Art Song or Lied
Art Song or Lied
Art Song or Lied
One of the distinctive forms of music from the Romantic period was the ART SONG. These were also known as LIED
(pronounced ‘leet’) when German text was used. The plural is LIEDER (pronounced ‘leader’). The lied differed from
earlier song types because of the importance given to the piano accompaniment. The relationship between the
voice and piano is often referred to as a marriage, in which both partners are equal.
Love was a common theme in lied as well as the beauty of nature, longing, and supernatural
happenings. Often the theme was unrequited love – the type of love where one person loves
another but the other person doesn’t feel the same.
SCHUBERT was one of the leading composers of this type of solo song. He wrote over 600 lieder, many of which are
grouped in sets called SONG CYCLES. The texts used by Schubert for his lieder were mainly lyric poems by the
German Romantic poets, notably Goethe (1749-1856).