Fatima - Eight Weeks Attachment Report For Graduates
Fatima - Eight Weeks Attachment Report For Graduates
Fatima - Eight Weeks Attachment Report For Graduates
REG#: HD324-C005-0651/14
MARCH 2015
This is to certify that this report by Mss. Fatima Aden Eidle which has been under my supervision has
been submitted to Jomo Kenyatta University for Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) with my
I dedicate my attachment report to my family and many friends. A special feeling of gratitude to my
loving parents, Madina Moallim and Aden Eidle who's their words of prey of Allah, encouragement and
support for tenacity ring is still in my ears. I dedicate this work and give special thanks to my husband
Abdullah and my wonderful daughters Aisha, Hani, Ifrah and Farhia for being there for me throughout
the entire attachment program. All of you have been my best cheer respect.
First and foremost I would like to express my thanks to Allah because of love and strength that Allah has
given to me to finish this logbook as my internship report. This internship report is important to fulfill
part of the programme criteria that is a requirement to fulfill the Master of Development studies in
Human Development department at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT)
in Nairobi Kenya. I know that there are still many lacks of arranging this report even when doing my on
job training and I thank to those who have supported me to perform the on job training up to carrying out
this report.
The internship opportunity I had with [Somali Consultants Association SOCA] was a great chance for
learning and professional development. Therefore, I consider myself as a very lucky individual as I was
provided with an opportunity to be a part of it. I am also grateful for having a chance to meet so many
wonderful people and professionals who led me through this internship period.
Bearing in mind previous I am using this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude and special thanks
to the Mukhtar Hassan of SOCA south & central coordinator and my immediate supervisor who in spite
of being extraordinarily busy with his duties, took time out to hear, guide and keep me on the correct path
and allowing me to carry out my project at esteemed organization and extending during the training.
Furthermore, it is my pleasure to appreciate to my beloved teacher & mentor Mr. Dan Nsubuga who
supported me tirelessly and guided me to complete this internship report.
It is my radiant sentiment to place on record my best regards, deepest sense of gratitude to my family
whom also supported me to do my studies and work without domestic burdens. I perceive as this
opportunity as a big milestone in my career development. I will strive to use gained skills and knowledge
for this eight weeks in the best possible way, and I will continue to work on their improvement, in order
to attain desired career objectives.
Fatima Aden
March 15, 2015
The main challenge was giving me just secretariat work which was not supportive to my expected
practical work. I talked with coordinator and accepted me to work with capacity building sector that
provides trainings, consultations and facilitates strategic planning. From that day I have facilitated two
years strategic planning workshop for SNWO in Mogadishu and some other heavy tasks.
The main strengths found were the organization has a pool of professionals who work with the clients
and other stakeholder effectively and organization works with its partners through participatory planning.
The organization also has written policy and procedures to run its programs. Generosity to guide and
mentor for interns was unique to this institute and I got insight into the work of Consultancy firm. The
financing of projects is an important factor and forces to be flexible in attitude and approach. I learned
more about planning and third part monitoring. Working together with the different stakeholders and by
education these threats have to be approached. To succeed in conservation of the species, the sharing of
knowledge, ideas and opinions is of importance.
Beside of that the weaknesses found was the entity has single donor and doesn't have sustainable funding
source which is the backbone of every organization. In addition to that its written business plan have not
fund that stands alone as situation was very dynamic. I recommend SOCA to update its business plan,
have strong goals to work with multiple donors and work hard to get sustainable source of funding
SOCA has put in place mechanisms that ensure proper application of inputs, use of measurable
indicators, and working process to reach the desired objectives by the clients. For the last three years
SOCA has been continuously involved in monitoring, evaluating, assessing technical and financial
capability of nine local ADF partners in implementing the youth skills development project successfully.
SOCA has a pool of local expertise in different thematic areas that are relevant to work in organization
development. These personnel are conversant with the context and geographical regions of youth Project
locations; the personnel have also been selected with focus on the three SOCA regional Offices. The
organization has competent individuals with adequate experience in the field of development. Three of
the employees have been trained on Organizational development through Strengthening of the Civil
Society Organization Involving Systems (SOCSIS) program funded by EU in 2004. Since that period
they have been working as consultants in this field. In addition to academic qualifications, the staff has
many years of expertise on the ground in finance and project cycle management. The uniqueness of
SOCA have staff that regularly facilitate strengthening of the ADF grantees capacity & enabled them
comply with ADF requirements and promoted effectiveness and efficiency in implementation of youth
job placement and business development programme.
Vision: SOCA desires to become premium world class consultancy service provider in horn of Africa.
Mission Statement: SOCA as consultancy firm is committed to Support public & private institutions to
be successful in their business by providing quality consultancy service on organizational and business
SOCA Goal: Improved capacity of public and private institutions in providing quality service delivery to
their clients and become sustainable organizations.
SOCA Objectives
1) To provide capacity building for public and private institutions through need assessment & training
2) To improve public and private institutions effective programme implementation by providing solid
information from standard monitoring and evaluation mechanisms
3) To conduct research and feasibility studies for public and private sectors in making effective
programme/business plans and decision making.
The internship period with SOCA, I have done a number of activities and gained various skills like
planning, writing skills and project start up activities. I facilitated a workshop for Somali National
Women Organization (SNWO) in Mogadishu for the development of two years strategic plan.
I have worked with capacity building and monitoring and evaluation that they work different partners.
They provide trainings for different public and private institutions on short term contracts, third part
monitoring for long term contracts and daily basis consultation and facilitation activities on need based
I attended a number of internal organization planning meetings and Somali Investment forum (SIF)
which I gained a number of skills that included: interpersonal skills, communication and report writing
During my internship, I was introduced monitoring evaluation department where I learnt planning, data
collection and reporting which will help my career development. I also gained organizations program
consolidation in different regions or different contexts as well as capacity building, monitoring &
evaluation and continuous development.
Problem solving was another gained experience as I have solved some cases. For instance, in my last
activity I took field visit for one of the organization who has not distributed complete tools to the trainees
to make actual corrective action. In conclusion, the internship was a useful experience. I have find out
what my strengths and weaknesses are; I gained new knowledge and skills and met many new people. I
2.3. Responsibilities
During the internship, I was assigned the responsibility of facilitating all organization workshops that
included preparation of workshop materials, workshop agenda, invitation of participants and workshop
SOCA is a member of Somaliland chamber of commerce and have good working relations with Non
State Actors in Somaliland, Punt land and South and Central Somalia, it has strong linkages to lobby and
advocate for Somalia agencies. SOCA facilitates community meetings and consults community based
organization to promote their unpaid services. To achieve its goal and objectives, SOCA applies the
following approaches First, SOCA helps the agencies to identify the key stakeholders, with whom, they
will establish communication lines for better coordination and networking, as well as involving them in
the project cycle to enhance good relationship. Second SOCA encourages organizations to participate in
the local interagency meetings, NGO Aid Coordination body in Somalia, local youth, women and
business community. This had given them a platform to learn, exchange information and replicate good
practices in their own setups. Most importantly, these platforms give SOCA an opportunity to support the
community initiatives direct or indirect approaches.
3.1. Strengths
Committed members & staff
Documented strict rules and regulations
Legal registration in three zones
Good financial management system
Good image in the civil society organizations
Uniqueness of capacity building and monitoring and evaluation
Professional experts
Proper recordkeeping
3.2. Weaknesses
Shortage of sustainable funding
Inadequate monitoring and evaluation policies
Outdated strategic plan
3.3. Opportunities
Available donors and funding agencies
Conducive environment to work in some areas (Somaliland and Puntland)
Availability of local professionals or experts
Existence of local regional administrations
Pool of local NGOs and CBOs
Existence financial service providers
Increased consultancy service demand
3.4. Threats
Insecurity in some areas (south & central)
Political divisions & independent regional states
Increased number of competitive consultancy firms
Poor regional government support
Attachment report Page 11
4.1. Recommendation
I recommend SOCA to develop fundraising strategy which will support organizational sustainability.
SOCA has also to update its strategic plan for the coming years. Finally, SOCA has to develop adequate
written monitoring and evaluation policy and procedures.
4.2. Conclusion
It has been to nice to be with SOCA and carry out such assigned duties. It was memorable for me to have
to work with SOCA and its partners. During the internship, I gained planning, writing and documentation
skills. The internship was a good time to practice what I have learnt in the class. I have also built social
networks among NGOs that SOCA works with locally and internationally.
Duration of attachment
This week, I completed Kaashif's project start up report and I went to Nairobi and attended opening session for
Somali Investment forum
It has been to nice to be with SOCA with its partners and carry out such assigned duties. It was memorable for me
to have an opportunity to attend Somali Investment Forum (SIF) in Nairobi.
This is certifying that, Mss. Fatima Aden Eidle ID # HSD:324-C005-0651/2014 a student of Jomo
Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology (JKUAT) in Development Studies Course has
completed the assigned internship on Organization Development with SOCA attachment successfully
under my supervision. To the best of my knowledge and as per her declaration the report is an authentic
work on the issue and has not been submitted to anywhere for awarding any degree.
The MSc Internship Report, she has submitted on the topic, is up to the mark in the terms of the quality
and the organization. I wish her every success in life.