Technical Instructions 5030.D: Dimensions and Battery

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Technical Instructions 5030.


12 ½'''

Dimensions and battery

ø Total 28.60 mm
ø Case fitting 28.00 mm
Movement height 4.40 mm
Movement rest 0.60 mm
Height of stem 1.90 mm
Stem: Thread / Distance 0.90 mm / 0.90 mm
Battery / Autonomy Nr. 395 / 48 Months

Small second (M1): 4.0 - 6.7 µNm
Torque T Minute hand (M1): 200 - 300 µNm
Counter (M2, M3, M4): 3.0 - 4.6 µNm
Operating temperature 0°C - 50°C
Res. against magn. fields 18.8 Oe = 1500 A/m
Resistance against shock NIHS 91 - 10

Position I (crown) Neutral
Position II (crown) Setting the date (quick mode)
Position III (crown) Setting time and adjusting chrono hands
Small second

20 Mar 2006 1
Technical Instructions 5030.D

1. 2000.574.CO Main plate

2. 3305.275.CO Cannon pinion with driver (Aig 1)

Moebius 8200 greace must be placed between the steel tube and the
brass wheel. The steel tube must be placed into the center hole of the
main plate.

3. 2030.017.CO Centre bridge

Use one screw 4000.250 to fix the center bridge.

4. 3001.041 Sliding pinion

The sliding ponion must be holded using a tweezers, untill the stem is
A inserted.

5. 3000.177.CO Handsetting stem

Prior to the insertion of the stem, some greace must be placed on the
square part of the stem.

6. 3017.049 Setting lever

The cam on the setting lever must be inserted into the cut out on the
stem. (the setting lever must be greaced)

7. 3905.049 Setting lever jumper (3 positions)

The setting lever jumper (3 positions) must be tensioned and inserted
into the setting lever. Use one screw 4000.250 to fix the setting lever.

8. 4000.250 Screw

9. 3015.076 Yoke (3 positions)

The yoke must be inserted below, into the cut out of the sliding pinion.

10. 3905.058 Yoke spring

The yoke spring must be positioned on the yoke. The opposite end of
B the yoke must be positioned around the pillar of setting lever. Use
Moebius 8200 to grease the yoke.

11. 3406.030 Pusher jumper

2 pieces. Use Jismaa 124 to greace the pusher jumper.

12. 3622.040 Stator

13. 3622.039 Stator (counter 6h, 9h and chrono)

3 pieces

14. 3603.065 Plastic bracket

Use 4 screws 4000.250

15. 4000.250 Screw

16. 3715.094.RK Rotor (centre and chrono)
Use an antimagnetic tweezers to place the 2 rotors.

17. 3147.046.CO Intermediate wheel

18. 3136.142.CO Second wheel (long)

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Technical Instructions 5030.D

19. 3147.047.CO Intermediate wheel (chrono)

20. 3136.143.CO Chronograph wheel (Aig 1)

21. 3122.056.CO Third wheel

22. 2020.148 Train wheel bridge

Attention: Prior to the fastening process of the bridge, all 7 pins of the
wheels must be visible in the 7 holes in the bridge. Use 3 screws

23. 3715.095.RK Rotor (counter 6h and 9h)

Use an antimagnetic tweezers to place the rotor.

24. 3147.048.CO Intermediate wheel (counter)

25. 3402.006.CO Minute counting wheel

26. 2020.149 Counter train wheel bridge

Attention: Prior to the fastening process of the bridge, all 4 pins of the
wheels must be visible in the 4 holes of the bridge. Use 3 screws

27. 3715.095.RK Rotor (counter 6h and 9h)

Use an antimagnetic tweezers to place the rotor.
28. 3147.048.CO Intermediate wheel (counter)

29. 3402.006.CO Minute counting wheel

30. 2020.149 Counter train wheel bridge

Attention: Prior to the fastening process of the bridge, all 4 pins of the
wheels must be visible in the 4 holes of the bridge. Use 3 screws

31. 4000.250 Screw

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Technical Instructions 5030.D

32. 9014.000 Moebius 9014
Use Moebius 9014 on bearing of all rubis

33. 3621.053.RK Coil

The wire of the coil (red area) is very sensitiv to mechanical impacts.
Hold the coil only ouside the red area. Fix the coil by 1screw 4000.250.

34. 3621.054.RK Coil (counter 9h and chrono)

The wire of the coil (red area) is very sensitiv to mechanical impacts.
Hold the coil only ouside the red area. Fix each of the 2 coils by
1screw 4000.250

35. 3621.055.RK Coil (counter 6h)

Coil (counter 6h)">The wire of the coil (blue area) is very sensitiv to
mechanical impacts. Hold the coil only ouside the blue area. Fix the coil
by 1screw 4000.250.

36. 4000.250 Screw


37. 3603.034 Battery insulator

38. 3612.144.5030 Electronic module

After assembly of the electronic module it is the best time to perform
the electrical measurements. Use 5 screws 4000.248 to fix the
electronic module.

39. 4000.248 Screw

40. 3603.069 Circuit insulator

41. 3601.107 Pusher contact spring

Make shure, that the pusher contact spring is placed correctly onto the
H pillars.

42. 2130.137.5030.D Electronic module cover (counter 6h/9h)

Make shure, that the pusher contact spring is not displaced during
attachment of the electronic module cover. Use 3 screws 4000.250 to
fix the electronic module cover

43. 3600.010 Battery

Use a plastic tweezers to place the battery (to avoid short circuit of

44. 3601.109 Bridle +

Insert the two brackets of the battery bridle under the electronic module
cover and fasten the battery bridle by 1 screw 4000.250.

45. 4000.250 Screw

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Technical Instructions 5030.D

46. 2000.574.CO Main plate

47. 9014.000 Moebius 9014

Use Moebius 9014 on bearing of all rubis

48. 3004.164 Setting wheel

Use Moebius 9020 on both setting wheels

49. 3007.054.CO Minute wheel

Use Moebius 9020

50. 2130.143 Minute train bridge

Use 2 screws 4000.305

51. 4000.305 Screw

52. 3301.241 Hour wheel (Aig 1)

Use Moebius 9020

53. 3315.016 Hour wheel friction spring

Must be placed onto the hour wheel

54. 3004.176.CO Date indicator driving wheel

Moebius 9020 must be used in the center of this wheel

55. 3500.049 Date jumper

Moebius 8200 greace must be placed between the date jumper and the
K date jumper spring

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Technical Instructions 5030.D

56. 3504.208 Date indicator
Teaths must be greaced using Moebius 8200.

57. 2130.141 Date indicator maintaining plate

Use 1 screws 4000.250

58. 3905.050 Date jumper spring

Insert the spring into the opening of the date indicator maintaining plate

59. 2130.140 Date mechanism maintaining plate

Assure that the tens intermediate wheel is not blocked, prior to the
L fastening process. Use 2 screws 4000.250 to fix the date indicator
maintaining plate

60. 3506.072 Dial support

61. 4000.250 Screw

62. 9010.000 Moebius 8200

Microgliss D5 can be used

63. 9018.000 Jismaa 124

Greace Moebius or Microgliss D5 an be used

64. 9020.000 Moebius 9020

20 Mar 2006 6
Technical Instructions 5030.D

Electrical checking
Voltage of battery Consumption (M1) of movem. (Pos. I)
1.50 - 1.55 V 0.75 - 1.3 µA

Battery test
Battery must be removed from movement Supply power from measurement equipment (1,55 V)

Consumption (M1) of movem. (Pos. III) Lowest voltage for movement (M1)
0.1 - 0.3 µA less than 1.3V

Lower limit for operation of movement

Supply power from measurement equipment (1,55 V) Adjust voltage on the measuring eqipement to 1.55 V. The slowly reduce the
tension untill the movement stops

Accuracy (seconds / month) Resistance of the coil: motor 1 (movem.)

-10/+20 s/M 1.9 - 2.1 kOhm

Ref. 3621.053.RK
Check for a time of minimal 60 seconds The resistance of the coil can be measured on the electronics (M1) or directly on
the coils (electronic module must be removed).

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Technical Instructions 5030.D

Electrical checking
Resistance of the coil: motor 2 (counter) Resistance of the coil: motor 3 (counter)
2.2 - 2.4 kOhm 2.2 - 2.4 kOhm

Ref. 3621.054.RK Ref. 3621.055.RK

The resistance of the coil can be measured on the electronics (M2) or directly on The resistance of the coil can be measured on the electronics (M3) or directly on
the coils (electronic module must be removed). the coils (electronic module must be removed).

Resistance of the coil: motor 4 (counter) Coil insulation: motor 1, 2, 3 and 4

2.2 - 2.4 kOhm ... kOhm

Ref. 3621.054.RK indefinite high

The resistance of the coil can be measured on the electronics (M4) or directly on The resistance between each coil and +pole must be measured (electronic
the coils (electronic module must be removed). module must be removed)

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Technical Instructions 5030.D

Test of the motors

Accelerated test of movement (M1) 1. Activation of control mode (pos III)
1.55 V

8 steps / sec. During 1-3 the movement must by supplied continiously

To activate this test mode, the corresponding test point must be connected to the Connect points A + B simultaneous for min. 2 seconds to the +Pol. Do not
-Pole interrupt the supply voltage - stem pos III)

2. Check of active counter 3. Change to the next counter

1.3 V

During connection of +Pol to A, the actual counter is turning. Short contact with +pole to point B
Reduced the supply voltage to 1.3V to check the proper function of the counter. Change of active counter: M2-M3-M4-M2-M3- .After a timout of approx. 30
If the power supply is disconnected, the control mode must be starded again - seconds since last contact, the control mode will be terminated.
section 1.

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