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Axial Fan (Solid Works Design)

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Module: Intergadet CAD/CAM

The future of CAD/CAM – A speculative paper






Student :Makris Thanasis 1

Instructor :Dr Konstantinos Stergiou


The scope of this assignment is to show how someone can use a mechanical 3d
Cad system for the designing of the final part or final assembly, in our case in the
designing of the final axial assembly. There will be an analyse of the steps of the
designing and at the end there will be a conclusion with benefits and potential
difficulties of this implementation of using the 3d cad software.


The assignment is intended to give us the fundamental skill we need to getting

started with Solid Works . In these chapters , some of basic features of solid works
are presented through the designing of axial fan.


Modeling, Solid A type of 3-D modeling in which the solid characteristics of an

object under design are built into the database, so that complex internal structures
and shapes can be realistically represented.

Assembly Drawing A drawing that can be created to represent a major

subdivision of the product, or the complete product.

Bills of Material (BOM) A list of all the subassemblies, parts, materials, and
quantities required to manufacture one assembled product or part, or build a plant.
A BOM can be generated automatically on some CAD/CAM systems.

The literature of the designing

Student :Makris Thanasis 2

Instructor :Dr Konstantinos Stergiou

Creating the hub.sldprt

We will start with the hub. We want to design the model as it is in the picture
below. The steps for an easy way of the
designing the hub are:

1) A sketch. The profile of the sketch will

be the section of the part.
2) A revolution of the previous profile
3) A second sketch with the circles
4) An extrude –cut feature of making the
5) Circular pattern for multiple holes
around the hub.
There are many ways of making the model but we choose the one we think it easy
and quickly. Of course there also and some other ways of designing the solid part,
for example when we have the revolved part we sketch in the plane with the holes,
we draw some points and then we will go to the next level and instead of extrusion-
cut feature we choose the hole feature.

Student :Makris Thanasis 3

Instructor :Dr Konstantinos Stergiou

Sketch of the hub

Figure 1

Figure 1a

Open the program and create a new part. From the browser choose the plane you
want to sketch on this. From the draw toolbar (figure1a) pick the line tool and make
the scheme as it looks in figure 1. Use the smart
dimension to constraint the sketch. Draw a
centreline with a distance 67.50mm from the line as
it show in the figure1. After you have finished with
the sketch click the which is at the right of
the drawing area, and you will go to the next level in
the 3D area.

From the command manager and from the feature command, pick the Revolved
Boss/Base. In the dialog box, in the browser, automatically the system has chosen
the centreline we made before as an axis of revolution and also have chosen the
closed profile we made in the sketch area. At this it point it mentioned that every
time we need to make an extrusion or a revolution to a profile we must be sure that
the profile is closed, otherwise a message error will appear. Next we choose the
direction of the revolution. In our example select mid- plane, and give the
revolution angle, in our case 360°.

The model will be as it shows in the

picture beside. Choose the right plane
for making the holes. As before, while
you are in the sketch area, pick from the
draw toolbar the circle and make three
unspecified circles, two smalls and one
much bigger. Then pick the smart
dimension tool and give the dimensions
as it looks below. Give to the big one dia
17mm, and dia 11 at the smaller circles.
Student :Makris Thanasis 4
Instructor :Dr Konstantinos Stergiou

Give and the other dimensions as it looks in the picture. The center of the big circle
is in the extension of the origin point.

Next, click on the extrusion- cut feature and select the circles of the previous
sketch. In the dialog box in the direction choose through all, and pick the ok button
to end.

After you have finished with this you have almost completed the hub.sdrpt.
What can you do for multiple holes around the hub? Can you imagine how time
could you spend on making the same work (sketch circles, extrude –cut) for all the
other holes?

From the command manager and from the

reference geometry tool select the axis and then
pick the internal face of the hub (the green face in
the picture). A vertical axis will appear in the central
point of the hub. Select from the command manager

the circular pattern tool. In the browser, a dialog

box appears. In the tab of parameters choose as an axis of revolution the axis we
made before, in the second tab in angle input 360°, number of instances 12, and
check the box equal spacing. In the second mode click the cut- extrude
feature (you can pick it either from the model, or from the history browser
manager). Click the ok button to end the command.

At this point we have end with the hub. sdspt .From the menu, click file  save ,
click the destination of the folder in your hard disk. If you want give at the
description tab some information about the part.

Creating the blade.sldprt

Student :Makris Thanasis 5

Instructor :Dr Konstantinos Stergiou

After you have finished with the hub create a new part and go for the
blade.sldprt .We will start with the hub.
The basic steps for an easy way of the
designing the hub are:

1) Three different offset sketch-

2) Loft of the planes.
3) Second sketch for the circle.
4) Extrusion of the circle.
5) Two sketch –planes, creation of
6) Loft of the sketch –planes
7) Sketch for creation the back place of the blade
8) Fillet in the corners where it is necessary
9) Sketch circles in the top of the back place of blade
10) Extrude- cut the circles.

Open the file blade.sldprt. As you show there are three planes with some offset
distance the one with the other. Each one plane has a sketch. If you look in the
browser history will see the names of the three sketches. Start, middle and end.
Click twice left button in the mouse in each of the three planes. As you see a
dimension appears in each of these sketches. In the middle sketch, click in the
dimension twice and in the dialog box put 311mm. Do the same thing for the end
sketch and input in the dialog box 622mm. The offset distances of the planes have
been increased.

From the feature manager click the loft boss/ base tool. In
the dialog box in the browse manager the a dialog appears
and ask you to select the planes from which will be created
the loft. Select start, middle and plane either from the
drawing area, or from the history browser manager.

In the history manager, expand the plus in the loft feature, right
click in the mouse, in the menu, check the hide choice if you
don’t want to appear the sketch in the drawing area.

The model will be as the above one.

The next step is the design of the geometry in the smaller

face of the blade. In this new sketch we draw a circle with
dia 90mm. Extrude boss/base the circle, and in the
direction pick side toward the solid body. In the distance
dialog box input 11mm.

Student :Makris Thanasis 6

Instructor :Dr Konstantinos Stergiou

Next with the fillet tool add radius 5mm in the edges of the circle.
In the front face of the extruded circle sketch a draw like the
one in the next picture.

Draw an ellipse. With the smart

dimension tool give the appropriate
dimension and when you finished
with sketch and while you are in the
3d area offset the plane 70mm from the
first sketch and draw a second sketch (a
smaller ellipse). After you have finished making the two sketches
use the loft tool as before to make the solid
geometry. In the front face of extrusion1
(circle) mane a new sketch. In this sketch draw a rectangular
as it seems in the picture.
Another way is to draw the rectangle parallel with the axis x, y.
Then draw a centerline, through the origin point. Take the
move or copy entities. In the first mode at the operation in the
browser manager, check the rotate operation. From the drawing area select the
geometry (4 lines of the rectangle).As the base point click at the middle point of the
centerline. In the rotate dialog box input the angle for example 45° deg. Extrude
the sketch 66.50mm. Add fillet 10mm to the two edges as the picture show. In the
other two edges of this plane add fillet 12.5mm.
In the top face of the extruded
geometry draw a rectangle 90x25.
Extrude the new geometry. Sketch in
the new solid back face. We draw two
lines in the both sides of the solid.
Extrude cut as it show in the picture.

And final, sketch the circles and extrusion –cut as we

made in the circles in the previous solid part hub.sldprt. The new circle must have
the sames distances as the one at the hub.sldprt. At the end fillet in the edges as
seem in the picture of the solid part, which is in the beginning in the page 5.

From the menu file save the file in the destination

folder , where the hub.sldprt is.

Student :Makris Thanasis 7

Instructor :Dr Konstantinos Stergiou

Create the assembly of axial fan

At this point we will bring the parts we created before in a newly environment. In
this environment we will try to tie the parts.

In the “new solid works document” click in the assembly. In the browser a dialog
box appears that invite you to bring a part in this environment. Click at the browse
tab and in the dialog window go in the folder where the previous parts are. Select
the hub.sldpt and bring it, clicking once in the drawing area. Just you have entered
the hub into your assembly repeat the same step to bring it another one time. Go
to the feature manager and from the assembly menu select the insert component
.IClick in the browser and bring it as before. Save the drawing in your destination

At this point we looking forward to build the assembly by constraining these two
parts. In the command manager go at the mate tool. If you go with your mouse in
the tool without clicking a tool tip appear that show you what exactly happened
with this command.
Click in the mate tool and select the faces as it looks in the
picture. In the browse manager and in the mate alignment
mode click in the anti align.
Then click twice. Once for
the internal face of the big hole of the hub-1 and
once in the
face of the
hole of the
other hub.
With this command we make concentric the
big holes of the hubs. When we inserted the

Student :Makris Thanasis 8

Instructor :Dr Konstantinos Stergiou

hub-1 ,automatically fixed with the axis. The second hub after the two constraint
(mate ,concentric) have only one movement. It can rotate around the z axis. We
want to fully constrain hub 2 ,so we insert another one constraint. We pick the
internal faces of the circles as it shows in the picture and we select concentric
mate. The parts are fully constrained. We bring in the assembly and the
blade.sldprt. We use
the same way of “tying “ the new inserted part with the

From the command manager click at the “rotate component”

toolbar. Rotate the blade part and bring it in a position that
helps you constrain this, with the other. You can also use the
left click mouse and drag to move the component in a right
position. Click in the mate tool, select the faces of the components as the picture
shows, and in the mate alignment mode click in the anti align. While the mate
command is still active click the internal faces of the holes, as it looks in the picture
and choose the concentric constraint from the browser manager. Do the same for
the other small holes. The blade part has fully constrained. At this
moment we must insert an
axis, as an axis rotation for the
circular pattern component.

From the menu insert  reference geometry  select axis and then click in the
internal face of the big hole of the hub. An axis vertical to the x, y planes have
been placed.
From the menu insert component pattern  circular pattern . Look at the
browser manager , in the parameters mode in the number of instances give the
number 12. Check if the angel rotation is 360° , and if it is checked the box “equal
spacing”. In the mode component to pattern click the blade part. After this we have
finished the components of blade and hub. With the same way insert many other
components as hex cap screw and nuts.

Make the base in which placed the axial

fan. In a 2d sketch draw a circle with
internal diameter 1740mm. Make and
another one circle 30mm bigger from the
other. Give 2500mm extrude. The base
will be as the image above. Now save the
model as a part and bring it in the final
assembly. Put with the constraints the
axial fan in the base.

Student :Makris Thanasis 9

Instructor :Dr Konstantinos Stergiou

At this moment try to see if the blade interference with the base. This is a important
test to check what the collision of the two different bodies. While we are in the
assembly environment, click at the faces
of each of the parts you want to to check
for the interference analysis. In our
example click at the internal face of the
base and at the blade. As you see there
is an interference in the colored area of
the intersect of two bodies. From the
browser click at the base. sldprt and
right click open. Change the from 1740
mm to 1760mm and check for
interference with the same way we made
before. As you see there is no more
collision between these two parts.

Some of the components that have been inserted in the assembly have been
found in web pages in some other extension as .iges or .sat files.

SAT files (*sat) contain non parametric solids . They may be Boolean solids or
parametric solids with the relations (constrains) removed. A sat file can be used in
an assembly. You can add parametric features to the basic solid. When you import
a sat file that contains a single body , it produces an solid part file with a single
part. If it contains multiple bodies, it produces an assembly with multiple parts,
surface data in a sat file it is also supported.

IGES files (*.iges, *.ige, *.iges) are standard in the United States. Many NC /CAM
software packages required files in IGES format. Solid works imports and exports
and IGES files, including wireframe data.

Create Drawings

Student :Makris Thanasis 10

Instructor :Dr Konstantinos Stergiou

In this section ,we will show ways of creating drawings, put some dimensions on
these, have a section drawing, part list etc.
Open the assembly fan-ass.sldasm. In the menu bar click at
the drawing tool. A dialog box “new solid work document”
appears. Click at the drawing and then ok. A window dialog appears .Select the
sheet format. In our example select the A3 landscape. Click once in the sheet and
automatically the first view has been inserted. Click in the view that you have just
insert and in the browser manager, in the model view check the high quality and
the wire frame display. In the scale mode check “use custom scale” and put 1:20.
Leave the other with the default values and click the ok button. From the command
manager click the projected view. Select the drawing view from which to project.
You can define the new view if go with the mouse right or above from the initial
view. Click once to create the view.

With double click change the options as the display styles and the scale.
Click the detail view from the command manager and select the screws. With the
detail view you can make details in your drawing.
In the menu  insert tables  bill of material , we have a list o all the material we
use to our drawing. In our assembly the bill of material looks like the picture
above .

Final if it is
necessary put the
dimension in each of this view.

Student :Makris Thanasis 11

Instructor :Dr Konstantinos Stergiou

Section View

Student :Makris Thanasis 12

Instructor :Dr Konstantinos Stergiou


Computer Aided Design is a joining of human and machine, working

together to optimize design and manufacture of products. Computers allow
us to graphically test ideas in real time without having to create real
prototypes. This reduces engineering costs for an Original Equipment
Manufacturer, and also results in products getting to market faster. Non
technical team members from management to marketing can work side by
side with engineers to view, to discuss, change, and document a design in
progress before they build a prototype. This is an effective attribute of
innovative designing that aids in identifying design flaws and reinforces
group "brain storming". CAD systems permit for a more thorough
engineering analysis and a larger number of design alternatives to be
investigated, saving time through minimization of mistakes early in the
design process. Most systems automatically create a Bill of Materials to
save time and improve communication. Locating drawings in a known place
on a network results in better documentation and improved communication
between departments and vendors. The result is fewer misinterpretations
and a better product flow. The benefit of using CAD analytical tools is that
they permit design improvements that would have been too expensive to
implement in the past. New integrated software tools that are commercially
available have been developed which allow design engineers to perform
finite element analysis directly, during the early stages of design, thereby
ensuring that the best design intent is achieved. This in turn reduces final
prototype numbers, lowers design costs, and decreases time to market.
Programs can also use part optimization to reduce mass and maximize part
efficiencies. Both of these features allow for quicker revisions and shorter11
cycle times to create the part at maximum efficiency. Recent advancements
in CAD/CAM systems allow for quicker design cycles today than even a few
years ago. Today's systems are much more user friendly and can utilize
current trends in Windows® computing. Some packages allow for the
integration into a company wide program to create maximum effectiveness
throughout the company by incorporating different facets of production.

Student :Makris Thanasis 13

Instructor :Dr Konstantinos Stergiou

Student :Makris Thanasis 14

Instructor :Dr Konstantinos Stergiou

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