5A GRAMMAR Comparative Adjectives and Adverbs, As As: French Is Easier To Learn Than Russian

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5A GRAMMAR comparative adjectives and adverbs, as…as

a Write sentences about the pictures using comparative adjectives and adverbs.

1 1 French / easy to learn / Russian 2

French is easier to learn than Russian.

2 Belgium is / hot / France.

3 3 Surfing is / exciting / fishing 4

4 Sophie plays tennis / well / Emily

5 5 Sydney is / far from London / Delhi 6

6 Jason gets up / early / his wife

7 7 Claire works / hard / Sally 8

8 The traffic is / bad at 8.30 / at 9.30

9 9 Harry writes / quickly / Paul 10

10 Life in the city is / stressful / life in the country

b Rewrite the sentences from a using not as...as.

1 Russian isn’t as easy as French. 6 Jason’s wife .
2 France . 7 Sally .
3 Fishing . 8 The traffic at 9.30 .
4 Emily . 9 Paul .
5 Delhi . 10 Life in the country .


Test your memory. Cover the sentences and look at the pictures. For each picture,
say a sentence with a comparative adjective or adverb from a and not as...as from b.
184 English File fourth edition Teacher’s Guide Pre-intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
5B GRAMMAR superlatives (+ ever + present perfect)
a Write the opposite superlatives.

1 the most unfriendly the friendliest 7 the most crowded

2 the most expensive 8 the most hard working

3 the most exciting 9 the nearest

4 the most generous 10 the most difficult

5 the most patient 11 the most stressed

6 the loudest 12 the most unhealthy

b Write the questions using the superlative form of the adjective + ever + present perfect.
1 Who / generous person you / meet
Who’s the most generous person you’ve ever met?

2 What / difficult language you / learn


3 What / good restaurant you / eat at


4 What / expensive thing you / buy


5 What / hard thing you / learn to do


6 What / long journey you / make


7 What / interesting historic building you / visit


8 What / beautiful place you / be to


9 What / exciting film you / see


10 What / far you / run


11 What / cold place you / be to


12 What / important exam you / take



Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions in b.

English File fourth edition Teacher’s Guide Pre-intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
5C GRAMMAR quantifiers, too, (not) enough
Choose the correct word or phrase for each sentence. Circle the correct form.

1 Jackie spends too many / too much money on shoes.

2 A good diet can prevent lot of / a lot of illnesses.
3 ‘How was the job interview?’ ‘It was OK. I wasn’t too / enough nervous.’
4 I think I have enough money / money enough to pay for this.
5 How much / many fruit do you eat?
6 Can you help me? This case is too / too much heavy.
7 Could I have a little / a few milk, please?
8 I’m going away on holiday for a few / a little days next week.
9 You don’t do many / much exercise. Why don’t you come jogging with me?
10 I can’t teach children. I’m not patient enough / enough patient.
11 Too much / Too many chocolate isn’t good for you.
12 How many / much hours do you work a day?
13 I spend too much / too many time at the computer.
14 I couldn’t finish the report because I didn’t have time enough / enough time.
15 I have too many / too much clothes. I can never decide what to wear.
16 We’re going to buy a little / a few things for our new flat today.
17 Are you enough well / well enough to go to work today?
18 I’m going to have very little / very few free time this weekend.
19 My husband does a few / a little housework every day.
20 We buy too many / too much vegetables. We never eat them all!


Look at the sentences and say if they are true for you. Compare with a partner.
I watch too much TV. I spend too much time on social media.
I don’t drink enough water. I have too many clothes.
I don’t do enough exercise. I drink too much caffeine.
I’m not organized enough. I don’t eat enough fruit and vegetables.
Yes, I watch too much TV. How many hours a day?
Maybe an hour. What about you? I don’t watch much TV.
186 English File fourth edition Teacher’s Guide Pre-intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019

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