Package Aspace': September 19, 2011

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Package ‘aspace’

September 19, 2011

Type Package

Title A collection of functions for estimating centrographic

statistics and computational geometries for spatial point patterns

Version 3.0

Date 2011-03-28

Author Randy Bui, Ron N. Buliung, Tarmo K. Remmel

Maintainer Ron N. Buliung <[email protected]>

Description A collection of functions for computing centrographic

statistics (e.g., standard distance, standard deviation
ellipse, standard deviation box) for observations taken at
point locations. Separate plotting functions have been
developed for each measure. Users interested in writing results
to ESRI shapefiles can do so by using results from aspace
functions as inputs to the and
write.shapefile functions in the shapefiles library. The aspace
library was originally conceived to aid in the analysis of
spatial patterns of travel behaviour (see Buliung and Remmel,2008). Major changes in the cur-
rent version include (1) removal
of dependencies on several external libraries (e.g., gpclib,maptools, sp), (2) the separa-
tion of plotting and estimation capabilities, (3) reduction in the number of functions, and (4)
expansion of analytical capabilities with additional functions
for descriptive analysis and visualization (e.g., standard
deviation box, centre of minimum distance, central feature).

License GPL (>= 2)

Depends R (>= 2.12.2), splancs, Hmisc, shapefiles

LazyData yes

Repository CRAN

Date/Publication 2011-03-31 08:55:53

2 aspace-package

R topics documented:
aspace-package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
acos_d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
activities2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
asin_d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
as_radians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
atan_d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
calc_box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
calc_sdd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
calc_sde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
CF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
CF2PTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
CMD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
cos_d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
distances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
mean_centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
median_centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
plot_box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
plot_centres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
plot_sdd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
plot_sde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
r.BOX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
r.SDD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
r.SDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
sin_d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
tan_d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
wts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Index 35

aspace-package A collection of functions for estimating centrographic statistics and

computational geometries for spatial point patterns

A collection of functions for computing centrographic statistics (e.g., standard distance, standard
deviation ellipse, standard deviation box) for observations taken at point locations. Separate plot-
ting functions have been developed for each measure. Users interested in writing results to ESRI
shapefiles can do so by using results from aspace functions as inputs to the and
write.shapefile functions in the shapefiles library. The aspace library was originally conceived to
aid in the analysis of spatial patterns of travel behaviour (see Buliung and Remmel, 2008). Major
changes in the current version include (1) removal of dependencies on several external libraries
(e.g., gpclib, maptools, sp), (2) the separation of plotting and estimation capabilities, (3) reduction
in the number of functions, and (4) expansion of analytical capabilities with additional functions
acos_d 3

for descriptive analysis and visualization (e.g., standard deviation box, centre of minimum distance,
central feature).


Package: aspace
Type: Package
Version: 3.0
Date: 2011-03-28
License: GPL (>= 2.0)

Randy Bui, Ron N. Buliung, Tarmo K. Remmel

Bachi, R. 1963. Standard distance measures and related methods for spatial analysis. Papers of the
Regional Science Association 10: 83-132.

Buliung, R.N. and Remmel, T. (2008) Open source, spatial analysis, and activity travel behaviour
research: capabilities of the aspace package. Journal of Geographical Systems, 10: 191-216.

Buliung, R.N. and Kanaroglou, P.S. (2006) Urban form and household activity-travel behaviour.
Growth and Change, 37: 174-201.

Ebdon, D. 1988. Statistics in Geography 2nd Edition. Oxford UK: Blackwell.

Levine, N. 2002. CrimeStat II: A Spatial Statistics Program for the Analysis of Crime Incident
Locations (version 2.0) Houston TX/National Institute of Justice, Washington DC: Ned Levine &

acos_d Compute inverse cosine with angle given in degrees

Provides the functionality of acos, but for input angles measured in degrees (not radians).

acos_d(theta = 0)
4 activities


theta A numeric angular measurement in degrees from north.


Since the R default is to compute trigonometric functions on angular measurements stored in radi-
ans, this simple function performs the conversion from degrees, reducing the need to do so a priori,
outside the function.


Returns a numeric value for the inverse cosine of the specified angular measurement


To reduce the need for unit conversions prior to calling trigonometric functions, this function accepts
input in angular degrees rather than radians. Depending on the data source, this function may be
preferred to the existing version requiring input in angular radians.


Tarmo K. Remmel

See Also

sin_d, cos_d, tan_d, asin_d, atan_d

acos_d(theta = 90)

activities Demo Data: x and y coordinates of 10 specified point locations


This is a simple two-column data frame (or matrix) containing x,y coordinates for a series of point
locations. These data mimic UTM coordinates such that the first column contains Easting (x), and
the second Northing (y) coordinates for the set of unique points.


activities2 5

A data frame with 10 observations on the following 2 variables.

col1 A numeric vector of x-coordinates

col2 A numeric vector of y-coordinates

The coordinates of the points must have the same units and projection as the specified center.

This demonstration data has been manufactured for illustrative purposes only.


activities2 Demo Data: x and y coordinates of 10 specified point locations

This is a simple two-column data frame (or matrix) containing x,y coordinates for a series of point
locations. These data mimic UTM coordinates such that the first column contains Easting (x), and
the second Northing (y) coordinates for the set of unique points.


A data frame with 10 observations on the following 2 variables.

col1 A numeric vector of x-coordinates

col2 A numeric vector of y-coordinates

The coordinates of the points must have the same units and projection as the specified center.

This demonstration data has been manufactured for illustrative purposes only.
6 asin_d


asin_d Compute inverse sine with angle given in degrees

Provides the functionality of asin, but for input angles measured in degrees (not radians).

asin_d(theta = 0)

theta A numeric angular measurement in degrees from north.

Since the R default is to compute trigonometric functions on angular measurements stored in radi-
ans, this simple function performs the conversion from degrees, reducing the need to do so a priori,
outside the function.

Returns a numeric value for the inverse sine of the specified angular measurement.

To reduce the need for unit conversions prior to calling trigonometric functions, this function accepts
input in angular degrees rather than radians. Depending on the data source, this function may be
preferred to the existing version requiring input in angular radians.

Tarmo K. Remmel

See Also
sin_d, cos_d, tan_d, acos_d, atan_d

asin_d(theta = 90)
as_radians 7

as_radians Converts degrees to radians


This function converts an angular measure stored in degrees to radians. This is an alternative to the
rad function available in the package circular.


as_radians(theta = 0)


theta A numeric angular measurement in degrees from north.


Achieves a very simple conversion with a convenient function call.


Returns a numeric value for an angle in radians that is equivalent to the input theta in degrees.


The purpose of this function is to reduce computer code clutter when using angular measuremnts
in R. The simple function call ensures that degree to radian conversions are completed consistently
and accurately. Since trigonometric functions in R require angular measures in radians rather than
degrees, this simple function can be used for simple angular unit conversion.


Tarmo K. Remmel

See Also

sin_d, cos_d, tan_d, asin_d, acos_d, atan_d

as_radians(theta = 90)
8 atan_d

atan_d Compute inverse tangent with angle given in degrees


Provides the functionality of atan, but for input angles measured in degrees (not radians).


atan_d(theta = 0)


theta A numeric angular measurement in degrees from north.


Since the R default is to compute trigonometric functions on angular measurements stored in radi-
ans, this simple function performs the conversion from degrees, reducing the need to do so a priori,
outside the function.


Returns a numeric value for the inverse tangent of the specified angular measurement.


To reduce the need for unit conversions prior to calling trigonometric functions, this function accepts
input in angular degrees rather than radians. Depending on data, this function may be preferred to
the existing version requiring input in angular radians.


Tarmo K. Remmel

See Also

sin_d, cos_d, tan_d, asin_d, acos_d

atan_d(theta = 90)
calc_box 9

calc_box Calculate the Standard Deviation Box

The orthogonal dispersion of a set of points can be described using the standard deviation of the x-
and y-coordinates of a set of point observations. The orthogonal dispersion can then be visualized
with a Standard Deviation Box. This function computes the properties of the Standard Deviation
Box (SD Box) from a set of point observations.

calc_box(id=1, filename="BOX_Output.txt", centre.xy=NULL, calccentre=TRUE,
weighted=FALSE, weights=NULL, points=activities, verbose=FALSE)

id A unique integer to identify a SD Box
filename A string indicating the ASCII textfile where the box coordinates will be written
centre.xy A vector of length 2, containing the x- and y-coordinates of the geographic cen-
tre of the SD Box
calccentre Boolean: Set to TRUE if the mean center is to be calculated
weighted Boolean: Set to TRUE if the weighted mean center is to be computed with
weighted coordinates
weights Weights applied to point observations, number of weights should equal the num-
ber of observations
points A 2-column matrix or data frame containing the set of point observations input
to the calc_box function
verbose Boolean: Set to TRUE if extensive feedback is desired on the standard output

Use the boxloc (coordinates) and boxatt(attributes) to produce shapefiles using the
and write.shapefile from the shapefiles library

The returned result is a list:

id Identifier for the SD Box shape - it should be unique

calccentre Boolean: TRUE if the mean centre was estimated
weighted Boolean: TRUE if the weighted mean centre was estimated
CENTRE.x X-coordinate of the centre
CENTRE.y Y-coordinate of the centre
10 calc_sdd

SD.x Orthogonal standard deviation in the x-axis

SD.y Orthogonal standard deviation in the y-axis
Box.area Area of the standard deviation box
NW.coord North-west coordinates of SD Box
NE.coord North-east coordinates of SD Box
SW.coord South-west coordinates of SD Box
SE.coord South-east coordinates of SD Box

Results are stored in the r.BOX object (required for plot_box). This function can be used on its
own (once) or repetitively in a loop to process grouped point data stored in a larger table. When
used repetitively, be sure to increment the id parameter to ensure that each SD BOX has a unique
identifier. The output ASCII coordinate file can be further processed using the shapefiles package
to generate an ESRI Shapefile for SD BOX polygons.

Randy Bui, Ron N. Buliung, Tarmo K. Remmel

See Also
plot_box, calc_sde, calc_sdd, wtd.var

## BOX example
calc_box(id=1, filename="BOX_Output.txt", centre.xy=NULL, calccentre=TRUE,
weighted=FALSE, weights=NULL, points=activities, verbose=FALSE)

## SD Box to shapefile example (exclude the comments below to run script)

## shp <-,boxatt,"id",5)
## write.shapefile(shp, "BOX_Shape", arcgis=T)

calc_sdd Calculate the Standard Distance Deviation (Standard Distance)

This function computes the Standard Distance Deviation (SDD) or Standard Distance from a set of

calc_sdd(id=1, filename="SDD_Output.txt", centre.xy=NULL, calccentre=TRUE,
weighted=FALSE, weights=NULL, points=activities, verbose=FALSE)
calc_sdd 11

id A unique integer to identify a SDD estimate
filename A string indicating the ASCII textfile where shape coordinates will be written
centre.xy A vector of length 2, containing the x- and y-coordinates of the SDD centre
calccentre Boolean: Set to TRUE if the mean center is to be calculated
weighted Boolean: Set to TRUE if the weighted mean center is to be computed with
weighted coordinates
weights Weights applied to point observations, number of weights should equal the num-
ber of observations
points A 2-column matrix or data frame containing the set of point observations input
to the calc_sdd function
verbose Boolean: Set to TRUE if extensive feedback is desired on the standard output

Use the sddloc (coordinates) and sddatt(attributes) to produce shapefiles using the
and write.shapefile from the shapefiles library

The result is a list of terms:

id Identifier for the SDD shape - it should be unique

calccentre Boolean: TRUE if mean centre is computed
weighted Boolean: TRUE if the weighted mean centre is to be used instead
CENTRE.x X-coordinate of the centre
CENTRE.y Y-coordinate of the centre
SDD.radius SDD value, radius of the SDD
SDD.area Area of the SDD circle

Results are stored in the r.SDD object (required for plot_sdd). This function can be used on its own
(once) or repetitively in a loop to process grouped point data stored in a larger table. When used
repetitively, be sure to increment the id parameter to ensure that each SDD has a unique identifier.
The output ASCII coordinate file can be further processed using the shapefiles package to generate
an ESRI Shapefile for SDD polygons.

Randy Bui, Ron Buliung, Tarmo K. Remmel

See Also
plot_sdd, calc_sde, calc_box
12 calc_sde

## SDD example
calc_sdd(id=1, filename="SDD_Output.txt", centre.xy=NULL, calccentre=TRUE,
weighted=FALSE, weights=NULL, points=activities, verbose=FALSE)

## SDD to shapefile example (exclude the comments below to run script)

## shp <-,sddatt,"id",5)
## write.shapefile(shp, "SDD_Shape", arcgis=T)

calc_sde Calculate the Standard Deviation Ellipse

This function computes the Standard Deviation Ellipse (SDE) from a set of points. The SDE is
a centrographic measure used to characterize the dispersion of point observations along two or-
thogonal axes. The SDE also captures directional bias in a spatial point pattern, the ellipse will be
oriented in the direction of maximum dispersion.

calc_sde(id=1, filename="SDE_Output.txt", centre.xy=NULL, calccentre=TRUE,
weighted=FALSE, weights=NULL, points=activities, verbose=FALSE)

id A unique integer to identify the shape
filename A string indicating the ASCII textfile where shape coordinates will be written
centre.xy A vector of length 2, containing the x- and y-coordinates of the SDE centre
(Planar Coordinates Only!)
calccentre Boolean: Set to TRUE if the mean center is to be calculated
weighted Boolean: Set to TRUE if the weighted mean center is to be computed with
weighted coordinates
weights Weights applied to point observations, number of weights should equal the num-
ber of observations
points A 2-column matrix or data frame containing point coordinates
verbose Boolean: Set to TRUE if extensive feedback is desired on the standard output

Use the sdeloc (coordinates) and sdeatt(attributes) to produce shapefiles using the
and write.shapefile from the shapefiles library
calc_sde 13

The returned result is a list:

id Identifier for the SDE shape - it should be unique

calccentre Boolean: TRUE if mean centre is computed
weighted Boolean: TRUE if the weighted mean centre is to be used instead
CENTRE.x X-coordinate of the centre
CENTRE.y Y-coordinate of the centre
Sigma.x Half-length of axis along x-axis
Sigma.y Half-length of axis along y-axis
Major String indicating which axis is the major elliptical axis
Minor String indicating which axis is the minor elliptical axis
Theta Rotation angle in degrees
Eccentricity A measure of eccentricity (i.e., the flatness of the ellipse)
Area.sde Area of the SDE
TanTheta Trigonometric result
SinTheta Trigonometric result
CosTheta Trigonometric result
Trigonometric result
Sin2Theta Trigonometric result
Cos2Theta Trigonometric result
ThetaCorr Corrected theta angle for rotation of major axis from north

Results are stored in the r.SDE object (required for plot_sde). This function can be used on its own
(once) or repetitively in a loop to process grouped point data stored in a larger table. When used
repetitively, be sure to increment the id parameter to ensure that each SDE has a unique identifier.
The output ASCII coordinate file can be further processed using the shapefiles package to generate
an ESRI Shapefile for SDE polygons..

Randy Bui, Ron N. Buliung, Tarmo K. Remmel

See chapter 4 of the documentation manual for CrimeStat at
and Ebdon, D. 1987. Statistics in geography. 2nd edition. New York, NY Basil Blackwell Ltd. 232
14 centre

See Also
plot_sde, calc_sdd, calc_box,gridpts

## SDE example
calc_sde(id=1, filename="SDE_Output.txt", centre.xy=NULL, calccentre=TRUE,
weighted=FALSE, weights=NULL, points=activities, verbose=FALSE)

## SDE to shapefile example (exclude the comments below to run script)

## shp <-,sdeatt,"id",5)
## write.shapefile(shp, "SDE_Shape", arcgis=T)

centre Demo Data: Coordinates of a single source, centre, location

This is a simple two-element vector containing x,y coordinates for a source or central location
associated with a spatial point pattern. In this example, the center location represents a point of
importance in an individuals daily activity pattern. Surrounding point locations are places physically
contacted by an individual during a particular time interval. Demonstration data mimics UTM
coordinates such that the first element represents Easting (x), and the second, Northing (y).


The format is a two-element vector of numeric entries.

The coordinates of the center must have the same units and projection as the remaining point obser-

This demonstration data has been manufactured for illustrative purposes only.

CF 15

CF Central Feature (CF) Calculator

Identifies the central feature within a set of point locations.

CF(id=1, filename="CF_Output.txt", points=activities)

id A unique integer to identify the CF
filename A string indicating the ASCII textfile where the central feature coordinates will
be written
points A 2-column matrix or data frame containing the set of point observations

Use the cfloc (coordinates) and cfdatt(attributes) to produce shapefiles using the
and write.shapefile from the shapefiles library

The result is a list of terms:

id Identifier for the central feature - it should be unique

CF.x X-coordinate of the central feature
CF.y Y-coordinate of the central feature

Results are stored in the r.CF object and can be passed through plotting functions. This function
can also be used repetitively within a loop to compute multiple CF centres from different datasets.

Randy Bui, Ron Buliung

See Also
mean_centre, CMD, median_centre

## CF example
CF(id=1, filename="CF_Output.txt", points=activities)

## CF to shapefile example (exclude the comments below to run script)

## shp <-,cfatt,"id",5)
## write.shapefile(shp, "CF_Shape", arcgis=T)

CF2PTS Central feature between 2 point patterns (CF2PTS) Calculator

Central feature of point2 within point1. Identifies the central feature as the point location in the first
pattern that has the smallest cummulative distance to features in a second point pattern.

CF2PTS(id=1, filename="CF2PTS_Output.txt", points1=activities, points2=activities2)

id A unique integer to identify the CF2PTS
filename A string indicating the ASCII textfile where the central feature coordinates will
be written
points1 A 2-column matrix or data frame containing the set of point observations
points2 A 2-column matrix or data frame containing the set of point observations

Use the cf2ptsloc (coordinates) and cf2ptsatt (attributes) to produce shapefiles using the
and write.shapefile from the shapefiles library

The result is a list of terms:

id Identifier for the central feature - it should be unique

CF2PTS.x X-coordinate of the central feature
CF2PTS.y Y-coordinate of the central feature

Results are stored in the r.CF2PTS object and can be passed through plotting functions. This func-
tion can also be used repetitively within a loop to compute multiple CF2PTS centres from different
CMD 17


Randy Bui, Ron Buliung

See Also

CF, CMD, median_centre


## CF2PTS example
CF2PTS(id=1, filename="CF2PTS_Output.txt", points1=activities, points2=activities2)

## CF2PTS to shapefile example (exclude the comments below to run script)

## shp <-,cf2ptsatt,"id",5)
## write.shapefile(shp, "CF2PTS_Shape", arcgis=T)

CMD Centre of Minimum Distance (CMD) Calculator


Compute the CMD within a set of point locations.


CMD(id=1, filename="CMD_Output.txt", dist=100,



id A unique integer to identify the CMD

filename A string indicating the ASCII textfile where centre coordinates will be written
dist Hold distance value between i and ith iterations
points A 2-column matrix or data frame containing the set of point observations


Use the cmdloc (coordinates) and cmdatt(attributes) to produce shapefiles using the
and write.shapefile from the shapefiles library
18 cos_d

The result is a list of terms:
id Identifier for the CMD - it should be unique
CMD.x X-coordinate of the CMD
CMD.y Y-coordinate of the CMD
distance Hold distance value between i and ith iterations (metres
Number of Cells
Hold number of cells in each grid created for each iteration

Results are stored in the r.CMD object and can be passed through plotting functions. The dist
parameter specifies the distance threshold between i and ith iterations. This function can also be
used repetitively within a loop to compute multiple CMD centres from different datasets.

Randy Bui, Ron Buliung

See Also
mean_centre, median_centre, CF

## CMD example
CMD(id=1, filename="CMD_Output.txt", dist=100,

## CMD to shapefile example (exclude the comments below to run script)

## shp <-,cmdatt,"id",5)
## write.shapefile(shp, "CMD_Shape", arcgis=T)

cos_d Compute cosine with angle given in degrees

Provides the functionality of cos, but for input angles measured in degrees (not radians).

cos_d(theta = 0)

theta A numeric angular measurement in degrees from north.
distances 19

Since the R default is to compute trigonometric functions on angular measurements stored in radi-
ans, this simple function performs the conversion from degrees, reducing the need to do so a priori,
outside the function.

Returns a numeric value for the cosine of the specified angular measurement

To reduce the need for unit conversions prior to calling trigonometric functions, this function accepts
input in angular degrees rather than radians. Depending on data, this function may be preferred to
the existing version requiring input in angular radians.

Tarmo K. Remmel

See Also
sin_d, tan_d, asin_d, acos_d, atan_d

cos_d(theta = 90)

distances Multiple Euclidean distance calculator

Compute distances from a source location (point) to a series of destination locations (points).

distances(centre.xy = centre, destmat = activities, verbose = FALSE)

centre.xy Two-element vector containing x,y coordinates of the source location
destmat Two-column matrix or data frame containing x,y coordinates of the activity lo-
verbose Boolean: Set to T if verbose output is desired

Distance computations are strictly Euclidean between the source point and each destination point.
20 mean_centre

A vector of distances, where each element corresponds to one of the distance between the source
point and a destination (one row) from the destinations matrix.

The order of distances in the output vector corresponds to the order of destination points in the
destinations object starting at row = 1 through row = n.

Tarmo K. Remmel

distances(centre.xy=centre, destmat=activities, verbose=FALSE)

mean_centre Mean Centre Calculator

Compute the mean centre from a series of point locations.

mean_centre(id=1, filename="mean_centre_Output.txt",
weighted=FALSE, weights=NULL, points=activities)

id A unique integer to identify the mean centre
filename A string indicating the ASCII textfile where centre coordinates will be written
weighted Boolean: Set to TRUE if the weighted mean center is to be computed with
weighted coordinates
weights Weights applied to point observations, number of weights should equal the num-
ber of observations
points A 2-column matrix or data frame containing the set of point observations

Use the meanloc (coordinates) and meanatt(attributes) to produce shapefiles using the
and write.shapefile from the shapefiles library
median_centre 21

The result is a list of terms:

id Identifier for the mean centre - it should be unique

weighted Boolean: TRUE if the weighted mean centre is to be used instead
weights Weights applied to point observations
CENTRE.x X-coordinate of the mean centre
CENTRE.y Y-coordinate of the mean centre

Results are stored in the r.mean object and can be passed through plotting functions. This function
can also be used repetitively within a loop to compute multiple mean centres from different datasets.

Randy Bui, Ron Buliung

See Also
median_centre, CMD, CF

## Mean centre example
mean_centre(id=1, filename="mean_centre_Output.txt",
weighted=FALSE, weights=NULL, points=activities)

## Mean centre to shapefile example (exclude the comments below to run script)
## shp <-,meanatt,"id",5)
## write.shapefile(shp, "Mean_Shape", arcgis=T)

median_centre Median Centre Calculator

Compute the median centre from a series of point locations.

median_centre(id=1, filename="median_centre_Output.txt",
22 median_centre


id A unique integer to identify the median centre

filename A string indicating the ASCII textfile where centre coordinates will be written
points A 2-column matrix or data frame containing the set of point observations


Use the medianloc (coordinates) and medianatt(attributes) to produce shapefiles using the con- and write.shapefile from the shapefiles library


The result is a list of terms:

id Identifier for the median centre - it should be unique

median.x X-coordinate of the median centre
median.y Y-coordinate of the median centre


Results are stored in the r.median object and can be passed through plotting functions. This func-
tion can also be used repetitively within a loop to compute multiple median centres from different


Randy Bui, Ron Buliung

See Also

mean_centre, CMD, CF

## Median centre example
median_centre(id=1, filename="median_centre_Output.txt",

## Median centre to shapefile example (exclude the comments below to run script)
## shp <-,medianatt,"id",5)
## write.shapefile(shp, "Median_Shape", arcgis=T)
plot_box 23

plot_box Plot the Standard Distance Box

This function plots the standard deviation of x- and y-coordinates as a box, with the edges set,
respectively, to the standard deviation of the x- and y-coordinates.

plot_box(plotnew=TRUE, plothv=FALSE, plotweightedpts=FALSE,
weightedpts.col=’black’, weightedpts.pch=19, plotpoints=TRUE,
points.col=’black’, points.pch=1, plotcentre=TRUE, centre.col=’black’,
centre.pch=19, titletxt="Title", xaxis="Easting (m)",
yaxis="Northing (m)", box.col=’black’, box.lwd=2, jpeg=FALSE, ...)

plotnew Boolean: Set to TRUE to create a new plot. Set to FALSE to overlay current
plothv Boolean: Set to TRUE if the orthogonal N-S, E-W axes are to be plotted through
the centre
Boolean: Set to TRUE if the weighted point observations are to be plotted
Specify a colour for the weighted point observations
Specify a plotting symbol for the weighted point observations
plotpoints Boolean: Set to TRUE if the point observations are to be plotted
points.col Specify a colour for the point observations
points.pch Specify a plotting symbol for the point observations
plotcentre Boolean: Set to TRUE if the mean/weighted/user-defined centre is to be plotted
centre.col Specify a colour for the centre
centre.pch Specify a plotting symbol for the centre
titletxt A string to indicate the title for the plot
xaxis A string to label the x-axis of the plot
yaxis A string to label the y-axis of the plot
box.col Specify a line colour for the SD Box
box.lwd Specify a line width for the SD Box
jpeg Boolean: Set to TRUE if the plot should be saved in JPEG format
... Arguments to be passed to graphical parameters
24 plot_centres

The r.BOX object (generated using the calc_box function) is required to plot an SD Box.

Randy Bui, Ron N. Buliung, Tarmo K. Remmel

See Also
plot_sdd, plot_sde

plot_box(plotnew=TRUE, plothv=FALSE, plotweightedpts=FALSE,
plotpoints=TRUE, plotcentre=TRUE, titletxt="Title",
xaxis="Easting (m)", yaxis="Northing (m)")

plot_centres Plot centres

This function plots various centre of a set of point observations.

plot_centres(plotnew=FALSE, plotSDE=FALSE, xaxis="Easting (m)", yaxis="Northing (m)",
robject=NULL, plotweightedpts=FALSE, weightedpts.col=’black’, weightedpts.pch=19,
plotpoints=TRUE, points.col=’black’, points.pch=1, plotcentre=FALSE, centre.col=’black’,
centre.pch=19, plotcentral=FALSE, central.col=’green’, central.pch=19,
plotCF2PTS=FALSE, CF2PTS.col=’orange’, CF2PTS.pch=19, plotmedian=FALSE,
median.col=’blue’, median.pch=17, plotCMD=FALSE, CMD.col=’red’, CMD.pch=17, ...)

plotnew Boolean: Set to TRUE to create a new plot. Set to FALSE to overlay current
plotSDE Boolean: Set to TRUE if the centres for the SDE are to be plotted
xaxis A string to label the x-axis of the plot
yaxis A string to label the y-axis of the plot
robject Specify the results object from the computation function. Can be either r.SDD,
r.SDE, or r.BOX.
Boolean: Set to TRUE if the weighted point observations are to be plotted
Specify a colour for the weighted point observations
plot_centres 25

Specify a plotting symbol for the weighted point observations
plotpoints Boolean: Set to TRUE if the point observations are to be plotted
points.col Specify a colour for the point observations
points.pch Specify a plotting symbol for the point observations
plotcentre Boolean: Set to TRUE if the mean/weighted/user-defined centre is to be plotted
centre.col Specify a colour for the centre
centre.pch Specify a plotting symbol for the centre
plotcentral Boolean: Set to TRUE if the central feature is to be highlighted
central.col Specify a colour for the central feature
central.pch Specify a plotting symbol for the central feature
plotCF2PTS Boolean: Set to TRUE if the central feature between 2 point patterns is to be
CF2PTS.col Specify a colour for the central feature
CF2PTS.pch Specify a plotting symbol for the central feature
plotmedian Boolean: Set to TRUE if the median centre is to be plotted
median.col Specify a colour for the median centre
median.pch Specify a plotting symbol for the median centre
plotCMD Boolean: Set to TRUE if the centre of minimum distance is to be plotted
CMD.col Specify a colour for the centre of minimum distance
CMD.pch Specify a plotting symbol for the centre of minimum distance
... Arguments to be passed to graphical parameters

The results object, for example, r.SDD object (generated in calc_sdd function) is required to plot
the centres for the SDD.

Randy Bui, Ron N. Buliung, Tarmo K. Remmel

See Also
plot_sde, plot_box

plot_centres(plotnew=FALSE, plotSDE=FALSE, robject=NULL, plotweightedpts=FALSE,
xaxis="Easting (m)", yaxis="Northing (m)",
weightedpts.col=’black’, weightedpts.pch=19, plotpoints=TRUE,
points.col=’black’, points.pch=1, plotcentre=FALSE, centre.col=’black’,
centre.pch=19, plotcentral=FALSE, central.col=’green’, central.pch=19,
plotCF2PTS=FALSE, CF2PTS.col=’orange’, CF2PTS.pch=19,
plotmedian=FALSE, median.col=’blue’, median.pch=17, plotCMD=FALSE,
CMD.col=’red’, CMD.pch=17)
26 plot_sdd

plot_sdd Plot the Standard Distance Deviation (Standard Distance)

This function plots the SDD as a circle with radius (standard distance), centred on a mean/weighted-
mean/user-defined centre of a set of point observations.

plot_sdd(plotnew=TRUE, plothv=FALSE, plotweightedpts=FALSE,
weightedpts.col=’black’, weightedpts.pch=19, plotpoints=TRUE,
points.col=’black’, points.pch=1, plotcentre=TRUE, centre.col=’black’,
centre.pch=19, titletxt="Title", xaxis="Easting (m)",
yaxis="Northing (m)", sdd.col=’black’, sdd.lwd=2, jpeg=FALSE, ...)

plotnew Boolean: Set to TRUE to create a new plot. Set to FALSE to overlay current
plothv Boolean: Set to TRUE if the orthogonal N-S, E-W axes are to be plotted through
the centre
Boolean: Set to TRUE if the weighted point observations are to be plotted
Specify a colour for the weighted point observations
Specify a plotting symbol for the weighted point observations
plotpoints Boolean: Set to TRUE if the point observations are to be plotted
points.col Specify a colour for the point observations
points.pch Specify a plotting symbol for the point observations
plotcentre Boolean: Set to TRUE if the mean/weighted/user-defined centre is to be plotted
centre.col Specify a colour for the centre
centre.pch Specify a plotting symbol for the centre
titletxt A string to indicate the title on the plot
xaxis A string to label the x-axis of the plot
yaxis A string to label the y-axis of the plot
sdd.col Specify a line colour for the SDD circle
sdd.lwd Specify a line width for the SDD circle
jpeg Boolean: Set to TRUE if the plot should be saved in JPEG format
... Arguments to be passed to graphical parameters
plot_sde 27

The r.SDD object (generated in calc_sdd function) is required to plot the SDD circle.

Randy Bui, Ron N. Buliung, Tarmo K. Remmel

See Also
plot_sde, plot_box

plot_sdd(plotnew=TRUE, plothv=FALSE, plotweightedpts=FALSE,
plotpoints=TRUE, plotcentre=TRUE, titletxt="Title",
xaxis="Easting (m)", yaxis="Northing (m)")

plot_sde Plot the Standard Deviation Ellipse

This function plots the SDE as an ellipse centred on the mean/weighted/user-defined centre of a
set of point observations. The plot characterizes the dispersion of point observations along two
orthogonal axes.

plot_sde(plotnew=TRUE, plotSDEaxes=FALSE, plotweightedpts=FALSE,
weightedpts.col=’black’, weightedpts.pch=19, plotpoints=TRUE,
points.col=’black’, points.pch=1, plotcentre=TRUE, centre.col=’black’,
centre.pch=19, titletxt="Title", xaxis="Easting (m)",
yaxis="Northing (m)", sde.col=’black’, sde.lwd=2, jpeg=FALSE, ...)

plotnew Boolean: Set to TRUE to create a new plot. Set to FALSE to overlay current
plotSDEaxes Boolean: Set to TRUE if the orthogonal axes through the centroid are to be
Boolean: Set to TRUE if the weighted point observations are to be plotted
Specify a colour for the weighted point observations
Specify a plotting symbol for the weighted point observations
28 r.BOX

plotpoints Boolean: Set to TRUE if the point observations are to be plotted

points.col Specify a colour for the point observations
points.pch Specify a plotting symbol for the point observations
plotcentre Boolean: Set to TRUE if the mean/weighted/user-defined centre is to be plotted
centre.col Specify a colour for the centre
centre.pch Specify a plotting symbol for the centre
titletxt A string to indicate the title on the plot
xaxis A string to label the x-axis of the plot
yaxis A string to label the y-axis of the plot
sde.col Specify a line colour for the SDE circle
sde.lwd Specify a line width for the SDE circle
jpeg Boolean: Set to TRUE if the plot should be saved in JPEG format
... Arguments to be passed to graphical parameters

The r.SDE object (generated in calc_sde function) is required to plot the SDE circle.

Randy Bui, Ron N. Buliung, Tarmo K. Remmel

See Also
plot_sdd, plot_box

plot_sde(plotnew=TRUE, plotSDEaxes=FALSE, plotweightedpts=FALSE,
plotpoints=TRUE, plotcentre=TRUE, titletxt="Title",
xaxis="Easting (m)", yaxis="Northing (m)")

r.BOX Demo Data: Standard Deviation Box Output Object

Results from the Standard Deviation Box Calculator (calc_box) are stored in a list object. This
object is required for the plot function (plot_box).

r.SDD 29

The list object contains the following results:

id Identifier for the SD box

points a simple two-column data frame (or matrix) containing x,y coordinates for a series of point
calcentre Boolean: Indicates whether the mean centre was computed
weighted Boolean: TRUE if the weighted mean centre is to be used instead
weights Weights applied to point observations
CENTRE.x Actual, used x-coordinate of centre
CENTRE.y Actual, used y-coordinate of centre
SDD Standard deviation distance value
SDx Orthogonal standard deviation in x-direction
SDy Orthogonal standard deviation in y-direction
Box.area Area of orthogonal standard deviation box
NW.coord Coordinates of the north-west extent of the SD Box
NE.coord Coordinates of the north-east extent of the SD Box
SW.coord Coordinates of the south-west extent of the SD Box
SE.coord Coordinates of the south-east extent of the SD Box

The coordinates of the points must have the same units and projection as the specified center.

This demonstration data has been manufactured for illustrative purposes only.


r.SDD Demo Data: Standard Deviation Distance Output Object

Results from the Standard Deviation Distance Calculator (calc_sdd) are stored in a list object. This
object is required for the plot function (plot_sdd).
30 r.SDE


The list object contains the following results:

id Identifier for the SDD estimation - it should be unique

points a simple two-column data frame (or matrix) containing x,y coordinates for a series of point
coordsSDD coordsSDD value, coordinates of the SDD
SDD SDD value, radius of the SDD
calccentre Boolean: TRUE if mean centre is computed
weighted Boolean: TRUE if the weighted mean centre is to be used instead
weights Weights applied to point observations
CENTRE.x X-coordinate of the centre
CENTRE.y Y-coordinate of the centre
SDD.area Area of the SDD circle


The coordinates of the points must have the same units and projection as the specified center.


This demonstration data has been manufactured for illustrative purposes only.


r.SDE Demo Data: Standard Deviation Ellipse Output Object


Results from the Standard Deviation Ellipse Calculator (calc_sde) are stored in a list object. This
object is required for the plot function (plot_sde).


r.SDE 31

The list object contains the following results:

id Identifier for the SDE estimate - it should be unique

points a simple two-column data frame (or matrix) containing x,y coordinates for a series of point
coordsSDE coordsSDE value, coordinates of the SDE
calccentre Boolean: TRUE if mean centre is computed
CENTRE.x X-coordinate of the centre
CENTRE.y Y-coordinate of the centre
Sigma.x Half-length of axis along x-axis
Sigma.y Half-length of axis along y-axis
Major String indicating which axis is the major elliptical axis
Minor String indicating which axis is the minor elliptical axis
Theta Rotation angle in degrees
Eccentricity A measure of eccentricity (i.e., the flatness of the ellipse)
Area.sde Area of the SDE
TanTheta Trigonometric result
SinTheta Trigonometric result
CosTheta Trigonometric result
SinThetaCosTheta Trigonometric result
Sin2Theta Trigonometric result
Cos2Theta Trigonometric result
ThetaCorr Corrected theta angle for rotation of major axis from north
weighted Boolean: TRUE if the weighted mean centre is to be used instead
weights Weights applied to point observations

The coordinates of the points must have the same units and projection as the specified center.

This demonstration data has been manufactured for illustrative purposes only.

32 sin_d

sin_d Compute sine with angle given in degrees


Provides the functionality of sin, but for input angles measured in degrees (not radians).


sin_d(theta = 0)


theta A numeric angular measurement in degrees from north.


Since the R default is to compute trigonometric functions on angular measurements stored in radi-
ans, this simple function performs the conversion from degrees, reducing the need to do so a priori,
outside the function.


Returns a numeric value for the sine of the specified angular measurement


To reduce the need for unit conversions prior to calling trigonometric functions, this function accepts
input in angular degrees rather than radians. Depending on data, this function may be preferred to
the existing version requiring input in angular radians.


Tarmo K. Remmel

See Also

cos_d, tan_d, asin_d, acos_d, atan_d

sin_d(theta = 90)
tan_d 33

tan_d Compute tangent with angle given in degrees


Provides the functionality of tan, but for input angles measured in degrees (not radians).


tan_d(theta = 0)


theta A numeric angular measurement in degrees from north.


Since the R default is to compute trigonometric functions on angular measurements stored in radi-
ans, this simple function performs the conversion from degrees, reducing the need to do so a priori,
outside the function.


Returns a numeric value for the tangent of the specified angular measurement


To reduce the need for unit conversions prior to calling trigonometric functions, this function accepts
input in angular degrees rather than radians. Depending on data, this function may be preferred to
the existing version requiring input in angular radians.


Tarmo K. Remmel

See Also

sin_d, cos_d, asin_d, acos_d, atan_d

tan_d(theta = 45)
34 wts

wts Weights vector

This is a single column vector for weighting the importance of point locations.


A single column vector of numeric values.

The weights can be specified according to any reasonable criteria specified by the user

This demonstration data has been manufactured for illustrative purposes only.


∗Topic arith calc_box, 9, 11, 14

aspace-package, 2 calc_sdd, 10, 10, 14
calc_box, 9 calc_sde, 10, 11, 12
calc_sdd, 10 centre, 14
calc_sde, 12 CF, 15, 17, 18, 21, 22
CF, 15 CF2PTS, 16
CF2PTS, 16 CMD, 15, 17, 17, 21, 22
CMD, 17 cos_d, 4, 6–8, 18, 32, 33
distances, 19
mean_centre, 20 distances, 19
median_centre, 21
plot_box, 23 gridpts, 14
plot_centres, 24
mean_centre, 15, 18, 20, 22
plot_sdd, 26
median_centre, 15, 17, 18, 21, 21
plot_sde, 27
∗Topic array plot_box, 10, 23, 25, 27, 28
acos_d, 3 plot_centres, 24
as_radians, 7 plot_sdd, 11, 24, 26, 28
asin_d, 6 plot_sde, 14, 24, 25, 27, 27
atan_d, 8
cos_d, 18 r.BOX, 28
sin_d, 32 r.SDD, 29
tan_d, 33 r.SDE, 30
∗Topic datasets
activities, 4 sin_d, 4, 6–8, 19, 32, 33
activities2, 5
centre, 14 tan_d, 4, 6–8, 19, 32, 33
r.BOX, 28
r.SDD, 29 wtd.var, 10
r.SDE, 30 wts, 34
wts, 34

acos_d, 3, 6–8, 19, 32, 33

activities, 4
activities2, 5
as_radians, 7
asin_d, 4, 6, 7, 8, 19, 32, 33
aspace (aspace-package), 2
aspace-package, 2
atan_d, 4, 6, 7, 8, 19, 32, 33


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