Anita Desai's novel Fasting, Feasting was shortlisted for the 1999 Booker Prize. The novel follows Uma, a plain spinster dictated by her parents and framed through an endless array of chores. Through Uma's life, the reader discovers the miscommunications and misunderstandings within her family, as her parents are unaware of her medical condition and do not bother addressing it due to financial concerns.
Anita Desai's novel Fasting, Feasting was shortlisted for the 1999 Booker Prize. The novel follows Uma, a plain spinster dictated by her parents and framed through an endless array of chores. Through Uma's life, the reader discovers the miscommunications and misunderstandings within her family, as her parents are unaware of her medical condition and do not bother addressing it due to financial concerns.
Anita Desai's novel Fasting, Feasting was shortlisted for the 1999 Booker Prize. The novel follows Uma, a plain spinster dictated by her parents and framed through an endless array of chores. Through Uma's life, the reader discovers the miscommunications and misunderstandings within her family, as her parents are unaware of her medical condition and do not bother addressing it due to financial concerns.
Anita Desai's novel Fasting, Feasting was shortlisted for the 1999 Booker Prize. The novel follows Uma, a plain spinster dictated by her parents and framed through an endless array of chores. Through Uma's life, the reader discovers the miscommunications and misunderstandings within her family, as her parents are unaware of her medical condition and do not bother addressing it due to financial concerns.
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Anita Desai , born and educated in India, spends much of
her time teaching in India, America and England. Her novel Fasting, Feasting was shortlisted for the 1999 Booker Prize. In this rich and dynamic novel, Desai takes us onto a cultural trip, one where we live the life of Uma, the plain spinster, who is constantly dictated by her parents. In their daily life, we discover the miscommunications and misunderstandings of the family. Very quickly, we sympathise with Uma as her parents frame her life in an endless array of chores. Uma is victim to a medical condition, but her parents are not aware and do not really bother as it would mean further expenses.