GA Convex Hulls
GA Convex Hulls
GA Convex Hulls
• Convexivity
• Package-Wrap Algorithm
• Graham Scan
• Dynamic Convex Hull
Convex Hull 1
What is a Convex Hull?
• Let S be a set of points in the
• Intuition: Imagine the points of
S as being pegs; the convex
hull of S is the shape of a
rubber-band stretched around
the pegs.
• Formal definition: the convex
hull of S is the smallest convex
polygon that contains all the
points of S.
Convex Hull 2
• A polygon P is said to be
convex if:
– P is non-intersecting; and
– for any two points p and q Eh? WhatÕs
on the boundary of P, convex?
segment pq lies entirely
inside P
Convex Hull 3
Why Convex Hulls?
Who cares about
convex hulls?
I donÕ t ...
... but robots do!
shortest path
avoiding the
Convex Hull 4
The Package Wrapping
Idea: Think of wrapping
a package. Put the paper
in contact with the
package and continue to
wrap around from one
surface to the next until
you get all the way
Convex Hull 5
Package Wrap
• Question: Given the current point, how do we compute the
next point to be wrapped?
– Set up an orientation tournament using the current point as the
– The next point is selected as the point that beats all other points at
Counter Clockwise(CCW) orientation, i.e., for any other point, we
have orientation(c, p, q) = CCW
Convex Hull 6
Time Complexity of Package Wrap
• For every point on the hull we examine all the other points to
determine the next point
• Notation:
N: number of points
M: number of hull points (M N)
• Time complexity: (M N)
• Worst case: (N2)
(All the points are on the hull, and thus M = N)
• Average case: (N log N ) — (N4/3)
for points randomly distributed inside a square, M = (log N) on average
for points randomly distributed inside a circle, M = (N1/3) on average
Convex Hull 7
Package Wrap has worst-case
time complexity O( N2 )
• Which is bad...
But in 1972, Nabisco needed a better
cookie - so they hired R. L. Graham, who
came up with...
Convex Hull 8
The Graham Scan Algorithm
• Rave Reviews:
– “Almost linear!”
Sedgewick ÒAbetter crunch!Ó
– “It’s just a sort!” Atul
– “Two thumbs up!” Siskel
and Ebert
Nabisco says...
Convex Hull 9
Graham Scan
• Form a simple polygon (connect the
dots as before)
• Remove points at concave angles
(one at a time, backtracking one step
when any point is removed).
• Continue until you get all the way
Convex Hull 10
Graham Scan How Does it Work?
Convex Hull 11
Graham Scan: Phase 1
• Now, form a closed simple path traversing the points by
increasing angle with respect to the anchor point
Convex Hull 12
Graham Scan: Phase 2
Convex Hull 13
Graham Scan: Phase 2
• keep the path and the hull points in two sequences
– elements are removed from the beginning of the path sequence and
are inserted and deleted from the end of the hull sequence
• orientation is used to decide whether to accept or reject the
next point
Convex Hull
prev 14
n (p,c,n) is a
c right turn!
Discard c
Convex Hull 15
n p
(p,c,n) is a
c right turn!
n c
(p,c,n) is a
right turn!
n c
Convex Hull 16
Time Complexity of Graham Scan
• Phase 1 takes time O(N logN)
points are sorted by angle around the anchor
• Phase 2 takes time O(N)
each point is inserted into the sequencen exactly once,
and each point is removed from the sequence at most
• Total time complexity O(N log N)
Convex Hull 17
How to Increase Speed
• Wipe out a lot of the points you know won’t be on the hull! This is
called interior elimination. One approach:
– Find the farthest points in the SW, NW, NE, and SE directions
– Eliminate the points inside the quadrilateral (SW, NW, NE, SE)
– only O(√N) points are left on average, if points are uniformly distributed on a
unit square!
• Do Package Wrap or Graham Scan on the remaining points
Convex Hull 18
Dynamic Convex Hull
• The basic convex hull algorithms were fairly interesting, but you
may have noticed that you can’t draw the hull until after all of the
points have been specified.
• Is there an interactive way to add points to the hull and redraw it
while maintaining an optimal time complexity?
Convex Hull 19
Two Halves = One Hull
• For this algorithm, we consider a convex hull as being two
An upper hull...
Convex Hull 20
Adding points: Case 1
• Case 1: the new point is within the horizontal span of the hull
Upper Hull 1a:
If the new point is above the upper hull, then it should be added to the upper hull
and some upper-hull points may be removed.
Upper Hull 1b:
If the new point is below the upper hull, no changes need to be made
Convex Hull 21
Case 1 (cont.)
• The cases for the lower hull are similar.
Lower Hull 1a:
If the new point is below the lower hull, then it is added to the lower
hull and some lower-hull points may be removed.
Convex Hull 22
Adding Points: Case 2
Convex Hull 23
Hull Modification
• In Case 1, we determine the vertices l and r of the upper or lower
hulls immediately preceding/following the new point p in the x-
order. l r
If p has been added to the upper hull, examine the upper hull
rightward starting at r. If p makes a CCW turn with r and its right
neighbor, remove r. Continue until there are no more CCW turns.
Repeat for point l examining the upper hull leftward. The computation
for the bottom hull is similar CCW
Convex Hull
Bad 24