Geometries: A. B. Sossinsky
Geometries: A. B. Sossinsky
Geometries: A. B. Sossinsky
Volume 64
A. B. Sossinsky
Volume 64
A. B. Sossinsky
QA445.S593 2012
516–dc23 2012002357
c 2012 by the American Mathematical Society. All rights reserved.
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10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 17 16 15 14 13 12
Preface xiii
vi Contents
§1.6. Problems 50
Chapter 6 290
Chapter 7 291
Chapter 8 294
Chapter 9 294
Chapter 10 295
Chapter 12 295
Chapter 13 296
Chapter 14 296
Chapter 15 296
Chapter 16 296
Bibliography 297
Index 299
This book is dedicated to the proposition that all geometries are cre-
ated equal. This was first pointed out by Felix Klein, who declared
that each individual geometry is a set with a transformation group
acting on it. Here we shall study geometries from this point of view
not only as individual objects, but also in their social life, i.e., in their
relationships (called morphisms or equivariant maps) within their so-
cium: the category of geometries.
Of course, some geometries are more equal than others. Accord-
ingly, we will ignore the most common ones (affine and Euclidean ge-
ometries, vector spaces), assuming that they are known to the reader,
and concentrate on the most distinguished and beautiful ones. (We
assume that our readers are familiar with elementary Euclidean ge-
ometry; those who aren’t may refer to Chapter 0, which is a précis of
the subject, whenever the need arises.)
The reader should not be deceived by the words groups, mor-
phisms, categories into thinking that this is a formal algebraic or
(heaven forbid) an analytic (coordinate) treatment of geometric top-
ics; it suffices to glance at the numerous figures in the book to realize
that we constantly privilege the visual aspect.
Category theory is not used in this book, but we do use some basic
category language, which, as the reader will see, is extremely natural
xiv Preface
* * *
I will not give a systematic summary of the contents of this course
in this Preface, referring the reader to the Table of Contents. Look-
ing at it, the well-prepared reader may wonder why some of her/his
Preface xv
favorite geometric topics do not appear in this book among the “dis-
tinguished and beautiful” ones promised above. Let me comment on
some missing topics, explaining why they are not treated here.
First, there is no algebraic geometry in this book. This is because
the author believes that this beautiful field of mathematics belongs to
algebra, not geometry. Indeed, the mathematicians doing algebraic
geometry are typically algebraists, and this is not only true of the
great French school (following Grothendieck and his schemes), but
also of the more classical Russian school.
Neither is there any differential geometry: in its classical low-
dimensional aspect it is usually developed in calculus books (where it
indeed belongs); in its higher-dimensional modern aspect it is a part
of analysis (under the title “Calculus on Manifolds”) and topology
(under the title “Differential Topology”).
Other missing topics include convex geometry (part of analysis
and more specifically optimization theory as “convex analysis”), sym-
plectic geometry (part of classical mechanics and dynamical systems),
contact geometry (part of differential equations), etc.
Of course, contact geometry (say) is formally a geometry in the
sense of Klein. In fact, the ideology of transformation groups comes
from Sophus Lie as much as (if not more than) from Felix Klein, but
the context of Lie’s beautiful contact geometry is definitely differential
* * *
About Euclidean
2 0. About Euclidean Geometry
III. For any two distinct points A and B there exists one and
only one line l = AB ∈ L containing these two points.
IV. For any line l ∈ L there exists at least one point P ∈ E2 not
contained in that line.
To state the next axiom, we need a definition. Two lines l1 and l2
are called parallel if they coincide or if they have no common points;
if the lines l1 and l2 are parallel, we write l1 l2 .
V. For any point P ∈ E2 and any line l ∈ L there exists one and
only one line l ∈ L parallel to l and containing P .
The union of two rays [O, A and [O, B with common origin O is
called an angle and denoted ∠AOB or ∠BOA; the point O is called
the vertex of the angle. Two intersecting lines AA ∩ BB = O, where
O lies between A and A , and also between B and B , determine four
angles: ∠AOB, ∠A OB , ∠AOB , ∠A OB; the first two, as well as the
last two, are called vertical to each other. Two angles with a common
ray located between their two other rays are called adjacent. If we
remove the common ray of two adjacent angles, we obtain an angle
that we call the (geometric) sum of the two given angles.
Two intersecting lines that form four congruent angles are called
perpendicular, and these four angles are said to be right angles. If
the two rays of a given angle ∠AOB lie on one line and have no
common points other than the vertex, we say that ∠AOB forms two
right angles.
We are now ready to formulate the next to last axiom.
0.2. Commentary
0.2.1. The axioms listed above, except for axiom V (the axiom of
parallels) are intuitively obvious. In the standard school model of
elementary school geometry, in which the plane (or rather part of it)
is a piece of paper lying on a flat table, points are marks on that
paper made by a well-sharpened pencil, lines are obtained by sliding
the pencil along the edge of a ruler, and distances between points
are measured in the usual way by means of that ruler, axioms I–IV
and VI–VIII may actually be regarded as experimental facts. This
is not true of the axiom of parallels (lines being infinitely long, we
cannot extend them “to infinity” to verify experimentally how many
parallels there are, if any). As to the reflection axiom (VIII), it can
be modeled by placing a piece of tracing paper with a line drawn on
it on our “paper plane” (on which a line l is also drawn) so that the
two lines coincide, and then flipping the tracing paper around and
placing it back on the paper plane so that the lines coincide as they
did before; if a point P on the paper plane is given and its position on
the tracing paper is denoted by P1 , the position of the point P1 after
the tracing paper is turned over will play the role of the image P of
P under the reflection; the fact that distances are preserved seems
obvious (one cannot stretch or shrink the tracing paper).
6 0. About Euclidean Geometry
of geometry (to some version of which the reader was originally sub-
jected); the second is that the coordinate approach to geometry, to
the author’s mind, is an ugly caricature of what Euclidean geometry
really is.
We must also warn the reader that our exposition is probably
more rigorous and formalized than traditional ones in high school
geometry textbooks, but also less detailed. In particular, here the
proofs are either only sketched or omitted altogether (but the theo-
rems appear in a logical order, so that each easily follows from the
previous theorems and the axioms). Also there are no exercises in
this chapter.
0.3. Rotations
0.3.1. Properties of isometries. Any isometry:
(i) takes lines to lines;
(ii) takes open intervals, segments, rays to open intervals,
segments, rays, respectively;
(iii) takes parallel lines to parallel lines;
(iv) takes perpendiculars to perpendiculars;
(v) takes angles to angles;
(vi) the composition of two isometries is an isometry.
All these properties immediately follow from the corresponding
definitions (and the axioms).
Note that the sum here is understood as the geometric sum; later,
when the measure of angles will be introduced, we will be able to say
in this situation that the sum of measures is equal to 180 degrees or
π radians, depending on the choice of the unit of measure.
Corollary 0.3.7. If two distinct lines are both perpendicular to the
same line, then they are parallel.
equivalence class
−→ −→ −−−→
v := OA | OA = O0 A0 ,
Theorem 0.5.2 (SAS). If a given triangle has one angle and the two
sides limiting it congruent to an angle and to the sides limiting that
angle in a second triangle, then the two triangles are congruent.
Theorem 0.5.3 (ASA). If a given triangle has one side and the two
angles with vertices at its endpoints congruent to a side and to the
angles with vertices at the endpoints of that side in a second triangle,
then the two triangles are congruent.
14 0. About Euclidean Geometry
To prove this, one constructs the median [A, M ] to the base and
applies the third congruence test to ABM and ACM .
Theorem 0.5.9. In an equilateral triangle all three angles are con-
gruent, and all the medians coincide with the corresponding altitudes
and bisectors.
on the notion of area, which we have not introduced yet. There are
many other proofs of this theorem; the reader will find 93 (!) proofs
in a web site easily accessed by googling.
Here we describe a simple proof based on similitude. Let ABC
be our triangle with right angle at C, angles α at A and β at B,
hypotenuse c and legs a and b. Drop the perpendicular CH from C
to AB, where H ∈ [A, B]; denote h := |CH|, denote c1 := |AH| and
c2 := |HB|. Then we obtain two right triangles similar to ABC, so
that we have b/c1 = c/b and a/c2 = c/a, whence a2 = cc2 and b2 =
cc1 . Adding these two equalities and using the fact that c = c1 + c2 ,
we obtain
a2 + b2 = c2 .
case shown in (b), the same equalities are obtained in a slightly dif-
ferent way). Simple manipulations with these two equalities yield
(sin α)/a = (sin β)/b. The second equality is proved similarly.
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
Theorem 0.8.8. Let the angle ∠ACB subtend the chord [A, B] of
a circle, let BT be the tangent to the circle at B, and assume that T
is on the same side of the line AB as C (see Figure 0.13(b)). Then
the angles ∠ACB and ∠CBT are congruent.
−→ − −− →
Figure 0.15. OA ∦ O A : rotation and glide symmetry.
Now there are two subcases possible (see Figure 0.15(a) and (b)):
either this rotation takes B to B (in this case the theorem is proved,
because the rotation takes the given frame to its image by the given
isometry, and so that isometry is a rotation, namely the one just
constructed) or it takes B to B̂, where B̂ is the point symmetric to
B w.r.t. the line O A .
In the second subcase we perform a different construction. We
draw the bisector of ∠OP O through the point P and construct the
parallel l to this bisector through the point O . Let Ō be the foot
of the perpendicular drawn from O to l , let M be the midpoint of
[O, Ō]; denote by l the parallel to l through M . Then it is easy to
→ −−→
see that the glide symmetry l, − v , where − →
v = ŌO , takes the frame
OAB to O A B , which proves the theorem in this subcase as well.
Now we pass to the case in which the lines OA and O A are
−→ −−→ −−→ −−−→
e1 := OA, e2 := OB, e1 := O A , e2 := O B .
(1) the vectors of both pairs (e1 , e1 ) and (e2 , e2 ) point in opposite
0.9. Isometries of the plane 27
−→ −
Figure 0.16. OA O A : rotation, glide symmetries or par-
allel translation.
(2) the vectors of the first pair point in opposite directions, and
those of the second pair, in the same direction;
(3) the vectors of the first pair point in the same direction, and
those of the second pair, in opposite ones;
IIS . All lines and all planes are nonempty subsets of the space E3 .
VIS . For any plane there exists at least one point P ∈ E3 not
contained in that plane.
VIIS . There exists a plane passing through any three points, and
if these points are not contained in a line, this plane is unique.
VIIIS . If two distinct points lie in a plane, then the line passing
through them is contained in the plane.
Two points A and B are said to lie on the same side of a given
plane P if the segment [A, B] does not intersect P, and lie in opposite
sides if it does. Thus any plane P determines two open half-spaces,
each consisting of points lying on the same side of the plane, while any
two points from different half-spaces lie on opposite sides of P. (A
closed half-space is defined as the union of an open half-space with the
plane that bounds it.) A reflection in a plane P is the transformation
that takes any point A not in P to the point A that lies on the line
AH perpendicular to P, with H ∈ P, so that H is the midpoint of
AA , and takes any point P ∈ P to itself.
orientation among the two existing ones, so that the expression “pos-
itively oriented frame” is mathematically meaningless (just as the ex-
pressions “rotation in the positive direction” or “clockwise rotation”
in plane geometry.)
Isometries of E3 that preserve orientation are called motions. Any
motion is the composition of an even number of reflections. Isometries
that do not preserve orientation are said to be orientation-reversing.
34 1. Toy Geometries and Main Definitions
∗ r0 r1 r2 sA sB sC
r0 r0 r1 r2 sA sB sC
r1 r1 r2 r0 sB sC sA
r2 r2 r0 r1 sC sA sB
sA sA sC sB r0 r1 r2
sB sB sA sC r2 r0 r1
sC sC sA sB r1 r2 r0
s s
∗ r0 r1 r2 r3 sH sV sac sbd
r0 r0 r1 r2 r3 sH sV sac sbd
r1 r1 r2 r3 r0 sac sbd sV sH
r2 r2 r3 r0 r1 sV sH sbd sac
r3 r3 r0 r1 r2 sbd sac sH sV
sH sH sbd sV sac r0 r2 r3 r1
sV sV sac sH sbd r2 r0 r1 r3
sac sac sH sbd sV r1 r3 r0 r2
sbd sbd sV sac sH r3 r1 r2 r0
:= {(x, y) ∈ R2 | x2 + y 2 = 1}
be the unit circle. Denote by Sym() the set of all its isometries.
The elements of Sym() are of two types: the rotations rϕ about
the origin by angles ϕ, ϕ ∈ [0, 2π), and the reflections in lines pass-
ing through the origin, sα , α ∈ [0, π), where α denotes the angle
from the x-axis to the line (in the counterclockwise direction). The
composition of rotations is given by the (obvious) formula
rφ ∗ rψ = r(φ+ψ)mod 2π ,
The set of all isometries of the circle supplied with the composi-
tion operation is called the symmetry group of the circle and is de-
noted by Sym(). The group Sym() has an infinite number of
elements. As before, this group is associative, noncommutative, has
an identity, and all its elements have inverses.
called the class formula. This formula, just as the previous one, fol-
lows immediately from definitions.
• F is an open set in X;
• F ∩ F g = ∅ for any g ∈ G (except g = id);
The proof of the fact that these mappings are indeed homomor-
phisms, i.e., relation (1.3) holds, is a straightforward verification left
to the reader.
A homomorphism α of transformation groups is said to be a
monomorphism if the mapping α is injective (i.e., takes different el-
ements to different ones). Examples of monomorphisms are the ho-
momorphisms μ and ν above. A homomorphism α of transformation
groups is said to be an epimorphism if α is surjective (i.e., is an onto
map). An example is the mapping π above. A homomorphism α of
transformation groups is said to be an isomorphism if it is both a
monomorphism and an epimorphism, i.e., if the mapping α is bijec-
Two transformation groups G and H acting on two sets X and Y
(the case X = Y is not forbidden) are called isomorphic if there exists
an isomorphism φ : G → H. If two isomorphic groups are finite, then
they necessarily have the same number of elements (but the number
of points in the sets on which they act can differ, as for example in the
1.3. Transformation groups 45
1.4.2. The Erlangen program. The idea that geometries are sets
of objects with transformation groups acting on them was first stated
by the German mathematician Felix Klein in 1872 in a famous lecture
at Erlangen. In that lecture (for an English translation, see [10]), he
enunciated his views on geometries in the framework of what became
known as the “Erlangen program”.
There is no doubt that all the geometries known in the times of
Klein satisfy the property that he gave in his lecture, and so do all the
geometries that were developed since then. However, this property
can hardly be said to characterize geometries: it is much too broad.
Thus, in the sense of the formal definition from the previous subsec-
tion, the permutation group is a geometry, and so is any topological
space, any abstract group, even any set.
Nevertheless, we will stick to the notion of geometry given in 1.4.1
for want of a more precise formal definition. Such a definition, if it
existed, would require supplying (X : G) with additional structures
(besides the action of G on X), but it is unclear at this time what these
structures ought to be. If one looks at such branches of mathematics
as global differential geometry, geometric topology, and differential
1.4. The category of geometries 47
and the 47 other “isometries” are defined similarly. Then (still forget-
ting school geometry), we can define vertices, edges (AB is an edge,
but AC is not), faces, prove that all edges are congruent, all faces
are congruent, the “cube” can “rotate” about each vertex, etc.). The
result is the intrinsic geometry of the set of vertices of the cube.
This geometry is not the same as the geometry (I 3 : Sym(I 3 ))
of the cube described in Subsection 1.2.3. Of course the group G
acting in these two geometries is the same group of order 48, but it
acts on two different sets: the (infinite) set of points of the cube I 3
and the (finite) set of its 8 vertices A, B, C, D, A , B , C , D . Thus
the algebra of the two situations is the same, but the geometry is
different. The geometry of the solid cube I 3 is of course much richer
than the geometry of the vertex set of the cube. For example, we can
define line segments inside the cube, establish their congruence, etc.
Note also that the geometric properties of the cube I 3 regarded as
a subset of Euclidean space R3 are richer than its properties coming
from its own geometry (I 3 : Sym(I 3 )), e.g., segments of the same
length inside the cube, which are always congruent in the geometry
of R3 , don’t have to be congruent in the geometry of the cube!
Another example: the set of three points {A, B, C} with two
transformations, namely the identity and the “reflection”
A → A, B → C, C → B,
50 1. Toy Geometries and Main Definitions
1.6. Problems
1.1. List all the elements (indicating their orders) of the symmetry
group (i.e., isometry group) of the equilateral triangle. List all its
subgroups. How many elements are there in the group of motions
(i.e., orientation-preserving isometries) of the equilateral triangle?
1.2. Answer the same questions as in Problem 1.1 for
(a) the regular pyramid with four lateral faces;
(b) the regular tetrahedron;
(c) the cube;
(d)* the dodecahedron; 2
(e)* the icosahedron;
(f) the regular n-gon (i.e., the regular polygon of n sides); consider
the cases of odd and even n separately.
1.3. Embed the geometry of the motion group of the square into the
geometry of the motion group of the cube, and the geometry of the
circle into the geometry of the sphere.
1.4. For what values of n and m can the geometry of the regular
n-gon be embedded in the geometry of the regular m-gon?
1.5. Let G be the symmetry group of the regular tetrahedron. Find
all its subgroups of order 2 and describe their action geometrically.
1.6. Let G+ be the group of motions of the cube. Indicate four
subsets of the cube on which G+ acts by all possible permutations.
1.7. Find a minimal system of generators (i.e., a set of elements such
that any element can be represented as the product of some elements
from this set) for the symmetry group of
(a) the regular tetrahedron;
(b) the cube.
Here and in what follows the asterisk after a problem number means that the
problem is not easy and should be regarded as a challenge.
1.6. Problems 51
54 2. Abstract Groups and Group Presentations
∀g, h, x ∈ G gx = h ⇐⇒ x = g −1 h, xg = h ⇐⇒ x = hg −1 ,
i ⊕ j := (i + j)mod m,
2.3. Subgroups
Worthwhile mathematical objects should not only be related by mor-
phisms, they should have naturally defined subobjects.
for some
h ∈ H); we must show that g ∈ g2 H, i.e., we must find an
hx ∈ H such that g = g2 hx .
Since g ∈ g1 H ∩ g2 H, there exist elements h1 , h2 ∈ H for which
we have g1 h1 = g = g2 h2 , which implies that g1 = g2 h2 (h1 )−1 . Now
we can write
g = g1
h = g2 h2 (h1 ) h = g2 h2 (h1 ) h = g2 h x ,
where we have defined hx as h2 (h1 ) h, and since hx belongs to H
(as the product of elements of H), we have proved the implication g ∈
g1 H =⇒ g ∈ g2 H. The reverse implication is proved by a symmetric
argument (interchange the indices 1 and 2).
Thus we have obtained the partition of G into left cosets. The
partition into right cosets is obtained similarly.
Note also that all cosets have the same number of elements (finite
or infinite), because there is an obvious bijection between any coset
and the subgroup H. This bijection for left cosets is given by the rule
gh → h ∈ H.
Proof. Let g ∈ G, g
= e. Let m be the smallest positive integer such
that g m = e. Then it is easy to see that H := {e, g, g 2 , . . . , g m−1 } is
a subgroup of G. By Theorem 2.4.1, m divides p. This is impossible
unless m = p, but then H = G is obviously isomorphic to Zp .
60 2. Abstract Groups and Group Presentations
Theorem 2.6.4. (i) For any finite group G there exists a monomor-
phism of G into Sn for some n.
(ii) For any group G with a finite number n of generators there
exists an epimorphism of the free group Fn onto G.
G = g1 , . . . , gn : R1 , . . . , Rk ,
F[g1 , . . . , gn ]/{R1 , . . . , Rk },
64 2. Abstract Groups and Group Presentations
s2 s3 s2 s−1 −1 −1
3 s2 s3 .
2.9. Problems
2.1. Describe all the finite groups of order 6 or less and supply each
with a geometric interpretation.
2.2. Describe all the (nontrivial) normal subgroups and the corre-
sponding quotient groups of
(a) the isometry group of the equilateral triangle;
(b) the isometry group of the regular tetrahedron.
2.4. Prove that if the order of a subgroup is equal to half the order
of the group (i.e., the subgroup is of index 2), then the subgroup is
2.5. Find all the orbits and stabilizers of all the points of the group
G ⊂ S10 generated by the permutation
[5, 8, 3, 9, 4, 10, 6, 2, 1, 7] ∈ S10
acting on the set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}.
66 2. Abstract Groups and Group Presentations
2.6. Find the maximum order of elements in the group (a) S5 ; (b)
S13 .
2.7. Find the least natural number n such that the group S13 has no
elements of order n.
2.12. Show that if the elements a and b of a group satisfy the relations
a5 = b3 = 1 and b−1 ab = a2 , then a = 1.
Chapter 3
Finite Subgroups of
SO(3) and the Platonic
68 3. Finite Subgroups of SO(3) and the Platonic Bodies
day when more exact measurements of the distances between the Sun
and the planets showed that Kepler’s theory was erroneous.
ancient Greeks had a proof of the fact that there are no other reg-
ular polyhedra, or indeed felt that such a proof was necessary. We
can only conjecture that Archimedes had such a proof, or that it was
possibly known to the Pythagorean school.
We do know whether Pythagoras was interested in the regular
polyhedra in connection with his theory of the “singing spheres”. In
the 20th century, his theory was revived in the work of the German
physicist Heisenberg, but the relevant ideas lie outside the scope of a
mathematical textbook.
X = S2 := {(x, y, z) ∈ R2 | x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1}
defined by the action of its isometry group Sym (S2 ). (In linear alge-
bra courses this group is defined in a different (but equivalent) way,
it is called the orthogonal group, and usually denoted by O(3).) Here
we will be dealing with the subgroup of O(3) = Sym (S2 ) consisting of
rotations, namely the group Rot(S2 ) each element of which is a rota-
tion of the sphere about some axis passing through the origin by some
angle φ, 0 ≤ φ < 2π. In linear algebra courses this group is defined in
a different (but equivalent) way, is called the special orthogonal group,
and is usually denoted by SO(3).
Our goal is to find the finite subgroups of SO(3). We begin with
some examples of finite subgroups of O(3) and SO(3).
3.2. Finite subgroups of SO(3) 71
or solving for |G |,
1 1 −1
(3.2) |G+ | = 1 − · 1− .
2 v(x)
The left-hand side of the boxed formula is less than 2, but greater than
or equal to 1; hence so is the sum in the right-hand side, and thus
74 3. Finite Subgroups of SO(3) and the Platonic Bodies
v1 v2 v3 |G+ |
case 1 n n - n
case 2 2 2 n 2n
case 3 2 3 3 12
case 4 2 3 4 24
case 5 2 3 5 60
Thus we see that the five cases correspond to the groups (i)–(v),
respectively. The theorem is proved.
Then it is not hard to prove that the upper endpoint of the identified
segment will coincide with one of the endpoints of the common (iden-
tified) segment of the first two pentagons. Perform similar construc-
tions on the other faces of the cube. The polyhedron thus obtained
will be the dodecahedron.
basis vector (0, . . . , 0, 1) ∈ Rn ⊃ Rn−1 ) and take for the n+1st vertex
of our simplex the point whose distance from the n vertices of Δn−1
is equal to the length of the edges of Δn−1 . It is easy to see that the
transformation group of Δn is the permutation group Σn+1 .
Regular n-dimensional polyhedra are defined recursively. The
recursion begins for n = 3 and is that of a Platonic body (see Sec. 3.3
above). If regular (n − 1)-dimensional polyhedra have been defined,
we define a regular n-dimensional polyhedron as a convex polyhedron
(inscribed in the sphere Sn−1 := {(x1 , . . . , xn ) ∈ Rn | x21 +· · ·+x2n = 1})
such that
(i) all of its faces are congruent regular (n − 1)-dimensional poly-
(ii) the endpoints of all the edges issuing from each vertex lie in
one hyperplane and form a regular (n − 1)-dimensional polyhedron;
all such polyhedra are congruent (but are not necessarily the same as
those from item (i)).
To each regular polyhedron P , one can assign its symbol, defined
(inductively) as the n-tuple of integers (r1 , r2 , . . . , rn−1 ) in which r1
is the number of edges of any one of the 2-dimensional faces Q of P ,
while (r2 , . . . , rn−1 ) is the symbol of Q. For example, (4, 3, 3) is the
symbol of the four-dimensional cube, (5, 3) is that of the dodecahe-
dron, (3, 3, 3, 3) that of the five-dimensional regular simplex.
One can define the dual to any regular polyhedron in the natural
way (similarly to the way it is done in dimension 3). For example, the
5-simplex is dual to itself, while the dual to the 4-cube is the so-called
cocube, which has the symbol (3, 3, 4).
(3, 3, 3), (4, 3, 3), (3, 3, 4), (3, 4, 3), (5, 3, 3), (3, 3, 5).
We omit the proof (see [2]); the reader is also referred to Prob-
lem 3.14.
3.6. Problems
3.1. A regular pyramid of six lateral sides is inscribed in the sphere
S2 . Find its symmetry (i.e., isometry) group and its group of motions.
How does your answer relate to the theorem on finite subgroups of
3.2. Answer the same questions as in Problem 3.1 for
(a) the regular prism of six lateral sides;
(b) the regular truncated pyramid of five lateral sides;
82 3. Finite Subgroups of SO(3) and the Platonic Bodies
(c) the double regular pyramid of six lateral sides (i.e., the union
of two regular pyramids of six lateral sides with common base and
vertices at the poles of the sphere).
3.4. Does the motion group of the cube have a subgroup isomorphic
to the motion group of the regular tetrahedron?
3.6. In the motion group of the cube, find all groups isomorphic to
Zn and Dn for various values of n. Does it have any other subgroups?
3.8. Given a cube inscribed in the sphere, let the set F consist of
all the vertices of the cube, all the intersection points of the lines
joining the centers of its opposite faces, and of the lines joining the
midpoints of opposite edges, and let G+ be the motion group of the
cube. Prove that G+ acts on F , find all the orbits of this action and
the stabilizers of all the points of F . Compare your findings with the
proof of Theorem 3.2.6 in Case 4.
3.9. Given a regular tetrahedron inscribed in the sphere, let the set F
consist of all its vertices and of the lines joining the midpoints of the
edges, and let G+ be the motion group of the tetrahedron. Prove that
G+ acts on F , find all the orbits of this action and the stabilizers of
all the points of F . Compare your findings with the proof of Theorem
3.2.6 in Case 3.
lines joining the midpoints of the edges, and let G+ be the motion
group of the dodecahedron. Prove that G+ acts on F and complete
the proof of Theorem 3.2.6 in Case 5.
Discrete Subgroups of
the Isometry Group of
the Plane and Tilings
86 4. Discrete Subgroups of Sym(R2 ) and Tilings
In art, the famous Dutch artist M.C. Escher, known for his “im-
possible” paintings, used regular tilings as the geometric basis of his
wonderful “periodic” watercolors, which can be easily found in the
Internet, but not copied and reproduced. (Apparently, the Escher
Foundation is more interested in making money than in popularizing
the artist’s work.) So we can show only the regular tilings underlying
two of Escher’s periodic watercolors (Figure 4.2).
From the scientific viewpoint, not only regular tilings are impor-
tant: it is possible to tile the plane by copies of one tile (or two) in an
irregular (nonperiodic) way. It is easy to fill the plane with rectan-
gular tiles of size say 10cm by 20cm in many nonperiodic ways. But
the fact that R2 can be filled irregularly by nonconvex 9-gons is not
obvious. Such an amazing construction, due to Vorderberg (1936),
is shown in Figure 4.3. The figure indicates how to fill the plane by
4.2. Tilings and crystallography 87
copies of two tiles (their enlarged copies are shown separately; they
are actually mirror images of each other) by fitting them together to
form two spiraling curved strips covering the whole plane.
The proof given here, just as the one in the previous chapter,
is group-theoretic, and is based on the study of discrete subgroups
of the isometry group of the plane. In fact, the actual classification
principle cannot be stated without using transformation groups, and
at first glance it is difficult to understand how it came about that the
architects of the Alhambra palace, five centuries before the notion
of group appeared in mathematics, actually found most or all the 17
regular tilings (in this connection, see the article [7] by B. Grünbaum).
Actually, this is not surprising: a deep understanding of symmetry
suffices to obtain answers to an intuitively clear question, even if
one is unable to state the question in the terminology of modern
Less visual, but more important for the applications (crystallo-
graphy) is the generalization of the notion of regular tiling to three
dimensions: configurations of identical polyhedra filling R3 in a reg-
ular way. Mathematically, they are also defined by means of discrete
subgroups called crystallographic groups of the isometry group of R3
and have been classified: there are 230 of them. Their study is beyond
the scope of this book.
4.3. Isometries of the plane 89
4.3.2. A less popular but equally important fact is that any orienta-
tion-reversing isometry is a glide reflection, i.e., the composition of a
reflection in some line and a parallel translation by a vector collinear
to that line (Problem 4.2).
We will not prove the second part of the classification theorem for
regular plane tilings (it consists in finding the remaining 12 regular
94 4. Discrete Subgroups of Sym(R2 ) and Tilings
tilings, for which two-sided tiles are required). However, the reader
can study examples of these 12 tilings by doing some of the exercises.
Note that there is a nice website with beautiful examples of decorative
patterns corresponding to the 17 regular tilings:
One can also visit the Escher website.
4.7. Problems
angle −ψ/2, and denote by c the intersection point of the two obtained
rays; then c is the center of rotation of the composition rs and its angle
of rotation is 2(π − ϕ/2 − ψ/2). Show that this construction fails in
the particular case in which the two angles of rotation are equal but
opposite, and then their composition is a parallel translation.
4.8. Indicate the points that are the centers of the rotation subgroups
of the transformation group of the tiling shown in Figure 4.5(c).
4.10. For which of the five Platonic bodies can a (countable) collec-
tion of copies of the body fill Euclidean 3-space (without overlaps)?
4.16. Rearrange the question marks in the tiling (c) of Figure 4.5
so as to make the corresponding geometry isomorphic to that of the
tiling (a).
Chapter 5
100 5. Reflection Groups and Coxeter Geometries
Looking into the prism, you see a colorful repeated pattern: the pic-
ture in the triangle and its mirror images alternate, forming a hexagon
(the union of six equilateral triangles), see Figure 5.1(a), surrounded
by more equilateral triangles ad infinitum.
Mathematically, this is a two-dimensional phenomenon: the equi-
lateral triangle forming the base of the prism is the fundamental do-
main of a discrete group acting on the plane of the base.
Now if the kaleidoscope is deformed (e.g., the angles between the
faces of the prism are slightly changed), then the picture becomes
fuzzy, no pattern can be seen. In such a situation, the images of
the base triangle overlap infinitely many times (see Figure 5.1(b), the
transformation group acting on the triangle is not discrete; we will
not study this “bad” case: we only study the case of the “nice” kalei-
doscope in dimension two and then generalize it to any dimension.
This equation has three solutions: (3, 3, 3), (2, 4, 4), (2, 3, 6). These
solutions correspond to the three triangles listed in the theorem.
We omit the proof (see the book [4] or, for readers of Russian, the
articles in the issue of Matematicheskoe Prosveshchenie cited above).
106 5. Reflection Groups and Coxeter Geometries
A 1 2
A n−1 n
B n−1 n
C n−1 n
D n−1 n≥5 none!
D 4 5 none!
F4 4 5 none!
G 2 3
E none!
E none!
E none!
5.6. Problems
5.1. Three planes P1 , P2 , P3 passing through the z-axis of Euclidean
space R3 are given. The angles between P1 and P2 , P2 and P3 are α
and β, respectively.
(a) Under what conditions on α and β will the group generated
by reflections with respect to the three planes be finite?
(b) If these conditions are satisfied, how can one find the funda-
mental domain of this action?
5.6. Prove that all the edges at each vertex of any three-dimensional
Coxeter polyhedron lie on three straight lines passing through that
Spherical Geometry
110 6. Spherical Geometry
(Vn : GL(n)) ,
These “geometries” are rather algebraic and are usually studied in lin-
ear algebra courses. We assume that the reader has some background
in linear algebra and remembers the first basic definitions and facts
of the theory.
the latter notation indicating that the elements of the space are now
regarded as points, i.e., the endpoints of the vectors (issuing from the
origin) rather than the vectors themselves. This is a more geometric
notion than that of vector space, but is also usually studied in linear
algebra courses.
6.1. A list of classical continuous geometries 111
(Rn : Sym(Rn )) ;
courses, and we have listed them here only to draw a complete picture
of classical geometries.
Our list continues with three more classical geometries that we
will study, at least in small dimensions (mostly in dimension 2).
(RP n : Proj(n)) .
such that OI = cos ρ. Note that the radius of the Euclidean circle
will be less than ρ.
Given a spherical circle of center C and radius ρ, note that it can
be regarded as the circle of radius π − ρ and center C , where C is
the antipode of C. Further, note that the longest circle centered at
C is the polar of the point C; its radius is π/2.
IVS . Given a point on a line and any positive number, there
exist exactly two points on the line whose distance from the given
point equals the given number, provided the number is less than π.
VS . Any two lines intersect in two antipodal points, i.e., in two
points symmetric with respect to the center of the sphere S2 . There-
fore there are no parallel lines in spherical geometry. If two points
A, B are not antipodal, then there is only one line joining them and
one shortest line segment with endpoints at A and B. For opposite
points, there is an infinity of lines joining them (for the north and
south poles, these lines are the meridians).
(6.1) Sα = 2α .
This formula is actually true for any α, but for the case in which
π/α is irrational, its proof requires a passage to the limit based on an
additional “continuity axiom” that we have not explicitly stated. We
therefore omit the proof, but will use the above formula for all values
of α in what follows.
SABC = α + β + γ − π .
because the two triangles ABC and A1 B1 C1 have the same area (since
they are congruent). Clearly, the previous formula implies the re-
quired equality.
The analog of the sine formula for the Euclidean triangle is the
following statement about spherical triangles.
Theorem 6.4.7 (The spherical sine theorem).
sin a sin b sin c
= = .
sin α sin β sin γ
• one and only line passes through any two distinct points;
• for a given line and any given point (except one, called the pole
of that line) there exists a unique perpendicular to that line passing
through the point.
6.8. Problems 123
Proof. The map D is the obvious one: D : x → (x, −x), while the
homomorphism of the transformation groups is the identity isomor-
phism. All the assertions of the theorem are immediate.
6.8. Problems
In all the problems below a, b, c are the sides and α, β, γ are the oppo-
site angles of a spherical triangle. The radius of the sphere is R = 1.
6.5. Does the Moscow–New York flight fly over Spain? Over Green-
land? Check your answer by stretching a thin string between Moscow
and New York on a globe.
124 6. Spherical Geometry
6.6. Find the infimum and the supremum of the sum of the angles of
an equilateral triangle on the sphere.
6.7. The city A is located at the distance 1000km from the cities B
and C; the trajectories of the flights from A to B and from A to C
are perpendicular to each other. Estimate the distance between B
and C. (You can take the radius of the Earth equal to 6400km.)
6.8*. Find the area of the spherical disk of radius r (i.e., the domain
bounded by a spherical circle of radius r).
6.9. Find fundamental domains for the actions of the isometry groups
of the tetrahedron, the cube, the dodecahedron, and the icosahedron
on the 2-sphere and indicate the number of their images under the
corresponding group action.
In this chapter, we begin our study of the most popular of the non-
Euclidean geometries – hyperbolic geometry, concentrating on the
case of dimension two. We avoid the intricacies of the axiomatic
approach and define hyperbolic plane geometry via the beautiful
Poincaré disk model, which is the geometry of the disk determined
by the action of a certain transformation group acting on the disk
(namely, the group generated by reflections in circles orthogonal to
the boundary of the disk).
In order to describe the model, we need some facts from Eu-
clidean plane geometry, which should be studied in high school, but,
unfortunately, in most cases, are not. So we begin by recalling some
properties of inversion (which will be the main ingredient of the trans-
formation group of our geometry) and some constructions related to
orthogonal circles in the Euclidean plane. We then establish the ba-
sic facts of hyperbolic plane geometry and finally digress, following
Poincaré’s argumentation from his book Science et Hypothèse (for the
English version, see [12]) about epistomological questions relating this
geometry (and other geometries) to the physical world.
126 7. The Poincaré Disk Model of Hyperbolic Geometry
Note that the endpoints of the arcs and the diameters do not
belong to the hyperbolic plane: they lie in the absolute, whose points
are not points of our geometry.
Thus the hyperbolic plane, as well as the lines in it, is not com-
pact. Its compactification (or closure) is the compact disk H .
Figure 7.7 shows that some lines intersect in one point, others
have no common points, and none have two common points (unlike
lines in spherical geometry). This is not surprising, because we have
the following statement.
Theorem 7.3.2. One and only one line passes through any pair of
distinct points of the hyperbolic plane.
7.4. Perpendiculars
7.4.1. Two lines in H2 are called perpendicular if they are orthogonal
in the sense of elementary Euclidean geometry. When both are diam-
eters, they are perpendicular in the usual sense, when both are arcs
of circles, they have perpendicular tangents at the intersection point,
and when one is an arc and the other, a diameter, then the diameter
is perpendicular to the tangent to the arc at the intersection point.
Theorem 7.4.2. There is one and only one line passing through a
given point and perpendicular to a given line.
It is easy to see that very small triangles have angle sums very
close to π; in fact, the least upper bound of the angle sum of hy-
perbolic triangles is exactly π. Further, the greatest lower bound of
these sums is 0. To see this, divide the absolute into three equal arcs
by three points P, Q, R and construct three circles orthogonal to the
absolute passing through the pairs of points P and Q, Q and R, R
and P . These circles exist by Corollary 7.1.4(iii). Then all the angles
of the “triangle” P QR are zero, so its angle sum is zero. Of course,
P QR is not a real triangle in our geometry (its vertices, being on the
absolute, are not points of H2 ), but if we take three points P , Q , R
close enough to P, Q, R, then the angle sum of triangle P Q R will
be less than any prescribed ε > 0.
containing the two points and orthogonal to the boundary disk (this
is because such a circular path brings the investigator nearer to the
center of the disk, and thus increases the length of his steps). Further,
they will find that the shortest path is unique and regard such paths
as “straight lines”.
Continuing to develop geometry, the inhabitants of Poincaré’s
little flat universe will decide that there is more than one parallel to a
given line passing through a given point, the sum of angles of triangles
is less than π, and obtain other statements of hyperbolic geometry.
Thus they will come to the conclusion that they live in an infi-
nite flat universe with constant temperature governed by the laws of
hyperbolic geometry. But this is not true – their universe is a finite
disk, its temperature is variable (tends to zero towards the boundary)
and the underlying geometry is Euclidean, not hyperbolic!
The philosophical conclusion of Poincaré’s argument is not ag-
nosticism – he goes further. The physical model described above,
according to Poincaré, shows not only that the truth about the uni-
verse cannot be discovered, but that it makes no sense to speak of
any “truth” or approximation of truth in science – pragmatically, the
inhabitants of his physical model are perfectly right to use hyperbolic
geometry as the foundation of their physics because it is convenient,
and it is counterproductive to search for any abstract Truth which
has no practical meaning anyway.
This conclusion has been challenged by other thinkers, but we
will not get involved in this philosophical discussion.
7.9. Problems
7.1. Prove that inversion maps circles and straight lines to circles or
straight lines.
7.2. Prove that inversion maps any circle orthogonal to the circle of
inversion into itself.
7.7. Prove that any Euclidean circle inside the disk model is also a
hyperbolic circle. Does the ordinary (Euclidean) center coincide with
its “hyperbolic center”?
7.9. Prove that any inversion of C preserves the cross ratio of four
z3 − z1 z4 − z1
z1 , z2 , z3 , z4 := : .
z3 − z2 z4 − z2
7.12. Prove that the hyperbolic plane (as defined via the Poincaré
disk model) can be tiled by regular pentagons.
7.13. Define inversion (together with the center and the sphere of
inversion) in Euclidean space R3 , state and prove its main properties:
inversion takes planes and spheres to planes or spheres, any sphere or-
thogonal to the sphere of inversion to itself, any plane passing through
the center of inversion to itself.
144 8. The Poincaré Half-Plane Model
Proof. As can be easily checked, the image of the point z under the
linear-fractional transformation (8.1) may be rewritten as
az + b a bc − ad
= + ,
cz + d c c(cz + d)
and therefore can be regarded as the composition
z → cz + d =: z1 → cz1 =: z2 → 1/z2 =: z3 → (bc − ad)z3 =: z4
a a bc − ad az + b
→ + z4 = + =
c c c(cz + d) cz + d
of an affine transformation, a homothety, a transformation taking z
to 1/z, another homothety, and a parallel translation. Concerning all
of these transformations, except z → 1/z, we know that they take
straight lines to straight lines, circles to circles, and preserve angles
and cross ratios.
Concerning the transformation z → 1/z, a straightforward if
somewhat tedious calculation shows that it preserves cross ratios (one
replaces zi by 1/zi , i = 1, 2, 3, 4, and the obtained rather cumbersome
fractions, after cancellations, reacquire the exact form of the original
ratio). Further, since 1/z = 1/z, the transformation z → 1/z is the
composition of a reflection, an inversion, and another reflection. But
we know that inversion takes straight lines or circles to straight lines
or circles and preserves angles (see 7.1.1(i)–(iii)), which proves the
where X and Y are the intersection points of the line (AB) with
the absolute if the points A, B have different real parts (note that
A, B, X, Y ∈ R because the four points lie on a circle, so that the
natural logarithm is well defined); if Re(A) = Re(B) = x0 , we set
8.5. Problems
8.1. Prove that
(a) linear-fractional transformations preserve the cross ratio of
four points on the Riemann sphere C;
(b) a linear-fractional transformation is uniquely determined by
three points and their images.
8.5. Show that there exists an isometry of the half-plane model that
takes any flag to any other flag (a flag is a triple consisting of a line in
the hyperbolic plane, one of the two half-planes that the line bounds,
and a point on that line).
The Cayley–Klein
154 9. The Cayley–Klein Model
This cross ratio looks very similar to the one we used to define the
distance in the half-plane model, but it should be stressed that here
we are dealing with real numbers rather than complex ones.
Proof. Item (i) obviously holds: the distance d(A, B) between dis-
tinct points A and B is positive (as we have shown above), while
if A = B, then the denominators in (9.1) cancel, leaving us with
log(1) = 0.
Item (ii) follows from the obvious formula
x − a y − a x − b y − b −1
: = : .
x−b y−b x−a y−a
Finally, item (iii) can be proved by using projective transforma-
tions. Since we won’t be using (iii) in what follows, we postpone its
proof to Chapter 12 (see Problem 12.13).
The lines of our geometry are defined as the chords of the absolute
(without their endpoints). This definition immediately implies the
fundamental facts that one and only one line passes through any two
distinct points and that two noncoinciding lines either don’t intersect
or have exactly one common point.
absolute, we see that any line passing through P and lying between k
and m does not intersect line l; these lines are called nonintersecting
lines w.r.t. AB, while the lines k and m are the parallels to AB passing
through P (see Figure 9.2).
More generally, two lines (i.e., open chords of the disk) are parallel
if they have no common points in H2 and one common point on the
absolute; if two lines (chords) have no common points at all (in the
closed disk H2 ), then they are called nonintersecting.
We have shown that there are infinitely many lines passing through
a given point P not intersecting a given line l = AB if P ∈ / l; these
lines are all located between the two parallels to l passing through P .
9.2.2. Remark. Note that the set of all lines passing through a fixed
point of the absolute fills the entire hyperbolic plane H2 (see Figure
9.3, where both disk models are pictured).
This means that, by using the metric on each of these lines, we can
try to define the notion of “parallel translation” and therefore that
of a “free vector” of sorts in hyperbolic geometry. This might lead
one to think that one can associate a linear space with our geometry.
Unfortunately, this is not the case (see the discussion in 9.4.1 and in
Problem 9.7).
158 9. The Cayley–Klein Model
9.5. Problems
9.1. Prove that for three points A, B, C on one line, where B is
between A and C, one has d(A, B) + d(B, C) = d(A, C).
9.5. Problems 161
9.5. Prove that the four angles formed at the intersection point of
two perpendiculars are congruent.
Trigonometry and
Absolute Constants
We begin this chapter by showing that the three models of the hy-
perbolic plane are, in fact, isomorphic geometries. In continuing and
concluding our study of hyperbolic plane geometry, we will then feel
free to use whichever model is more convenient in the given context.
This study includes the main formulas of hyperbolic trigonometry,
which we obtain after having recalled the definitions of the hyper-
bolic functions, usually studied in complex analysis. In conclusion of
the chapter, we learn that in hyperbolic geometry, unlike Euclidean
geometry, there are inherent absolute constants.
164 10. Hyperbolic Trigonometry and Absolute Constants
M g → Ω ◦ g ◦ Ω−1 ∈ R Möb.
λ(A, B) := | log(A, B, X, Y )| ,
where X and Y are the intersection points of the line (AB) with the
absolute and log stands for the natural logarithm.
Now Theorem 8.1.3, Lemma 8.1.5, and Theorem 10.2.1 immedi-
ately imply the following result:
10.3. Hyperbolic functions 169
10.5.3. Now let O be the center of the disk model and let [OA)
and [OB) be perpendicular rays issuing from O; let X and Y be
the intersection points of the rays [OA) and [OB) with the absolute;
let (CD) be the line intersecting the absolute at X and Y ; finally,
let [OH], H ∈ (CD), be the perpendicular from O to (CD); let
σ := λ(O, H) be the hyperbolic distance between O and H (Figure
10.5, right).
The number σ is called the Schweikart constant ; it is an absolute
constant of the hyperbolic plane. If we think of hyperbolic geometry
as a model of physical reality, then we must conclude that there is an
absolute unit of length in our universe (no such unit appears in the
Euclidean model of space).
The above argument was not very rigorous, since the formula
used is applicable only to finite triangles, but it can be made rigorous
by approximating triangle XY Z by finite triangles and passing to the
Thus we have obtained a third absolute constant, namely π, the
area of the figure bounded by three lines joining three points of the
10.5.5. Remark. We noted above (see Section 9.4) that the formula
for adding vectors on the hyperbolic line is very similar to Einstein’s
formula for adding the velocities of inertial frames. In this section,
we have obtained three absolute constants – this is another trait of
hyperbolic geometry that is similar to the properties of Einstein’s the-
ory of the physical world, in which absolute constants (e.g. the speed
of light) appear. In this connection, one should not be misled by the
word “relativity”: Einstein’s theory doesn’t say that “everything is
relative”; on the contrary, it supplies us with physically meaningful
absolute constants, something that a Euclidean model of the universe
cannot do. On the other hand, a physical model entirely based on hy-
perbolic space geometry and an independent “time axis” is not viable
either: our universe is more complicated than that, time and space
are not independent, according to Einstein, they “mingle together”
in a certain sense.
10.6. Problems 173
10.6. Problems
10.1. Prove that stereographic projection is conformal (i.e., it pre-
serves the measure of angles).
10.6. Prove that two triangles with equal sides are congruent in
hyperbolic geometry.
10.9. (a) Prove the formula for the angle of parallelism α for a point
A and a line l:
tanh d = cos α,
where d is the distance from A to l (thereby showing that the angle of
parallelism depends only on the distance from the point to the line).
(b) Prove that the previous formula is equivalent to the following
one (obtained independently by Bolyai and Lobachevsky):
tan = e−d .
10.10. Prove that in a triangle with right angle γ the sides a, b, c and
their opposite angles α, β, γ = π/2 satisfy the following relations:
sinh a = sinh c sin α, tanh b = tanh c cos α,
cot α cot β = cosh c, cos α = cosh a sin β.
What do these relations tend to as a, b, c become very small?
174 10. Hyperbolic Trigonometry and Absolute Constants
10.12. Prove that if the respective angles of two triangles are equal,
then the triangles are congruent.
10.13. Prove that all the points of the (Euclidean) straight line
y = kx that lie in the upper half-plane y > 0 are equidistant from the
(hyperbolic) straight line Oy.
10.14. (a) Prove that any hyperbolic circle contained in any one of
the Poincaré models of hyperbolic geometry is actually a Euclidean
(b) For the Poincaré upper half-plane model, find the Euclidean
center and radius of the hyperbolic circle of radius r centered at the
point (a, b).
(c) For the Poincaré model in the unit disk D, find the relation-
ship between the radii of the Euclidean and the hyperbolic circles
centered at the center of D.
10.15. Prove the triangle inequality for the distance in the Poincaré
half-plane model.
10.16. Prove that the three (a) bisectors, (b) medians, (c) altitudes
of any hyperbolic triangle intersect at one point.
segments AA1 , BB1 , CC1 intersect at one point if and only if one of
the following two equivalent conditions holds:
sin ACC1 sin BAA1 sin CBB1
· · = 1,
sin C1 CB sin A1 AC sin B1 BA
sinh AC1 sinh BA1 sinh CB1
· · = 1.
sinh C1 B sinh A1 C sinh B1 A
Chapter 11
History of
178 11. History of Non-Euclidean Geometry
(V+) For any straight line and any point not on this line there is
a unique parallel to this line passing through the given point.
Here by a parallel to a given line one means a straight line that
has no common points with the given line. In Euclid’s formulation,
the statement was more complicated and less obvious.
(V) If a straight line falling on two straight lines makes the sum
of the interior angles on one side less than two right angles, then the
two straight lines, if extended indefinitely, meet on that side on which
the angles with sums less than two right angles exist.
Presumably, Greek mathematicians (perhaps Euclid himself) tried
to deduce the Fifth Postulate from the other axioms. In any case, in
Euclid’s Elements, the application of the Fifth Postulate is postponed
as much as possible: it occurs for the first time in the proof of Propo-
sition 27 of Book 1 (there are 48 propositions, i.e., theorems in our
terminology, in that book). The interested reader may want to look
at the postulates and theorems in Book 1 of Euclid’s Elements: they
appear in Appendix A of the present book.
After Euclid, for more than two thousand years, many scientists
tried to prove the Fifth Postulate, and many “succeeded”, usually by
proving statements equivalent to (V) by means of arguments based
on additional axioms which were not explicitly formulated.
(3) Similar but not congruent triangles exist [John Wallis, 1663].
11.3. Gauss
Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777–1855) first began working on the Fifth
Postulate in 1796, at the age of nineteen, and argued by contradiction,
like his predecessors, but went much further in developing the theory
in case (b). It is not clear when he came to the conclusion that no
contradiction would arise. In a famous letter (1824) to his friend
F.A. Taurinus, he explained that in the case α + β + γ < π one
obtains a “thoroughly consistent curious geometry”, which he called
“non-Euclidean”. He concluded his letter by asking Taurinus not to
tell anyone about his “private communication”, which he was thinking
of publishing at “some future time”.
Later, in 1832, he learned from his friend Farkas Bolyai that
the latter’s son, Janos, had arrived at the same conclusions. Later
still, in 1841, he found out that Lobachevsky had done the same.
Gauss even learned Russian (to read Lobachevsky’s early work?), but
never directly communicated with either Janos Bolyai or Lobachevsky
about these questions.
180 11. History of Non-Euclidean Geometry
11.4. Lobachevsky
Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky (1793–1856), like everybody else, tried
to prove the Fifth Postulate by contradiction. As he progressed fur-
ther in the case α + β + γ < π, he became convinced that the theory
11.4. Lobachevsky 181
N.I. Lobachevsky was not only the President (Rector, in the Rus-
sian terminology) of Kazan University, but also its Head Librarian.
The Kazan library received many scientific periodicals, including the
182 11. History of Non-Euclidean Geometry
11.5. Bolyai
Janos Bolyai (1802–1860) was the son of a mathematician, Farkas
Bolyai, who had “proved” the Fifth Postulate (his friend Gauss had
pointed out his error). Janos first followed in his father’s footsteps by
trying to prove the Fifth Postulate by contradiction, but soon realized
that he was obtaining a consistent geometry. In 1823 he wrote to
his father: “Out of nothing I have created a strange new universe.”
But it was only in 1832 (three years after Lobachevsky) that his
investigations were published in an Appendix to his father’s book
Tentamen (both were written in Latin; for the German translation,
see [15], the English translation of the Appendix appeared in [17] and
in [14], p. 375).
Farkas sent the book to Gauss, asking to comment on the Ap-
pendix. Instead of praising and encouraging Janos, Gauss wrote that
this would be “praising myself ”, since he had discovered the same
things thirty years before, and the Appendix “spared him the effort”
of writing up his discovery. Discouraged, Janos Bolyai stopped work-
ing for several years, but then started working on a book that would
contain a detailed exposition of his results.
When Gauss had learned about Lobachevsky’s results, he “kindly”
communicated this fact to Janos Bolyai via the latter’s father. For a
while, Janos thought that Lobachevsky did not exist, that he was a
creation of Gauss, who used “Lobachevsky” as a pen name to publish
results stolen from J. Bolyai’s Appendix! Fortunately, Janos Bolyai
finally understood that this was not the case, but he never finished
11.6. Beltrami, Helmholtz, Lie, Cayley, Klein, Poincaré 183
Janos Bolyai
Lie improved the arguments of Helmhotz and was the first to stress
the role of transformation groups in mathematics. Klein gave the
definition of geometry that we introduced in Chapter 1, and, simulta-
neously with Cayley (but independently of him), gave the elementary
global model of hyperbolic geometry described in Chapter 9; he also
coined the terms hyperbolic, parabolic, elliptic for the three geome-
tries. Poincaré constructed the two models of hyperbolic geometry
that we discussed in Chapters 7 and 8.
11.7. Hilbert
David Hilbert made the first successful attempt to give an axiomatic
exposition of Euclidean (space) geometry, rigorous in the modern
sense of the word. It consists of 21 axioms, three undefined concepts
(point, line, plane), and several undefined relations. Hilbert’s axioms
for plane geometry are presented and discussed in Appendix B of the
present book.
Hilbert’s axiomatic approach is rarely used in teaching geometry
in our time, because Euclidean geometry can be introduced in a much
simpler way: it can easily be constructed as a branch of linear algebra
over the real numbers (based on the fact that the straight line is
“isomorphic” to the real numbers R). This fact can be deduced from
Hilbert’s axioms by using the axiomatic definition of the real numbers
and checking that these algebraic axioms are satisfied by the points of
any line, provided the product and sum operation are appropriately
defined on it.
Chapter 12
Projective Geometry
186 12. Projective Geometry
⎛ ⎞⎛ ⎞
a11 a12 a13 x1
g(L) = Ag ((x1 : x2 : x3 )) = ⎝ a21 a22 a23 ⎠ ⎝ x2 ⎠ .
a31 a32 a33 x3
The geometric meaning of the transformation with matrix Ag is that
its column vectors are the images of the standard basis vectors under
that transformation, but since Ag is defined up to a nonzero scalar,
these images are also defined up to a nonzero scalar multiple.
of the form (x1 , x2 , 1). To the plane Π add the line at infinity Λ∞
whose points are equivalence classes of Euclidean points (x1 , x2 , 0) up
to multiplication by a nonzero constant (notation (x1 : x2 : 0)). The
set Π ∪ Λ∞ is the set of points of the projective plane.
Theorem 12.3.3. There exists one and only one projective transfor-
mation that takes four points A, B, C, D ∈ RP 2 in general position to
four other points A , B , C , D ∈ RP 2 in general position.
Then, obviously,
x C − xA yC − yA x D − xA yD − yA
A, B, C = = , A, B, D = =
xC − xB yC − yB xD − xB yD − yB
and therefore
x C − xA xD − xA yC − yA yD − yA
A, B, C, D = : = : .
xC − xB xD − xB yC − yB yD − yB
If one of the points, say B, is on the infinite line (at its intersec-
tion with the line containing the points A, C, D), then the cross ratio
reduces to the ordinary ratio. What happens in this case may be
described by saying that “the infinities cancel”:
xC − xA x D − xA x C − xA
: = = C, D, A.
xC − ∞ xD − ∞ xD − xA
In the case when all four points A, B, C, D lie on the infinite line,
their cross ratio is also a well-defined real number. Its calculation is
the object of Problem 12.3.
Theorem 12.4.3. The cross ratio of four collinear points is invariant
under projective transformations.
two distinct points”; its translation (i.e., the dual statement) will be
“One and only one point is incident to two distinct lines”, which is
exactly the assertion II (see Section 12.1). Another example: “Any
projective transformation takes collinear points to collinear points”
translates to “Any projective transformation takes copunctal lines to
copunctal lines”.
What is remarkable is that this kind of translation always trans-
lates true statements to true statements. To prove this, we will de-
fine the dual geometry to the geometry of RP 2 : it is the geometry
(DRP 2 : Proj(2)) whose points are planes of R3 passing through the
origin under the action of the group of linear nonsingular transforma-
tions of R3 . In DRP 2 , the intersection of two points (i.e., Euclidean
planes) will be called the line passing through the points (it is actually
a Euclidean line in Euclidean 3-space).
Theorem 12.5.2. The two geometries (DRP 2 : Proj(2)) and
(RP 2 : Proj(2)) are isomorphic: there is a bijection, called duality
and denoted by D, between the sets of points of the two geometries
compatible with an isomorphism of GL(3) onto itself.
12.6. Conics in RP 2
The nondegenerate conic sections (or conics for short) in the Eu-
clidean plane are, as is well known, the ellipse, the hyperbola and the
parabola. In RP 2 , these three curves are projectively equivalent, so
there exists only one nondegenerate conic in RP 2 (up to projective
A conic in RP 2 can be defined as any set of points obtained from
the curve C given by (x1 )2 + (x2 )2 = 1 (in the plane-with-line-at-
infinity model described in Section 12.2, this curve is the Euclidean
circle) by a projective transformation. Any projective transformation
under which the image of C does not intersect the line at infinity Λ∞
transforms C into an ellipse; a projective transformation that takes
one point of C to Λ∞ transforms C into a parabola, and a projective
transformation that takes two points of C to Λ∞ transforms C into
a hyperbola.
Proof. We begin by passing from the plane to 3-space and prove the
three-dimensional analog of theorem Desargues’. (The proof of the
3D theorem turns out to be unexpectedly simple, but the argument
12.7. The Desargues, Pappus, and Pascal theorems 195
A1 B 1 , it is an easy exercise to prove that the points P1 , P2 , P3 are
12.9. Problems
12.1. Five distinct collinear points A, B, C, D, E are given. Prove
A, B, C, D · A, B, D, E · A, B, E, C = 1.
12.2. How many different values does the cross ratio of four points
on a line take when the order of the points is changed?
12.3. Calculate the cross ratio of the following four points lying on
the infinite line Λ∞ : (xi : yi ; 0), i = 1, 2, 3, 4.
12.5. Four planes pass through a common line l, while the line m
intersects all four planes. Prove that the cross ratio of the intersection
points of m with the planes does not depend on the choice of m.
12.9. Problems 201
12.6. State and prove the theorem dual to the Pappus theorem.
Draw the corresponding picture.
12.7. State and prove the theorem dual to Desargues’ theorem. Draw
the corresponding picture.
12.9. Using Problem 12.8, state and prove the theorem dual to Pas-
cal’s theorem (the dual theorem is known as Brianchon’s Theorem).
Draw the corresponding picture.
12.11. The lines l1 , . . . , ln−1 and l are given on the plane. The
points O1 , . . . , On are chosen on l. The lines containing the sides of
a polygon A1 , . . . , An pass through the points O1 , . . . , On while its
vertices A1 , . . . , An−1 move along the lines l1 , . . . , ln−1 . Prove that
the vertex An also moves along a straight line.
12.13. Prove the Euclidean version of Pascal’s theorem for the case
of the circle.
Chapter 13
“Projective Geometry Is
All Geometry”
The title of this chapter is a quotation from Arthur Cayley, the out-
standing 19th century British mathematician, one of the founders
of projective geometry. The aim of this chapter is to give a pre-
cise mathematical meaning to these words, namely to show that the
three principal continuous geometries, parabolic (Euclid), hyperbolic
(Lobachevsky), and elliptic (Riemann), are subgeometries of projec-
tive geometry. We will prove this in dimension two, i.e., show that
the projective plane “contains” (in a certain precise sense) the hy-
perbolic plane, the elliptic plane, and the Euclidean plane. Since the
discrete geometries that we also studied in this book are, in turn,
subgeometries of the three principal continuous ones, this means that
all the geometries studied so far in this course are parts of projective
But first we recall the notion of subgeometry, which appeared
briefly in Chapter 1.
13.1. Subgeometries
13.1.1. Recall that two geometries (X : G) and (Y : H) are isomor-
phic if there is an equivariant bijection between them, i.e., a bijection
204 13. “Projective Geometry Is All Geometry”
Π = {(x1 , x2 , x3 ) ∈ R3 | x3 = 1}
A1 , B1 , C1 , D1 their projections to Π. We define γ(g) as the projec-
tive transformation that takes A , B , C , D to A1 , B1 , C1 , D1 (such a
projection exists and is unique by Theorem 12.3.3). The construction
is shown in Figure 13.3.
Theorem 13.4.2. The construction described above shows that the
Riemannian elliptic plane is a subgeometry of the projective plane.
13.5. Problems
13.1. Prove that any projective transformation of the projective
plane RP 2 preserves the cross ratio of collinear points
13.5. Show that for any ε > 0 and any positive number S, there
exists a spherical triangle of area less than ε whose image under the
central projection defined in Section 13.4 is of area greater than S.
Finite Geometries
212 14. Finite Geometries
+ 0 1 2 3 × 0 1 2 3
0 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 3 2 1 0 1 2 3
2 2 3 0 1 2 0 2 3 1
3 3 2 1 0 3 0 3 1 2
14.3.1. Let us define the affine plane AF(5) of order 5 as the set
{(x, y) | x ∈ F(5), y ∈ F(5)} of pairs (coordinates of points). As
in ordinary Euclidean geometry, two points T = (a, b), S = (c, d)
determine a vector T S = {c − a, d − b}. We will define straight lines
as in analytic geometry, i.e., by setting A(t) = A0 + t− →
v , where A0 is
a point, v is a vector, and t runs over F(5). For example, if we take
A0 = (0, 0) and −→
v = (1, 2), we obtain the “straight line”
(0, 0), (1, 2), (2, 4), (3, 1), (4, 3) .
14.3.2. The same result can be obtained by using the orbit space
of an appropriate geometry. Let Z ⊕ Z ⊂ R2 be the integer lattice
on the plane and let (Z ⊕ Z : G) be the geometry defined by the
transformation group G, isomorphic to Z ⊕ Z, acting by coordinate
shifts by 5, i.e.,
The result is a geometry called the finite affine plane over the field
F(4) and is denoted by AF(4). The set AF(4) is indeed a geometry
in the sense of Klein, (AF(4) : Γ), if for the transformation group Γ
we take the set of all bijections of AF(4) that map lines into lines.
In the general case, i.e., when F = F(q), q = pm , m > 1, with
prime p, one can also construct the finite affine plane AF(q), but the
216 14. Finite Geometries
Aff.1. There is exactly one line passing through any two distinct
Aff.2. There is exactly one line parallel to a given line and pass-
ing through a given point. (Two lines are called parallel if they have
no common points or if they coincide.)
Here the second axiom ensures that the dimension of the set of
points is less than or equal to 2. The third axiom ensures that its
dimension is greater than or equal to 2. Thus the dimension of the
set of points is two, and this set can be regarded as a “plane”. The
construction of the two simplest affine planes (with 4 and 9 points)
is the object of Problem 14.1.
the fact that the four axioms split into two pairs dual to each other.
However, the finite projective plane obtained from a given one by
duality is not necessarily isomorphic to the given one. Questions of
duality are rather delicate in the finite case, and we do not discuss
them here.
Remark 14.7.4. The theorem does not assert the existence of finite
projective planes: in it, it is assumed that a finite projective plane
is given, and thus it only asserts that if a plane satisfying axioms
Proj.1–Proj.3 exists, then its number of lines and points satisfies the
constraints (i)–(iii).
14.7.6. Remarks. (1) One can pass from the finite affine plane to
the projective plane by adding q+1 “points at infinity” (corresponding
to each class of parallel lines) and one new line (the line of all points
at infinity). Conversely, one can pass from a projective plane to an
affine plane by removing one line (with all its points). Unfortunately,
the result is not well defined: it may depend on the choice of the line!
220 14. Finite Geometries
Theorem 14.9.1. The Desargues theorem holds for the finite projec-
tive planes P F(pm ) = (P, L), i.e., three lines x1 y1 , x2 y2 , x3 y3 ∈ L in-
tersect at one point if and only if the intersection points z1 , z2 , z3 ∈ P
of the pairs of lines x2 x3 and y2 y3 , x3 x1 and y3 y1 , x1 x2 and y1 y2 ,
respectively, are collinear.
Proof. In the proof, we will use the model of P F(pm ) given by the
construction 14.8.1, i.e., we regard points as one-dimensional linear
subspaces of the vector space over F(pm ) and lines as two-dimensional
First let us note that the Desargues theorem is self-dual, and
therefore it suffices to prove the “only if ” part, i.e., assuming that
the lines A1 B1 , A2 B2 , A3 B3 intersect at one point (which we denote
by S), to show that the intersection points P1 , P2 , P3 are collinear.
If the point S lies in each of the three lines P1 P2 , P2 P3 , P3 P1 , then
there is nothing to prove, so we can assume that S ∈ / P2 P3 .
In our model the points S, Ai , Bj , Pk are actually one-dimensional
linear spaces, and we will use the same lower case letters s, ai , bj , pk
to denote nonzero vectors belonging to (and therefore determining)
the corresponding linear spaces.
Now since the vectors s, a1 , b1 belong to the same two-dimensional
space, they are linearly dependent, and (by an appropriate choice of
these vectors in their linear spaces) we can write b1 = a1 + s. It is
easy to see that the vectors a1 , p2 , p3 are linearly independent, and
therefore we can put
b1 = α1 a1 + α2 p2 + α3 p3 ,
222 14. Finite Geometries
Then we have
14.9.2. Remark. Note that this proof (like the proof given in 12.7.1)
is, in a certain sense, “three-dimensional”: when we replaced points
by vectors in the above proof, we were essentially adding a point (the
origin of coordinates in the three-dimensional space over F(pm )) lying
outside of the plane containing all the given points.
These six lines intersect in seven points, four of which belong to the
initial quadrilateral, and we denote the other three as follows:
Thus we have supplied all the points of our finite projective plane
with coordinates, and we know what the intersection points of any
two lines are.
14.10. Algebraic structures in finite projective planes 225
The proof of (i) is similar to that in Section 14.8, while (ii) can be
proved by a tedious series of geometric constructions needed to verify
the numerous axioms of almost fields.
226 14. Finite Geometries
The “only if ” part was proved above (see 14.8.1), while the “if ”
part is another complicated series of artificial geometric constructions
ensuring the required algebraic axioms.
The first natural number q which does not meet the assumptions
of the conjecture is 6, and indeed one can prove (see Problem 14.9)
that there is no finite projective plane of order 6. The next such
number is 10, and it is only in 1991 that it was established, with the
aid of a supercomputer, that the conjecture holds there also. But
already for q = 12 the existence of a projective plane of order q is an
open question.
Conjecture 14.11.3. All the projective planes of prime order p are
R.H. Bruck, H.J. Ryser, The non-existence of certain finite projective planes,
Canadian J. Math., Vol. 1 (1949), 88–93.
14.12. Problems 227
14.12. Problems
14.1. Construct an affine geometry having 4 points, and a finite affine
geometry having 9 points.
14.2. Suppose that one of the lines of the affine plane (P, L) from
Corollary 14.8.3 consists of q points. Prove that the plane P consists
of q 2 points.
14.3. Suppose that one of the lines of the affine plane (P, L) from
Corollary 14.8.3 consists of q points. Prove that all other lines consist
of q points.
14.4. Suppose that one of the lines of the affine plane (P, L) from
Corollary 14.8.3 consists of q points. Prove that L consists of q 2 = q
14.5. Suppose that one of the lines of the affine plane (P, L) consists
of q points. Prove that q + 1 lines pass through each point.
14.6. Prove that the finite affine plane AF(pm ) is a geometry in the
sense of Klein.
14.9*. Prove that there does not exist a finite projective plane of
order q = 6.
14.11*. Prove that the projective planes of order 7 and 8 are unique.
The Hierarchy of
230 15. The Hierarchy of Geometries
R ϕ → eiϕ ∈ S1 .
This covering plays a key role in elementary topology (e.g., for defin-
ing the degree of circle maps), and its visualization shown in Figure
16.1 in the next chapter is one of the classical icons in mathematics.
The morphism exp is obviously a local (but not global) isometry.
15.1.5. The affine line. For the points of the affine line Aff1 , we
can take the real numbers (just as for the Euclidean line), but its
transformation group, the affine group Aff(1), is “much bigger” than
Ismtr(R); in fact, it contains Isomtr(R) as a subgroup. The group
232 15. The Hierarchy of Geometries
and their images. The basic invariant of this geometry is the distance
between two points.
studied in this book (except the finite geometries from Chapter 14)
are placed on five levels; from bottom to top, these levels are: pro-
jective, affine, metric, discrete, finite. The geometries all appear at
the appropriate levels; they are joined by arrows, which stand for in-
jective morphisms. If we regard the geometries as vertices and the
arrows as edges, we obtain a directed graph; this graph is a rooted
tree: starting from any vertex (geometry) the arrows lead us to the
root RP 3 . This means that all the geometries we studied (except
those in Chapter 14) are subgeometries of projective space geometry
RP 3 .
This substantiates Cayley’s famous utterance “Projective geom-
etry is all geometry.” A more correct, but less striking, formulation
would be “Most geometries are parts of projective geometry.”
15.7. Problems
15.1. Write out a formula allowing to find the image Sa (x) of an
arbitrary point x ∈ (0, 1) of the hyperbolic line under the symmetry
in the point a ∈ (0, 1).
15.4. Define the cross ratio of four points on the projective line when
one of the points is ∞.
15.5. Show that there is a bijection between the point sets in the
two definitions of the projective line given in 15.1.6 and that the
corresponding transformation groups are isomorphic; prove that the
two definitions yield isomorphic geometries.
15.7. Problems 239
Morphisms of
242 16. Morphisms of Geometries
Note that the inverse image of any point ϕ of R, called the fiber of
the morphism exp, is in one-to-one correspondence with the integers;
16.1. Examples of geometric covering spaces 243
16.1.6. The flat torus. The flat torus is the unit square
{(x, y) : 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, 0 ≤ y ≤ 1} ⊂ R2
with opposite sides identified ((x, 0) ∼ (x, 1) and (y, 0) ∼ (y, 1)). It is
supplied with the natural metric (for example, the distance between
the points (1/2, 1 − ε) and (1/2, ε), where ε < 1/4, is equal to 2ε).
This metric (see Problem 16.6) gives rise to the corresponding group
of isometries, which determines the structure of this geometry, that
of the flat torus. The geometry of the flat torus is quite different from
that of the torus embedded in R3 in the usual way, e.g., by means of
the equation
x2 + y 2 − 2 + z 2 = 1.
The metric of the above embedded torus (defined via geodesics) differs
from the metric of the flat torus, so that the two tori have different
isometry groups and thus are different geometries.
16.2.1. The Hopf bundle. This is one of the most intricately beau-
tiful geometric constructions in mathematics; it has a very simple
analytic description. Consider the sphere S3 as the subset of the
two-dimensional complex space C2 given by the formula
(z1 , z2 ) ∈ C2 : |z1 |2 + |z2 |2 = 1 .
We regard it as the geometry (S3 : SO(4)).
The group S1 = {eiϕ } acts on S3 by multiplication of coordinates
(z1 , z2 ) → (eiϕ z1 , eiϕ z2 ).
The quotient of S3 by this action is the complex projective line CP 1 ,
which is another name for the sphere S2 (see Problem 16.3).
Thus we obtain a surjective map h : S3 → S2 , called the Hopf
bundle, whose fiber (i.e., the inverse image of any point of S2 ) is the
circle S1 . The orbits of the S1 action on the 3-sphere S3 are circles
parametrized by the 2-sphere and filling up S3 . These circles are
246 16. Morphisms of Geometries
(3) The natural projection of the Stiefel manifold Vkn onto the
Grassmann manifold Gnk (see 16.4.2(3)) is a principal O(k)-bundle.
16.7. Problems
16.1. Given two winding maps of the circle, wk and wl (see 16.1.3),
find the lowest winding map wn which is higher than both wk and
wl .
16.2. Prove the universality property of the exponential map, i.e.,
show that it is higher than any winding map (see 16.1.5).
16.3. Prove that the complex projective line CP 1 is isomorphic as a
geometry to the sphere S2 .
16.4. Indicate the transformation group which supplies the Cartesian
product S1 × S2 with its natural geometric structure.
16.5. Indicate the transformation group which supplies the manifold
constructed in 16.2.3 with its natural geometric structure.
16.6. Give a precise definition of the metric of the flat torus.
16.7. Define the geometry of the infinite flat cylinder S1 × R. Show
that there is an uncountable infinity of different geometric morphisms
with fiber Z of the flat cylinder onto the flat torus. How many non-
isomorphic morphisms of that type are there?
16.8*. Show that the covering of the flat torus by the plane has a
universality property similar to that of the exponential.
16.9. On the Grassmann manifold Gnk , define the structure of a
topological space, of a smooth manifold, and of a geometry.
16.7. Problems 253
256 A. Excerpts from Euclid’s “Elements”
Postulates of Book I
The Postulates (we would call them axioms) are not abstract state-
ments about points, straight lines, and circles; they simply prescribe
(except Postulate IV) what the geometer (i.e., land surveyor) can
draw on his papyrus. Euclid writes:
Let the following be postulated:
I. To draw a straight line from any point to any point.
II. To produce a straight line continuously in a straight line.
III. To describe a circle with any center and distance.
IV. That all right angles are equal to one another.
V. That, if a straight line falling on two straight lines makes the
interior angles on the same side less than two right angles, the two
straight lines, if produced indefinitely, meet on that side on which are
the angles less than the two right angles.
Of course, our land surveyor cannot draw an infinite line, and
the expression “straight line” in Postulates I, II, V means “line seg-
ment” in our terminology, and this is what makes Postulate II neces-
sary. (Note that this postulate cannot be adequately translated into
a meaningful statement in the modern terminology.)
Note, further, that no uniqueness statements appear in Postulates
I, II, III. This is quite natural, because all three are prescriptions
for admissible well-defined actions of the land surveyor, and it goes
without saying that, for Euclid’s contemporaries, there was only one
way to perform this action.
Postulate III sounds unnecessary to our ear; we would simply
define the circle as the locus of all points lying at the given distance
(the radius) from a given point (the center of the circle). But it
is, for the Greeks, an informative assertion, saying, as it does, that
drawing a circle is an admissible and well-defined action. We must
also remember that for the Greeks the circle, like the line, is not a set
of points, but a certain geometric entity.
Postulate IV is different from the other four in that it is an ob-
servation rather than a guide to action. In it, the word “equal” is
The Common Notions 257
upon reading the second and third common notions? Actually, they
are both: we must remember that the Ancient Greeks had no theory
of real numbers, the (lengths of) line segments were the real numbers.
Thus, when the Pythagoreans discovered the irrationality of 2, this
fact was stated as the incommensurability of two line segments: the
diagonal of the unit square and its side. Further, “things” are not
only line segments, they can also be (the measure of) an angle, the
area of something, etc.
Finally, what does the word “equal” mean? Congruent? What
does the word “greater” in the fifth common notion mean? These are
difficult questions, but one should have in mind that nowhere does
Euclid mention any transformations of the plane, there are no parallel
translations, no rotations, no superpositions of triangles in Euclid’s
Book I, so that there are no hints whatsoever in it about the Klein
approach to geometry based on transformations. Thus equal triangles
are those which have three equal sides and whose corresponding an-
gles are also equal (however, a kind of superposition argument does
appear in the proof). It is less clear what the words “added” and
“subtracted” in 1 and 2 mean, but judging from some of the proofs
in Book I, they refer to the union and set difference of geometric ob-
jects, although of course such entities as angles and line segments are
not defined as sets of points.
entities considered were, for Euclid, objects of the physical world and
could be meaningfully described as such. Let us see how he describes
1. The point is that which has no part.
2. A line is breadthless length.
3. The extremities of a line are points.
4. A straight line is a line which lies evenly with the points on
5. A surface is that which has length and breadth only.
6. The extremities of a surface are lines.
7. A plane surface is a surface which lies evenly with the straight
lines on itself.
I have always been struck by the beauty and the depth of these
descriptions. Perhaps the most striking fact is that the first concepts
defined (except the straight line in Definition 4 and the plane in Defi-
nition 7) are basic purely topological notions, namely points, lines (we
would say curves), surfaces, and extremities (we would say boundary
The notion of point (defined as an irreducible entity) is close to
physics (points are defined similarly to atoms). The description of
straight lines is beautifully mysterious. Is it a poetic surrogate of the
idea of geodesic? Or of translational invariance along itself?
Euclid continues with a description of angles formed by curves
and by straight lines, which in the English translation is rather poetic
because of the double meaning of the word “inclination”:
8. A plane angle is the inclination to one another of two lines in
a plane which meet one another and do not lie in a straight line.
9. And when the lines containing the angle are straight, the angle
is called rectilineal.
Here let us note first that Euclid begins with the most general
case of an angle between curves (rather than straight lines). It should
also be noted that the definition of rectilineal angle in Definition 9 is
260 A. Excerpts from Euclid’s “Elements”
is the order in which the propositions are proved. The reader should
note that many of the propositions assert the possibility of performing
a certain specific geometric construction (so that they can be under-
stood as existence theorems); however, it can be argued that in many
cases, when the possibility of a construction is claimed, it is tacitly
assumed that the construction is well defined, which means that often
such propositions were understood by the Ancient Greeks as existence
and uniqueness theorems.
1. On a given straight line to construct an equilateral triangle.
Of course the construction was carried out by means of a compass
(so that Postulate 3 was used twice), and the fact the two constructed
circles intersect was considered obvious (which indeed it is).
2. To place at a given point (as an extremity) a straight line equal
to a given straight line.
3. Given two unequal straight lines, to cut off from the greater a
straight line equal to the lesser.
Of course in these three statements, and in the subsequent ones,
the words “straight line” mean “line segment” (in our terminology).
4. If two triangles have two sides equal to two sides respectively,
and have the angles contained by the equal straight lines equal, they
will have the base equal to the base, the triangle will be equal to the tri-
angle, and the remaining angles will be equal to the remaining angles
respectively, namely those which the equal sides subtend.
This “first test of congruence of triangles” is familiar to high
school students all over the world and denoted by SAS in North Amer-
ica. Note that there is no mention of congruence or of some kind of
motion or superposition in the proposition. I don’t think that Euclid,
saying “the triangle will be equal to the triangle” implied some sort
of congruence, and the end of the proposition simply explains what is
meant by equal triangles, namely the equality of all the corresponding
elements (sides and angles) of the triangles.
5. In isosceles triangles the angles at the base are equal to one
another, and, if the equal straight lines be produced further, the angles
under the base will be equal to one another.
264 A. Excerpts from Euclid’s “Elements”
The reader will have noted the use of the word “base” in the
last two propositions and the word “under” in the last one, which of
course means that Euclid accompanied the propositions with pictures,
in which the “bases” of triangles were drawn as horizontal lines.
8. If two triangles have the two sides equal to two sides respec-
tively, and also have the base equal to the base, they will also have the
angles equal which are contained by the equal straight lines.
25. If two triangles have the two sides equal to two sides, respec-
tively, but have the one of the angles contained by the equal straight
lines greater than the other, they will also have the base greater than
the base.
Concerning the term “base”, see the remark after Proposition 8.
26. If two triangles have the two angles equal to two angles and
one side equal to one side, namely, either the side adjoining the equal
angles, or the side subtending one of the angles, they will also have
the remaining sides equal to the remaining sides and the remaining
angle equal to the remaining angle.
This is the “second test of congruence of triangles” (ASA) in its
full generality, and it is used in the proof of the next proposition.
27. If a straight line falling on two straight lines makes the al-
ternate angles equal to one another, the straight lines will be parallel
to one another.
It is only at this point that Euclid makes use of the Fifth Postu-
late, and it is in this proposition that the word parallels first appears
(after the definitions).
28. If a straight line falling on two straight lines make the exterior
angle equal to the interior and opposite angle on the same side, or the
interior angles on the same side equal to two right angles, the straight
lines will be parallel to one another.
29. If a straight line falling on parallel straight lines makes the
alternate angles equal to one another, the exterior angle equal to the
interior and opposite angle, and the interior angles on the same side
equal to two right angles.
30. Straight lines parallel to the same straight line are also par-
allel to one another.
31. Through a given point to draw a straight line parallel to a
given straight line.
Here Euclid resorts (after a long interlude) to a statement as-
serting that our “land surveyor” can perform a certain construction.
Note that this proposition is close to the formulation of the “axiom
268 A. Excerpts from Euclid’s “Elements”
It is customary among mathematicians to look down on Euclid and
criticize the lack of rigor of his development of geometry. To my mind,
this attitude only demonstrates the narrow-mindedness of such critics,
their absolutization of what was regarded as rigor in the 19th century.
Here I have tried to show that Euclid “Elements” have their own in-
ternal logic, and, unlike modern axiomatic theories, possess a striking
beauty which makes Euclid’s book one of the greatest achievements
of human culture.
Appendix B
272 B. Hilbert’s Axioms for Plane Geometry
I. Axioms of connection
This first group of axioms establishes a relationship between the un-
defined concepts point and straight line expressed by means of the
(also undefined!) relation belongs to. (For the sake of brevity, in
what follows we often write “line” instead of “straight line”.) It is
very important to understand that in Hilbert’s exposition a line is a
line is a line (an undefined concept) – it is not a set of points as we
have been taught!
As to the relation “belongs to”, it has many synonymic versions:
instead of saying “the point A belongs to the straight line l” we can
say “l passes through A”, “l contains A”, “A is a point of l”, etc. If A
I. Axioms of connection 273
Note that at this stage we do not know that there are three
distinct points A, B, C on any line, in fact, we do not even know
that there are two. This assumption appears later, in the seventh of
Hilbert’s axioms of connection. We reproduce only the part of the
latter axiom that concerns plane geometry and change its number
from seven to three. (Hilbert’s axioms of connection 3, 4, 5, 6 have
no bearing on plane geometry, they are about planes in space.)
I, 3. Upon any straight line there exist at least two points, and
there are three points not belonging to any straight line.
B different from A is the set of all points lying on the line AB on the
same side of A as B.
II, 5. Let A, B, C be three points not lying in the same straight
line and let a be a straight line not passing through any of the points
A, B, C. Then, if the straight line a passes through a point of the
segment BC, then it will also pass through either a point of the
segment AC or of the segment AB.
This statement is known as Pasch’s axiom. As worded by Hilbert,
it is incorrect, because it can happen that the line a passes through
the point A, which is neither a point of the “segment” AC nor of the
“segment” AB.
The axioms of order allow Hilbert to define the notions of half-
plane, although he never uses such a set-theoretical term, referring
to points lying on the same side (or on different sides) of a line in
the plane or on the same side (or on different sides) of a point on a
line. The reader will recall that in Euclid’s Elements the expression
“on the same side” was never defined and was apparently regarded
as obvious, in particular, in the Fifth Postulate.
Further, Hilbert defines the notions of broken line and of poly-
gon, and as particular cases of the latter, triangles, quadrangles, pen-
tagons,. . . , n-gons. He then states the Jordan Curve Theorem for
polygons, and claims that it can be obtained “without serious diffi-
Note that Hilbert takes great pains to explicitly state that the
equality of angles is reflexive and stipulates that an angle does not
depend (up to congruence) on the order in which its sides are indi-
cated. Just as for segments, the symmetry of the congruence relation
for angles is not explicitly stipulated, but is proved later.
The final axiom of this group has to do with two triangles; it is
similar to a theorem known as the “first test of congruence of trian-
gles” in the high school geometry textbooks of many countries, but
its conclusion does not claim that the two triangles are congruent, for
the excellent reason that the notion of congruence of triangles is an
undefined one, and that its definition will be given later.
AB ≡ A B , AC ≡ A C , ∠BAC ≡ ∠B A C
also hold.
The reader will have noticed that this is the first triangle congru-
ence test (SAS).
Once all the axioms of congruence have been stated, Hilbert gives
a few more definitions and some important consequences of all the ax-
ioms, but at first without using the axiom of parallels. The definitions
include the notions of supplementary and vertical angles and of a right
angle (the latter is defined as an angle congruent to its supplemen-
tary angle). This is followed by an explicit definition of congruent
triangles as those having all their sides and all corresponding angles
After this Hilbert proves the First, Second, and Third Theorem
of Congruence of Triangles. This is followed by two theorems on the
congruence of angles (in particular, the theorem asserting that if two
angles are congruent, then so are their supplementary angles). These
theorems are used to prove that any two right angles are congruent.
At this point Hilbert points out that Euclid held this last fact as one
of the postulates, “although it seems to me wrongly”, he comments.
V. Axiom of continuity 279
V. Axiom of continuity
This is the last axiom in Hilbert’s axiomatics. It is commonly known
as the axiom of Archimedes and ordinarily appears in the axiomatic
definition of the real numbers. In its geometric form, it says that by
laying off any segment along a line a sufficient number of times we
will eventually reach any given point on the line. Hilbert words it as
280 B. Hilbert’s Axioms for Plane Geometry
Then Hilbert notes that Axioms I and III are obviously fulfilled.
Further, using the usual order relation (x < v) for the numbers in Ω,
Conclusion 281
he defines the relation lies between for three points on a line in the
natural way. It is easy to verify that then the axioms of group II also
Defining the notion of congruence as it is usually done in analytic
geometry, Hilbert points out that the axioms of group IV (including
those about laying off segments and angles) are fulfilled as well. This
leaves the only axiom of group V (that of Archimedes), which of
course holds for the algebraic numbers Ω ⊂ R.
Thus Hilbert has constructed a model of Euclidean plane geome-
try in the arithmetic related to the algebraic numbers; in this model,
the undefined terms “point”, “straight line”, “belong to”, “lie be-
tween”, “be congruent” acquire a concrete interpretation so that all
the axioms of Euclidean plane geometry are fulfilled.
This means that any contradiction resulting from Hilbert’s system
of axioms must also appear in the arithmetic related to Ω. Thus we
can say that Hilbert’s axiom system is consistent provided that there
are no contradictions in the theory of algebraic numbers.
It should be noted, however, that in Hilbert’s model of plane geometry
the number of points, as well as the number of lines, is countable. Of
course it is possible to construct a noncountable model of this geom-
etry, with the set of points having the cardinality of the continuum,
simply as it is done in analytic geometry courses based on Cartesian
coordinates. Therefore, Hilbert’s axiomatics is, as logicians say, non-
categorical, which means that the axiomatics can have nonisomorphic
Regarding this as a drawback, Hilbert added, in later editions of
his work, a Completeness Axiom which asserts, roughly speaking, that
no extra points may be added to any line without contradicting the
other axioms. This axiom, together with the axiom of Archimedes,
readily implies that there is an order-preserving correspondence be-
tween the set of points belonging to a straight line and the real num-
282 B. Hilbert’s Axioms for Plane Geometry
Why didn’t Hilbert make things much easier for himself and his
readers by coming right out and stating this simple and fundamental
fact as an axiom? For one thing, he undoubtedly wanted his geometry
to be formally independent of the theory of real numbers, being a
kind of “pure geometry”. However, there is no way of going around
the fact that any rigorous treatment of what we regard as Euclidean
plane geometry will result in implicitly constructing the theory of real
numbers as the set of all points on a line, addition being defined by
putting segments end-to-end, order by the betweenness relation, and
multiplication via homothety. I tend to believe that Hilbert purposely
went to great pains to hide the fundamental role of the field R in his
constructions, because he was aware that Euclidean geometry could
be rigorously constructed in a much simpler way by using R from the
very beginning, rather than as an afterthought.
This is why I don’t believe that geometry should be taught on
the basis of Hilbert’s axioms or some other improvement of Euclid’s
approach. But this point of view in no way denigrates the historical
importance of Hilbert’s work on the foundations of geometry. Not
only did Hilbert show that the axiomatic approach due to Euclid and
his contemporaries could be improved to suit the criteria of rigor of
the 20th century mathematics, but he was the first to put in practice
the fundamental idea of axiomatic mathematics as the science that
studies. . . undefined objects!
Answers & Hints
Here the reader should not expect to find solutions to the exercises,
only answers (without any comments) to those where it is required to
compute or find something, and hints for those (the majority) that
begin with the words “Prove that. . . ”. The hints are never detailed
and are written in a very informal style (not to be imitated by the
student in his/her written homework assignments, if such are required
by the instructor!); they usually only indicate the strategy of the
proof, or some of its ingredients, or vaguely indicate what sort of
proof can be obtained. In the latter case we write “Not very helpful
Hint ”. Note also that practically all the exercises in the first nine
chapters are supplied with answers or hints, whereas starting from
Chapter 10, most of the exercises are not. This is because the author
feels that by then, when the student has worked through half the
book, the time has come to throw him/her into the pool to see if
he/she is able to swim unassisted.
Chapter 1
1.1. There are three rotations (of orders 1, 3, 3) and three re-
flections in the altitudes of the triangle (all of order 2), and four
nontrivial subgroups (three groups of order 2 and one of order 3); the
group of motions has 3 elements.
284 Answers & Hints
1.3. It suffices to place the square onto one of the faces of the
cube (respectively, the circle on the equator of the sphere) and check
that the different motions of that face (resp., of the equator) can be
extended to different motions of the cube (resp., of the sphere).
1.7. (a) One reflection in the plane passing through an edge and
the midpoint of the opposite edge and one rotation about the line
joining the midpoints of two opposite edges.
(b) A reflection in a plane passing through the parallel diagonals
of opposite faces and the composition of another such reflection with
the central symmetry w.r.t. the center of the cube.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
6 and Z6 ;
3.2. (a) D
(b) D5 and Z5 ;
6 and Z6 .
(c) D
Chapter 4
4.3. Not very helpful Hint. The validity of the construction ba-
sically follows from the fact that the sum of the angles of a Euclidean
triangle is equal to π. When ϕ = ψ, one obviously obtains the parallel
translation by the vector joining the the first center of rotation to the
4.4. Hint. The center is obtained from the center of the given
rotation by shifting it by minus the given translation vector.
4.7. No.
4.8. There are two types: first, the vertices of the squares near
which two dots of the question marks are located (the corresponding
subgroups are rotations by π), and, second, those in the vicinity of
which there are no dots (the corresponding subgroups are rotations
by π/2).
4.9. For example, the group preserving the square lattice can be
presented as follows: h, v, r : hvh−1 v −1 = 1, rvr −1 v −1=1 , r 4 = 1.
4.12. The first from the left in the second row of Figure 4.6.
4.13. The one pictured in Figure 4.5(c) and the middle one in
the last row of Figure 4.6.
4.14. The one pictured in Figure 4.5(c) and the middle ones in
the first and third rows of Figure 4.6.
4.15. The ones pictured in Figure 4.5(b), (f), the ones to the
right in the first and second rows of Figure 4.6, and the one to the
left in the third row.
4.16. Rotate all the question marks in (c) so that they lie hori-
zontally with the dot to the right.
290 Answers & Hints
Chapter 5
5.2. (a) If and only if the triangle is one of the three Coxeter
(b) The triangle itself will be a fundamental domain.
5.7. Not very helpful Hint. (a) Obvious. (b) Follows from (a).
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
7.1. Hint. One can compute the equation of the image of the
given circle regarded as lying in C by plugging in z = 1/z into its
equation. There are also purely geometric solutions, mostly using the
congruence of right triangles.
292 Answers & Hints
7.3. Hint. The proof uses the similitude of right triangles in the
spirit of the previous exercise.
7.4. Hint. The proof uses the similitude of right triangles in the
spirit of the two previous exercises.
7.5. Hint. The proof uses the similitude of right triangles in the
spirit of the three previous exercises.
7.10. Hint. This is related to the cross ratio of four points and
is not easy. For the answer, see the next chapter.
7.11. Hint. One of the numerous ways of taking the flag (A, l, Π)
to the flag (A , l , Π ) is, first, to use a (hyperbolic) isometry α that
Chapter 7 293
7.13. Not very helpful Hint. This theory is similar to, and not
much more complicated than, the two-dimensional theory of inversion
described at the beginning of Chapter 7.
7.14. Hint. Use the fact that any circle is the intersection of two
spheres and any straight line is the intersection of two planes.
7.15. Hint. Use the appropriate facts from the three previous
exercises and a construction similar to the one in Problem 7.3.
7.19. Hint. Your first guess about the answer will probably be
Chapter 8
8.1. Not very helpful Hint. Both (a) and (b) can be proved by
direct calculations.
8.3. Hint. By using the transformation Ω−1 (see 8.1.6) one can
pass from the given situation to the Poincaré disk model, where this
problem reduces to constructing the two parallels through a given
point to a given line, and then return our situation via Ω. Of course
there is also a direct proof in the spirit of the previous exercise.
8.4. Hint. First check that the given transformation takes the
disk H2 to itself, then verify that the given formula holds whenever it
corresponds to an even number of reflections w.r.t. circles orthogonal
to the absolute.
8.5. Hint. The hint to the solution of 7.11 applies here as well.
Chapter 9
9.1. Not very helpful Hint. Use the formula for the distance
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
14.1. The linear spaces AF(2) and AF(3) over the fields of 2
and 3 elements may be regarded as affine geometries with 4 and 9
elements, respectively; but they can be constructed without appealing
to finite fields. Thus the one with four points a, b, c, d consists of six
lines ab, bc, cd, da, ac, bd, three pairs of which (ab and cd, dc and da,
ac and bd) are parallel. It can also be described as the Fano projective
plane with the “points at infinity” removed. The one with 9 points
can also be constructed directly; the reader will profit by drawing a
picture of AF(3) in the style of Figure 14.1.
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
16.1. wlcm(k,l) .
[1] A.F. Berdon, The Geometry of Discrete Groups, Springer, Berlin, 1983.
[2] M. Berger, Geometry, Springer, Berlin, 1987.
[3] A. Cayley, Collected Papers, Cambridge, 1889.
[4] H.S.M. Coxeter, Projective Geometry, Toronto, 1942.
[5] B.A. Dubrovin, S.P. Novikov, A.T. Fomenko, Modern Geometry.
Methods and Applications, Springer, Berlin, 1985.
[6] N.V. Efimov, Higher Geometry, Moscow, Mir, 1980.
[7] B. Grünbaum, What symmetry groups are present in the Alhambra,
Notices Amer. Math. Soc., 53, no. 6, 2006.
[8] T.L. Heath, The Thirteen Books of Euclid’s Elements, Cam-
bridge, 1926.
[9] D. Hilbert, Grundlagen der Geometrie, 7th Edition, Leipzig & Berlin,
1930; The Foundations of Geometry (Authorized translation by E.J.
Townsend), Chicago, 1902.
[10] F. Klein, A comparative review of recent researches in geometry, Bull.
New York Math. Soc., 2, 215–249, 1892–1893.
[11] N. Lobachevsky, Geometrical Researches on the Theory of Parallels,
Austin, Texas, 1891.
[12] H. Poincaré, Science and Hypothesis, London, 1905.
[13] B. Riemann, Gesammelte Mathematische Werke, Leipzig, 1892.
[14] D.E. Smith, A Source Book in Mathematics, New York, 1929.
[15] P. Stäckel, Wolfgang und Johann Bolyai, Geometrische Unter-
suchugen, Leipzig & Berlin, 1913.
[16] H.E. Wolfe, Non-Euclidean Geometry, Dryden Press, N.Y., 1945.
[17] J. Bolyai, Appendix, Edited by F. Kárteszi, North-Holland Mathemat-
ical Studies, Amsterdam, 1987.
300 Index
quotient group, 61
reflection group, 99
reflection in a line, 5
reflection in a plane, 29
regular tiling, 91
residues modulo m, 55
Riemann sphere, 126
rotation, 7
rotation about an axis, 30
tessellation, 90
tiling, 90
tiling geometry, 91
tiling group, 91
transitive action, 91
triangle, 10