Faecal Sludge Treatment Plant (FSTP) - Leh
Faecal Sludge Treatment Plant (FSTP) - Leh
Faecal Sludge Treatment Plant (FSTP) - Leh
01 Introduction
i. Faecal Sludge Management (FSM)
ii. Policies for FSM in India
iii. Introduction – Leh FSTP
02 Problem
Table of contents
03 Public Private Partnership
04 Step by step functioning of FSTP
05 Specifications of FSTP
06 Notable Features
07 Analysis
08 Way Forward for FSM
09 Conclusion
● This plant was designed by BORDA and CDD Society, executed by Municipal Committee
of Leh (MCL) and Blue Water Company (BWC).
● Influx of tourists, modern habits and increasing popularity of flush toilets has led to
depletion and contamination of groundwater which is a major source for drinking
water for the city. Cities like Shimla have seen cholera outbreaks due to similar
pollution of the water bodies.
● A sewer system is under construction and in due course may only cover 40-50% of the
city which could be too little, too late. The plant was built to tackle prevailing FS mis-
management issue in Leh city.
● In May 2017, BORDA conceptualized a FSM system for the city that can complete the
sewerage system that is under development.
Turn-key PPP model: A public private partnership model was adopted to make the FSTP in
Leh with a five-year contract between Leh Municipal Committee (LMC), BORDA, CDD
Society and Blue Water Company (BWC).
Faecal Sludge Management (FSM)