Guzella Et Al. (2021)
Guzella Et Al. (2021)
Guzella Et Al. (2021)
A numerical study of the start-up transient and cyclic stationary operation of a single-compartment household refrigerator
and an analysis of performance quantities at different refrigerant charges are performed. The working fluid is HFC-134a.
The numerical model was developed using the commercial software GT-SUITE®. The individual models available in the
software were applied for each component of the refrigeration system (compressor, evaporator, condenser, capillary tube
and refrigerated compartment). The numerical model considers a solution of mass, momentum and energy principles using
a distributed formulation in space and implicit in time. The ambient temperature and refrigerant charge of the refrigeration
system are input data. The inside air temperature, power consumption and discharge and suction pressure were compared
against literature experimental data for the start-up at different ambient temperatures (32 °C and 43 °C) and cyclic opera-
tions at 32 °C. Results for different refrigerant charges are presented considering both ambient temperatures. The numerical
results showed reasonable agreement in comparison with literature experimental data, even for the different refrigerant
charges. The maximum error for the inside air temperature is 4 °C and 2.5 °C during pull-down tests at, at 32 °C and 43 °C,
respectively. The model failed to represent the pressure and power consumption peak during start-up, due to the simplicity
of the compressor model. However, the steady-state values obtained by the numerical model are in good agreement with the
experimental data. The same can be stated for the discharge and suction pressures.
Keywords Capillary tube · Heat exchanger · Household refrigerator · Refrigeration charge · Transient numerical simulation
Abbreviations D Tube diameter
A Constant (−) E Constant (−)
Ai Internal tube cross-sectional area F Constant (−)
As Internal tube superficial area g Gravity (m/s2)
B Constant (−) G Mass velocity (kg/m2 s)
Cf Friction coefficient (−) h Specific enthalpy (J/kg)
Cp Pressure coefficient (−) H Height (m)
dz Control volume length (m) m Mass (kg)
ṁ Mass flow rate (kg/s)
nrpm Compressor speed (rpm)
* Matheus dos Santos Guzella P Pressure (Pa)
[email protected] u Average velocity (m/s)
Institute of Science and Technology, Federal University
t Time (s)
of Jequitinhonha and Mucurí Valleys, UFVJM, Diamantina, T Temperature (°C)
Minas Gerais, Brazil T Average temperature (°C)
Heat Transfer Research Group, Department of Mechanical V Volume (m3)
Engineering, Engineering School of São Carlos, University VD Compressor displacement (m3)
of São Paulo, EESC-USP, São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil UAgas Global conductance of the gasket (W/K)
Department of Thermal and Fluid Sciences, x Refrigerant quality (−)
Federal University of São João del Rei, UFSJ,
São João del‑Rei, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Q̇ Heat transfer rate (W) household refrigerators. Hermes et al. [9] developed a
Ẇ Power (W) first-principles model to simulate transient start-up and
cycling operations of a frost-free 440-l top-mount refrig-
Greek symbols
erator. Cycling transient operation was controlled consid-
ε Void fraction (-)
ering the freezer temperature, while a thermo-mechani-
ℏ Convection heat transfer coefficient (W/m2.K)
cal damper was used to control fresh food compartment
ρ Density (kg/m3)
temperature. Experimental data were used to calibrate
η Efficiency (−)
the compressor model and validate the proposed model.
Subscripts Results of system energy consumption agreed within 10%
1 Inlet of experimental data, while air temperatures presented a
2 Outlet maximum deviation of ± 1%. In the recent years, similar
a Air models for simulating household refrigerators have been
amb Ambient published in the literature [9–13].
cab Cabinet Borges et al. [14] developed a first-principles simulation
comp Compressor model based on a semi-empirical quasi-steady approach.
e External The model was applied to predict the cycling behaviour of
g Global household refrigerators and aiming an energy consumption
gas Gasket study. Numerical results were confronted with experimental
h Homogeneous data and showed a maximum deviation of ± 2%. A sensitivity
i Internal analysis was also carried out to identify potential method
iso Isentropic for energy savings. In a subsequent work, Borges et al. [15]
l Liquid developed a quasi-steady-state simulation model for predict-
mod Modified ing the transient behaviour of a two-door household refriger-
v Vapour ator subjected to periodic door opening and evaporator frost-
vol Volumetric ing. The predicted power consumption and air temperature
r Refrigerant resulted in deviations within ± 10% and ± 2 K, respectively.
t Tube The individual components of household refrigerators
w Wall have also been analysed in some research studies. In this
case, a common approach is to consider the homogeneous
equilibrium model for two-phase condition. Hermes et al.
[16] proposed a numerical model for plate-type, roll-bond
1 Introduction evaporators based on the finite-volume method. Guzella
et al. [17] developed a finite-volume model for the simu-
Domestic refrigerators are refrigeration systems character- lation of wire-on-tube condensers. The authors performed
ized by low cooling capacities (50–250 W) and low quanti- numerical simulations with the developed model and com-
ties of charge (20–200 g) when compared with air condi- pared its numerical results with other numerical models
tioning systems [1, 2]. These systems are composed of a from the literature. The authors reported good agreement.
hermetically sealed compressor, a condenser, an evaporator For capillary tubes, Guzella et al. [18] proposed a slight
and a capillary tube as expansion device, which is placed in modification in Hermes et al. [19] in order to account for the
contact with the compressor suction line, forming an addi- possibility of choked flow at the outlet. The authors analysed
tional heat exchanger. different empirical correlations for the computation of the
In the past years, several numerical models were devel- thermal effectiveness of the capillary tube-suction line heat
oped for the simulation of domestic refrigerators as well as exchangers. The results were confronted against different
for their individual components. Melo et al. [3] proposed one databases and the numerical results showed good agreement
of the first domestic refrigerators simulation model, applied when compared with experimental data.
to a two-compartment domestic refrigerator operating with Gedik et al. [20] performed an experimental investiga-
CFC-12. The model was applied to reproduce pull-down tion of the performance of a household refrigerator using a
tests, and experimental data were used for validation and chimney-type condenser. The working fluid was HFC-134a
good agreement between results was observed. Later, simi- and the refrigerant charge was 139 g. Three condensers with
lar research studies focusing in household refrigerators have different sizes were tested and the results showed that the
been published [4–8]. efficiency and energy consumption of the refrigerator vary
Recent robust and sophisticated numerical models with the chimney height. The best performance was obtained
were developed for simulating the transient operation of for the condenser with height equal to 170 cm.
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Harun-Or-Rashid [21] compared the performance of Typically, numerical simulations are carried at fixed refrig-
a wire-on-tube condenser and a louvre fin micro-channel erant charge [9]. This is due to the difficulty in numerically
condenser trough numerical simulations. The results were matching the refrigerant degree of superheating at the outlet
compared against experimental data and a good agreement of the evaporator with the refrigerant inventory. This main
was reported. The authors found that the micro-channel difficulty is associated with the strong nonlinearity associ-
condenser occupied less space and required less refriger- ated with this numerical solution, leading to time-consuming
ant charge than the wire-on-tube condenser, for the same calculations and also to convergence issues.
thermal performance. Hence, this paper advances a simulation model developed
Some research studies focused on different refrigera- in GT-SUITE® platform capable to simulate the transient
tion technologies, such as absorption refrigeration systems operation of a single-compartment household refrigerator
[22–24]. Ahmadi et al. [22] performed an optimization of an operating with HFC-134a at different refrigerant charges.
absorption refrigerator with four-temperature-levels using an GT-SUITE® allows the development of simulation models
ecological function. The optimization goal was to maximize of specific refrigeration systems, including household refrig-
the coefficient of performance, the ecological function and erators. In this case, the simulations are performed using the
the thermoeconomic criterion. The results were compared geometrical and performance parameters as input data for
on the basis of error analysis and a good agreement was the components and the ambient temperature and refriger-
observed. Ahmadi [23] also performed a multi-objective ant charge in the system as initial condition. Experimental
optimization study, focusing on a three-heat-source irre- results from the literature are used to validate the numeri-
versible refrigerator. The NSGAII optimization algorithm cal model for pull-down simulation tests and for cycling
was chosen. The numerical results were compared with operation. The numerical results of inside air temperature,
results from other studies and a reasonable agreement was compressor discharge and suction pressures and compressor
observed. Ghorbani et al. [24] investigated an integrated power consumption are confronted against experimental data
cryogenic natural gas plant, focusing on the reduction in at different ambient temperatures, namely 32 °C and 43 °C.
energy consumption by using an absorption refrigeration Furthermore, results for these same variables are compared
system rather than a compression refrigeration system. The with experimental data for different refrigerant charges.
authors report a reduction in the specific power, capital cost
and prime cost of product by 38.94%, 31.9% and 15.31%,
respectively. 2 Mathematical Model
Other studies focused on more specific systems, such
as an integrated cryogenic natural gas process based on A schematic view of the refrigeration system of the house-
coupling of absorption–compression refrigeration system, hold refrigerator is presented in Fig. 1. All the geometrical
organic Rankine cycle and solar parabolic trough collectors characteristics of this system can be seen in Hermes [30].
[25] and a self-refrigeration system for a new process for The global simulation of the household refrigerator was
recovery of natural gas liquids from a treated feed gas [26]. developed in the commercial software GT-SUITE®. The
From the point of view of simulation analysis in these heat exchangers are modelled by the numerical solution of
equipments, although numerical models are increasingly
being developed to perform simulations, the use of com-
mercial software is still not common to perform household
refrigerator simulations. Using GT-Suite®, the resulting
model can be easily modified for household refrigerators
with different characteristics. One of the most important
advantages of GT-Suite® is the possibility to simulate the
household refrigerator at a given refrigeration charge and an
ambient temperature. In fact, some research studies focused
on the impact of the refrigerant charge over the performance
of refrigeration systems and heat pumps, such as [2, 27–29].
However, studies that present a complete transient simula-
tion model that allows the numerical analysis of a domes-
tic refrigerator with a certain refrigerant charge appear to
be scarce in the open literature. Thus, the application of a
numerical model to simulate the performance of a household
refrigerator during transient operation at different refriger-
ant charges is a desired contribution to the open literature. Fig. 1 Schematic representation of the refrigeration system
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
mass, momentum and energy equations using a one-dimen- The energy equation is expressed as a function of the
sional distributed formulation in space and using an implicit refrigerant mass flow rate, specific enthalpy and pressure
formulation in time. Hence, the condenser, evaporator and [31].
capillary tube-suction line heat exchanger circuitries are ∑
d(𝜌Vh) dP ( )
divided into control volumes. The scalar variables (pressure, = mh
̇ +V + 𝜆i As,i Tr − Tw (4)
temperature, density and others) are assumed uniform in the dt boundaries
control volumes. The vector variables (mass flux, velocity
In Eq. (4), V is the volume of the control volume, λi is
and others) are computed in the inlet and outlet sections of
the internal heat transfer coefficient, As,i is the internal heat
the control volumes. A schematic view of the spatial dis-
transfer surface area, Tr is the refrigerant average tempera-
cretization for scalar and vector variables is shown in Fig. 2
ture and Tw is the wall average temperature. It should be
noticed that the presented model takes into account the pres-
sure drop in the heat exchangers, which is neglected in some
2.1 General Model for the Heat Exchangers
models in the literature, for example Hermes and Melo [9].
Similarly, an energy equation can be written for the heat
The mathematical model is based on the first-principles
exchanger external surface:
equations of mass, momentum and energy and is presented
( )
as shown in GT-SUITE® Manual [31]. The mass and d 𝜌Vw cp Tw ( ) ( )
momentum conservation equations are given by: = 𝜆i As,i Tr − Tw − 𝜆e As,e Tw − Ta (5)
dm ∑
= ṁ (1) In Eq. (5), cp is the wall specific heat capacity, λe is the
dt boundaries external side heat transfer coefficient, A s,e is the external
heat transfer surface area and Ta is the external air average
� �
Ai dP +
̇ − 4Cf 𝜌u�u�
Ai dz
− Cp 𝜌u�u�
Ai temperature. For the condenser, it is assumed that Ta is the
dṁ boundaries
2 Di 2 ambient temperature, since the heat transfer mechanism is
dt dz natural convection. For the evaporator, Ta is the air tempera-
(2) ture inside the thermal cabinet.
In Eq. (1), m represents the refrigerant mass inside the Empirical correlations are applied to predict heat transfer
control volume, t is the time and ṁ is the mass flow rate. coefficients on the refrigerant side, λi, and air side, λe. For
In Eq. (2), Ai is the internal tube cross section area, P is the the refrigerant side, single-phase and two-phase correlations
refrigerant pressure, u is the average velocity between con- are considered. The empirical correlations provide closure
trol volume inlet and outlet, Cf is the Fanning friction factor, relations for the numerical model and are summarized in
Cp is a pressure drop coefficient and dz is the length of the Table 1:
control volume. In Eq. (2), both flow regimes, laminar and In GT-SUITE®, two-phase flow is modelled as homoge-
turbulent, are covered [31]. neous and a void fraction correlation is applied to estimate
The Fanning friction factor is computed using the correla- the average density. The homogeneous model is a simpli-
tion proposed by Serghides [32] for single-phase flow and fied model that considers the two phases as a homogeneous
the one proposed by Friedel [33] for two-phase flow. mixture flowing with same velocity [39]:
According to [31], the pressure drop coefficient is com- [ ( )( 𝜌 )]−1
puted as: 1−x
𝜀= 1+
x 𝜌l
P1 − P2
Cp = 1 (3) The subindexes l and v represent the saturated liquid and
𝜌 u2
2 1 1 vapour properties, and x is the vapour quality of the refrig-
In Eq. (3) the subindexes 1 and 2 represent the inlet and erant mixture. For two-phase flow, the mixture density is
outlet variables, respectively. computed using the void fraction:
Fig. 2 Discretization methodol-
ogy in space for the variables of
the numerical model
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Single-phase internal convection heat transfer coefficient for the condenser model Dittus e Boelter [34]
Two-phase internal convection heat transfer coefficient for the condenser model Dobson and Chato [35]
Single-phase internal convection heat transfer coefficient for the evaporator model Dittus e Boelter [34]
Two-phase internal convection heat transfer coefficient for the evaporator model Klimenko [36]
External convection heat transfer coefficient for the condenser model Tanda and Tagliafico [37]
External convection heat transfer coefficient for the evaporator model Churchil and Chu [38]
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Fig. 4 Comparison of numerical and experimental data of compres- Fig. 5 Comparison of numerical and experimental data of discharge
sor power: a Tamb = 32 °C and b Tamb = 43 °C and suction pressure: a Tamb = 32 °C and b Tamb = 43 °C
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Fig. 6 Comparison of numerical and experimental data of the air Fig. 8 Comparison of numerical and experimental data of the com-
temperature during cycling operation (Tamb = 32 °C) pressor power consumption during cycling operation (Tamb = 32 °C)
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Funding This study was funded by the Brazilian National Council for
Scientific and Technological—CNPq (processes 306675/2014–5 and
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
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