Fuel Processing Technology: Ayesha Tariq Sipra, Ningbo Gao, Haris Sarwar
Fuel Processing Technology: Ayesha Tariq Sipra, Ningbo Gao, Haris Sarwar
Fuel Processing Technology: Ayesha Tariq Sipra, Ningbo Gao, Haris Sarwar
Keywords: With the realization of fossil fuels depletion, research has been started on the alternate energy sources. Biomass
Review is a renewable energy source, from which bio-fuels can been produced. These bio-fuels are then used for power
Pyrolysis generation. Municipal solid waste (MSW) is a type of biomass which has been widely used in the production of
Municipal solid waste bio-fuels. Since 1900s, studies have shown that a lot of research has been done in determining the optimum
Pyrolysis products yield
processes for producing bio-fuel through MSW. Pyrolysis is one of these processes. This process roots out various
drawbacks which are present in other processes. It produces high grade pyrolysis fuel and reduces production
cost. This review paper focuses on pyrolysis of MSW by using its components as a feedstock material with
varying composition. The effects of interaction between different components of MSW and their heating values
has been reviewed. The heating values are then compared with conventional fuels to highlight the significance of
MSW pyrolysis products. The case of catalytic pyrolysis has also been reviewed and the corresponding heating
values are compared to obtain high quality fuel. Moreover, a comparison has been made that how pyrolysis is an
efficient process as compared to other processes.
1. Introduction the municipalities. Due to this drastic increase in the disposal of MSW,
the need for its management is quite necessary to preserve environ-
In the recent years, the imports of crude oil have been facing ment. According to the census in 2011, the growth rate of MSW in
challenges due to rise in crude oil prices, the fluctuating political sce- China has reached 179.36 million tons and is continually rising at a rate
nario in the Middle East and the unpredictability of the global oil of 8–10% each year [6]. Similarly, in 2013, about 254 million tons of
market. The fossil fuel burning also has hazardous environmental im- trash was generated in the USA Figs. 1 and 2 show the total MSW
pacts on land, water and air. The fossil fuel energy has a great potential generation rates of America before recycling.
of changing world's climate. A small climate change can adversely af- Municipal solid waste (MSW), commonly known as trash or gar-
fect the world's agricultural production [1]. The fossil fuels' combustion bage, consists of everyday items which are used and then thrown away,
produces energy and chemicals, this results in the emission of various such as product packaging, grass clippings, furniture, clothing, bottles,
greenhouse gases (GHGs) like carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and other food scraps, newspapers, appliances, paint, and batteries. These mate-
toxic volatile compounds in the atmosphere [2]. It is concluded that the rials come from houses, schools, hospitals, and industries. [7] MSW is a
combustion of fossil fuel has a net increase of 10.65 billion tons of at- type of biomass which mainly consists of food waste, paper, plastics,
mospheric carbon dioxide per year [3]. Therefore, the selection of most wood, textiles, metals, and glass [8]. It is most commonly managed by
environment friendly fuel is the major concern over a past few decades. an open dumping system. In this system, MSW is open to the atmo-
Due to these challenges, the use of renewable energy resources (e.g. sphere [9], causing severe health and environmental issues. The open
wind, geothermal, hydropower, biomass) came into action. Among landfills results in pollution in the air, land and water, due to bacteria
these sources, biomass, being a non-fossil fuel, holds importance as a and insects inside the tons of dumped garbage [10]. Moreover, landfill
feedstock. It helps in the mitigation of CO2 emissions [4]. There are dumping has maintenance and labor issues, the transportation cost and
numerous sources of biomass including agricultural residues, woody increase in population also hinders the efficient execution of dumping
biomass, dedicated energy crops and municipal solid waste (MSW) [5]. in landfills. MSW, however, due to its versatile composition, stores
Because of accelerated urbanization and development of global energy in the form of chemical bonds between carbon, hydrogen and
economy, a bulk quantity of MSW has been collected and disposed of by oxygen molecules [11]. These chemical bonds release vast amount of
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (N. Gao).
Received 24 October 2017; Received in revised form 22 November 2017; Accepted 11 February 2018
Available online 13 April 2018
0378-3820/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A.T. Sipra et al. Fuel Processing Technology 175 (2018) 131–147
A.T. Sipra et al. Fuel Processing Technology 175 (2018) 131–147
Energy recovery from waste is the conversion of non-recyclable 2.2.2. Pyrolysis behavior of MSW by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)
waste materials into usable heat, electricity, or fuel through a variety of As mentioned previously in Section 1, MSW is a complex mixture of
processes, including combustion, gasification, pyrolysis, anaerobic di- plastics, paper, wood, food remains, yard trimmings, metals and glass
gestion and landfill gas recovery. This process is often called waste to [21]. Since metals and glass components are incombustibles, therefore,
energy. [41]. they are physically separated in order to avoid any adverse effects
The waste management system, as depicted in Fig. 4, is divided into during pyrolysis [53–55]. The rest of the components mentioned above
three treatment techniques. It is important that recyclable material is are further divided into groups, based on their elemental composition
removed first, and the energy is recovered from the residual waste. The and pyrolysis behavior. Polymers constitutes a major portion of MSW.
energy recovery processes involve biological and thermal treatment of Polyethylene (PE), which is further divided into high-density poly-
the waste. The waste which can neither be recycled, nor can be treated ethylene (HDPE) and low-density polyethylene (LDPE), polypropylene
to recover energy, is disposed of as landfill. (PP), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polystyrene (PS) and poly-
vinylchloride (PVC) are the six main plastics found in MSW [29].
2.1. Biological treatment H. Zhou et al. classified MSW based on 26 kinds of MSW component
samples. This study categorized the samples using the proximate and
Biological treatment includes composting process, which is the ultimate analysis, heating values and thermogravimetric analysis
anaerobic digestion of organic waste into methane-rich biogas. It uses (TGA). The categorized groups included starch food, orange peel, ve-
microorganisms like bacteria to carry out the process. This process is getables (including banana peel), printing paper, wood waste, cellulose,
very efficient for wet organic wastes like food waste, sewage sludge, PET (including terylene), PVC, PE/PP, PS, and rubber. The cluster
A.T. Sipra et al. Fuel Processing Technology 175 (2018) 131–147
analysis method was used to classify these 11 groups. [56] Table 2 Table 1
shows the behavior of various MSW components during thermogravi- Difference between slow and fast pyrolysis [49–51].
metric (TG) and derivative thermogravimetric (DTG) analysis with re- Slow pyrolysis Fast pyrolysis
spect to their pyrolysis temperature, heating rates, atmospheric condi-
tions etc. It shows a contrast of how MSW components behave in Longer residence time (> few minutes) Less residence time (few seconds)
Slow heating rates High heating rates
different thermogravimetric (TG) operating conditions. Since, in in-
Enhanced tar cracking and higher gas yields Rapid cooling of vapors to form liquid oil
dustries the heating rates are generally quite high. Therefore, J. Zheng Primary products: char Primary products: bio-oil and gas
et al. [57] implemented a new design of TGA apparatus, in order to Temperature range: 227–677 °C Temperature range: 577–977 °C
closely achieve high heating rates for the MSW pyrolysis. From his set-
up, 864.8 °C/min was the maximum heating rate recorded. The pyr-
olysis was performed at 850 °C, and the high heating rates showed
different behavior from the data mentioned in Table 2. The peaks were shows a comparison between N2 and CO2 atmosphere. It can be con-
merged, since some steps of the reaction occurred over the same time cluded from the results in the table that below 500 °C, CO2 has no de-
period. Moreover, the pyrolysis of rubber showed four peaks and it was finite effect, however, once the temperature rises, an evident mass
the most difficult of all the other MSW components. However, PE was decay is observed due to Boudouard reaction, which results in the de-
pyrolyzed easily with biomass (wood, fabric, food, paper) because of its crease of char. [58].
endothermic reaction, it decreased the feedstock heating rate and thus This review provides a detailed discussion on how different com-
decomposed easily. Therefore, it can be concluded that very high ponents (as mentioned above) in MSW can combine together to yield
heating rates have a significant effect on the thermal behavior of MSW high-grade pyrolysis oil. Hence, this discussion is quite helpful for the
components. An extensive future work is required in this domain, in future of MSW to obtain fuel. The next sections highlight various stu-
order to commercialize the MSW pyrolysis process. The Table 2 also dies regarding slow and fast pyrolysis. Moreover, a separate section has
A.T. Sipra et al. Fuel Processing Technology 175 (2018) 131–147
Table 2
Behavior of various MSW components during thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) in waste-to-energy research [56,39,58].
Group MSW components Heating rate Atmosphere Flow rate Final temperature Results and discussion
C/min ml/min (°C)
Food residue Vegetables, banana peel 10 N2 100 1000 Multiple peaks below 320 °C due to decomposition of hemi-cellulose
etc. and cellulose, and due to the pyrolysis of hemi-cellulose.
Tangerine peel, orange 10 N2 100 1000 < 3% ash content; ~20% fixed carbon content
Starch food 10 N2 100 1000 Single peak at 300 °C
Chinese cabbage, orange 10 N2 100 1000 one peak of cellulose (300–400 °C), two close peaks of hemi-
peel cellulose (210–400 °C) and lignin mass loss between (280–400 °C)
10 CO2 100 1000 A significant peak appears after 700 °C which shows apparent mass
Wood waste – 10 N2 100 1000 Weak peak of hemi-cellulose
Strong peak of cellulose
Another peak of lignin
Poplar wood 10 N2 100 1000 Four DTG peaks at 161, 345,490 and 701 °C
10 CO2 100 1000 Three DTG peaks at 345, 830 and 936 °C
Paper Blank printing paper, 10 N2 100 1000 Approximate 80% volatile
newspaper 10% ash content
Main DTG peak at 350 °C
Glossy paper, cardboard 10 N2 150 500–600 Single DTG peak at approximately 360 °C due to lower content of
hemi-cellulose and/or catalytic effects. The residues from the sulfate
production process in cardboard, results in cellulose degradation at
lower temperatures.
– 10 N2 100 1000 Single peak at 350 °C
10 CO2 100 1000 Two peaks at 354 and 848 °C
Rubber – 10 N2 100 1000 Main peak at 378.4 °C
Cellulose Tissue paper, cotton, 10 N2 100 1000 Single peak at 333–353 °C
cloth, absorbent cotton
Plastics PE, PP 10 N2 100 1000 Very strong peak at 455–485 °C
Terylene, PET 10 N2 100 1000 Main peak at 440 °C
PVC 10 N2 100 1000 High chlorine content
Two stages pyrolysis
PS 10 N2 100 1000 Single peak at 413.9 °C; lower temperature than that of HDPE,
LDPE, and PP
PVC 10 N2 150 500–600 Two step degradation
a. 200–380 °C (high amount of chlorine release)
b. 380–550 °C (degradation of hydrocarbons)
PS, PP, LDPE, HDPE 10 N2 150 500–600 Thermal degradation at 350–500 °C.
PE 10 N2 100 1000 DTG peak at 477 °C
10 CO2 100 1000 DTG peak at 473 °C
PS 10 N2 100 1000 DTG peak at 417 °C
10 CO2 100 1000 DTG peak at 413 °C
PVC 10 N2 100 1000 DTG peaks at 287 and 467 °C
10 CO2 100 1000 DTG peaks at 299 and 469 °C
Textile Polyester fabrics 10 N2 100 1000 DTG peak at 438 °C
10 CO2 100 1000 DTG peaks at 432 and 951 °C
A.T. Sipra et al. Fuel Processing Technology 175 (2018) 131–147
Table 3
Comparison between thermochemical conversion processes of MSW [2,62,63,50,55,64].
Process Advantages Disadvantages
Incineration (combustion) • Well established technology • Production of dioxins and other persistent organic pollutants (POPs) resulting in
• Inexpensive extraction of heat energy air pollution and creating hindrance in the extraction of valuable chemicals from
• Efficient electricity generation the MSW
• Large reduction of the amount of MSW by weight and • High capital and operating cost
volume (70–80%) • Needs special care for the safe disposal of produced fly ash
• Requires less time • Highly inefficient upon burning of high moisture content waste
• Minimum energy extraction
• Maximum capital cost
Gasification • No greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions • Production of tar
• 50–90% reduction in MSW volume • More suitable for large scale power plants using Rankine cycle
• Technology can be expanded easily • Higher operating costs
• Used for all kinds of wastes • Greater capital cost
• Corrosion of metal tubes during reaction
• Higher energy consumption
Pyrolysis • Up to 80% energy recovery rate • Oily liquid products have high water content resulting due to moisture in
• Less land requirement feedstock
• Smaller NO & SO emissions • Coke formation from liquid products
• Washing
x 2
of syngas before its combustion
• Better quality of solid residues; high calorific value
products(~38 MJ/kg)
• Liquid fuel easy to transport
• waste;
Production of lesser volume of flue gases per kg of
thus reducing the flue gas treatment capital cost
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polychlorinated di-benzo-p-di- researches have been conducted about the features of MSW compo-
oxine/-furans (PCDD/Fs) and other toxic heavy metals are also released nents, such as plastics and wood [67]. Along with individual compo-
by incineration. Therefore, pyrolysis is adopted, since it minimizes the nents, some of the research has also focused on the interactions be-
corrosion due to heavy metals and completely avoid PCDD/Fs forma- tween the components of real MSW. This review highlights how various
tion due to strong reduction atmosphere and lower temperature. synergistic interactions are suitable to obtain high quality fuel.
Therefore, pyrolysis is the most environment friendly thermochemical As previously mentioned in Sections 1 and 2, MSW is composed of
conversion process. Moreover, gasification also requires some moisture mainly six components. The research has been done to produce high
content and air for proper functioning of the process. But, the greater grade pyrolytic oil with the real MSW as a feedstock. Moreover, since
the moisture content and more air introduce, the lesser is the heating plastics constitutes a major portion of MSW and their pyrolysis behavior
value (HV) of fuel produced. Since pyrolysis reaction occurs under is quite positive to obtain valuable products. Therefore, the sections
oxygen absence, large molecules are easily evolved from MSW, and below cover the influence of both real MSW and plastics on the pyr-
after condensation produce the liquid products. Therefore, pyrolysis is olysis products yield. Table 4 shows the pyrolysis behavior of real MSW
the optimal option for the production of bio-oils. [27] Furthermore, and plastics in MSW, the pyrolysis temperature, type of pyrolysis re-
pyrolysis has a high energy recovery rate with high attenuation ratio, action, type of reactor, classification of feedstock and the end products
therefore it is regarded a better thermal recycling method in compar- yields are mentioned in the table for a comparative analysis.
ison to other processes [59]. In pyrolysis, due to the reduction atmo- Table 4 shows different studies on MSW, with varied composition.
sphere, H2S is formed and thus sulfur is easy to remove than from SO2 The table mentions different products yields, with and without the use
[60]. The other advantages of pyrolysis over other thermochemical of various catalysts. It is observed from various studies that 400–550 °C
processes include negligible formation of combustion products, less is the optimum temperature range to produce maximum pyrolytic oil
dumping of produced pyrolyzed product (especially solid) due to re- yield. The values of temperature in the table supports the argument. It
utilization of char and the condensate after separation of water is re- can be observed from the table that with varying composition of the
covered [61]. components of MSW, the product yield varies. The heating values ob-
Hence, this paper reviews the pyrolysis of MSW to obtain fuel. The tained from real MSW pyrolysis are quite less as compared to conven-
reason of opting MSW as a feedstock is rapid increase in the globali- tional diesel or petroleum. Therefore, the researchers are focused on
zation and population increase [65]. There is a need to eradicate the providing optimum mixing ratios of various components in order to
pollution caused by dumping MSW and therefore, various researches produce high quality pyrolytic oil.
have been conducted to produce useful products from MSW. MSW
contains various components which can be taken in different ratios to 3.1. Influence of real MSW on pyrolysis products yield
produce high-grade pyrolysis oil. This oil is suitable for heat, power
generation and as a transportation fuel. Many researches have been done in order to check the effect of real
MSW pyrolysis on the products of pyrolysis. This section provides a
3. Influence of MSW components on pyrolysis products yield review from various studies of real MSW in order to provide a com-
parative analysis of real MSW pyrolysis. A few of these studies are also
The components of MSW play a significant role while obtaining mentioned in Table 4.
better quality fuel. In most of the research, particular MSW is in- H. Zhou et al. [21] provided an overview of characteristics of MSW
vestigated [34]. However, the MSW has different composition based on fuel in China. The paper focused on the proximate and ultimate analysis
geographical location and time period [66]. Therefore, the products of the main components of MSW mentioned in Section 2. The heating
obtained from the pyrolysis of MSW cannot be generalized, because of values were predicted after the received results. The Table 5 shows
varying thermal and chemical compositions. Reaction temperature, HHV of individual MSW component, as dry basis, in kJ/kg. It is ob-
elemental composition and the structure of the input material are key served that HHV of chlorine-free plastics (PP, PE, PS, etc.) is highest
factors for the distribution of the individual products. Moreover, a lot of followed by rubber, PVC, wood waste and so on. The lowest value of
A.T. Sipra et al. Fuel Processing Technology 175 (2018) 131–147
Table 4
Several studies on the use of MSW pyrolysis.
Classification Ref. Feedstock Type of Operating conditions Type of reactor End products yield
Bakung district, [68] Plastics (52%), biomass (34%), Slow Mass of sample: 500 g Fixed bed vacuum Thermal Cracking
Bandarlampung, Indonesia paper (9%), rubber (3%) and w/o catalyst reactor Solids: 34.6 wt%
textile (2%) 750 g with catalyst Bio-oil: 15.2 wt%
Particle size: 5–10 cm Gases: 48.2 wt%
Reaction time: 60 min Water: 2 wt%
Reaction temp: 400 °C Catalytic cracking:
Solids: 28.6 wt%
Bio-oil: 21.4 wt%
Gases: 50 wt%
Water: 0 wt%
disposable plates, grocery bags, [69] PS Fast Mass of sample: 1 kg Batch pyrolyzer Liquid oil: 80.8%
and juices or drinking cups Particle size: 2 cm2 reactor Char: 6.2%
in KSA Reaction time: 75 min Gases: 13.0%
Reaction temp: 450 °C Wax: Nil
PP Heating rate: 10 °C/ Liquid oil: 42.0%
min Char: 3.5%
Gases: 54.5%
Wax: Nil
PE Liquid oil: Nil
Char: 13.0%
Gases: 62.0%
Wax: 25.0%
PS/PP (50/50) Liquid oil: 25.0%
Char: 5.1%
Gases: 69.9%
Wax: Nil
disposable plates, grocery bags, [69] PS/PE (50/50) Fast Mass of sample: 1 kg Batch pyrolyzer Liquid oil: 54.0%
and juices or drinking cups Particle size: 2 cm2 reactor Char: 7.7%
in KSA Reaction time: 75 min Gases: 38.3%
Reaction temp: 450 °C Wax: Nil
PP/PE (50/50) Heating rate: 10 °C/ Liquid oil: 24.0%
min Char: 24.8%
Gases: 51.2%
Wax: Nil
PS/PP/PE (50/25/25) Liquid oil: 49.0%
Char: 3.9%
Gases: 47.1%
Wax: Nil
PS/PP/PE/PET (40/20/20/20) Liquid oil: 40.0%
Char: 18.0%
Gases: 42.0%
Wax: Nil
Samples collected from landfill [70] Kitchen wastes (15.07 wt%), Fast pyrolysis Mass of sample: 100 g Fixed-bed pyrolysis Liquid: decreased from 27.3 to
in Jiangsu Province, China paper (5.86 wt%), cloth and fiber and reforming Particle size: 10 mm reactor completed by a 16.5 wt%
(27.10 wt%), plastics (21.89 wt process Reaction time: 30 min downstream volatile Gases: Increased from 0.25 N m3 kg−1
%), residue (30.07 wt%) Reaction temp: reforming reactor of to 0.37 N m3 kg−1
500–600 °C (with and Char: HHV of char decreases from
w/o char) 6.89 MJ kg−1 (without reforming) to
Heating rate: 10 K/ 4.63 MJ kg−1
Samples collected from waste [71] Kitchen garbage (68.96 wt%), Catalytic Feedstock input rate: bench-scale Liquid oil: Decreased from 37.98% to
dumpsites at Huazhong paper(9.95 wt%), textile (2.17 wt pyrolysis 0.3 kg/h downstream fixed-bed 5.13%.
University of Science and %), wood (7.40 wt%), plastic Particle size: 5 mm reactor Gases: Increased 44.07% to 78.87%
Technology (HUST), (11.52 wt%) Reaction time: 60 min Char: Decreased from 15.86% to
Wuhan, China Reaction temp: 900 °C 14.92%
(w/o catalyst)
750–900 °C (with
Heating rate: 10 °C/
PS disposable plastic plates [72] – Thermal Catalyst to feedstock Small pilot scale Liquid oil: 80.8%
pyrolysis ratio of 1:10 pyrolysis reactor Gases: 13.0%
Reaction time: 75 min Char: 6.2%
Catalytic Reaction temp: Natural Synthetic zeolite
pyrolysis 450 °C zeolite
Heating rate: 10 °C/ Liquid oil: Liquid oil: 50%
min 54.0% Gases: 22.6%
Gases: 12.8% Char: 27.4%
Char: 32.8%
[73] Fast
(continued on next page)
A.T. Sipra et al. Fuel Processing Technology 175 (2018) 131–147
Table 4 (continued)
Classification Ref. Feedstock Type of Operating conditions Type of reactor End products yield
Samples collected from Padang Wood waste (37.58%), kitchen Mass of sample: Downstream fixed-bed Catalytic (calcined dolomite)
Siding landfill, Malaysia garbage (16.32%), plastic bag 9–10 g. reactor Liquid oil: 10.88%
(15.27%), solid plastic (14.57%), Particle size: 2 mm Gas: 56.67%
Reaction time: 25 min Char: 32.44%
Reaction temp: Catalytic (zeolite)
200–750 °C Liquid oil: 36.35%
Heating rate: 50 °C/ Gas: 24.98%
min Char: 38.66%
Textile (9.63%), glass (4.20%) Non-catalytic
and ferrous materials (2.42%). Liquid oil: 21.72%
Gas: 39.91%
Char: 38.36%
Sample collected from Bandar [74] Polypropylene (PI080 grade), Catalytic FCC catalyst/PP ratio: Semi-batch reactor Temperature effect (%)
Imam Petrochemical Co., ethylene and propylene (purity 0–60% 420 °C
Mahshahr, Iran and Tehran 99.9%) Reaction temp: Liquids: 88.6
Petrochemical Co, Tehran, (420–510 °C) Heating Gases: 8.3
Iran rate: 25 °C/min Coke: 3.1
450 °C
Liquids: 92.3
Gases: 4.1
Coke: 3.6
480 °C
Liquids: 82.4
Gases: 12.5
Coke: 5.1
510 °C
Liquids: 76.1
Gases: 17.1
Coke: 6.8
Catalyst/PP ratio effect (%)
Liquids: 95.2
Gases: 4.4
Coke: 0.4
Sample collected from Bandar [74] Polypropylene (PI080 grade), Catalytic FCC catalyst/PP ratio: Semi-batch reactor Liquids: 92.3
Imam Petrochemical Co., ethylene and propylene (purity 0–60% Gases: 4.1
Mahshahr, Iran and Tehran 99.9%) Reaction temp: Coke: 3.6
Petrochemical Co, Tehran, (420–510 °C) 0.2
Iran Heating rate: 25 °C/ Liquids: 85.2
min Gases: 9.6
Coke: 5.2
Liquids: 79.3
Gases: 13.8
Coke: 6.9
Liquids: 76.7
Gases: 14
Coke: 9.3
Carrier gas effect (%)
Liquids: 96.7
Gases: 3
Coke: 0.3
Liquids: 94.7
Gases: 3.2
Coke: 2.1
Liquids: 92.3
Gases: 4.1
Coke: 3.6
(continued on next page)
A.T. Sipra et al. Fuel Processing Technology 175 (2018) 131–147
Table 4 (continued)
Classification Ref. Feedstock Type of Operating conditions Type of reactor End products yield
Sample collected from Bandar [74] Polypropylene (PI080 grade), Catalytic FCC catalyst/PP ratio: Semi-batch reactor Ethylene
Imam Petrochemical Co., ethylene and propylene (purity 0–60% Liquids: 93.8
Mahshahr, Iran and Tehran 99.9%) Reaction temp: Gases: 5.1
Petrochemical Co, Tehran, (420–510 °C) Coke: 1.1
Iran Heating rate: 25 °C/ Propylene
min Liquids: 87.8
Gases: 9.7
Coke: 2.5
Liquids: 84.8
Gases: 9.8
Coke: 5.4
No gas
Liquids: 33.8
Gases: 14.9
Coke: not detected
Stirrer rate effect (%)
0(w/o stirrer)
Liquids: 65.3
Gases: 26.5
Coke: 8.2
Liquids: 81.6
Gases: 13.5
Coke: 4.9
Liquids: 92.3
Gases: 4.1
Coke: 3.6
Sample collected from Bandar [74] Polypropylene (PI080 grade), Catalytic FCC catalyst/PP ratio: Semi-batch reactor 100
Imam Petrochemical Co., ethylene and propylene (purity 0–60% Liquids: 87.4
Mahshahr, Iran and Tehran 99.9%) Reaction temp: Gases: 9.5
Petrochemical Co, Tehran, (420–510 °C) Coke: 3.1
Iran Heating rate: 25 °C/ 300
min Liquids: 82.4
Gases: 14.6
Coke: 3
Non-recyclable, non-dangerous [50] Mixture of carpet disposal, Slow Particle size: 2 mm Home-built semi- Liquids: 51.3 wt%
waste from a waste residues of plastic/metal/ Reaction time: 2 h continuous lab-scale Gases: 37.0 wt%
treatment plant drinking cartons sorting Reaction temp: 550 °C reactor Solids: 11.7 wt%
installation, residues of paper and Heating rate: 4 °C/min Wax: Nil
different fractions of synthetic
Non-recyclable, non-dangerous [50] Mixture of carpet disposal, Fast Mass of sample: 70 g Home-built semi- 480 °C, 12 g material/min
waste from a waste residues of plastic/metal/ Particle size: 2 mm continuous lab-scale Liquids: 48.1 wt%
treatment plant drinking cartons sorting Reaction time: few reactor Gases: 50.1 wt%
installation, residues of paper and seconds Solids: 1.8 wt%
different fractions of synthetic Reaction temp: Wax: 15.1 wt%
materials 480,510,550 °C 510 °C, 12 g material/min
Input transfer rate: Liquids: 51.5 wt%
24 g material/min or Gases: 48.4 wt%
12 g material/min. Solids: 0.1 wt%
Wax: 10.2 wt%
450 °C, 24 g material/min
Liquids: 49.9 wt%
Gases: 50.0 wt%
Solids: 0.1 wt%
Wax: 15.0 wt%
480 °C, 24 g material/min
Liquids: 51.4 wt%
Gases: 47.6 wt%
Solids: 1.0 wt%
Wax: 12.3 wt%
510 °C, 24 g material/min
Liquids: 71.6 wt%
Gases: 28.0 wt%
Solids: 0.4 wt%
Wax: 25.1 wt%
550 °C, 24 g material/min
Liquids: 41.7 wt%
Gases: 57.5 wt%
Solids: 0.8 wt%,Wax: 6.5 wt%
A.T. Sipra et al. Fuel Processing Technology 175 (2018) 131–147
Table 5 higher than obtained through gasification process. The volatile char
Average HHV of components of MSW in Chinese cities [21]. reformation also resulted in the increase of H2 yield and the complete
MSW component Higher heating value (HHV) in kJ/kg disappearance of C3–C4 in Syngas. At the same time, the pyrolysis oil
becomes lightweight and its small compounds such as naphthalene,
Food residue 15,386 caprolactam and biphenyl disappear or decrease, which provides a
Wood waste 19,461
potential substitute for Syngas as an energy carrier. Combined with the
Paper 15,894
Chlorine-free plastics 43,448
prevention of the evaporation, moisture and energy balance of alkali
Chlorinated plastics (PVC) 21,172 metals in the three products, the reforming temperature of the 550 °C is
Rubber 29,789 proposed: the energy fraction of char is only 12.3%, so that more
carbon can be obtained to ensure stable heavy metals. This temperature
is also commonly used in pyrolysis operations, which do not require
food residue among the heating values of MSW components is due to additional heating of char.
the high chlorine content, because of salts present in the food content. Similarly, M. He et al. [71] obtained syngas with LHV around
Similarly, the HHV of paper is also near to the food residue, this is also 13–14 MJ Nm−3, from the waste dumpsites in Wuhan, China. As shown
because of the interaction of paper with food residue. The plastics are in Table 4, kitchen garbage, paper, textile, wood and plastic were
differentiated in two groups: chlorine-free plastics and chlorinated pyrolyzed at 750–900 °C in a bench-scale downstream fixed-bed re-
plastics. The Table 5 further shows that the HHV of chlorine-free actor. The effects of weight hourly space velocity (WHSV) and tem-
plastics is approximately twice of chlorinated plastics, because as the perature of reactor on product yield and gas composition were in-
name suggests, chlorinated plastics have rich chlorine content resulting vestigated. 47–67 mol% of syngas was produced from pyrolysis. The
in lower HHV. results show that the existence of calcined dolomite has great influence
I.M. Gandidi et al. [68] used real MSW to produce bio-crude oil on the product yield and gas composition in the pyrolysis process, and
(BCO) under thermal and catalytic pyrolysis at 400 °C and 60 min re- has remarkable catalytic performance to increase gas production rate,
action time. This composition of MSW consisted of 52% plastics (such reduce oil production rate and char yield. High temperature resulted in
as bottles, plastic bags). Natural activated zeolite catalyst was used to the conversion of waste into syngas, H2 and CO content increased sig-
enhance the yield of BCO. Gas chromatography-Mass spectrometry (GC- nificantly. However, the production of CO2, CH4, C2H4 and C2H6 de-
MS) was used to analyze the BCO, and the carbon number range could creased. This is because as the temperature of the reactor increases, the
be determined according to the percentage of peak region. The results amount of volatile matter released from the MSW particles is greater.
show that the catalytic pyrolysis performance is better than that of The degree of secondary reactions is affected by the temperature of the
thermal cracking. Table 4 shows, that 15.2% and 21.4% of BCO was reactor. At higher temperatures (> 700 °C), the main occurrence of
produced by pyrolysis and catalytic pyrolysis, respectively, with mainly secondary reactions, such as cyclanes cracking and macromolecular
gasoline and diesel fractions. In addition, paraffin and olefin fractions long chain rupture, the reaction rate increases with the temperature,
are the main types of gasoline and diesel. The results show that the resulting in higher gas production rate and the reduction of tar content.
content of waste and its process have certain influence on the fuel At the same time, produced pyrolysis syngas is a very desirable raw
produced. The BCO produced by pyrolysis have a higher concentration material for the production of transport fuel (Fischer–tropsch synth-
in the gasoline range. This can be described as the result of secondary esis). It can also be used directly as a MHV fuel with a lower heating
cracking, which converts a small amount of gasoline into syngas, diesel value of about 13.87 MJ/n m3. The yield profile of the pyrolysis product
into gasoline and solids into diesel because of the presence of catalysts. confirms that the catalyst facilitates the degradation process resulting in
More plastics produce more gasoline in domestic waste, while more strong decomposition (low solid yield) or strong liquid phase splitting
biomass produces more amount in diesel range. In this paper, the (low liquid yielding), and therefore higher hydrogen formation because
produced BCO is comparable to diesel-48, since it has the carbon range the gas is formed by pyrolysis of the liquid.
of diesel. The challenges in the BCO production by MSW pyrolysis and The pyrolysis gas of municipal solid waste (MSW) was studied, by O.
its possible solutions are mentioned in the Section 3.4. Tursunov [73], by using zeolite and calcined dolomite as catalysts, and
As shown in Table 4, N. Wang et al. [70] used kitchen wastes, paper, the temperature range of 200–750 °C in the downstream fixed bed re-
cloth, fiber and plastics as a feedstock. The volatile products obtained actor was analyzed. The gas produced by pyrolysis of MSW is in the
from the pyrolysis of municipal solid waste (including syngas and range of 49–57 mol%. The results show that the existence of calcined
pyrolysis oil) were forced to contact with hot char in the process of dolomite has a significant effect on the yield and composition of the
500–600 °C pyrolysis in a fixed-bed reactor. The yield and performance products during the pyrolysis process, and using calcined dolomite as a
of syngas, char and pyrolysis oil were studied, and the energy redis- catalyst, results in the performance of increasing gas production, de-
tribution of char reforming products was calculated. An initial labora- creasing oil production rate and char yield as compared to zeolite and
tory scale investigation indicated that the catalytic reforming of hot no catalytic pyrolysis process. High temperature 600–750 °C led to the
char has resulted in the production of dry syngas from 0.25 to conversion of MSW into gas production, and the CO content increased
0.37 Nm3 kg−1 MSW at 550 °C. As a result, the carbon conversion ratio greatly. Therefore, CO is a key factor in the production of renewable
to syngas increased from 29.6% to 35%, and the chemical energy from energy and bio-gases like syngas and methane. The heating value of
waste to syngas was increased from 41.8% to 47.4%. The Table 4 also MSW was obtained to be 2388 kcal/kg based on the bomb calorimeter
shows that the yield of pyrolysis liquid products, including pyrolysis oil test. Table 4 shows increase in gas yield from 24.98 wt% with zeolite to
and water, is reduced from 27.3 to 16.5%, while the molecular weight 56.67 wt% with calcined dolomite. It also shows that the oil yield de-
of oil becomes light. When the volatile matter passes through the empty creased significantly from 36.35 wt% with zeolite to 10.88 wt% with
hot bed without the hot char, the higher temperature decides secondary calcined dolomite. This is because the low yield oil rate is caused by the
cracking, namely further thermal degradation, which results in the in- removal of oxygen to water, CO2 and CO, from the coke-forming on the
crease of gas production and the corresponding decrease of liquid catalyst and significantly increased gas production due to catalysis.
output. About 60% of the vapor contained in the volatile matter is With calcined dolomite 32.44 wt% and with zeolite 38.66 wt% of char
converted into syngas. After reforming process, the concentration of is produced. Therefore, the yield profile of the pyrolysis product con-
SO2 and HCN in syngas decreased and the content of NO and NO2 in- firms that the catalyst promotes the degradation process to produce
creased. The char concentrations of N, H, C and alkali metals decreased strong decomposition (low solids yield) or strong liquid phase pyrolysis
and their calorific value was also decreased but energy fraction in- (Low liquid rate), and therefore higher hydrogen formation because the
creases from 6.36–7.26 MJ kg−1. The HHV is 15 MJ Nm−3 which is gas is formed by cracking the liquid. As the temperature of the reactor
A.T. Sipra et al. Fuel Processing Technology 175 (2018) 131–147
increases, the volatile matter is released from the waste particles. The increases the economic viability of the production process of light hy-
degree of secondary reactions is affected by the temperature of the drocarbons. The results of PP pyrolysis showed that the yield of max-
reactor. At higher temperatures (> 500 °C), there are mainly two re- imum condensation products was 450 °C and 10% catalyst respectively.
actions such as cracking of cyclanes and long chain macromolecules, Hydrogen as a reaction carrier gas increases the production of con-
whose reaction rate increases with increasing temperature, resulting in densing and paraffin products. The results show that the active carrier
a decrease in gas production and tar production at higher temperatures. gas has a certain effect on the yield and composition of the product. The
Moreover, F. Ates et al. [75] investigated the pyrolysis of municipal catalyst efficiency of the stirred reactor can be improved by stirring the
solid waste (MSW) and municipal plastic waste (MPW) in the absence proper heat transfer. The molecular weight of the product decreases
and presence of catalysts (Y-zeolite, b-zeolite, equilibrium FCC, MoO3, with the increase of temperature, as determined from the results. At
Ni–Mo Catalyst, HZSM-5 and Al (OH) 3) at 500, 550 and 600 °C in a higher temperatures the main process involves the direct conversion of
batch reactor. In the presence of the catalyst, the yield of the volatile liquid products to aromatic hydrocarbons and some gases, as well as the
increased, while the reaction time was reduced for the need for the total stripping of gases to form aromatic hydrocarbons and final chars.
cracking. Catalysts were found productive and selective in converting Diels–alder reaction produces aromatics, followed by dehydrogenation
aliphatic hydrocarbons into aromatic and cyclic compounds in oil in the pyrolysis process. The carbon distribution of the product transfers
products. Gases from municipal waste were composed of hydrogen, CO to lower carbon when temperature rises from 420 to 510 °C and Ga-
and CO2, while in the MPW only hydrogen and hydrocarbons were soline (C5–C9) gives weak peak at the 480 °C. The results showed that
detected. The catalytic efficiency of MPW is higher than that of muni- the yield of coke increased with the increase of the amount of catalyst.
cipal solid waste. Depending on the feedstock, the pyrolysis oil contains The increase of the catalyst often shows the concentrated product, and
aliphatic hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons, cyclic compounds and the carbon number distribution is narrow, the distribution of hydro-
fewer ketones, alcohols, acids or esters. The results show that the re- carbon is from C3 to C13 compounds. C5–C9 in concentrated products
action time for the total pyrolysis of the MPW is short when the catalyst are the main compounds. Compared with the neutral carrier gas with
exists, but it is not needed in the process of MSW degradation under the similar molecular weight, the active carrier gas can improve the pro-
same temperature and catalyst conditions. The next section describes duct formation. This is because the reaction gas can shift the balance,
the influence of pyrolysis of plastics in MSW on the products yield. resulting in greater liquid production. H2, ethylene and propylene can
be involved in the pyrolysis process by producing free radicals at ele-
3.2. Influence of plastics on pyrolysis products yield vated temperatures. Free radicals can participate in the pyrolysis pro-
cess through the formation of free radicals, and their contribution is
In 2011, the total plastic waste production in the world was about supported by carrier gas type, process temperature and catalyst type
280 million tons [76]. Plastic waste is one of the main components of and proportion. This is also supported by Briones L. et al. [81] in hy-
municipal solid waste (MSW). Because of its durability, light weight drogen environment, the pyrolysis of LDPE produces more paraffin
and low cost, plastic consumption is growing at an alarming rate instead of olefins. This results in better quality of pyrolytic oil which
worldwide by 4% annually [32]. Since plastics are quite useful com- can be used as a fuel.
ponent of MSW to obtain fuel. Therefore, most of the research is di- R. Miandad et al. [69] performed the individual and combined
rected towards the pyrolysis of different kinds of plastics. There are five pyrolysis of different components in plastic waste types. In this study,
major types of plastics. They are polystyrene (PS), polyethylene (PE), various combinations were made and the effect of different combina-
polypropylene (PP), polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and polyethylene ter- tions on the pyrolysis of liquid oil was investigated. It was noted that all
ephthalate (PET). From which PS, PE and PP are the most used plastic the waste components produced liquid oil product at 450 °C with a
types in pyrolysis studies [32,77,78]. PS is light with high strength and retention time of 75 min, however, PE formed wax because of in-
heat resilience [69], thus providing low temperature as a pyrolysis complete breakdown of its long carbon chain structure [50]. PS plastic
feedstock as compared to PP and PE. Based on density and molecular waste shows the largest feedstock conversion to liquid oil compared to
branching frequency, PE is further divided into two categories. High other types of plastic wastes (80.8%) and the least gas (13%) and Coke
density polyethylene (HDPE) and low density polyethylene (LDPE). (6.2%). The synergistic effects of PE and PS reduces the formation of
HDPE needs high temperature (> 500 °C) because of its highly crys- wax and increases the oil yield. This is mainly due to the free radical
talline long chain structure. Moreover, it forms wax instead of liquid oil production of PS plastic, which converts PE into liquid oil instead of
in pyrolysis. [32,79,80,31] Therefore, appropriate proportion of HDPE wax, after mixing with PS. Moreover, the interaction of PS and PP with
should be used while pyrolysis. PE, increased the liquid oil yield, along with gases and char, and no wax
B.K. Sharma et al. [44] worked on the pyrolysis of HDPE plastic is produced through this combination. This has shown the importance
grocery bags to produce fuel. 74% of the product formed after pyrolysis of synergistic effect of various types of plastics, in order to produce the
was plastic crude oil (PCO) at a temperature range of 420–440 °C. The required yield of bio-oil. Moreover, catalytic pyrolysis has been dis-
PCO has properties comparable to conventional petroleum diesel fuel. It cussed in this paper, in order to avoid the formation of wax and thereby
has higher carbon and hydrogen content and lesser oxygen and nitrogen increasing the oil yield. The Table 6 shows the compounds contained in
content, therefore, the HHV falls around 49–50 MJ/kg. Basically, HDPE the produced pyrolytic oils of different types of plastic waste. Based on
waste plastic grocery bags were pyrolyzed and then distilled to produce the pyrolysis of the plastic types, it was observed that the produced
a key liquid hydrocarbon product (PPEH-L). PPEH gives ~64% fraction pyrolytic oils have HHV of 41.4–41.8 MJ/kg, which is quite similar to
of diesel since it contains saturated aliphatic paraffinic hydrogens conventional diesel. Some other properties like dynamic and kinematic
(94.0%), aliphatic olefinic hydrogens (5.4%) and aromatic hydrogens viscosities, density, pour point, freezing point and flash point were also
(1.0%). These compounds have boiling range 190–290 °C, which is comparable to the conventional diesel. The literature further supported
comparable to conventional petroleum diesel fuel. that the pyrolytic yield of PP and PVC is comparable to that of PE [82].
Moreover, M.S. Abbas-Abadi et al. [74] gave a very efficient utili- In another research of plastics (polymer) combination high aromatic
zation of plastic waste for the production of liquid fuels. He showed that hydrocarbons (styrene, toluene and ethylbenzene: 470%) and un-
how pyrolysis plant construction along with the olefinic petrochemical saturated hydrocarbons (420%) in liquid yield were reported. This was
plants results in better production of pyrolytic products. The pyrolysis due to high retention time and temperature along with the contact
of polypropylene (PP) with an equilibrium fluid catalytic cracking between different types of plastics [33].
(FCC) catalyst in a stirred reactor was studied to obtain hydrocarbon M. Rehan et al. [72] studied the quality and application of liquid oil
compounds with similar fuel properties. The results show that the made from the pyrolysis of polystyrene (PS) plastic scrap. Maximum
temperature has an effect on PP cracking. The addition of catalysts liquid oil produced by pyrolysis (80.8%) and gas (13%) and char
A.T. Sipra et al. Fuel Processing Technology 175 (2018) 131–147
Table 6
Composition of liquid oil obtained from pyrolysis of different types of plastic waste [69].
Type of plastic waste Mixing ratio Composition of liquid oil
(6.2%), while catalytic pyrolysis uses synthetic and natural zeolite to to enhance its surface area. The chars produced by WaCe sample can be
reduce liquid oil production (52%) with increased gas (17.7%) and char used for treating wastewater in order to catch heavy metals ions or
(30.1%) production. The production of liquid oil produced by catalytic other organic substances). The adsorption capacity for WaPC chars was
pyrolysis is low but the quality is improved because of the catalytic affected badly due to the spatial structure of WaPC. However, the
characteristics of zeolite, such as microporous structure and high BET higher heating value (HHV) of the chars samples were 31.44 and
surface area. Liquid oil, from heat and catalytic pyrolysis, consists of 29.60 MJ/kg for WaCe and WaPC, respectively. These HHVs prove this
approximately 99% aromatic hydrocarbons, further confirmed by GC food waste as a great source for energy recovery. Finally, the con-
MS results. FT-IR analysis further showed the chemical bonding and densates produced by the feedstock also have higher HHV (27.14 MJ/
functional groups of the main aromatic hydrocarbons, which is con- kg for WaCe). Hence, it can be seen that food waste has a great potential
sistent with the GC-MS results. Table 4 is also consistent with these for energy recovery due to good calorific values and utilization of chars
results. In this study, the average HHV of PS plastic raw materials, li- produced. Similarly, pyrolysis of newspaper was also conducted, the
quid oil produced by heat and catalytic pyrolysis with natural and products produced included non-hydrocarbons (H2, CO, CO2, and H2O)
synthetic zeolite catalysts were found to be 39.3, 41.6, 41.7 and and hydrocarbons (C1–3, C4, C5, C6, 1-ring, C10–12, C13–15, and C16–18).
40.6 MJ/kg respectively. The gases produced like CO, H2 etc. have high calorific value, thus can
The challenges faced by plastics pyrolysis on the products yield, and be used as a commercial fuel. [85].
their possible solutions are described in the sections to follow. H. Zhou et al. [86] used food residue (rice), wood waste (poplar
wood) and plastics (PVC) to observe the interactions of these compo-
3.3. Influence of co-pyrolysis of other MSW components on pyrolysis nents of real MSW. The thermogravimetric analyzer coupled with
products yield Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (TG-FTIR) was used. It was
observed that interaction of wood and PVC as well as rice and PVC were
Along with the plastics, the co-pyrolysis of other waste components very evident. Due to PVC addition, CO and CO2 were generated and
has also been seen in the literature. Co-pyrolysis of non-degradable hence the pyrolysis process was slowed down. The second and third
waste mixtures (waste rubber and plastics) with and without the ad- peaks of PVC do not appear in the experiment, which is very different
dition of cornstalk have been investigated by H. Li et al. [83]. It is from the linear superposition result. HCl from 350 to 500 °C can par-
observed that due to co-pyrolysis and addition of stalk additive the oil ticipate in the pyrolysis of rice or poplar wood and the formation of
yield and heating value increases. The feedstock-to-oil energy conver- organic chlorides. In addition, in municipal solid waste, the presence of
sion efficiency (FOECE) was observed to be maximum at 80 wt% mass chlorinated polymers may increase the yield of char during pyrolysis.
fraction of rubber. The heating value of the produced pyrolytic oil Hence, the interactions of PVC with different MSW fractions needs to be
reached 39.93 MJ kg−1, which is comparable to conventional diesel discussed further in order to produce good quality pyrolytic oil.
and can be post-treated to use a fuel. Therefore, H. Zhou et al. [87] further investigated the interactions of
Similarly, R. Zevenhoven et al. [84] co-pyrolyzed PVC and mixtures three MSW components (orange peel, tissue paper and PVC). The
of PVC with LDPE and wood (Finnish pine) in nitrogen atmosphere at a combined effect of tissue and PVC was evident as shown by TGA-FTIR
temperature range of 250–400 °C. Dechlorinated fuel was produced experiments. The overlap ratio of TG curve is introduced and its in-
from pyrolysis, and the results gave a net calorific value of 38.2 MJ/kg. teraction is quantitatively evaluated. The interaction between orange
It was concluded that at maximum temperature where approximately peel and tissue paper was slight. The interaction between orange peel
100% PVC is de-hydrochlorinated, due to wood or LDPE, the formation and PVC inhibited the generation of alkyl and olefins, weakening the
of combustible gases containing carbon was decreased. peaks of HCl and benzene. The interaction between tissue paper and
B. Grycová et al. [61] investigated the products of pyrolysis by using PVC was significant and promoted low temperature pyrolysis
food waste (waste cereal (WaCe) and waste peanut crisps (WaPC)) as (< 300 °C) and suppresses pyrolysis at elevated temperatures. At the
feedstock. Fast pyrolysis was carried out with a final temperature of same time, residue increased. The production of CO2, alkyl, olefin and
800 °C in a tube furnace. Nitrogen was used an inert medium. The mass carboxyl groups is strongly influenced by the interaction of tissue paper
balance of the products produced, analysis of the syngas, and evalua- and PVC. The second and third peaks of the HCl disappeared because
tion of liquid and solid products was performed. Since fast pyrolysis was the HCl reacts with other organic compounds.
performed, therefore, the liquid yields were higher (62 g for WaPC and
46 g for WaCe). This high amount of liquid was also mainly due to the 3.4. Challenges faced by MSW pyrolysis for the pyrolysis products yield
presence of greater oxygen content which resulted in the greater pro-
duction of oxygenated products. The gas analysis revealed that the re- In the previous sections, a detailed analysis of the pyrolysis products
lease of hydrogen increases with the increase in temperature. At (solids, liquids and chars) is explained. Their yields are also mentioned
750–800 °C the quantity of hydrogen released was 61 vol% and 66 vol% and how the operating conditions effect the yield has also been ex-
by WaCe and WaPC, respectively. The results also showed that the plained. It is observed from the literature, that the heterogeneity of
hydrocarbons and CO are reduced with an increase in temperature. MSW plays a vital role in determining the product's yield. In the real
WaCe showed an evident release of gas during the temperature of MSW, plastics constitutes a major portion. But the plastics are further
around 540 °C. The solid residue (chars) were also investigated because divided into chlorine-free and chlorinated plastics (PVC). Different
of their good adsorption capacities. The surface area of chars was quite types of chlorine-free plastics have similar properties. Although PVC
small (< 10 m2/g) as compared to commercial activated carbons (ap- shows different properties, the average HHV of PVC is about half of the
prox. 1000 m2/g). The chars can be further treated with steam in order chlorine-free plastics [21]. It is recommended that these two kinds
A.T. Sipra et al. Fuel Processing Technology 175 (2018) 131–147
should be classified separately. Certain sample methods should be de- fuel. [93] Moreover, some acids are formed during pyrolysis of PVC
vised and employed for the purpose. Another challenge that MSW faces plastics which can corrode the currently installed pilot scale systems.
as a feedstock material is its high moisture content. Less liquid (bio-oil) Therefore, before commercializing this technology effort is needed to
yield is produced because real MSW needs additional drying, hence this ensure the handling and removal of higher thresholds of acids forma-
results in higher gas yield and water content also contaminates the tion. Another challenge of plastic-to-fuel (PTF) conversion technology is
produced bio-oil yield. The high water content, makes the MSW apt to the variety in the scrap material. The scrap plastic material varies from
microbial contaminations. This could also be a potential hazard to- non-recycled caps, labels, agricultural plastics, oil bottles, auto-
wards human health as pathogens can also infect MSW. The high shredder residue (ASR) plastics, scrap carpet, engineering grade resins,
moisture content causes an increase in the volume and weight of MSW, mixed resin products to thermosets etc. The pilot systems of PTF
therefore MSW should be dried well, at suitable high temperatures, in technology, which are adopted worldwide, cannot accommodate all the
order to minimize the cost of transportation. However, these processes types of these materials. Due to this, the economics and the quality of
require energy and cost, making it an expensive process. Since the the fuel is affected. All in all, though PTF technologies are quite ben-
production of MSW is present in every other municipality, a decen- eficial, but they are designed only to treat scrap plastics. This could be a
tralized system, where low-volume facilities locally use MSW, is pro- major problem for a locality that has landfill restrictions in the near
posed by the researchers, in order to avoid drying and long-distance future and desires to look for possible alternatives to treat the total of
transportation [88]. Also a series of precipitation and filtration pro- the MSW stream. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection
cesses should be employed in order to separate water content from the Agency (EPA) [94], plastics only represent a total of 12.3% of the waste
produced bio-oil. The reason for higher gas yield can also be because of stream. PTF technologies are however reasonable option for commu-
the presence of biomass (wood, food residue etc.) in the real MSW [89]. nities that are looking at long-term solutions for extending the life of
Since real MSW constitutes impurities, these impurities seem to play an landfills and finding new means to transform non-recycled plastics into
important role in influencing the composition of bio-crude oil (BCO) a resource. [92] Moreover, it is observed, from the pyrolysis and co-
[90]. The presence of impurities causes secondary thermal cracking of pyrolysis of different MSW components, that polycyclic aromatic hy-
waste, and hence the end-product yield is affected greatly. The varied drocarbons (PAHs) are also produced. These PAHs are highly toxic and
composition of MSW results in the presence of metals in the produced dangerous for the human body. Therefore, researchers are investigating
BCO. Therefore, sand-made pyrolysis reactor can be employed. Sand on ideal blending ratios in order to ensure least production of PAHs and
has the capacity to retain metallic species and hence the bio-oil would better quality of fuel fraction. It is concluded from H. Zhou et al. that
be free of metallic pieces. Moreover, hot-gas filters should be used in maximum generation of PAH was found from the co-pyrolysis of PVC
order to prevent flow of metals in the liquid fraction of MSW. The chars and PS [95]. The plastics are long chain hydrocarbons, therefore on
produced also acts as a retainer and a lot of metallic species present in pyrolysis, plastic fractions in MSW significantly produce PAHs. Hence, a
real MSW are trapped by the solid fractions. [50] Moreover, the heating lot of further research is needed in order to reduce PAH formation while
value is also another challenge for bio-oil production. It is observed that producing high grade pyrolytic oil from plastics.
as the plastics concentration is increased in the MSW, the product after The type of pyrolysis process also affects the efficiency of MSW
pyrolysis has more BCO yield in gasoline range, however, greater bio- pyrolysis process. Table 4 various case studies regarding thermal and
mass percentage increases BCO yield in diesel range. Therefore, the catalytic pyrolysis. The oil obtained from thermal pyrolysis is unstable,
plastics concentration greatly effects the heating value of the bio-oil. acid-corrosive, low-grade, tarry and dis-colored. The catalytic pyrolysis
The presence of fine particles also degrades the quality of the produced is better process, the quality of bio-oil is enhanced greatly but the
bio-oil. Traditional mechanical recovery techniques, such as sorting, quantity is decreased. The catalytic pyrolysis and a variety of catalyst
grinding, washing and extruding, can only be recycled for all plastic used for MSW pyrolysis have been reviewed in the next section.
scrap types of 15–20%. Beyond this level, plastics become con-
taminated with materials such as soil, dust, aluminum foil, food waste 4. Effect of catalysts on pyrolysis products yield
and paper labels. Therefore, traditional upgrading techniques or using
ceramic membrane might be a plausible solution to ensure high quality The MSW pyrolysis yield pyrolysis liquids as by-products. There is a
production of bio-oil. The upgrading techniques include refining and dire need to convert these liquids into permanent gases. This is because
blending the pyrolytic oil with conventional diesel or kerosene oil to of the presence of water and organic compounds like alcohols, alde-
ensure that it is acceptable for the commercial applications. [69] hydes, organic acids, ketones, phenols and ethers. These compounds
However, blending techniques has its own limitations. The physical make the pyrolysis liquids highly oxygenated and acidic, therefore,
properties of the fuel lead to an increase in ignition time, thus reducing these cannot be used as fuel. [96] The research has been done in in-
the resulting torque [91]. Therefore, research is needed to explore new corporating catalysts in order to post-treat the pyrolysis liquid, so that
methods for upgradation and purification of liquid oil. the quality can be improved.
However, it can be seen from the literature reviewed above, that Catalysts overcome the lower efficiency of pyrolysis process, with
plastics provide values quite closer to conventional diesel as a fuel. respect to endothermic reaction at elevated temperatures, by de-
Therefore, the pyrolysis of plastic types is the major consideration to creasing the activation energy and thus, enhancing the decomposition
obtain fuel that can replace commercial fossil fuels. However, since real of feedstock resulting in an increase in the product yield. The catalyst
MSW is not usually classified, therefore, impurities cling on the surface are divided into three groups:
of plastics, thereby decreasing the favorable properties of gasoline,
diesel, etc. Therefore, careful collection and cleaning of the plastic 1. Primary catalyst – added directly to the feedstock [97]
waste is required to yield substantial quantity of gasoline and light oil 2. Downstream catalyst - positioned in the secondary reactor, down-
by pyrolysis. For commercial use of plastics as a fuel, the capacity of the stream from pyrolysis reactor [98]
already established pilot scale reactors needs to be increased five to six 3. Placed inside the pyrolysis reactor [99], provides direct contact with
times the current size of its facility [92]. However, due to dimensional yielded products (gas, liquid and tar).
constraints and feed capacity issues, researchers have worked quite
little on commercial perspective. Moreover, there is a different tem- The cost of catalyst is a major concern. Synthetic catalysts are less
perature distribution inside the reactor and hence safety of the plant is a favorable due to high cost. Therefore, different researchers have sug-
major concern. Furthermore, even distribution of catalyst is quite ne- gested to reuse the catalysts or use catalysts in the form of certain
cessary on the catalyst bed to ensure efficient activity, therefore, this is natural minerals or use the catalysts in less quantities [100]. Moreover,
another geometrical constraint for the commercial use of plastics as fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) has also been used by some researchers to
A.T. Sipra et al. Fuel Processing Technology 175 (2018) 131–147
decrease the expense on catalyst during pyrolysis. But, catalyst's reuse is of better quality pyrolytic products. Hence, this field needs to be further
a concern as coke formation on the catalyst shortens its life span and studied. The char residue is present on the feedstock, when the feed-
function with the passage of time [35]. The catalytic reforming also stock is pyrolysed, the behavior of the char produced is determined by
results in tar cracking due to extreme temperature. This results in the following characteristics: (a) the disorganized and porous structures;
evaporation of alkali and alkaline–earth metals (AAEM) into gaseous [103,104] (b) the presence of O-containing groups on the char surface;
phase. This paper reviews the major catalysts used in the recent pyr- [105,106] (c) the structure of the carbonaceous matrix; [107,108] (d)
olysis studies, their effect on products yield and the potential to be used active sites formed by the alkaline (Na, K) and alkaline earth (Mg, Ca)
as a fuel. Fig. 7 shows the mechanism of catalytic pyrolysis of MSW. The species distributed in the char matrix [104,109,110]. The literature
primary and secondary reactions described in the figure will lead to suggests that co-pyrolysis of HDPE (MSW plastic waste component)
reduced tar vapors and increased gas and water production. Char re- with other organic species can alter the combustion characteristics of
mains as a residue, when all volatile matter is removed from solids. the char. It is assumed that the blending of natural matter with plastic
char can steadily affect the char morphology and creates hindrance in
its melting during burning. [111] Also, M. Hervy et al. [112] in-
4.1. Effect of char as a catalyst on pyrolysis products yield vestigated pyrolysis char made from the waste generated on cruise ships
(used wood pallets (UWP), food waste (FW), coagulation flocculation
Char is one of the catalysts being widely used to improve the quality sludge (CFS)). Each of these components of MSW have different types of
of pyrolysis products. It is used because it is cheap, since it is available minerals present. The synergistic effects of these feedstock resulted in
from the pyrolysis process and hence, no external input of the catalyst is the decrease of chlorine release during pyrolysis. Moreover, due to
required. Moreover, when volatiles from MSW are passed over char, the hydroxyapatite particles (Ca5(PO4)3(OH)), present in the char matrix,
latent heat of water vaporization is utilized and sensible heats of both the catalytic activity of the mixture of FW and CFS has been increased.
char and volatile are preserved. This is because volatile and char ga- This further proves char to be an efficient low-cost and eco-friendly
sification takes place simultaneously and hence, they come in contact catalyst for tar cracking. Char made from quick pyrolysis of other types
before any temperature drop. The alkali and alkaline-earth metallic of plastics can also be studied and compared in future.
(AAEM) species are preserved in char from MSW pyrolysis as compared
to the one obtained from biomass. [101].
4.2. Effect of dolomite as a catalyst on pyrolysis products yield
As mentioned in the previous section, in Table 4, N. Wang et al. has
investigated the influence of reforming temperature on the yield of
Dolomite is an inexpensive and abundant material. M.He et al. used
pyrolysis products (gas and liquid) with and without hot-char, as a
calcined dolomite, as a catalyst, under high temperature to obtain in-
catalyst. The higher gas yield, lower liquid product and a raise in
creasing gas yield while decreasing char and tar yield. In the presence
carbon conversion ratio into syngas were observed, since around 60%
of catalyst, at 900 °C, the gas yield increases from 44.07 wt% to
of the moisture in the volatile is expended in the reforming process. The
78.87 wt% while the oil yield decreased from 37.98 wt% to 5.13 wt%.
char reforming of volatile prompts increment of H2 yield from 18.9 to
This is due to the coke formation on the catalyst, oxygen removal from
41.6% in the syngas. Then, the pyrolysis oil turns out to be light and its
water or evident increase in gas yield due to catalysis. The char yield
minor segments, for example, naphthalene, caprolactam and so on di-
also decreases from 15.86 to 14.92 wt%. Therefore, in the presence of
minish, giving a potential other option to the syngas as energy bearer.
catalyst, the syngas produced is quite useful and valuable product. It
The effect of reforming on the characterization of char has also been
can be used as a transportation fuel or directly as a MHV fuel. [71]
observed. The high heating value (HHV) of char decreases by reforming
Calcined dolomite is also used by the researchers in order to eradicate
and hence can be used for construction purposes or to trap heavy me-
tar production in the product gas. However, this catalyst has a tem-
tals. It was also noted that char reforming results in the decrease of SO2
perature limitation and it actively functions only above 500 °C. [73].
and HCN contents while NO and NO2 contents increase in the syngas.
[70] N. Miskolczi et al. investigated that how seven different catalysts
has an effect on char formation using MSW and Municipal Plastic Waste 4.3. Effect of zeolite catalyst on pyrolysis liquid oil
(MPW) as a feedstock. The char formation was greater by MSW pyr-
olysis. Ni-Mo-catalyst has a significant impact on char morphology. Due Zeolite has a microporous structure and high BET surface area. As
to its extruded structure and greater BET surface area, char was finely mentioned previously, M. Rehan et al. [72] mixed powdered zeolite
formed over the catalyst. [102]. with PS plastic (feedstock) in the pyrolysis reactor, hence the third kind
Char such as activated carbon has great potential for the production of catalyst group was adopted. Both natural and synthetic zeolite was
A.T. Sipra et al. Fuel Processing Technology 175 (2018) 131–147
used. A comparison between thermal and catalytic cracking was made. sites and acidity of the catalysts. For example, the chars contain
It is observed that approximately 99% of liquid oils produced, con- abundance of heavy metals, thus making it more active, as a catalyst,
tained aromatic hydrocarbons. Though the catalytic pyrolysis decreases for volatile reforming and tar cracking. However, heavy metal chars are
the liquid oil yield from 80.8% to 52% but the quality of oil is improved quite expensive as a catalyst, and the dumping of these chars is also a
due to catalysis. The produced oil has chemical composition and HHVs problem due to the presence of heavy metals. Therefore, the structure of
quite similar to diesel. The HHV of liquid oil after thermal cracking and the catalyst and its physical and chemical properties should be thor-
catalytic cracking with synthetic and natural zeolite as catalyst is found oughly examined before carrying out the pyrolysis process. Moreover,
to be 41.6, 40.6, 41.7 MJ/kg respectively. This value is quite near to the char formed as a by-product in the pyrolysis reaction also deposits
HHV of conventional diesel (43.1 MJ/kg). This gap of HHV is due to on the surface of the catalyst during the reaction. This creates hindrance
greater amount of aromatic hydrocarbons in liquid oil. Therefore, re- in the functioning of the catalyst. Therefore, a continuous supply of
fining is necessary to use this produced oil. The catalytic cracking also catalyst is required. Moreover, the right placement of catalyst inside the
increases gas yield from 13% to 17.7% and char yield from 6.2% to tub reactor should be done in order to avoid this issue. The surface area
30.1%. of the catalyst is another factor which can limit the functioning of the
Natural zeolite was adopted by the researchers in order to avoid cost pyrolysis process. The higher the surface area, the better the pyrolysis
expenditure on synthetic catalysts. Activated zeolite is stable at high process. This results in good quality products even when the catalyst
temperatures and has good crystalline properties. Therefore, it en- was taken in low content [118,119].
hanced the secondary cracking of hydrocarbons resulting in an in-
creased yield of bio-crude oil (BCO) by 40.79%. [68] The existence of 5. Future work
activated zeolite during pyrolysis significantly improved the secondary
pyrolysis of small hydrocarbon chains, and as compared to the absence Since the composition of MSW varies from region to region, there-
of catalysts, the yield of BCO increased by about 40.79%. This means fore, pre-treatment methods like drying and shredding are quite ne-
that zeolite in the pyrolysis process has excellent productivity behavior cessary. A proper system needs to be devised with efficient pre-treat-
as a catalyst. [72]. ment techniques in order to sort out the MSW accurately. The
techniques like vacuum pyrolysis for the retrieval of electronic printed
4.4. Effect of Ni and Ru catalysts on hydrogen gas production circuit boards and waste from animals should be further studied and
implemented [120,121]. The microwave assisted pyrolysis can also be
Since plastics in MSW has various chemical structures and hence considered to increase the efficiency of the pyrolysis process. Moreover,
different reactivity, therefore, T. Namioka et al. used Ruthenium (Ru) the installation of pyrolysis plants with gasification or combustion
catalyst in order to reduce the fluctuation between the steam reforming systems needs to be operated at the commercial level. Similarly, the
reaction rates of PS and PP. Previously Ni-based catalysts were to hy- large scale MSW treatment plants need to be set-up in order to bridge
drogen gas from waste plastics. Ru proved to be quite effective in the gap between MSW disposal and utilization rate. Since the 1980s,
bridging the gap between varying chemical structures, moreover, this Europe has been operating some pilot scale plants in Germany, Sweden
process required temperature lower than 200 K. This lower temperature and Italy [122]. More plants on commercial scale need to be established
enhanced the thermal efficiency and inhibited the decomposition of around the world in order to minimize the MSW disposal rate.
catalyst under high temperatures. [113]. In addition, it can be seen from the literature that municipal solid
waste has different components, therefore, further studies are needed to
4.5. Effect of other catalysts on pyrolysis products yield examine the synergistic effects of different waste components, and the
mixing ratios of these components in pyrolysis will affect the quality of
Therefore, the catalyst use in pyrolysis optimizes the selection of the the pyrolysis products. HHVs should also be measured. Future scope
product as well as decreases the energy used initially [114]. Along with should also pay attention to how these co-pyrolytic products are sui-
the above-mentioned catalysts, another economical enhancement of table for use as fuel. However, it is necessary to strengthen the se-
pyrolysis via catalytic cracking is to blend the polymer waste in com- paration technology to remove the moisture in the condensate, the
bination with using a fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) system. These FCC activation of chars is also needed with regard to adsorption character-
catalysts elevate the market feasibility of the transformation of plastic istics, so that the amount of solid residue in the pyrolysis process can be
waste into a FCC unit. However, the equilibrium FCC catalysts (zeolite reduced.
based) are efficient as compared to natural FCC's in pyrolysis process.
[115–117]. 6. Conclusions
4.6. Limitations of catalytic pyrolysis and its solutions In this paper, co-pyrolysis of different components of MSW to obtain
fuel with high heating values has been reviewed. The aim is to provide
The Section 4 highlights usage of various natural and synthetic solution of the conventional fossil fuel deficiency and the reduction in
catalysts in the process of MSW pyrolysis. It also mentions the im- the environmental hazards due to pyrolysis. It is observed that sy-
portance of various catalysts due to their structure and compatibility nergistic interactions of various MSW components (especially plastics)
with the MSW feedstock. However, though the catalysts are quite produce fuels with heating values comparable to conventional fossil
fruitful in the production of good quality pyrolysis product, but they fuels. Therefore, pyrolysis of MSW has a great potential to be im-
have certain limitations. Because of heterogeneity in MSW composition, plemented in the recycling industry.
a lot of impurities and contaminants are present in the MSW. The cat- This paper provides an extensive literature review on the influence
alysts deactivate due to the presence of these impurities in the feed- of pyrolysis products yield by using real MSW, plastics in MSW and
stock. Synthetic catalyst are deactivated at a much faster rate than the various MSW components as a feedstock. The challenges faced by MSW
natural catalyst. Because these catalyst are custom made and hence, are pyrolysis are also mentioned in detail. The possible solutions are also
affected more easily. It is also seen from the literature that the slow proposed in order to make MSW an efficient feedstock for the pyrolysis
pyrolysis conditions also restrict the catalyst to some selective proper- process. However, the review has provided facts based on the small-
ties. The full activation of the catalyst requires a relatively higher scale laboratory set-up. Efforts are needed to be made in order to
temperature. Along with the reaction temperature, the particle size of commercialize pyrolysis of MSW to obtain high graded fuel. Advanced
the catalyst is also a key factor in influencing the yield of the pyrolysis post-treatment methods needs to be employed to scale-up this process.
products. The cracking reaction mention in Fig. 7 depends on active If such challenges are faced, then less expensive replacement of fossil
A.T. Sipra et al. Fuel Processing Technology 175 (2018) 131–147
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