Houses Cause & Consequences
Houses Cause & Consequences
Houses Cause & Consequences
plan which has never been elucidated in any ancient or modern treatise of
any country. As pointed above, Lagna is that portion of the ecliptic which
lies in the east. Tenth House (Dasham bhāva) lies at the zenith. Seventh
House lies in the west, and Fourth House lies below the onlooker. Hence,
Fourth House came to signify Land, Mother (Earth), Vehicle, which lie
below. Tenth House signifies Father (God the Father or Dyaus-Pitr
symbolised the Sky in Vedic and PIE-language) and glory. First House
symbolises birth into this world, and therefore first house represents life,
body, health,etc. Rebirth into body is the result of Kaama (libido), hence
Seventh House represents Kāma. All twelve houses exhibit this cause-
consequence relationship, as shown below:
10 th : Father,honour,career : 4th
symbolizes land, 10 th gives honour,
4 th Land, Mother kingdom, etc. Mother-Father contrast
between these two houses should be