heeling
vii) Electrical/mechanical safe limits to compare the weight actually hoisted
and the load admissible at various swing radii
The standard formats for inspection and certificate of testing for crane and hoist are given as per
Annexure 6 and 7. Builder Hoists: The capacities of the builder hoists are limited. The structure of builder
hoist shall be supported from permanent structure like column, slab, etc. so that the rails do not
rattle while operating the hoist. The structure shall be vertically held in position. Periodic
checking and maintenance shall be done by the contractor for the condition of ropes, rails,
pulleys, bucket/hopper, locking system, etc. from time to time. There shall not be any
obstruction or protruding part on the way of movement of builder hoist. The builder hoist shall
never be used for movement of manpower. The openings shall be cordoned by guard rails as per
safety provisions under working at height. Transporting Machinery:

a) Trucks, tippers, dumpers used in transportation of excavated earth or other materials;
which are loaded with mechanical excavators, shovels / loaders shall have strong
canopies over the driver’s cabin to protect them from injuries while loading. The driver’s
cabin for all the vehicles at construction site shall have a system of sound and vibration
suppression, seat belts, reverse horn/alarm, rear view mirror, wide windshield, triplex
glass, wiper, sun visor, etc. Brakes and control shall be designed so as to get locked when
the vehicle is parked. While going down the gradient, the speed of the vehicle should be
controlled. Hydraulic retarder shall be used for big dumpers. Persons holding valid driving
licenses for heavy motor vehicle shall be engaged as drivers of the respective type of
vehicles. Every dumper, tipper, truck, etc. shall be accompanied by helper and driver shall
take all signals from his helper only. The access road of such transport vehicle shall be
firm and levelled as far as practicable and shall be free from any obstacle.
b) Trucks shall be loaded at places where there is no danger of falling rock or landslide.
While loading trucks with mechanical excavators, shovels, etc. suitable distance shall be
kept to avoid the shovel touching the truck. Brakes shall be applied when a vehicle is
loaded and unloaded. The vehicles shall not be overloaded and the loading shall be even.
Stop logs shall be used while loading and transportation so that the back door of the
dumper does not open undesirably.
Safety Manual for Works

c) For tough riders, the hydraulic system for the bucket shall be checked periodically as
per manufacturer’s maintenance manual. They shall not be overloaded. Concrete mixers and batching plants: The concrete mixers and batching plants shall be
calibrated by the contractor at least once in a month and such records shall be made available to
the departmental staff for record. Concrete mixers: The mixer shall be placed on levelled and firm ground. The
hopper shall rest on ground while loading of aggregates and cement. The hopper shall not
be overloaded. The gear, pulley, ropes, etc. shall be checked regularly and replaced as
and when required. Concrete mixers shall be operated by trained / skilled operator only.
In case of electrically operated mixer machines, the switch boxes shall be properly
guarded from rain and dust. Batching Plant: The installation, operation, maintenance and decommissioning
of batching plant shall be done as per manufacturer’s guidelines and manuals. All
electrical works and connections shall be done by a licensed electrician under supervision
of electrical engineer of the contractor. The DG requirement (in case of power cuts) shall
be of at least 150% of the overload capacity. The operations of hopper, scrapper and pan
mixer shall be smooth and periodic inspection shall be done as per manufacturer’s
guidelines. The material bins shall be checked periodically for presence of any boulders,
lumps, etc. which may choke in the hopper causing disruption of operation of the
batching plant. Proper care shall be taken during feeding cement silo from the bulker for
any loose joints in the feeder pipe and pump of the silo. The silo shall have a guarded
monkey ladder for access to the top. The person accessing the top of silo shall seek work
permit in advance and shall use proper PPE while climbing. The outer surface of the silo
shall be properly painted and maintained against weathering effects. The contractor shall
make available at least one fire extinguisher near the operator cabin of the batching plant
and the same shall be maintained in good condition at all times. The operator cabin and
the scrapper cabin shall be well ventilated and dust proof. The underground water
tank/Vat of the batching plant shall be covered with suitable protective cover and shall be
cordoned all around. Hydraulic machines: Hydraulic operated machines like mechanical excavators, jacks, or
any other hydraulically operated parts, etc. shall be handled carefully. The pressure relief valves
mounted on the Hydraulic construction equipment shall not be tampered. These machines shall
be equipped with the foam based fire extinguisher. These machines shall be maintained at
regular intervals as per the manufacturer’s manual, to avoid failure of brakes, hydraulic system,
etc. Regular checking shall be done for such equipment for any leakage, condition of the hoses
and connections, etc. Contractor shall give proper training to the operator, mechanic, etc. before
they handle the equipment.
Safety Manual for Works Dewatering pumps, Concrete pumps, Boom placer pumps: Dewatering pumps: The rotating parts of the dewatering pump shall be well
guarded. Only authorized operator / mechanic shall operate the pump on requirement.
He shall not wear any loose clothes while operating the pump. The exhaust of the smoke
shall be away from the workers working in the surrounding area. The pump shall be
operated and maintained as per the manufacturer’s guidelines.
For electrically operated dewatering pumps including submersible pumps, special care
shall be taken while operating them. Such pumps shall be fitted with ELCB of proper
rating. The power shall be put off before shifting or removal of the submersible pumps.
Only authorized operator / electrician shall be allowed to operate the same. Stationery Concrete Pumps and Boom Placer pumps:
The commissioning, operation and maintenance of concrete pumps (both stationery and
boom placer type) shall be done as per manufacturer’s guidelines or manual provided
along with the equipment. The safety procedure and tips as mentioned in these
guidelines shall not be violated. A copy of such manuals shall be submitted to the
department before installing the equipment at site. Apart from manufacturer’s manual,
the following guidelines shall be followed for operation and maintenance of the concrete
a) The operation, maintenance and signaling of concrete pumps shall be done by trained
and authorized personnel having minimum 18 years of age.
b) Place of work shall be so selected that the visibility of batching plant operator/transit
mixer driver, concrete pump operator, signal man/supervisor and hose man (at the
pouring point) is ensured all at a time. In case such visibility between all the above people
cannot be ensured, then at least the pump operator shall be able to see the batching
plant operator and signal man separately. The pump operator shall play most important
role in pouring and he shall be properly trained by the safety officer/site Engineer of the
contractor to understand the signaling process properly in order to ensure smooth
concreting activity at site.
c) When the concrete is being placed in the hopper of the pump (either from batching
plant chute or transit mixer chute), no person shall climb on the hopper of the pump.
d) The danger zones (within working area) like hose end position, beneath the placing
boom, moving parts of the concrete pump and its hopper, its support legs and the area of
the concrete pipe line, etc. shall be identified by the safety officer/ mechanical engineer
in advance. Accordingly these areas shall be cordoned and restricted movement shall be
ensured as practicable as possible.
e) The concrete pipeline (delivery system) for stationary pumps shall be checked by the
mechanical engineer before he seeks work permit for concreting activity, for proper
clamping of the pipe joints, supports for pipe line, etc. The pipe line shall have minimum
number of bends and shall be straight as far as possible. In case pipe line needs to change
the direction, then there shall be at least 5 m straight portion just after the concrete
pump. The bends in the pipe line shall be as smooth as possible.
Safety Manual for Works

f) Inspection interval shall be decided based on manufacturer’s guide line, age of the
concrete pump, quantity of the operating hours and output of concrete.
g) Personal protective equipments like helmet, safety shoes, ear defenders (ear muff/ ear
plug), protective gloves and goggles, face mask/respiratory protector, etc. shall be
arranged by the contractor for all the workers working on concrete pump.
h) Concrete pump shall have suitable pressure relief valve, set at a predetermined
pressure level, in order to ensure safety of the workers as well as the pump. Tools: Pneumatic Tools:
The hose of the compressed air shall not be directed towards a person’s body.
Compressed air shall not be used for cleaning of dust on the clothes of the workers. The
compressed air line shall not be bent to stop the flow of air. This may cause building of
pressure resulting in bursting of pipe and injury to the person. The operator shall use
earmuffs on regular basis. The person cleaning certain area with compressed air shall be
given safety goggles, dust respirators and ear plugs. Other workers shall not be present in
the area which is being cleaned. Abrasive Tools:
All machines, hand tools, etc. shall be test driven and necessary earthing shall be checked
before actual use. All moving parts of mills, mixers and disintegrators shall have secure
guards to avoid injury to workers. Contractor shall provide protective equipment to
workers involving in crushing, grinding or pulverizing operations and all the machines
shall be covered overall with hard material to keep them clean.
a) Drills: All the pneumatic drills shall be equipped with the additional lateral handles to
avoid accidents wherein the back twisting torque exceeds 15 Nm. Compressed air
hoses shall be suitably covered or hung from the ceiling.
b) Saws: The contractor shall ensure that all the built‐in safety devices of the pneumatic
saws such as adjustable riving knife, guard hood, replaceable blade aperture insert,
push stick and start/stop switch shall not be tampered by the workers during
operations. The contractor shall provide standard PPEs such as ear plugs or earmuffs
as the noise level during operations of saws may exceed 90 dB.
c) Grinding machines: The contractor shall use correct type of wheel depending on type
of material to be ground such as separate wheel for concrete and steel surfaces, etc.
The expiry date written on the wheel shall be referred before use. The RPM of the
wheel shall match with that of the grinding machine. The wheel may get chipped or
cracked in transportation or in storage. In order to check this defect, the wheel shall
be held loosely on a finger through the arbor hole and tapped lightly with a wooden
hammer. The grinding machine shall have proper earthing, guards, etc. and the
operator shall use all necessary PPEs like hand gloves, goggles, ear plugs, dust
respirators, etc.
d) Pneumatic Tools Safety: The contractor shall check all the rotating tools with the
Tachometer for proper operating speed before accessories are attached. The
Safety Manual for Works

Contractor shall operate all the grinding wheels under or inside the guards (except
cone shaped wheels and small mounted points). The diameter of the wheel arbors
shall match that of the grinding wheels. The wheel washer (blotter) and collar shall
grip the wheel firmly and the two shall never be of different diameters. The nut which
holds the wheel on the arbor and the washer (blotter) against the wheel shall be of
ample size and strength. The contractor shall follow the manufacturer’s charts about
the applications and speed of the various types of the grinding wheels.
e) Hand Tools:
i) Impact Tools: The contractor shall use precision grip for the most commonly
used impact tool, hammer for light work. For safe operations, the hammer shall
have a straight cylindrical handle of 24 to 40 mm caliber with a maximum length
of 600 mm and maximum head weight of 6.5 to 7.5 kg. Hammers shall be
maintained such that cracked or weak handles are replaced and heads are in good
condition and firmly secured to an undamaged handle.
ii) Cutting Tools: The contractor shall ensure that various cutting tools like axes,
chisels and shovels, etc. are made up of material with adequate strength. The
contractor shall ensure that wooden handles are to be moist before use during
summer. Proper PPEs like hand gloves, ear plugs, goggles, dust respirators, etc.
shall be provided to the worker as per the need of the work.

5.5.8 Structural Steel Fabrication: Welding and Gas Cutting: Welding and gas cutting operations shall be done only
by qualified and authorized persons and as per IS: 818‐1968 (Reaffirmed in 2008). No hot
job shall be done without approved work permit.

a) Welding and gas cutting shall not be carried out in places where flammable/any
materials such as combustible/flammable chemicals, dyes, hessian cloth, wooden
pieces, cylinders, etc. are kept within 10 m from the spot of fabrication or gas
b) Gas cylinders:
i) General precautions:
‐ Cylinders together with their valves and other fittings and identification
colors shall be maintained in good condition.
‐ No lubricant shall be used in any fittings of the cylinders.
‐ No cylinder shall be subjected to any heat treatment or exposed to a high
temperature or to the sun or stored with flammable or explosive material.
‐ Every cylinder containing compressed gas shall have its valve securely closed
so as to prevent leakage. Valves fitted to the cylinders containing LPG and
highly toxic gases shall be provided with security nut on the outlet to act as a
secondary means of safeguard against leakage of gas.
Safety Manual for Works

‐ If the leak in the valve cannot be rectified by tightening the gland‐nut or the
spindle, the cylinder shall be removed to an open space where it is least
dangerous to life and property and the Filler shall be informed.
ii) Handling and use:
‐ Cylinders shall be adequately supported during handling.
‐ Trolleys and cradles of adequate strength shall, as far as possible, be used
when moving the cylinders.
‐ The cylinders shall be handled carefully and not be allowed to fall on one
another or subjected to any undue shock.
‐ Sliding, dropping or playing with cylinders is prohibited.
‐ LPG cylinders and cylinders containing liquefied gas shall always be kept in
upright position and be so placed that they cannot be knocked over.
‐ Cylinders used in horizontal position shall be so secured that they do not roll.
‐ Open flames, lights, lighting of fires, welding and smoking shall be prohibited
in close proximity of any cylinder containing flammable gases except those in
use for welding, cutting or heating.
iii) Storage of cylinders:
‐ Cylinders shall be stored in cool, dry, well ventilated place under cover, away
from boilers, open flames, steam pipes or any potential sources of heat and
such place shall be easily accessible.
‐ The storage room or shed shall be of fire‐resistant construction.
‐ Thin‐walled cylinders such as LPG and cylinders of dissolved gas shall not be
stacked in horizontal position.
‐ Cylinders containing flammable and toxic gases shall be kept separated from
each other and from cylinders containing other types of gases by an adequate
distance or by suitable partition wall.
‐ Cylinders shall not be stored under conditions that will cause them to corrode.
‐ Cylinders shall not be stored with any combustible materials.
‐ Empty cylinders shall be segregated from filled ones and care shall be taken
that the valves are tightly shut.
‐ Specificity of gas cylinders: Gas cylinders designed and approved for filling a
particular gas should not be used for filling with any other gas without specific
approval from the Chief Controller of Explosives.
iv) Transport of cylinders:
‐ Cylinders filled with any compressed gas shall not be transported by bicycle or
any other two‐wheeled mechanically propelled vehicle.
‐ Cylinders shall be so transported as not to project in the horizontal plane
beyond the sides or ends of the vehicle by which they are transported.
‐ Cylinders shall be adequately secured to prevent their falling off the vehicle
and being subjected to rough handling, excessive shocks or local stresses.
Safety Manual for Works

v) Restrictions on transport of cylinders:

‐ Cylinders containing flammable gases shall not be transported along with
cylinders containing any other type of compressed gas.
‐ Cylinders containing toxic or corrosive gases shall not be transported along with
vi) Loading and unloading of cylinders for transport: No lifting magnet shall be
used in loading or unloading of cylinders filled with compressed gas. When any
such operation is carried out by means of a crane or fork lift truck, a proper cradle
with chains or wire rope slings shall be used.
vii) Protection of valves: The valves of compressed gas cylinders should be
protected against damage during transport.
viii) Notice of accident: Notice of an accident involving compressed gas cylinder
should be given to the Chief Controller of Explosives, by an express telegram,
followed by a letter within 24 hours giving particulars of the occurrence and to the
Officer‐in‐Charge of the nearest Police Station.
ix) Condemning of Cylinders: Any cylinder which does not pass the periodical test
or loses over 5% of its tare weight or found to be defective should be destroyed.
c) Barrier screens shall be erected to protect other persons from harmful rays and
sparks from the work. When welding or gas cutting is carried out in elevated
positions, precautions like providing metal sheet, etc. shall be taken to prevent
sparks or hot molten metal falling on persons or flammable materials below.
d) Adequate ventilation shall be provided for easy dispersion of gas while welding,
brazing and cutting in confined space.
e) Suitable type of protective clothing consisting of fire resistant gauntlet gloves,
boots and aprons shall be provided to workers to protect from heat and hot
molten metal splashes. Welding shields with filter glasses of appropriate shade
shall be worn as face protection against UV & IR rays.
f) Welding and gas cutting shall not be carried out by standing on drums, barrels,
tanks or other containers.
g) Appropriate type fire extinguisher and fire bucket shall be available near the
location of welding operations.
h) Contractor’s safety officer shall ensure at least half an hour fire watch after the
hot work is over. Electric Arc Welding: For Electric Arc welding the following additional safety
precautions shall be taken:
i) All power connections shall be routed through ELCB of proper rating and
machine connections shall be through MCB. Double earthing shall be provided to
the welding machine. A provision of a separate return path shall be ensured.
ii) The cable to be used shall be of adequate capacity corresponding to output of
the welding transformer / generator and shall be routed through dry isolated
path. Welding cable terminals shall be provided with lugs and connected properly.
Safety Manual for Works

Proper insulation of cable with insulation tape of approved quality shall be

ensured and only double insulated cable shall be used. Extension of welding
cables shall be done using standard connectors.
iii) Pipe lines carrying flammables shall not be used as part of earth conductor, but
a separate earth conductor shall be connected to the machine directly from the
job. Painting and Dye Penetration testing shall not be done near electric arc
iv) Personal contact with the electrode or other live parts of electric welding
equipment shall be avoided. Wires and cables shall not be hung from any metal
v) Accidental contact of electrodes with ground shall be prevented.
vi) The welding cables shall not be allowed to get entangled with power cables. It
shall be ensured that the cables are not damaged by movement of materials.
Dragging and coiling of cable shall be avoided.
vii) For Dye Penetration test, necessary care shall be taken so that there is no hot
job going on nearby. Place of the test shall be well ventilated. Grinding:
i) All portable grinders shall be used only with their wheel guards in position to reduce the
danger from flying fragments should the wheel break during the use.
ii) Grinding wheels of specified diameter only shall be used on a grinder portable or
pedestal in order not to exceed the prescribed peripheral speed.
iii) Goggles shall be worn during grinding operation.
iv) All safety procedures as mentioned in shall also be followed for grinding
v) Safety provisions for grinding activity as per IS: 1991‐1987 (Part 1‐10) (Reaffirmed
in 2002) shall be followed. Erection: Only trained operators and workers shall be engaged for the erection of
structural fabricated members. For erection by mechanical means, the safety procedures as
mentioned in and shall be followed in addition to the following guidelines:
a) The heavy materials shall not be manually handled. They shall be handled and shifted
by mechanical means like crane, hydra, trolley, etc. of adequate capacity.
b) All mechanical transport devices and erection equipment shall be operated with the
assistance of a helper / supervisor exclusively for proper signaling.
c) While erecting fabricated members, suitable guy rope arrangement shall be made to
avoid sudden toppling of derrick.
d) Chain pulley block, D‐shackles and wire ropes (lifting appliances) shall be have rated
capacity at least 2.0 times more than the maximum desired load to be lifted. Hooks, jigs
and fixtures used shall be marked with their capacities.
e) Two or more slings shall be used for lifting the loads and they shall be tied as per the
centre of gravity of the load to be lifted.
Safety Manual for Works

5.5.9 Electrical Safety: Guide lines for providing temporary power supply at the site and general
safety procedures for using electricity are given as under. Following safety requirements shall be
complied with before the Contractor uses the power supply.
The Contractor shall submit a list of licensed electrical staff to be posted at site. It shall be
the responsibility of the Contractor to provide and maintain complete installation on the load
side of the supply point with regard to the safety requirements at site. All cabling and installation
shall comply with the appropriate statutory requirements given below and shall be subject to
approval of the Departmental Engineer‐in‐charge/ Electrical Engineer.
a) The Electricity Act, 1910 (as amended in 2003)
b) Electricity (Supply) Act, 1948
c) Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 (as amended in 2005)
d) National Electric Code 1985 (as amended in 2005)
e) Other relevant rules of Local Bodies and Electricity Boards After installation of the electrical power wiring works by the contractor, form of
completion certificate as per IS: 732 – 1989 (Reaffirmed in 2005) (Form SGCW – 1 – Annexure
11) shall be submitted by the contractor duly signed by the authorized valid licensed electrical
contractor and /or supervisor along with one copy of the contractor's license and/or competency
certificate of supervisor issued by the Electricity Board/Government Electricity Organizations as
per the enclosure. The power supply shall be regulated as per the terms and conditions of the
supply of the respective electricity boards.
(a) For purposes of electrical load and power planning by the electrical section, the
contractor shall furnish along with the tender, the estimated load requirement of electric
power for the execution of the contract works in terms of maximum Kilo Watt or KVA
demand during various periods/months of the contract period along with the details of
the construction electrical equipment/machinery with their individual load details and
location/locations of power supply required for availing temporary electric power supply
in the standard preform enclosed (Form SGCW‐ 2 – Annexure 12).
(b) The electric power supply will be generally made available at one point in the works
site of the contractor by the department.
(c) Where distribution boards are located at different places the Contractor shall submit
schematic drawing indicating all details like size of wires, overhead or cable feeders,
earthing, etc. The position and location of all equipment and switches shall be given.
(d) The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for main earth electrode and tapping
thereof. The existing earth points available at site can be used at the discretion of the
Departmental Electrical Engineer with prior permission. Method of earthing, installation
and earth testing results shall conform to relevant IS Specifications [IS: 3043 – 1987
(Reaffirmed in 2001)]. All three phase equipment shall be provided with double earthing.
All light fixtures and portable equipment shall be effectively earthed to main earthing.
(e) All earth terminals shall be visible. No gas pipes and water pipes shall be used for
earth connection. Neutral conductor shall not be treated as earth wire.
Safety Manual for Works

(f) The Contractor shall not connect any additional load without prior permission of
Departmental Electrical Engineer. For obtaining additional power required, test reports of
the tests mentioned in (d) of Form SGCW ‐ 1 (Refer Annexure – 11) shall be submitted.
(g) Joints in earthing conductors shall be avoided. Loop earthing of equipment shall not
be allowed. However tapings from an earth bus may be done.
(h) The entire installation shall be subjected to the following tests before energizing of
installation including portable equipment:
i) Insulation resistance test
ii) Polarity test of switches
iii) Earth continuity test
iv) Earth electrode resistance.
The test procedures and their results shall conform to relevant IS specifications. The Contractor
shall submit a test report for his complete installation every 2 months and also every time after
rectifying any faulty section. One such test report for the complete installation shall be submitted
before onset of monsoon.
The following are provided for general guidance of the Contractor and shall be read as specific
requirement, in addition to complying with Indian Electricity Act, Indian Electricity Rules and IS
Specifications. Installation:
a) Only persons having valid wireman's license/competency certificate shall be
employed for carrying out electrical work and repair of electrical equipment,
installation and maintenance at site. The job shall be supervised by a qualified
licensed supervisor.
b) Electrical equipment and installations shall be installed and maintained as to
prevent danger from contact with live conductors and to prevent fires originating
from electrical causes like short circuits, overheating, etc. Installation shall not
cause any hindrance to movement of men and materials.
c) Materials for all electrical equipment shall be selected with regard to working
voltage, load and working environment. Such equipment shall conform to the
relevant standards.
d) The minimum clearance to be maintained for all overhead lines along roads and
across roads shall be 6.10m ( minimum) as per the Rules 77‐80 of Indian Electricity
Rules, 1956 (Amended in 2005).
e) Grounding conductor of wiring system shall be of copper or other corrosion
resistant material. An extra grounding connection shall be made in
appliances/equipment where chance of electric shock is high.
f) Electric fuses and/or circuit breakers installed in equipment circuits for short
circuit protection shall be of proper rating. It is also recommended that high
rupturing capacity (HRC) fuses shall be used in all circuits. As Earth Leakage Circuit
Breaker shall be provided for all 3 Phase supply irrespective of kilo watt rating and
for all single phase supply equal to or exceeding 5 Kilo Watt rating.
Safety Manual for Works

g) Wires and cables shall be adequately supported and an approved method of fixing
shall be adopted. Loose hanging of wires & cables shall be avoided. Lighting and
power circuits shall be kept distinct and separate.
h) Reinforcement rods or any metallic part of structure shall not be used for
supporting wires and cables, fixtures, equipment, earthing, etc.
i) All cables and wires shall be adequately protected against mechanical damages. In
case the cable is required to be laid underground, it shall be adequately protected
by covering the same with bricks, Plain Cement Concrete (PCC) tile or any other
approved means.
j) All armored cables shall be properly terminated by using suitable cable glands.
Multi‐stranded conductor cables shall be connected by using cable lugs/ sockets.
Cable lugs shall preferably be crimped. They shall be of proper size and shall
correspond to the current rating and size of the cable. Twisted connections shall
not be allowed.
k) All cable glands, armoring and sheathing of electric cables, metal circuits and their
fittings, metallic fittings and other non‐current carrying parts of electrical
equipment and apparatus shall be effectively grounded.
l) All the Distribution Boards, Switch Fuse units, Bus bar chambers, ducts, cubicles
etc. shall have Mild Steel enclosures and shall be dust, vermin and water proof.
The Distribution Boards switches etc. shall be so fixed that they shall be easily
accessible. Changes shall be done only after the approval of the Departmental
Electrical Engineer.
m) The Contractor shall provide proper enclosures/covers of approved size and shape
for protection of the entire switch board, equipment etc. against rain. Exposed live
parts of all electrical circuits and equipment shall be enclosed permanently. Crane
trolley wires and other conductors which cannot be completely insulated shall be
placed such that they are inaccessible under normal working conditions.
n) Iron clad industrial type plug outlets are preferred for additional safety.
o) Open type Distribution Boards (DBs) shall be placed only in dry and ventilated
rooms; they shall not be placed in the vicinity of storage batteries or otherwise
exposed to chemical fumes.
p) Isolating switches shall be provided close to equipment for easy disconnection of
electrical equipment or conductors from the source of supply when repair or
maintenance work has to be done on them.
q) In front of distribution boards (DBs) a clear space of 1.0 m shall be maintained in
order to have easy access during an emergency. Pathway to DBs shall be
maintained free from any obstacles. If there are any attachment/base connection
at the back side of the switch board, the space, if any behind the switch board
shall be either less than 20cm or more than 75cm in width, measured form the
farthest outstanding part of any attachment or conductor. If the space behind the
switch board exceeds 75cm in width, there shall be a passage way from either end
of switch board clear to a height of 180 cm.
Safety Manual for Works

r) As far as possible electrical switches shall be excluded from a place where there is
danger of explosion. All electrical equipment such as motors, switches and lighting
fittings installed in work room where there is possibility of explosion hazard shall
be explosion proof.
s) All connections to lighting fixtures, starters or other power supplies shall be
provided with PVC insulated, PVC sheathed twin/three/four core wires to have
better mechanical protection for preventing possible damage to equipment or
injury to personnel. Taped joints shall not be allowed and the connections may be
made in looping system. Electric starter of motors, switches shall not be mounted
on wooden boards. Only sheet steel mounting or iron frame work shall be used.
t) All the lighting fixtures and lamp holders shall be of good quality and in good
condition. Badly repaired or broken holders, etc. shall not be used.
u) Only PVC insulated and PVC sheathed wires or armored PVC insulated and
sheathed cables shall be used for external power supply connections of temporary
nature. Weather proof rubber wires shall not be used for any temporary power
supply connections. Taped joints in the wires shall not be used.
v) Lamps used for illumination and testing purpose shall have cover or guard to
protect them from accidental breakages. Only 24 Volt supply system shall be used
for hand lamps etc, while working inside metallic tanks or conducting vessels.
w) After installation of new electric system and or other extensive alterations to
existing installations, thorough inspection shall be made by Departmental
Electrical Engineer before the new system or new extension is put in use. Operation & Maintenance:

a) All persons who work with electrical installation/equipment shall be aware of the
electrical hazards, use of protective devices and safe operational procedures. At
least two persons in a shift shall be given training in firefighting, first aid and
artificial resuscitation techniques. First Aid treatment of electrical shock shall be
displayed at First Aid Centre.
b) The supervisor shall instruct the workers for the proper procedure, specify and
enforce the use of necessary protective equipment such as adequately insulated
pliers, screw drivers, fuse pullers, testing lamps and similar hand tools. Only
wooden ladders shall be used to reach the heights in electrical work.
c) No material or earth work shall be allowed to be dumped below or in the vicinity
of the bare overhead line conductors. Minimum clearance of 6.10m shall be
d) Separate work permits shall be issued in accordance with IS: 5216‐1982
(Reaffirmed in 2010) working on the same system which shall be returned after
the completion of the work to Safety Officer and no system shall be restored
without the clearance of Safety Officer.
Before any maintenance work is commenced on electrical
installations/equipment, the circuits shall be de‐energized and ascertained to be
Safety Manual for Works

Dead by positive test with an approved voltage testing device. Prior to attempting
repairs on the equipment Switch off, Isolate, Discharge and Earth (SIDE) Rule
should be strictly followed. Switches shall be tagged or the fuse holders
withdrawn before starting the work. During electrical works, minimum two
persons shall be available. Adequate precautions shall be taken in two important
aspects viz.
(i) That there shall be no danger from any adjacent live parts and
(ii) That there shall be no chances of re‐energizing of the equipments on
which the persons are working.
f) While working on or near a circuit, whenever possible the use of one hand may be
practiced even though the circuit is supposed to be dead. The other hand may
preferably be kept in pocket.
g) When it is necessary to touch electrical equipment (for example when checking
for overload of motors) back of the hand may be used. Thus, if accidental shock
were to cause muscular contractions, one would not 'freeze' to the conductor.
h) Operation of electrical equipment shall be avoided when standing on wet floor or
when hands are wet.
i) Before blown fuses are replaced, the circuit shall be locked out and an
investigation shall be made for the cause of the short circuit or overload.
j) When two persons are working within reach of each other, they shall never work
on different phases of the supply.
k) When structural repairs, modification or painting works are to be undertaken,
appropriate measures shall be taken for the protection of persons whose work
may bring them into the proximity of live equipment/circuit.
l) It shall be ensured that the insulation and wire size of extension cords are
adequate for the voltage and current rating.
m) While tapping electricity from the socket, plug top must be used. It shall be
ensured that no extension boards are over loaded while tapping. Only standard
three pin plugs shall be used for tapping electricity. Broken sockets/plugs shall be
replaced immediately with good ones. Only joint free cables shall be used for
connecting equipment/apparatus.
n) Floors shall be kept free from trailing electrical cables to avoid tripping hazard.
o) Power supply to all the machines and lighting fixtures shall be switched off when
not in use.
p) Temporary electrical connections shall be removed as soon as the stipulated work
is over. After completion of the works, the contractor shall dismantle the
distribution boards and the other facilities he may have erected.
q) Unauthorized tapping of power by others from distribution boards under the
control of the contractor shall be prohibited at all circumstances.
r) Safety work permits shall be used for switching off the main feeder and
equipment by the contractor.
Safety Manual for Works


applicable shall be used during maintenance works on the electrical equipment.
t) Power tapping of electrical equipment shall as near as possible of the equipment.
u) During maintenance at height, proper access by ladder shall be adopted. Portable Electrical Equipment:
a) Portable electrical equipment shall be regularly examined, tested and maintained
to ensure that the equipment and its leads are in good order. Register shall be
maintained for inspection recording the testing dates and results of the
equipments. The insulation and winding resistance of the portable electrical
equipment shall be checked at least once in a month and report shall be
submitted for all such machines. A typical format for testing portable and other
electrically operated equipment is enclosed as Annexure‐15.
b) All portable appliances shall be provided with three core cables and three pin
plugs. The third pin of the plug shall invariably be earthed. It shall be ensured that
the metal part of the equipment shall be effectively earthed.
c) All connections to portable equipment or machines from the panel/distribution
board/extension board shall be taken using 3 core double insulated PVC flexible
copper wire in one length. No joints shall be allowed in this flexible wire. In case,
single length of wire is not sufficient for a particular location then the supply can
be tapped by providing another extension board comprising of switch and socket.
Isolation switch shall be made available as close as possible to the equipment.
d) Flexible cables for portable lamps, tools, and apparatus shall be regularly
examined, tested periodically and maintained to ensure safety and protected
against mechanical damages.

5.5.10 Fire Safety: The contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent outbreak of
fires at the construction site. Adequate provisions shall be made to extinguish fires should they
still break out.
(a) Quantities of combustible materials like timber, bamboos, coal, paints, etc. shall
be the minimum required in order to avoid unnecessary accumulation of
combustibles at site.
(b) Containers of paints, thinners and allied materials shall be stored in a separate
room which shall be well ventilated and free from excessive heat, sparks, flame or
direct rays of the sun. The containers of paint shall be kept covered or properly
fitted with lid and shall not be kept open except while using.
(c) Fire extinguishers suitable for the different classes of fire such as Class A, B, C & D
as per IS: 2190‐1992 (Reaffirmed in 2010) shall be made available at the
appropriate places in the construction site. The date of last maintenance of fire
extinguisher shall be displayed properly on the same by using maintenance tag.
The fire extinguishers shall be sent for maintenance/refilling at least once in 6
months or whenever exhausted. The safety officer shall inspect the condition of
the plunger, safety pin, switch grip, hose tube, etc. at least once in a month and
Safety Manual for Works

Report shall be submitted to the departmental representative as per the format

enclosed as Annexure 14.
(d) Adequate number of contractor’s workmen and supervisors shall be given training
in firefighting and extinguishing methods.
(e) The safety officer of the contractor shall plan for site evacuation in fire emergency
in order to facilitate to easy and safe exits for entire site work force and
supervisory staff. He shall identify and train the designated staff or supervisor for
specific role in site evacuation plan.
(f) The telephone number of the nearest fire station shall be displayed at suitable
locations (near telephone, main entrance of the site, first aid centre, stores, etc.)
in bold distinct font.

5.5.11 Housekeeping: The Contractor shall promote and upkeep the practice of good housekeeping
throughout the contact period in order to create a safe and hygienic working
environment at site. The contractor shall maintain a separate housekeeping team of
workers and supervisors who shall maintain the hygienic conditions at site. He shall at all
times, keep his work spot, site office, labour toilets and surroundings and roads clean and
tidy from rubbish, scrap, surplus materials and unwanted materials, tools and equipment.
The contractor shall follow the recommendation of IS: 4082‐1996 (Reaffirmed in 2003) for
stacking and storage of construction materials and components at site. Welding and other electrical cables shall be so routed as to allow safe traffic by
all concerned. Electrical cables shall not trail on the ground and they shall be raised above
ground with the help of posts, etc. The plan of temporary structures shall be such that they do not hamper easy
movement of worker and vehicles. No materials on any of the sites of work shall be so
stacked or placed as to cause inconvenience to any person or the public. The Engineer‐in
charge may require the contractor to remove any materials which are considered to be of
danger or cause inconvenience to the public. If necessary, the Engineer‐in‐charge may
cause them to be removed at the contractor's cost. After the completion of the work, the contractor shall have removed from the
work premises all scaffoldings, surplus materials, scrap, rubbish and all temporary
structures, huts and sanitary arrangements used/installed for his workmen at site. The
contractor shall stack all undesirable materials and debris to the designated area at his
own cost, as directed by Engineer‐in‐charge. The Engineer‐in‐charge has the right to stop work if the Contractor fails to
improve upon the housekeeping after having been notified. The contractor shall instruct workmen to keep all accesses clear from any
obstruction and unwanted material for free and safe movement of the workers and staffs
including departmental staffs. He shall provide tool box and safe means for carrying tools
(for working at height) to all his workers so that tools and tackles are kept in proper place.
Safety Manual for Works

The working area shall be free from wastes like nails, binding wires, nuts & bolts, used
plastics, etc. so that they do not cause injury to others.

5.4.12. Safe access to workplace: Adequate and safe means of access and exit shall be provided for all work places,
at all elevations. Ladders shall be always used for approaching high elevations. Suitable scaffolds shall be provided for workmen for all works that cannot safely
be done from the ground, or from solid construction except such short duration work as
can be done safely from ladders. Safety procedures for ladder shall be as per
above. Safety procedures for Scaffolding and working platform shall be as per 5.4.6
above. All access to the work place shall be well guarded viz. stairs, ramps, etc. and shall
be well illuminated as per the requirement of clause 15.8 (Illumination Guidelines) of SP:
70‐2001. The access shall not have any water logging; they shall be levelled and dry so
that people do not slip. Sign boards, written in language understood by majority of the
workers, and exit signs shall be displayed at suitable location for easy identification. The
steps of the stair shall be periodically cleaned for any accumulation of debris, dust, etc.

5.4.13 Common Hazards: Barricading and Sign Boards: All work areas around excavated pits, trenches,
openings, scaffolding, vehicle movement areas, etc. shall be well cordoned / barricaded
with the help of railing, safety tapes (photo luminescent), etc. Photo luminescent sign
boards and warnings shall be displayed at required locations and they shall be clearly
visible from a distance even at low or no illumination. Noise: Suitable ear protection (ear muff) shall be provided to the workers, who
are exposed to high noise levels (85dBA and above), e.g. concrete pump operator,
vibrator operator, batching plant operator, air compressor operator, grinding machine
operator, breaking rocks with pavement breaker, cutting of marble/granite, etc. The
exposure duration in case of these workers shall be restricted to the stipulation of Table‐1
of Schedule‐XI, Rule‐88 of AEFR, 1996. Other workers and staff who are in the close
vicinity of high noise level such as unskilled worker engaged in concreting works, etc. shall
be provided with ear plugs. Area Illumination: Adequate lighting facilities such as flood lights, halogen
lamps, hand lights and area lighting shall be provided by the contractor at the site of
work, storage area of materials and equipment and temporary access roads within his
working area. The area illumination shall be such that it promotes work and safety for all
workers at site and creates a pleasing environment at work site. The contractor shall
obtain written approval of the Engineer‐in‐charge to the lighting scheme and place of
tapping prior to its installation. The intensity of illumination shall depend on the nature of
work and the same shall be planned by the contractor in advance based on the
recommendations of Hand Book on Functional Requirements of Industrial Buildings
Safety Manual for Works

(Lighting & Ventilation: SP32‐1986). However, a minimum illumination as per the task
performed shall be maintained at site; which can be augmented based on nature of work
from time to time. Dust and fumes: Confined areas like basement, bunkers, etc. shall be under
forced ventilation (using blowers) for at least 3‐7 air changes per hour depending on
presence of dust and fumes generated from grinding, gas cutting, welding, etc. Adequate
measure like dust extractor/arresters shall be available for use to prevent spread of dust
to nearby areas during open area operations. Workers shall be rested for sufficient time
after every one hour of continuous working in dust. The same worker shall not be
engaged for grinding for many days continuously and they shall be engaged/kept on job
rotation. All necessary PPEs like dust respirators, safety goggles, hand gloves, ear plugs,
protective clothes, etc. shall be provided. Any illness due to continuous work in dust or
fume shall be immediately reported to the First Aid Centre.

5.5 Personal Protective Equipment:

All necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) shall be provided by the contractor at
his own cost, for his workers, supervisors, staffs and visitor/visiting staffs. All PPEs shall
conform to relevant IS code / ASTM / BS or any other international code of practice as
given under. The contractor shall make available all type of personal protective
equipment for use of workers, supervisors and visitors at site as considered necessary by
the Engineer‐in‐charge and they shall be maintained in a condition suitable for immediate
use. Also the contractor shall take adequate steps to ensure proper use of equipment by
those concerned.
Safety Helmet: IS: 2925‐1984 (Reaffirmed 2000)
Safety Goggles: IS: 5983‐1980 (Reaffirmed 2002) or EN 166:2001
Full body harness safety belt: IS: 3521‐1999
Ear Muff / Ear Plug: IS: 6996‐1973 (Reaffirmed 1998) or EN 352‐1:2002
And EN 352‐2:2002 or
Face shield: IS: 8521 (Part II) – 1977 (Reaffirmed 2002)
IS: 8521 (Part I) –1994 (Reaffirmed 2002) or EN 175F
Fall arrestor: EN 353‐2:2002
Respirators: IS: 15321 – 2003, IS: 15322 – 2003
Safety shoes: IS: 15298 – 2002
Hand gloves: IS: 4770 – 1991 (Reaffirmed 2001)

(a) All persons employed or supervising at and / or visiting the construction site shall use
safety helmets. The color coding of helmets may be adopted by the contractor as per
site requirement. The contractor shall provide safety shoes for all his workers,
supervisors, staffs and visitor/visiting staffs.
(b) Workers employed on mixing asphaltic materials, concrete, cement and mortars shall
use PPEs such as protective goggles, protective foot wears, respirators and hand gloves,
Safety Manual for Works

(c) Persons engaged in welding and gas cutting works shall use appropriate welding face
shields, leather hand gloves and protective clothes. The persons who assist the welders
shall use appropriate goggles.
(d) Workers breaking rock, grinding and chipping shall use protective goggles, dust
respirators, ear muffs/ear plugs, etc. In addition, leather hand gloves shall be used where
there is no possibility of entanglement with rotating parts. During work, other workers
should maintain the safe distance.
(e) Persons working at height above ground level or floor and exposed to risk of falling
down shall use full harness safety belts, kinetic shock absorbers, fall arrestor, life lines,
and grab ropes. The working platform and access shall be protected by cages, guard
railings, etc. The area beneath shall be protected by safety net of adequate strength (as
per IS: 11057 – 1984) fastened to substantial supports.
(f) Wherever two‐wheelers are allowed, motorcycle and scooter drivers and their pillion
riders shall wear crash helmets inside the Project/Plant sites. Safety helmets shall not be
replaced with crash helmets and vice‐versa.
(g) When workers are employed in sewers, septic tanks and inside man‐holes which are in
use, the contractor shall ensure that the manholes are opened and are adequately
ventilated. After it has been well‐ventilated, the atmosphere inside the space shall be
checked for the presence of any explosive mixture, toxic gas or oxygen deficiency. The
workers shall be allowed to get into the man‐holes under safe working environment only.
The man‐holes opened shall be cordoned off with suitable railing and provided with
warning signals or caution boards to prevent accidents. There shall be proper illumination
in the night. All safety measures for working in confined space as given in the Factory Act
shall be ensured. In case of forced ventilation, battery backup for ventilation and
measures to rescue workers shall be ensured.

5.6 General Health Management at site:

The contractor shall arrange adequate facilities for medical aid and treatment for his staff
and workers engaged on the work site and visiting staffs including the first‐aid facilities at
the project site.

5.6.1 General: General medical examination: The contractor shall follow the guidelines of Rule
81 (IV), Schedule VII of BOCW Central Rules, 1998 for periodicity of medical examination
of building workers. High noise level: The contractor shall arrange for audiometry examination for
workers exposed to high noise level as per Chapter IX, Rule 88, Schedule XI, Sub‐Rule 3 (f)
(ii) Of AEFR, 1996. High dust exposure: The contractor shall arrange for medical examination for
workers exposed to high dust level as per Chapter IX, Rule 88, Schedule IV, Sub‐Rule 9 of
AEFR, 1996.
Safety Manual for Works Eye sight examination for crane operators, etc.: The contractor shall arrange for
medical examination for crane operators and other vehicle operators like operators of
material transportation/handling equipment, mechanical excavators, etc. as per Chapter
IV, Rule 55 of AEFR, 1996.

5.6.2 First Aid Facility:

The contractor shall ensure medical and first aid facility at site as per Rule 223 to 232,
Chapter XXIV, BOCW Central Rules, 1998 in order to facilitate immediate relief to the
injured person before shifting him to the nearest departmental dispensary or public
hospital. All the provisions of the above mentioned rules of BOCW Central Rules, 1998 viz.
medical examination of building workers, duties of medical attendant, occupational
health centre, ambulance room (first aid centre), ambulance van or safety vehicle, etc.
shall be arranged by the contractor at site.

5.6.3 Full‐time Medical Attendant:

First aid posts shall be established and be manned by a full‐time trained medical
attendant. The medical attendant shall have a degree of B.Sc. in Nursing or equivalent and
a minimum 5 years of working experience in any nursing home or general hospital. The
contractor shall submit his/her certificates and credentials to the department in advance
for approval before employing him/her at site. The duties of the medical attendant shall
be as given below:
(a) First‐aid care including emergency medical treatment
(b) Immunization services
(c) Medical records upkeep and maintenance
(d) Health education including advisory services on family planning, personal hygiene,
environmental sanitation and safety
(e) Referral services

5.6.4 First‐Aid Box, Medicines and Medical Equipment:

a) First‐aid box containing bandage, sterilized dressing, ruler bandage, triangular bandage,
crape bandage, dry gauge, and band aid, antiseptic such as savlon/Dettol, cotton wool,
plaster, scissors, and antiseptic creams shall be arranged by the contractor, at a readily
accessible place in work site. The quantities of the listed items shall conform to Schedule
III of BOCW Central Rules, 1998 (Refer Annexure‐8). These shall be maintained in good
order under the charge of Full‐time Medical Attendant or the Safety Officer or a
responsible person in absence of them.

b) The articles for ambulance room or first‐aid post with effective communication system
shall be arranged by the contractor as per Schedule IV of BOCW Central Rules, 1998. The
list is enclosed as per Annexure 9. The size of the room shall be adequate for proper
treatment of the injured persons and keeping the enlisted articles in an organized
manner. The room shall be well ventilated and well illuminated, preferably by natural
Safety Manual for Works

Means. The contractor shall keep a refrigerator of approx. 150 liters capacity for proper
storage of injections and temperature sensitive medicines.

5.7 Hygiene at workplace:

The contractor shall ensure hygiene at work place as well as at the residing place for all
his workers and staff. He shall submit the plan of labour colony and labour toilet in
advance for approval of the Engineer‐ in ‐charge.
a) Labour Toilet and urinal: Latrines and urinals, as the case may be required to be
provided, shall be as specified below:
a. Every latrine shall be under cover and so partitioned off as to secure privacy
and shall have a proper door and fastenings.
b. i) Where both male and female building workers are employed, there shall be
displayed outside each block of latrines or urinals a notice containing therein
“For Men Only” or “For Women Only”, as the case may be written in the
language understood by the majority of such workers.
ii) Such notice also bear the figure of a man or of a woman, as the case may
c. Where females are employed, there shall be at least one WC for every 25
females. There shall be at least one WC for every 25 males. If the number of
males exceeds 100, there shall be one latrine for every 25 males up to the first
100 males, and one for every 50 males thereafter. The W.C shall be cleaned at
least once in a week and maintained properly by the contractor throughout
the project duration. The privacy of the all workers shall be ensured by
providing partitions of suitable heights. Proper disposal of excreta by septic
tank and soak pit shall be made by the contractor. In no case, the excreta shall
be disposed off in any open drain, nallah, etc. which may cause outbreak of
disease or reduce the overall hygiene of the workplace. Urinals shall be
provided for the use of male workers and there shall be at least one urinal for
every 50 males and where the number of males employed exceeds 50, it shall
be sufficient if there is one urinal for every 50 males up to the first 500
employed, and one for every 100 thereafter.
b) Drinking water: contractor shall provide adequate number of water taps, water
purifiers and water coolers for the potable water supply for the staff and workers at
his own cost. However, the water connection will be given by the department based
on the contract condition.
c) The contractor shall apply pesticides and mosquito repellent at regular interval or
whenever required, by fogging machine, etc., in the labour colony and at work site at
his own cost.


The contractor shall monitor, measure and regularly evaluate compliance with applicable
legal requirements. He shall recognize the importance of monitoring and reporting of
Safety Manual for Works

Hazards associated with site activities. He shall instruct his safety officer and site
engineers to monitor the unsafe conditions and unsafe acts regularly in order to record
the observations so that remedial measures can be taken in time. The contractor shall
not neglect or underestimate the near‐misses occurred at site and shall establish a
procedure to record all such near‐misses since the lessons learnt from them can prevent
recurrence of such incidents in future. The contractor shall report any accident occurred
at site as per format of Injury Report for Contract/Casual Worker (Refer Annexure 13). He
shall make available all the legal documents and records (as mentioned in 6.2 below)
related to safety for internal as well as external audits from time to time.

6.2 Walk‐through survey: The Safety Officer and site engineers shall carry out a walk
through survey every morning at site in order to monitor any unsafe conditions and
unsafe acts. This measure reduces the hazards in site activities and creates a safe
working environment at site. The safety officer and site engineers shall record any
observation of unsafe condition / act in the observation register immediately and the
corrective action to be taken along with the name of person responsible for the same.
The safety officer shall make a review visit to the place of observation, during next day’s
walk through survey, to review whether the corrective actions are taken or not and shall
inform his higher authorities / departmental staff in case the corrective measures are not
taken. The standard format of Observation Register / Complaint Record is enclosed
herewith as Annexure 10.

6.3 Records: The contractor shall maintain all safety and first aid / medical related
records and registers in the safety office / first aid post at site and such records and
reports shall be made available during audits and whenever required. These records and
reports shall be updated by safety officer and / or medical attendant at site in
consultation with their superiors and departmental staff from time to time. A typical list
of records under good practices for compliance with legal requirements related to
environment, occupational health and safety is given below:

i. Safety Organization Chart

ii. Training Records like initial safety induction training, pep‐talk, etc.
iii. Record of site safety inspection, walk through survey and observation
iv. Accident investigation report
v. Record of Accidents, Near‐misses / dangerous occurrences
vi. Record of test and examination of equipment and structures (like scaffold
check list, etc.) as per statutes/codes/standards
vii. Safe Operating procedure for various site activities
viii. Record of work permits
ix. Record of monitoring flammable and explosive substances at work place
x. Records of maintaining and testing of firefighting equipment
Safety Manual for Works

xi. Medical records of workers and staffs (separate register shall be

maintained for injury at work and for general ailments and medical check‐
up for height passes)
xii. Site emergency plans
xiii. Record of waste disposal
xiv. Housekeeping inspection record
xv. Minutes of Site Level Safety Committee meetings and monthly safety
xvi. Record of modification carried out in construction equipment
xvii. Calibration and testing record
xviii. Record of previous audits
xix. Records of applicable legal requirements (Refer Annexure‐I)
xx. Tree plantation record, if any
xxi. Environment and hygiene management plan
xxii. General complaint register

6.4 Inspection and Safety Audit: The contractor shall arrange internal safety inspections
by safety organization, designated for the project, at least once in a month in order to
monitor the status of implementation and adherence to the safety procedures. The
project shall be subject to external audit by a team / committee headed by Chief Safety
Officer, Engineering Services Group, BARC at least once in a year. However, the
contractor shall be prepared for surprise inspections and audits by the department or any
third party authorised by the department.


The contractor shall train and build up a general awareness in safety among the workers
and staffs as a continuous effort throughout the project duration. He shall develop and
nurture a good safety culture among the staff and workers for an incident free
completion of the project. The contractor shall arrange for celebration of National Safety
Day / Week on 4th March every year and shall plan for conducting various safety events,
competitions, etc. during this period. He shall identify good safety performers among
different trades of workers and staff and shall reward them for their performance so as to
motivate the others.

7.2 Safety Event Calendar:

The Safety Officer shall chalk out a safety event calendar for various safety events,
training programs, mock drills, demonstration, inspections and audit etc. and shall
intimate the concerned people in advance. The contractor shall submit a copy of safety
event calendar to the department at the onset of the project / in the month of January
every year. This calendar shall be displayed at the site safety office / first‐aid post and the
contractor shall ensure that these events are conducted as per schedule.
Safety Manual for Works

7.3 Safety Induction Training:

The contractor shall ensure that each and every new worker attends initial safety
induction training before reporting at respective place of work. The workers shall report
to the safety officer first for receiving safety induction training and after successful
completion of such training they shall report to respective site engineer. The safety
officer shall intimate the workers about the probable hazards related to the work and
shall explain and demonstrate the importance and use of PPEs to them. The medium of
instructions shall be chosen depending on the language understood by the majority of the
workers. He shall also explain to the workers the security restrictions to be followed
inside BARC premises. The duration of such induction training depends on the type of
worker and shall be decided by the Safety Officer in consultation with the department.

7.4 Pep talk, Tool‐box training:

Subsequent to the initial safety induction training, the Safety Officer shall also conduct
safety pep talks and tool box training for various teams of workers in regular interval at
site. He may identify the groups in advance and finalize the topic of pep talk and
schedule the pep talk accordingly so that it does not affect the working hours of the
group. He shall arrange pep talks / tool box training on work related topics like use of
various PPEs and tools, housekeeping, hot job, electrical works, etc. He shall solicit active
participation of workers in such tool box training by asking them to share their experience
with their fellow workers. Record of such pep talks and tool box training along with a list
of people trained shall be kept at safety office and such records shall be submitted along
with monthly safety report.

7.5 Signboards, Posters, Displays: The contractor shall display adequate numbers of
signboards (written/painted in photo‐luminescent paint) at various workplaces,
movement area of mechanical equipment, diesel store, scaffoldings, first aid post, etc. in
order to warn the workers and staff of probable hazards at work site. Such signboards
shall be written in the language understood by majority of the workers. The contractor
shall also arrange for display of posters as an awareness building programmer. He shall
have to maintain these signboards and posters in good condition throughout the contract
period and shall have to replace them periodically. Some of the important topics for
signboards are given as under for guidance; however, work specific sign boards can be
designed and displayed at site.

a) Use of proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) viz. Safety helmet, safety
shoes, safety belt, safety goggles, face shield, ear plug / ear muff, gloves, dust
respirators, etc.
b) No Smoking specially near diesel room, stores or near combustible materials
c) Moving parts of equipment viz. fly wheels of piling rigs, motors of pumps, etc.
d) Hot job and fabrication works viz. welding, gas cutting, grinding, etc.
Safety Manual for Works

e) Unsafe Scaffolding (wherever the scaffold is in unsafe condition)

f) Open Excavation / Openings in floors (especially near excavated pit, trenches, lift
well, stair well, etc.)
g) Electrical installations and high voltage equipment viz. welding transformers,
meter panels, fuse distribution boards, etc.
h) Dismantling / demolition work in progress
i) High noise level area especially near concrete pumps, demolition areas, etc.
j) Fragile roofs (where sheeting and roofing work is going on)
k) Vehicle movement areas, access roads, etc.
l) Fire extinguisher (class wise)
m) Emergency exit
Safety Manual for Works

 AERB Safety Guide for Works Contract
 Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and
Conditions of Service) Central Rules, 1998
 Atomic Energy Factories Rules, 1996
 Job Hazard Analysis Report for Construction of Common Facility Building (CFB)
Project, at North Site BARC
 Operation and Maintenance Manual of Mobile Tower Crane (MTC‐3625 of M/s
Action Construction Equipment Ltd.)
 Operation and Maintenance Manual of Batching Plant (CP30 of M/s Schwing
 Operation and Maintenance Manual of Concrete Pump (M/s Putzmeister)
 SP32:1986 (Hand Book on Functional Requirements of Industrial Buildings ‐
Lighting & Ventilation)
 SP53:1992 (Hand operated hand tools ‐ Safety code for the use, care and
 SP70:2001 (Handbook on Construction safety practices)
 IS: 732 – 1989 (Reaffirmed 2005) Code of Practice for Electrical Wiring Installations
 IS: 818‐1968 (Reaffirmed 2008) Code of Practice for Safety and Health
Requirements in Electric and Gas Welding and Cutting Operations.
 IS: 1991 ‐ 1987 (Part 1 to 10) (Reaffirmed 2002) Safety Requirements for the Use,
Care and Protection of Abrasive Grinding Wheels
 IS:2190‐1992 (Reaffirmed 2007) Selection, Installation and Maintenance of First‐
aid Fire Extinguishers ‐ Code of Practice
 IS: 3043 – 1987 (Reaffirmed 2001) Code of Practice for Earthing
 IS:3696‐1987 (Reaffirmed 2002) Safety Code for Scaffolds and Ladders (Part 1‐
 IS:3696‐1991 (Reaffirmed 2002) Safety Code for Scaffolds and Ladders (Part 2‐
 IS: 4082‐1996 (Reaffirmed 2003) Stacking and storage of construction materials
and components at site
 IS:4379‐1981(Reaffirmed 2007) Identification of the Contents of Industrial Gas
 IS: 5216‐1982 (Reaffirmed 2010) Recommendations on safety Procedure and
Practices in Electrical work; Part – I: General; Part – II: Life Saving Technique
 IS: 10302 – 1982 (Reaffirmed 2005) Unified Nomenclature for Workmen for Civil
 IS: 11057 – 1984 Specification For Industrial Safety Nets
Safety Manual for Works

Annexure 1


Sl. Products, Legislation Date Validity Reference Person Frequency Reference Record to
No. Processes on OHS of Date of Responsible of to be
or Effect From Applicable for Reporting procedures submitted
Services to Chapter/ Compliance and to External
Sec./ Rule Monitoring Control agency
Safety Manual for Works

Annexure 2


Sl. No. Activity / Sub‐activity Potential hazards Causes Precautions

Safety Manual for Works

Annexure 3


(To be filled in by contractor in quadruplicate)

Name of the work:

Name of the principal contractor:
W.P. No.: Date:
Work Permit valid from on to on
(Time) (Date) (Time)
(Date) Name of the Site Engineer seeking
work permit:
Name of the Site Safety Officer:
Name of site supervisor:
Work Permit sought for: (Please tick in the box)
Piling Excavation & backfilling Formwork at G.L.
Reinforcement work at Hot Jobs Mechanical
yard handling/shifting/transportation
Formwork/rebar work Concreting Structural Erection
at height
Electrical Installation Maintenance/repair Other works at height
Finishing works Grinding/chiseling Demolition
Miscellaneous works
(please specify)
Working on fragile roof

Work Description:


I confirm that I have been given charge of the above mentioned work and I will take all necessary
precautions to avoid danger to the workers engaged at the above site as well as property. I will
abide by the recommendations of the Safety Officer and implement them and I will assign jobs to
only trained personnel.

(Name and Signature of Site Engineer)

Safety Manual for Works

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ (To be filled in by Safety Officer before issuing work permit) ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐

Following safety precautions are taken care of:

Sl. No. Safety Precautions Yes No NA
1. All concerned personnel are instructed about the nature of work
2. Access ladder/crawling ladder to work/roof provided & properly
3. Safety clearance/check list for scaffold erection obtained/submitted
4. All workers have valid height passes
5. Safety net provided under the work place
6. Life line/Grab rope is provided at height
7. Work area is properly cordoned/barricaded
8. Work area is properly illuminated
9. Proper access to site is ensured
10. Openings are properly covered with safety net/steel jalli & barricaded
11. Electrical equipments are de‐energized (fuses removed)
12. Electrical equipments are checked for earthing
13. Portable electrical equipments are tested by site maintenance section
14. All rotating parts of machine are well guarded
15. Whether any inflammable is present in vicinity of the area of hot job
16. Fire extinguisher is available at the work site
17. Whether fire watch is required
18. Half‐an‐hour fire watch is compiled after hot jobs
19. Whether cylinders are kept vertically, properly tied and are under
20. Work area is well ventilated
21. “NO SMOKING” board is displayed
22. Personal Protective Equipment (strike out whichever is not applicable)
Helmet/Shoe/Hand Gloves/Goggles/Ear Muff/Ear Plugs/Safety
Belt/Face Shield/Nose Mask/
23. Free escape route is available
24. Workers are in good health on the day of work

I have checked the safety precautions taken at site and allowed the work to be carried out.
Special precautions (if any)

(Name and Signature of Safety Officer)

Cc: 1. Safety Officer
2. Site Engineer
3. Site Supervisor
4. Departmental Representative
Safety Manual for Works

Annexure ‐ 4
Part ‐ A
Application for Height Pass


Group/Section: Contractor:

1. Applicant’s Name :

2. Departmental Address:

3. Residential Address :

4. Age :

5. Sex :

6. Height :

7. Gate Pass No. :

8. Name of contractor/Agency with

Whom engaged at present :

9. Height pass requirement for work at Mtr. Height.

10. Description of present job :

11. Previous experience of working at height:

Sr.No. Name of the Duration of Work Experience

Employer Employment

Safety Manual for Works

12. Is the applicant suffering from any of the following ailments (If yes details to be given):

Blood Pressure
Seizure disorder (Fits / Epilepsy Convulsion)
Flat Foot
d) Frequent attacks of headache or reeling sensation
e) Mental depression
f) Limping gait
Acrophobia (Fear of height)


I hereby declare that the above information furnished by me is true and correct. I shall always
wear the safety belt and tie the life‐line whenever working at unguarded heights of 3 mtrs and
above. I shall not misuse the height pass issued to me or transfer it to any other person. I shall
never come to duty or work at height/depth under the influence of alcohol/drugs.

Date: Name:


(Applicants Name & Signature or Left Thumb Impression (LTI) in case he cannot sign. In case
of LTI; an authorized person shall explain each point/item to the individual and certify on his
behalf below the LTI).

I certify that I am satisfied with the above certification of the individual for the application of
Height Pass and request for issue of height pass to him.



(Agency Concerned)
Safety Manual for Works

Part – B

Certified that I, Dr. Have examined Shri.

Aged On (date) Of M/s.

Who has signed below in my presence. General &

Physical examinations of Shri. Do not reveal any abnormality. He

does not suffer from any acute/chronic skin disease or any contagious or infectious disease. His
eyesight is normal with/without glasses. In my opinion, Shri
is physically and mentally fit for working at
height. Details of examinations:

1. Age:

2. General & Systemic Examination:

2.1 Pulse 2.10 Depth of Vision Normal: Abnormal:

2.2 B.P. 2.11 Nystagmus : Present: Absent:
2.3 Weight 2.12 Rhomberg Sign: Positive: Negative:
2.4 Height 2.13 Hearing: Normal: Abnormal:
Muscular Co‐
2.5 Pallor Yes: No: 2.14 Normal: Abnormal:
Cardio Vascular
2.6 Flat foot Present: Absent: 2.15 Normal: Abnormal:
2.7 Gait Normal: Abnormal: 2.16 Normal: Abnormal:
2.8 Vision Normal: Abnormal: Central
Color 2.17 Nervous Normal: Abnormal:
2.9 Normal: Abnormal: System
Safety Manual for Works

3. Previous History of:

3.1 Seizure disorders (Epilepsy) Yes No
3.2 Frequent headache or reeling sensation Yes No
3.3 Mental depression Yes No
3.4 Acrophobia Yes No
Safety Manual for Works

4. Investigation:

4.1 Urine
4.2 Blood
Random blood sugar (if age is >35 years.)

5. X‐ray:
Required / not required:
If required – details of report:

(Signature of workman) (Signature & Rubber stamp)

Of Medical Practitioner with Reg. No.
Safety Manual for Works

Part – C
Height Pass Certificate

(Considering the above medical certificate; the applicant has appeared on the following practical tests
conducted by BARC and the results are given below (strike off whichever in‐applicable)
a) Walking freely over a horizontal structure bar : Pass / Fail (3.5cm x
at 1 ft. height 2.5cm)
b) Wearing a safety belt and tying the rope knot : Pass / Fail contractor
workers only
c) Walking over a horizontal structure at 10 ft. : Pass / Fail
height wearing a belt.

The above applicant’s performance in the above tests has been satisfactory/ unsatisfactory.

I certify issue of this height pass to Shri Of M/s.

with Registration No. In the height pass

register. This is valid for one year from the date of issue i.e. up to .

Date : Signature :
Name :
(Safety Supervisor)

Signature :
Name :
(Safety Officer)
Safety Manual for Works

Annexure ‐ 5

(To be filled in by contractor in TRIPLICATE)
Name of the work:
Name of the principal contractor:
Ref. No.: Date:
Location / Block / Grid:
(Please tick in the box)
Sl. No. Checklist points Yes No Remarks
A. Check the base of the scaffolding:
1. Is the ground below base plate levelled and firm?
2. Are the base plates/sole plates provided or are
Proper supports placed under the structure?
3. Is the base away from excavation, drain cover,
Manhole, etc.?
4. Is there any vehicle movement near structure?
5. Is the frame supported on any make‐shift
Arrangements like barrels, boxes, concrete blocks,
bricks, empty drums, etc.?

B. Check the structure:

1. Are all members in good condition (free from bends,
Cuts, rust, etc.)?
2. Whether all the vertical members in plumb and
Correctly spaced?
3. Whether the joints of frames/vertical members are
properly connected with couplers & spring‐lock
4. Are all vertical & horizontal bracings provided and
Are they properly tied with pins/swivel couplers?
5. Whether the scaffold structure is securely tied /
restrained with permanent structure? (max. vertical
height between ties is 4 times of the least base
6. Is there any electrical cable / wire within 5m above
The top most part of the structure?

C. Check the working platform:

1. Is the working platform at least two boards wide?
2. Is there any gap in the working platform?
Safety Manual for Works

3. Whether the condition of the scaffold boards is

4. Whether the ends of the scaffold boards / jallis are
securely tied at the ends?
5. Is the overlap of the boards at least 300 mm?
6. Whether the last scaffold board is extended at least
600 mm beyond the end of the wall?
7. Are the guard rail and knee rail provided at 1.00 m
and 0.50 m height from the working platform?
8. Whether toe board of good condition and of min.
150 mm height is provided?
9. Whether the working platform is over loaded?
10. Whether safety net is provided below the working
the platform?

D. Check the access:

1. Whether stair/monkey ladder/walkway are
provided as access?
2. Whether the access is properly supported / tied /
3. Whether the steps / landing of the access have any
slip resistance arrangement?
4. Whether the access steps / landings are free from
any obstacle and undesirable & slippery materials?
5. Whether the entry / exit of the access is free from
any obstruction

E. Housekeeping and maintenance:

1. Are all debris / undesirable material removed from
the working platform and access?
2. Are all the scaffold members maintained from time
to time?
3. Are all the damaged / weakened parts of the
scaffold immediately removed or replaced?

F. Safety tag:
1. Whether safety tag “unsafe scaffolding” / “safe
scaffolding” is displayed in the language understood
by majority of the workers?

(Name & Signature of Site Engineer) (Name & Signature of Safety Officer)
Safety Manual for Works

Annexure ‐ 6


(To be filled in TRIPLICATE)

Sl. Description Details

1. Name and address of contractor
2. Name and address of manufacturer of the crane
3. Type of Crane and nature of power
4. a) Date of manufacture of the crane
b) Date of first use of the crane
c) Date of last examination of the crane
5. Identification No.
a) Manufacturer’s serial number
b) Owner’s distinguishing mark / number
6. Safe Working Load(s) Length of Radius Test Load Safe Working
jib (M) (M) (MT) Load (MT)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
In case of a crane with variable operating radius,
the safe working load at various radii of the jib,
trolley or crab must be given. Test loads at
various radii shall be given in column (3) and in
the case which has been calculated without the
application of a test load, ‘NIL’ shall be entered in
that column.
7. In case of a crane with a derricking jib or jibs, the
maximum radius at which the jib or jibs may be
worked (in m)
8. Defects noted and alterations or repairs required
before crane is put into service (if none, enter
I hereby certify that the crane described in this certificate was tested and thoroughly examined by me on
(date: / / ) and that the above particulars are correct.
Date of certification:

(Signature & stamp)

(Name & address of the Person, Company or Association by whom the person conducting test and
examination is employed)
Safety Manual for Works

Annexure – 7
(To be filled in TRIPLICATE)

Sl. No. Description

1. Name and address of contractor
2. a) Type of hoist or lift and identification
number and description
b) Date of manufacture
c) Date of last overhauling / substantial
3. Design and manufacture:
Are all parts of the hoist or lift of good
mechanical construction, sound material
and adequate strength?
4. Maintenance: Are all following parts of the
hoist or lift properly maintained and in
good working order? If not, state what
defects have been found
a) Enclosure of hoist way or lift way
b) Leading gates and cage gate(s)
c) Interlock on the leading gates and cage
d) Other gate fastenings
e) Bucket or cage or platform and fittings,
gates, buffers, hoist way
f) Over running devices
g) Suspension ropes or chains and their
h) Safety gear i.e., arrangements for
preventing fall of bucket or platform or
i) Brakes
j) Worm or spur gearings
k) Other electrical equipment
l) Other parts
5. Which parts (if any) were inaccessible?
6. Repairs, renewals or alterations required to
enable the hoist or lift to be used or to
continue to be used with safety:
a) Immediately
Safety Manual for Works

b) Within a specified time, the time is to be

If no such repairs, renewals or alterations
are required, enter ‘NIL’
7. Specify defects (other than those specified
at 5 above) which require attention
8. If no defects requiring attentions are found
and no repairs, renewals or alterations are
required then state that the hoist or lift is
In safe working condition.
9. Maximum safe working load subject to
repairs, renewals or alterations (if any)
Specified at 5.
10. If the hoist is to be used for the carriage of
passengers specify the maximum number
of passengers that may be carried safely.
11. Other observations

I hereby certify that on (date: / / ) I thoroughly examined this hoist or lift and the
that the foregoing is a correct report of the result.

Date of certification:
(Signature & stamp)

(Qualification) [Name
& address of the Person, Company or Association by whom the person conducting the test and
examination is employed]
Safety Manual for Works

Annexure 7A


(As per Form XXVI, BOCW Central Rules, 1998)



“Thorough examination” means a visual examination, supplemented, if necessary, by other

means such as a hammer test, carried out as carefully as the conditions permit, in order to arrive
at a reliable conclusion as to the safety of the parts examined, and if necessary, for such
examination parts of the lifting appliances and gear shall be dismantled.

Initial and periodical load tests of lifting appliance
Situation and No of I certify that on the date on which I have Remarks
description of lifting certificate of appended by signature the lifting (to be,
appliances tested test and appliance shown in column (a) was tested signed and
with distinguishing examination of and no defects affecting its safe working dated)
number of marks if competent condition were found other than those
any person shown in
column (5)
Date and Date and
signature signatur
with e
seal with seal
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

(B) Annual thorough examination:

I certify that on the date to which I have appended my signature, the lifting appliance
shown in column (1) was thoroughly examined and no defects affecting its safe working
conditions were found other than those shown in column (12)

Date and Date and Date and Date and Date and Date and Remarks to
signatur signatur signature signatur signatur signatur be signed
e e with seal e with e with e with and
with seal with seal seal seal seal dated
(6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Safety Manual for Works


Initial and periodical load test of loose gars and annual thorough examination:

List of loose gear:

The following classes of loose gears namely‐
1. Chains made of malleable cast iron;
2. Plate link chains;
3. Chains, rings, hooks, shackles and swivels made of steel;
4. Pitched chains;
5. Chains, rings, hooks, shackles and swivels permanently attached to pitched chains,
pulley blocks, containers, spreaders, trays, slings, baskets etc. and any other similar
6. Hooks and swivels having screw threaded parts or ball bearings or other case
hardened parts; and
7. Bordeaux connections

Initial Test and Periodical Load Test of Loose Gears

Distinguishing Description of No of I certify that on the date on which I have
no. or marks loose gear certificates of append my signature the loose gears
tested and test and shown in column (1) and (2) were tested
examined examination of and no defects affecting the safe working
competent condition were found other than those
person shown in column (6)
Date and Date and
signature signature
with seal with
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Annual Thorough Examination of Loose Gears

Remarks I certify that on the date to which I have appended my signature the loose gears
(to be shown in column (1) and (2) were thoroughly examined by me and no defects
signed and affecting their safe working condition were found other than those shown in
dated) column (10)
Date and Date and Date and Remarks (to be signed
signature signature signature with and dated)
with with seal
seal seal
(6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Safety Manual for Works

Safety Manual for Works

Annealing of chains, Rings, Hooks, Shackles and Swivels (other than those exempted)

12.5 mm and smaller chains, rings, hooks, If used with lifting appliance of driven by
shackles and swivels in general use. Other power, must be annealed once at least in every
chains, rings, hooks, shackles and swivels in six months.
general If used solely with lifting appliance worked by
hand, must be annealed once at least in every
twelve months.
If used with lifting appliance driven by power,
must be annealed once at least in twelve
If used solely with lifting appliance worked by
hand, must be annealed once at least in every
two years.

NOTE: It is recommended though not required by rues that annealing should be carried out in a suitable
constructed furnace heated to temperature between 1100 degree and 1300 degree Fahrenheit or 600
degree and 700 degree Centigrade, for a period between 30 and 60 minutes

Distinguishin Description No. of the I certify that on the date to which I have Remarks
g no. and of gear certificate appended my signature, the gear (to be
mark annealed of test and described in cols. 1 & 2 was effectually signed and
examinatio annealed under my supervision; that dated
n after being so annealed every article was
carefully inspected and that no defects
affecting its safe working condition were
found other than those shown in col. 7
Date and Date and Date and
signatur signatur signatur
e e e
with seal with seal with seal
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Safety Manual for Works

Annexure ‐ 8
(as per Schedule – III, BOCW Central Rules, 1998)

1. A sufficient number of eye wash bottles filled with distilled water or suitable liquid clearly
indicated by a distinctive sign which shall be visible at all times.
2. 4 per cent xylocaine eye drops, and boric acid eye drops and soda‐bi‐carbonate eye drops.
3. Twenty four small sterilized dressings.
4. Twelve medium size sterilised dressings.
5. Twelve large size sterilised dressings.
6. Twelve large size sterilised burn dressings.
7. Twelve (fifteen cm) packets of sterilised cotton wools.
8. Two hundred ml bottle of certimide solution (1 per cent) or suitable antiseptic solution.
9. One (two hundred ml) bottle of mercurochrome (2 per cent) solution in water.
10. One (one hundred twenty ml) bottle of salvolatile having the doses and made of
administration indicated in the bottle.
11. One pair of scissors.
12. One roll of adhesive plaster (six cm x one meter)
13. Two rolls of adhesive plaster (two cms x one meter)
14. Twelve pieces of sterilised eye pads in separate sealed packets.
15. A bottle containing hundred tablets (each of three hundred twenty five mg) of aspirin or
any other analgesic.
16. Twelve roller bandages five cms wide.
17. Twelve roller bandages ten cms wide.
18. One tourniquet
19. A supply of suitable splints
20. Three packets of safety pins.
21. Kidney tray.
22. A snake bite lancet.
23. One (thirty ml) bottle containing potassium permanganate crystals.
24. One copy of first aid leaflet issued by Director General
25. Six triangular bandages.
26. Two pairs of suitable, sterilized, latex hand gloves.

Tablets for: fever, headache, body ache, stomach ache, loose motion, acidity, cold, upper respiratory trac
infection, urinary tarc infection, low backache, abdomen pain, minor injuries, Tab. Sorbitrate, Cap.
Nefedine, etc.
Safety Manual for Works

Annexure 9
Articles for Ambulance Room/First Aid Post
(as per Schedule – IV, BOCW Central Rules, 1998)

1. A glazed sink with hot and cold water always available.

2. A table with a smooth top at least 180cm x 105 cm.
3. Means for sterilizing instrument
4. A couch and three chairs.
5. Two Stretchers and one examination bed with bed sheet, a pillow and cover
6. Two buckets or containers with close fitting lids and two rubber hot water bags.
7. A kettle and spirit stove or other suitable means of boiling water.
8. Twelve plain wooden splints 900cm x 100cm x 6cm.
9. Twelve plain wooden splints 350cm x 75cm x 12cm.
10. Six plain wooden splints 250cm x 50cm x 12cm.
11. Six wooden blankets.
12. Three pairs artery forceps.
13. One battle of spiritus annemiae arenatuins (120ml).
14. Smelling salt (60gm)
15. Two medium size sponges.
16. Six hand towels.
17. Four kidney trays.
18. Four cakes of toilet soap, preferably antiseptic soap.
19. Two glass tumblers, two wine glasses, two tea spoons and two clinical thermometers.
20. Two graduated (120ml) measuring glasses.
21. Two minimum measuring glasses.
22. One wash bottle (1000cc) for washing eyes.
23. One bottle (one liter) carbolic lotion 1 in 20.
24. One screen and one electric hand torch.
25. Four first‐aid boxes or cupboards.
26. An Adequate supply of tetanus toxide.
27. Injections‐ morphia, pethidine, atrophine, adrenaline, coramine, novocaine (6 each).
28. Cramine liquid (60ml).
29. Tablets‐ antithistaminic antispasmodic (25 each).
30. Syringes with needles‐2cc, 5cc, 10cc, and 500cc and needle destoryer
31. Three surgical scissors
32. Two needle holders, big and small.
33. Suturing needles and materials.
34. Three dissecting forceps, three dressing forceps and three scalpels.
35. One stethoscope and one Blood Pressure apparatus.
36. Rubber bandage‐pressure bandage.
37. Oxygen cylinder (min. 330 liter’s capacity) with necessary attachments and one Ambu bag.
38. Weighing machine, measuring, near vision chart, distance vision chart, wash basin, high pressure
drum for sterile items – one each.
39. Atropin eye ointment
40. IV fluids and sets – ten numbers
41. Suitable, foot operated, covered, refuse containers
42. Adequate number of sterilized, paired, latex hand gloves
Injections and other materials: Inj. Dexamethasone, Inj. Hydrocortisone, Inj. Avil, Inj. Dopamine, Inj.
Adrenelin, Inj. Deriphyllin, emergency control drug, demulcent drink, etc.
Safety Manual for Works

Annexure ‐ 10


(To be filled in by Safety officer or Site Engineers)

Sl. Date Area/ Observation/ Remedial Name of Action Signature

No. location hazard measures person taken on of Safety
recommended responsible Officer
Safety Manual for Works

Annexure ‐ 11
(Prescribed under Cl.1.2 of Annexure of AERB Safety Guide for Works Contract))

I/We certify that the installation detailed below has been installed by me/us and tested and that
to the best of my/our knowledge and belief, it complies with Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 as well
as IS: 732‐1963 code of practice for Electrical Wiring Installations. [System voltage not exceeding
650 Volts (Revised)].
Electric installation at..............................................................................................................
Voltage and system of supply a)
Particulars of work Number Total load Type of system of wiring
i) Light Points
ii) Fan points
iii) Plug points (3 pin)
iv) Motors

b) If the work involves installation of overhead lines and/or underground cable

c) Earthing:
Description of earthing electrode, size of earth wire and number of electrodes provided:

d) Test results:
1. Insulation resistance for the whole installation:
i. Between conductors:

ii. Between each conductor and earth:

2. Resistance of earthing electrode or earthing system

3. Maximum earthing resistance of installation

( ) ( )
Signature of Supervisor Signature of Contractor
Name and address of Supervisor Name and address of Contractor.
Safety Manual for Works

Annexure ‐ 12


(Prescribed under Cl.1.3 of Annexure of AERB Safety Guide for Works Contract)
(To be filled in
1. Name & Address of Contractor:
2. Reference to Tender & Work Order:
3. Completion period:
4. Connected load details:
(Please attach details in a separate sheet)
5. Max. demand anticipated :
6. Nature of service connection required:
(Whether single or three phase)
7. Place where service required:
a) Works:
b) Colony:
8. If supply of electricity is free or chargeable:
(Please enclose extract of conditions from the tender)
9. Details of meter provided:
a) If meter required from the Department, whether Security Deposit is paid:
b) Details of SD (Security Deposit):
c) Whether meter is tested or not, if tested, attach test report, if not, details of testing fee
10. Name of Supervisor/Electrician in charge of installation and maintenance:
11. Electrical license No. of person mentioned against col. 10:
12. Electrical safety appliances available for use:
13. Fire extinguishers available for use:
14. First Aid facility/box available for use, if any:

(Signature of the Contractor)

Safety Manual for Works


Certified that my/our installations have been carried out in accordance with I.E. Rules and
that I/We have employed competent persons to handle the installations.
I/we am/are agreeable to the bills, in respect of this service connections being raised on
the basis the connected load furnished above, in case the actual consumption falls below the one
stipulated by the tender conditions.

(Signature of the contractor)



Verified the particulars and forwarded to the Engineer In charge.

(Signature of Contract control Engineer)

Section: Civil/Electrical/Mechanical.


Certified that the particulars furnished by the Contractor are true to the best of my
knowledge and belief and that I have satisfied myself as to the safe conditions of electrical
installations for which the service connection is applied for.


Date: Designation with section:


Certified that I have inspected the electrical installations referred herein and after
satisfying myself about the safe conditions of the installation, I hereby recommend that the
service connection be given to the Contractor.

Signature of Safety Engineer.

Date: Name:
Safety Manual for Works


Service connection may be/may not be given for the reasons noted hereunder.

Signature of Electrical Engineer.

Date: Designation:


Service connection is given by me on

a) Meter Nos. 1.

b) Initial readings: 1.

c) Locations: 1.

d) Meter Sealings: 1.

Signature of Electrical Engineer

(Metering and Billing)

Date: Designations:

1st copy to Contract Control Engineer
After all the formalities are completed and
2nd copy to Safety Engineer
Report of Compliance Electrical Engineer after
power supply is given.
And 3rd copy to Electrical Engineer
Safety Manual for Works

Annexure 13

1. Name of the injured person:

2. Age: Sex: Male / Female
3. Date and time of the accident:
4. Place where the accident occurred:
5. Name of Project and Contractor:

6. Name of contracting division/section:

7. Name of BARC supervisor:

8. Nature of job:

9. Was this his regular job?

10. How did the accident occur (please give details):

11. Nature of injuries:

12. Was the patient referred to hospital?

13. If yes, whether admitted:
14. What was wrong with the working method/instructions:

15. What was defective? Any unsafe condition existed?

Safety Manual for Works

16. Was the accident due to fault of any person other than injured?

17. If yes, who and how?

18. Did any similar accident occur earlier in the project?

19. What safe guards / instructions could have prevented the accident?

20. What steps will be taken to prevent recurrence of similar accident?

(Name & Signature of Contractor)

(Name & Signature of Engineer‐in‐charge)

21. Comments from Head of the contracting Division/Section:

(Head of Contracting Signature Division/Section)

Safety Manual for Works

Annexure 14


Sl. Fire Type of Fire Date of Date of Status Place of Fire Signature
No. Extinguisher Extinguisher monthly annual Extinguisher
No. inspection inspection
Safety Manual for Works

Annexure 15


Sl. Name of Capacity IR value 3 Ph IR Value Remarks

No. Equipment (HP) 1Ph
R M Y M B M

(Name & Signature of Contractor) (Name & Signature of Dept. Representative)

Annexure 16

A&CED: Architecture & Civil Engineering Division AEFR : Atomic Energy Factory
AERB : Atomic Energy Regulatory Board
ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials BOCW: Building and Other
construction Workers BS : British Standards
DB : Distribution Board/ Box DCP: Dry Chemical Powder DG : Diesel
ESG : Engineering Services Group ELCB : Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker HRC :
High Rupturing Capacity
IHSS : Industrial Hygiene and Safety Section IS : Indian Standards
Safety Manual for Works

Kmph : kilometer per hour KVA : kilo‐volt‐ampere

MCB : Miniature Circuit Breaker MS : Mild Steel
PCC : Plain Cement Concrete
PPE : Personal Protective Equipment Re‐bar: Reinforcement bar
RCC : Reinforced Cement Concrete RMC : Ready Mix Concrete
RPM : Revolution per Minute
RSSD : Radiation Safety Systems Division QA : Quality Assurance
QC : Quality Control SU : Safety Unit
SLSC : Site Level Safety Committee
SIDE : Switch off, Isolate, Discharge and Earth UV & IR: Ultra Violet & Infrared
WC : Water Closet

Context of Organization:
Understanding the Organization and its Context:
External and internal issues that are relevant to and can affect the purpose of the ability to
achieve the intended outcome of information security management system varies from unit to
unit. Hence these requirements shall be addressed at the individual unit level.
Understanding the Needs and Expectations of Interested Parties:
Interested parties that are relevant to the information security management system may include
but not limited to the following:
Safety Manual for Works

Customers - External & Internal

Corporate IT
Vendors, etc.

The requirements of these interested parties relevant to information security may be but not
limited to the following:

Project Requirements
Contract requirements
Legal and regulatory requirements
Corporate policies and requirements, etc.

Section V - Document Control

This Manual shall be made available as a read only document to all employees through the Intranet Website.
Employees are encouraged to read the manual, understand their individual responsibilities and play their due role in
ensuring Information security in the organization.

This manual is an internal document and hence shall not be made available to anyone other than the employees.


Changes happen on many fronts - technology, applications, our organizational relationships and the environment.
These changes may affect our information systems and the security set up. Corresponding changes shall be
addressed to the manual as and when required. These changes will however be made as distinct version changes
which can be tracked. After changes, the manual will be reviewed in IT Security forum and approval from all IT Heads
will be taken, the IS Manual shall be posted on the website with suitable notifications.

The Master copy of the document will however be maintained by MSC.

1.1Following Instructions
All security personnel and officers are to obey all instructions and commands given by their superior officers either in writing or verbally
without fail.

All security personnel must be disciplined and courteous to all occupants, visitors, public, superiors and subordinates at all time.
All security personnel must be in full uniform to include headgear whilst on duty. Hair must be kept short and tidy at all time.
1.4Work Procedures
1.4.1 All security personnel must be alert at all times.
1.4.2 All security personnel are not allowed to site or chit-chat in any of the shops or offices in the building.
Safety Manual for Works

1.4.3 All security personnel are not allowed to lean against a wall or appear sleepy while at their respective posts of duty.
1.4.4 All security personnel are not allowed to leave their post whilst on duty or before a replacement guard arrives.
1.4.5 All security personnel are not allowed to sleep whilst on duty.
1.4.6 All security personnel are not allowed to neglect their duties.
1.4.7 All security personnel are to report all incidents that happened within their area of responsibilities to their superior officer.
1.4.8 All security personnel are not allowed to consume alcohol or be under the influence of alcohol or drugs whilst on duty.
1.4.9 All security personnel are not allowed to take into possession or safe keeping any properties, stocks, displays, unattended item whether
valuables or not without proper authorization or means or sales and transfers.
1.4.10 all security personnel are not allowed to stay or wander around their working post whilst on leave, off duty or after duty.
1.4.11 All security personnel are not allowed to carry any video instruments or cameras whilst on duty unless authorized by the
1.4.12 All security personnel are not allowed to abuse , enter into a quarrel, fight or use abusive languages against the management
,superiors, occupants, colleagues or visitors at all times unless their own life is threatened.

1.5Security Vetting
All security personnel must be properly vetted to ensure that they are free from criminal records within three months of their months of their
enrolment. Those who fail in the vetting are to be dismissed from the company.
All security personnel must be physically and mentally fit to perform their duties.
All security personnel must be fully equipped with a note book, pen, whistle, baton, identification tag, walkie-talkie, torch light, rain coats
and umbrellas.
Log Books
All security personnel must ensure all diaries and record books are to be kept in good order and produced for verification by their superiors
and/or the management from time to time.

2.1Incident Report Book
2.1.1To record all incidents in the building with comprehensive details of occurrence, action taken including any follow up action or in
progress their required recommendations.
2.1.2To be kept in a proper order for reference, induced as a supporting facts or evidence in the filing of the incidents with the local
authorities subject to the written consent of the management and the report should be treated as private and confidential.
The incident report should tally and act as precedence to any separate or detailed report to be submitted by the management to the
management or any local authorities with the written consent of the management.
2.1.3All incident reports are to contain the following basic information: - Full name, designation and the identification number of the person submitting the report. The date, time and location of the incident. Details of the person full name(s), identification number(s), vehicle shop lot(s), office unit, value, items, damages, type of incident
involved and any other relevant information. Personal particulars of the witness(es), address(es), identification number(s), contact numbers- mobile phone, office and residential,
if any. taken, follow up action(s) or in progress action(s) required and recommendations.
Safety Manual for Works Investigation details as to the cause of the incident, contributing factors, suspected persons or factors, how the incident occurred and
its impact on the security of the building.
2.2Visitors Log Book
2.2.1Visitors entering during the operational hours are to register with the security guard at the guard house and to be observed on the full
compliance of the house rules and any rules and regulations as assigned by the management.
2.2.2All visitors and occupants entering the building after the operation hours are required to register at the guard house. Details to be
included are date, time in, time out, full name, identification number, place of destination, reason and the person’s signature.
2.3 Contracts Log Book
2.3.1All Contractors doing renovation, repair and maintenance works are required to register and obtained contractor passes at the guard
house. Details to include in the record book are date, time out full name, identification number, vehicle registration number, place of
destination, reason and the workmen signatures.

Appendix - Policies and Guidelines

List of Policies/ Guidelines

Sl. No Policy / Guidelines

I Information Security Policy

II Access Control Policy

III Information Security Policy for Project Sites

VI Information security policy for supplier relationships

V ITSA Responsibility Guidelines

VI Risk Assessment guidelines

Information Security Policy

1.0 Purpose

The purpose of Information Security Management is to protect information assets from all threats, vulnerabilities,
whether internal or external, deliberate or accidental thereby ensuring incessant services to customers and other
interested parties. The implementation of this policy is important to maintain our integrity as a supplier of product /
service to both internal and external customers.
Safety Manual for Works

2.1 Definition of Information Security Management System

“Information can exist in many forms. It can be printed or written on paper, stored electronically, transmitted by post or
using electronic means, shown on films, or spoken in conversation.

Whatever forms the information takes, or means by which it is shared or stored, it should always be appropriately

Information security aims at protecting information from a wide range of threats in order to ensure business continuity,
minimize business damage and maximize return on investment and business opportunities. The 3 basic components in
Information Security Management are:

1. Confidentiality - Ensuring that information is accessible on to those authorized to have access.

2. Integrity - Safeguarding the accuracy and completeness of information and processing methods.
3. Availability - Ensuring that authorized users have access to information and associated assets when required.
A system designed to meet the three basic components of Information Security and to provide protection to assets from
vulnerabilities and threats is Information Security Management System.

3.0 Management intent

The management of endeavours to support the establishment of security systems, set a clear policy direction and
demonstrate support for, and commitment to, information security through the issue and maintenance of a Security
Policy across the organization and user groups.

4.1 Objectives

1. Protection of customer property and proprietary information

2. Protection of company’s information & information processing assets. (Measurable objectives e.g. virus attacks,
system crashing, server failure, backup not restorable, loss of data, etc.)

3. Adoption of a systematic approach to risk assessment and risk treatment. of data, etc.)
4. Adoption of a systematic approach to risk assessment and risk treatment.
5. Provide a comprehensive Business Continuity Plan encompassing the respective unit/ location
6. Identify the value of information assets and to understand their threats & vulnerabilities through appropriate risk
7. Manage the risks to an acceptable level through design, implementation and maintenance of a formal Information
Security Management System.
8. Comply with regional & international legislation relating to our services:
9. Comply with Contract conditions.
10. Comply with the company corporate directives.

5.0 Scope of the ISMS

The scope of this policy includes to all units mentioned in section IV.
Safety Manual for Works

6.0 Applicability

This policy is applicable to users of all information, explicit as well as implied, including all contractual
partners of the organization.
7.0 Delegation and Responsibility Allocation

The top management shall form an Information Security Management Forum to guide the entire
organization in implementing the policy. All Unit Heads/HODs will check for compliance with the policy
within their area of responsibility and within their skill sets. They will guide/participate in carrying out
risk assessment and risk treatment plans. All users will abide by this policy and all related policies and
procedures. They shall also report security incidents and weaknesses to designated personnel. A
database of security skill sets shall be created, maintained and made available at individual

9.2 Specific policies

1. Acceptable Use Policy
2. Access Control Policy
3. Secure Development Policy
4. Information security policy for supplier relationships Regulatory
5. Compliance with regulatory requirements both Regional and International, specific with our
service segments including,
6. Information Technology Act, 2008(Amendments)
7. Indian Copyright Act 1957
8. Indian Patent Act 1970
9. Indian Contracts Act, 1872

10.0 Disciplinary Actions

Compliance with the policy and procedural requirements shall be effectively monitored to ensure
proper reporting mechanisms in case of lapses and penal provisions for nonconformance.

11.0 Review

This policy shall be reviewed periodically once a year during IT Security Coordination meeting and
where cases of influencing changes occur; it shall be appropriately modified & documented to
meet our business requirements and our ability to serve our customer.
Safety Manual for Works

Access Control Policy

1.0 Overview

(Henceforth referred as the “Organization”) intentions for publishing an Access Control Policy are
not to impose restrictions that are contrary to the established culture of openness, trust and

2.1 Purpose

The purpose of this policy is:

1. To outline the proper access level for information and information processing assets
2. To protect the information and information processing assets of the Organization and its
customers by having proper access control
3. To prevent exposure to risks including unauthorized access, loss of information and disruption
in network services

3.0 Scope

This policy applies to all employees and external parties of the Organization. It also applies to all
information and information processing assets that are owned or leased by the Organization or
customer / contractual partner provided.

4.1 Policy

To ensure that the information and information processing assets of the organization are accessed
only by the authorized personnel, the following shall be implemented.

1. The login IDs for getting logical access to the Organization’s network resources shall be created
for an employee / external party only based on approval from the concerned dept. heads /
authorized person.
Safety Manual for Works

Depending on the job responsibilities, the Project manager / Dept. Head shall request the

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