Phase Diagram - : Dr. Aneela Wakeel 02-01-2018
Phase Diagram - : Dr. Aneela Wakeel 02-01-2018
Phase Diagram - : Dr. Aneela Wakeel 02-01-2018
Dr. Aneela Wakeel
Some phase boundary lines near the bottom of Figure 9.19 are dashed to indicate that their
positions have not been exactly determined. The reason for this is that at low temperatures,
diffusion rates are very slow and in ordinately long times are required to attain equilibrium.
Intermetallic Compounds
For some systems, discrete intermediate compounds rather than solid solutions
may be found on the phase diagram, and these compounds have distinct
chemical formulas; for metal–metal systems, they are called intermetallic
Finally, this phase diagram may be thought of as two simple eutectic diagrams joined
back to back, one for the Mg–Mg2Pb system and the other for Mg2Pb–Pb; as such,
the compound Mg2Pb is really considered to be a component.
Peritectic reaction
The peritectic reaction is yet another invariant reaction involving
three phases at equilibrium. With this reaction, upon heating,
one solid phase transforms into a liquid phase and another solid
One of the latter peritectics exists at about 97 wt% Zn and 435C (815F) (see
Figure 9.19), where in the η phase, when heated, transforms to εand liquid
Three other
peritectics are
found for the Cu–
Zn system, the
reactions of which
involve β,𝛿 𝑎𝑛𝑑 γ
intermediate solid
solutions as the
phases that
transform upon
The parameter F is termed the number of degrees of freedom or the number of externally
controlled variables (e.g., temperature, pressure, composition) which must be specified to
completely define the state of the system or F is the number of these variables that can be
changed independently without altering the number of phases that coexist at equilibrium.
The parameter C in Equation 9.16 represents the number of components in the system.
Finally, N is the number of non compositional variables (e.g., temperature and pressure).
Ferrite experiences a
polymorphic transformation to
FCC austenite, or γ iron, at
Iron-Iron Carbide
The composition axis in Figure
extends only to 6.70 wt% C; at
this concentration the
intermediate compound iron
carbide, or cementite(Fe3C), is
formed, which is represented by
a vertical line on the phase
BCC-α ferrite
Carbon is an interstitial impurity in iron and forms a solid solution with each of α
and δ ferrites, and also with austenite, as indicated by the α,δ and γ single phase
fields in Figure.
BCC- 𝛿Ferrite
The ferrite is
virtually the same
as ferrite, except
for the range of
over which each
exists. Since the
ferrite is stable
only at relatively
temperatures, it
is of no
importance and
is not discussed
Cementite (Fe3C)
Cementite (Fe3C) forms when the
solubility limit of carbon in α ferrite is
exceeded below 727℃ (for
compositions within the Fe3C phase
As indicated in Figure, Fe3C will also
coexist with the γ phase between
727℃ and 1147℃.
However, if heated to between 650 and 700℃ for several years, it will gradually change or
transform into iron and carbon, in the form of graphite, which will remain upon subsequent
cooling to room temperature.
Eutectic reaction
It may be noted that one eutectic exists for the iron–iron carbide system, at 4.30 wt%
C and ); for this eutectic reaction,
Eutectoid reaction
It may be noted that a eutectoid invariant point exists at a composition of 0.76
wt%C and a temperature of 727℃.This eutectoid reaction may be represented
The iron–carbon alloys that contain between 0.008 and 2.14 wt% C are classified
as steels. In most steels the microstructure consists of both α and Fe3C phases.
Upon cooling to room temperature, an alloy within this composition range must
pass through at least a portion of the γ -phase field; distinctive microstructures
are subsequently produced. Although a steel alloy may contain as much
as 2.14 wt% C, in practice, carbon concentrations rarely exceed 1.0 wt%.
Cast irons are classified as ferrous alloys that contain between 2.14 and
6.70 wt% C. However, commercial cast irons normally contain less than
4.5 wt% C.
Pearlite Microstructure
Upon crossing this temperature to point b, the austenite transforms according to
Pearlite Microstructure
Figure 9.27 is a photomicrograph of a eutectoid
steel showing the pearlite.
The pearlite exists as grains, often termed
“colonies”; within each colony the layers
are oriented in essentially the same direction,
which varies from one colony to another.
The thick light layers are the ferrite phase, and the
cementite phase appears as thin lamellae most of
which appear dark.
Many cementite layers are so thin that adjacent
phase boundaries are so close together that they
are indistinguishable at this magnification, and,
therefore, appear dark.
Hypoeutectoid Alloys
Consider a composition to the left of the eutectoid, between 0.022 and 0.76
wt% C; this is termed a hypoeutectoid (less than eutectoid) alloy.
At point c, the microstructure will
consist entirely of grains of the γ
Hypoeutectoid Alloys
Cooling from point d to e, just above
the eutectoid but still in the α+γ
region, will produce an increased
fraction of the α phase and a
microstructure similar to that also
shown: the α particles will have
grown larger.
At this point, the compositions of
the α phase will contain 0.022 wt%
C, while the γ phase will be of the
eutectoid composition, 0.76 wt% C
Proeutectoid ferrite
The microstructure at point f will appear as the
corresponding schematic inset of Figure. Thus the ferrite
phase will be present both in the pearlite and also as the
phase that formed while cooling through the α +γ phase
The ferrite that is present in the pearlite is called eutectoid
ferrite, whereas the other, that formed above is termed
proeutectoid (meaning pre- or before eutectoid) ferrite, as
labeled in Figure
Fraction of proeutectoid
Hypereutectoid alloys
Hypereutectoid alloys are those containing between 0.76 and 2.14 wt% C,
which are cooled from temperatures within the γ phase field.
Proeutectoid Cementite
Proeutectoid cementite composition remains
constant (6.70 wt% C) as the temperature changes.
However, the composition of the austenite phase will
move along line PO toward the eutectoid.
As the temperature is lowered through the eutectoid
to point i, all remaining austenite of eutectoid
composition is converted into pearlite; thus, the
resulting microstructure consists of pearlite and
proeutectoid cementite as microconstituents .
Example 9.4
Problem 9.50
Q:Consider 3.5kg of austenite containing 0.95wt%C, cooled
to below 727degree C(998K).
• What is the proeutectoid phase?
• How many kilograms of each of total ferrite and cementite
• How many kilograms of each of pearlite and proeutectoid
phase form?
• Schematically sketch and label the resulting microstructure.