GB921-B Business Process Framework 7-0 - V7-1 (63 Pages)

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Enhanced Telecom

Operations Map® (eTOM)

The Business Process Framework


Version 7.1 January, 2007

TeleManagement Forum 2007
eTOM, The Business Process Framework – Addendum B


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eTOM, The Business Process Framework – Addendum B

Table of Contents

Notice ..................................................................................................................................................................2
Table of Contents ..............................................................................................................................................3
List of Figures ....................................................................................................................................................5
Preface ................................................................................................................................................................6
eTOM Business Process Framework .......................................................................................................6
1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................7
2. The emergence of E-BUSINESS within the ICT Market...........................................................................8
What is e-business?...................................................................................................................................8
Implications of e-business for Service Providers......................................................................................9
How can a Service Provider migrate towards e-business? ...................................................................10
A Conceptual Model for a Service Provider e-business.........................................................................11
Service Provider ..................................................................................................................................12
Complementor .....................................................................................................................................12
Intermediary .........................................................................................................................................12
Supplier ................................................................................................................................................13
3. Main B2B initiatives and concepts ...........................................................................................................14
3.3. Shared public process....................................................................................................................15
3.4. ‘Regulated’ versus ‘unregulated’ B2B ...........................................................................................16
3.4.1.B2B using Web pages ...............................................................................................................16
3.4.2.Call centers.................................................................................................................................16
3.5. RosettaNet Conceptual Model.......................................................................................................16
ebXML what is it? .....................................................................................................................................18
Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................18
ebXML Technical Architecture............................................................................................................19
ebXML Registry/Repository ................................................................................................................20
Elements of Immediate Interest..........................................................................................................20
What does eTOM need to address?.......................................................................................................21
4. Extending ETOM for Business to Business Interactions .....................................................................22
Modeling Regulated B2B Processes between instances of the eTOM ................................................22
eTOM extensions .....................................................................................................................................25
eTOM Public B2B Business Operations Map.........................................................................................28
Relevance to B2B for the eTOM.........................................................................................................29
eTOM Public B2B Business Operation Map (ePBOM)..........................................................................30
B2B External Environment - Process components ...........................................................................30
B2B Environment - Information Entities .............................................................................................31
RosettaNet Business Operations Map (BOM) Overview..................................................................32
Vertical Telecomm industry B2B Business Operations Map ............................................................34
eTOM Public B2B BOM-Level 0 Process Area ......................................................................................34
5. Summary.......................................................................................................................................................37
6. References....................................................................................................................................................38

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6.5.1.Referenced Organizations ........................................................................................................ 38

6.5.2.Citations ..................................................................................................................................... 38
Annex A: Overview of RosettaNet and ebXML.......................................................................................... 40
A.1 Concepts ........................................................................................................................................ 40
A.2 Defining public processes.............................................................................................................. 40
A.3 The B2B Transaction Patterns...................................................................................................... 41
A.4 Binary Collaborations..................................................................................................................... 41
A.5 General structure of a Business Transaction ............................................................................... 42
A.6 Example Transaction Pattern – Request Response.................................................................... 44
A.7 Message Flows .............................................................................................................................. 44
A.8 Example Transaction Pattern – Notification ................................................................................. 45
Annex B: B2B Terminology Used In This DOCUMENT............................................................................ 46
B.1 RosettaNet and ebXML terms....................................................................................................... 46
B.2 General e-Business Terminology.................................................................................................. 48
Annex c: RosettaNet Business Operations Map....................................................................................... 52
annex d:............................................................................................................................................................ 58
Acronyms ................................................................................................................................................. 58
Administrative Appendix............................................................................................................................... 60
About this document................................................................................................................................ 60
Document Life Cycle ............................................................................................................................... 60
How to comment on this document ........................................................................................................ 60
Document History .................................................................................................................................... 61
Version History.................................................................................................................................... 61
Release History................................................................................................................................... 61
Acknowledgments ................................................................................................................................... 61
About TeleManagement Forum.............................................................................................................. 63

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List of Figures

Figure 2.1 The Service Provider Conceptual Model for e-business 11

Figure 3.1 Concept of a public process 15
Figure 3.2 RosettaNet Conceptual Model 17
Figure 3.3 ebXML Concept 19
Figure 4.1 B2B Environment for modeling ICT Value Chain 23
Figure 4.2 eTOM B2B Reference Model 24
Figure 4.3 Mapping of ebXML Process Steps on eTOM Business Process Framework 28
Figure 4.4 eTOM Public B2B BOM – Public Processes 30
Figure 4.5 eTOM Public B2B BOM - Information 31
Figure 4.6 RosettaNet Business Operations Map - Clusters 33
Figure 4.7 RosettaNet Business Operations Map – Cluster 3 Order Management 34
Figure 4.8 eTOM Public B2B Business Operations Map Level 0 and 1 35

Figure A. 1 BPSS Model Business Transactions 41

Figure A. 2 From multipart Collaborations to Business Transactions 42
Figure A. 3 Business Documents and Business Signals 43

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eTOM, The Business Process Framework – Addendum B


eTOM Business Process Framework

The eTOM Business Process Framework is a reference framework for categorizing

all the business activities that a service provider will use. This is done through
definition of each area of business activity, in the form of process components or
Process Elements that can be decomposed to expose progressive detail. These
process elements can then be positioned within a model to show organizational,
functional and other relationships, and can be combined within process flows that
trace activity paths through the business.

The eTOM can serve as the blueprint for standardizing and categorizing business
activities (or process elements) that will help set direction and the starting point for
development and integration of Business and Operations Support Systems (BSS and
OSS respectively). An important additional application for eTOM is that it helps to
support and guide work by TM Forum members and others to develop NGOSS
solutions. For service providers, it provides a Telco industry-standard reference point,
when considering internal process reengineering needs, partnerships, alliances, and
general working agreements with other providers. For suppliers, the eTOM
framework outlines potential boundaries of process solutions, and the required
functions, inputs, and outputs that must be supported by process solutions.

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eTOM, The Business Process Framework – Addendum B

1. Introduction

While eTOM is the global de facto Business Process Framework at the Enterprise
Level for the Telecommunications Industry, specific process frameworks and good
practice guides have also been developed for use between enterprises in other
industries. Examples include the Supply Chain Council, RosettaNet, Electronic
Business XML (ebXML) process frameworks and the Balanced Scorecard.

This document is part of a set of documents showing how the frameworks and best
practices developed and used by other industry sectors can be used together with the
eTOM Business Process Framework to provide a richer and more complete
Enterprise Business Process Framework.

The key business problem addressed by this document is to provide an answer to the

‘What processes does an organization have to put in place in order to

deliver automated Business to Business interfaces with its trading

The key business technical and business issue is:

‘How to define the internal processes within an organizations’ jurisdiction,

and practically link them to public industry B2B processes defined by
industry groups?’

This document introduces e-business, what it is, and the impact that its emergence is
having on Service Providers.

A simple model is presented in Chapter 2 that helps clarify the main concepts that
relate to e-business. Chapter 3 introduces some of the standardization related
activities that have emerged in response to this phenomenon. Chapter 4 summarizes
the main consideration in extending the eTOM Business Process Framework to
support inter-enterprise integration using B2B.

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2. The emergence of E-BUSINESS within the ICT Market

The application of the latest technologies is transforming access to information, which

in turn is revolutionizing the ways enterprises can share the information, and can use
it to interact with their customers and suppliers. This enhanced ability to share
information is resetting customer expectations; and, as they experience and adapt to
this new way of conducting business, with its improvements in both service and levels
of control, they are becoming increasingly intolerant of enterprises that are incapable
of delivering to these new standards.

In this new paradigm, success depends on creating new ‘product offerings and
experiences’ in which customers see value. Value is now defined in terms of the
whole customer experience including things such as fulfillment and repair times.
Customers value one-stop shopping, selection choices, personalization of service,
and the empowerment gained from self-service. The common denominator is making
life easier, simpler and complete for the customer.

To meet and deliver against these new customer expectations, information-centric

business designs have to be developed and investment in technology is required to
support their implementation. Priorities include the need to integrate and share data
with partners and suppliers to give both a better integration of the supply chain, and a
unified approach to processes such as order entry, fulfillment delivery, support, and

What is e-business?

E-business is understood as the interaction amongst business partners with the help
of information technologies. It refers not only to buying and selling over the Internet
(or other computer network), but also to servicing customers and collaborating with
business partners.

The term e-business has often been interchanged with the term e-commerce.
However, it is becoming increasingly accepted that the use of e-commerce should be
restricted to referring to just the subset of web transactions (mainly business-to-
consumer) which are used whilst buying and selling services and goods over the

An e-business enterprise is an enterprise that utilizes Internet and related

technologies to compete effectively in its business space. The technologies enable it
to act more efficiently and effectively by facilitating better customer interactions,
streamlining interfaces with partners and suppliers and in general, improving the
quality and competitiveness of their offerings.

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E-business’s can be characterized as communities of complementary enterprises

linked together to create unique virtual business entities that are easy to re-configure
in response to evolving customer needs. The central theme of e-business becomes
the delivery of “value” by creating and utilizing end-to-end value streams that are
based on an integrated and customer-centric technological foundation. Communities
of complementary enterprises are tied by these streams and form an extended
enterprise that is transparent to the customer.

A core focus for e-business is therefore on automating relationships between

enterprises1, in part, because relationships that were previously not possible, are now
economically and technically feasible; but also because it also makes possible the
streamlining and automation of the existing value network, resulting in significant
productivity gains for all parties.

In this document value network represents the end-end set of processes and
transactions, established between the various suppliers and partners, to create,
deliver, bill and support the “product” offered to the customer.

Implications of e-business for Service


As new technologies and markets emerge, enterprises have to adapt or die.

Technologies affect customer needs, while customer needs influence business
designs. As new business designs emerge, they affect processes. In turn processes
influence customer expectation, and thus the demands on the next generation of

In response to this new paradigm, it is imperative that enterprises integrate business

activities, technology and processes. They must redefine the way in which they
operate by using new technology-based business organizational designs and
processes, creating new inter-enterprise processes, and integrating these with
operational processes to support changing customer requirements. A Service
Provider’s business management team has to understand what can be enabled by
the application of technology to their business processes and then realize a strategy
that can underpin the indicated transition. Failure to do so will result in an inability to
meet changing customer demands, offerings that lack in quality and perception of
value by the customers, and ever increasing costs. Competition from more agile and
efficient rivals will lead to the enterprise’s demise.

The three principal reasons Service Providers must integrate e-business with
traditional business processes are therefore:
Customer expectations and the need to move to an approach
that focuses on the management of Customer Relationships and
the importance of improving customer retention and increasing
the value customers attribute to the enterprise;

These methods may also be used to form relationships between organizational units within an enterprise where distinct
business roles are performed, such as occurs between retails and wholesale businesses of a regulated Service Provider.

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Productivity gains and the need to ensure that these can

continue to be obtained; and
Provision of a broader range of products and services to
customers - this, for the Information and Communications
Technology industry (more than almost any other industry)
requires a focus on better collaboration between suppliers and
partners and integration of the end-end processes.
The capabilities and performance requirements of the end-end processes required in
an e-business environment are fundamentally different from those in a traditional
business environment. An enterprise that is to transition successfully to e-business
must determine the processes they implement based on criteria such as:
Their relevance to their customers’ needs;
The contribution they make to providing an integrated and unique
identity for the enterprise; and
How critical they are to the enterprise’s operational performance.
Other considerations that should influence process design include:
Exceptions should be handled excellently. I.e. process problems
are identified in real time, and actions to support the customer are
taken real time;
Business rules should be easily configured and applied
automatically; and
The ability to treat a process as an asset that can be assessed,
replaced, and outsourced, as appropriate, to improve the
operation of the enterprise.

How can a Service Provider migrate

towards e-business?

There are several alternative approaches to implementing e-business:

Some enterprises are managing e-business (and e-commerce)
aspects within separate units;
Some are overlaying e-business on traditional business
operations; and
Yet other enterprises are approaching e-business as a
replacement of traditional business channels.
The most successful e-business enterprises integrate e-business and traditional
business channels where cost, quality and profit can be best rationalized. This
requires much more than just throwing together a set of web pages to front-end an
enterprise, although integrating storefront and Web operations is clearly a key part of
the model for some enterprises.

The integration of e-business and traditional business channels is the model that is
judged most applicable to Information and Communications Service Providers.

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Undertaking such integration is typically a substantial exercise. The use of systematic

Business Process Frameworks as a basis for structuring the existing business
processes (intra-enterprise integration) can have major benefits as it makes it easier
to implement and deploy automated e-business channels for inter-enterprise

A Conceptual Model for a Service Provider


E-business involves increasingly complex networks of relationships.

Figure 2.1 depicts the sets of relationship groupings involved in a value network in the
ICT industry. The value network must operate with the efficiency of a self-contained
enterprise, which requires managing the value network as an end-end process rather
than only from the perspective of a single enterprise. The model explicitly shows the
use of the eTOM Business Process Framework by the Service Provider at its core. It
is only shown here to simplify the figure and its presence is not intended to imply that
its use by the Service Provider is prescribed, just that the Service Provider would
probably benefit from its use. Likewise, it is not intended to preclude the use of the
eTOM Business Process Framework by the other entities shown within the value
network. These entities may or may not make use of the eTOM Business Process


Service Provider

Intermediary Complementor


Figure 2.1 The Service Provider Conceptual Model for e-business

The roles of the entities shown in Figure 2.1 - the Service Provider Conceptual Model
for e-business - are described below.


The Customer is responsible for ordering, using and (usually) paying for the Service
Provider’s products. The Customer may represent an end Customer, where the

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product delivered by the value network is consumed, or a wholesale Customer that

resells the product provided, usually with some added value. Depending on the
Customer’s activities, there may be a further refinement of this role as follows:
The Subscriber role is responsible for concluding contracts for
the Service Provider’s products subscribed to and for paying for
these products.
The End User role makes use of the products.

Service Provider

The Service Provider presents an integrated view of their products to the Customer.
It is responsible for the contractual interface with the Customer to sell products to the
Customer, provide the Customer with contact and support, and bill the Customer for
the products supplied. The Service Provider can deliver some or all of a product to
the Customer itself, or it might subcontract out provision of parts, or even all, of the
product to other service providers while maintaining the Customer-facing role of the
one-stop shop. The Service Provider is responsible for acting on behalf of the value
network that it represents in relationships with Intermediaries as well as with the


The Complementary Provider extends the product provided by the Service Provider
and offers additional capability that the Service Provider is not itself offering to the
Customer, i.e. it complements the product being provided by the Service Provider and
adds value to it, but is not essential for provision of the product itself. It could act, for
instance, as a specialist Content Provider to a Service Provider that is operating a
mobile phone service. The Complementary Provider is in a partnership with the
Service Provider and can enhance the Service Provider’s product to the Customer
with its own products, thus making interactions with the Service Provider more
attractive and convenient for the Customer. A business relationship between the
Complementary Provider and the Customer may exist, depending on the nature of
the product being provided and possibly on the business culture of the environment.
Frequently, products offered by a Complementary Provider are co-branded.


The Intermediary supplies a service for a fee. For example, a localized selling
function in a market where the Service Provider has a limited presence and/or
understanding of, is a typical service provided by an intermediary. The service
provided could be an information service enabling Customers to locate Service
Providers most appropriate to their specific needs, or the provision of an environment
in which providers can make their products known to Customers in an electronic
marketplace or trading exchange (infomediary).

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At a time of Internet globalization an Intermediary can play an important role as it can

promote market transparency by overcoming the geographic constraints that used to
limit knowledge about the products available. Functional intermediaries provide a
specific function, such as selling, electronic payment or authentication.


The supplier interacts with the Service Provider in providing hardware, software,
solution and services, which are assembled by the Service Provider in order to deliver
its solutions or services to the Customer. The Service Provider is bounded by its
Suppliers’ ability to deliver.
Note that individual enterprises can adopt multiple roles in different value networks and also
multiple roles within a specific value network, e.g. one role as a retail Service Provider and another
role as a wholesale Service Provider (often required by the regulator). For example a service
provider may be the customer-facing service provider in one value network and a complementor or
intermediary in another. In today’s fast-moving marketplace, these relationships can be very short-
lived compared with the more static relationships of the traditional telecommunications market.

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eTOM, The Business Process Framework – Addendum B

3. Main B2B initiatives and concepts

The idea of automating inter-enterprise business processes is not a new concept.

The EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) standard, which has its roots in the 1970’s,
represents the first generation of electronic business collaboration systems.
Unfortunately it saw relatively limited adoption due to the complexity and cost of the
software required to implement the standard.

Development of the Internet has brought new attempts at establishing e-business

standards. One of the most successful is that of the RosettaNet consortium, formed in
1998, which provides open platform e-business standards in XML, allowing trading
partners to exchange business information via the Internet. Originally the standard
was designed for high-tech industry (IT and electronics), but the developed approach
also started to serve as a model for other industries. The RosettaNet standards are
being successfully implemented by a number of enterprises, e.g. Intel Corporation
has been an early adopter of RosettaNet2.

Another approach for standardizing e-business world was prepared under the
auspices of UN/CEFACT and OASIS and was named ebXML. It provides the
technical basis of B2B interfaces. ebXML inherited concepts from both EDI and
RosettaNet, but so far has achieved only partial support from the industry. Annex A
provides a more detailed overview of both RosettaNet and ebXML.

Web Services developed by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) are one of the
newest initiatives on e-business. They represent a request/response type of
communication with no business process semantics.

There is an ongoing discussion on how ebXML and Web Services are related. Most
experts claim that these technologies are complementary. The main strengths of
ebXML are in inter-enterprise business process integration, while the main advantage
of Web Services is in location-independent integration of request/response type
message services.

The following sections present the main concepts and definitions developed by the
initiatives mentioned above, which impact the approach that single enterprises using
the eTOM Business Process Framework need to consider, when also implementing
inter-business processes.

In December 2002, Intel reported it processed about 10% of its purchasing volume (i.e. ca. 5 bln USD) with RosettaNet
transactions []

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eTOM, The Business Process Framework – Addendum B

3.3. Shared public process

Work by RosettaNet and ebXML have developed the concept of a shared public
process to describe the business process framework developed to support inter-
business or multi-business processes.

Partner Interface Process PIP™

Priva te Process Public Process Priva te Process
Company Spe cific
Rec eive PO

Rec eive PO Se nd PO Rec eive PO

Req uest Chec k
Selec t Rec eive PO Se nd PO CRM
Supp lier Chec k
Ac knowle d g e Ac know le d g e
Cred it
Genera te
RFQ Chec k
Rec eive PO Se nd PO Ava ila b ility
Resp onse Resp onse
Selec tRFQ
Resp onse Crea te Sa les
Ord er

Se nd PO Rec eive PO
PO Resp onse Resp onse Send PO
Ac know le d g e Ac know le d g e response

Close ERP

PIP ™ Rosetta net

Figure 3.1 Concept of a public process

Figure 3.1 shows an example of a purchasing process. On the left side is a buyer that
runs a set of private procurement processes, and on the right side is a seller that runs
a set of private supply processes. In this definition, private is used in the context of
processes operating within a single enterprise, and not made visible to other

The buyer is concerned with selecting a supplier and prices, and the seller is
concerned with selling and manufacturing products for supply (e.g. Supply Chain
Management, Enterprise Resource Planning).

The public process comprises a set of standardized, published steps, known as

Partner Interchange Processes (PIP™ RosettaNet), which both buyer and seller
support. A specific collaborative agreement between a buyer and seller will specify
the PIPs to be used (from amongst a large number circa 120 currently in the
RosettaNet Business Operations Map) and the rules for sequencing them,
sometimes known as choreography.

In this approach what is standardized are these small atomic process steps not the
end-to-end process. The set of small process steps and their amalgamation to create
an agreed end-end business process between a specific pair of trading parties are
captured as part of a Collaboration Profile Agreement between the two parties. The
concept can be extended to multiple parties.

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3.4. ‘Regulated’ versus ‘unregulated’


An alternative approach to the shared process, which is sometimes referred to the

‘regulated’ approach, is the ‘unregulated approach’. This approach is characterized
by the nascent work on Web Services. The ’unregulated approach’ focuses on very
loose collaborations of individuals and enterprises where only weak agreements
between trading parties are established. There is clearly going to be convergence in
the technology of these two approaches.

3.4.1. B2B using Web pages

In the B2B world those solutions that are based on Web pages also fall in to the
category of unregulated processes. The supplying party creates the Web page
structure and input definitions, and the purchaser simply has to conform to that which
is implemented by the supplier. Often there is no technical definition of the interface
by the supplier. The problem with this technical approach is that it may be difficult for
the purchasers to integrate with their automated internal processes since error
conditions may not be declared; and non-functional specifications such as non-
repudiation, and time to perform may also be absent; and behavior may be
ambiguous, or undefined.

3.4.2. Call centers

The eTOM Business Process Framework uses examples of process interfaces to the
suppliers and the customers in the form of process events such as ‘the customer calls
the operator to report a fault’, ‘the operator informs the customer that the fault has
been cleared’.

These are also examples of unregulated processes since the operator’s process is
not shared with the customer, and the customer is not constrained to run a specific
process with the operator e.g. only report the fault once.

3.5. RosettaNet Conceptual Model

RosettaNet has developed the general scoping model for B2B interfaces. It is
presented in Figure 3.2.

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eTOM, The Business Process Framework – Addendum B

Information Process

Defn., format,structure, Choreography

Business Conceptual Model
Universal Technical
Business Business
Vertical Business
Dictionary Dictionary Supply Model
chain specific

Trading Partner Agreement

Content Content

Rosettanet Conceptual Model

Business Technical Business Business
Dictionary Dictionary Processes Processes

Structure Structure
Business Document Business
Definition Processes
Technical Conceptual Model
Standards, protocols and tools

Process Description
Core XML Format Language
Standards Directory Service
Process Co-ordination


Acknowledgement RosettaNet and Geoff Coleman

Figure 3.2 RosettaNet Conceptual Model

The RosettaNet Conceptual Model outlines the requirements for enterprises to

conform to the definition of the public processes, for example those as defined by
RosettaNet or ebXML. The model provides an overview of all the technical and
business aspects that have to be agreed to specify an interoperable B2B interface.
There are essentially four main Quadrants. The model is horizontally divided between
the Technical and Business Conceptual Models, and vertically between Process and
Information aspects.

The Technical Conceptual Models are largely the domain of integration activities such
as NGOSS and are substantially based on work within the W3C Consortium.

From a TMF perspective the process aspects in the Business Conceptual Models are
relevant to the eTOM Business Process Framework, and the Information aspects to
the SID Models.

Both the Information and the Process aspects of the Business Conceptual Model are
divided into what is called Horizontal or Universal industry, and Vertical industry

In the case of processes, Horizontal processes are the focus of ebXML and
RosettaNet and address cross industry sector public processes such as ordering,
order progression, invoicing catalogues and prices list exchange between

The eTOM Business Process Framework has been developed as a complete

process framework representing the set of processes used by Service Providers in

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the ICT industry. It captures a high level view of the vertical processes required by
the RosettaNet Conceptual Model as well as additional processes not yet
contemplated in the RosettaNet Conceptual Model. ICT and Telecom vertical
processes include Assurance – Repair Trouble Ticketing, SLA Management - and
some aspects of billing such as real time hot billing, settlements, rebates, etc. It also
captures high level perspectives of the horizontal processes which have traditionally
been the focus of RosettaNet and ebXML. For instance the eTOM Business Process
Framework was developed with the perspective that transaction occur between the
Service Provider and external parties.

The challenge is to appropriately link the pre-defined eTOM Business Process

Framework with the relevant aspects of the already identified RosettaNet horizontal
processes and equivalent processes from other industry groups such as:
ebXML/OASIS, TIPHON, ITU-T. Currently GB921C captures the likely sources of
those horizontal and vertical processes that need to be linked into the eTOM
Business Process Framework.

Other aspects covered by the RosettaNet Conceptual Model are reliable Messaging,
Security and Trading Partner Agreements also known as Collaborative Partner
Agreements (CPA).
The specific needs of Telecom vertical processes are discussed in more detail in the VC-MC
Issues paper. [Ref 8]

ebXML what is it?


The following section provides an overview of the ebXML Technical Architecture and
the elements of immediate interest. A glossary of terms is at the end of the document.
Much of the conceptual basis of ebXML has come from RosettaNet and OASIS.


Figure 3.3 outlines the concept behind forming e-business integrations.

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eTOM, The Business Process Framework – Addendum B

Figure 3.3 ebXML Concept

The notion is as follows:

1. Company A can request specifications of e-Business services offered by
Company B and others
2. Company A builds their half of the e-Business interface and public
3. Company A registers their implementation
4. Company B acquires details of Company A’s implementation
5. Company A and B form an agreement to trade via their respective
6. Enterprises commence exchange of business documents.

ebXML Technical Architecture

The elements of the ebXML technical architecture that facilitate this process are.
1. An ebXML Registry/ Repository based on an agreed information
model and variety of services to manage data within registries.
2. A Business Process Specification Schema supporting the description
of B2B public processes in a declarative fashion.
3. An information model for Collaboration Protocol Profiles and
Agreements supporting the description of a trading partner’s
capabilities, and the role they play in B2B public processes, together
with the forming of agreements between parties to participate in
instances of such public processes.

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eTOM, The Business Process Framework – Addendum B

4. A messaging service supporting the secure and reliable exchange of

business documents between partners participating in such public

ebXML Registry/Repository

The previous sections showed how organizations use the ebXML Repository.
However there is an issue of how the Repository is created, and what content is
contained within it.

ebXML has only partially addressed the requirements for content of the ebXML

Core Components: These are components, which appear in many different

circumstances of business information and in many different areas of business. A
core component is a common or “general” building block that basically can be used
across several business sectors. It is therefore context free. It also represents a way
to align the process development of the eTOM team, with the Information and Data
modeling of the SID team.

Universal Business Library (UBL) that is organized around Business Message types
such as Order, Order Response, Order Cancellation, Receipt Advice, Dispatch
Advice, Invoice. These Business Transactions also record Business Information
Entities (BIE) relevant to the UBL Business Transactions.

ebXML assumes that their core work will be extended to support vertical industry
segments. However no specific arrangements have been put in place to achieve this

In the IT and software industries RosettaNet has extended these definitions.

RosettaNet has defined a Business Operations Map categorizes that provides the
taxonomy of Business Transactions.

Currently no equivalent of the RosettaNet Business Operations Map (BOM) has been
created by the ICT industry.

Application Note GB921C provides an initial proposal for such an ICT B2B Business
Operations Map. It is expected that this BOM will be adopted by either the TMF on
behalf of the ICT industry or by means of some collaboration amongst industry
organizations such as the TMF, RosettaNet, and ITU-T SG4 (Generic Telecom Data

Elements of Immediate Interest

The ebXML family of standards is designed to allow piecemeal implementation.

The standards of immediate appeal are:

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eTOM, The Business Process Framework – Addendum B

1. ebXML Messaging Service as a means of transferring business

documents (both XML and non-XML) securely over the Internet via https or
2. The Business Process Specification Schema (BPSS) as a means of
documenting Telecomm B2B public processes as a sequence of Business
3. Core Components (CC) as a means of documenting Information related to
Business Transactions and capturing the semantics of models, relations
and data in a standardised and agreed way.

What does eTOM need to address?

The eTOM Business Process Framework has been extended to explicitly identify the
processes required to link to an externally-oriented inter-enterprise process
framework that is a sound basis for understanding e-business oriented organizational
structures and which facilitates transitions from, or extensions of, existing Business
channel structures towards those that embrace e-business.

In order to meet these goals, the eTOM Business Process Framework extensions at
Level 3 specifically address the inter-enterprise trading B2B relationships. The
approach more explicitly recognizes the notion of a public process, a concept used
within the existing work of RosettaNet and the UN CEFACT ebXML. This provides a
sound conceptual and technical basis for automating the inter-enterprise interfaces.

The following section describes how the eTOM Business Process Framework can be
extended to support e-business based on the principle of Public Processes. Part of
this requires extension of the eTOM Business Process Framework to support all the
process flows described in Fig 3.3, and agreement on the content of the ebXML
Repository to be used in conjunction with these extensions of the eTOM. The current
candidates for the content of this repository is called the eTOM Public B2B Business
Operations Map and is documented in GB921C [Ref 9]. Currently there is a mismatch
between the level of detail needed for the ebXML repository and the eTOM L3
analysis. The B2B Business Operation Map provides the lowest level transaction
detail at around level 5/6 of the eTOM and is documented separately in this version.
Integration with the main eTOM GB921 D should be possible once the eTOM level 4
CIM and S/PIM detail has been completed.

Chapter 4 describes these extensions to the eTOM Business Process Framework

and analyzes the linkages between them and other work in the industry.

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eTOM, The Business Process Framework – Addendum B

4. Extending ETOM for Business to Business Interactions

In the evolving ICT industry the traditional vertically integrated Telecomm industry
structure is breaking down and being replaced by an arrangement of horizontal
structured trading partners that supply competitive services to one another to form a
‘Value Chain’.

De-regulation, a common trend across most of the developed world is requiring

operators to open up their networks and provide a number of Wholesale products to
others in the ICT value chain, including their own new bushiness units in these
adjacent industries.

This brings the need to maintain the same levels of process efficiency and
automation between enterprises as is being developed within a single organization.
This, coupled with the regulatory pressure on interconnect prices, means that there is
a strong and growing business case for automating B2B interfaces between
enterprises to maintain efficiency, and lower costs for end customers.

The Value Chain Market Center document on ‘Value Chain Issues facing the ICT
industry’ TR 128 [ref 8] has carried out an impact analysis of B2B trends on the TMF
technical work including the eTOM Business Process Framework.

To operate end-to-end processes across multiple trading partners it is necessary to

have a process design approach to combining and linking B2B public processes with
the internal processes of co-operating trading partners.

Modeling Regulated B2B Processes

between instances of the eTOM

The eTOM provides a process framework to describe and structure the scope of
processes relevant to ICT organizations, including processes which extend beyond
the enterprise organization boundary.

In the following diagram an example is shown of a set of ICT organizations operating

a value chain amongst themselves for the supply of a service to a Customer. Each
relationship between each ICT organization is in the form of a customer-supplier

The customer relationship in the Value Chain is provided by the S/PIM process group
of the eTOM and the supplier relationship is support by the CIM process group of the
eTOM. These are also referred in the literature on B2B as ‘Buy Side’ and ‘Sell Side’

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eTOM, The Business Process Framework – Addendum B

respectively. Underpinning these relationships is a B2B Environment that provides

the B2B infrastructure such as those standardized by ebXML and RosettaNet.

Provider Customer
Customer Service Provider
Internet ISP

B2B Environment

Strateg y, Infrastru cture & Pr oduct Operation s

Strateg y & Infrastructure Product Operation s Fulfillment Assur an ce Billing

B2B Environment
Commit Lifecycle Lifecycle Support &
Management Management Readin ess

Marketing & Offer Man agem ent Customer R elation ship Man agem ent

Provider Customer Service D evelopm ent & Manag ement

Resour c e Develop ment & Man agem ent

Service Man agem ent & Operations

Resour ce Manag em ent & Oper ations

Service Provider
(Application, Computing an d Net work) (Application, Computing an d Net work)

Supply C hain D evelopm ent & Manag em ent Supplier/Partner R elationship Manag em ent

Virtual ISP Customer
Enterpris e Man agement

Strategic & Enterp rise


Financial & Asset

Enterprise Risk
Enterprise Effectiveness

Stakehold er & Extern al

Knowledg e & Resear ch

Human R esour ces

Management Relation s Manag em ent Management

Strateg y, Infrastru cture & Pr oduct Operation s

Strateg y & Infrastructure Product Operation s Fulfillment Assur an ce Billing

Commit Lifecycle Lifecycle Support &

Management Management Readin ess

Marketing & Offer Man agem ent Customer R elation ship Man agem ent

Service D evelopm ent & Manag ement Service Man agem ent & Operations

Resour ce Develop ment & Man agem ent Resour ce Manag em ent & Oper ations
(Application, Computing an d Net work) (Application, Computing an d Net work)

Supply C hain D evelopm ent & Manag em ent Supplier/Partner R elationship Manag em ent

Enterprise Man agement

B2B Environment
Strategic & Enterp rise Enterprise Risk Enterprise Effectiveness Knowledg e & Resear ch
Planning Management Management Management

Financial & Asset Stakehold er & Extern al Human R esour ces

Management Relation s Manag em ent Management

B2B Environment

B2B Environment
Provider Customer Provider Customer Provider Customer
Equipment Service Provider Service Provider
Supplier DSL Modem Customer
Broadband Access Customer
Local Loop Customer

Strateg y, Infrastru cture & Pr oduct Operation s Strateg y, Infrastru cture & Pr oduct Operation s Strateg y, Infrastru cture & Pr oduct Operation s

Strateg y & Infrastructure Product Operation s Fulfillment Assur an ce Billing Strateg y & Infrastructure Product Operation s Fulfillment Assur an ce Billing Strateg y & Infrastructure Product Operation s Fulfillment Assur an ce Billing

Commit Lifecycle Lifecycle Support & Commit Lifecycle Lifecycle Support & Commit Lifecycle Lifecycle Support &
Management Management Readin ess Management Management Readin ess Management Management Readin ess

Marketing & Offer Man agem ent Customer R elation ship M an agem ent Marketing & Offer Man agem ent Customer R elation ship Man agem ent Marketing & Offer Man agem ent Customer R elation ship Man agem ent

Service D evelopm ent & Manag ement

Resour ce Develop ment & Man agem ent

Service Man agem ent & Operations

Resour ce Manag em ent & Oper ations

Service D evelopm ent & Manag ement

Resour ce Develop ment & Man agem ent

Service Man agem ent & Operations

Resour ce Manag em ent & Oper ations
Service D evelopm ent & Manag ement

Resour ce Develop ment & Man agem ent

Service Man agem ent & Operations

Resour ce Manag em ent & Oper ations

(Application, Computing an d Net work) (Application, Computing an d Net work) (Application, Computing an d Net work) (Application, Computing an d Net work) (Application, Computing an d Net work) (Application, Computing an d Net work)

Supply C hain D evelopm ent & Manag em ent Supplier/Partner R elationship Manag em ent Supply C hain D evelopm ent & Manag em ent

Supplier/Partner R elationship Manag em ent Supply C hain D evelopm ent & Manag em ent Supplier/Partner R elationship Manag em ent

Enterprise Man agement Enterprise Man agement Enterprise Man agement

Strategic & Enterp rise Enterprise Risk Enterprise Eff ectiveness Knowledg e & Resear ch Strategic & Enterp rise Ent erprise Risk Enterprise Effectiveness Knowledg e & Resear ch Strategic & Enterp rise Enterprise Risk Enterpris e Effectiveness Knowledg e & Resear ch
Planning Management Management Management Planning Management Management Management Planning Management Management Management

Financial & Asset Stakehold er & Extern al Human R esour ces Financial & Asset Stakehold er & Extern al Human R esour ces Financial & Asset Stakehold er & Extern al Human R esour ces
Management Relation s Manag em ent Management Management Relation s Manag em ent Management Management Relation s Manag em ent Management

Customer –Provider CIM Customer Interface Mngt Process Group

Relationships SPIM Supplier Partner Mngt Process Group

Figure 4.1 B2B Environment for modeling ICT Value Chain

For example a Broadband internet service might be provided by a combination of a

virtual ISP, an actual Internet ISP with physical resources a Broadband Access
provider and a metallic loop provider (Unbundled Local Loop –ULL).

Figure 4.1 more explicitly identifies the external process interactions by

conceptualizing the two specific types of B2B interactions that an enterprise can
engage in.. It captures in the upper limb the ‘Sell’ side of the B2B processes between
the Service Provider and it’s customers and in the lower limb the ‘Buy’ side of the B2B
Processes between the Service Provider and it’s suppliers. These interactions,
depending on their specific nature, occur with either the Market & Offer
Management/Customer Relationship Management horizontal process grouping in the
case of customer or sell side interactions, or with the Supply Chain
Development/Supplier/Partner Relationship Management horizontal process
groupings in the case of supplier or buy side interactions

Normally, in regulated B2B, the definition of the detailed B2B process interactions and
the B2B components are agreed by an industry process. In this case the ownership
of the specific details of these B2B interactions is with the industry and not with either
of two collaborating organizations. However in the case of the ICT industry, the TM
Forum, through eTOM and SID developments, has gone a long way to defining the
industry framework in which to define the specific content that would be used within
the B2B interactions. A successful public B2B process definition for the ICT industry

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eTOM, The Business Process Framework – Addendum B

thus requires strong collaboration between the public organizations and the TM

The detailed B2B process interactions follow six well defined Business Transaction
Patterns (see Annex C) which require that in the context of a specific set of
transactions that the customer and supplier on each end of the transaction operate in

The B2B Environment contains all the elements described in the RosettaNet
Conceptual Model and conceptually the registry/ repository aspects of ebXML.
However the primary focus for this document will be on the process aspects defined
in the RosettaNet Conceptual Model namely:
Universal Business Processes
Vertical Industry Processes

B2B Environment

Strategy, Infrastructure & Product Operations

Strategy & Infrastructure Product Operations Fulfillment Assurance Billing

Commit Lifecycle Lifecycle Support &
Management Management Readiness

Marketing & Offer Management Customer Relationship Management

Service Development & Management Service Management & Operations
Supplier- Sell Side
Resource Development & Management Resource Management & Operations
(Application, Computing and Network) (Application, Computing and Network)

Supply Chain Development & Management Supplier/Partner Relationship Management

Customer – Buy Side

B2B Environment
Enterprise Management
Strategic & Enterprise Enterprise Risk Enterprise Effectiveness Knowledge & Research
Planning Management Management Management

Financial & Asset Stakeholder & External Human Resources

Management Relations Management Management

Figure 4.2 eTOM B2B Reference Model

Figure 4.2 shows the canonical model for regulated relationships in the eTOM. Each
organization in the supply chain may support either the sell side or Buy side
capability. In either case each is connected into the B2B Environment. However each
Organization will establish relationships with other organizations – although there are
examples of one organization trading between operating divisions using the same
B2B mechanisms –such as when a licensed Network Operator has both Unregulated
and Regulated business units where the Regulated business has to provide
Equivalence of Access to all organizations.

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eTOM, The Business Process Framework – Addendum B

eTOM extensions

Much of the conceptual basis for extending the eTOM Business Process Framework
comes from integrating the frameworks used for B2B interactions, notably those
based on the work of RosettaNet and the UN CEFACT ebXML groups, with the
eTOM Business Process Framework.

B2B implies a certain structure and discipline in the way that B2B transactions are
structured, defined and sequenced. Moreover, they focus solely on the processes
between enterprises whereas the eTOM Business Process Framework to date has
focused primarily upon the internal processes needed within a single enterprise,
whilst recognizing the need to support external interactions within the single
enterprise view.

Trading partners may or may not be using an internal process model based upon the
e-TOM Business Process Framework, but this is not important for the development of
successful end-end process interactions. Essentially the B2B public processes are
synchronizing the internal processes of two different trading enterprises. A particular
challenge for B2B is to maintain the integrity of the B2B public process between two
badly behaved trading partner internal business processes/applications.

The eTOM Business Process Framework has been extended to explicitly recognize
the process synchronization and external mediation required to allow an enterprise to
participate in an external public process. Specifically both the Customer Interface
Management and S/P Interface Management Level 2 process areas have been
extended to include new Level 3 process elements which incorporate these new
process requirements.

However, in order for the eTOM Business Process Framework to more fully support
B2B transactions based on ebXML and RosettaNet Public Processes further
extensions are required:.
Further decomposition/extension of the eTOM may be required to
ensure that the external interactions with the ebXML and
RosettaNet public processes as indicated in shown in Fig 3.3 are
fully supported; and
Further definition and decomposition of existing eTOM process
decompositions and extension of the SID will be required to
identify the specific process and content detail required for the
specific B2B interaction. This extension will need to be
undertaken on an interaction type, i.e. ordering interaction, basis.
There may be a specific tailoring required of the public process
models and definitions held in the external repositories to facilitate
trading within the ICT industry (given that these models and
definitions were initially developed to support other industries).
This tailoring of either the public definitions or of the way that the
eTOM and SID are further defined and/or decomposed will need
to be determined on a case by case basis.
A potential extension is to develop an initial proposal of the
content of the ebXML repository/ RosettaNet Business Operation

GB921-B Version 7.1 TeleManagement Forum 2007 Page 25 of 63

eTOM, The Business Process Framework – Addendum B

Map (BOM) relevant to the support of the eTOM Inter-Enterprise

viewpoint. This would represent an extracted subset of the more
fully developed eTOM Business Process Framework to expose
those details that all parties to the B2B interaction need to be
aware of, particularly those that have not adopted the eTOM
Business Process Framework internally. It would also include the
relevant low-level interaction/transactional detail, from public
process frameworks such as RosettaNet or ebXML. In this
document this is referred to as the eTOM Public B2B Business
Operations Map (ePBOM).
As an example of the potential extensions required, in the ebXML there are a number
of public processes supported and/or used by potential and actual Trading Partners
to establish, and then use, the trading relationship. For those trading partners using
the eTOM Business Process Framework, Table 4.1 indicates the parts of the eTOM
Business Process Framework level 1 process groupings which would be responsible
for the ebXML e-business Integration Process Steps described in Fig 3.3. Company
A (Fig 3.3) is considered to be the ‘Seller’ and Company B the ‘Buyer’. Note,
however, that the actual interface for the exchange of the relevant messages would
be through either the Customer Interface Management or S/P Interface Management

The following table is a preliminary mapping based on V5.0 of GB 921 Addendum D

ebXML e-business Integration eTOM Process Grouping

Process Steps (From Fig 3.3) supporting this function

Request Business Details For Company A: SIP:

Marketing and Offer

For Company B: SIP: Supply

Chain Development and

Note both of these retrieve

content from the ebXML
repository which in this
context is the eTOM Public
B2B Business Operations
Map (ePBOM)

Build Local Implementation: Company Company A: SIP: Resource

A builds their half of the e-business Development &
interface and public process Management, plus SIP:
Infrastructure Lifecycle

Company A registers their For Company A: Supply

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eTOM, The Business Process Framework – Addendum B

implementation. Chain Development &

Management (SCD&M)
Processes: Supply Chain
Capability Delivery

Company B can request specifications Company B: Supply Chain

of e-business services offered by Development &
Company A Management (SCD&M)
Processes: Supply Chain
Capability Delivery

Company A: SIP: Marketing

and Offer Management;
Product Marketing
Communication & Promotion

Company A and B form an agreement Company A: Marketing and

to trade via their respective interfaces Offer Management:
Marketing Capability
Delivery, and Supply Chain
Development &
Management: Supply Chain
Capability Delivery

Company B: Supply Chain

Development &
Management (SCD&M)
Processes: Supply Chain
Capability Delivery

Enterprises commence exchange of Company A: Operations:

business documents. CRM: Customer Interface
Management (CIM)

Company B: Operations:
S/PRM: S/P Interface
Management (SP IM)

Table 4.1 Mapping of ebXML Process Steps to eTOM Level 1 process groupings

The following figure of the eTOM Business Process Framework shows where B2B
impacts the detailed eTOM Business Process Framework processes groupings.

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eTOM, The Business Process Framework – Addendum B

Strategy, Infrastructure & Product Operations
Strategy & Infrastructure Lifecycle Product Lifecycle Operations Support Fulfillment Assurance Billing
Commit Management Management & Readiness
Marketing & Offer Management Customer Relationship Management
Customer Interface Management
Market Product & Product & Offer Marketing CRM
Customer Billing &
Strategy & Offer Portfolio Capability Capability Support & Problem
Marketing QoS/SLA Collections
Policy Planning Delivery Delivery Readiness Order Handling
Product Marketing Product & Offer Fulfillment Management Management
Communications Development & Handling
& Promotion Retirement

Retention & Loyalty

Service Development & Management Service Management & Operations

Service Service Service &
Service Service Service SM&O Service Problem Quality Specific
Strategy & Capability Development & Support & Configuration & Management Management Instance Rating
Planning Delivery Retirement Readiness Activation

Resource Development & Management Resource Management & Operations

Resource Resource
Resource Trouble Performance
Resource Resource RM&O Management Management
Development & Resource
Strategy & Capability Support &
Retirement Provisioning
Planning Delivery Readiness
Resource Data Collection & Processing

Supply Chain Development & Management Supplier/Partner Relationship Management

S/P Problem S/P S/P Settlements
S/P Reporting & Performance & Billing
Supply Chain Supply Chain Supply Chain Requisition
S/PRM Management Management Management
Strategy & Capability Development & Management
Support &
Planning Delivery Change Management Readiness

S/P Interface Management


Enterprise Management
Strategic & Enterprise Planning Enterprise Risk Management Enterprise Effectiveness Management Knowledge & Research Management
Strategic Enterprise Group Business Process Enterprise Program & Enterprise Facilities Knowledge Technology
Business Security Fraud Audit Insurance Research
Business Architecture Enterprise Continuity Management & Quality Project Performance Management & Management Scanning
Development Management Management Management Management Management
Planning Management Management Management Support Management Management Assessment Support

Financial & Asset Management Stakeholder & External Relations Management Human Resources Management
Corporate Community Shareholder Board & Employee &
Financial Asset Procurement Regulatory Legal HR Policies & Organization Workforce Workforce
Communications & Relations Relations Shares/Securities Labor Relations
Management Management Management Management Management Practices Development Strategy Development
Image Management Management Management Management Management

Shareholders Employees Other Stakeholders

eTOM Version 4.0

Figure 4.3 Mapping of ebXML Process Steps on eTOM Business Process


The numbers that appear in Figure 4.3 refer to ebXML e-business Integration
Process Steps of Table 4.1.

It can be seen that the main areas of responsibility for the ebXML Process Steps are
in the SIP Area of eTOM v5.0 rather than the Operations Area. , However, all of the
actual electronic exchange of information should occur through either the Customer
Interface Management or S/P Interface Management processes in the Operations
process area

eTOM Public B2B Business Operations


The ebXML RosettaNet model for Public Processes presumes the existence of a
repository. Conceptually this repository is owned by an industry group. The Value
Chain Market Centre ‘Issues Facing players in the ICT industry’ [Ref 8] has identified
that the main industry libraries do not yet give adequate coverage of the B2B public
processes needed for ICT.

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eTOM, The Business Process Framework – Addendum B

B2B public processes have so far been based upon B2B standards being developed
outside the TM Forum and are, therefore, partially under the design control of external
authorities. This has mainly been driven by the lack of pre-existing industry
frameworks which could be used as the basis of the B2B standards. In the ICT
industry, significant progress has been made on agreeing a set of B2B frameworks.
B2B standards therefore can be developed for the ICT industry using these
frameworks as a starting point. The TM Forum, as the owner of these frameworks,
therefore needs to be part of any public process development process.

This section proposes the development of a public eTOM B2B Business Operations
Map that is the conceptual repository used for holding public B2B Business
Transactions or PIPs.

The TMF in cooperation with other organizations might chose in the future to
establish a role to develop and manage such a repository.

Relevance to B2B for the eTOM

The main areas relevant to the creation of an eTOM Public B2B BOM are the
Process and Information areas of the RosettaNet Conceptual Model – see Figure 3.2.

In the RosettaNet Partner Interchange Process -PIPs™ - it is presumed that the

technical framework is based upon the RosettaNet Implementation Framework
(RNIF), and also that Business Documents and Public Processes are defined in each

ebXML is following the same conceptual ,model as RosettaNet but with some

Business Process Specification Schema (BPSS) that describes
how a multiparty multi-stage process can be decomposed into
Business Transaction Activities that align with the RosettaNet PIP
concept of an atomic process component;
The Business Transaction Activities comply with six business
transaction patterns that cover request reply and notification
functions, with varying levels of non-repudiation, and reliability;
The modeling of business documents is separated from the
Business Transactions which allows existing e-commerce libraries
to evolve e.g. CBL and OAGIS; and
Recent work on Core Components and Assembly Documents are
providing a flexible way of creating and extending business
documents based upon fragments of specifications that are
individually registered.
More information on ebXML and RosettaNet is contained in Annex A.

The eTOM Public B2B BOM would contain all the elements described in the
RosettaNet Conceptual Model and conceptually the registry/ repository aspects of

GB921-B Version 7.1 TeleManagement Forum 2007 Page 29 of 63

eTOM, The Business Process Framework – Addendum B

ebXML. However the primary focus for this document will be on the process aspects
Universal Business Processes; and
Vertical Industry Processes for the ICT industry.

eTOM Public B2B Business Operation

Map (ePBOM)

In the main part of GB921 the concept of an external environment was introduced for
establishing and operating inter organizational processes. The B2B External
Environment is a specific form of inter-organizational processes that are based on the
use of e-commerce methods and technologies. The RosettaNet Conceptual Model
presented in section 3.3 describes all of the aspects that need to be addressed by the
B2B External Environment.

The main focus for the eTOM Public B2B BOM is the Business Conceptual Model.
The issues addressed in the RosettaNet Technical Conceptual Model, which focuses
on technical matters such as XML specification languages, process specifications are
not addressed in this document. The details of such topics are more appropriate to

B2B External Environment - Process components

B2B External Environment - Processes

Horizontal/Universal B2B Transaction template

Business Operations Map Dictionary
e.g. Twelve entries
RosettaNet, ebXML Requestor responder
for each of
Business Transaction
Vertical Industry Patterns
eTOM Public B2B
Business Operations Map

Figure 4.4 eTOM Public B2B BOM – Public Processes

Using the RosettaNet model there are three main process aspects that need to be
captured and modeled in the public B2B External Environment.
The B2B Transaction Pattern templates – RosettaNet and ebXML
are both based on the definition of atomic Business Transactions.

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eTOM, The Business Process Framework – Addendum B

These utilize six basic transaction patterns. As each Business

Transaction Pattern has a supplier and a seller side this
corresponds to 12 process templates.
Horizontal /Universal Business Operations Map. This area has to
provide a public process decomposition hierarchy for public
process component / Business Transactions that are cross
industry. The obvious approach in this area is to use the pre-
existing RosettaNet and ebXML Business Operations Maps that
cover mostly Ordering and Invoicing processes. Any detailed
decomposition of the eTOM Business Process Framework in the
ordering and invoicing areas should consider the use of the
Rosettanet and OASIS decompositions if applicable.
Vertical Industry Business Operations Map. This area has to
provide an extract of the eTOM Business Process Framework
which is required to support the .public process component /
Business Transactions that are specific to the telecommunications
and ICT industry: examples are Assurance Service Level
Agreement Management and Billing (beyond simple invoicing).
Many of the issues Identified by the VC_MC work are related to
missing Vertical Industry public process components.

B2B Environment - Information Entities

Experience with Process modeling shows that it is also necessary to specify and
document information entities at some level. This aligns with the RosettaNet
experiences. The Information that needs to be specified includes:
Horizontal /Universal Business Dictionaries, structure and content
covering general business information, company identifiers,
currency codes, country codes etc.
Technical or Vertical Dictionary, structure and content covering
ICT specific information such as telephone numbers, circuit
Identifiers, locations, etc.

B2B External Environment - Information

Telecom vertical

Universal Business Dictionary Technical Dictionary

Content Content
E.g. CBL ITU-T Generic Telecom
Data Dictionary (GTDD)

Business Dictionary Technical Dictionary

Structure Structure

E.g. RosettaNet Business ITU-T GTDD

Dictionary Structure

Figure 4.5 eTOM Public B2B BOM - Information

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eTOM, The Business Process Framework – Addendum B

In these areas there are significant practical difficulties in making specific and
concrete selections.
For Horizontal /Universal dictionaries several commercial
universal XML based dictionaries are in place, for example, the
Commerce One Common Business Library (CBL) and work in the
OAGIS group. For the moment ebXML has not produced a
specific dictionary other than the definition of general trade terms
in its parent organization UN CEFACT. It has not defined specific
XML tags, which are important for interoperability.
For Technical Dictionaries the work of RosettaNet has focused on
the definitions in the fulfillment area with the well established
needs of the IT and Electronics industry that also provides partial
coverage of the ICT industry needs – specifically ordering and
provisioning some physical equipment. What it does not cover are
terms needed for ICT services such as interconnection point,
locations designation and many other service related parameters.
These missing information definitions may be addressed by the ITU-T tML initiatives
in Study Group 4. The ITU work on a Generic Telecom Data Dictionary GTDD is also
relevant to the vertical Telecomm Dictionary structure.

The structuring and choice of the Dictionary structures is obviously dependent on the
appropriate choices for Universal and Technical Dictionaries. However at this stage of
the eTOM Public B2B BOM development these information aspects are secondary to
the process aspects. The structuring and definitions of B2B information entities in the
eTOM Public B2B BOM is not considered further at this time. It is expected that this
will be addressed when the eTOM Public B2B Business Operations Map has been
developed further.

The remainder of this chapter focuses solely on the process component aspects of
the B2B External Environment.

RosettaNet Business Operations Map (BOM) Overview

RosettaNet has approved the structuring and organization of its process components-
Partner Interchange Processes PIPs™ - using an arrangement called a Business
Operation Map (BOM) which is conceptually identical to many of the eTOM Process
Groupings and decompositions, except it has been produced specifically to support
inter-enterprise process interactions. ebXML also uses the term BOM to classify
process components.

The structure of this map is to divide the problem domain firstly into Clusters and then
to divide Clusters into Segments that contain the PIPs. The purpose of the BOM is to
provide a classification structure that can evolve and provide the basis for evolving
the elementary process components.

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BOM Clusters
• Cluster 0: RosettaNet Support
–Provides administrative functionality.
• Cluster 1: Partner Product and Service Review
–Allows information collection, maintenance and distribution for the development of
trading-partner profiles and product-information subscriptions
• Cluster 2: Product Information
– Enables distribution and periodic update of product and detailed design information,
including product change notices and product technical specifications
• Cluster 3: Order Management
–Supports full order management business area from price and delivery quoting through
purchase order initiation, status reporting, and management. Order invoicing, payment
and discrepancy notification also managed using this Cluster of processes.
• Cluster 4: Inventory Management
–Enables inventory management, including collaboration, replenishment, price
protection, reporting and allocation of constrained product
• Cluster 5: Marketing Information Management
– Enables communication of marketing information, including campaign plans, lead
information and design registration
• Cluster 6: Service and Support
–Provides post-sales technical support, service warranty and asset management
• Cluster 7: Manufacturing
–Enables the exchange of design, configuration, process, quality and other
manufacturing floor information to support the "Virtual Manufacturing" environment

Figure 4.6 RosettaNet Business Operations Map - Clusters

RosettaNet defines eight clusters that cover a part of the eTOM Public B2B BOM
process requirements.

Each Cluster is further subdivided into segments that enumerate the elementary
process components (PIP™ and are equivalent to the ebXML Business Transaction
Activities (BTA).). These Clusters correspond to eTOM Business Process Framework
Level 1 processes

An example of the 3A segment of the Cluster 3 is shown below. The things to note
are that the Cluster would support external B2B interactions with the Fulfillment
Process Group of the eTOM Business Process Framework and also has the concept
of covering the pre-order and order phases.

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eTOM, The Business Process Framework – Addendum B

Cluster 3: Order Management

• Segment 3A: Quote and Order Entry

Allows partners to exchange price and availability information, quotes,
purchase orders and order status, and enables partners to send
requested orders, or shopping carts, to other partners
– PIP 3A1: Request Quote
– PIP 3A2: Request Price and Availability
– PIP 3A3: Request Shopping Cart Transfer
– PIP 3A4: Request Purchase Order
– PIP 3A5: Query Order Status
– PIP 3A6: Distribute Order Status
– PIP 3A7: Notify of Purchase Order Update
– PIP 3A8: Request Purchase Order Change
– PIP 3A9: Request Purchase Order Cancellation
– PIP 3A10: Notify of Quote Acknowledgement
– PIP 3A11: Notify of Authorization to Build
– PIP 3A12: Notify of Authorization to Ship
– PIP 3A13: Notify of Purchase Order (Information)
– PIP 3A14: Distribute Planned Order

Figure 4.7 RosettaNet Business Operations Map – Cluster 3 Order


The RosettaNet BOM classifies the PIPs in a way that may or may not be convenient
for users in the ICT industry. This means that if the RosettaNet public process
components are adopted for the eTOM Public B2B BOM, and therefore ultimately
need to be linked to the eTOM Business Process Framework, then some form of
mapping between the RosettaNet public process components and the single
enterprise version of the eTOM Business Process Framework is necessary.

Vertical Telecomm industry B2B Business Operations Map

At the present time there is no comprehensive ICT/ Telecom Business Operations

Map. The work of the ITU- SG4 tML and GTDD activities, and national groups such
as the ANSI T1 tML group and the UK Telco B2B Forum seem to be natural places
for standardizing the vertical Telecomm industry B2B BOM. From the perspective of
defining these public processes, the eTOM Business Process Framework can form a
major contribution to this work.

eTOM Public B2B BOM-Level 0 Process


A major requirement is to develop a structure that allows the inclusion of public

process hierarchy structures brought in from cross Industry groups such as

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eTOM, The Business Process Framework – Addendum B

RosettaNet and ebXML AND to incorporate structures to support ICT/Telecomm


A description of the RosettaNet Business Operations Map is included in Addendum


The proposal is to use the structure shown below to organize the eTOM Public B2B
Business Operations Map (ePBOM):

eTOM Public B2B Business Operations Map

eTOM Public B2B
Business Operations Map
Operations Map
Level 0 RosettaNet, ebXML
Operations Enterprise

Level 1
Fulfilment Assurance Billing
Rosetta PIP
Vertical ICT/ e.g. PIP3A1
eTOM B2B Business Operations
Map Request

Figure 4.8 eTOM Public B2B Business Operations Map Level 0 and 1

This figure shows the eTOM Public B2B Business Operations Map (BOM) Level
0/Level 1 view. The eTOM Public B2B Business Operations Map Level 0 process is
decomposed into three inter-organizational processes areas.
Those associated with supporting the SIP Process Area;
Those associated with supporting the Operations Process Area;
Those associated with supporting the Enterprise Management
Process Area.

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The rationale for this structure is that organizations wishing to define end to end
process flows will find it easier to discover relevant B2B Business Transactions if they
are organized in a way that can easily be related to eTOM Process Groupings.

Whilst the ePBOM is primarily concerned with vertical industry processes there is
some overlap in the Fulfillment area with the industry horizontal BOMs such as
RosettaNet. The figure shows an example of a RosettaNet PIP 3A4 being referenced
by both the eTOM Public B2B BOM Fulfillment Process Grouping, and the
RosettaNet net Cluster 3. Referencing these from the ePBOM makes the eBPOM a
practically useful tool for organizations defining and developing automated B2B

The majority of the proposed eTOM Public B2B BOM Fulfillment Process Grouping
will be aligned with the RosettaNet BOM. However concepts absent from RosettaNet
such as the ANSI T1 / ITU-T Unified Ordering Model that divides ordering into pre-
order, order and post order phases can be captured in the eTOM Public B2B BOM
and reference the individual process components in RosettaNet Clusters.
Conceptually this simply means that the proposed eTOM Public B2B BOM (GB921C) needs to
accommodate external classification schemes that are already in widespread use through the use
of external references.

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5. Summary

‘What processes does an organization have to put in place in order to deliver

automated Business to Business interfaces with its trading partners?’ The answer to
this question has been documented in section 4.2. This identifies the internal eTOM
Process Groups where the internal processes have to be designed and developed to
support public B2B processes, and automated interfaces. The concept of a public
process has been described and the need for a public registry of process activities
has been explained.

This document has provided the first analysis of the Process Grouping appropriate to
support the creation of an extract of the eTOM Business Process Framework to be
used as the basis for the eTOM Public B2B Business Operations Map. This work
links into industry activities such as ebXML/OASIS, RosettaNet and other groups.

The detailed definition of the eTOM Public B2B Business Operations Map is likely to
be developed in a set of specific Application Notes, pending the later full incorporation
into GB921 Add D.

The level of analysis in this document together with appropriate Application Notes is
sufficient to allow practical definition of end to end supply chain processes amongst
trading organizations, some using the definition contained in the eTOM Public B2B
Business Process Framework as a starting point for modeling; and some using
proprietary or other internal process models.

The specifications in the B2B industry are evolving and this work is based on
information available as of May 2003.

A specific issue that needs some care is that whilst RosettaNet has the most
comprehensive set of specifications that they currently bundle specific choices of
technical solutions e.g. RosettaNet Implementation Framework (RNIF) and specific
document types to the process activities (PIPs).

The modeling of information for the ICT industry sector is a major challenge and this
is likely to lead to an evolution from the RosettaNet mechanisms for capturing data
dictionaries and different ways of structuring the business documents that are
exchanged. RosettaNet itself is one of the leading partners for the evolution of these
standards. The most notable is ebXML OASIS Content Assembly Mechanism (CAM)
which will lead to more systematic ways of defining Business Documents that
supports change management more efficiently.
Readers are strongly advised to track the most update materials from ebXML, RosettaNet, ITU-T
and OASIS.

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eTOM, The Business Process Framework – Addendum B

6. References

6.5.1. Referenced Organizations

Reference Description Brief Use Summary

RosettaNet Consortium developing B2B solution
for electronic trading in the IT and
electronics industry
VC-MC Value Chain Issues facing the ICT Describes the main issues and
Industry TR148 v0.5 June 2002 direction of B2B for telecom /ICT
Member evaluation version industry and does an initial impact
analysis on the technical aspect of
TMF work.
ebXML Working group established under the
UN CEFACT group responsible for
developing XML based solutions for

6.5.2. Citations

[1] Achieving BPM: Two

Approaches, Two Sets of standards, Dieter Jenz


[3] and

[4] TeleManagement Forum Enhanced Telecomm Operations Map GB921 v3

[5] Use Case p158 Object Oriented Analysis and Design Grady Booch ISBN 0-

[6] BT/ATT/CONCERT Alliance Common Information Model Version 3.1 Helen

Hepburn, Paul Muschamp

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eTOM, The Business Process Framework – Addendum B

[7] TeleManagement Forum Shared Information /Data (SID) Model GB922 multi
part document
[8] Value Chain Issues facing the ICT Industry TR148 v0.5 June 2002 Member evaluation version

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A.1 Concepts

RosettaNet and ebXML both have the concept of atomic elementary process
components. In both cases these atomic processes component comply with six
transaction patterns.

ebXML also addresses the coordination of these atomic processes amongst multiple
trading partners.

A.2 Defining public processes

RosettaNet has developed a model for defining public processes between trading
partners based on defining atomic process components called Partner Interchange
Processes PIP™ . End to end processes are form by sequencing these atomic
process components.

ebXML (electronic Business extensible Mark-up Language) has adopted this concept
and has made a number of changes to terminology but basically following the same
conceptual model for forming end-to-end B2B processes.

RosettaNet PIPs are a tightly coupled package as they define:

The message transport (RNIF);
The business transaction patterns;
The non functional aspects: non repudiation, time to perform;
The XML message structures using Document Type Definitions
(DTDs); and
The business dictionaries and technical dictionaries for the IT and
software industries.
ebXML captures the essential business transactions but allows more flexibility in the
following areas
Use of XML Schemas;
Multiple libraries for Universal processes and business
dictionaries; and
Technical dictionaries for multiple industry sectors.
Current work is codifying a scheme for assembling business documents from
predefined assemblies that will create a more structured and re-useable business
document format than RosettaNet PIPs. This work is carried out with OAGIS under
the title Content Assembly Mechanism (CAM).

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A.3 The B2B Transaction Patterns

The six transaction patterns are:

Business Transaction (Commercial Transaction):
implies a contract formation process between two business partners.
Used to obtain dynamic information i.e. information that the responding partner has that
requires a complex, inter-dependent set of results. An example might be to get a quote.
Used to get status information on some business activity, for example to get the status of
an order that was placed earlier. It may require manual intervention to process the
request and require long time than query response.
Used to directly obtain (automatically) static information that the responding partner has,
probably in a database. An example might be to get a catalogue.
Information Distribution:
Used to informally pass information from the requesting partner to the responding partner
and therefore has no non-repudiation requirements.
As for Information Distribution but no business response is expected, but a delivery
receipt must be returned.

A.4 Binary Collaborations

In practical e-business situations B2B involves the exchange of Business Documents

amongst multiple trading partners. Three issues have to be addressed:
Decomposition of multiparty trading arrangement into a set of
bilateral trading arrangements;
Describing the coordination of the Business Transactions
amongst the trading partners; and
Describing the coordination and the sequencing of Business
Transactions for a single Binary Collaboration between two
trading partners.

C hore og ra p hy
Busine ss
Busine ss
Tra nsa
Busine ssc tion
Tra nsa c tion
Tra nsa c tion
Do c u m e n t
Flo w

Figure A. 1 BPSS Model Business Transactions

GB921-B Version 7.1 TeleManagement Forum 2007 Page 41 of 63

eTOM, The Business Process Framework – Addendum B

BPSS focused on the relationship of a pair of trading roles supported by Business

Transactions that are implemented by the exchange of documents and sequenced
using a choreography.

The method for handling complex multiparty collaborations in ebXML is illustrated


B2B environment
Trading Business Process
Trading B2B Collaborations Specification
Partners Binary Schema (BPSS)
Partners Collaborations
Long lived transactions
Only requires
‘Buyer’ observation of message
Trading Transaction
sequence and data
Partner in messages
Trading Business
Atomic unit of

Figure A. 2 From multipart Collaborations to Business Transactions

This diagram shows that part of the B2B environment is about B2B collaborations
amongst multiple Trading Partners. The BPSS specification allows these multiparty
collaborations to be expressed as a series of binary collaborations between pairs of
trading partners operating in a Buyer and Seller roles respectively, together with a
definition of the choreography. The Binary Business Collaborations are further divided
into Business Transaction Activities that are the atomic unit of work and correspond to
the concept of a PIP in RosettaNet.

Note Business Transaction Activity is the formally defined name in BPSS but often
the informal name Business Transaction is used in the descriptions.

A.5 General structure of a Business Transaction

There is a concept in ebXML and RosettaNet of business signals that are distinct
from document flows.

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eTOM, The Business Process Framework – Addendum B



Requesting Acceptance
Signal Responding
Activity Activity


Business Signal

Figure A. 3 Business Documents and Business Signals

Business signals are application level documents that ‘signal’ the current state of the
business transaction. These business signals have specific business purpose and
are separate from lower protocol and transport signals.

The example above shows a simple exchange of a business document and a

response such as an Order Request and an Order Confirmation document containing
additional information such as order reference appointment times, etc. In addition to
the Business Documents, three Business Signals are defined that are used to ensure
that the state of the transaction is synchronized between requesting and responding
activities in the buy and seller enterprises.

The structures of ebXML Business Signals are ‘universal’ and do not vary from
transaction to transaction. They are defined as part of the ebXML Business Process
Specification Schema. ( ebBPSS.doc).

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A.6 Example Transaction Pattern – Request Response

This pattern is different to the query/response pattern in that it is used to obtain

dynamic information i.e. information that the responding partner has that requires a
complex, interdependent set of results. An example might be to get a quote. This
pattern requires some business processing by the responding partner before a result
can be returned, which may include manual intervention. It has similar constraints on
transaction properties to the query/response pattern, except that it optionally has non-
repudiation requirements. The pattern does not imply any contractual obligations.

A.7 Message Flows

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A.8 Example Transaction Pattern – Notification

This pattern is used to formally pass information from the requesting partner to the
responding partner and therefore has non-repudiation requirements. No business
response is expected, but a delivery receipt must be returned.

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eTOM, The Business Process Framework – Addendum B


This section identifies the important terms, abbreviations and acronyms relevant to
this document. The main GB921 document contains general terminology and

B.1 RosettaNet and ebXML terms

The following terms are used:


A family of B2B repository, modeling and messaging standards defined by

UN/CEFACT in conjunction with OASIS.

Source: ebXML

ebXML Messaging Service

A SOAP based protocol for the reliable exchange of Business Messages containing
Business Documents.

Source: ebXML

Business Processes

Activities that a business can engage in (and for which it would generally want one or
more partners). A Business Process is formally recorded in XML form conforming to
the Business Process Specification Schema but may also be modeled in UML.

Source: ebXML

Business Process Specification Schema

A schema defined to allow the exchange of business process information between

partners in XML form. The BPSS information model is derived from the notions of the
UN/CEFACT Modeling Method for modeling B2B business processes.

Source: ebXML

Collaboration - BPSS

A business process enacted between two or more business partners fulfilling

particular roles. Collaborations can be binary (two partners) or multiparty (more than
two partners).

Collaborations can also be nested.

The lowest level of collaboration is comprised of Business Transaction Activities

(process steps involving the exchange of one or two Business Documents).

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Collaboration Protocol Profile (CPP)

A profile filed with a Registry by a business wishing to engage in ebXML transactions.

The CPP will specify some Business Processes of the business, as well as some
Business Service Interfaces it supports.

Source: ebXML

Collaboration Protocol Agreement (CPA)

In essence, a contract between two or more enterprises that can be derived

automatically from the CPPs of the respective enterprises. If a CPP says "I can do X,"
a CPA says "We will do X together."

Source: ebXML

Business Partner Role - BPSS

A role to be fulfilled by one of the partners in executing Business Collaboration.

Source: ebXML

Business Transaction Activity-BPSS

A process step within a Business Collaboration

Source: ebXML

Business Transaction - BPSS

A reusable exchange of business documents invoked by one or more Business

Transaction Activities.

Source: ebXML

Business Document - BPSS

A document exchanged between one Role and another within a Business


Business Messages

The actual information communicated as part of a business transaction. A message

will contain multiple layers. At the outside layer, an actual communication protocol
must be used (such as HTTP or SMTP). SOAP is an ebXML recommendation as an
envelope for a message "payload." (Business Documents). Other layers may deal
with encryption or authentication.

Source: ebXML


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A central server that stores a variety of data necessary to make ebXML work.
Amongst the information a Registry makes available in XML form are:

Business Process & Information Meta Models, Core Library, Collaboration Protocol
Profiles, and Business Library.

Basically, when a business wants to start an ebXML relationship with another

business, it queries a Registry in order to locate a suitable partner and to find
information about requirements for dealing with that partner.

Source: ebXML

B.2 General e-Business Terminology

Definitions are provided here for common terms concerning Business processes and
the activities occurring within them. Common terminology makes it easier for Service
Providers to communicate with their Customers, Suppliers and Partners.

For the eTOM documentation to be understood and used effectively, it is essential

that the wording listed here be interpreted using the meanings provided, rather than
common usage or specific usage.

Complementary Provider

The Complementary Provider provides additional products and services to extend the
attractiveness of an enterprise’s products and services and scope of its value
network. Frequently, these products and services are co-branded.


The Customer buys products and services from the Enterprise or receives free offers
or services. A Customer may be a person or a business.


e-business includes the Internet presence and buy and sell transaction over digital
media of e-commerce. It also includes the integration of front- and back-office
processes and applications to provide support and bill for the product or service. For
eTOM it is even more expansive. e-business is the integration of traditional business
models and approaches with e-business opportunities.


e-commerce is Internet presence and business buying and selling transactions over
digital media.

End User

The End User is the actual user of the Products or Services offered by the
Enterprise. The end user consumes the product or service. See also Subscriber

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Enterprise is used to refer to the overall business, corporation or firm, which is using
eTOM for modeling its business processes. The enterprise is responsible for
delivering products and services to the Customer. It is assumed that the enterprise is
an Information or Communications Service Provider (see ICSP explanation below).


Entity, is used to mean a person, a business, technology, etc. with which a process
interacts. The Customer is the most important Entity. The Enterprise Management
processes interact with Government, Regulators, Competitors, Media, Shareholders,
the Public, Unions and Lobby groups. The Supplier and Partner Management
Processes interact with Dealers, Retailers, Partners, Brokers, Third-Party Providers,
Complementary Provider, Financial Provider, Service Suppliers, and Material


Within the Value Network, the Intermediary performs a function on behalf of the
Enterprise that is a part of the Enterprise’s operational requirements. Intermediaries
provide products and services that the enterprise either cannot provide itself or
chooses not to due to cost and quality considerations. There are typically three
categories of intermediaries: sales, fulfillment, and information and communication.


An offer is an aggregation or bundling of Products or Services for sale to a Customer.


Outsourcing is when an enterprise contracts out one or more of its internal processes
and/or functions out to an outside company. Outsourcing moves enterprise
resources to an outside enterprise and keeping a retained capability to manage the
relationship with the outsourced processes.


Out-tasking is when an enterprise contracts with outside enterprise to provide a

process, function or capability without transfer of resource. The enterprise begins
using the other enterprise’s capabilities directly and electronically.


A Partner has a stronger profit and risk-sharing component in their Business

Agreement with the Enterprise, than a Supplier would have. A Partner generally is
more visible to the Enterprise's customer than a Supplier would be. A partner might
be part of an alliance, a joint service offering, etc.


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A Process describes a systematic, sequenced set of functional activities that deliver a

specified result. In other words, a Process is a sequence of related activities or tasks
required to deliver results or outputs.


Product is what an entity (supplier) offers or provides to another entity (customer).

Product may include service, processed material, software or hardware or any
combination thereof. A product may be tangible (e.g. goods) or intangible (e.g.
concepts) or a combination thereof. However, a product ALWAYS includes a service


Resources represent physical and non-physical components used to construct

Services. They are drawn from the Application, Computing and Network domains,
and include, for example, Network Elements, software, IT systems, and technology


Services are developed by a Service Provider for sale within Products. The same
service may be included in multiple products, packaged differently, with different
pricing, etc.

Service Provider (SP)

See under Information and Communications Service Provider (ICSP)


The Subscriber is responsible for concluding contracts for the services subscribed to
and for paying for these services.


Suppliers interact with the Enterprise in providing goods and services, which are
assembled by the Enterprise in order to deliver its products and services to the

Supply Chain

’Supply Chain’ refers to entities and processes (external to the Enterprise) that are
used to supply goods and services needed to deliver products and services to

Third Party Service Provider

The Third Party Service Provider provides services to the Enterprise for integration
or bundling as an offer from the enterprise to the Customer. Third party service
providers are part of an enterprise’s seamless offer. In contrast, a complementary

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service provider is visible in the offer to the enterprise’s customer, including having
customer interaction.


See End User above.

Value Network

The enterprise as the hub a value network is a key concept of e-business. The value
network is the collaboration of the enterprise, its suppliers, complementors and
intermediaries with the customer to deliver value to the customer and provide benefit
to all the players in the value network. E-business success and, therefore part of the
definition of a value network, is that the value network works almost as a vertically
integrated enterprise to serve the customer.


Synonymous with Supplier above.

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The following paragraphs simply list the RosettaNet Clusters, Segments & PIPs. This
is what is referred to as the Business Operation Map.

It is based on the published information as of May 2003.

Readers are strongly advised to check the latest information at

as the PIP Dictionary /BOM is subject to frequent change.

Cluster 0: RosettaNet Support

Segment 0A: Administrative

PIP 0A1: Notification of Failure

Segment 0C: Testing

PIP 0C1: Asynchronous Test Notification

PIP 0C2: Asynchronous Test Request /Confirmation

PIP 0C3: Synchronous Test Notification

PIP 0C3: Synchronous Test Query/Response

Cluster 1: Partner Profile Management

Segment 1A: Partner Review

PIP 1A1: Request Account Setup

PIP 1A2: Maintain Account

Segment 1B: Product and Service Review

PIP 1B1: Manage Product Information Subscriptions

Cluster 2: Product Information

Segment 2A: Preparation for Distribution

PIP 2A1: Distribute New Product Information

PIP 2A2: Query Product Information

PIP 2A3: Query Marketing Information

PIP 2A4: Query Sales Promotion & Rebate Information

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PIP 2A5: Query Technical Information

PIP 2A6: Query Product Lifecycle Information

PIP 2A7: Query Product Discontinuation Information

PIP 2A8: Distribute Product Stock Keeping Unit (SKU)

PIP 2A9: Query EC Technical Information

PIP 2A10: Distribute Design Engineering Information

PIP 2A11: Query Product Master

PIP 2A12: Distribute Product Master

Segment 2B: Product Change Notification

PIP 2B1: Change Basic Product Information

PIP 2B2: Change Marketing Information

PIP 2B3: Change Sales Promotion & Rebate Information

PIP 2B4: Change Product Technical Information

PIP 2B5: Change Product Lifecycle Information

PIP 2B6: Query Optional Product Information

PIP 2B7: Notify of Product Change

PIP 2B8: Notify of Product Change Response

PIP 2B9: Notify of Modified Product Change

PIP 2B10: Notify of Cancel Product Change

PIP 2B11: Query Product Change

Segment 2C: Product Design Information

PIP 2C1: Distribute Engineering Change Notice

PIP 2C2: Request Engineering Change

PIP 2C3: Distribute Engineering Change Response

PIP 2C4: Request Engineering Change Approval

PIP 2C5: Notify of Engineering Change Order

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PIP 2C6: Notify of Engineering Change Implementation Plan

PIP 2C7: Request Bill of Material

PIP 2C8: Notify of Bill of Material

PIP 2C9: Request Approved Manufacture List

PIP 2C10: Notify of Approved Manufacture List

Segment 2D: Collaborative Design

Cluster 3: Order Management

Segment 3A: Quote and Order Entry

PIP 3A1: Request Quote

PIP 3A2: Request Price and Availability

PIP 3A3: Request Shopping Cart Transfer

PIP 3A4: Request Purchase Order

PIP 3A5: Query Order Status

PIP 3A6: Distribute Order Status

PIP 3A7: Notify of Purchase Order Update

PIP 3A8: Request Purchase Order Change

PIP 3A9: Request Purchase Order Cancellation

PIP3A10: Notify of Quote Acknowledgement

PIP3A11: Notify of Authorization to Build

PIP3A12: Notify of Authorization to Ship

PIP3A13: Notify of Purchase Order (Information)

PIP3A14: Distribute Planned Order

Segment 3B: Transportation and Distribution

PIP 3B1: Distribute Transportation Projection

PIP 3B18: Notify of Shipment Documentation

PIP 3B2: Notify of Advance Shipment

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PIP 3B3: Distribute Shipment Status

PIP 3B4: Query Shipment Status

PIP 3B5: Request Shipment Change

PIP 3B6: Notify of Shipments Tendered

PIP 3B11: Notify of Shipping Order

PIP 3B12: Request Shipping Order Cancellation

PIP 3B13: Notify of Shipment Confirmation

PIP3B18: Notify of Shipping Documentation

Segment 3C: Returns and Finance

PIP 3C1: Return Product

PIP 3C2: Request Financing Approval

PIP 3C3: Notify of Invoice

PIP 3C4: Notify of Invoice Reject

PIP 3C5: Notify of Billing Statement

PIP 3C6: Notify of Remittance Advice

PIP 3C7: Notify of Self-Billing Invoice

Segment 3D: Product Configuration

PIP 3D8: Distribute Work in Process

PIP 3D9: Query Work in Process

Cluster 4: Inventory Management

Segment 4A: Collaborative Forecasting

PIP 4A1: Notify of Strategic Forecast

PIP 4A2: Notify of Embedded Release Forecast

PIP 4A3: Notify of Threshold Release Forecast

PIP 4A4: Notify of Planning Release Forecast

PIP 4A5: Notify of Forecast Reply

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PIP 4A6: Notify of Forecasting Exception

Segment 4B: Inventory Allocation

PIP 4B2: Notify of Shipment Receipt

PIP 4B3: Notify of Consumption

Segment 4C: Inventory Reporting

PIP 4C1: Distribute Inventory Report

Segment 4D: Inventory Replenishment

PIP 4D1:Notify of Inventory Release

Segment 4E: Sales Reporting

Segment 4F: Price Protection

Cluster 5: Marketing Information Management

Segment 5A: Lead Opportunity Management

Segment 5B: Marketing Campaign Management

Segment 5C: Design Win Management (Electronic Components)

PIP 5C1: Distribute Product List

PIP 5C2: Request Design Registration

PIP 5C3: Create Design Win

PIP 5C4: Distribute Registration Status

PIP 5C5: Query Registration Status

Segment 5D: Ship from Stock and Debit (Electronic Components)

PIP 5D1: Request Ship from Stock and Debit Authorization

PIP 5D2: Notify of Blanket Ship from Stock and Debit Authorization

PIP 5D3: Distribute Open Ship from Stock and Debit Authorization Status

PIP 5D4: Query Ship from Stock and Debit Authorization Status

PIP 5D5: Create Ship from Stock and Debit Claim

PIP 5D6: Notify of Ship from Stock and Debit Claim Status

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Cluster 6: Service and Support

Segment 6A: Provide and Administer Warranties, Service Packages, and Contract

Segment 6B: Provide and Administer Asset Management (Merged with 6A)

Segment 6C: Technical Support and Service Management

PIP 6C1: Query Service Entitlement

PIP 6C2: Request Warranty Claim

Cluster 7: Manufacturing

Segment 7A: Design Transfer

Segment 7B: Manage Manufacturing Work Orders and WIP

PIP 7B1: Distribute Work in Progress

PIP 7B5: Notify of Manufacturing Work Order

Segment 7C: Distribute Manufacturing Information

PIP 7C1: Notify of Manufacturing Genealogy

PIP 7C2: Query Manufacturing Genealogy

PIP 7C3: Notify of Quality goals

PIP 7C4: Notify of Manufacturing Quality

PIP 7C5: Query Manufacturing Quality

PIP 7C6: Distribute Product Quality Event Data

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ANSI American National Standards Institute
ASP Application Service Provider
B2B Business to Business
BOM Business Operations Map
BPSS Business Process Specification Schema
BSS Business Support System
BTA Business Transaction Activity
CAM Content Assembly Mechanism
CBL Common Business Library (also called xCBL)
COTS Commercial Off-the-shelf
CPA Collaboration Protocol Agreement
CPP Collaboration Protocol Profile
CRM Customer Relationship Management
DTD Document Type Definition
E2E End-to-end
ebXML Electronic Business Extensible Markup Language
ePBOM eTOM Public B2B Business Operations Map
EDI Electronic Data Interchange
eTOM enhanced Telecom Operations Map
EM Enterprise Management
FAB Fulfillment, Assurance and Billing
GTDD Generic Telecom Data Dictionary
HTML Hyper Text Markup Language
ICT Information and Communications Technology
ILM Infrastructure Lifecycle Management
IP Internet Protocol
IPDR Internet Protocol Detailed Records
ISP Internet Service Provider
ITU-T International Telecommunication Union – Telecommunication
Standardization Sector
NGOSS Next Generation Operations Systems and Software

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OAGIS Open Applications Group Integration Specification

OASIS Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
OPS Operations
ORT Operations Readiness Testing
OSR Operations Support & Readiness
OSS Operations Support System
PIP Partner Interface Process
PO Purchase Order
PLM Product Lifecycle Management
RFP Request for Proposal
RM&O Resource Management & Operations
RNIF RosettaNet Implementation Framework
SD&M Service Development & Management
SID Shared Information & Data Model
SIP Strategy, Infrastructure and Product
SM&O Service Management & Operations
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol
SP Service Provider
S/P Supplier/Partner
S/PRM Supplier/Partner Relationship Management
TM Forum TeleManagement Forum (see also TMF)
tML Telecommunications Markup Language
TMF TeleManagement Forum (see also TM Forum)
TMN Telecommunications Management Network
TOM Telecom Operations Map
UBL Universal Business Library
UML Unified Modeling Language
UN/CEFACT United Nations Center for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business
VC-MC Value Chain Market Center
W3C World Wide Web Consortium
XML Extensible Markup Language

To find Acronyms expansions go to

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This Appendix provides additional background material about the TeleManagement

Forum and this document. In general. sections may be included or omitted as
desired, however a Document History must always be included..

About this document

This is a TM Forum Guidebook. The guidebook format is used when:

The document lays out a ‘core’ part of TM Forum’s approach to automating
business processes. Such guidebooks would include the Telecom
Operations Map and the Technology Integration Map, but not the detailed
specifications that are developed in support of the approach.
Information about TM Forum policy, or goals or programs is provided, such
as the Strategic Plan or Operating Plan.
Information about the marketplace is provided, as in the report on the size
of the OSS market.

Document Life Cycle

The “Enhanced Telecom Operations Map® (eTOM) The Business Process

Framework For The Information and Communications Services Industry” is being
issued as a TM Forum Version Release 6.0 with a Guidebook Number of 921.

See main document (GB921 6.0) for further information.

How to comment on this document

Comments must be in written form and addressed to the contacts below for review
with the project team. Please send your comments and input to:
Mike Kelly, TM Forum
eTOM Program Manager
[email protected]
Please be specific, since a team evaluating numerous inputs and trying to produce a
single text will deal with your comments. Thus, we appreciate significant specific
input. We are looking for more input than “word-smith” items, however editing and
structural help are greatly appreciated where better clarity is the result.

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Document History

Version History
<This section records the changes between this and the previous document version as it is edited
by the team concerned. Note: this is an incremental number which does not have to match the
release number>

Version Date Modified By Purpose

V3.5 July 2003 Launched as an Addendum
to the main eTOM GB921
v3.5 document, to improve
V4.0 Feb 2004 Updated to reflect member
comment and further
V5.0 March 2005 Minor update to replace
missing diagrams (new
Figures 4.1 and 4.2) and
supporting text).
V6.1 Dec 2005 Mike Kelly Extensive typographical
corrections in response to
CCB Change Request
CR18. Main changes in
Section 4 with reordering of
Fig 4.1 and 4.2 and
modification to Fig 4.2
7.0 Dec 2006 Mike Kelly Final modification prior to
submission for ME
7.1 Jan 2007 Tina O'Sullivan Updates to enable
document be posted for ME.

Release History
<This section records the changes between this and the previous Official document release>

Release Number Date Modified Modified by: Description of

R7.0 January 2006 Mike Kelly


See main document (GB921 5.0) for acknowledgements.

This eTOM – B2B Integration document, TMF GB921B Release 5.0 contains only a
minor update from the previous Release 4.0 to include a useful diagram. The

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document is a genuinely collaborative effort. The TeleManagement Forum would like

to thank the following people for contributing their time and expertise to the production
of this document.
• Dave Milham, BT
• Martin Huddleston, QinetiQ
• Krzysztof Samp, ITTI
• Greg Fidler, Practical Enterprise Architecture
• Jane Hall, Fokus
• Mike Richter, Telstra
• Viviane Cohen, Amdocs
• Wim Keppens, Ormvision
A number of people provided input and/or formal contributions. Although not an
exhaustive list, many thanks to the following for their thoughtful input and
• Enrico Ronco, Telecom Italia Lab
• Frank Birch, Fujitsu
• Johan Vandenberghe, Lucent Technologies
• Masayoshi Ejiri, Fujitsu
• Seth Nesbitt, Amdocs
• Jacques Potier, France Telecom
• Yigal Gur, Worldcom
• Alfred Anaya, Telcoremance
• Jose Ricardo Bueno, Fundacao CPqD
• Members of the Value Chain Market Centre
Documentation and work from standards bodies and other fora have also contributed
to the evolution of the eTOM – B2B Integration document. This access was via public
information or TM Forum member knowledge. This list of standards bodies and
forums is not exhaustive and does not imply review and concurrence by these
enterprises or their representatives. It is important however to acknowledge the
following work and their influence on the TeleManagement Forum work:
• RosettaNet
• ebXML – OASIS,
Particular thanks go to Dave Milham of BT who handled editing of this document, and
integrated comments and suggestions into the final form shown here. This task
requires insight and an ability to balance and combine suggested changes into a
result that can find consensus amongst those involved, and the efforts involved are
much appreciated.

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About TeleManagement Forum

TeleManagement Forum is an international consortium of communications service

providers and their suppliers. Its mission is to help service providers and network
operators automate their business processes in a cost- and time-effective way.
Specifically, the work of the TM Forum includes:
Establishing operational guidance on the shape of business processes.
Agreeing on information that needs to flow from one process activity to
Identifying a realistic systems environment to support the interconnection of
operational support systems.
Enabling the development of a market and real products for integrating and
automating telecom operations processes.
The members of TM Forum include service providers, network operators and
suppliers of equipment and software to the communications industry. With that
combination of buyers and suppliers of operational support systems, TM Forum is
able to achieve results in a pragmatic way that leads to product offerings (from
member companies) as well as paper specifications.

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