Myklebust Aso V2presented ESREL 2017
Myklebust Aso V2presented ESREL 2017
Myklebust Aso V2presented ESREL 2017
ABSTRACT: Development of safety-critical software systems is changing, since development and innovation
shifts from hardware to software. This trend is a result of more powerful and standardized hardware, the in-
herent flexibility in software and a need to deliver systems to the market more rapidly. We have performed a
survey within the European railway systems domain to build a better understanding of the status and the main
challenges in development projects. Based on data from ten organizations we have found that the main chal-
lenges are related to management of unclear and changing requirements. We also see that development of
software is based on the V-model, which has a strong emphasis on up-front planning and document intensive
work. This creates a tension and need to rethink how safety-critical software systems, including railway sys-
tems, should be developed and certified. To strengthen the survey and to evaluate more information related to
safety cases, we have reviewed more than 35 safety cases issued as part of Nordic railway projects. We have
checked whether the safety cases use normal prose or e.g. goal structuring notations in their safe-ty case
presentations. As part of this review we also checked how of-ten the safety case author are replaced in projects
lasting more than three years and that has delivered more than three safety cases as part of the project.