Data Privacy
Data Privacy
Data Privacy
June 2021
Privacy at Virtusa
Implications of non-compliance
Promotes that individuals own their personal data and not organizations
Aims to safeguard personal data and information that may establish (directly or indirectly) an
individual’s identify, preferences, activities etc.
Governs almost everything from data creation, processing, storing, and finally destroying
Mandates using individual’s data with consent, only for the defined purposes and duration
Personally Identifiable
Any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“data subject”)
Information (PII)
Sensitive Personally “Sensitive data” that can only be processed under strict limited exceptions, such as express consent or
Identifiable Information (SPII) necessity for vital interests of a data subject.
Processing Any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data
The natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the
Data Controller
purposes and means of the processing of personal data
A natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which processes personal data on behalf of the
Data Processor
A breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or
Personal Data Breach
access to, personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed;
Data Protection Authority Independent public authority which is established by a Member State, monitors compliance with data
(DPA) protection laws on a national level.
Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable
natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly,
Personal data can be in any media or format, including computerized or electronic records as well as paper-based files.
Name Email address Phone number
(Home / Business)
Identification numbers
Date of birth Gender Bank account number (Government /
Sensitive Personal data is a subset of personal data, which due to its nature, has been classified by law or by policy, as
deserving additional security and privacy protections.
Religious or philosophical
Racial or ethnic origin Political opinions Trade union membership
• Identify valid grounds for • Collect data for specified, explicit • Personal data shall be adequate,
collecting and using personal and legitimate purposes. relevant and limited to what is
data • Data shall not be processed necessary
• Processing should be fair, clear, further in a manner that is • Should not collect or hold more
open and honest to the data incompatible with the defined information than required
subject purposes
• Ensure that the personal data • Personal data must not be kept • Appropriate security measures
you hold is not incorrect or no longer than it is necessary should be in place to protect the
misleading • The data should be periodically personal data
• If the data is incorrect, take reviewed and erased / • Encrypt or pseudonymize
reasonable steps to correct or anonymized post the retention personal data wherever possible.
erase period
The General Data Protection Regulation, which was finally adopted in April 2016 in the European Parliament, represents
a Big Bang in terms of the regulation of personal data protection in Europe.
• Aim: To harmonize Data Protection directive & strengthen citizens’ fundamental rights to personal data protection.
• Enforcement date: 25th May 2018
• Applicability: Every entity that holds or uses European personal data both inside and outside Europe.
4% Potential fines of
190+ Countries 80+ New global turnover as it
potentially in scope of requirements in the applies to cross border
the regulation. GDPR. organisations, which
have access to EU PII
12 Copyright © 2021 Virtusa Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Is GDPR applicable to you?
Virtusa collects personal data of employee (and family), prospective candidates, suppliers, customers and visitors.
• Concerns personal data • Concerns personal data • Includes personal data of • Visitor’s personal data
of the employees and of individuals working clients or end users are stored in visitor’s
employment candidates with the suppliers • Should not be shared database / logbook,
• Privacy notice is shared • Does not include with third parties / CCTV cameras.
with all employees / information about their contractors without • Personal data of visitors
candidates company / organization client’s approval are collected to ensure
• Employees can access • All supplier contracts • Should not store / the physical security.
the personal information should have data transfer personal • Only authorized
that Virtusa keeps about protection clauses information to Virtusa or employees and security
them at Velocity embedded in it. personal computer, personnel have access
• Unless required for a unless otherwise to the database.
legal / regulatory specified.
purpose, the records will • Report privacy breaches,
be archived after the if any, to the client
retention period. immediately
Ex: Collecting PII/ Ex: Storing hard copy files Ex: Sharing employee
documents while in cabinets, soft copies in Ex: Use bank account details with payroll/ Ex: Disposing client’s PII
onboarding a new cloud via OneDrive, number of employees to insurance service post contract term,
employee, creating Backup documents to pay salary, use client provider, background disposing unsuccessful
employee number for removable storage email id to send them a verification vendor to candidate details post 6
new joiners, etc. devices. mail / deliver service. conduct checks, etc. months, etc.
• Only collect PII that • Use encryption • Ensure that the data • Don’t disclose • PII should only be
is adequate, techniques to store is used in personal data to retained till there is
relevant, & limited data accordance with unauthorized third business or legal
Best practices
• Issue privacy notice • Data must not be legal and parties requirement
and obtain consent kept no longer than international • Have a contract / • Dispose off hard
while collecting PII necessary regulations data transfer copy or electronic
• Restrict PII access • Processing shall be • Do not over process agreement with the personal information
to few resources conducted with due the data third parties / data securely
only regards to the • Processing should sub-processors
privacy, dignity, and be fair, clear, and
equality of individuals open
A personal data breach is any incident in which personal data controlled by Virtusa is lost, or subject to unauthorized
access, use, modification, disclosure or unlawful processing.
1. Lost or stolen encrypted devices and removeable storage devices, or physical records containing personal data
2. Databases containing personal data being hacked or otherwise illegally accessed by unauthorized individuals
3. Virtusa employees, contracted staffs, or suppliers processing personal data outside of the requirements or
authorization of their employment / engagement; and
4. Personal data being accidentally provided to the wrong person (e.g., by sending details out to the wrong email
address or sending personal data that is not adequately protected)
• Even a few hours delay can make a big difference in terms of compliance with legal and regulatory obligations and in protecting the
Virtusa brand.
• But the most important thing is staying vigilant. This way, we keep personal information safe and protect / preserve the Virtusa brand
and reputation.
Increased cost of
Regulatory action Loss of market value
Company Employee
• Virtusa’s reputation, goodwill, and brand image may be • You may face disciplinary action, which can even lead to
damaged. termination of employment.
• Virtusa may be held responsible for the breach of obligations • You may be subject to civil and criminal penalties.
to clients.
• Virtusa could lose one or more clients.
• Virtusa could be subject to civil and criminal penalties.
• Might receive administrative fines from the data protection
Dos Don’ts
• Ensure that consent is obtained before collecting personal • Transfer personal data to team members / third parties, unless
data necessary
• Use personal data only for business purpose for which it was • Don’t leave sensitive data unattended
collected • Do not disclose personal information unless authorized
• Secure personal data in the office and while traveling or • Don't reply or click any links embedded in unexpected emails
working in other locations
• Don’t breach policy and standards that protect personal
• Encrypt the Personal Data if required information
• Retain personal information only if needed • Don’t process any personal data without appropriate consents
• Classify and protect information in your possession or without confirming that we have appropriate safeguards in
• Familiarize yourself with the respective privacy regulation / place
act • Don’t store personal data in multiple locations or unauthorized
• Be careful when handling personal data devices
• Always adhere to the security practices • Don’t take hard copies of personal data unless it is necessary
• Enroll and attend privacy-related trainings when scheduled • Don’t keep any personal data for a duration longer than lawfully
• Report any breaches to your manager or Data Protection
• Give access only to authorized individuals
Your private information can be exposed by online ads, by websites that track your online behavior, or by massive data
While browsing, you will see ads of Remember, if you are not paying for
relevant products or services. But the product like Gmail, Twitter, and Several internet services fail to
these ads can also be used for Facebook, then most likely you are implement basic security measures. a
privacy-invading purposes, including: the product. hacker can:
• Tracking what you do online For example, social networking sites • Access your social media
already know: accounts
• Spreading malware
• What you are sending in direct • Recover your password and
• Influencing your product choice access your bank account
• Which websites you visit • Trick your family or friends into
sending money or documents
• What you are reading / watching
• Steal your identity
• What user information you share
while signing in.
It is important to protect your online privacy before you share anything on social media platform
• Before signing into any website and registering an account, read and understand the privacy and cookie policies.
I shouldn’t have
shared it
4. Avoid clickbait
• While adjusting your privacy settings, don’t forget to turn off your gadget’s location sharing.