Unit 5: Q3. What Is Democracy? What Are Its Various Characteristics?
Unit 5: Q3. What Is Democracy? What Are Its Various Characteristics?
Unit 5: Q3. What Is Democracy? What Are Its Various Characteristics?
Democracy is a better form of government when compared with dictatorship or any other
alternatives because it promotes equality among citizens, enhances the dignity of the individuals,
improves the quality of decision-making, etc
Q24. Democracy has not been successful in reducing economic inequalities. Give reasons to support
your answer. (HOTS)
Ans. (i) The wealth and means are accumulated in hands of a few people and their share in the total
income of the country has been increasing. (ii) However, the people at the bottom of society find it
difficult to meet even their basic needs of life such as food, clothing, house, education and health.
Not only that, their incomes have been declining. (iii) The deprived people are a large ratio of voters
and no party will like to lose their votes. (iv) Yet democratically elected governments do not appear
to be attentive to the cause of the poor. Thus democracies do not appear to be very successful in
reducing economic inequalities.