Types of Prime Movers For SG

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Ch 6 Synchronous Generators Design

Types of Prime Movers for SG

The common types of prime movers for alternators are

Diesel engines
The diesel driven alternators are of small ratings from 100kVA to 1000kVA.
The speed 𝑛 is usually between 375 to 1500 rpm i.e., the number of poles 𝑝 is 16 to 4.
Generally 4 to 6 pole alternators are common for diesel driven generator s.
Steam turbines
Turbo generators are mainly 2-pole machines running at 3000rpm synchronous speed at
These have smaller diameters and long rotors and the field is on the rotor with a non- salient
type of construction.
Hydraulic turbines
The hydraulic turbine driven alternators have to match the specific speed requirements of the
turbines driving them.
These generators are slow speed machines with speeds between 1500 and 100 rpm.

Types of synchronous machine

Synchronous machines for general power-supply networks (at 50, 60 and occasionally 25 Hz)
may be classified as follows:
Turbo-generators. Driven by steam turbines at high speeds (up to 3000 rpm) and in
ratings up to 1000 MW.
Hydro-generators. Driven by hydraulic turbines at speeds between 90 and 1000 rpm and in
ratings up to 750 𝑀𝑊.
Engine-driven generators. Various forms of prime-mover of the internal combustion type, with
speeds up to 1 500 r/min and ratings up to about 20 MW. Gas-turbine drives may be of higher
speed and rating.
Compensators. Self-driven machines operating at speeds up to 3000 or 3600 rpm and in ratings
up to about 100 MVAR.
Motors. The plain salient-pole synchronous machine has the highest efficiency and can be used for
constant-speed industrial drives such as compressors, blowers, pumps and fans, in particular where
the starting conditions are suitable or power-factor improvement is economically desirable.
Design of synchronous machine
Almost all synchronous generators are 3-phase star-connected machines, with the field
windings carried on cylindrical or salient-pole rotors.
The stator windings are of double-layer form so that harmonics can be reduced by
chording. The phase-spread is almost invariably 60°.
With large turbo-generators the armature (stator) mmf may reach 300 kAT/pole, and
to avoid excessive demagnetization effects the field (rotor) mmf must be of comparable
In order to reduce the high core and tooth saturation levels, a long air-gap is necessary, from
5 mm in a 1 MVA machine to 100 mm or more in a 500 MVA machine.

Design of Turbo-generators
Steam turbines run efficiently only at high speeds, so that 2-pole generator construction is
common even at high ratings.
The electric and magnetic loadings are exceptionally high.
The rotor diameter is limited to about 1.2 m, and in 50 Hz machines the active core length
must be of the order of 10mm/MVA.
A 500 MW generator may thus have a core length of 5𝑚, and a shaft length of 12𝑚.
The outside diameter of the stator core may be about 3𝑚 and of the outer casing about 4𝑚.
Larger ratings make more sophisticated cooling essential

Design of Industrial Generators

Special-purpose and standby synchronous generators useful in industry are driven from diesel
engines or gas turbines, sometimes as a transportable unit, in sizes typically between 50
and 1000 kVA.
The most usual design has a 4-pole salient rotor with brushless excitation, and a conventional
stator winding.
The performance guarantees include automatic voltage regulation, voltage dip and recovery
time, voltage build-up when starting, and low harmonic content.
A typical gas-turbine / generator set for 500 kW is fully enclosed on a single base, complete
with turbine starting, cooling, fuel and oil systems, excitation control, switchgear and
main cable connectors, all in a total mass of 6000 kg.
With a top-mounted exhaust outlet, the plan dimensions are 4.5 m x 1 .5 m, and the height is
Design of Synchronous Motors
The constructional features of motors do not differ from those of generators of comparable
rating and speed, except that the salient-pole design is the most common, and that (unlike the
generator) the machine is almost always required to be self-starting, using the pole-face cage as
a starting winding.
There is no essential difference between the stators of poly-phase synchronous and
induction motors of comparable rating.

Construction of Machines
Turbo-alternators have cylindrical type rotors while the hydraulic-alternators and diesel
alternators have salient pole construction.
Based on the construction of the machines, the alternators can be classified as (i) rotating type
armature and (ii) rotating field type.
Rotating armature type alternators are built only in small ratings upto about 200 or 250kVA
while large size alternators are of the rotating field type.
For the armature, 0.5mm thick special Lohys laminations are used.
For the filed structure, cold rolled cold annealed (CRCA) laminations are used (about 1 to
1.5 mm thick) while for the yoke mild steel frame structure is used.
Alternator Specifications
he basic specifications which should be considered for starting an alternators design
1.kVA rating 2.Rated voltage 3.Three-phase 4.Frequency 5. Speed 6.Power factor
7.Temperature rise 8. Class of insulation 9. Type of enclosure 10. Cooling system 11.Excitation
system 12.Type of voltage regulator 13.Expected efficiency 14.Regulation 15.Losses
Also any particular standard specifications which should be met any dimensional restriction,
and transport facility

Main dimensions
The output S of a synchronous machine is a function of the air- gap diameter 𝐷, core length
𝐿, speed 𝑛, and the specific magnetic and electric loadings B́ and 𝑎𝑐.
𝑆 = 11𝑘𝑤 B́ 𝑎𝑐 𝐷². 𝐿. 𝑛
In machines of the highest rating the limiting feature is the peripheral speed
𝑣= 𝜋𝐷𝑛
Therefore 𝑆 = 1.1𝑘𝑤 B́ 𝑎𝑐 L v²/ 𝑛 where the winding factor of the stator is 𝑘w= 0.96.
The synchronous machines may be classified mainly as low-speed and high-speed
Low-speed machines have salient pole construction; while high-speed machines have
round rotor construction.
The linear speed for the low-speed machines may be taken as 𝑣 = 80 𝑚/𝑠 while 𝑣 for
high speed machines such as turbo-alternators may be as high as 170 𝑚/𝑠.
Low-speed machines therefore have a large diameter and a small length, and the ration of
length to diameter may be 0.4 to 1.0.
For turbo alternators, the ratio of length to diameter is 1.5 to 2.5 or even larger.

Choice of Air-gap
A very small air-gap increases the stray load losses; also the eccentricity (deviation of a
curve or orbit from circularity) in the air-gap can result from mechanical assembly
This also increases the synchronous reactance of the machine 𝑋𝑑.
A large air-gap increases the excitation current.
A compromise has to be made.
Generally, the ratio of air-gap to pole pitch is between 0.008 and 0.02.

Choice of Slots and their size

The number of slots per pole per phase should be large to obtain a sinusoidal
waveform in the voltage produced.
In general, the number of slots per pole per phase is 3 or 4 for small machines and
greater than 5 for large machines.
Small machines may have integral slot winding with enough chording.
For large machines, fractional slot winding is used, and so the number of slots per
pole per phase may not be an integer.
The width of the slot should accommodate the width of the conductor if a strip
conductor is chosen; the width of the slot should be roughly equal to the width of the tooth
at 1/3rd the depth of the slot.
The minimum tooth width should be such that the maximum flux density in it does not
exceed the limit of flux density in teeth permissible to avoid saturation.
The depth of the slot and shape is such as to accommodate the required number of
conductors per slot for the rated voltage to be produced at the rated speed.
Usually, the depth is 4 to 6 times the width. If the depth is increased, the leakage (slot)
reactance increases; core losses in the teeth are larger and more excitation will be required
for the machine.
Semi-closed slots are used with round enamelled wire conductors for the winding in
the case of small and medium size machines; for strip winding open slots are required.

Design of Stator winding

For small machines upto 200kVA enamelled wires are used with a number of parallel
circuits for the current rating required.
For large current and voltage, fibre-glass covered rectangular copper conductors are used. The
fill factor is higher but the heat transfer is poorer.
The standard type of winding used for alternators is double layer lap integral slot winding or
fractional slot winding.
The current density depends on speed, class of insulation used, the enclosure and the cooling
system used. Generally current may be taken as 5 to 8 𝐴/𝑚𝑚².
The insulation system used is Class B insulation; nowadays Class F insulation is used but the
temperature limits of Class F are not used and only Class B temperature limits are used in
normal running.
Higher temperatures may occur with overloading for short period if required.
Employing Class F insulation, makes optimum use of the active materials in the machine.

Design of Field Winding

The field winding will be designed for a voltage 15 to 30% less than the excitor voltage, to allow
for the voltage drop between the generator field and the excitor and to allow for variation in
the reluctance of the magnetic circuit.
Knowing the Ampere-turns required for a rated load at a rated power factor, the field current
and the size of the wire can be determined.
For small machines, round enameled wires can be used for field winding.
For medium machines upto 500kW, enameled copper strips can be used.
For large machines, bare copper strips with insulation between inter-turns are used.

Current density in the field winding is about 𝐴/mm2

Excitation System
A DC exciter directly coupled to the shaft of the alternator is generally used.
The size of the exciter may be 2 to 3% of the alternator capacity.
The standard rated voltage may be 110V or 220V.
An Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) is used to maintain the terminal voltage of the alternator
constant at various loads.
Nowadays static excitors are used with semi-conductors.
In order to eliminate the problem of slip-rings and brush-wear, the trend is now to use a
brushless excitor. This employs an AC excitor coupled to the same shaft as that of the alternator
with a rotating diode wheel which feeds power to the rotor.
The field excitation to the exciter is tapped from the mains supply through a voltage regulator.
The excitation system must have a low voltage dip and quick voltage recovery.

Damper Winding Design

The damper winding is provided in the pole-face of the alternator by means of copper rods
which are connected at the pole faces by short-circuiting rings.
Damper winding helps in preventing oscillations of the alternator when a synchronous
machine undergoes load fluctuations especially during parallel operation with other
synchronous machines.

Design of Hydro-generators
Mechanical considerations dominate the constructional form of generators to be driven by
The low-speed, determined by the available head and type of turbine, demands a
multipolar form and consequently large diameter, involving in turn a design such that the
machine can be transported to site in sections.
The turbine governing, or the transient stability of the associated power network, decides
the total inertia of the set, most of which must be provided by the generator.
It is usual to design the machine to rotate safely on overspeed of the order of twice normal
operating speed; only rarely is the overspeed near to the first critical speed.
Both horizontal- and vertical-shaft designs are employed for impulse-turbine drive and the large
reaction and Kaplan turbines, respectively.
The bearings for horizontal-shaft machines must include a thrust bearing to resist the axial
component of force produced by the turbine.
In low-speed vertical-shaft machines, the hydraulic thrust may exceed the dead weight of
the rotating masses, and there are a few variants possible in the mechanical arrangement
of the unit.
Oil is supplied to the bearings by motor-driven pumps, and cooled externally.
Alternatively the bearing itself may be direct-cooled by water through tubes embedded in
the bearing metal.
Vertical-shaft machines are provided with pneumatically operated brakes to bring the set to
rest without protracted low-speed running.
The same brakes, operated hydraulically, may be used as jacks when the set is at rest to allow
oil to flood the thrust bearing or to permit maintenance of the thrust- bearing pads.

Design of Compensators
Synchronous compensators for the control of reactive-power demand in supply system
networks may be permanently sited, or may require to be transported at intervals in
accordance with the growth and changing pattern of system conditions.
They are designed to be compact and almost self-contained, with the minimum of
external connections.
Machines of 50 MVAR upward are often built with hydrogen cooling.
4 or 6-pole construction is usual, with salient rotor poles and a conventional stator winding.
Apart from excitation, the losses are low, and a power factor of 0.02—0.03 p.u. can be

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