K Fintech - Intersector - Shifting-Form - ISS-1 - 1.2

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Form ISS

Na onal Pension System

Inter Sector Subscriber Shi ing
(Please fill all the details in CAPITAL LETTERS & in BLACK INK only. All fields / sec ons marked in * are mandatory.)
(Please ck the respec ve block which is applicable to you)
A. General Informa on:

II) PRAN (Permanent Re rement Account Number) *

III) Exis ng PRAN associa on (refer Instruc on no. I)

a) Sector: * Central Government State Government All Ci zens of India Corporate Sector
b) DDO / CBO / POP-SP Reg. No: *
c) DDO / CBO / POP-SP Name: *
IV) Target PRAN associa on (refer Instruc on no. II)
a) Sector: * Central Government State Government All Ci zens of India (UOS) Corporate Sector
b) DDO / CBO / POP-SP Reg. No: *
c) DDO / CBO / POP-SP Name: *
B. Addi onal informa on for subscribers shi ing to Central Government or State Government (to be filled by target DDO)
(Please refer to instruc on No. VIII & IX)
I. Subscribers Employment Details to be filled and a ested by DDO (All Details are Mandatory)
a) Date of Joining: b) Date of Re rement:
c) Group of the Employee A B C D
d) Office
e) Department
f) Ministry
g) Basic Salary h) Pay Scale
I) Employee ID (if any)
Scheme Preference Details. Please Submit Subscriber Scheme Preference details in sec on D.
C. Addi onal informa on for subscribers shi ing to Corporate Sector & All Ci zens(to be verified by the Corporate Office of the subscriber concerned)
I. Subscribers Employment and PAN Details
a) Date of Joining* : b) Date of Re rement* :
c) Employee ID*
II. KYC details (Applicable only if subscriber is shi ing from Government Sector) (Refer instruction no. X)
a) KYC document for iden fy proof : _____________________________________
b) KYC document for address proof : _____________________________________
c) Document for Date of birth proof : _____________________________________
Scheme Preference Details. Please Submit Subscriber Scheme Preference details in sec on D.
If Subscriber is shi ing to Corporate sector, applicable only if the target Corporate has given the op on of selec ng scheme Preference to the
associate employee.
D. PENSION FUND (PF) SELECTION AND INVESTMENT OPTION* ( Please refer to Sr no. 6 of the instructions )
(I) PENSION FUND SELECTION (Tier I) : Please read below conditions before opting for the choice of Pension Funds:
1. Government Sector : The following Pension Funds (PFs) will act jointly as default PFs, if choice is not exercised by the government employee/subscriber
(a) LIC Pension Fund Limited (b) SBI Pension Funds Pvt. Limited (c) UTI Retirement Solutions Ltd. In case of Central Autonomous Bodies (CAB)/
State Government (SG)/State Autonomous Bodies (SAB) employees, selection made under this section will be ignored, if choice to employees is not notified
by the respective State Govt/Ministry.
2. All Citizen Model : Subscribers under All Citizen model have the option to choose the available PFs as per their choice in the table below.
3. Corporate Model : Subscribers shall have the option to choose the available PFs as per the below table in consultation with their respective Employer.
4. Default Choice of Pension Funds : Available in Government sector, if employee/subscriber does not exercise choice of PF
Name of the Pension Fund (Please select only one) Default Choice of Pension Funds
LIC Pension Fund Limited
SBI Pension Funds Private Limited Available in Government sector, if employee / subscriber does not
exercise choice of PF
UTI Retirement Solutions Limited
ICICI Prudential Pension Funds Management Company Limited
Kotak Mahindra Pension Fund Limited
HDFC Pension Management Company Limited
Birla Sunlife Pension Management Limited
* Selection of one Pension Fund is mandatory for All Citizen subscriber
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) in the box given below showing your investment option).
Active Choice Auto Choice
Please note:
1. In case you select Active Choice fill up section (iii) below and if you select Auto Choice fill up section (iv) below.
2. In case you do not indicate any investment option, your funds will be invested in Auto Choice (LC 50).
3. In case you have opted for Auto Choice and fill up section (iii) below relating to Asset Allocation, the Asset Allocation instructions will be ignored and investment
will be made as per Auto Choice (LC 50).
(iii) ASSET ALLOCATION (to be filled up only in case you have selected the ‘Active Choice’ investment option)
E C G A Asset class E-Equity and related instruments; Asset class C-Corporate debt and related instruments;
Asset Class (Cannot (Max up to (Max up to (Cannot Asset class G-Government Bonds and related instruments; Asset Class A-Alternative Investment
Funds including instruments like CMBS, MBS, REITS, AIFs, Invlts etc.
exceed 75%) 100%) 100%) exceed 5%)
Please Note
Specify % 1. Upto 50 years of age, the maximum permitted Equity Investment is 75% of the total asset allocation.
2. From 51 years and above, maximum permitted Equity Investment will be as per the asset allocation matrix
provided In Annexure IV. The tapering off of equity allocation will be carried out as per the matrix on date of birth.
3. The total allocation across E, C, G and A asset classes must be equal to 100%. In case, the
allocation is left blank and/or does not equal 100%, the application shall be rejected.
4. In case of Active Choice, if the equity asset allocation selected is more than what has been permitted as
per PFRDA guidelines (e.g. a person of age 53 selecting 75% in equity as against permitted limit), the
permitted limit will be allotted in remaining portion will be allocated to asset class G.
Choices in Not In case of Government employee/subscriber the Active choice of Asset Allocation is restricted to Asset Class 'G' only
Not available Available
Govt Sector available

(iv) Auto Choice Option (to be filled up only in case you have selected the ‘Auto Choice’ investment option). In case, you do not indicate
a choice of LC, your funds will be invested as per LC 50.
Life Cycle (LC)Funds Please Tick Only One Choices in Govt. sector Note: 1. LC 75- It is the Life cycle fund where the Cap to Equity investments is 75% of the total asset
LC 75 Not available 2. LC 50- It is the Life cycle fund where the Cap to Equity investments is 50% of the total asset
3. LC 25- It is the Life cycle fund where the Cap to Equity investments is 25% of the total asset
LC 50
Available 4. Govt. employee can exercise Auto Choice of Asset Allocation for LC 25 & LC 50 only
LC 25

Declara on (Applies to subscribers across all sectors):

I agree to be bound by the terms and condi ons for the target sector (in which my PRAN will belong a er processing of this Intersector Shi ing
request) and understand that CRA may, as approved by PFRDA, amend any of the services completely or par ally without any new Declara on
/ Undertaking being signed. Further, I agree to pay all the necessary charges, as applicable, of the target sector.

Date _______________ Signature/ Thumb impression of Subscriber*___________________________

*Note: Le thumb impression in case of illiterate male claimants and Right thumb impression in case of illiterate female claimants must be obtained.

Cer fied that the above declara on has been signed before me by _______________________________________________________a er he /
she has read the entries / entries have been read over to him / her by me and got confirmed by him / her. Also cer fied that the date of birth and
employment details is as per employee records available with the Corporate.

Signature of the Authorised Person

Designa on of the Authorised Person Stamp of Corporate

Cer fied that the above declara on has been signed / thumb impressed before me by _________________________________________________
a er he / she has read the entries / entries have been read over to him / her by me and got confirmed by him / her. Also cer fied that the date
of birth and employment details is as per employee records available with the Department

Signature of the Authorised Person Registra on Number of DDO/POP-SP____________

Designa on of the Authorised Person Name of the DDO/POP-SP ____________________

Department / Ministry _______________________
Date :

To be filled by POP/DTO/PAO/DTA/PrAO Registra on Number of DTO/PAO/DTA/PrAO/POP_____________________

Signature of the Authorised Person

Designa on of the Authorised Person Stamp of DTO/PAO/DTA/PrAO/POP

For Officie use only (To be filled up by the officer accep ng the form)

Received by: PAO/POP –SP Registra on Number:

Received at: Date: ______________ Time Stamp: __________________

Details verified by: Date: ______________ Time stamp:__________________

Receipt Number Issued by the receiving office (only for POP-SP)

Instruc ons for filling the form

I. Details of the DDO / POP-SP with which the PRAN is currently associated.
II. Details of the DDO / POP-SP with which the PRAN will be associated.
III. Please quote the correct PRAN and a ach a copy of the PRAN Card.
IV. This form is to be used by the subscriber only.
V. Sector for 'Exis ng PRAN associa on' and 'Target PRAN associa on' can be the same only if a subscriber is shi ing from one State Governemnt to
another State.
VI. Ac ve choice - Under Ac ve choice, subscribers have an op on to choose a fund manager and provide the ra o in which his / her funds are to be
invested among asset classes.
a. PFM selec on is mandatory. The form shall be rejected if a PFM is not opted for.
b. Alloca on under Equity (E) cannot exceed 75% & Alterna ve (A) cannot exceed 5%
c. A subscriber op ng for ac ve choice may select the available asset classes ("E", "G", "C" & "A"). However, the sum of
percentage alloca on across all the selected asset classes must equal 100. If the sum of percentage alloca ons is not equal to
100%, or the asset alloca on table is le blank, the applica on shall be rejected.

VII. Auto choice - Under Auto choice investment will be made in a lifecycle fund in the schemes of PFM chosen by Subscriber. A subscriber op ng for Auto
Choice must also select a PFM. The applica on shall be rejected if the subscriber does not indicate his/her choice of PFM. In case both investment op on
and the asset alloca on table are le blank, the subscriber's funds will be invested as per Auto Choice For more details on investment op ons and asset
classes, please refer to the Offer Document.
VIII. Employment details are to be captured in CRA system by the target PAO/DTO along with other details, if the subscriber is shii ing from All Ci zens to
Central / State Governemnt sector.
IX. PAO/DTO have to modify the employment details of the subscriber a er the shi ing of the PRAN, in case of subscriber shi ing from Central
Government to State Government or vice versa or across two State Governments, i.e, both exis ng and new PRAN associa on are Government Sectors.
X. Illustra ve list of documents acceptable as proof of iden ty and address.

No. Proof of Iden ty (Copy of any one) No. Proof of Address (Copy of any one)
i) School Leaving Cer ficate i) Electricity bill^
ii) Matricula on Cer ficate ii) Telephone bill^
iii) Degree of Recognized Educa onal Ins tu on iii) Depository Account Statement^
iv) Depository Account Statement iv) Credit Card Statement^
v) Bank Account Statement / Passbook v) Bank Account Statement / Passbook^
vi) Credit Card vi) Employer Cer ficate^
vii) Water Bill vii) Rent Receipt^
viii) Ra on Card viii) Ra on Card
ix) Property Tax Assessment Order ix) Property Tax Assessment Order
x) Passport x) Passport
xi) Voter's Iden ty Card xi) Voter's Iden ty Card
xii) Driving License xii) Driving License
xiii) PAN Card Cer ficate of address signed by a Member of
Cer ficate of iden ty signed by a Member of Parliament or Member of Legisla ve Assembly or
Parliament or Member of Legisla ve Assembly xiii) Municipal Councillor or a Gaze ed Officer.
or Municipal Councillor or a Gaze ed Officer.

1) Proof of Address men oned in Sr. No. (i) to (vii) (^) should not be more than six months old on the date of applica on.
2) You are required to bring original documents & two self-a ested photocopies (Originals will be returned over-the-counter a er verifica on)

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